The Exeter Advocate, 1894-4-5, Page 1VOL. VI
The Molsons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, neat
Paid up Capital. , ......... $2,000,000
Rest Fund., .. 1,200,000
Head 1 office Montreal,
Motley advanoed w ,toed Farmer's on their
own notes w;tl4 one or more endorsers at 7
percent per annum.
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful day from 10 a. 3 p,
m., Saturdays YO a. m. to 1 p. m
Agenerathanking business transacted
CURRENT RATES allowodfor mon-
ey on Deposit Reoeipts, Savings Bank at 3
per cent,.
Exeter, Jan 28,'88. - SubaManager
et.e ~ AsbUOICatte
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
--By the -
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance,
841.50 if'not so paid.
8.41-crerticissg =tea earl aLloplIca-
No paper discontinued until all arrearages
are paid. Advertisements without specific
directions will be published till forbid and
eharged accordingly. Liberal discount made
for transoient advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord-
ers. &o. for advertising; subseriptions,
be made payable to
Sanders & Dyer
Ohnrch Directory.
Hunt, Reotor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m
and 7 p. m. Sabbath bcbool, S p.. m• Holy
Communion, let Sunday of each month at
Morning Service. and in months of five Sun-
g, days after Evening Service of 4th, Sunday of
the month, Holy Baptism. on 2nd Sunday
of each month at morning service.
'MET/too/8T Cauawi--James-at., Rev.J. G.
and6.30�P.M. SabN bath School, 2.SO10,80
p. m.
MAIN STREET Rev. W MoDonagh, Past-
or. Sunday Services, 10.30 a.m: and 8,30 p.m
Bsbbath;Schoo12.30 p. m.
Pastor. SabbSunday
h School, 945 as'. ]ml a. m. and 6.30 p.
Professional Card O.
H KINSMAN, L.D.8, Fanson's Block
H. doors north of Carling Store
MAIN ST, EXETER,extractsteeth
without pain. Away at ucan every Wed-
nesday Hensel' 1st, Friday; Blyth, first Mon-
day end Zurich on last Thnraday of each
month. g.
el If. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal
V • ;'`College Dental Surgeons, successor to
H. T»Billings. Office over Post Office
Exe gr, Ont. A safe anaesthetic , iven•°for
the 'rainless extraction of teeth. Fine Gold
n :pars as required.
Catalogue sent free on apply
cation. .
Drs. J A.Reeee T O
Hsiidnaa as formerly
OFFICES, Spackman,; building, Main St.
Dr, Rollins' office• same as formerly -north
door. Dr. Amos' office, same building -south
door. May 1st. 1895
J. A. Rollins, M. D. T. A, Amos, M. D
the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Aocouch
cur. Office, Dashwood, Ont.
S. Powell is prepared to do grafting on all
kinds of fruit trees, Plum and pear trues a
specialty,' Charges moderate.
The two story building, lately vacated by
Mr. E. J'. Spackman & Co. For full particu-
lars apply to G SADiw1:tL, Exeter
Having disposed of our interests in the
butcher business, all accounts due us must be
settled on or before the 1st
• OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario.
Monev to Loan.
• of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan
Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter.
L itorsOonveyancers. &e.
A bag of oats was picked up between Exe-
ter and Sodom. Owner can have same by
calling at Stanlake's mill, proving property
and paying expenses.
SAW!, STAT CARE, Hay, P. 0.
TT BROWN Winchelsea. Licensed Anot
JI.1• ioneerforthe Counties of Perth and
Midilesex,also for the township ofUsbotne
Bales promptly attended to and terms rea-
sonba7le.Sales arranged at Post office. Win-
chelsea. '
EBOSSENBERRY, Jtensall Ontario, Lic-
• ensed Auctioneer for the Counties of
Mural/land Perth. Charges moderate and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Offers will be received by the undersigned
up to the fifteenth day of April next for a
site on which to locate the louse of Refuge
contemplated by the County of Huron. .The
quantity of land required will be from
twent five to fifty acres, soil to be of a good
quality and easily drained. To be within
two miles of any of the following points;-
Clinton, Seaforth, Win ghcm, ExeterorGo'd-
erich. The party will with offer state the
price required per acre, together with a full
description of the property.
Dated at Goderich this
28th day of March, 1894. / W. Proudfoot,
Chairman of Committee,
Goderich P.O.
F• RED. W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land
Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter. Ont.
The Western Fire Assurance Company,
of Toronto
The Phconix Fire Insurance Co'y.,
of London, England
The Alliance Fire Assurance.Oo'y,,
of London, England
Office: -Main -street, Exeter, Ont.
Remember oyster social, Friday
night. Particulars in another column
Workmoniare busily engaged mak.
ing ready for the fotwdation of Robert
Rowe's new re.sidcnee oil Main"St.
Narrowly 111scapecl Death.
On Saturday last an accident hap-
pened to James and Samuel Sanders,
sour of the lace Jame; Sanders, of Step-
hen, which might have ended their
lives. It seems they wore drawing
manure, and while driying on the road
Sam. missed his footing and in trying
to save himself from a heavy fall
caught hold of his brother's coat,. eaus
ing both to fall to the groui.d, the
front wheel the former With
terrible force on the back of the head.,
rendering him unconscious and inflict-
ing a terrible wound on the scalp,
while the latter received slight injur-
ies by two of the wheels passing over
his arm and wrist. It is wonderful
that both were not killed. One thing
is certain, if the former's head had
been two inches farther- under .the
wheel, death would have been the con
sequence. .He was then taken to a
doctor and several stitches were neves
sary to clone up the wound,
As there is a growing demand for a Ions
large and strong hog for English bacon, the
undersigned has gone into the breeding of
Tamworth Hogs and will keep constantly
for sale both male and female. Will also
keep a male for service.- Corner Lot 16, Con,
1, Stephen• 1 mile South of Exeter.
(Changed every Wednesday)
Wheat per bushel...... $0.56 to 0.58
Barley 35 to 37
Oats .• •••• . 27 to 28
Peas..................... 50 to 51
Butter •••••• • ...�... . 15 to 17
ggs .. 10
Chickenerlb "doll ,, . 5 to 6
Geese.......•.... .,..., 7
Turkeys ,... .. . 10
Ducks, per ib..l,,�..:. 8
Pork ,: .•=a.•. 5,90 to 6.00
Potatoes per DUB . .. • 85 to 40
Ilay per ton ...... ,• , .. 6,00 to 7.50
Clover seed ...: ...: 5,25 to 5.75
'Timothy seed .... ; .. .... 1.25 to 175
Spring Shows.
South Huron, Brucefield April 6th
Stephen $s Usborne, Exeter " 10th
Crediton, ,i 11Th
Lathes' Guild Mociad and Sale of Work..
An oyster social and sale of work by
Ladies' Guild of Trivitt Memorial
church, will be held in Drew's Opera
Hall, Friday evening, April Gth, com-
m.encing at 630. In addition to sale
of work,there will be oysters, candies,
fruit, etc.. The following choice .pro-
gram will be rendered. Doors open at
6.30; admission 10 cents; Refreshments
1 Opening Selection. • Orchestra
2 Sulo ?dr. J. Grigg
3 Duet, Trouvantes Singing Lesson-
Mrs (Rev.) Hunt and Mr Collins
4 Solo Evangeline Miss Davidson
5 Recitation. Selected.... Miss Newton
6 Quartette, -Mrs Billings and Miss
Oke, Mr. Grigg, and Rev. Hunt
7. Orchestra
8 Duet -When the swallows come
again -Misses Fish
9 Solo -Afterwards Mrs Billings
10 Quartette-Mrs.(Rev) Hunt and Mrs.
Hawkshaw, Messrs Grigg & Brown
11 Selection . ......... Orchestra
In the matter of the Estate of Jonathan
Cooper. late of the Township of Us
borne, Yeoman, deceased,
Notice is hereby given according to the
Revised statutes of Ontario, 1887, Chapter 110,
Sec 38, that all creditors and otherpersons
having claims against the Estate of the
above named deceased, who died on or about
the fifth day of December, AD. 1893, are re-
quired, on or before the
1sT DAY OF MAY, A. D. 18%,
to deliver to the undersigned solicitor for
the executors, Richard Hunter and - John
Brimacombe, a statement in writing''con-
taining their names and addresses, descript-
ions'and full particulars of their claims and
the nature of their securities (if any) ' and
the said Executors will proceed to distribute
the assets of the said deceased among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard to
the claims of which they shall have notice
and none others, and they will not be liable
for the assets so distributed or any part
thereof to any person of whose claim they
shall not have notice. The said claims must
be legally verified by Statutory declarations
Solicitor for Executors,
Exeter, Ont
Dated at Exeter this 4th day of April, '91.
Pfso's Remedy fbr Catarrh Is the
Best, ]"uat!est to rise, and Cheapebt:
8015 by druggists or sent by mall;
60c. IS T. Hazeltine. Warren, ria,
OTIDE TO 011EllhTOIl$!
Usborne, -
QBrxUARY.-Very deep and general
regret is expressed at the death of Mr.
James Rowcliffe, who died cn Monday
last, after an illness of two weeks. De
ceased, like many others, was afflicted
with an acute attack of la grippe
about a year ago, from which he never
fully recovered. .A, little over a week
ago he v:•as suddenly taken ill with in-
flammation and lotes pleurisy, which
gradually grew worse until death re-
lieved him. He 'eaves a wife and sey-
en children -four sons and three
daughters -to mourn his demise, who
have the sympathy of the community
in their sad afflictionet The funeral
took place yesterday (Wednesday) to
the Exeter cemetery.
Hay School Report
The following- is the March report
for S. S. No. 2, Hay. Names are in or•
der of merit, V: -C C Ross, R F Chap
man: Sr IV: -F E Ross, Maud IRussell,
Annie and Nellie V O'Brien equal; Jr
IV: -Nellie Gould, Jas Shirray, Nellie
Northcott; SrIIl:-J W Todd, Beale L
Northcott, I Jackson; Jr III: -W Jack
son, M M Russell, Sarah J Northcott
II: -Willie Busch, Bartle O'Brien, willie
O'Brien; Sec Pt: -J Jackson, Ethel
Northcott, Gertie Harvey; I Pt: -Willie
O'Brien, Lullie Munn, Archie Busch.
The best spellers in the monthly (spell
ing matches were: -V C C Ross; p N
Maud I Russell; Jr, 'IV and Sr 4II, #B
Northcott; Jr III Sarah J North&Ott; II
Willie Busch; II Pt Freeborn Johnston;l
I Pt Willie O'Brie
South Huron Ministerial Association.
The monthly:meetiug of the above
association was 'held in the Main Street
Methodist church, Exeter, last Monday
afternoon, with the Rev: W. McDonagh
in the chair, After the reading of the
minutes of the last meeting, arrange-
ments were made for the: June meet-
ing. •'Rev. W H. Butt was appointed
to prepare a paper on capital and
labor and Rev. W. Martin to give a
sermon from Luke 16'to 25. A part of
a sermon in 1st Tim 3 to 16 was given
by the Rey. Mr. Fletcher with , his us-
ual ability. Paul was posted in classi-
cal lore and understood the meaning of
the word "mystery", but the uncover -
ing of one mystery only opened up to
us another. The mystery of godliness
was the central part of christianity
which was the constitution of Christ's
person and offices. A friendly discus-
sion took place on the subject and Mr.
Fletcher promised to give the balance
at the next meeting which is to be
held in the James Street ` Methodist
church on the 7th of May; The meet-
ing closed with the benediction by the
Rev. Mr. Fletcher. -
In the matter of the Estate of the late
William L. Brimacombe, late of the
Village of Exeter, in the County of
Huron, Esquire, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the R
5.0.110 that all persons having claims'a-
gainstt'he Estate of William L. Brimacombe
the above named deceased, who died at the
said Pillage of Exeter on the 28th day of
February, A.D. 1894, are, on or before the
to send by post, prepaid, to the undersigned
solicitor, for William Thomas Brimacom be
and Mary Ellen Howard, the administrator
and administratix of the Estate of the said
deceased, their names, addresses and de-
scription, with fullparticularsand proof of
their claims, and a statement of their ac-
count, and the nature of securities (if any)
held by them.
And notice is further given that after the
last named date, the said administrator and
administratrix will proceed to distribute the
assets of the said estate among the parties
entitled thereto,having regard to the
claims only of which notice shall have been
received, and shall not be liable for the as-
set,, or distribution thereof to any person
or persons of whose claim notice shall not
have been received at the time aforesaid.
Solicitor for Administrator
and Administratrix
Dated at Exeter this 4th day of April, '94.
Additional Locals.
Card of'A'hankft4
Messrs. Wood Bros. who have re-
tired from the butcher business, wish
to express their hearty thanks to :their
old customers for their kind patronage
during their business relation in Exe-
ter. -
Mr, Ardagh Stanlake. of Brandon,
Man, who visited his old home and
friends .tiring three months of the
past winter, has, since he returned to
iii andon-about three week ago, joined
the matrimonial ranks, The lady who
our old friend has chosen for a life part-
ner, was a Mrs Grants of Brandon. We
take pleasure in extending eongrath-
!aliens to them and may they have
many years of happy married lift;:
NO 344
INERT OPENINGS, 1 ll a lllivr iy Scllocl Report.
Lass riday and Saturday were milt The following is the standing. of the
finery peening d s and there is some- ! pupils in. S. S. No, I, McGillivray, for
thing so fit';inat1 about this annual
event Gloat eyen the fair sex of Exeter
cannot'. resist it. The . ihvitations
through the press by the various milli-
nejy dealers were accepted by hund-
rtids of ladies who were anxiously
awaiting the display in order to make
a fine choice 'of the latest styles in
shapes, colors and trimmings.-Satur
day wan the most favorable of the two
days as the weather was. warm and
sunshiny and was taken advantage of
by the ladies in both town andcountry.
While there is much to be admired
about this spring's styles iu ladies'
headwear, the difference which im-
pressed us mostly between the shapes
of 1893 and 1894 is, that last year the
crowns were above the brims while
this spring the .brim is above the
crown. (This, of course, is a man's
way of telling it.) We will now try
and tell you what we saw during onr
visit to each of the emporiums.
VESTRY MEETING. - At the anllival
vestry meeting of St; Paul's church,
on Monday last the Rector's. report
showed the work of the church to be
in a highly satisfactory condition. The,
congregations for the year were lar-
ger than those of the preceeding three
years. The number of communicants
on Easter day was the largest in the
history of the p Irish, and the offertor-
ies on. Easter day. which amounted to
$133, was also largely in excess of any
previous Easter .offertory. .Including,
envelopes, the total collection amount
ed to $175, which was also larger than
any previous collection. The debt on
the church has been reduced $600 and
the books show a balance on hand af-
ter all current expenses arcpaid.
Exeter Public School.
The following is the report of the
Exeter Public School for the month of
March showing the three best pu-
pils in each class.
Division 1
Sr, 5th: A Martin, E McCallum, L
Trevethick Jr. 5th: A Nelson, V.
Treble, B Hooper. No on roll 39, aver-
age attendance 37.
T. A. BROWN, Teacher,
Division 2
Sr. 4th: E. Creech, S Gregory, V.
White and W Westcott equal, Jr. 4th:
A Handford, L Howard, E Browning,
No on roll 47, average attendance 43.
,,. Miss Voseen, Teacher.
Division 3' -
Sr, 3rd: E Bissett, A Martin T Creech.
Jr, 3rd: C Cann, R Frayne, E Dow. No.
on roll 56, average attendance 50.
Miss GREGORY, Teacher.
Division 4
Sr. 3rd: C Fanson, M Thomas, E
Matheson. Jr. 3rd: E McCallum, • M
Fannon, E Frayne. No on roll 50, aver-
age -attendance 44.
Miss GILL, Teacher.
Division 5
Sr 2nd: A Petterson, J Newcombe, N
Walters. Jr 2nd: E Lambrook, W
Martin, H Gregory. No, on roll 67,
average attendance 58,
MIss WALROND, Teacher.
Division 6
Sr, 2ncl: S Bobier, V Snell, R Howard,
Jr 2nd: II Huston, N Carling., H. Bis-
sett. No, on roll 67, average attend
ance 60, MISS PRINGLE, Teacher,
Diyision 7
Sr. 2nd: C Southcott, P Hooper, L
Elliott. Jr. 2nd; R Davidson, M Hicks,
M'Maywood. No on roll 63, average
attendance 46, -
Miss PERGUSON, Teacher,
She totkl number of pupils entered
on the roll, during the month. 'Total
average attendance individual month-
ly report were given to the pupils of
Divisions 1 and 2, which the parents
will kindly examine and return.
T. A, Baoevat, Principle
Tee Spring non -,jury assizes for Grey
County began at Owen Sound yester-
Stephen Council,
Credston, April 2nd, 1894.
All members present. Minutes of
last meeting read and• signed. By
laws relating to M C D also read and
sigped. Clerk to see J Hartman on
the matter of drainage costs. The fol
lowing pathmasters were appointed: -
1, F Hicks; 2, R Handford; 3,TEssery;
4, S Snell; 5, A 8 Parsons; 6, Mr Allen;
7, W Hicks; 8, R Wilson; 9, C Christie;
10, W H'Sauders; 11, T Shapton ;12, G
Penhale; 13, P Lane; 14, T W Baker;
15, W Hedden; 16, W E Sanders; 17, J
Stanlake; 18, J Wicket; 19,J Lamport;
20, W Banes; 21, J Finkbeiner; 22, F
Either; 2J, GVine; 24, G Vestreicher;
25, J G Vine; 26; S Jones; 27, G Law-
son.; 28, C Eilber; 29, J Schwartz; 30,
N Kestle; 31, S Rowe: 32, T Killgallen
33, J Lawson; 34, G Mawhinney; 35, J
Scuthcott; 36, T Nestle; 37, P Hall; 38,
J Lane; 39; J Garcon; 40, A McCor
mick; 41, 42, T Gunther; 43, C Fink.
beiner; 44, H Willert; 45, H McEaehen;
46,,M Hoffman; 47, T Lamport; 48, C
Willert; 49, J Winkerwader; 60. P
Houlaham; 51, F Geiser; 52, G Fink-
beiner; 58, 3Baxter: 54, A Warner; 55,
S Webb; 56, H Savage; 57, r Baster;
58, S Ireland ; 59, C Curruthe s, ,
Stone; 61, G Sherritt; 62, G Webb; 63,L
W alper; 64, G Rourmoure: 65, R Rob
inson; 66, P Baker; 67, J Turner; 68,0
Brinker; 69, Wm Kadhng; 70, R Hamil
ton ; 71, A Deshadan; 72, W Redy; 73,
P Glavin; 74, J McKeever; 75, 3 Mc
Carthy; 76, J Boland; 77, J Hays; 78, R
O'Rouke; 79, G Towle, Jas Young; 80,
T Whiteside; 81, 0 H Wilson, W J Wil
son, N B, F Green; 83, Samuel Stan.
lake, 84 J Ford; 85, J Hartigan; 86, A.
Burke; 87, W Baker; 88, II Read: 89, J
Wade; 90, L Wolper. Pound keepers,
1, R Walker; 2, 3 Edwards; 4, T Shap -
ton; 4, T Amey, Jr; 5, W Clark; 6, Wm
Hall, Sr;; 7, J Hannan; 8, J Brenner; 9,.
belongs to 8; 10, W Hickey; 11,H Will
ort; 12, L Walper; 13, Sile Stanlake; S
S S 6, M Neuls. Fence viewers, T
Shapton, Newton Baker; Septeuius Ho -
girth, Ed Deitreich, Wrn Hall, Sr;. H
Doyle, Jas Mol lard; Jas Hickey, P Far-
rell. After passing the following ord-
ers the council adjourned to meet first
Monday in May at 10 o'clock. Gravel
contract lusty be let, look for posters.
The following orders were granted Mrs
Pouliot' $5; M Cronyn, $G; M Essery-
$5,50 •, Mrs Newcombe $3; M McLellan
1,50; J. Pickering $t7; '.t' Gunther
$3,21 W Eaglesson $8; / !? Ball, $8;
"Yeager estate lumber $9.28; Mrs Ran -
sum $6; W Wentzel $1.60; F Eilber 50
cts,; A Barrie $2; J Fcllls, 50 cts,; 'G
Webb, $8 Clerk $65: .1 Bulbeelt $6.
Willialai Develen, a notorious cattle -
thief, has been arrested, charged with
stealing cattle from farmers in the
Winnipeg district,
J. A. Summer.
A charming little lady in the person
of Miss Urquhart has charge of Mr,
Stewart's millinery department, and
the show room is elegantly trimmed
with the fashionable colors of the sea-
son. Among the large displaarsoFfiss
Urquhart has a fine_.kILeghorn p1lac'ue,
with spangled lace' fall over rim,
trimmed with white tips, bunches of
white ospreys, pale pink roses and baby
linen, A very handsome jet bonnet
has a front of blueish pink roses, - trim-
med in back with fine jet sprays and
ospreys finished with velvet ribbon
bows and ties. When you call on Miss
Urquhart do not forget to notice those
atidsome curtains which are drapefi
over the large mirror at the back 'of
showroom. The general displayws
i n in black nd
the .rihiweat combinations o ns o
tan, tortoise, blue and aster, tan and
green. Black flowers used to tone the
February and March. The names are
in order of application and conduct,,
IV class: --Lawrence Kelly 82 Willie
Kelly 73; Maud Bayhen 64, III class:
Mac. Curtin 91; Jas J Quarry 90 Patrick
O'Dwyre 80; Thos. Royle 68; John' J.
Bayhen 65. Ii class: -Willie 13ayhen
80: Leo J Curtin 71;' Gorden Frazer 60.
Part II: -Philip O'Dwyre 71.
Miss Smith, who has had charge of
Messrs. E. J. Spackman &aCo.'s milli-
nery depaetmstpt for the past four
years, is again before her olcl custom-
ers, and her reputation is too well
known for comment here Miss Smith
has a mutt. nicer showroom than that
in the old atone -more room, better
convenience, larger stock -in fact, the
showroom and display is a vat im-
provement on last spring< The firm
has had a beautiful, new mirror placed
in the rear which was made expressly
for them. It stands about 7 feet high
and is about 5 feet wide, best French
plate set in a massive oak frame' with
a natural wood finish. Among the
latest in shapes are the 'Elizabeth,"
"Howeath," "Elena," and "Moquette."
The general display shows roses every
shade and violet, black and brown
leading combinations in trimming.
Ospreys popular, also thistle. The "Ir
win is the newest American bonnet
April is here and we may now ex-' -
pea spring in the near future. No one
seems to be sorry oyer it either. -On
Monday evening of last week a num'
ber of young people assembled at the
residence of Mrs C. Miller and spent a
very enjoyable time, Oh! Ohl What
was that strange sound we hoard on -
Tuesday ? Wedding bells, we:iding
bells, yes indeed, the contracting part-
ies being Mr. Charles ,Schroeder and -
Miss Mary Sacks. The nuptial knot
was securely tied by Rev. Krupp at
the resideuce of Mr. Daniel Saoks,father
of the bride, in the presence of a large
number of friends and relatives. - We
extend our congratulations, In die -
evening a different sound was heard.
Cow -bells! Cow bells! What does it
all mean ?-Messrs. George Kaercher
and Frank Fitt spent Sunday with.
friends as Sebringville.-OBITu4RY.-
Death has again visited our midst and
carried away the infant child of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Willert,, which sad
event occurred On Thursday morning
last. Funeral on Saturday morning at
the Luth.erian cemetery, Bronson line.
The sympathy of the community is with
the bereaved family in the loss of their
little one. -
Miss Horn has catered to the Millin-
ery trade of Exeter for a number of
years and is well established. This
year she presents a stock much more
choice, if not larger. than previous.
The "Gainsboro." made up with os-
preys and velvet trimmings seems a
favorite here Seyeral very beautiful
hats trimmed for mourning costume
are to be seen on the display tables,
also some very pretty little turbans
and toeues. Velvet, goperrin lace, muss
flowers, tips and yellow roses, while col-
ors of black, green, brown and yellow
seems to be the prevailing styles.
About two weeks ago, says . the
Walkerton Telescope, a little colony of
foreigners, saki to be Syrians, located
in Walkerton. There aie•20 or 30 of
them: altogteher, men. women ' and
children, and it required a good deal
Of house room to accommodate them.
They were successful in getting a
couple of double houses, Quite close,`to-
gether. They paid their rent in ad-
vance, conducted themselves hi an or-
derly manner, went quietly about their
work, and gave evidence of becoming
quite a valuable addition to our popu-
lation. Their occupation is that . of
peddling and they hold licenses for
the counties of bath Grey and Bruce.
They talk English readily and are not
wanting in intelligence. When at
home they live about a mile or two
from Jerusalem. But they are not
Jews. They are the Bedouins . of the
desert, the true descendants of Ishmael.
The other night some mischevious lads
commenced throwing stones at their
doors and otherwise molesting the new
comers, But the Syrians were game,
and armed with knives made a rush at
their assailants, who took to their heels
ran till scant o' breath and then took
shelter in a vacant house. They ' wilI
think twice before playing a loose
game with the Bedouins again.
A new iron bridge is soon to be
erected over the river at Grand Bend,
The material arrived at. Parkhill last
This year this firm has their milli
nery department in their new store on
the east side of Main street. The show
room is a very nice one indeed and
Miss Davis, of Aylmer, their new milli-
ner, is in charge We congratulate
Pickard & Son on their convenient
premises and well arranged stock all
t�trough. The latest styles shown here
are the oblong placques, Leghorns
trimmed in blue, 'flowers and tips, bon-
nets of fancy straw, trimmed with
green ribbons and fiowers. Black and
tan are leading colors in lace and rib-
bon trimmings.
If pleasant and obliging manners,
will secure custom, Mrs. Spicer will
certainly have her share in the millin-
ery business this spring. She informed
us that her , millinery opening . and
business, is better this year than in the
past three or four years. Miss Wil-
liams, of Wyoming, is in ch}trge. The
show rooms have undergone some im-
provement which gives more room for
display instead of one long table along
the centre, wall tables have been placed
all around the room, Some very pret-
ty hats are here.displayed, Blue brown
green and fawn colors, while violets,
red roses, fuschia flowers and jets are
in demand for choice trimmings.
New' "Mao.'
3. GRIGG,-New goods,
3, . A, STC+" WART. --Dress goods
spring capes and spring millinery*.
CARLING BROS.-We want buyers
sensible people.
E. J. SPACKMAN & Co. -Big die-
play in wool de Lanes..
L, H. DICKSON-•Notice to Creditors.
Do Do
WADE. -In Varna, on March 26111, the
wife of Mr. Thomas Ward, jr. of a
Siets.--In Stephen, on the, Ord inst.
the wife of Mr Frank Sims of a sou.
MCALLISTER-=•BELL,-At the residence
of the bride's father, on March 28th
by Rev. 3..S. Henderson, Mr. John
McAllister, to Miss Ellen Bell, all of
township of Hay.
HEPPE1)NA11.-In Hay, on March 26th,
John Heffernan, aged 75 years.
ROWCLIFFE.-In-Usborne, on the 2nd
inst inst., James Rowcliffe, aged 54
years, 7 months and 1 day.
FoLLICK.-In Exeter North, on the 3rd
inst., Horace FolEek aged 28 years 8
months and 28 days.
Many deaths are prevented by M.o1R
More Try it forCohifs,.La Grip,Ete.
Follow the Crowd!
Big Slaughter Sale of
He has knocked the old time prie.
es clean` out of existence, and for
the next 60 DAYS, -for cash only
he sells Men's French Kip Boots at $400
Men's Iinper! al Kip do, 3.50
Men's Extra Cowhide do. 3,00
Leave your orders. _+
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes
in endless 'Variety, at 20 per et. disc,
Repairing promptly and neatly done
at the following prieec:-
Men's half Soles only 40 cents
Women's do, 55 cents
Come and secure some of these bar-
gains, Remember the Stand, next
door south of Post Ofiiee. -