The Exeter Times, 1893-8-17, Page 1THE BEST
Advertat3ing Medium
iAt the Label.
See if Yon ar
VOL. XXI. NO, 1.
IatitWhy o
hen you
get a good, high,
man's. Plow Shoe
at R,MoGowanS
for 90e, P
Also a complete Liue of
Goods were bought direct from the
Manufacturers and will be sold at
prices that cannot be beaten.
Eggs if cents per doz,
R. McGOW,1 N,
General Merchant, Eirktan.
Science Mil..
13RIErs,--Mr. George Rundle lost a
3.year-old mare en Friday last, This
makes 8 mares this summer Mr. Rundle
has lost. -W. E. f3. Evans has bought
three acres of land and a dwelling
house fn St. Marys, where he intends
moving this fall,-IIenry Armstrong
has threshed his wheat and it turned
out 35 bushels to the acre,
Flue,- The Clinton organ factory, a
large three-story frame structure, was
burned Friday night, with all machin-
ery, stock and tools. The brink build-
ing 000upied by the Clinton Electric
Light Company immediately adjoin-
ing, was badly damaged by water, but
will soonjbe in shape *main. The loss,
Above the insurance', is estimated at
over $5,000. Insurance: Electric
company, $1,200, organ company, $2,-
50U on machinery, $2,000 on stook.
The fire companies interested are the
Gore, Waterloo and United, of Eng-
' land.
Bumrs.-Master Thomas Acheson is
learning operating with Mr. Clegg,
station agent, -,Mr. Robt. Mellis has
moved bis barn from his lot at the
north end of the village to the lot on
which his residence is, which will be
more convenient, -Mess McNevin is
spending a few days with her sister
hero, --Mrs. Clegg and obii,'ren are
away visiting her parents at Watford.
-Rev. Messrs. Acheson of Kippen,
and Stewart of Clinton, exchanged
pulpits last Sunday. -Master Joseph
Dirstein and Misses Annie Blair and
Elsie Cooper, while on their Bray to
pull flax hada runaway. The horse
became frightened, and upset them
into the ditch. They escaped beyond
a few bruises. -Mr. Cudmore is shipp-
ing hay almoat daily. -The R, T. of 'T.
held a social Last Monday evening. -
Ir. Blair gave his knee an ugly g ash
with an adze lately, but we are glad to
gee him able to resume work again. --
Miss Grace McGregor who has been
spending a few weeks in Manitoba
visiting friends, returned on Saturday.
-Mrs. Wm. Blair who has been visit-
ing friends at thelake shore, has re-
turned. -Mr. Johnston and family of
St. Louis are now here- on their annual
summer holidays, the guests of Mr. R.
Hunt. -Master Edwin Cud more is
seriously i11 with inflammation of the
lunge. -Miss. Alice Jerrott who has
been ill milli inflammation of the lungs
is on the mend. -Mrs. Wm. Cudmore
who has been visiting in Exeter the
past few days, waa called home on
Monday, owing to the serious illness
of her son. -A number left here for
Sarnia on Saturday. -Master Albert
Taylor who has been spending his
holidays under the parental roof re-
turned to Clinton last week. -Mr,
James Cooper is importing a large
number of fine thoro'bred sheep from
the Old Country. --School re -opens on
Special fi
Prominent among the many Specials
these fl
Do oriotods at fail to ,gall early ;slug secure "sem
Speoiel.ILa es,
Monday the 17th. -Mr. Forsyth will
again resume his duties as School
teacher of 8. S. No, 2, Tuckersmith,
after going to the Normal School for
6 months.
Hay Council.
Council met pursuant to adjournment in
the town hall on Aug. lst. Alt members
Thornes Elliott was appointed pound -
keeper instead of Robert Campbell, resign -
It was decided to give no grant to con-.
cession roads opposite Townline lot.
The rates to be levied for 1893 are as
follows : County rate, 2 mins on the dol:
lar ; Township rate, 18 faille on the dollar;
Township grant to schools, 9 faille on the
After passing a number of aocounta the
council adjourned to meet again on Sat:
urday 16th day of Sept.
Satz. J. LAgee,
Staf fa.
Bairra,--Dr. :Naysmith wont to the
World's Fait last Friday, -Mies Janet
tlpshall it spending a few days with ldlss
Ettio. McDonald.-- Two fish peddlera from
Bayfield lost a large quantity of fish and
smashed their wagon last Saturday, They
took the bridle off the horns to give it tome
water when he took fright and bolted mak-
ing a bad smash.-•liarry Drake's team ran
away taloa last week doing nofurtherdam-
age than breaking the hereon a little.-
A middle aged man by the name of George
McLeod came to Staffs, last week and was
bent an being initiated into the independ-
ent Order of Foresters, The boys here
who aro always ready to acoommodate a'
stranger, took liim to a hell, tied his hands
and blindfolded him, hauled him over some
benches and chairs, and to finish with,
gave him the purifying degree, by putting
the Bose on him. He left town a sadder
but wiser man --T, C. Delgaty has got his
hence oomploted and his bride Homo.
Biusr .-An interesting social event
took ;place at the residence of Mr. and
Afro. James Park, Mein St., on Wednesday
evening, 2nd inat., when their eldest daugh-
ter Nellie was united in matrimony to Mr.
D. 0. Jamieson, of Luoen, Boy. J. Camp.
bell officiating. The bride was snpportod
by her sister Bella Para and both were
prettily costumed fu rose pink tampon,
The groom was ably assisted by his brother
A. L. Jamieson, druggist of Woet Lame,
Out, Tele briaeis well-known as an ener-
getic+ worker in the Sabbath School and
Endeavor aooioty` of the Presbyterian
church and has many warm friends here.
The groom is one of the enterprising young
business meta of Lnoau, and whose sterling
qualitiea are beat kerma to hie intimate
Wendt -
Stephen Council.
The council of Stephen met pursuant to
adjournment, All members present. Re-
solved that John Sberritt sae 3rd side road
en con, 17 and let what repairs aro neo-
oasary. P. \%Veurth-J Shorritt- that the
following rats be straok for the year ]S93:
Township rate, 3 mills, bridges it mill;
county rate 2 inilie sinking fund, Os mill.
Grand Band out according to by-law and
one extra debenture unsold, and the sohool
rate as required by the reaaeetive trustees
in the tawuehip. F Wanrth.-Ricks-that
tbo clerk write to the Canada Oo, asking
them to pay the taxes on lot 19, eon. 18,
and N} 20 con, 18, of 1892, -Carried: J.
Sherritt-F Weurth-that the reeve and
let deputy-reeee attend to the matter of ar-
bitration re. J. Dalziel. -Carried. H.
Silber-- Biases- that this eon :oil regret
the illness of oar respected clerk and that
this eonnoil tenet that he will soon ha n1yle
to attend to hie duties, which he has so
faithfully attended to for a large number of
years. -Carried. After passing tho follow-
ing orders the council adjourned to meet
again the first Monday in September at 1
p. In. J E. Tom, arbitration fees, $15 55;
F W. Farnoomb, surveyor'e Mee, 3.16 ;
Joseph Marshall, $8 75 ; Charles Wolf,
cedar posts, $7 50 ; C. Kuhn, brick bats
and drawing, $5 55 ; Mantle, do, 310 60 ;
C. Zwiker, work on 0. R., 1618 : J. Mc-
Gregor, C. O. Statile labor, $15 42 ; W.
Lefond, gravel contract, 1169 ; G. Penhale,
work grvel pit, $2 50 : G. Penhale, rep,
culvert oon. 2, $1 ; I. Railings, work in
pit, 36 ; W. Anderson contract L. N., 636
15 ; A Willert, rep road and culvert 4 S.
B-, $12 50 ; J. Beaman work on London
Road, $ 55 ; H. Eseery, gravel contract
$39 15 ; Stephen Webb grading block
$36 37 ; Stephen QVebb, aommission work,
and grading block, $19 37 ; I. Railings,
damape to gravel pit, $2; I, RollTngs, work
in pit, 3l ; Wm. Fort, gravel oontreot, Ist
B. S. R, $25 06 ; P. McGregor, pari gravel
contract, 35 ; Geo, Webb, Dare of Eagleson,
$8 ; Mrs. Ransom, charity, $6 ; A. Arm-
strewnrep bridge and approach, $10 ; J.,
Fallis commission work 0. R:, 61 87.
Toronto August 14. Frank Brown, a
prominent amulet of Shelbourne, Ont.,
was in the city twat week, and talked, with
your correspondent about the crops and
business in the vicinity of his home.
"The crops are first blase," he, said, so
the farriers are busyin the fields and mer-
chants awn equently findthings a ittleelull.
Bat there is one article on the market just
now that sells more rapidly than any pre-
paration I ever handled, and I have put a
good many through my hands. That one
iis Dol
dd'skidney 1pills, Their sales never
,get them in five -gross lots, and
it takes no time to get rid of that quantity,
The best of it is, every one who bas taken
the pine has been benefited by them, Near-
ly every man, woman • and ohild in and
around Shelbonrne has used them, so I
know what I am; talking about,
Minard's Liaiaaant cures Colids;eto.
Nw7 CADIiON SMITE,TR> Barrister. S
i -
Y •
be consultedaeffiehourste
Commeroial liotol, ilensell,
Special bargain day at A. Wesoloh on Sat„
urday August 19th and every Saturday daring
this month. Wo will sell all summer foot-
wear at prices that will sell them, es we must
have room for new goods. Repairing done and
bon suoots andeolal shoesbmargainsade to order, Terms : cash
Sign of Big Boot. A. S eSELon,.
Goode to .novo on has been given, and move on
they must, so es to mato room for new GOcds.
Coine and see how muoh of an inducement wo
offer you to help us move them. Come for the
next seven dams from August 19th to 26th.
A few of the bargains wo offer are given below:
A line of x.17 Suits for 313 50; Suit worth $14,
now 311 50; and Pantie¢ worth $4 50 for S3 50;
and an elegant line of $2 75, 'now $2 25, We
also give a reduction in Worsteds, We would
like ever, one to take advantage of the low
prices; Remember for seven days only,
It. N,inLo, Steroliant Iden sell.
Following are the market quotations :
Wheat ,.,......,..,...,65 59
35 toto 35
33 t o 35
Peas 55 bo 65
Bay 6,00 to 7.00
Batter 16 to 16
Eggs ,.,,,........ 10 to 11
Clover aeod8,00 to 8.25
, ..... , .
BmER3,-Editor Stahl has secured a
aituation aver in Mitchell, and is hold-
ing down arta of the chairs -not in tb o
editorial sanctum but at the case, -It
is really astonishing, in taking a stroll
around the back streets, tosee so many
new residences going up. -The Hensel'
Fair will this year be a great success,
the increase in the prize lists adding
to itsattractiveness,-It is said that bar
Thos. Murdock sold his trotter Tom
Burke, while at the hamburg races
last week. -We have often heard of
big work being done in the flee tfeld,
but that by Henry Rupp and Ed. Sipple
for Messes. McEwen Se Geiger, eclipses
everything. One day last weak they
pulled an acre in sevenhours and
twenty sic minutes. We would like
to hear from those who think they can
beat this. -.flee ilex pullers received
their money on Monday evening, and
a happier throng would be hard to
find, -The Zurich pullers, it is said,
envy the boys in the east. -Tho quart-
erly meeting services of the Methodist
churches on Henaall circuit, were held.
at Bethesda, Iast Sabbath, by the
pastor, Rev. F. Swann, who has already
gained the confidence and esteem of
his members. The meeting was un-
usually well attended. The Quarterly
OlHaial Board of the Somali Circuit
Methodist churoh, met on Monday
last in the Methodist church, when a
salary of $725 was voted to the Super-
intendent, and $350 to the Probation-
er; J. C. Stoneman was chosen to
attend the financial district meeting;
several other matters of interest to
the circuit, were discussed; the most
cordial feeling exists between pastor
and people. The cause in this place
is in a fairly prosperous condit-
ion, but itis the opinion of some that
muoh headway cannot be made until
a new churoh is erected at Hensall.
On this point opinion is divided.
There is practically no debt to carry
at present, and if the people decide
to go on in the near future, with the
erection ofa church, they are in a
position to do it, It is altogether
likely that arrangements will be made
to hold service at least once aaSabbath
in Zurich, in conuectionwith the other
work of the circuit, -Business is rath-
er quiet in town this week, but all the
merchants are preparing for a boomas
soon as the fall trade begins. -'Che flax
mill is now running every day thrash.
ing out the flax seed. -Rev J. 5 Hen-
derson and wife leave Friday to
attend the World's Fair at Chicago. -
The Lawn Soeial,vrhieh was held under
the auspices of the Epworth League
at Mr Wm Colwill's on Monday avg.
was well attended, and the program,
which consisted of speeches, vocal and
instrumental music,was enjoyed by all
who were present. -Mr E. Ronnie and
wife were visiting at Mr Rannie's par-
ents on Sunday, and also attending
the reopening of the Evangelical
churoh in Zurich. -Mr A. Kruspe was
at Zurich on Sunday. -Mr Peter Trig-
gerson and wife were visiting at Mr
John Corbett's on Sunday.-Miaaidster
Graybel of Dashwood 18 visiting at Mr
John Pope's. -Rev MrYoung of Chu.
To make room
ton occupied the pulpit in the Mettle -
dist church an Sunda eveningwhile
Rev Swan was at Clinton. -.-I eJ. Um-
bach was visiting Mr Henry Cook on
Friday and Saturday, -Mr Thee Hud-
son and wife were at Port HIuron last
week, -Mr D, McLennan, grain buyer,
who watt at his home in iitratford for
several weeks, returned to town on
Monday. -Mr John Eyre and wife
were* rafting Mr Geo. Broderick, on
on the Babylon line, -Mr Geo, Slither -
lend was at Clinton on Monday night
on business, -Mr Robt Johnston of
Chioago is visiting his brother-in-law,
Mr Wm Stoneman. -Rev T. Hauch of
Hanover, formerly of Zurich, was in
town on Tuesday, returning from a
trip to Wisoonain and Chicago. He
speaks well of the World's Fair. -Che
flax pullers finished pulling last Friday
and they all went to Bayfield Saturday
to enjoy the lake breeze. Report as
having had a good Limo, -Mr Fred
Smallacombe returned home Saturday,
of ter speudinga week visiting at Berlin
-Miss Olive Bright of Berlin is visiting
at Mrs Smallacombe's. - Miss M.
Brownlee, lady clerk at P,Ir D. Weis -
miller's. apent Sunday at home in
Clinton,-Meacra J. 0. Stoneman, 0.
Moyers and C.Redlnond spent Sunday
at Bayfield visiting the Sunday Sellouts
in the interest of the Hay, Stanley and
Tuokersrnith S. S. Convention,- Mas
D. Weiamiller, son and daughter, left
Monday for Hamburg on a several
weeks' visit, -Mr Wm Cook left Sat:
urday for Detroit, whet. he intends
to secure a situation. -Mr Chas Cook
of Detroit name home Monday for
several weeks' holidays. ---Mr Chas Mc-
Donnell returned home Tuesday after
spending a few days at Detroit, --Quito
a number took in the excursion last
Saturday to Sarnia and Detroit. -Mr,
A. Weselob, wife and family were, at
Clinton on Sunday -Miss Emma Mur-
dock spent Sunday at Clinton. -,lir
Wm Colwell returned last Saturday
from Niagara, where he attended the
Grand Lodge of I, 0. 0. F., as delegate
from Ilensall Lodge, No. 223, He re -
porta as having had a good time. i,
Baits -Flax pulling has been com-
pleted, and threshing has commended.
-The dates of the Fall Fair have been
fixed, viz„ 13th and 1411.1 Sept. This
year's `Will eclipse all former fairs in ex-
tent ofprizes and special attraotions.--
Mr. floury Prang is very 111, as is also
Mr. Edward Foe. -Mr, John Snell was
made the recipient of a bouncing
baby boy last week, The Uncle Tom's
Cabin Co., gtvean entertainment here
last week, which, ma one of the rank-
est shows ever given in town -Mr.
Chas. Greb's farm narrowly escaped
destruction by fire the other day. He
has the sympathy of the villagers. -
Mr, Morris Ehnes, of Mich., is visiting
his parents on the farm. -Mr. E. J.
Hardy has sold his residence on Mill
St, to Mr. Conrad Wagner for $1,000.
-The dredge has completed the drain
in the little swamp and is being moved
to the big swamp again, in which
another cut will be put in at the east
side -the three joining at Black creek,
which also will be dredged. The job
thus far has been successfully done,
and the contractor Mr. Hicks deserves
credit for the same.- Messrs. E.
Bossenberryand E. Zeller attended the
Hamburg races last week. -Messrs, P.
Sipple and N. Deichert took 1n the ex-
cursion to Detroit on Saturday. -Mr.
H. Schroeder having disposed of his
boot & shoe business in Dashwood; in-
tends entering into partnership with
young Mr. Dumart in the tannery
business here this fall, the elder Dur -
art, retiring from the business. -Mr.
W. Treble of Exeter, moved the dredge
on Tuesday from the 'Iittle" to "hig"
swamp. -Mr, _Horace Hardy bas en-
gaged with a patent medicine Co., of
Montreal, and has been with thein for
several weeks. -Mr. E. Boasenberry
purchased a handsome team of drivers
while at hamburg last week. Ed. is
an admirer of good horses. -\1r. P.
Bauch has returned from a trip to the
World's Fair, looking none the worse
for his trip, -Rev, T. Hauch was visit-
ing his brother in town this week. -
Mr. Morrie Ehnes is visiting in town.
-Mr. F. Creeswiller of Duluth 1F' giying
his old friends a friendly call. -Ben
McKenzie was in town on Monday. -
Mr. J. T. Garrow has sold his property
in Zurich to Rev. J. W. Ortwine of
Golden Lake, who will move to town
in November. -Rev. J. Umbaoh P. E.
conducted the services in the Evange-
lical churoh on Saturday and Sunday
last, when $300 dollars was raised to-
wards paying the expenses for repair.
ing the church.
Is what Hood's Sarsaparilla vigorous' p
fights, and it is always vietorinua in expel-
ling all the foul taiete and giving the vital
fluid the quality and quantity of perfect
health. It cures involute, salt rheum, boils
and all other troubles oaueed by impure
Hood's Pills ours all liver . ilia, 25c.
Sent by mail on receipt of prime by C. I.
Hood & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
Vigilance is necessary against unexpected
atteeks of mummer complaiate, No remedy
is so well known or so sucoeseful in this
plass of diseases as Dr. Fowlers's Extract
of Wild Strawberry, Keep it in the bona
as a sale -guard..
.io1rri I19tmix% ro BONS`
Publisher* and ir°trmlirfavtore
Bn1Ers.-Mr, Henry Rader of /Hamilton,
was vieiting friends in this vicinity last
week. -Rev, Mr. Ranch of \Vellaoe, Perth
County, paid some of his friends a flying
visit Iasi. Friday, -Air. and 'Ire. Eidt of
Londeeboro were visiting at Rett btrICrnpp'a
on Sunday.-Mr.John Uoltz has pnrehaeed
the hones and, lot occupied by Mr. Shatter
from Mr. Henry kraft,-ld,r. Henry Roese
left an Monday for the World's Fair.-
Quarttrly meeting will bo conducted in the
Evangelical oliuroh on Saturday and Sur -
day, -Miss Grebb of Zurich is the guest of
her sister Mrs, Rosso this week. -Mr,
Chao. Fritz attended the sports in Gleneue
on Wednesday. -There died on Tuesday
evening Mr. Wm. Eliot, father of Rev.
Mr. Eifert pastor of the Luthern church ak
the age of 67 years, 2 months, and 15 days.
The funeral will take place Friday ,morn-
ing, and his romaine will be interred in the
Luthern Cemetery, Bronson. Lino.
Bitucrs-Chas Fritz of Dashwood was
in the village last Tuesday ovg.-Win
Siebert, wife and family went visiting to
Alberta, N. W. T. -Bertha Guenther of
St Catharines+ is here visiting. -Emma
Scott and Ida Finkbeiner of Philadelphia
are here visiting at ;\Hr 3, Eitber's,-Air
Case, wife and family are the guests of
Christina Zwicker,-l3enj,Eilber of Ubley,
Mich., is home spending a few days before
going to Chicago: Rev Swartz has arrive -1
home from Chicago, where he has been
treated for cancer with good success.-
Two of Rev, Swartz's sons are visiting
their parents here. --Jacob Eidt and wife
are here visiting friends. -The fanners in
We locality are finding Iota of fault that
the graaebappers are eating all the binder
twine off the sheaves in the shocks in the
fields, -Frederick Wurth, a partner in the
flax buainess hero, met with a very painful
accident last week. It appears that he
WAS fixing something around the large
fanning mill in the lower mill, when he
got his hand between two large tonere and
was unable to extract it, the arm was
drawn between the rollers up to the elbow
and bruised in a frightful manner, 11
took considerable time to extract him from
between the rollers. Drs Rollins, Amos
and Wickett put him under chloroform
and sowed the hand up, The patient la
doing as welt as can be expected, and there
is no doubt but the arm can be saved,
Biddulph Council,
The oounoll met persnant to adjourn-
ment, rho reeve and all the members
The following acoonnts were ordered to
bo paid: Isaao Judd, on 'meant of gravel
oontraot Div 1, $75; do 0 S It Div 3, 311.76;
Chas Haakett, Bal of gravel a000niit, 33.40;
J' J Hays, bel on gravel account, 35,05;
.7 13 Hodgins, bat an gravel account, 38;
W Bonn, bat on gravel account, and work
in pit, 326 15; Wm Carrigan, bal on gra'rol
account, and work in pit, $9.35; J S Atkin-
son, bal on gravel aeoouut, and work in
pit, 328.13; \Vm Boyd, bal ou gravel aa-, and work in pit, 323.05; R Hodgins
hal on gravel account, and work in pit, 33.-
75. Paylist Board of Health, two meetings,
$18; W Middleton, mesh and lodging for
Indigent family, 31.75; W Foreman, 3 days
spreading gravel St Dl G R Div 5, 63; i;
Wallis, 3 days spreading gravel C S 11 Div
5, 38: A Gibson 2 daps spreading gravel C
S R Div 5, 32; M Mellbargey, spreading
gravel Div 4, 312.50; M Ryan, overseeing
gravel contract Div 1, 310; R Brauion, box
culvert and tile ditoh N B Moiety. 33 60;
E Langford, box culvert Div 5, 31.50; W
Radeliffe,culvert Div 5, 33.60; Jno Howard,
484 Oorde gravel oontraot Div 3 and 4,
67M-66; A Conway, 3 days shovelling
gravelDiy 3 and 4, 33; Jno Carrigan, 2 days
shovelling gravel Div 4. 62; D.Philipps I?,.
days shovelling gravel Div 4. 31.50; W J
Hodgins, 1 day shovelling gravel Div 4,
ti; W Hasitatu, 3 Says snoveiung gravel
Div 3, 33, W N P,iwo. 1 day shovelling
gravel Div 3, 31; A Daley, 2 days shovell-
ing gravel, rep road Div 3, 62; E Davie, 6
days shovelling gravel Div 3, 36; do stripp-
ing gravel pit Div 3, 33.75; M Oain, 3 days
minding gate Div 3 and 4, 31.20; L Harri-
gan, 3 days minding gate Div 4, 31.20; W
Carrigan, 3 days minding gate Div 4, 31.20;
T Gailiber, 3 days minding gate Div 4, 31.20;
Jas Harrigan, 9 days minding gate Div 4,
33.60; Patriot' Nangle drawing gravel re-
statnte labor levied in 1892-35; Jones &
Farncomb soot in full Re Hamilton ditoh,
38; J Lewis, equalizing Union 8 S No 8,
$2; do stripping gravel pit, 32 50; R Patter-
son, on scot of contract of building) new
bridge, 3150; Jno Abbott,overseeing work of
erecting new bridge, 67.50; H Hobbs ditoh-
ng ander award Blackwell's sideroad, 316 •
By law No 5 authorizing the levying of a
rate of 2} mills on the dollar for County
Rate and Co sohool grant, producing
32854.55 and 43; mills on the dollar pro-
ducing 65657.45, re payment of loans.
Township grants to schools and current
expenditure was duly passed. The whole
levy for County and Township purposes
is $8512. The sahcoi levies to be such
sums as may be ordered by the several.
School Boards.
The clerk was instructed to ask the Co-
operation of the township of MoGillivray
in proceeding underthe "Ditohes and \Vater
courses Aot" in having stagnant water on
Townline at Clandebnye drained as recom-
mended by the Board of Health.
The Council adjourned to meet again on
Monday Sept. <elth 1893 at 10 a. m.
W. D. STANLEY, Clerk.
The pieaaant effeok and the perfect safe-
ty with which ladies may use the liquid
fruit laxative, Syrup of Figa, under all con-
ditionsmake" it their favorite remedy: It
is pleasing to the eye and to the taste,
gentle yetoffectual in seting on the kidneys
liver and bowels.
Mies Alice Aiken, daughter of Wm. Aiken
Downie, has been re-engaged for 1891 as
teacher in the commoroial department of
the Goderloh Oe. 1:gttsle Institute
----1 •"'"""-
An a thousand other
Lines, at
Bargain Depot.
Woodhti.:i ,
Baion.-Mrs. Adam Doupe of Lakes
side, was visiting at her old home last
week. -Mr. T. White (of the firm of
White& May, St, Marys,) was through
the village cm his wheel a few days ago,
-Mr. and Mrs. J. Beavers of St.
Marys, were visiting relatives in this
neighborhood last week. ---A Gospel
Temperance meeting was held in the
church hero, 00 Sunday afternoon. It
WAS conducted by Mr.. D. L. Huff, a
trave •mperanee worker. -Rev.
Mr. Birks and Miss Birks are spending
a few _holidays at Grimsby. -Miss
Clarkson of Toronto, is visiting her
cousin, Mr. Ford. -The Saw Mill is
quite busy at present, manufacturing
hoop*. -Among thesuccessfuIstudents
wllo wrote for certificates at the recent
examination were a number of young
people from our neighborhood. Miss
Lizzie Smith, Miss Alice Beavers and
F. 13. Gapelend obtained 3rd class
certificates and J, B. Ford obtained a
1st class certificate,
Msaens. Dice & Co.
Your hook and medicine were received
some time ago but 1 did not use them on
the horse I wrote you about having bought
another which was in muoh worse condition
he was a four year old with a "horse ail"
of the worst kind and was thought incure-
able: so I thought I would try it on him.
His appetite was poor, hair rough, his ap-
pearance stupid, in abort he was ail knork-
ed out. I gave him Dick's Blood Purifier
whioh worked like magic. Appetite is now
goad, hair uloesy and whole appearance
muoh improved, 11 also proved the best
worm irradioator I ever used and I thank
you very much.
Tracy Station, N. B.
Wednesday afternoon Win. Elliott an
old resident of Ballon, was thrown from
his sulky, and his feet becoming entangled
in the springs he was drawn face down-
wards for a considerable distance. He re-
ceived frightful injuries in the fade from
which death resulted next day.
Send 25"Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap
per bearing the words "Why does a woman
look older sooner than a man") to Lever
Deva., Ltd., 43 Grote IJi,, lurouta, ane you
will receive by posi a pretty picture, free
from advertising and well worth framing.
This is an easy way to decorate your home.
The soap is the best in the market, and
it will only oost lo postage to send in the
wrappers, if you leave the ends open,
Write your address earelully.
Look at the date on your label this
week. and see that your name is mark-
ed well in advance.
lam, No paper is discontinued until all
arrears are fully paid, except at the option
of the publisher.
The date when the subscription expires
is on the address label of each paper, the
change of which to a subsequent date be-
comes a receipt for remittance.•Subscrlbers
will please examine their label before and
after making a remittance,
Weismiller s
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