The Exeter Times, 1893-8-10, Page 8Lb1SUTIA cE RlrLt3Tt!iI Li1U1',e,,CIBNTFOrt 'i'UE WESTERN - S 'i ANC: •• GOM . I_'tNY. of Toronto; also ter thePlICL,1<iSK FLUE INSURANCE QOIRPAISX, al London; Ragland. AIr1IA1CC•it INSURA.1NCE 00M - PANT otliagian& littttrick':Pd. Co,; NEW� .O M. .We beg to notify the pea- ple of Exeter and vicinity that we. have appointed Mr. 3. Grigg, Bookseller ot Exe— ter, to be our Agent; from whole all our publications and patterns may be had at the prices advertised by us,. "..Coronto Agency, May '93, AN OFFER Now —AND— NOW ONLY. In order to clear out the entire lot ofready made blouses still in stock, the Big Bankrupt store will for the next two weeks, hand over to you for 55c. the best Print BIeus=.1 in the shop. `:'4 e have some nice goods still left, many of them being worth $ i.00—Re- menlber your choice of any Print Lawn or Pongee Blouse for 55c. Every line of r]ry goods in the Big Store is being cut to close closing -out prices.— One special line of Creme dress goods, regular price 25c,; our clearing price i;1c. only about a dozen dress lengths left, do you want Dile. Remem- ber the clearing price, only Sio. for 25c. goods; seeing is believin come and see, A line of xqc. Flannelette cl ing out at roc., a big Bargain.. J. A. STEW.A.R*1: Urevettes. The report of the eutraliee examinations will be found in another, column, A horse driven by Mr. Chss, Wood rare i little dams e. divas this week, but didfl Great care aliould be taken to prevent fires from steam thrashing machines now everything is so dry, The contractors are pushing the erection. of Alessi 3. Elliot & Elliot's law office tepid- ly towards completion. A merchant in t;,ranton ads ertiscae on the fences along the road. "`•The best black ants at lowest prices," A horse belonging to Mr. Jas. Snell, Exeter had to be killed last week, having been stricken: with silnetroke, Henry Finkbeiner of Creditonhas a potato stalk growing in his garden which measures ti ft. 11 inches in lent'th, Our town sabscribeee will oblige us by acquainting us of the visits of friends front a distance, or their own tripe away from home. The new Grist Mill started on Friday last, and made considerable flour, It is a tine looking building filled with the very best ri ehinery. • Oa Tuesday, ',Mr Wm Bawden of town was in Clinton and purchased 160 acres of the Ransford estate, part of which is in the town oorpuration. a w Y> Insanity in every country is more prove• lent among unmarried men than married persons, Marriage, it would appear,bringa people to their senses. A splendid large new flag, the gift of the Hon J. C. Patterson, was raised on the tower of the Point Farm, Grtoderioh, on Wednesday last,with imposing ceremonies. It is a good many years since the fall wheat and barley were both in the barn in the mcuth of July. This year the major ity of wheat and haxley wee iu the barn before the month went out. .Itlesera Weekes 13ros., marble dealers, have received the contract for the erection of a granite monument for the late James Willis, value $500. This will be the finest memorial in the cemetery, Lsalter CALF—Strayed into town about S weeks ago, a yearling steer, whish is now in pound at Mr. Thos. Brook's, If not claimed within reasonable time, the sameiwill be sold. Tetos, BRoox, Pound -keeper. During ail this finanoial trouble in the States no ono has heard of the failure of a single saloon, Want of confidence doesn't seem to cut much of a figure when beer and hot weather combine ar:ainat it. Tucs�ley was Exeter's civic holiday. ?12auy went to the lake, others on the ex eursien to Sat uia, the majority remaining at home. The weather was pleasant, and no doubt all enjoyed the pleasures of the day. Mr. J. V. Harrison of Exeter, teacher of Varna publicsehool,made a good record for himself at the recent P. Se L. and examinations, pasaing six out of a clan seven who wrote. We doubt if any can show better work There is no inystery at a.,; ? It is simply tellin; have to aell, and ' h wit as you ten and hpl't' to cora n, rra Notice to Times' Readers. 2'he publishers would esteem it a favor if seders would,wlran malafnd their purchases, eention that they saw the rnerch Int's aduer- isement in DIE .TIDIES. toOuttr SAY .O. THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1393. LOCAL HAPPLiiiN48. Though not a World's Fair, Canada's Great Industrial Fair, to be held at To- ronto from the 4th' to the 16th September will be very nine' the same in every re apect, except as to extent, and will be equally aS important to the people of Canada, This year's Fair will, it is pre• dieted, excel all former ones, both in point of exhibits and in the attendance of visit - ars. The apace in all the buildings has already been applied tor. New stables and new cattle sheds have been erected at a cost of over $100,000, and visitors can pass througn all the buildings and view the animals under cover at Au hours of the day. The grounds have also been drained, new roads constructed and many other improvements made. The special attract- ions are promised to be greater and better features. A very small proportion • of the Canadian people are going to the World's Fair at Chicago, the masses being intent on taking in the Toronto Pair, of which they all feel justly proud. Mr. D. L. Huff will gyve a temperance lecture in the Main St. church on Monday evening next. , Policeman McCarthy of Stratford cele- brated his 83rd birthday tbis week. He .s probably the oldeatpoliooman in Canada doing active service. Thos, Cornish vacated the Fullerton hotel last week and moved hia family to Mitchell for the present. Mr. Morrow takes possession shortly. The appointment of Matteis Wellington Hay, Listowel, to be clerk of the sixth 'Division Court of Perth, in the place of W. J. Hay, resigned, is announced. Mr. W. Mitchell, driver for Messrs. McMMrohie & Co., Clinton, had the mis- fortune to get his leg broken on Wednes- day, by the team running away. Mr, Daniel MoBae, who has reaided near Glencoe for nearly half a century, died on rc aiday. He was one of the best known men in Middlesex, a farmer and a pioneer of the county. Thomas Case has sold the old' Meyer farm on the e furon road, west of Seaforth, to John Fowler, 'ell $4,300. It contains 100 sores, and is ell under grass.' There is. a barn but no house on it. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Worth, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold and Miss Robinson, }JeslsaIl;Mr. and Mre. Wm. Hamilton, London; and Aliases Johnson and Brown, Stratford, loftiest week for a trip tip the lakes to Mitokinae. The Stratford customs returns for July y show that $16,912 worth of free and $62,- 875 of dutiable goods were entered at the onstona house there. The duty collected wee 3'x,766.73. The value of the goods ex- ported was 326,936. Peach growers state that the crop this year will be enormous, probably the best ,ever seen in this section. Some of the owners have been • compelled to unload the trees of their burden +o prevent the branches from breaking off. .Leamington 1•^ax- have b rengp ne fit/re euro ing visible. evening fringin It is by far the tiri to our aphato, and will be an objeot of admiration in its beauty until autumn dies away. The Secretary of the Grand Orange Lodge reporta a not increase of over 6,000 in the nnemberehip last year, and the aud- itors find a substantias surplus in the treasury. The Order was never so influen- tial and prosperous as it is at the present day. The Brussels Post speaks of a hydrangea grown in that village which has 12 bun• ches of bloom, one of whish measured 2 ft G in. in circumference, and in Exeter we can boast of one bearing 20 large and ele- gant blossoms, one measuring 18 inches around. Burtch's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. gave a performance here on Tuesday evening, greatly disappointing to a large audience, who,expeeting something good, were only given the most simple parts of the play. The important and difficult features were not produced, and on the whole the enter- krtinmo.,1- +no,....,,.117 4:»..,...«.,, +„ r...t'..1.1 Mr John Dew of -Osborne name to town last weak, and while at the mill his team ran away. They dashed down Main -at., and when opposite Browning's, collided,. with a buggy owned by Mr Doyle. Both riga were badly damaged, and Mr. Boyle had a narrow escape from severe injury in holding his horse, which seemed bent on also scattering things, The death of Judge Davis of London is chronicled,and will be heard of with re- gret, not only by the citizens of London, but throughout the counties of Middlesex and Lambton, in both of which his name was a household word. As a private citi- zen, he wap a genial, kind-hearted man, endearing himself to those with whom he came in contact. As a judge, he was un. swerving in his integrity. Sours time ago it was announced that the great McCormick Reaper Company of Chicago was about to establish a Canadian branch. It is now announced, according to the Galt Reporter, that, owing to a belief of coming industrial reciprocity, the intention has been abandoned. They ex- pect to serve our markets from Chicago instead of manufacturing within the Do- minion. A lady residing in Palmerston, says the Telegraph, Gent a list of 2,300 wordsto the Canadian; Agriculturist prize compet- ition, and a short time afterwards received through the post it printed circular in- forming her that her list entitled her to "one or more of the following prizes.": Then followed a list of several articles which she could have by paying varione sums to cover cost of packing, &e., For instance, a gold ring set with Cape Colony diamond would be .sent on receipt of 50c. and 132 to pay for a year's subscription for the Canadian Agriculturist or the Ladies's' Home Magazine, Readere can form their own opinion of the scheme.' Seaforth_teachers boast because about:60 per cent of the pupils Bent tip for the Entrance Examination passed. The Goderioh papers cap this by showing that 71 per cent of those from Goderioh passed. But Clinton gets away ahead of both of them, as 86 per cent of those writing from Clinton school passed. Another to the List, On Monday Messrs, Richard Pickard: de Son purchased of a1., Jetta Reudlo 30ft. on ivlain St, a few Wards' north of the Toles Oflice,on which they intend build- ing a h•mdson,e nein store, The proposed building will be 30 feet frontage by over 100 tees in depth, of - the latest Meilen, and fitted with all the modern timprovernenta, It will be ?easy for ooxupaucy about the 1st January next. This adds another to the long list of new buildiugs erected in Exeter, this smarne.. The Weekly Sitoor, The shoot of tite Exeter Gun Club took place on Thursday last, and the.mateh for a sweepstake requited as fo laws, each eoa tostant shooting at 10 rooks: N. D. Hardon 2 F. W, Collins 6 Ed' Bissett 7 G. Auclerson R. B. Samuel 3 1). Dolma The tie by Bissett and Anders ii. was not shot off, but the money divided, Messrs Anderson and A, Loarnol-tu shot f r the silver needal, which was won by 'An- d, rson by 6 to 4. 7 r Personals Mr. Win Case of the London road, who has been very itt of late, wts up town on Monday, acid we were pleased to learn from himself that he is progressing nicely. Air. Caen ie oonaiderab y over 70, and had it no: beau that he is possessed of -a very strong constitution, he could not have rallied from hie lute illness, it was of au+h a severe character —Mrs. John Dignan and daughter are visiting friends in Uoderich. —Mr. Jams Acheson has resumed his charge at the Central hotel atter a two weeks' vuoation.—Mr. Luther Call, of Cleveland, 0, is visitingunder the perent. al roof.—Mrs. Samuel Sample of Kirkton is visiting her parents in. Stephen tp. —Mr and Mrs, Mills axil daughter loft no Tues- day for London, where they will speed several weeks. Mr. Mille has been very ill of late, and is going under the care of a specialist in that city, We hope that he may return to town much benefited in health, and that his and. the family's visit to the Forest City may prove pleasant. nr and Mrs John Essery of Laborua were called to London this week, owing to the death of Air (*deep. Jlra Eesery's father.— Miss Horne has returned from her visit with friends iu Stretford and neighbor- hood. -Air Frank Oke has returned to Toronto.—Mise Mary ,T, Gill left on There• day for Aetna, Alien., whore she has setter - ed a good situation as attendant in a char- itable institution there.—bits. 'Thorne add Mies Carrie Drew hava returned from their visit anteing friends in Fiore They were aoeampanied by Miss Dl that place, who will :,pend a few here,—Mrs Bert Grigg and a;le. of Montreal are visiting frig Mrs. Walt Andrews of_!kq of her mo.hor, Mrs )t Gould, who tra'. been past few 'eeka, re Nathan 1) aday in town. USborne Council. skit G WHolman, of Winchelsea P. S, passed four pupils at the recent Entrance The council met an the lith suss. All the members were present: '2be minutes of previous meeting were read and ap. proved, The tenders tor the Eirkton. bridge were then opened. Cameron— Si;.'er -that the tender ot E. Hewitt to build a oedar•truss bridge accord ing to plans and specifications for 3195, be accepted, the bridge to be completed by the 15th October next, the contractor to, have the timbers of the old bridge for their removal, except the flooring,—Carried. Cameron—Halle — that the following rates be levied for the current year, viz 2 87/1000 mills on 'elle dollar to raise $3925 38 for county rates; ]a mills to raise 82351 13, for township purposes; a mill to raise the sum of 384(1 45 as special school rate, per sec. 109, chap. 55, S, 0., 1891,—Carried. Shier—Kydd—that the seyeral amounts required by the trusteesof the various school sections of the lnunicip,.lity be levied and entered on the collector's roll and col- leote.1 with the other rates --Carried. Ha ls—Cameron that a by-law, be drafted legalizing the levying of the afore. said rotas. —Carried. salla—Kydd—that the reeve, J. Shier, and T, Camerou be a committee to super- intend the building of the Kekton bridge, —.Carried- Halls —Eycld--that 1V. Miners receive the sum of $4, for services rendered in equalizing the Union school acetione.--Car tied. The following, orders were granted. viz : W. Milers,equalizing Union S. S., $4; A. McDonald, rep bridge, $12 $5; J. Allison, rep Thames Road and Lumley bridges, $54; M.Saulwell, keep of Hewitt and wife, 313• R. Herdman, on gravel account, $20; J: Ballantyne, rep culvert. etc, $1 50; E, Ball, jr, ehn lumber, 472 44; H. erodd, culvert, 36; Fc Morley, hammer, $1; Jae Stewart, the Orem, 33. Shier—Cameron—the council adjourned to meet again Saturday, Sept. 2nd, at 2 p. m. GEo.W. Hol,ji`.u,Clerk. Pathmastera not returning their lista on or before Sept. 1st, are liable to a fine of $1 each. Please return promptly --G. W.H. Exam, one taking the highest marks the township; ile Also captured three of the thirteen hcnors given in West Huron. Tide is excellent 9oik considering gso large attendance for aro teacher, Some new wbest has been marketed in Ailsa Craig at 58e. per. bushel. The Avonton Perth Presbyterian Don gregation pnrposo building a new church next year, and the committee report a very liberal response front members. The old chinch is the first and only sacred edifies emoted an Avonton, and bee witnessed the hand of time nearly thirty years, The Duet of the proposed,, new church will be between five and six thousand dollars. ..,.r 4•' 4r 1 BIRTHS. 1kio0LINCk1'EY,—Tri Stephen, on the 2nd init, the wife of Mr, Robert McLinohey of a son. PICICARD In Exeter, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr. Robert Pickard of n son.' BL ACK.. KNOX—At Edinburgh, Scotland, on the 260. ult.. by the Rev. Armstrong Black, brother of the bridegroom, 'Ebenezer Charl- ton Biack. youngest son of Rev, John Blaok ot Liddesdale,Scotland, to Agnes, youngest daughter of the late A. W. Knox, St. Marys. ITAUTON.—UANUFOitD-•InExeter, en the 2nd inst, by the Rev. F. H Fatt. Mr. George e7Ifterton of Uaborne, to Mra.t Ilandford of Exeter. DIED. MrT.EA.N--At herresidenee,lOth eon., Weat Williams, on Thursday, Jtt1y 27th, Mars, wife of Roderick .10 aTaan, aged 27 yoars. GILSON.—At the residence of ]kir John Gilson 5th con.. londen Tnwnahip . on the 6s11 inst John Gilson.aged 62 years and 4 mouth,•.. L.—I .d a) AIr F H1 n St Maryst .i L on the 2n ,,11 • F ranaea Sophia. Hill, aged,F y cars• BBOI319RT'SON. In Bloes° rd. ton tbo 31st ult,; Jane Rober,e0o, aged 89 years and it months, RONAnc,-a'n St. Marys, on the 27th ult., Mary agedP25 yeadaughter s 2 months and Edward Ronan, Fall Fairs. Western at London, Sept. 14-21. North Perth at Stratford. Sept. 28-29. Blanshard at Kirkton, Oot, 6-e Center Huron at Clinton, 8 ept. 26-27. Toronto Industrial, Sept, 4.10. Mitchell at Mitchell. Sept, 25-27. Groat Northwestern at Godorioh, Sept, 20.29. East Duron at. Brussels, Oct 215-27. South Huron at Exeter, Sept. 25-26, 1 11xnvilla, Mansell at Ilensall, Sept. 7.4. Bserinu--Nn daubt an audible smile overspread the erstwhile grave features of ce. W. 11, as be repaired to the wood, al e1 on Wednesday morning of last week, loo ed•thafan ily cradle from its moorings, bee • .; , , eabwebs from it and made it e itten of the new arrival — , itig pupils were successful in infattle recent ei,trauee examination at efiiraud Luca i, viz; I clilh Turnbull, 2d;• Litly Halls, 460; Agues Hunter, 434 ; 'Charlie Delbrfdge, 399. AU four passed. very creditably. PEssoa.Ls—•Miss E E Halls leaves for Toronto Normal School next Monday, where she will take the professional work for it soconci-class oertifibate,—AlisaJennie Halle returned last week from a two months' sojourn in Chicago, It seems the eights at the World's Fair agreed with her.—Mr Harry Coates of the New York Store, London, and his sistot, Miss Jennie Coates, type -writer for the celebrated firm, li et K., of Detroit, spent a few days of last week with their parents.—Mr Albert Halle has gone to Chicago to consult phy- sieians there, art he has for some time past been in very poor health,—Mr Jas Mc- Curdy with his family spent Sunday with his slater Mrs Holman,—Miss Mary Hand- ferdvC ..t..I:i., ie lo nue village for a short time. ey- ltst you ention and this neighbor. very ,.t ditfon of Web - d dictionary, Since these eie-aa a work Law of refe- nttle use. a is now becom- n at 8.15 in the Western horiznr. at of all the planets aft T trait me this Kirkton ban is on the or a general store business.— J. Muir and la, Farmer spent tv days at the lake, prospecting for relit.a.—Messrs. Dr. Lutz and 14. S. Lang left on Thuraday last for a trip to the World's Fair,—Mr. T. M. White has been in Detroit and Toronto the prat couple of weolte.—Miss lel. Wood is visiting friends is Cobourg.—W. E. Gundy, barrister of Leamington, spent Monday and Tuesday renewing acquaintances in town.—Mrs, Cowan and daughtera of Sarnia are the guests of Mra(Dr.) Lntz.—The Missy Mo• Mahon and Whiteley of Goderieh spent the latter part of 'sat weak guests at Mr. A. Holland's. They Ieft to visit friends in Liman and. London. --Miss Taylor who has been visiting Mrs. A. Holland return- ed this week to her home in Toronto, — Miss Lou 4Z Ilkins of Sarnia is the guest of Mies Susie Tait,—Mr. H. Lambrooke is attendinglthe annual meeting of the 1. 0. 0. G. at Nia,,ara Fa11s, as a dekg •te of the Exeter Lodge. --Mr. Fred Rolliue his retu:nad to t men. —Ret!J.W.Snell preach- ed quite acceptably iu the James St. church Sunday evening last. The Stratford Athletic Association nab awarded the contract for preparing the grounds for their new park to McKay & CIark. of Woodstock. The amount named was $2,2S3,50. Mr John Agar's engine blowup Thursday morning white ho was threshing ou tbe farm of Mr Andrew Seebach near Mitchell and some of the pieoee game very close to striking several parties who were working about the premises. Messrs. Crossley and Hunter, the Metho: dist evangelists, have been laboring in Port Elgin, and some 350 converts are alleged to have been made. The work has been under the auspices of all the churohes 1n the town. Tuesday evening fire destroyed the flax mill owned by Meesra Weir & Weir and L. H Reeeor's eleotrio light station, St Marys, which was in the same building. The loss on the mill is $4,000; inearance, $1,000. Reesor'a loss, 33,500; uninsured. Mies Agnes Knox, of St. Marys, the talented Canadian elocutionist, was mar- ried on July 26th at Edinburgh, Scotland, to M:. E. 0 Place, a gentleman well-known in literary circles there, Mr. and Mrs. Blaok will spend their hcneymoon on tbe continent and will sail for Canada about the middle of September. The investigation into the irregularities of the Parkhill post office have taken place, but the result es not yet known. A large number of witnesses were examined. The general tenor of the evidence against the Postmaster was to the effect that he did not exercise close personal supervision over the business and left too much in the hands of the assistants. Two little sone of Market Gardener W. F. Wenzel, of Stratford, met with a pain- ful accident the other afternoon. A flock of black birds flew over Mr. Wen_el's place and he went out with a gun to shoot them, The little boys followed their father, parry- ing the powder flask. ` Thinking to have some fun the little fellows put a match to the powder. They were both severely burned by the explosion which followed. -The appeal of the Bell Telephone Co., against their personal property assess- ment. has been ssessment.hasbeen deoided by Judge Toms against the company. He holds, also, that the plant and poles of the company are assessable. As the Judge's decision is final: and gig opinion affects all the plant belonging to the oompany, it will make a material difference in future aseeasments. Clinton' New Eras The following pupils in Blansbard peas ed the high school entrance examinations:. Richard Allen 422, Eva Bruce 472, Hartley Crago 461, Henry Dinsmore 692, Richard Epplett 530. Nelson Gunning 495, Maud Jickling 42r, Wm. McCullough 389, Mary Robertson 411, Edgar Rowe 382,. Mary Speatin 501. , iolinard'e Liniment is the beat. A strong man struck Clinton the other day, and lifted a barrel full of water with fcnr men on top of it. IIINTOMMEMORCIPAII R, PICN��D exn sox. We are clearing all summer 0, 0, BICHArtna du Co. GENTLEMEN. —For years 1 have been troubled with sorofuloua acres upon my face, lhave spent hundreds of dollars trying to effect a cure without any resin'. I ani happy to say one bottle of MIN ARD'S LIN1ME;gT entirely cured me and 1 Dau heartily recommend it to all as the best medicine in the world. IBosiarn Matinee. 13ayleid, Ont. Dress Goods. At 5.c., 8c., all wool, 25c. goods for 122 c, in fact we are clearing all kinds of Dress Goods at amazingly low. figures. Prints. 123;c• prints for 9c. ; 10c. prints for 7c. ; a good fast colored print for. 5c. We in- tend clearing every yard of Print in the store. Boots & Shoes. We have them at 20c. a pair, 25c. a pair, 30c. a pair &c., &e:, upwards. Now is the time to secure bargains in Boots & Shoes. Fruit Jars, `� Pints,Quarts, ts and Half Gallon, best make. They are going fast. Buy your Jars from us, B. Pickard & Son's Direct Importers. IS A BUSY STORE. In spite of the quiet season, our Store the last,weekhas been ac tive from beginning to end. The low Prices in. Sum- mer Goods tell the tale. 15 Cases New Goods for ()Illy tall trade just arrived. Smile Specialties teav 1 Double - fold All -wool, fold Serge Dress Goods in a et vazl y of shades, worth 40c. for 250.; 42 -inch Double Dress Goods Union, , 124-o, single fold, 3o, 5, 80.; Al.l- wool, 10 and ,12 o.; heaviest Shirtings, 10o. Cottouades at 10o, 17c and 25o. ' Our $11 ordered Suits are the marvel of all who have seen them. Blank Worsted Suits for $13, $15, and the $17 Suit is a gem. Each day sees new faces who away glad and well pleased for their visit. G. 0, JOHNSTON. Opposite Hawkshaw's Rotes.. CURIE. llitr 410B You Can lak- Farthest t Dollars Go Farthest In darling ros.' Shoes the an other. They are easy on the feet. They are easy on the purse. They wear well. They look well. The uniform excel ence of quality and the low price chargedfor these Shoes make them winners. TAS, TEA, T,EA We Take the Lead. Just to hand TEN CHESTS of that Celebrated 25o. T Have you tried it ? Fruit Jars, "Crown," pts. $1.20; qts., $1.25 ; z gal. $1.50. SuEar Brown, 20 lbs. $1 ; Coffee, 18 lbs., $1; Granulated, 17 lbs., $1.' - Produce taken in exchange. Eggs, 110.; Butter 170. CABLING BROS VOTER'S L1ST.-1893. MusxoIFALITY 01" TEM TOWNSHIP er Hay COUNTY OP HnaON. Notice is hereby given that 1 have transmit- ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 5 of the Voters' Lists Aot, the copies required by said sections to be so trans- mitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Aot of all persona aapearing:by the last revised Assessment 1to11 of said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at eleotions for members of the Legislative As- sembly, and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office at Zurich on'the 7th day of August, 1898, and re- mains there for inspection. Electors are call- ed alled upon to examine the said list, andif any omissions or any other errors areperoolved therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said error corrected aocording,to law. SA.M,J. h A -TPA, Clerk of Hay. Dated this 7th day of August 1893. WESTERN FAIR, xo •rno , SEPT' EMBER 14th to 23rd,1893 CANADA'S FAVORITE EXHIBITION ESTABLISHED 1168• THE OLDEST IN THE DOMINION. LIVE —.STOCK EXHIBITS • Entries Close September 7th.' The best and largest Stabling and Space allotted on receipt of Entries. BETTER SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS TFIAN EVER BEFORE. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS FROM ALL POINTS. For Prize Lists and information apply to CAPT.A.W.PORTE, T.A.BROWNE, Pres, Seo'y. MARKET REPtiRTS. .rioter, August 9,1898. Fall wheat perbob. .. . ., S 6. $59. Spring wheat per bush 5a Oe Barley per bush.... ,.... 35 3' Oata per bush• 33 35 Pella Dor bush 65 55 Flour per bbl 400 4 20 .Apples per bag•.•75 85 Potatoes per bag....., ..... 1 00 1 00 Hay per ton 600 700 Woodpor cord hard 3 00 3 50 Wood per cord soft,.,2 00 2 25 Butter per lb.... 16 16 Eggs per dozen...,..... . ..... 10 11 Pork per hundred 8 90 10 00 t'ref+ FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS, AN OLD AND Wttr.-Tsitgp RrmEpr.- Mrs. l Winslow's Soothing Syrup bas been used lifts ; rears by millions of mothers for their children while teething,with perfect success. Jt -soothes the child, softens the gums, allays the pain, cures the collo, and is the bust remedy for Diarrhoea. is pleasant to the taste. Sold by . . druggists in every part of the world. 25 aerate a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be . sure, and ask for Mrt. Winslow's "Soothing Sirup and take no other kind. Minard's Liniment aures Diphtheria. WANTED. Salesmen, to sell our choice and hardy' nur- sery stook,. Many special varieties to offer both in fruits and ornamentals, and controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary, give; exclusive territory and pay weekly gyrate us at once and secure, choice of torrit- MAY BROTHER2,NurSerymen, lioohester, N. Y. AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST. "• CLTN7;ON. Will bit itt Clreb's hotel Zetrioli on the second' Thursday of`esoh month and at Hodgin's hotel eao