The Exeter Times, 1893-8-3, Page 1THE BEST Advertising Medium —to -- H THIS SECTION. AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. LOOK t the LalaeL See if You ft PAID IADVOE VOL. XX. NO, 50. Why Qti Barofoot "HEW TO THE LINE, LET rat CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY' EX -BITER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3 189 • When you oan •'et a good, high, man's, Plow Shoe at R,MoGrowan's for 90o, P Also a [complete Line of WOMEN'S MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S OXFORD TIES in AS and DIJNGOLAS, These Goods were bought direct from the Manufacturers and will be sold at prices that cannot be beaten. Eggs IX cents per doz, R. IficGOWANI General Merchant, Kirkton. v. r, E. Will Retrench. limeraara,t, July 25.—The Canadian Pa- eifict Railway Company notified three bun. died of their employes to -day that their services were VD longer wanted. Economy and retrenchment ie said to be the motive for thia wholesale dismiesal. No fault was found with the men and TAO dissatisfaction *seise -a ou their parts They have all been giVvIl due notice of the company's inten- tion. The Congress of Education opened at Chicago yeatertlay. The linancial situation is said to be im- proving at San Francisco. Kansas' corn crop promises to be the largeet in the history of the state. The court martial in connection with the Victoria (Buster has commenced at Valetta, Malta, The U.S. warship Alliance has been ordered to Corinto, on the west coast of Niearagua, to protect Americas). interests. A Grand Trunk train entering Chicago last nigli; ran down a orowded street car, kiltires Inez persons and injuring many others. Dr. Homy Meyer, accused of wholesale poem:ling in New York and other cities, • has arrived in New York. He was taken to polieebecuirmerlere A. plot of convicts in Clinton, N.Y., prison to murder the guards and escape was let may one of the prisoners "pLach- ing" yestehlay. The tell-tale conviqt has been granted a full pardon. There is a movonient on foot in London to end the career of the Imperial Federa- tion League, owing to its want of funds. • A Mohammedan has won the first prize of 12,000 crowns, given by Emperor Franz Josef for the long diatance horse MCC. Baltzer, of Wellesley township while endeavoring to stop a runaway team attached to a self -binder, was thrown in front of the machine and so terribly mangl- ed by the cutting bar that he died about fifteen minutes after tine accident. reetetera UI* the ilicreivie. Sr. PZTIMSWURGi Aug, 1.-- Official re - throe just issued show a marked increase in the ravages of cholera in the parts of the empire where the disease is epidemie. Stanley. Bneers.—We are sorry to aee that Mr. James Reid is still suffering from sore eyes.— We are glad to see that Mr. Joseph wohanison, who was severely injured by being thrown off a load of hay, is recovering- —The Rev. Mr. Philpottand wife, of Toronto arespend- ing their vacation at the lake shore.— Mr. R.J. Richardson intends taking in the World's Fair in Chicago this week. Esoljay's liiver Lozenges heal the sick. Eseljayes Iver Lozenges pleasant as candy The value of Canada's fishery last • year was close on nineteen million dol- lars. This; is a trifle leas than the figures recorded for 1891, but is two million in excess of those for 1892 and double the output of 20 years ago. Minard's Liniment mires Colds. etc. In Summer DRY -GOODS, • GROCERIES, 1300TS.86SLIOES, •STRAW cr4 FELT HATS ••nd many Other line IFORD& CO• . WOC)alei.131. • See,forth. DOATII or COL, COLIDIAN.—Dr. T, T. Coleman died at his residence (Hill- side) Sunday morning. Dr, Coleman was bord in Trate°. Ireland, 68 years ago, fie practiced medicine for a number of years in Seatorth, ad when salt was first discovered in the County of Huron he embarked in !that busin. ess. He was Colonel of the 33rd (Huron) Battelion, He was the first Reeve of the village of Seaforth after its incorporation, and was elected mayor of the town on several occasionees, tu politics Dr. Coleman wag a Conser- vative, and took an active interest in the welfare of the party, • ties 4 (3 -rand enet. BMWS. —The lake has been s very rough the past week, and boating rens deredsomewhat unpleasant.—Sutorner visitors are quite numerous here at present.—The dredge is doing good work and is now well up the river.— The downing of W. Phippen,aged 20, here on Thursday last cauaea flutter of excitement for several day, He was here camping with his parents from Perkiell. In company with two other young men, he was in the !lake bathing, the water being very rough. He called for aid for ;some time, but as the others thought he wee only pre- tending to drown, paid little attention, until it was too late. He was a good swimmer, and it is thought he took cramps. He was a much respected young man,and his parents and friends feel their loss very keenly. Staffa. --- Bnnirs.—Mrs. (Dr.) Naamith and family and'Ules Ida Hotham arespencl- ing this week at 'rand Bend enjoying theeool breezes from the leke—lf Capt. Davidson would bring his hoe along with luta and bold forth in some of the turnip fields, the busy farmers of this locality would have a bigher appreciation of his rproperly directed energies We have none so particular- ly blind out hero that they need the blind to lead them.—A very happy event teak place on Monday at the residence of Mr. John Carmichael when Agnes V., his eldest daughter, and Mr. Henry Near, of Michigan, were made one, The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. Mr. Dewdney, of Mitchell, in the peesence of a few of the Most intimate friends of the bride. Mies Clara Campbell aoted as brides- maid and Duncan Carmichael assisted the bridegroom. After a sumptuous repast had been partaken of the happy couple, accompanied by bridesmaid and groomsman, drove to Mitchell. girieton. Brunes.—There died at his residence. Kirkton, on the 28th ult. John Gourley, aged 60 years and 4 months. Deceased until a year ago, was an esteemed res- ident of the township of Usborne, having been one of the pioneer farm- ers of that township. By hard work, diligenoeand a watchfulness character. istio of the thrifty, he became possess or ol fine farms and a goodly share of the coin of the realm. Some 4 years ago he had a severe attack of la grippe, which completely undermined • his constitution, and which left him in a sinking state, gradually developing into consumption, the direct cause of death. Mr. Gourleywas a man among men, upright, honeet, and eouteeous, and was ever respected by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and small grown up family and '," a host of friends to mourn the loss of an affect. ionate father and triend. His remains were interred in the Kirkton cemetery on Monday. Granton. BRIEFS,—Granton is to have a civic holiday on Thursday next.—The:three churches will unite and hold a grand union picnic on the Rats of the river Thames on the St. '.,Marys road. We trust all will have an enjoyable time. As Granton people are workers and stand very much in need of a little re- creation especially the blacksmiths, as they work up almost to the we erne' bourse very night we trust they will take full- benefit of the holiday pro- claimed for Thursday next.— Mr. David Johnston of Blanshard occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church in the absence of the Rev. Mr. Ferguson. —Mr. Jarrot an old settler who resided not far from (3ranton and who has been suffering for along time of cancer passed away on Thursday last.—Mrs. Samuel Horne Sr., of Usborne who has been away for a lengthy visit to frienda:in Oshawa, Bowmanville, and • Whitby, returned home on Wednesday -last.--Two more cows were killed ou the railway •track Tuesday evening last. They were the •preperty4f Mrs. Stewart, tvidowe and R. Elorneof this place. That makers in all three cows which have come to their death by the trainainoe July let. We hope to bear of no more as it is a great loss to the villagers. • • • WITU INVALIDS Yes? with invalids the appetite is oap. riotous and needs coaxing, that' is just the reason they improve ect •rapidly tinter Seott's Emulsion, Which is as palatable ea Hensel!. VT OAMEROr SmITII, Barrister. Solion Y • tor, conveyancer; Offiae Can be consulted after office :hours .at the Common ial Betel. 11 eneall. Demurs inBots & Shoes is still tho order of the date at A. Weseloh's. \Volley° quite a large assortment of summer foot wear on hand yet and in order to clear them out we will sell them very oheap. Note a few quot- ations ; Mon's high raced boots, $1000. pair; men's low laced shoes, 90o. ; men's gaiters at •81 2; ; women's Oxford sessed soles at 65o. ales of women's tow and oarpet slippers at one half the regular price • a lot or otaidren's shoes at no, armir and upryard. Call and see and be convinced that we sell cheap. Butter & Begs t.••'•;0;;• Sign of Big 13eaa Or IliPODTANt't, Palutlits—Cook Bret. proprietors of the Hansen Grist Mills, haviug thoroughly overhauled and refitted their orten sive m111, wish te inform the public that Tues- day, August let, will bo theirre-operdng, when all Grieting, Ohoppine, eta., will be prompt attended to, and eatisfaction guaranteed. With the beat stook of machinery, we are prepared to coranete with any mill in the county. It will be well for the farmers to also remerater that wo will continuo buying goad, cleat: wheat at standard weight, and pay the high - exit prioegoing all grain to be delivered to the lIonsall Grist Mill. Better the quality of wheat better the price, is our motto. Thanking our numerous customers fa r their liberal patronage during the past, we trust you may end it to your Interests and advantage by a oontrnuance of the sa.ae. Yours truly, Ooor Bless. Following are the market quotationa : Wheat ..... ,58 to 59 Barley 35 to 35 Oats ... , 32 to 33 Peas • • 55 to 56 Hay ..............8,00 to 7.00 Butter 10 to 17 Eggs ........... 11 to 11 Hoge ... 8.00 to 8.25 Clover aced.. . 8 50 to 875 BaiRaes.—The Hensel! Observer came to grief last week the plant fil- ling into the ban& of the bailiff, who removed it to the Commercial hotel stables.—The looal agricultural:society have fixed the date of the Henson fair for :Thursday and Friday, Sept. 7th and8th,—The grist niill vvaare-opened on Tuesday for general work.— His many friends here regretted to hear of the death of Col. Dr. Coleman of Seittorth, who died on Sunday after a lingering illness.—Messrs. Creelook and Hershey of Toronto, 'hipped from this station on Monday Scar loads of cattle, During July they have shipped 17 car loads of cattle from Kippen and 'Jensen, A. Wegner U-reenway. --- BRIEFF.—Rev. J. H. Ghent organ- ized the young people iu a society to be known as the Boston Epworth League and Christian !Endeavor with the following officers ; Charles Cruts, Pres.; Miss Jennie Whiteside, Vice Pres, ; Miss Lillie e•Brophy, Mise Ada .Mollard is visiting friends in this vi cinity.—The MoPberson Man- ufacturing Co. have put in machinery to make pumps. 0.-4•44-4-••• Clinton. — — BnrEFs,—Several of our ortizena have lost valuable dogs the past week from poisoning. —Mr. Win. Wilson, an old resident of town, died on Saturday, at the age of 93 years. Deceased was confined to his bed •for two yoars and was blind for five years.—On Thurs- day evening a banquet will be tender- ed the Hon. J. C. Patterson, Minister ot Mjlitia, at the Albion hotel Godes rich. it will be entirely an non-po- litmal demonstration, and all who de- sire to attent will be vveloome.—A young son of Mrs. Grantham, town, while climbing a tree on Saturday last, .fell to the ground and broke Loth his arms.—Mr. Thos. Fair, our ever ob- liging and popular eostianister, be gone to Detroit to consult a specialist regarding bis eyes.—Mr. Wm. Miller, of the 2nd con. Hullett, has the honor to be the first one to market with now wheat. He had a load to Fair's mill on Saturday that weighed 60 lbs. to the bushel. Where is our friend Wm. Weir this season.—Another band is about to be organized. Mr. Geo. Hoare has had for some years the laudable idea of forming a huge county band. From present reports the or-. ganization will be proceeded with.— Mr. W. Foster, lately of Clinton, was on the C. P. R. train from Teeswater by which bagga.geman Matthew Bunton was crushed. The man was coupling two cars. He slipped and fell beneath the wheels, his left Ieg, left arm and right hand were terribly. crushed. Dashwood —ALL PARTIES RF.QUIRING— IEIJIA]3LE BINDER TWINE Are requested to call and see Saniples and • get prices •before purch.as- . ing, •sSee,rietteetaes,e,,l,„,. ae.... • :.z• •'••••••,.-4•"T 4 • J. HALL, 1114,4411111144110411444111144,411414 GONDEN SED DISTRICT, NEWS. onmerisex. J. R. Baird bas moved his manufactory of eleottio.gaeoline engines from Parkhill to Woodstock. A few days ago two fat bullocke belong' ing to Mr. Ellis fell into an old tank on King street, Parkhill, and were with con- siderable difficulty taken out. The tank has been since filled in. Mr. Donald McLean, can orAtex MoLean lot 19, eon. 2, West Williams, while bath - in? in the river, got beyond his depth, and being unable to swim was drowned, Do - ceased was 21years of age, ADAM Clintonihas decided to substitute furs naafis for !the stoves in the Public) gehoole. Dr. Patterson of Luoknow has been fined $20 for grunting dentistry without a, licenae, under the dental law. The Teestvaier Creamery Co., has been awarded a medal for butter at the World's fair. The butter scored 97 points out of a possible 100. At Seaforth, on Wednesday, Mr. Law- renoe Melville's little daughter. Mina, fell wbile at play and broke her right arm; Mr. Melville formerly tended at Clinton. A farmer residing near Blyth hats a freak of nature in the shape of a young pig with only two lege, It is said to suffer i no nconvenience, as it mores around as freely mite two legs as the average porker does on four. The Ontario Shorthorn cow, •aFetr Maid of Perth," the property of Mr. Grainger, of Hullett, Huron County, has given thelargest yield of any in that breed, at the World's Fair, keeping as a rule well up toward the 60 Ib mark. • As a whole, the Ontario cows are doing well. Word was received from Beaverton on Saturday, of the death (de. it. Cameron, lato assistant in the Wingham !post office. Mr, Cameron bad bean troubled for soma time with an ailment of the Ilam oat, and a short time ago he underwent an operation in Toronto. Not long ago two buyers of horses for the English market went to Luoknow and pnrobased a four year old colt from one of thefarnsers. Atter the purobase, they led the oolt Into one of the back street, and having prooured a pair of pinchers from a blacksmith shop, they extracted some teeth, then slit the gums, and made a year old out of a 4. At the recent annual meeting of the South Huron Liberal Conservative Also - elation, held et Seaforth, Mr. W. J. Shan- non was reelected president, and Mr. G. E. jaokeon, secretary. The following gentle- men were added to the executive cam- mittee:—Messre. T, E. brays, Dr. Bethune, F. Holmested, J. J. L vine and D. 'Veep - miller. A letter was read from Mr. D. Woismiller, Conservative candidate for the Local Assembly, regretting his inability to bo present, and expressing his conviction of the bright prospeots of his encases in the coining local election '1,1t111111 Dr. Gray of St. Marys, has sold his praotion to Dr. W, F. Brown, haying dead - el to go to California.. Bev. H. D. Steele, of Kirkton, is at pref.. ens at Campbeltou, N. B., enjoying the sea breezes and bathing !unifier. The town of Mitchell assesses the Bell Telephone Co., in the sum of 13200. Every town and village should do the same. Mr John Daw of Mitchell, has sold his business to Mr. T. Roney, who takes pos- session Oat. let, Mr. Dew goes to Chicago to reside. H. Fred Sharp has parobased that sub- stantial atone block on the oor nor of Queen and Water streets St. Marys for $4,000. The Blanabard and Nissouri cheese Co., haye been awarded a medal for cheese at the World's Fair, haying secured 95 oat of a possible 100 point. It is reported that Mr. James Grieve, M. P., was injured at a barn raWnr. RC Thomas fray's, near Burns, Friday, by falling on or from a girt. The Mitchell annual fall fair will this year be held on Sept. 26th and 27th and Blansbard fall exhibition will be held at Kirkton on Oct, 5th and 6th. Mr, Wm. Batson, Hibbert, commenoed threshing cn Wednesday last, being the first of the season. He used his new separator and it worked aplenditily. Wotd has just been received from Ems• dale, Man., by /vire. J Near of the death of Adam Mitohell, only son of Mr. Jas. D/litchell, formerly of St. Marys, and nop- be w of chief constable of St. Marys. He was struck on the temple in the horse strik- ing at a fly, from the effects of which be died. Owing to a defeotiye fence, five horses belonging to John lieges, Si. Marys, wand- ered on the London branch of the G. T. 11,4Thursday night. The mixed for Strat- ford (tame along and succeeded in frighten- ing one of the animals off the hank, bit ran into the other four, killing them. The loss will foot up to several hundred dollars. Mr. John Biowes of Mgehell, must feed his horse too many oats. The brute is getting hard to handle, and some days ago ran away ha the cemetery at Staffa, break- ing a handsome monument„ Later, while watering the brute at "Brandy Point," he again took French leave and started off, throwing a Mies Campbell, of Staffa, from the rig and smashing the vehicle. ft .1 • Means, Dice & Co. Your bock and medicine were received some time ago but 1 did not use them on the horse I 'assets; you about having bought another which WAS in much worse conditin he was a four year old with a "horse ail" of the worst kind and was thought incure- able: so I thought I would try it on him. His appetite was poor, hair rough, his ap- pearance stupid, in short•he was all knock. ed out. I gave him Dick'e Blood Purifier which worked like magto. Appetite is now good, hair glossy and whole appearance much improved. It also, prayed the best , 1 orm irradioator I ever used and I- thank ou yery much. L. 0, ClAttecuss, Tracy Station li B. 'vs 1,1Setelee NtriErzTee& SOT.S' runatehers and Proprietors A. Good, Salesman, All merchants employ oakum, and we believe in the advantage of so doing., There ia a good ealearne,n that some of the merchants of Exeter do not employ enough. l'his salesman tante to more people in one day than any other tales- man talks to in A year. This salesman is working in thousaods of homes at the same time. tie never eats, never drinks, never eleops, oleaman if properly banked up will make you meh. This Bateman is, advertising in TIM Tines, His services cambe secured. Do you want him ? • 4I.•••--", it - •••—•`....... The °Wealth of Paisley are petitioning the Government to remove Patriots Heffernan, of Walkerton, from the liat of county con. stables. The oraok Thirteenth Battalion Band of Hamilton have been requested.. to state their terms for playing a four week's en- gageineet at the World's Fair during Sep- tember. S. 3. Vehite, a box manufaaturer, felt dead in his factory at Belleville on Tuesday morning /rota heart failure. Deoeued, who was 62 years of age, leaves a wife and one daughter. Mr, Blanshard, of Etobleoke township the wife of a Congregational minister, while, visiting her mother, errs- Robert Coulter, fell down cellar with a lighted lame on Banday evening, burning herself ae that aha died on Monday avenite, ratfrei News has been received:in Toronto that Mia a McDonald, teacher at the Presbyterian Indian mission edam' at Aberni, C., died last week: Meg aloDonald was the aister of Bev. A. J. McDonald, missionary to Aberni, who reoeutly retired owing to ill health. 'The Gotham cheese factorye about three mike north of Freeborn, was deatroyed by fire on Saturday Mies Nora Clench, the violinist. of St. Mary's, who has been studs ing in Germany arrived in Canada by the ;nuttier Vaucouv- er. Eseljay's Liver Lounges euro pimples. Eseljetee Liver Lozenges cure bleusea, James Walker, who lives about eve miles south of Bracebridge, was ;thuds by the Pacific uprose Satarday night and died Sunday of his injuriee, A quantity of batter /rota Senator Per- ley's dairy at Wolseley, N. W. T, took four prizes and the gweepetake prize at the Winnipeg Exhibition for the best butter shown. Olga, N. D. July 31.—The house of 3. H, Langrain was burned yesterday through lightiee a ere kere.ene. Two chile - ran were burned to death, and Langrain and his wife were seriously injured. As an after dinner pill, to strengthen the stomach, assist digestion, and correct and bilious tendencies, Ayer's Pills are eon sidered the best Being sugar-coated, they are as agreeable as any oonfection, and may be taken by the most delicate. Charles French and Je0. Black of Mitch- ell, who were appointed on the -staff of towbars by the Wincltor Sobool Board at their donday meeting, have refused the appointments, and the committee at a meeting the other day recommended shat Id, H. Carpenter, of St. Catherines, and J. E. Edwinson, of St. Tbomas, be appointed to their places. The committee adopts d a resolution which will be forwarded to the Educational Department severely candem- ng the practice of certain teachers as in- dulged in by Black, French and Ferris. es So shortis the crop of hay in Great Britain that it now costs pound for pound as much as wheat. This probably gives rise to the report that the 13ritish Government contemplate buying a low grade of flour to make into bread and feed to the army horses, TSB MoliBOE CASE. Grentley, Ont., Aug 7.—Tne interest in the ease of Mr. 11,1onroe, of which mention was made in a despatch from bore last week, rapidly increases as his improve- ment in health progresses. As a wise man should do, Mr..Illonroe did not say anything about his trial of Dood's Kidney pills for the dropsy which afflicted him, until he had found whet would result from their use- Now that he has satisfied him- self end others of this, beyond the shadow of a doubt, he is loud in itis praises of the remedy. In answer to the enquiries that have poured in upon him about his health, Mr. Monroe answers : I am better than 1 have been for three years, and it due to Dodd's kidney pills. Elie case and others prove,that these pills are, by all odds the most ivonderfut remedy of the age. The health of Sir John Abbott remains practically unehanged, though his strength is in no way declining. One of the moat celebrated English physiciane Dr. Harri- son Creppe, F. B. C. 5., has been surnmon- ed IraniDr. England to attend the ex -Premier. •••••* HOW TO GET A "StNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25 "SunligbteSoap wrappers (wrap per bearing the words "Why does a woman look older sooner rlaan a man") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the beet in the market, and it will only cost lo postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open, Write your address carefully. 4‘ IS' RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY.— South America Bheuniatio Cure for Rheu- matism and Neuralgia radically cures int o •3days. • Its action upon the aystera is remarkable and mysterious. 11 removers at once the mute and the disease immediat- ely disappears- The trot dose greatly benefits. • 76 oenta. Warranted by 0. Lutz, Drugged. Rug. 14, Eselimee Liver Lozenges clear the altin, Peeljay's Liver Lozenges better than pilis. senates Liver Lozenges pleasant to take. Eseney's Liver Icozengee restive beauty. argams STRAW HATS, PARASOLS, PRINTS. LIGRT D RE SS GOJD S. An a thousand, other Lines, at J. P. ROSS' Bargain Depot. Wiwyloomm.00......1......• Zurich. BRIBM—Business in town has been Very quiet the past week, farmers being busy. The yield in all kinds of cereals in this neighborhood has ed out well.—Our baflifE “collared" the Henson Obzerveriast week and as a consequence the few subscribers have not as yet received their paper ; Uttle loss. --Many of the farmers in this neighborhoodare buying up hogs; they intend, feedbag their wheat in- stead of s e thug i t. —Mears. 0, Kibler and Rev. Brand have returned from the World's Fair; they pronounce it urimense.—Flac pulling is the order of the day.—The cote of the Exeter Advocate has again made himself obnoxious in his erroneous assertions. Concerning the men from the east w/aom, he says were here the other Sunday, engaging help, we might say that hos:as usuallivrong. Tlie gentle- men, it is true, were in town, but simply on a visit to friends, and bad no more intention of hiring (hands than the worthy scribe bad of drown- ing himself, (although ho would be doing the indulgent public a good turn were he to do so.) Our advice would be to mind your own business and not employ your spare time (and you have lots of it) in trumpting up false and mean charges against per. sons absolutely innocen t. Tarr LADIES DZLIOISTIID. The pleasant effect and the perfect safe- ty with which ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, ander all con- ditions make it their favorite remedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting on the kid- neys, liver and bowels. Tbe Northwest Legislature hu been called to meet Aug. 10. Rev. Mr. Laplante, formerly of Levis, Que.. was devoured by sharks while bath- ing an Santa Cruz, Trinidad. James Stenabough, of Jerseyville, was struck by lightning Manday evening and instantly killed. SIMMER WEAKNINS And that tired feeling, loss of appetite and nervous prostration are driven away by Hood's Sarsaparilla, like mist before the morning sun. To realize the benefit of this great medicine, give it a trial and von will jom the army of enthusiastic admirers of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Sure, efseeient, easy—Hood's Pills. They should be in every trayelier's grip and every family medicine chest. 25c a box. Look at the date on your label this week, and see that your name is mark- ed well in advance. 10_,. No paper is discontinued until al/ arrears are fully paid, except at the option of the publisher. The date when the subscription expires is on the address label of each paper, the change of which to a subsequent date be- comes a receipt for remittenceeSubscribers will please examine their label before and after making a remittance TIIEItE Is a Bargain Counter AT NVeismiller's HAVE YOU SEEN IT ? If not, it will interest you and -pay you to. It is load - own with seasonable Gods marked down to Bg- iyes that will make them got • D. WEISMILLER, RENSALL • .--otesr...:sseeseeees.seees,-- • • -