The Exeter Times, 1893-7-27, Page 8INSURANCE F iESr,eIL.L IOT,. t NTFOS k'likl w& l 171tN 181 Fr1i,11QCE, 00M• /seen*, of Toronto; alae far the mise ea VMStNSuiiANCF. treelleeti ', of London; e ngiart3, A1,1.1:ANCeI INSURANCE E COM-.' leANJc omnalat'i4. &u�leri��°sPuh. Co., •• We bog to notify the peo- pie of Exeter and vicinity that We have appointed. Mr. ti . Grigg,' `Bookseller of Exe- ter, to he our Agent,. from whom all oar publications .axed patterns may be had at the prices advertised by us. Toronto Agency, May '93, PRICEHi[f IjPRIUE Nearly 8000 pairs of Man- ufacturer's Samples of fine Gloves and Hosiery for men, women and children at the Big Bankrupt Store, Exeter. This is the largest purch- ase of fine Gloves and Hose we have ever made, but the Bargain was so great that we could not resist the tempting offer. JUST HALF REGULAR PRICE is what we ask you for your choice of this Lot. Colne early, for there is a big choice for yon. Such value we never before placed on a Counter. Come and see. J. A. STEWART Notice to Times' Readers. The r'a>,riMers tcouT4 esteem it a favor if ea,f; rs troretrt,tchen inaktng their purchases, tentiort that they saw the =re]rxnt's adver- ieement in IRE kerns. taHURSDAY. JULY 27th, 1893. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. A lot of Ladies' and Children's gloves a E 5 and 100, a psir at J. P. Ciarkee b1r. W;;Alcvoyinof Zurfuh moved his family into town yesterday, we welcome them to oar midst. The mower and reaper have been heard in the land and soon the thresher will be performing its functions, By the criminal code magistrates are compelled to hear evidence on both sides of a Baso before committing a prisoner for trial. While working in the harvest field on Saturday :a horse belonging to a farmer near Mooresville was overcome by the beat and died. .By thekind permission of Mr,E.Chriatie, the ladies of Cavan Charoh, held a lawn social on his lawn last evening. The attendaucewas quite large and the bill of fare good. There is an old saying that it is good to males "Lay Vale sheauu shines. But in Britain. in New Brunswick and in some parts of Canada, they are unable to make hay because the sun has been shining too much. The :Dietriet Deputy installed the officers elect of Exeter Encampment No. 33 ; Pat, S. A. Popplestone C. P. ; Pat. ,T.Atkinson S.W.; Pat.H. Buckingham J. W. ; Pat. A. E. Fake Scribe ; Pat. 1P, Trott H. P. ; Pat. E. J. Spackman Treas. This week will be interesting for those wishing a grenadine dress—only two lines left, regular prioe 18e. and 12ae,will sell for cash at l0c and So per yd. eacb. Also Add lengths of dress goods ae such prices that wflLhelp yon to enjoy the bargain,. don't forget them. The goods are in every wayperfeot Iam determined to get rid of them. 3, P. CLARICE.' The many -friends of Mrs. John South cott will regret' to learn of her death which occurred on Monday morning last, at the age of 60 years. Deceased had been ill tor some time, the reanit of a severe attack of Ia grippe, but the direct mum of her death was Dancer of the stomach, .Until a few yearn ago, Mr. and Mrs. Southoott were esteemed residents of Exeter. They bought a farm in the 10th con. of Stephen and have since laved upon a nd worked ' the same. The bereaved hueband and family have the sympathy of the community. A very ead and lamentable occurrence was the accidental amothering of the three months old child of Mrs, E. S. Hogarth, of Hamilton. Mr. Hogarth' is principal of the Collegiate Institute 'of that city and with Mrs.Hogarthand only child is visiting friends in this district. Last weekthey visited Mrs. Hogarth's friends near Sea- forth,and on Monday morning while drive ing to Mr, Hogarth's parents in Stephens: the horse became fractious, and the " lady, being too careful of the child, no doubt, praised it too Closely to her breast ; and,. when within a few miles of Exeter, upon looking a2 the baby,found it cold in death. Medical aid was at once secured, but tea late. Much sympathy is expressed for the preterite, especially Mia. Hogarth. Minard's Liniment is the tied Ierevettea- August 8th will be proclaimed as Exe• 'ter's eivio holiday. Farmers are building big hopes ou the L ritish hay market. Considerable took has .beau shipped from this station this week, For Fruit Jars. and Sugar come • a,nd price thosesh,we at 3, P,Clarke's, Men's Straw Batssuitable for better wear et half price to clear at J.P. Clarke's, Rena 4arlin Bion' cheese of dyer- tisement. They are offering something special. The Royal Templars of Temperaece pLotiiQed. at Grand Bend on:Tliureday last and report spending a pleasant day. The Sous of England Society are arrang. ing for a pionfo at Grand Bend on Monde) Everybody be on hand at 6.30 a. m, On Saturday, while swinging lu a awing a child of air, Thou Hankin of Far- quhar fell and fractured its shoulder blade. Just a few Men's tweed Coats left,prices from $6.50 to 810.50 each. Will be sold for half price, the goods aro perfect at J. P. Clarke's. A• seren.yeer-uldilauph ser of Mr. Thos. Miners of Elitnville, whi'e climbing cherry tree the other day,; fell and fr tired its elbow joint. Harvest has come, to use slang, all in heap, and farmers bave their hands fit beteg unable to get help in the ahape farm bands. This problem has assumed serious form hereabout, The death of arra. R� m 'Hoskin of Txe• ter Math is announced. 1leceaeed had been ill for menthe end bet death was not unexpeotad, The fuasral will take place on Friday at 2 0 r y 3 P. m. The wheat harvest has come on quite suddenly this year, and many farmers had to leave the hay to save the wheat. The yield is turning out splendidly and pros- pects for a brisk fall are good, While digging a well on the farm of Mr. Joshua Heywood, ljeborne, ou Tuesday, and when 2.1 feat, a spring waa struck which filled the well with 16 feet of water within half an ho rr, They have been unable to brick the well, the water rush- ing in so rapidly. Au adveitiser in one of the Ridgetown papers ofters a Jersey heifer calf for Gale,. and id willing to tr.l.c a arty acre farm in part payment. What a aplondid chance for investment. is here given. There are several/evils left under:Lake Huron which might he got as part payment. We bave pleasure in recording this week the marriage of two reapected young people of town. We refer to Miss Mary Cave, daughter of lir. Wm Cave of Biddulph, and Mr. Richard Snell of Exeter, whose anion in wedlock tools place lastevening .at Clinton, They will reside in town. Mr. John Heywood, who takes a live interest in matters pertainiug to the egiri- culturfat, and who has apunt the past few weeks in Usborne, reports the crops as sp'indid. The wheat yield good, barley excellent while oats and peas are an extra, ordinary crop. Ou the `whole, the grain will give a big yield this year, and of good sample. An observant drummer says he cap readily loll who is the boss on the farms he passes, the farmer or his wife. If a farm has a la*ge barn and a small house, the matt in hoes; but when there is a fine house and a dilapidated tbarn, you may know that the woman has her own way. Where there is a. new house and a good bath, it may be taken for granted 'the man and woman are about equal in authority, The Excursion of the season will be that of the' Union Sunday Sehool to Goderich on Tuesday next. The excursion will start from Hyde Park and include all the stations along the line es far as Clinton, A. good time is promised, and it will be just the .time to give the young folks an "outing. Tare from Exeter 60a; child. ren 80e. ; from Centralia 660 and 86 ; Hensall S5e and 80c. A subscriber asks what is least amount of farm land that can be owned in a town or village, to come under the statutory law governing farm lands in incorporated mnniuipalitiee. Rare is section "(1)Tn any town or incorporated village in`which theta are lands he'd and used as farm ]ands only, and in blocks of not less than live acres by any one person, such lands shall he assessed as farm lands." Wm. Lankin, who has lived wit h Mr. Thos, Case of the London Road north, for the past number of years, and who recently worked for Mr. Andrew'Deme- an of Hay, became insane, and on Sunday last, with open knife, chased Mr. Dougall's family around the premises, threatening .to kill. On. Monday he was arrested by Chief Gill and taken before Squire Snell who committed him to God- erich jail as an ineane person. He will be forwarded to an Asylum. For Bale. Corner ,lot and half on Main -et, south of Preebyteriau church, 76 feet froutage, 160 feet deep, feueod complete with gas pipe. Beautiful fruit and shade trees, for $135. Terms to atilt purchaser. Apply to T. 13. 0,tn e o, Beeler, or, 0. F. VERITY, Brent- ford. nes-sou:ow ' E J. Spackman is attendii,g the Assem lie blyof the Grand Lnoam meat in Toronto P this week —Mr and Mrs Neaves who have been visiting' friends in town during the paatfew weeks,left yesterdayfor their house in Ashford, Bngland.—Mr. Jos, David plaited the World's Fair, Chicago, :last week.—Mr. Reg, Elliot, wife and family of Toronto, are visiting relativtia in town, —Mr. Ewing with G. Cr. Johnston, has returned from his vacation, spent in Pal merston,—Mrs, Morrison (nee Miss Aggie Miller) of•Spokane Falls is the guest of her" father, itfr. DayidMiller, John St.— Mr. and Mrs. Dennis o'IJaileran ofjBrant- ford spent the forepart of the week the guests of Mr and Mrs. Lambrooke,-1Ur. Frank Tom of Brockville is visiting under a the parental roof.—J. J. White returned ao, , to Detroit on Saturday. --Miss Sterton of London who has been visiting friends in a town the past week, returned home on l' Smith a " Saturday.—Mr. 1'y l Sm i f S : in - 11p $ .1 of horst" Farm, who has been attending sebool of science iu Boston, is spending short vacation at home. Ile is aceompan fed by a kir; Gillespie of Hamilton,—T Union Springs (3','Y.) Advertiser. last week has the fallowing ;—The Miee Glanville, S. Elizabeth and Aline 0, wh a oenjoying 'i ra vacate r the $ vacation b of Hotel, are aughters of Richard Glenvil the proprietor of the famed 'Tait- View and "lllaple: Lodge" farms near Exete Ont.—M's Th^rue and Maw Carrie Dre left on Tuesday to viait friends in Florenc ;and other places. --Mr. Geo. Russell spending a few days in town,—The Misse Susie Tait and Maud Christie who hay been visiting friends in Sarnia raturne home on Tuesday.—Miss Esaery is spend ing a few weeks under the parental roo at Centralia•—Mr. Frank Oke of Torcnt is visiting friends in town,- -Air. Geo Dew of St. Thomas, accompanied by gentleman friend is spending yacatio here, -Mr. Geo Hoskins of St. Thema is visiting under the parental roof,—M Fired Brooks of Ridgetown is home fo vacation.—The Misses Rogers of Londe are the guests of Mrs E. H, Folliek; Mr. Andrews of Detroit is the guest n the Miaaes Gould.—Pr. Rollins was 1 Berlin this week in Connection with th town debentures recently sold,—Mr. Joh Crocker has returned home from Wing ham.—Mrs. B. J. Spackman and daughte bave returned from visiting friends` i Belleville and other places.—N. Dyer Hurdan ani family are spending vacatio with friends at Sarnia Mr. Brewer o Clinton isamanaging the bank in his abeam The Clinton New Era says ; M=s, T M. Carling who has been visiting a Exeter has retureed home.—The followin ie from an "exchange ;--"The ninny 61' friends of Mr. W. B, Verity, (formerly o Exeter) will regret exceedingly to lear that be lies very ill at hia residence in Brantford, with cancer of the atomact'. - -Mrs. Smith, and her dtughter, ads Julia, of Exeter, bave been visiting friend at Hills Green the past ,few days.—Mr L. Hardy is at present engaged building a bridge in McGillivray towpahip nen •Brinaley, and waa last week awarded the contract for the erection of two b idge for the township council of Buffett r Mr Hardy is one of the beat bridge builders in Ontario, and always gives satisfaction —The Soaforth Expositor a "We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Wm. Rawkshaw who was thought to be recoyering a short time ago, is again confined to her residence through illness."—W, 11, Browning on Thursday night rode on his wheel to Grand Bend, a distance of 16 miles in one hour and five minutes,—Mr. Ray Eeerett returned to his home in Sarnia yesterday on wheel —Miss M. Dempsey of Lucan is visiting her parents in town. ---J. R. Baird of Parkhill was in town en Tuesday. tar, Baird is the manufacturer of the Electric - gasoline motors, one of which is in use in this office,and on which he was pplacing an improved attachment —Mrs (raham, wife of Detective J A. Graham of Loudon, is the guest of -the Misses Down.—J. Spears of Cromarty and Misa Nellie Dayidion of Exeter, and Mr. Wm. Pincombe of Us- borne and Mess Ida Cooper, are visiting at Robt. Cooper's, Biddulph. Before leave ing, they were entertained in Exeter to -a feast of .dewberries by Mr. Thos. Shute..; the fruit was pronounced most luscious,— Miss G. Holland, milliner of Welland, is spending vacation under the parental roof. —Mrs. Geo. Anderson and family left yes- terday for a month's visit with friends in Tilsonburg and other places.—The Clinton News -Record speaksthnely of n brother of Mrs {Dr.) Amos :: "Mr. A. H. Manning had a worse turn last week, At time of writing, Tuesday evening, he is resting a little better, We would yet hope to see him around again."—Jebn Gregory, of. Aylmer, ,is home spending vacation. -- Miss Fannon has been engaged as :sales- lady by Mr. J. P. Clarke. Legal HOW!. Exeter baa no regularly organised base ball team, but fax a little diversion, Mr. T. W. Hawkahaw gathered together a number of young fellowe and drove to Lucan on Friday lastand played a game with the nine of that village. The score resulted in the defeat of Exeter by 6 to 8 in eight inniegs. This is good playing, and both teams deserve praise, The return match was played in Exeter on Tuesday, the score, standing 29-38, again in favor of Lucian. The utmost of good feeling pre- vailed at either match, but had Exeter' any practice,the Lucanitee would not have been in it, One Louis Wild was recently hired by Mr. C. Pfaff, of the township of Hay, to peel tan bark in the woods. The ocher day Mr. Pfaff had 'occasion to leave home, and instruotedWild to peel bark in his absence, Mrs. Pfaff agreeing to help. No sooner had Pfaff gone than Wild refused to work, and conducted himeelf shamefully toward, Mrs, Pfaff. The lad left the ;premises.` On Maffei return, he was told of Wild's' de- portment, which somewhat angered him. Last Sunday Wild visited Pfaff's house, and after a little discussion Wild was ad- ministered a healthy application of shoe leather. WIld's father not sanctioning 1?faff's treatment toward his son, laid in- formation against' him for assault. The trial was to have taken place yesterday but the case was settled out of Court, The other evening Mrs. T. Fair, of Clinton, fell headfirst into the open cellar door, alighting ori leer shoulder and face. She is a heavy person, and sustained a very severe sliook, but no bones were brok- en. James Cummings, the wild man from Wiarton, now awaiting trial in the county gaol, is a hard man to manage, His shout• fug can be heard night andday in the town. A thunderstorm mates him very commnni- cative. He has been in gaol before and also in the London Asylum. Dr. Burke, he describes ae a broad -headed, philosop- hic-minded man. He is ` the individual who startled a party of campers from Lon- don recently on the shore: of Lake •Huron The man is evidently a powerful and dangerous lunatio, and has a charge of. assault registered against him. Mr.Juetioe Robertson on Saturday heed- ed out judgement at Torontoin the action ,of Wilson ve. Samwell, tried before him at the last Goderich Chancery Sittings. The action as regarde the moneys claimed to havebeen received from Ed. Fish by. the defendant Barnwell is referred -td the - Master at Goderich to take the account, unless that the parties agree that the amount is $184 65. The defendants are to,pay interest at 6 per oent on the amount so found due, but are to be allowed reason. able compensation for acting as trustees; and their costs of the action in regard los the said money, up to and inclusive of the taking of suehacoount,as between solicitor' and client. Further directions reserved. The claim of the plaintiffs to have the defendants charged with wilful neglect and default, concerning the alleged trusts, is dismtaaed with costs to be paid by the plaintiff to the defendants, .unless after taking the said accounts there remains :a sum sufficient to pay such costs after providing for the costs of the other branch of the ciee, and in case there is only. ?a balance unpaid that balance is to be paid by the plaintiffs. Mrs. Joseph Archer, Logan, was before- Afagiatrite Flagg of Mitchell, on Friday on a charge laid by T. 8. Ford with passing bad money. The evidence showed that at Mr. Murphy's stare the prisoner present- ed a t►I0 bill in payment for Nome goods which she had purchased. The money was refused, and the woman told .that it was worthless;. After this she went to Mr. Fount and exoh&nged 1t for two five. with the cashier. The court war ysry lenient with her, on account no doubt of bee, ore cumstanees, and being her first ' offence,:;: 'She had to make good Mr. Ford's Iola,'pep; frosts of court, ind then was let off en 1,1111*.• pendia sentence. relies, le ' Master Bert Restle while unloading hay ou Thursday last on his -father's farm, Sharon, got his foot` tangled in the lacy fork raid had hie leg broken. He re re. covering nicely,.. , The streets became eo dusty nu Tuesday that the old discarded watering :cart had to some to the aid ofthenew one, in krep ing down the dust • and the old, never failing riversupplied the water. Albert E. Wilson,: who murdered Mary J. Marshall,o f Werwick, fouryears ago and who was captured. in Saginaw on July 12th of this year has made a conks- sion. When asked what impelled him to commit the deed, he replied thatsome- thing mane over,bim and becould not re. gist the temptation. There are now bright prospecteot'an abundant supply of ivater for the Cream- ery, A well has been sunk on the hill side, near the Agl. grounds, which fills very rapidly and has a honeycomb bot• tont through which the water comes at the rate of several bookete a minute. Mr. Bobier made the test. The foundry has now well commenced and a good business in repairing is being done. There are several hands at work and if business increases proportionately more wellb added the staff, to d e n dst, Messrs Murray & Tait are .energetic men, and having splendid labor -saying msohiner; will command a large patronage, Itirs' David Bussell of Exeter north was gored by a cow on Saturday, The auimnl was tied in the stable and getting tangled in: the tie chain,. Mrs, Russell sought to relieve it, when the animal rising cud. denly tore her breast.with its horns.. .r Shef' i i several t tie brit s cl � nt �l 0 1, I a, b you a shook to the norves etre is slightly fit S jured, 00 r1101' I (41oTavishy s Old8taii) Groceries 4 far 25c. Tins of Apples. Tins of Pumpkins. 75c per dozen, Salmon Flat tins, 2 for 25c. - Raisin's, Good, $1.,25 per box, lbs: for 25c, ummer Dry Goods To elem. less than cost. Carpets And Rea�dp-macle Clothing 10 per cent,]ess than close, � Booth & Shoes Although up to this time nearly (3,0U%- 000 persons bayo paid to see ,tiro World's Fair, .and have mime from all parts of the United States, the officials are disappoint. ed in the attendance. At the present rate the record for the first half of the six ronthe of the fair will reach 6,760,000, The most sanguine experts on ;expositions say that under the most favorable condit- ions the total attendance will not reach 20,000,000, Before the exposition opened World's Fair officials deolared that tile attendance would reach a total of 30,000- 000. Seaforth and Cliatnu ere at present somewhat agitated over a proper systctu: for heating the public eehool apartments In both schools stoves are useds Seaford' carte to Exeter to get a design for a town hall, and in the present , case it ,vould profit by taking pattern from the heating ventilating system in our public schools, Thereere seven rooms in the school build- ing here and they are comfortably heated from two furnaces and thoroughly ventil- ated ensuring comfort and health to the scholars. Tae trustees spent a goad deal of time in working out a scheme for proper heating, ventilation and sanitation,' which no doubt they would willingly give the trustees of both Clinton and Seaforth auhoola. • HAVE You EiADdoun f Headache, which is usually a ,tyteptom of stemaah trouble, constipation or liver oompiamt•eah bo entirely oared by B. B. B. (Burdock Blood Bitters) beoause this niedi- eine ants upon and regulates:the °tamaob, liver, bowels and blood, Tito'$on, J. C. Patterson, Minister of Militia, and family arrived at the Point Farm, Goderich, on Saturday. M. S. C. Falconer, late Principal of the High Err},nal in An,ni; Ct i'19 ie, hews ours pd `a similar position at I,ucknow, Ont. Chtistopber Dale, sen,, of the Huron road, an aged and respected resident, was hold up the othernight by nassilauta with goes. They demanded big money, and upon his refusal one of them End powder in his neck. They stormed his honsawitb stones afterwards. 11.1111itlill . We are clearing a summer ung. mer` Dr Goods. y Dress Goods. At 5c., 3c., ; all wool, 25o. goods for 124-c, in fact we. are clearing all kinds of Dress Goods at amazingly low figures. g y Prints; n is 12�; c• prints for 90. ; 10e. prints for 7c. a good fast >, t colored print for 50. We in- tend, clearing n-tend,clearing every yard of Print in the'store. Boots h S o es We have them at 20 C. a pair, 25c. a pair,:30c: a pair h r cYLC,,:;&3,, i upwards. Now is p the ° time to secure bargains in Boots & Shoes.' ., Fruit t Jar s. Pints, Quarts, and Half Gallon, best . make, They are ''going' fast. ' Buy your Jars from uS. Pr k c and � Son • s .a, Direct tm5ortere. •ampbellvllh, Ont, Likewise. O. G. JOHNSTON. r Opposite Eawkshaw's gated. On Tuesday the fifteen -year old daughter of Gordon Wen. larittcn,; of Listowele was brutally assaulted while out berry picking with some oomrades, from whom, however abebeoarue septztfeted . From the state- ment made by the girl Constable James Oaburue arrested A,lexender Watson, aged 28, on the charge of having committed the offence. Watson was taken to the lock-up, u P• tonight allowedromain over n g1 iE at the hotel, under Oaborue'e Dare. Osborne fell asleep arid was awakened by the break- feet bell in the morning. Watson was gone, and has not since been heard of. Bath the method yind results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts r gently yet promptly on tb.E Kidnt3yR; ?Aver and Bowels, Cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and 'fevers and cures habitual constipation, S rola of figs is the itskind ever ro. only rowed o� d diced, leasing to the taste and ac. ceptableto thestollmach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most ,he.. tby and agreeable substances, its, tanve'all anreille tqua.litiescoiru endit to d,1X0 OIfIde it the host popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for siuos 1. 3�s bottles by all leading druggists, ,Any reliable druggist who may Oat 11,3. it on hand will procure it promptly for any one N-vbo wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIAFIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAN0I$O0, oath kotTTSVILTLE, ', r YO i, N.'S leor Sale at 0, Lutz's Drug Store You Can Go rarthest !. DollarsGoa he�s � t ws. In Carling Bros,' Shoes thilra ny other. They are easy on the feet.' They are easy on the purse. They wear well. The look welt. The uniform excell- ence of qualityand the low' prises charged for these Shoes make them, winners. TEAS* 'TEAS, 'T'.EA We Take the Lead: Just to hand TEL CHESTS of that Celebrated 25e. Tea. Haire you tried it ? Fruit Jars, "Croon," pts. $1;20; qts., $1.25 ]" gal., �i $1.50. Sugar ; Brown, 20 lbs. $1 ; Coffee, 18 lbs.,'. $1; titan llttbt*U, 17 lbs.,. t: Produce taken in exchange, Eggs, 11c.; Butter 16c. MARRIED SNELL—CAVE—At Clinton, on the 26th het.. Mr, Richard Snell of Exeter. teMiss MarY Cave, daughter of Mr. Wm. Cave, of the 2nd con., Blddulph.g --D+-- BOGA ET H. In Bxeteron the 25th fret., the infant child of E. 8. Hogarth,Bemilton. pOVTH00TT—InStephen ,on the 24th 'inst., Mare beloved wife of r. John Bouthaott. aged 60 years. HOSHIN.—In AlxeterNortb on the 26th. inst., Elizabeth, (beloved wife of Wm. Hoskins,) aged C2 years, 6 months. The funeral will take place on Friday at 2; 30 p. m. On Thursday a woman by the name of Elisabeth Whitnster attempted to jump off the Chicago flyer between Georgetown and Acton, the train going at the .; rate of 40 miles an hour. Her action was observed by. Mr. Robert Brydon, of London, and' one of the train handl!, who prevented her. She is supposed to he insane, and was given into custody'at Guelph, Constable:, Elliott has had'oharge of heiever since. Her .: father lived in St Marys and her brother is a etorekeeperin Aurora._. The congregation of Bt. Patri,k'e Church lliddulph, met last week and voted arrears due to their incumbent, Bev, Mr, Steel, besides increasing the enbooription list. peoThiples speaks well for the pastor and the A CHILD SAVED. My little boy was taken -very bad with dianc�ee, he was very deiieate and got `so sow we had no hope of ;his life, bite a -lady; friend. reeommendedDr. Fowler's Eetraot of Wild Strawberry, and althnngh he could only bear a few drops ata time begot well. It saved my child. Mas. WY:; STEwA$T, lixoter 13 .uly 1803, Fall wheat Der bash. a 5 Saa Spiting wheat par bush 50 59 Barley per bush. 36 3S Oats per bush • 32 _ 33'" Pear per bush 55 r66_ Blourper bbl. 400 ' 4 20 Apples per bag,,, . . 76 85 Potatoes per bas t o0 1 00 Hai per ton 600 700 Wood per cord bard 3 00 3 50 woad pee cord soft 2 00 9 25 Batter per lb... .... ,-,,14 15 Bglea per do■en...,., 11 32 Parker p hundred.. ..... 8 00 10 00 FOE OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN Ono AND WELL -TRIED Mammy.— 11Ixe. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething,with perfect success. Itseethesthe child, softens the gumstkallays the' pain. cures the eolio,and Diarrhoea is' the best remedy, fb . is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world..e g25 cents a bettlo. Its value is incalculable, ' Be ., sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's- Soothing Syrup and, take no other kind. WANTED'. al S semen, to sell our olioioe and liardy'nur- sery /dock,. Many Special varieties to offer both in fruits and ornamentals, and controlled only by tie. We�pay' eolnihi4eio oon or salsahsary, give exoluoit'e territory and pay weekly. write us at once and Stour) choice of territ- •ory.' M AY BROTHER1,Nuraerynaon, Roches tor, 1'i Y. AGNEW L. D. S,DENTIST .` CLTNTON. Will be et Grab's hotel Zurich on the scoond Thursday of, each month and at Hod ru s hotel Hensel' every Monday.