The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-12-13, Page 2ffWTw The Mlnaham Advance-Tun^, Dec. IS, 1981 WHILE THE If ihe m wiimkm which has been rekxi<td to the press is correct, as we believe h isa h should by this rime he evident that we. in this urea, are faced with the necessity fur two ia<t decision*. Ftrst un the list i* the implimen Kition of phns fur a proper system of <ewage disposal in the town ut \\ in^ham \\ e must face the facts: this i< a eusth program. However, we ahu admit our good fur rune hi du* regard, fur the residents tn ihi* comnmniu were so farsight ed that the\ started to pm in the fiiM <ewer hues many years ago, As a resuh of their twe*hemght we now need ouh r\x<<» or three inuth sewers and the actual disposal plant. This mav *eetn a ro*iH bite to you, the mxpaver, but n it is really bothering rom perhaps yon should talk to some co the home owners in Listowel- ■ those people who are paying for a disposal plum and the complete hr <udhrion of the sewer lines as well. The second huger tarn item on our program for the coming year is a decision in regard to the proposal for an addition to the High School in which technical training of a prac­ tical nature could be administered. At the present time there seems to be a strong indication that the lo -cal hoard members would go for the pi:m. The agreement of the other hoards concerned is not yet assured. In hath these instances we must acknowledge the unqualified right of she minority to -oppose the plans. IRON IS HOT But whether we like it or not, a very stringent time Ihnit has been im posed as far as both sewage and school are concerned. In the ease of the sewage print, the town can benefit from a very sizeable saving if action is taken at -once. Similarly with the composite school. There may be a certain amount of reluctance on rhe pan of neighboring towns to contribute to the maintenance of another mstim tion located in Wbighara-- but if they delay too long they will find tas will Whigham > ilvn the oppor­ tunity has evaporated. There is a strict time limit on the erection of composite school.* if they are to come within the Ifx) per cent gram struc- rare nf the Ontario and federal gov­ ernments. Ven frankly, we are not too fa­ vorably inclined to- these govern­ ment proposals which require over hasty decisions. It does take con sideralde time to reach proper con- elusions where entire municipalities are concerned, and -even longer where a group of municipalities must be heard from. There is a certain note of political expediency about these rush decisions which we cannot ac­ cept readily. However, there are the terms as they exist today, and it seems evident that we have very little choice. Sc 3< St I If ? I you making preparations for them? I of preparation. bast day or the last few hours? j has told us of the coming of Christ. h’=S5y privilege of graving the Son " come in Anrifind yea cosupk-tely Umoeksug at the door of our lives, our ease? What will the sentence Great Judge, may we on this our trial day, imnmwww«n ONE MOMENT, PLEASE! | Are you expecting company? Arep'ery well the reason for your lack ■ Second Coming of Christ in judge-1 ______— ra*'* ■ meat? As we stand before the’ Ara you going to leave it to the’ fop centuries the Word of Gui Judgment seat stall we have the I last day or the last few hours? | has told us of the coming of Christ. h’=8h privilege of having the Son } Are you going to kt your company J First of all He comes every day. of Got as our Advocate, pleading j unprepared? Then th-e excuses 'ashing for admittance. He wishes bo? flow. ’ Despite the fact that you 1 to occupy the rooms of the House ’ -' •iknew so far ahead you think that’of cur life, the room of mind,.of lj the excuses will sowi acceptable J Lusiness, the home, learning, of With faithful hr-aras, Thy word 4 The company probably knows you *l emotion, imagination, pleasures,J obey, i well enough that wry understand * the soul. Ara you prepared for the And thus prepare to meet Theo. !i ............... d t Wednesday of last week, Ls pro ■. grassing satisfactorily. Hh-e is eon i; lined to -bed. at thf n<4fle of her ' sou, Mr Robert Shiell 0 u -'u - u | .fifteen YEARS AGO •i The bridge south, of town on j Highway No. 4, which collapsed a j couple of month’s ago, has been re- | paired and was opened for traffic ;?} on Friday afternoon. ' Miss "Donna Buchanan was the recipient of runny beautiful gifts when a miscellaneous shower was _ held in her honor at the home of -i Miss Peg Clark, Detroit. Wlifix there! Siow Sown. Max. \V« havo carols oombis out of our ^’’^(."ro'aaaek'on bm w,. ” . T~ \ years as Whitechurch, Cai- • - for. It's • the day before Christmas, mefodmg < v-“ an<j Umgside Presbyterian . .’ f a midnight; a service- Christmas ’ v5-1-5r4,-J.c.s -It's a trying ■; morning; then jump in the ear and j j Chlrk wn3p^ted another By Bill Smiley j Get that frown off your face. Don’t ears. i look so strained. It’s not a funeral, F ‘ ‘ - - - I or a wedding, or even a Umshing . Here’s the program: Tree services I you're getting ready -I Christmas. Remember? ,j I know, I know. « «j-«45! —— —*•—----- j w. 4. oapj cwnpieteu awwrr ‘ time for all of us’ And ’’Chrisimas tgo haring off a hundred, males f r£.^ estate deal in Blyth last week ‘ is gritting too eommereiahsed” and <] cross country to Granny’s, for | when plirehase4 the Mason ro- not what it used to be” xwh a Se.« U^k SutSon Street, cantaimpg I a"-™ ’-‘1 ’b-"^ ! Uke that to get frantic about, she'I apartmerstSw • and ’•Christmas is just a big pain hasn’t time to drive us aU eragy <f government has decided that ■i, .. , ._■? y-grttissg ready for Christmas’*. -.............. .... 0 -F’hrss-’rdmc <*■»«, mnw. Pm stmnlv'! - j Reminiscing I $ I!I jt GIFTS SPECIALS I OUTFIT ....$9.99 ?, r* at your PHOTOGRAPHY List Pric*-—?13J» BROWNIE STARFLASH f/i}.7 Fns-^IJst Price £HM>5 BROWNIE 8 MOVIE CAMERA ...........$21.95 ARGUS PREVIEWERS, Table model ..$6.95 With batteries and bulbs—-For SSnini, 8‘18 and 1!17 slides Hand model ......... ..$3,95 r Ifogular >9(5 I BROWNIE 300-watt PROJECTOR ....$44.87 ' Regular $29.95 I ARGUS 150-watt; PROJECTOR . $23,88 j LADY SCHICK “Patrician” SHAVER i Rafe and smooth shaving for both underarm and legs Luxury styling; small feminine size. White only $7.95 or , , « choose from ona of these famous name brand shavers —-Ijidy Ronson Superb*, Phillshave Coquette, l4idy Remington, Ijidy .Sunbeam. M IS HOCKEY SEASON OPENS Once again the hockey enthusi asts have completed their plans for the coming winter. We du admire thesv lovers of Canada’s native spun, for the response from the gen­ eral public has n<u been too encour­ aging during the past tew years. A cumimarion of other awracrions has trimmed attendance at most games to the hone-~”a situation which is dis- heanening. not only from the finan­ cial staudycdm. bmt for the morale of the players as well. They cer­ tainly fiml it hard ro your their ut­ most into the game when there as only a coryorafs guard in the bleach­ ers to cheer theth on. This lack of' following does nor primarily from disloyalty on rr.e ran of the hockey fans . . . bur rather from the development of oth­ er forms of amusement, for winter emmmg>. Back in the hevdav of le- TO*- ■ * cal Btockey then1 was no television here; neither- was there a howling alley,. Add to these the unending spate of lodge, board, council and club meetings and you will find that the total nude ycymlarion and most of rite female side are dated up ahead kr aWmt four nights a week long before the hockey season starts. Nevertheless, we do suggest that rou cliy mt the complete hockey sch-edme when n appears i« these cohmrns and whenever you ^assihly <.m you get out to the games. The local teams have served up a very rmerosriug game for several seasons ya st --“-and u tsa few of sport winch almost all of its dearly love we pet mto the spirit of the battle ITrhars one of the greatest in­ ducements toward better attendance would W concrete acrion on a new front fro the arena— the sorg.eri place which would provide some ac- commedath'.m for rhe spectators, rack as a spat 5ti which ro vuawn up between periods in decent surround- mg* The sad eld situ crura which «r p.e^ut *me* ymMc and players dm ceTtmrjv c moved its usefulness. THREE IN 100 BORN RETARDED Numerically, mental retardation is the greatest single chronic atflic- uan of our 'children today. The Canadian Association for Re­ tarded Children states that within the next 25 minutes a retarded child will be bora somewhere- in this coun­ try. Of every UO) children born, dri will he retarded to some degree. Comparatively', six children are at~ fuci-ed with rheumatic heart disease, .15 by cerebral palsy, three by cripp­ ling polio at its peak, and two by blindness. There are .M'WOA mental retard­ ates in Canada. Of these 160,sWI are children. When the families of retardates are considered as well, snore than 1.5-Y^Wi people are dir­ ectly affected by this problem. The plight of the retarded child and his family—constitutes one of the nation's mapvr socio-economic problems. The Canadian Association for Retarded Children—a federation of serac JO's §ocal associations from roast to coast—hopes to bring the problem ro the attention of the Canadian people. It urges you to contact your local retarded child­ ren's association and Bearn how this terrible affliction may be fought. It also urges you to support re- ratried children's work through your personal interest and with financial assistance. •s; *: T ic-’ - -^1 V "—. T — ■ « . T -.----- r ; • . ..• ■ !( ' “it’s not what st used to be” and ;l Christmas dinner. With a session -i -g^j. s^tjGn street, containing “we can’t afford all those prasentto ' like that to get frantic about, she'I apartmentSw jin the seclC and “I don’t "enjoy y “getting ready for Christmas”. a Christmas any more. I’m simply ! _ “• worn, out?’ I’ve heard them all. j‘ | Poppycock! Piffle! It’s nos J | ■j Christmas that’s the big pain in the 3 I neck. It’s some of the SB-called s| | Christians who celebrate it war j' | tying, eurnplammg, grabbing, push. ITFTY YEARS AGO 3 . ing, sweating, whining- in a per i Tht? saJe stocJt cf the late i of Wingham was appointed to rep- j feet, fremzy as rhe glorious day ap j Robert Rowland on Saturday went -j rasent that body on the high school gprosehes. Ldf well, but the farm was not said, j board. 1 ■ U - Q - ® ] The Boy Scouts are getting .! Mrs. J. W. Smith left - ew Yor ! 3Wrou«rtPT9in C-e Mev < aboard the Queen Elimheih forFur mysrif, I find Christmas and -I ? M , Englard, .wkere site intends w re­ Hon. Adam Beck writes that he ; j expects to have a report on the < J Huron power questioh ready for ,j ] presentation at the December ses : i s..u: of the county council. ’ j Ss v-1 -. too 1 h-»>.t-ph Gibson has sold his farm “ "* ; in Turnbersy to C. J. Rantoul of j To the Editor, ih^i each v. ir ! Glenfarrow. John W. Galbraith, of .' Wingham Advance-Times, other .people ara i also announces his farm '' Dear sir; and addressing | ®r sale, as does Mr. Herbert Hen- j wmfid like to take this oppor- - : iunity to reply to an article .in the The medical profession of Wing- , issue of the Wingha-m Advance-; < ham has received an addition in ] Times last week which referred to ; the person of Dr. H. X Adams of hn alleged verbal agreement be. Etobra, who has entered info pan- ! iweeu myself and toe Town of nerahip with Dr, Agnew. ! ^'iFritog Summit Drive. Mre. Of W H ... ...to.h I setter was mailed t© toe Council of I j th<? preseat huSividuai butter ration Ccf approximate^’ six ounces per ! person weekly, ^an be maintained ti unrii the end of the year. It is pos. I sable that the ration may be ent '= after the New Year. 5 At the recent meeting of the 'i County Council A, D. MacWilliam rhe weeks approaching it, a de-’j *5 mandiug hut exhiiaratiug experi-1 ----- - ~~ encft. Bach Christmas seasom ‘ around oar house, presents a chai I lepge that brings our the best in I! rae. And don’t, anybody, please, re mark 3.good. I The | about | urapping gifts | Christmas cards, We are up to our ' I ears in a. Domestic1 Project. .Fur ' j -snerne reason we become involved ■ annually, ist the most -slupendoitts ‘ I household upheaval, just before the festive season. It’s not my doing.' Hyety year, about the first of De t . ... , anumra. sjfi>r«vjs*.i.«sit Mrswa- uair'Uimember, the CWf Engineer gets.s ^a^3aK s^tor, Mrs. John Mac- j 2j.d May, 3959, which' hahurinarions of grandeur, xiad < setter was mailed t© the Council of | we’re for -it I Mr&* <^arjiv3r was » Walk-1 »he Tcat of Wngham, to satisfy 1 O» J«« m a::™- sin’s Ja tt» > «V®» iast «*? «?« »° *» *«•■ * vp—rar.es.s of her easier. Iotoerwuw. ^:f the town of Aug 1 I -~1 J- A- V&nCamp reiuraed esnneetaon with the gra-i I wound up wj.. j a v..ur..r.e an-*. wrore he ^as ’been as- d vellirg of raads ung installation ©f| j fcathroem which took me abiau r>e 4 * * ." “ - - 1 surfaces of raads in a pronosed jLvears lousy for. Aether year sbe Maxwell, formerly u thought wed sand all the flor.rs ]ct *' 3S!gimm. ckmoessian of the Township 1 I The result looked like Lake Sa-1 d - « - 0 «Turnberry, wbit-h Sand is now | pericr on a chcppy day <n.c. I FORTT YEARS AGO I k"‘ri5 ^T35*" riTYri T<r'vn | ,,v. | at Wmgham and which toriludeslri? 5-ri 5P -ri'ri I Mr- 523 Hswkias left this we¥k|&e stoeet tecso as Summit Drive | d wutM-e^er are K*"F a‘13®01’ Carietea Place, where he has This agreement was required by I saesttaste, ;t re^n»u.e<a a »-at- j secured a good pashfEn. I tfe? Ontario Department of Plan. 1 gathering of toe Six Nattous. a Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Tindall have.rilhg 3"^ Development between I Q * d - d j} returned Btaase filter spending the I myself and the ‘Town of Wanghaiu j S before the Department would &p- j On sikl aatotoer orrastoa we had i As swaitrros un prOTje for ^srratxn and | to build a chimney a eouple roj _ J I wrote to the Town of Waaghaml weeks before C&risimas. <1X0. V;r- ‘I ^®!r* Stewart aeiurns t-us^ to the terms as above not- y gMa. dt wass’i fcr Santa €Saus to I to Sus heme in teheffivld, Ehg-1 e± - j eome down. Si was for toe snii.se' *a25'd‘ utoer voting- with- XSoamiMr a <>Kgw} toe spring of 39B9, having I to ga up. fcy a .■•barge, instead af 1 3fel Fe3^» St. Sermpletea the surfacing and gra-1 just harronw there > Anywai. tri ~^r- -!k,s'3^' 7A' ©asemfire| wiling cf Sumsait Drive, I asked I rise. ZsldTri i5yri< wrie *ri>' u5‘ Regina, are visiting in tews this| the Counril cf the Town of Wing-1 SSfStw toTOJhftotosHMh. feTautowA-num* * X 4 Tt rir^CaseraM? who as all an toe toe rursei whito wohdd state that | ab&A syMj fcrtoks t-ivd up. to dr.i7( -«*• j^e surfsring and gravelling of! to toe feitotom Summit Drive was tiaxe to the sat-1During these -ordeals, toe ■oJdlj ^hHamy T*-m.an on Finely j ^fas.^ca Omnril. About! ji TreabSe to Strife ss abcui as easy £ “7ir-TXtoS toarma^ w^ere he —as < vietos after my request, in 1 11 w get afeng xrito ss a cobra vvlthi ’] Stored a pnriiton with toe Doherty | which lime toe Council had time to: _ ----------" . , , « ._;|S^w Fmmdiy Co. We also hear | •satisfy themselves .as to the vm- toe amui as a ehnDenge. j£r- ™ <*■ *a*»C ~ ‘ , • ' ' ' . » *■ «> •* »««* • ■<*! to.,ro j5sl ro ■ Ss? ■ BOX 390 that The reastva is the time i a iaatgowr. Wai’s -wfcv I JtooSt ®nW. we suss raaq-sMMy tthemselws .as to the een- P^3 « i Mr- - M~ O. H. a I I PHILISHAVE ELECTRIC SHAVERS I SPEEDSHAVER, only . ............................$19.95 a Self-sharpening, dnuhle rotary action | SPEED-FLEX, only ..................... .. | SCHICK “Compact” SHAVER, only ,Sta &% it I 8 li . .$27.95 ■ ..$12.95 J “Easy Breeze” HAIR DRYER | Portable electric dryer with large detachable hood and flexible $ hose. Hot and cold switch $14.95 I * STORE HOURS: Open All Day Wednesday during. December Thursday-Friday-Saturday nights, Dec. 21-22-23 before Christmas i fS PRCSCRIPTION DRUGGiST DUBARPY BUDrYUT TABU- REVLON (2a^a£ctc VErERfAfARY^UPPUEST 1 Elliott’s Beauty Lounge I I NOW swing of Christmas preparations and j perhaps feel frazzled. Why not make an appointment for a tint and a set to give you a lift? A change of hair style will also do the trick. YOU ARE RIGHT INTO the full PHONE 1098 FOR APPOINTMENT^ .Js Victoria and Grey Trust Company Guaranteed Investment Certificates The Wingham Advance-Times Fctu*4wa tit Crg!hsatt, Ofctstfto WiRgefT 35ms; iUMTtwa. W WKttry, JF-tert Kfi?fr. S?c»t&-ry-Tr.meT£T Ms-r <»O Btoraa ttf CfWJMkto it® ©ef m Skw»3 M.J S±a 5to jsswa at fsSW to «aa0a iW T«‘* , Sts M:rfU $bJSS, to © .sji it ® s®®. stw w yo* at .xg bmw ssb TALE OF RETIREMENT You're sure of three meals a day and a nurse rif needed! for the rest of your life if you move into a new British C-rounya apartment corn- tnunny for retired people. Thera will he single and doufce rooms, with hath, for 5 A -i in the S& nriOion apart- mem pniyen to he bulk in Victoria next year by Westward ffe Oevd- ©ynrant Lumted. You wall pay SstAAl* for single units and S1J5 a month fer meals, laundry and maid sendee. For your fiueney yon wffl get: A -raff of Wj fcriudmg a nurse and fcrapsra walk a doctor ©n ©all A J3W1 irot hearin Victoria's excel­ lent rimrate. And the biggest draw­ ing card, nr the company's an nramlarre of Erighters. A re- tDrsmom apmmem house an Oragcn, vriA tie same rant has a waiting Ns* good to keep at fall far seven years. S;gr£-O nharaas H.. Mccrteisfia jtoketo wmsto a* toeililmois Community -4 u-etk-.t r,5. Mr. MfirTatoto ds ®t * , tSower Wtogbte toy. He and tos‘Revived. TradltlOR I wife have sprto to ye-Ers to toe; j; missito field * tn &SS7 a. Waukegan, Ilk, mimsier j, At toe arnaal meettogEf toe rn-3:Et'a te^-iSen‘ts Ci;f bterk f tod Farm. W^y-to ef CttoarinJ <Ss£3Sea to <Sa sametotog absst tito t fetid to Ttraxto fost wttik, Mrs.-tfisp&sfil cf tto teaCy i'Christma.- yto <G AsSfcrtran tf Enst Wewsatosh. was ratoetoed ri2e.f.rati£eto.V. H . ■ . jj'tosa. •s-ai w -.v-v't-tau «s SSbSltJtg' & JESES® CSsllSSS 'to'3iii S t -7T’ — mt-- ——-™——-■ a-- . ■ Mra. fctorrt Stoell, Yttoton St., fl ttosratoad Christmas lbw; toey’hr I tribe tody .is •rtdra.ned tow fram«!ws!S bst> KtoSSedeto U» Cast Mctu totoped to &*3 ea ysitstot tot^tog •t® -to? toe wtoipsper -ctottoy tttototog a ga£t cf teto' 2tostBrjdtoey<totoiixdea£se hs&. Iiitotototog toto a Lito>tto>toyto$*tog «ESt s2to eahty^ co fce®& ffseafhes and m tea?, ‘wrgy Ato to? 4-£n aato-ry?- J rog. *: Mffi. 1.. Swaria <2? Ifcfcxto, andlmim tLrttorfi. toW- rocstotojy Wtoghsm, htoj. Sa, Wstoefian held its first fih- Bat I Shave wamtiea. Ito.;! tishto thugbt to toe tcrtoge.y eff a'' seal ftwetoto Eight *Hf to errato Atomm txatrhskmlljwtototog m&totoe cto Fritoy *S3to; -enmtototog toe trees to a exa* awB« «9»m moS&w- e» token to toe where Itototoy btotoe wtod toe totous «r ■JhtWasfe, s%e tan ^jw« Eari-lser oSeMHi:* nectortdl il!3 ktittoes to edtoe tito ctatos. A Short Term Investment -^3 to 5 year terms —In amounts from $100 up —Authorized Investment for Trust Funds —Unconditionally guaranteed —Principal does not fluctuate Interest is payable halt yearly* by* cheque, or you may liave the interest deposited to your savings account, or you,may leave the interest tn accumulate until the principal is due. Victoria and Grey Trust Company OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO * s (ANGLICAN! Rev. C F. Johnson, l„Th. - Rector Mrs. Gordon Davidson * Organist Third Sunday in Advent—DECEMBER 17th R3i«tun.-4My Cmwrok< Tib etewrrih. As «$rg!srtfe.L sihes fhr., y •Ko^n'fl ', t® spread. Tc>5.ay 9»g Bno* Erst CterasSattjis, ’WiUlj aU tthe| We &hp to tpegcaft Slafl ea!nrp.'cn:Li« diri wtfra until «^e«bd wrtiws, ’lltaKs*''*'; Ws A2o iCatn^ptm, B who' -tiardM Cthisfinras *« ta -saw ift>, ®aatiie wamy. Kfest tea Sy a m ra tert dl •so* ajpt$3r2Ka .! ; Mw amv^Sumhv Morning ITueramvlOVi F.3d pmn—A.Y.FA rw. .S-lWr,! <r Pja1sh .... : ....^A,'