The Exeter Times, 1893-3-9, Page 8I?`IS)f1IZANGE Brevities Seaforth Dye works,}'
I ,,SrT+ r i Two boys wauted At once, apply at the All orders for the above works can to .. - � QA large shipment of Dress
' L,LE-RN SUR N D OOL1 l+at raR ll uaz.I,r ` left at L H Fish's barber el�tip. Satisfac N �O �����
Y7`TfE}Wk7BTPiiN:�SBIIRAh0E40117• tion guaranteed, _
nf-'1QranL�; also tor the Pflamxx A grant snap ; 3 pounds of best ginger _Gloves,
iwf if ST 11ANCE COA PNNY of London; --"' --- f
SOL fur 2i cents at the liig Bankrupt I'errtouais i �Y���S a�
iietesnd, dl.l ila. £i IN9IIItA� C1; COR-, RIII 1Ilia 4111Villa III fill all 1111A1L1®Ila1liRKill Ilia ti@l[lfilllllli�Hltlll9R!IKpIII ilia III 1RIIiRIIIER q r^ ��p
ANY of>�nslaud; Stole, Air. S. J. Lttin, Zurich, Clark of Hay � 1
two-storaq township, was in town ort Saturday,-Mr, � f
F RINSNIAN, L,D.,S, D.D.S house on Siineoe St. Cheap. .Apply to J. W. Harrison, teacher, of Varna, is in " ¢ } � �
iStirt,eona, and of'uf Royal College of Dental ~1'nr, (;RigG, Exeter, town on the sink list, and his school has � 1fl in ery direct from U.t t o
the • Dental Dopartrnent of g Briggs of Toronto,
Soatmtouniver,eity,(wtth honors.) Richard Pickard GC Son are showin the be ;n olosod,--Rev„ Dr. Bri !
b'peuiaiiet in bridge-work, and gold and Por- largest range of carpets, curtains and shades Book Steward of the Biethodist church, = � Country,
o u
YureiQltrousOxicleGas and local nnmatliet• in town. will preach in the Main-at.. church next { r 1 per
,, e.
waa for painlosaoxtragtions. Always at home. Cat pets, curtain«, blinds and Wall paper Sunday. Mr. Briggs is one of the fore. a,
Oface: Fanson`s Block. Exeter• at correctrices for the buyer at the Bi most preaaheia in the 1'lethodist church
n'p>wn-M- • p y g and there should be a large turnout to 'State of Neer Ca►sJc aj
Bankrupt Store, g -
-T o — Mr, %Vin. Ii(•rbert of Bidduiph has hear him.-Dr. Lutz is in Toronto this o r
purchased a fatni it little north of Exeter week on business. -George M. Stewart of e a S will
and intends removing thereon shortly. the Buller & Richards Type Fotinrlrv, litllllllil11111i1g1IIRRHII}ID1II41L'11H11lI11aIlI!IlCil!IIhIIRIII!!IIL 111111i1R11111I1111111, lA
'lerrrntQ was iu town on Monday mud sold
- - R ch rd Pickard Lt' Son have jut re, e- Tile Toms a large quantity ct now type.
zted a largo consigumenI of goods direct --Blr. Ed. Bissett 1 as secured a situation ��.�-speo U�,on on Saturday
from Britain by 88. State f Nebraska. with the Hobb's Hardware Co.,CLondon.- a
The Ametictui ;;olumbian Half dollar Mi. Wit). Gray of London is taking charge
—AND pieces have beeli Nsut cd and are worth $1 of Dr Lutz's Drug Store fors few days, n ext.
— — each, They are intended merely as Wo have received a letter ' from Rev, E.
so .yen°za. Grigg, a former ace, o son of Mr, wa ,
,Hiss Smith, milliner for E.J. Spackirau Grigg of this place, now of Saudaway,
3: Co , returned to Deer last attend
and , India, giving es account f his trip to the I C H A. PICKARD SON3
on BIonday left for Detroit to attend the East an+l a description of his M-sainnary
field,-Rev. hlcDona h will reach a
Millinery openings, S ZI .
special sermon on "The Believers in Un. Direct Importers• t
`N' e hatzdle School Supplies, March came in on 1i"enmuchal like a belief" on Sunday evening, 19th inst.-•- _ ___
lamb lint thorn cannot be much lion left Mrs. P. Bawdeu of Ridret `7
Stationer}=, t�'zappzn�;s, Twines, for it to ¢o out with, as we have had no_ 1. own is the guest - v
Bags, Sniall f'l'ares, Fancy Goods, thin but lion all winter, of Mrs Jos. Bawdeu.,-Mrs.Porte of Lucau 1
g CONDENSED, the guest of Mrs, Juo. Fanner.-Mrs, Sprinkle
DISTRICTGOmbs, Brushes, ScapS, and Residents should compelled e- Hankins, who last week slipped on the NEWS•
sprinkle ashes or saw dust on the side- ice, while walking near the house, is im-
SMALL LINES it, walks opposite their pramisea when cover- proving nicely,-bliss Ura of Exeter North ztvaoN
* t ed with ice. It mi+*ht sage life. lir, RoLot Marshall has bouslt the Mo,ii0[10E,11E11
SIL.,. C•AL GOODS. lies dangerously ill of consumption.-Ivfiss lease fairs, Nth con„ GodSrioh `CewneZrip, � � •
Wo are awry to announce that Air. D. Rogers of Brussels tr,kes charge of Mrs, !!11
'w ci mei DRAM•A.== Braund has found it necessary to make hn Spicer'a Miliinely this season.-IIIc, A. 31 act as in all for $1705.
,may + assignment for the benefit of his creditors, kTastings was called to his hame in Baden ;;;, On Monday evening Blyth was iillumin -
1� 'der, Wit). Bawden is the assignee, this weak to attend the funeral of his ated for the first time with elcatriQity. Th a !11111111!1111 If Ilia Ilia lill all 1hfR11t4R119RttitUtIIIIRHRRURI
Mi. Thomas Russell, of the Riverside brother, who died on Monday.-Mr, L, D. light. are very brilliant and, steady.
farm has disposed of several thoro'bred Vinuent,inau=attco ageut,ie in town visiting Mr. Robert Jamieson, of the Golden .d� ® ®gym .dy.�.��•� ��+ �+ on$
Sborthorn heifera to breeders throughout his mother, Mrs, Airth,-Mr, Mat,Elwood bion Store, ,Seaforth, l.:ft last week for .dam •
the country who will exhibit them at the of Detroit is visiting friends in town,-Mr, Florida, for the benefit of bis health.
Warld's Fair this year-. Mac, Vincent Sang at the Fauners'Inatitute A sad death took place near Sheppard- You have begun right. The new year that is
It is vary fnip rrtant that deep ditches coneertat Dnalrwood on Tuesday evening ton. Tilly Cary, 16 years of age, died no y fairly under way, has brought US a better trade
last.-Mr. D. Buchanan, editor of the
should be made on either side of Main-St from inflammation of the lungs after two
to allow the water from the malting an w, Canadian Lha Stock Journal,was in town days than We have ever before enjoyed.
to escape without filling the uoliarm, The yosterday attending the meeting of the Henry Holland an old and respected
council should attend to this at once, Fanners' Institute, and gave TILE TLAms a
Ball,-A Port Albert correspondent says ; resident of the 3rd con., W. D. township 3y , INT S.
In answer to the query published in George Hawkins and lady, who returned of Ashfield, died at his residence on Friday .
last issue the following has been furnished from the prairie province last fall, are on aged 82 years.
as a reply : Number of grains of wheat, a visit to Exoter to sue old acquaintances. a A fire broke out In Jesse Card's boot and The newest and best.
- 1,073,741,823; number of bushels, 25,595, Miss Robertson has been engaged by J. A, has store at Bayfield about one o'clock on
_ I lb„ 4803 grains; vahie at 70 cants per Stewart as milliner for the coming aemon. Friday morning. Loos on building, $100 ;
bushel, $17,895-51. She comes highly recommended.-Mr. A, on contents, 4:10 ; said to be insured. 3)nZSS 0t003Drr..,+.
Now is the time for persons who yearly Johnston, late of Snell Bros, & Co. left Cause office unmown.
, 7)r ng SI CC h C071d:7170t e find fault with the list of prizes giyen by yesterday for Chicago,. where he will re- We are glad to know that Mr. John The finest we have Elver shown,
7j r'a the Agricultural Societies to hand in their main -\fr. C. Snell bus moved into his Boll, -Who was severely injured in Bir,
(it t h e Big g 1„x(.171 �i ru.74 sttgnestiona, It is a patent fact that new rat,idenee on Andrew street, Tboa. Bell's factory, 'Wingbam, is doing v
r nearly every list in the country requires . -- wall, and there are good hopes that he will �st=° �+ t3� er .
l`?f11'P • revising, and thoroughly, too, The ladies all agree that Rd, Pickard & regain his usual beaith.
EM r fork %Wde up well, but the bulk of Son's prints are the nicest in town An agitation is again on foot in Egmon- lull range and, fine display,
1 tare DR.16,8s GOODS, farnre•e' pork has been marketed. Those Nfr.Bawden's sale of timber bush in God dville for the purpoee of indocfnglhaprop-
?� I)E sr
who yet have liege ahould market them erich township last week brought from $26 er authoritiea to take:Steps in the line of � � ��
without delay. By holding on, money will to $44 an acre. getting suet: additions to ilia Bayfield dam
N a W Pl�alN Tia`, likely be lost to the farmer. The price is The best 25e Tea in town may be had at as 1.511 permit fish to ascend the liver.
now $8,10 par cwt. R. Pickard & Son's, r le who LOS been a rc- Talk about Wall Paper • the are not in it with
b1r, Jahn ra'r Y. P r y
AllAll in and opened up; • our Tn view of the fact that the next general Richard Pickard & Son are making a spected reeident of Seaforth for over a
1 r ? provincial election wi l likely be heli on specialty of ordered clothing. See their quarter of a century, left there for Car—
Wallies fol this season. arta ex the voters' lista now being prepared, addi $15 blk. worsted suite, berry, Manitoba, on Tuesday last, wbere
?e tiouallS' good. tional importance is attached to the pre- Tuesday and Wednesday were Spring- he intends makingbis future home, -1
p g, raration. It does not seem to be fully like days and the snow, under the warm @ fixe rile old reliable for Boots and Shoes that wear,
We show 1L special tine of understood that during this monthonly can snit, thawed, very rapidly. The I,ueknow Council leave unanimously
p , agreed to carry the caao of ]:too, ve. Luck-
= o additions be made new names, The map•e sugar season will begin in now to the Cc•urt of ,Appeal in Toronto. produce taken in oxcllan�o Lard 13c -Tallow BC' 13L1t'
Pure -wool Cashmere at `�C` a few clays and promises from the depth r The annual meeting of the Ball Tale- Y P p lr It will be remerubcted that last week tva o r > >
,his is h recrutar -1JC Cash. hone Company was held in Montreal on of snow to be nn unusually good one. %
n p p Y mentioned the fact that Rae had been ter l.$Ct y eggs lb'C � Apples JC.
Thursday last. The areas revenue for the Messrs. Smith Bros. last weak. field a granted d amages in tLe auui at 4200 by
inere. We took the liria and year was $875,5'26. The expenses were vary fine, young Shorthorn bull to Ur. Judge Dole.
o John Winkenweder of Dashwood, In thanking you for this evidence Of confidence, We 1
got a l?art;all] they are here The$655,139,id leaving alionct200,00e;)2. Was A hf lot of now dress goods, alike
The paid up capital is ,,..,.,00,000. It tivas g ,ere , The Goderfah Town Council is consider- invite a continuance of trade.
for your inspection, decided to issue $200,000 nary slack this just opened up at R• Pickard J, Son's. ing the propriety of sending a deputation
Our stock Of choice stylish year. The old board of directors was re• Como and flet the choice. to some of the American cities, and to Yours tirul
y elected, Mr, R, Donnelly of Appia will move to `Toronto, Hamilton and London to con- yr
Dress Goods is simply grand, M. Y. McLean of Seaforth was in town Biddulplz on the ZOtL inst., where he will suit capitalists with reference to the on-
Come and See the display. yesterday, reside permanently on the old homestead tabli0iing of a summer hotel and sanitar- CARLEINTG Fall 11-0 R
calends and in Dashwood Tuesday. M. , r r
Y. is a first-rate fellow, but it looks as if CRAYON I enTRAITS-Mies Al. '4 . white him Itr tkat town, U` S
is now prepared to do portraits in crayon, W. E. C. Meyer 0., of 'Vin ham
Carpet aLd Wall Paper Lois looking for the political shoes of our y u g s
l 17 life alae. Orders to be left at residence. defended Harry Garbutt, the man who was
ztock complete; ; esteemed friend, A.rolr, Bishop, Esq., AT. c p l?lg Values. P. P. Mr. Bishop is an experienced war Messrs 11lichael Iiluinpp and son J. extradited to Texas for forgery, Mr. Meyer Sale Register.
horse and it will take a severe curb to of Stephen Township last wook, cut, has not yet got his eosis, although be sued huabandrecently naked the court to change
J • A. TES 4Vx�I�T. check him. split, and piled, 10 cords Of four foot iters, Conover, of Wingham, who is Gar. the place of trial from Berlin to Goderich Thursday, March, 1Gt11... Farm Stock
While a couple of ilia youth at town wood in 14 hours, This isgood work and butt'a mother-in-law, The Daae is to be but A. G. McLean scoured a dismissal of Implements, Etc., the property of Mal-
were d: -ing to a temperance meetiLg at hard to beat. Mr. Michael Klumpp po Wiled as Mr, Mayer is very ill since I the motion from ilio \Taster at Toronto calm Lamand lot 7, con. 13, Hibbert,
is 61 ears old and sa s he will chop returned from his trip around the world. Friday morning last.
Centralia on Thursday last. their rig Y Y• p Salo at one o'clock. Thos. Cameron &
Notice to Times' Readers. capsized in a Snow drift and the horse left against any young man, Rey. Wm. Torrance, of Goderiob, line PHATn, Jae. Jones Auctioneers.
The publtrAers would erteent it a favor if them there. They tramped five miles A big lot of gents' furnishings +just to xeeeivod and conditionally accepted au in- Measles are quite;provalent in St, Mary&• Friday, llfarch, 10th.-horses Wag-
readers would,tahen matting their purchases, after the horse and outter,and thus missed hand at R. Pickard & Son's- Call and vitation frsm the Me'lhodists of Wiarton, The Stratford Spring Show will be held gobs, Buggies, etc,, the property of
mentsnn that they eau the rncrcfaant'a adacr- the Centralia entertainment. Their own see the latest in hills. He has only been in ; Goderich one year, on Tuesday, April 11. The date for the Di or Braund Exeter North. Salo at
iirement in TM P UE& little entertainmdnt, however, wan suffi � *+•-• but as there is an outside al t i an en can show bare has not been fixed upon. one o lock. John Gill, Auctioneer,
cfentl eatertainin for them. Urediton. finds the work more laborious than �e can
,.,._.� Y g at. 2rlarpa is reported to :have an cv.r sup Saturday, ZVTarch, 11th.-50 acres of
(�,p+,e At the last meeting of the Ladies' Aid ---- stand, ply of the beautiful, The engineer has re land in Hay Township, at the Metro-
!%r kp .V i 'yo . Society of James at Methodist church, we SCHOOL REroRT-The following is The other evtnin Mr. Humphreypolitan hotel Exeter, .ale at one o -
were very sorry to receive the resignation the report of S. S. No. 5, township of
t3 well, eon of Mr. Geo, gsnell of Helltoommended several snow plowp. C a'
MARCS 9th, 1888. of two of our meml,ers-the secretary,bSrs. Stephen for the, month of February;
m Of with an exceedingly painful accident. The grocery steak of Chowan & Yarco, clock. A. Bishop, Auctioneer.
----- Ed. Biesett, and the treasurer, Miss M. J. being based upon oral and written work H a had been up in the loft and as became of Mitchell, lists been sold to J. W. Mousy, Tuesday, March, 14th. -Farm Stock,
LOCAL��E� its Gill. Both have been efficient workers, and regularity. Names in order of dawn the ladder his foot slipped and be of Elora, for 741 cents on the dollar, implements, etc,, The property of
_ O and we are sorry to lose them. Miss Gill g Y' r• fell on the point of a broken handled piteb- -Mr, Robert Jones of Eden farm. Logan, Henry Johnston lot 6, con. 18, bIcCilli-
joined the Society when it first organized standing.-Sr. Fourth-Z inatta=Banes, fork which penetrated his body aboutseven has already 22 lambs from 14 ewes, Cold vray. Sale at one o'clock. H. Eilber
Lessons for the Entrance. Maggie Currie,-Jr.Fourth-A. !wicker inches, as the weather bas been he bas lost only Auctioneer.
nhnut seven peace ago, and we deeply S. Kuhn Milton Kitchen. Millie Bert- following are the lessons for the re ret her movie from our midst. ' Another cf Huron's ioneers has been one lamb-
amb - - - - -
entrance examinations in July, i893 Exeter, Mareh 6th, 1893. srdy. rand, Alma Hill, Emma Lewis, Sr. Urd gathered to his fathers. Mr- Wm. Me- By the will of the late M. Garbutt of BIRTHS.
pleturestof Memory, The Barefoot Boy, Ella Morlock, Walter Morlock, J. hlor-
The Secretary of the vocal Board of Iiav died at his residence on the 10th con, Mitchell.his niece, Bliss Sarah Garbutt gala yzrONn.-In Hibbert on the 18th alt. Mrs.
The Death of the Flowers, The Face Health has received a e io al from the lock, H. Ellber, Moses Faist, Wilbert of Tuekersmith on Thursday of last week, the house in the west ward .and over two Vipond, of a daughter.
against the Pane, from the Deserted vel- Ontario Government, insisting on close Clark. Emma Morlock.-Jr. Third-J, having reached the advanced age of 82 thousand dollars in other property. RoweLiEF-In Rodgerville,on the 25-th alt,
cage, Resignation, Ring Out, Wild Bells, attention been Zven to the sanitar con- , y carp• Mr. 10c-Hay was a native of Suth-
Lad Clare,Jac ues Cartier Robert Burns g g y Woodhali Edith Beaver, Fred, Clark A. bores belonging to Israel Harris of the wife of Mr. John Roweliffo, of a
Edinburgh After Flodden, National Mori dition'of the town, in view of cholera H. Young, Louisa Young, Litta Young, etlandsbire. ticotland,and cpme to Canada Nissouri ran away in St, :barye last weak, can.
ality, Shakespeare,The Merchant of Venice reaching, this country during theapproach Louisa Kitchen.-Sr, Second-Simon 45 years ago• and was brought to a standstill by trying HODGitn'A•-In• Usborno on 261h ult. the
{First reading), The Merchant of Venice ing summer. The secretary was requested Morlock, Nelson Winer, Solomon Gaiser Mr. Jae. Cunningham of Hullett, bas to get through the door of one of the wife of Mr, ADdrew, Hodgert of a son.
(Second reading). The selections for to ask the medical health officer to report Mike Finkbeiner, Sam Haddon, Moses moved to' farm near Belgrave, and Mr. stores. PAssmonE.-In Usborne, on the 26th alt.
memorization are: The Bells of Shandon, on the sanitary condition' of the corpora- 1laist, Sr. Second-Laura Banes Percy Tyner has moved to the farm vacated by A young son of Mr. A. Feltz, of the 5th the wife of Henry Passmore of a daugh-
tion,and particularly to pointonI anything Banes Ira Brown Mr. Cunningham. Mr. S.McCool market- ter. j
To Mary in Heaven, Ring Out,wild Bella, , , Charles Brown.- con., Logan, while playing with the other
3Lady Clare, Lead Kindly Light, Before likely to prove a nuisance. -part Second-Carrie Huhn, Simon ed ab:lut 640 bushels of wheat during children on Saturday received an injury to MARRIED.
.'Sedan, The Three Fishers, ;The Forsaken In the Canadian border counties, fully Schwartz, Lillie Frettz, Christian Voel- the last few dais which tested about 63 his leg. Afew days after Dr. Smith was MOMAHON--POLLOQx.-At the residence of t
Nferman, To a Skylark.,Elegy Written fn one-quarter of the currency in circulation ker,-Second Class-Bert Clark, Clare lbs• to the bushel : this is considered a sent for, and on examining the injury the bride's parents on 22nd cab , by l
a Coentry Churchvard is from the states. The bank does not VPenzel, Norman lLeavor, Pearl Baker, superior average test for so large amount. found a double break of the thigh bone, Rev. S, A. Carrier,Mr John MoMahon,of
care to use the silver again and it costs Mary Gaiser, Bennie Betrand,-Third Seaforib is about to build a new town People with delicate stomachs find Hay to Mras Annie M Pollock, 'third
something to ship it back to the United hall ; two pinus were received, one of a Ayer's Sarsaparilla agreeable to the taste, daughter of Bir John Pollock, of Wort
Loyely plaid and fancy silks for ladies States. The bankers hold that the im- Class-Vivian Beaver, 'Wilbur Ding, p Blake.
two eiorey building, the other of a three and therefore refer it as a blood-purifier
blouses just opened at the Big Bankrupt Odin silver crisis in the states makes it Mary Gower, Fred. Finkbeiner. Aver- + P ENGLAND —ARNOLD—A the residence of
p g storey, A veto of the ratepayers was to any other. This is one reason for its ,
Store. ane attendance for the month; 116. the bride's mother, Parkhill, on Wed-
The latest version of the old couplet is : of Canada, and will ask the Dominion J. P. WENTAMN, two would be the more acceptable, the re- medicine. Ssfa certain, and alatable. nesday, Ifebruary 22nd, by Rev J Holm.
Early to ryes, and late to bed, will make government to levy a tax of ten per cent. Miss E. WI&INS, Teachers, suit being that the plan of the three storey ' p es, Frances Arnold, to Wm. England,
of your node a cardinal. red. an all American money paid out b the Owing to the increased traffic and the of McGillivray.
F Miss L. Russz,;LL, building was acreptedaby a majority of 66 Dumber of heavy trains passing over the CARTnzt.-PASLEER-Un the Ist fust, at
Messrs, Elliot & Elliot are already Canadian banks. �_ votes. Grand Trunk Railway the company have the Ontario Street Methodist Parson-
:putting the material on the ground for the The Mitchell Advocate publishes a Blyth. On Wednesday, Mise Clara Parker, found it necessary to strengthen the St. age, by the Rev W Smyth, Mr. David
erection of their new building next s.mtement which shows how quickly daughter of Mr John Parker, of Goderich Marys viaduct on the main line. Sixteen
summer. changes occur even in towns where life BRm?5.-t1 petition is in circulation township, and Mr. D. Carter, of Tucker- y Carter, of gbter f Mr. to Miss rkClara,
g P, of the bridge gang from Toronto are nuiv parker, dacghtex of Mr. John Parker,
M,�ssrs, Rollins & Williams have pur- is supposed to flow on much more evenly asking our oommieioners to give the pro smith,vere married by the Bev.W.Smytb. engaged at the work and it is anticipated of Goderie'ir Township. k
chased Mr. Richardson's flour and feed than in cities. It has turned up the fyle prietor of the Central. Mr John Mason, a The some day Alias Mary Hanloy,daughter that it will take them over ten months to ELLIOTT—HANLEY-At the Rectory, Sea-
store, but retain Bir. Robt, Richardson as of the Reformer of Blarch, 1863, a paper license this Sear.-Mr. Watson, of the of Mr, Geo, Elanley, of Clinton and Mr. complete the job, Almost as much new forth, on the let inst., by the Rev. Mr..
manager, then published in Mitchell by Alex, Me- Mansion House Hotel, has sold out to Mr. R obt, g. Elliot, of Goderich township, irtn will be required as there is at present Hodgens, Mr. Robt H Elliott 7th con.
The South Huron Farmers' Institute Lean, late Queen'a printer at Ottawa. Of McDonald, of Walton,who takes possession were married at $eafortb, by the Rev. M. in the bridge and the strengthening process Uoderieh township, to Maty, second
was in session bore yesterday, and the at= all those who advertised in the paper of in April.-Mr Thop. McElroy has gone Hodgins. will cost about as much as a new structure. eldest daugliter of Mr George Hanley, of
that date named, not one is now In busi- into partnership with Harry Jessup, of The farmers of Colbourns have organ- ,
eveDin ee was large. The concert in the Clinton-
are was largely attended, ares in the town and but a few of them the 0. X. Grocery store of this burg. FSTOVI;u TRENDQA&ED: Phe adlartising of
era alive. Of the merchants in Exeter Bnluaa.-John Neil, of Centralia,- who ' Ned a joint stock company for the man- , GRAY-LAv>rRY-On the 22nd alt. at the �
ufaetnre of cheese and butter. The factory goods Sarsaparilla appeals to the sober, reEidrnce of the bride's father, by-the
l0e buys the very best 12}c prints at twenty years ago, but one or two remain. was for a month laid up with a sprained common sense of thinking people, because Ran N 8.Burwash Mr .Howard Gra to
the Big Bankrupt Store, Nearly 1,000 Younger men have taken their laces. arm is at work a ain.-A note inside a is to be located One mile north of Carlow + y
g p g on. Mr. Wm. Jones' creek. It is .to he it is trae; and is SlwayS fully subAft0'atad Mies Maggie Lavery, all of Hibbert,
pieced. See them. _ . __ duck shipped by W. Parsons, Centralia, by endorsements which in the financial ,DIED;
to British Columbia, has brought a rel named the West Huron Choose and Butter
Stratford Cit Council hag declined to from Miss B. Al, West that mole of the Factory. The following are the directors world would io accepted 11 the t m0- L9NDfi Anna Cose n T reliat milli, he iVlat
A meeting of the various Veterinaries, y meet's hesitation, They tell rife story-
of the count was held in Clinton,on Wed- reduce liquor licensee this year elected ; Pres. John Tiffin : Wm. Jones 4th,,•Anna Cosens, relict of the lata
y, q y came quality of poultry n required in that Q ' HOc1D'a aulim Robert L• andeboroii h aged ue4day, for the formation of a county as- Mr, John R•. Thompson of Logan, while conntry,2500 miles distant,-The followingMr. Duff; F, Dung, A. MOTlwain ;Hugh g g 70 yearn, 1
�aociation, when the following officers were breaking in a colt the other clay, the ani- parties left Centralia'on Monday morninGir vin is to be salebman, month and M days.
•sleatod;-D. Molntogh, Brueefield, Pres.; mal kicked, and breaking the -dash board of last week for Manitoba ; Mr, Balls and Out in Zurich, Huron County, Mary Hoods Pills ours ]Iver-j+lla, jaundice, Diea:uan-At the family residence, .2nd
J. Wilson, Wingham, Vlee-Pres.; J. E, of the cutter, pieces flew ,in Mr. T's face wife, Miss Martha Halls, G. Matz, Andy Ann Hardy and her husband. Edward J. bi}liousnesa, sick headaohe, constipation. eon., Biddniph, on Tuesday, 21st ult.,
Blaokall, Clinton, Treas.; J. Walker, disfiguring him. Link Misa Eva Link and others. Hdrd laevo lived a ha happy life for man Emma, beloved wife of William Dish-
Lwifleabora, See, It was decided to hold At the annual meeting of the Blanchard --+— p Y A little boy, eon of Mr. Hugh Hamilton, man, in the 34th year of her ago:
. i1, erl meetings or the discussion of g yearey� Of late however, there lies arisen of the 7th son., Hibbert, was playing with RANtiric-On Thursday last - Margaret,
'� : y ng f Reform Association held on Feb. ].4th the Or weeksiRTznEsTho se BREEDattl y ,
'• Ia a few weeks barges and cattle will be a difference of opinion as to the ownership a sent In his mouth the other day,'. when it daughter of. Mt. Richard, Rankin of •
matters relating to the profession, and following officers and ward committees of a valuable farm in the vicinity of the g
on the rasa and the greatest care is accidentally slipped down his throat, The Win ham Seed 28 carp,
the fi•stof these meetings will be held in were elrctsd:-President-Walter Gowan; gross, g village in which"the live, Now by reason
g y
necesEary to prevent the Sudden change of y coin had been filed clown to about the eine Wzneozv.-At Prospect Hill, on Tuesday
the council chamber, Clinton, on the 5th Vice Pres.-Wm, A, Bellamy; 2nd jiioe• - , of their inability to coincide as to the of a ten-cent piece, and it f, not thought
diet having very serious effectp, Drell s P , g night Albert Nilson, aged 32 years.
of April, when all Veterinaries are cordially Pres.-Capt, J. Campbell; Seeq.Treas.- ownership thereof Mrs. Hardy ease her there will be wench trouble in the matter. ITORELL--Ill Fullarten ori -Vo b. 23rd'- -
invited to be present. P. S. Armstrong;
Blood Purifier tones up�the,whole system husband for 510,000 which she is willing M '
- and the animal goes on thriving Instead Minard s Liniment cures Colds etc. Robert Mitchelf,.agod 48 years 11 mos.
n 111 MIT ra 2'T
V11 I IN i
Minsrd'o Liniment curer Dr g b to necept,ellowing him the property. The
Miaar&t Liniment for Rheumatism. ptherla, of going set back bya change. and 16 days. 5
P 4
4 ,