The Exeter Times, 1893-3-2, Page 8TltlsCTItANCJa Brevities. Personale _ - ^- - -- ----•----- Mr, Ed. Bissett loft on Monday for Rev. u i Witt Talmage Of llrooklyu � RNP,6' L+tT�C,ICl l , klf F+ -Nil' �+nIi a 1Vinnipeg io follow hie aveeation as hard- will suture in Londonon March lt, 1'IiT w;�STEIiIv A3ilIIRAlr'C7 QOM• r ware clerk.-Rer, Mr. Barlthrop of i}der-6 ,1; ANY of Toronto; also for the PR(ENlli i� ood and pate logs are moving more ton preitGhed in the Main•st AletbodiatUMULHEUNTS LOTH.ING , Ilii t13SUl?, ANOk7 CaM SUR.11 os iiaOOX:t ; freely than at Almy time during the winter, church on Sunday last, Rev, Mr. 14ODon• iraland, Al',I.IANOlu INUit:i iCE GOBI- Sunda ' tI�IX ottn;lttnd, y was a "beautiful dav, and filo agli preaching at Ilincardino.-Alis M.V. ggql!qNIp1p1q8Qillpplfoot]gplt4ptH'ixff•itlirilgilpMllgpllQQllgqllQi.ilQQlg1!I1111Q1 T + streets were thronged with rigs and White spent last week vishsing in Sarula. KINSMAN, g g , , I,i.Ll,S D,D.S peoplo, Mr. J, A. Stewart spent last week in d a+L * graduate of Royal Collego of Dental McSsra, Cobbleaick a- Follaud made a Toronco, looking for snaps in tile. dry- _�j present � vary Iarge ah}pmeut a# clover seed last 6 t,/tUJ,^171��'season we luc ma ng a urgo*tta aver of theDentalono Department at Moods live. -Mrs, 11irs, H. Fotivell of 13e1#evillo v' *rants;li'aiinb i bridge -work, and v week. is the auest of bar sister, Airs. Ed. Speck- 8peoiaiistinbridgo-work,and gold and. par- y, largest. colainorowns, Messre. Buell Bros, sold over $3,000 mau.-21:. Abel tlalperwas in Berlin last specialty of he above line. 1714 e Garr t�i-i� lar est RureVitrous Oxide Gas and local ansssthet• . weak,. looking after the erection of his new 1 a7 worth o£ bogsancl cared meats au Monday $ iea fair painless extractions. Always at home, to a Toronto firm, hotel there, and Pushing the work on to •QMeo. ranson's Block. Exeter, We were favored -Aith another shower soaipletion. It tivili be opened this month and best assorted lines of Imported n -,--�,{'�..,.. of rain on Tuesday.: It had ria noticeable sometime, -Air, Benj Ll'ilbor of Ubly, and Canadian. effect upon the snow. Mich., formerly of Craditon, was in town frindsber.-Meers.onday shaking Jo with hie in Tweeds ��l'��i�'if�i �tG'<y i� �e�l�i ��CA aY,� �`exJll�.g the < - Ilradstrset'e weekly review of trade says friends liars.-A{esara. Jelin T. Was -9. i i v q1 l prises generally are firm -in t)ntaiio and and Jolla !`lair ware in halt last week the outlook for spring trade is good. attending the Grand Council of R. T, of a� correct �i-� C e S. C'Oft:: W __ .__ __ The outcome of the Game Law cases at T. -Mr. 1Vm. Davidson was in Parkhill a London was that Wei. Horner was fined part of last week. -Mr, E, Jones moved -----AND--- $10 for exposing wild ducks for sale out of into the residence which he, last week, season purchased of Mrs. Pinch ; Afro. Pinch The Sunday School Convention of the moves to Stratford. ••- Chief Constable Gilt Sec our $15 black orsted Suit, made to opder. Exeter District of the Methodist church of Rxeter was married in London last was held here lust wcok. Proceedings week to a tifrh. Edon of this place, - elsewhere. Mr. Wilbur 1►fauning of Clinton vi«ited The first axanraian to Manitoba this b1i parents here laht week, -Rev. 1Mr. '' year took plata on Monday, and was Martin preached in St. Marys on Sunda} �� I C NVe haudle School Supplies, taken advantage of byalargenumber from last blr.Thar, .-Xr was ,Baw a fn• 11 !!JJA9 A A ���sss+++ 1i 1� �J 000����1llSllllRDR��SONK Stationer}, Wrappings, .Canines,. this section• disposed last weals eek dispWinosing lg of is in(xoderielrtha weak disposing of his Bags, Small Wares, Fancy Goods, Johnny, an orphan, who lives with Abel bush farm in that neighborhood, by[� �iT1� � SAE mE Combs, Bitishes, Scapa, alit] W alper. bad blood poisoniug in the hand auction. -Miss Mary Copp of Seafvrth is last week, from a wound .list rot poisoned visiting friends in title neighborhood,-- - SMALL LEN'ES in in washing harness. He is getting better, Rev. Mr. Jewitt of Melroso preached in .l1USICAL GOODS. Last week we otv.Ld that the Outario the James -at. church on Sunday last, Rev. �. West Grand Lodge would meet at Orange Russell preaching anniversary sermons at Who is giving up teaming, has decided to offer g Melrose. -Miss McIntyre, who has been by public auction on 'w''�o�,�s�x,>n az �•�z,s.x=,, villa an March 7th, It should have read Y March 14th -the second Tuesday in visiting h r sister here, Mis. Dr. Lutz,left FRIDAY, 14Ic�RCH 10, at 1 ()'CLOCK �' f''! 'D `T",d"`l /"`i_ March. ,- 'G4 e3aasda morning for liar home in glp+lHillpillbiliQglfoil]gQllgftlppitipit#QnUIIp111ppHtiUQ1 �.a ,L-ji.Ll�'t.7h Chicago, 11L `£isa Lucy Balsdeu is visit ,lir. D„ Braund will hold an auction P.M. two span ca is h a os, and with them. large male on Vr}day, March 10th, to dispose of lag friends at St. Marys this week, DPt's ttuantity ofoalis, wagons and buggies, The ••-•••••• •••• •••• -•.••• -.-••- hfslivestock, im }scents and anumber are pleased to hear that :fire.lr. Byer ta]latQinalsaliht.viz: 14 yr-aidmare.haavq; �� ��p� " implements, 19 -yr -old horse, heavy; 1 4•yr•old hono,heavy; �alilh �%Patrons. of new and second band bu i3urdaa> who lies been ilI for same limo, is ggiea, cutters, canvaleecin mfr. Ed Bfaaett, prior to 14 -yr -old ],orae, li¢ht; 2 sot double harness, 9 Sleighs, eta g•" red*arts,asecondhand road carts, 5 naw top Y011 llaF6 be 7iD ri�llt. Th-1� new Fear that ll3 ` '�` r� The days, are Tewin longer, and the hie leaving for Winnipeg lase weak, was buggies, 5 second band bugglcs, 5 cutters, 4 sat � to y growing $ y 'presented with an eugrossed address by heavy bob slaigha,74-seated pleasure sleigh,1 no& fairly under way, has brought Lis a, better trade will lengthen something more*than a min- tris Sons a£ England of lona,--141}aa 3 -seated carriage with top. 2 wood rocks, I hay uta per dA until the end of the month g rack, 2 second hanged wagana tone nearly newt than we have evo r before enjoyed. I9 yUAl folt11Ii1Lte Ol)llort11I1- p y Hannah Rewtclifl'e of the London .load 1 straw cuttor.2lizht wa anal book board, l lengthening faster then until the latter south has completed a quilt with 476 12 -horse -power boiler an%engine, Tty. ]dearly 1,000 pieces Of pars of June. On March 19th, day and night will be of the same length. Mr. A, and not two of the same pattern. on apps approved point noteerceub s. $10 and underr cashg nes PRINTS just opened � la Mr. A, Dox and A1ra. Smith were guests :M11TTS. It was rumored this week that Hall. J. at Air. Jahn Willis' on Sunda•. -Mrs, •TOIIANT GILL, 1), BRAU20. li at the Bi Bankrupt Auctioneer. Proprietor, � � C. Patterson, Minister of 14if}iEia, would FVm. Sanders has removed -ta :Parkhill, Tl1e 110We6t, and best. Store --an immense purchase retire from the Cabinet after the present where she will now res}de.--Mr, Al. C. e.aessiol•, and assume the Loadership of tiro Cameron and daughters, who have been I a L� Featly reduced prices. Opposition In the ' Ontario Legislature, spending the winter in Florida,passed Sunday -School ConventionEMLESS r" �s���s�■ The report is not credited to those shoat ihrougli ]'hors on Fciday evening last on I.UG is our price for the. re- likrly to know. their way home to Goderheh, looking mach . The Sabbath School Convention of the The finest we have ever shown. „L2Ue. Prints, G'ome Circulars have been. sent out to ilxe bPnetitedbytheit journey, Theylbrought Exeter District was held in the Main.st. and lace- newspaper propiletora of the Dominion, with them a living alligator, --.Mr. Ed. Methodist church on Thursday, 23rd Feb. We will show you asking their, to eoutribute copies of their Bissatt did not go to Manitoba as stated XotwithatandinQ the bad state of the the greatest stock Of Fri11t6 puhlicationa to be placed in the Canadian above, having since been offered asituation roads and the somewhat stormy day,there C=Ti�a pavilion, at the 1Y orld'is Pair. Readers of fu London. -Rev, Quante ,called on many was a tolerably #sir representation. that has ever been, erowded 'fins; Txarss visiting the fair will find it on ; of his old friends in town on Wednesday.- After�arganization in the morning, Mra. � Full range and fine display, fyle at the pavilion, _ _ Emily k,lliott gathered a few of tiro ch Id ?IltO 02l@ store 111 tITIS tOiCll. Caven church Ariniveisary, ren of her class apd exemplified hos l An rs change owls that them is at least „ g ,, I ' g�►+. E3 Vi'Fllit g-Oiii' Ol)ini011 Of ono Guasolation for the poor country editor Tho aunivo nary of the Caven Presby- mesond of Infant Claes Doachin our stock --- its wort]] Y lesson chosen being `The Tse of tion le the and that is the humblest o£ the fraternity terian church held on Sunday and Mon- , r Y Temple. During the the bo of tho lesson Talk about 'Wall Papel'.; idle are not Ill It with .hoe done more Good for mankind than day was among tits most successful ever it was yes noticeable the bond of kind] �' 115Fin 111 011 GOliie and j held in connection with the church. The Y Y �- millionaires deed or living. Yes, caveola• .� sympathy that existed between the teacher ,ill their b10�'P'. See ours and be GpllVill(led. give us a look, if our 100. tion it a good thing, but a maxi, never Sunday services. were conducted by Rev, and her olaas.Q grows fat on an exclusive diet of console. Mr, Grant, of St. Marys, who preached two e: ATT. John Parsons of Ccatralia,who may Lillis are not equal to any tion, excellent aermane,,,powerful and oonvinc be Fuld to be an old veteran in Sunday we are the Old reliable for Boots and Shoes that wear. The Tuesday Inas, on Monday, *tile annual tam was „ le. Prints in town then y morelay trains both north given, at whioli there +vas a large attend. School work, introduced "Personal Prep. and south were delayed several boars a ' g nratmII." A car vantfoa without TOP ve are not in its that's all--- otvingto avow blockades, Snow did not once. The tea was, a usual, ficameans. Parsons would seem to be a convention in Produce taken ill exchange, Lard l.c3. 0 ' Tallow 6c; B1'lt- t ri fall to an in every respect and nerved o life liter. , , ; but We ale - y extent, but i high wind during tamed good style of the lad}oa, The liter. part only, and as he a that into his paper, ter I SC , Eggs 2l)G Apples C. Montfay night drifted alio loose snow into the joy and happiness that seemed to par- s g pp fines, solid Ary feast was above the ayerago, the ad Der yeti want any `'inter G(,ods piles as the track and ft was dresses, while suited to the occasion, meats his whole bafng lues a means of lay The ba3.•ance c,f our Stock is going, no with difficulty that the trains gat through, and encouragement to the whole couven. In thanking you for this evidence Of Confidence 'tS e contained mach to interest and , b � , tion. matter what .our loss. '4ire have xic The lfeeara. H. and J E. Iley}vaod of instruct. Lila VOGAI and instrumental 111.Vite a G011t1niianG6 Of trade. room for carrying Stock over from, one thio 3rd concession, Usborne, have contriv. number& nervine as a happy ;dive+cion to Rev, Air, Allis introduced, by illustrat- season to another, 54.50 is wlmat we ed a telephone from oue house to the other the general routine, Oa the whole it ad charts, a very neat and attractive r aisk for an $8.00 (Joat Kube, all whole A d+Yours of i of a mile, through which was an enjoyable and gratifying affair, method of conducting Quarterly Reviews, ours truly, ]rides. COME! TO US for value ill conversation can be earned to with ease pleasing to theaudieueo for its enterlaining Mr. Chas, Snell, or., had a wide field and uite distinct] . It cost 2.2a` and is features and leasin to the mann ement before him when he introduced the sub fty G V% - ha ter Cxvt,tls, .lit ay they g r no filet- q Y S , pleasing $ ject assigned him, "'Mistakes in Teield ig. what alio los: t,� u, . P.styecompoch of two er wi e. match boxes and for n success otherwise the Tei Iiptt ghat Sunda School teacher does not CARLIA P. stretch of copper wire. amounting to $120, make mistake ? How many teachers � J. A. STEWART. RT. The mails are very uncertain, and many '-'w""' prepare for their clauses as they aught 7 , � - ---- - --� - - •��-.-- -__ -. w: ,... .... _ papers which are Started to subomibtrs seat°rah nye Works. flow often children come home and say able" to appeal through the eye to the never reach them. If you ►aiea a number, All orders for the above works can be ,I don't think Mr. A. or bliss B. ever CILX>1IE AND C11LI14IINALB. don't censure the publisher and don't re, left at E H .Fish's barber atop. Satisfaa ' , heart in pressing ham® Ged'a truth. 5tli , _ a rs. studied the Sunday -school lesson at all; -That we urge our friends to greater l Twenty-six anarellists have been ar- Nntice to Times' Readers. main sheat, but repast the lose to }nim, and tion guaranteed__ ' and 'Air. H. never asks a question, just liberality in providing Sunday - school ,rested at Rome at work in a bomb another will be nailed. Persons who da The publishers would esteem it a favor if without the papers. they have paid for,and Owing to increasing business, Messrs, reached to us all alio time'. )Don't preach; Equipment. Lith -That we continua to ;factory, rm4ers would,when making their purchases, complain of tho Publisher, do in'uatics to Snell Bros., pork packers, have found ft 0n t n s•jndge alio ea`pacifY of your press upon the pupils sound teaching in j George E, Young has been committed inentien thdt they eau the merehsnt's adver- ail concerned. I necessary to pat in steam power, children ; be filled with the lessen and Missionary Temperance 7th for trial for the murder of Fred{Glover tiuement in Tni; I' mys. ""' also tie filled with Christ, -That all our Schools secure pledgs cards, °in Southwold township on February 8, There were several runaways Tuesday. FOR SALE OR RENT.—Frame, two-storey Rev, J. Russell, in his usual happy and pledge the children to total abatia- ! Frank Holland was hanged at Brav A team belonging to Air. George Webber ]louse on Simone at. Chea Apply to } g ..,, g P• PP Y style, introduced encouragements in S. S. encs. 8th -That we urge the fullest nes ioria Tex., Thursday. Holland was the q Cr j took fright is the north end, and coming WM. GRIGG, Exeter. work, of our valuable catechism upon all our !murderer of three travellers on the Saiz *� 5" °'+ down Irl, started several other CRAYON PORTRAITS-blies M. V. White Rev. J. E. Holmes of Grand .fiend Cir, Sunday -School workers. 9th-Tbat the ' ; THURSDAY, animals on the run. For a time the is now prepared to do portraits in crayon, suit read an admirable paper on the At- 'Bernard Byer. 1TARCrT 2nd 1993, street was liFely, and it required consider. life size Orders to bleft at residence tendance of children at the public services hearty thanks ri this convention r pre Frank H. Jenkins, of Roxbury, Mass., q P seated to the friends of Exeter for their , able dodging on the part of drivers be Servant girl wanted at once either as of the chaeoh. It was the duty of the kind hospitality in opening their houses shot his wife and himself fatally because 100AL HAFPENiNGS. avoid a collision with the different runa- parents to bring the children with them to to entertain us. the woman refused to live with him. trays. cook or chambermaid. Apply at CEN- the church- The reverend gentleman ex -- ----- -- - Jenkins had abused his wife. .A („finery, TRAL HOTEL, Exeter, lained how be would have something t° 8lddulpil, The electric light committee are decel- P s � Eleven Sicilian bandits have been sen- Asubscriber wishes us to insert the aping a schema for lighting the town gena- $16.00 per week straight salary to re interest the children when they came• It tented to penal servitude for life at Pal - following : The grain in weight derives its rally with electricity, Their plan is to pat sponsible ,person male or female to might be a bottle of clear water, and then BRIEFS -.Dien at the family residence ermo, Italy, for the murder last August name from the grain of wheat. There are in a large dynamo in exchange for the represent us in your locality. -Address by the addition of some substance, show Lucan, onFrida 17th ult. 5,700 grains of wheat to the pint, Tray. smaller one now in use and wire the town B. Canadian Music Folio Co.,77 Viet- the discolorafton sin makes, and then, by a young man of m� ore than usual Y Judge, ! , a land a ser named Bfllotii. � -Question: A farmer hired a tram for one adding another substance reA ro the elear Y i P Adolphe IlE. 0., who stole several p with an incandescent system, charging oris St. Toronto, Ont.. fc3.4t g F and,being an only son,w}ll be much missed � watches from E. C. Mowat of Shakes: month (30 days). He agreed t° give the every householder who takes a light a fee water - thus illustrating the -cleansing b the fami! tram one rain of wheat for the first da g Mr. T. Prier has fed six hogs the past y y, which consists of his two i ears was sentenced to four cafe id P f3 y of 85 a year, and for each additional bed- power of Chi fat in the heart. Mr. Holmes p ' and to double it ever da 'for 30 days- g $ year. This, to few months, and taken note of the gain had always found what interested the slaters and a widowed mother, sin father l the penitentiary at Stratford ollyFriday, Y Y Y room or other light 2 a y How man rains of wheat? Row man + made by each during the 28 ;days s. Fehr having died home pat years Sipco, the y g Y host householders, .would be much cheaper rear Two of them aced 43 lbs. each children in this way was always of great {aniily have the sympathy of the cnmmua- Brigands entered the post -office in Mie, bushels, and what would the tramp re- than the are lighting their houses at Y• $ ' interest to the older members of the oott. y terbianco Sicily, Saturday night, stab -4 Y R $ it in their sad bereavement. --The wife y g ceive for bis month's work the wheat and the other four p lbs, each. Mr. Y , present. -Mitchell Recorder, gregation. of Mr. William Diabman, tad concession � bed to death thepostmaster, Peiinis, and twinging 70c per bushel, Priei claims that it pays the feeder well Mr. H. E. Huston illustrated hie method his family, and carried off all the money We were, yesterday, handed a proof of to raise pork, even at 41- cent, per Ib. Biddulph, is at present seriously ill ; so --"-- a communioation,of some three columna in The jtodder for these animals during the of "Intermediate Class Teaching." He much so, thera is but little hopes of her and much of the mail. lasses ahem. length, from the pen of "Investigator No, month cost $7.,10 ; and figuring the total had a class of little girls present, and they recovery, youngest son of Mr• The St. John analysts report shows The Bell Telephone Co. wants the exciu• 1 in reply to "Investigator No. 2" which gain for the month at 2671 lbs., and real• answered the questions vary nicely in the James Stanley, while attending a grain +there was no poison in the stomach of sive franchise of London and offers for it we were unable to insert in this 'issue, firing 4 acute per lb. live weight for the lesson Re -building the Wall. i crasher, by some means got his mit caught Alex. D. Cairieron of Bridgetown, N. S., 61,000 a year for five ears. In for two reasons one *win to its hbvin animals, the feeder has a net Rev. C. Barithrop read an excellent in the rollers which drew his band in whose wife is under arrest on a charge Y Y Colling-g , g g profit of .. " , g paper on School Discipline. cousin" it to be torn and bruised in a of having camsed his death, �, ... woos] the council has instructed its sohici- been received too ]ate, the other, that we v4#,85. At present prises he would have o • war to collect from the same company five. have no space to spare for articles which nearly $9 profit for the month. Air. Jas. Delg+ty "Rome the very fearful it to the deep snow John W. Mackay, the famous capital - ears' rent on streets at S75 per important subject Rome Training and and bigdrifts, there was no entertainment ist was shot on Frida afternoon at the y year, are designed to pr :- paste the infidellic The annual meeting of the Exeter GunLesson." + y Our town has been tao lenient with the ideas of any disciple of Bob. Ingersoll g Same Preparation of the ]3e at No. 4 school on Tuesday night. -The Liclr house, in San Franoisco, CAL, by. Bell people. The have used our streets We mi btsay that it would have been as Clnb was held at the tows hall on Satur• thought the committee had made acts- Couraey Taros. Siddul h are buying u a an old man named Ri i. aged about P P y g da evening, '25th, AfterO"hearin + P+ y$ P PP g Y $, s g take in assigning a young mea line him to car load of sheep for the Western States, ( 70 ears. The Found is not fatal. and given nothing in return. The assess well for the community at large, had the p g so im important a subject. He had only one , Treasurer'p report the following officers Y ors should use that their plant is assessed mystical discussion never been begun. No were elected for the ensuin season : D. p l Y and also for Montana.-Died,at the family un to its full value. They have consider- one is any wiser in the end. g child to train and many here had half a a Alfred Cooper Abbe, the Moose Jaw Johns, President; John Taylor, Vice- dozen or even more to train. He asserted residence on the .hat ult., t>�e wife of Mr, solicitor, who was arrested at Vancotzd- at)1e, capital invested here, and should be 1 -he new postal cards and parcel stamps Pres.; N. Dyer Hurdon, Hon. Sec-Treas. that love should be the under] fn. Wm. Dishman, in the 34th year of her er the other da for Iriisa ro riatin compelled to a taxes thereon the same y q prin- age. The family have the sympathy of y pP p g pay have been issued and are being distributed The Treasurer reported,after all expenses, Gi le of all, home training, Qat we should funds, is ieturmng to Regina in chargb .as other people, to the various post offices throughout the a small balance remained at credit. The P, g' all. P $ strive to encourage the good qualities in Of Sergi, fife, of the N. W. mounted country. The Ppostal cards are much medals and cup have been lweli contested, children and refrain from abusing the bad. THE FIRE RECORD. police. South Huron Farmers' Xnatitate, larger than the old ones, The 3 -cent letter the following members held the aain at He held that in the Home Preparation of i PERSONAL, Meetings in connection with the South, cards introduced are aomethilig new. They end of season : W. Johns, gold medal ; the lesson the teacher was more reopen r Chris Johnston's residence at Owen Huron Farmer Institute will be held at are gummed and perforated, and can be E. Bissett, silver medal, won four times in Bible than the parent. o Sound was burned on Friday. Chancellor von Caprivi wag 62 ,years , the following places on the dates named; used in place of a letter, thereby saving sucseasion ; J: Biasett, silver cup, won In the evening, three splendid addresses The Rathbun company's saw mill at old on Friday, At Dashwood, on Tuesday, March 7th ; paper and envelope, The government twica in succession. The Captain, Ed. ware delivered : Rev. 8. Knott on Sunday Campbellford has been destroyed by fire. Homi Axthur Stanley continued at Exeter, on Wednesday, March 8th ; at has issued 20 and 50 -cent stamps for big Biesett, being about to leave Exeter, it ;school .Equipment, Rev. J. Holmes on Five hundred houses in Kadike near improvement. V mrna,.on Thursday, Marsh 9th ; and at letters and packages, so that hereafter it was resolved on his returning large silver The Present State of Methodist S.S. work' y' The Pope has received 7 000 000 francs Constantinople, have been destroyed Tiy , . jubilee P + Seaforth, on Fri3my, March 10th, Each. won't be necessary to pa9te stamps all medal. to present him with small medal in And its Outlook, and Rev: Wm.biol)onagh fire. in �itiUilee presents, .of these meetings will commence at half over a package. These stamps are red token of his valuable services, on The Origin of the tour Gospels and + Sir John Abbott is .now in Florence :hast to o'clock a. m. A large staff of and the design is the same as the old bill -d-- their relation one to another. A lamp exploded in Warners dry , P saying Rev. A. L. Russell B. D., occupied the goods store, Lindsay, and $600 damage Italy, and his health is very good, ,practical agriculturists will be in attend- stamps. The post Office department is to Hoon'e CvRmta.-In sa in that Hood's , p 1 -ante to give addresses on subjects of be complimented on meetin a public want Sarsaparilla arilla ours its proprietors snake no resulted. I President-elect Cleveland has appoint- p all during all the sessions. ;general interest to farmers, while ample by the issue of the new cards d stamps. idle o extravagant claim. Statements from The followingresolutions were cased The stables belonging to the Western ell Henry T. Thurber, of Detroit, as his, uapportunfty will be given for the most ex- Tile Tibmrs presses, this thousands of reliable people ci what He( d'o 's meeting: 1 , -'That this convention Hotel atLucan were destroyed b fire private secretary.. �baustivo discussion on each subject intro- p , week, are run at the melt g s 3' _ y _ I by an Electrical Gas Engine, which re- sarsaparilla has don* for them; conclusive- is highly pleased with the large attendance on Friday. R. W. Duff, Liberal M.P. for • Banff- dnaed. There will be a different program places the steam engine that has done ly prove the fao't-Hood's XSarsaparilla this year. and with the interesting and appointed ov. - ' o+.t'eaah meeting,. In addition to the Bail Y g Wenger's flour Mill, .Ayton, .was de- shire,. Scotland, has been ri g meetings the usual. popular on to ®,ter good service for many years, Our inoreaa- aures• profitable addresses presented for consider• strayed by fire Friday. Lose, $40,000; ernor of New South Wales. P P g Ing circulation necessitated the Change, as ---• atiou and dimoussion. 2nd -That we are instuance, $18,000. -The Princess Kaulani, hei> ess to the tainineata will be given and addresses and.with the steam the runs were too long, encoura ed b the increasing interest , • h ' mueio will be the order. We hope. all the g Hoon s PILr a eat especially upon the g Y B Fire destroyed Fele s. grocery stool; at throne of Hawaii, as sailed from Liver - meetings It was manufactured by Mr. J, R. Baird ,diver, rousing from torpidity to its natural manifested on the District in-Sanday col" for. New York on the steamer meetings! vrill belargnly attended. tX y Cobourg and damaged the store, Satur- of Parkhilly $.man possessed of exceptional duties, Dore constipation and assist di. School work, and we would urge all our eutozsic• .. p day night. Loss, $8,000. •� genius; is simple, and a great labor -saying esdon, people to continue earnest] their efforts While attending to his horse in time device. • A couple of revolutions o the e g this lands le undertaking. 3rd -That At Enniskillen on Monday, G. Stev. ( It za said that President Harrison nes astable: the other day, Mr. I. Bowerman p f h $y -- it this e g been offe ' cl the chair of constitutional wheel will. start it, rw quiring no attention it is desirable every School nin'the Diatrict ens residence and store was burned. aeGeived savers injuries to his head and whatever afterwards and can be run at a Remember Membrays I�ilney and be represented b two or more delegates Loss, $2,000; insurance, $700. law 1n Chicago university at a salary of body., Reis unaware how _ the accident cost of lees than ,9 cents per . Liver' Cure is the latest triumph in p Y n ,tions 4th -Th $25,000 a year.: eacnxrad having become un T? hours It oc p at our Annual Co ve at: A colored woman at Barnesville, Ga., g conscioua cupies but a few feet floors ace is an Pharmacy, for the Cure of Kidne and in teachin primary classes we would re- went to a frolic on Thursdac ni hf Lieut. -Governor „Chapieau -Will sail ii ]', y $ p u , g e York on March shortlyafterwards, but thinks that the, 'ornament . to an office, and, xn fact, mea Liver trouble and a ositive Cure for commend the free use of abject lessons by leaven her -ilius climl.dren' at home and from New M c 26for Europe, ]hares jumped against him. At present ver efficient mechanical motor. P b sok oa d:or icturee that we ma be g ' where he will spend several months on -'he is confined to the house, but we hoe y Backache, ,Sour Stomach, DxzLr,ess,. ,l b r p y they wore all burned to death. 4:.ti to repose his recovery; P Minard'o Liniment oureo Colds etc., Constipation, &e. Kinard's Liniment ourei Diptheris, account o4 his health. tl'