The Exeter Times, 1893-3-2, Page 5ErT12ritnro TYx BEST. MEN OF EX PIiAOIiDINAi;Y WE IiVE All are entitled to the beet that their. 4D F, RMNRSSOF LAURPOSE, 1 t BBT REPORTS. mrz,cy will buy, co, every family should have, nt onot, a bottle of the best family fru Amongst men who Lave forced their Exeter, Iilarah 1,1893, rexned Syrup of Fi a to clause the system J' me and fortune, we may name • rail wheat Per bush............ g f3 " g 61 Y, y. g , , Spring wheat per bush ...:.,:, 60 63 when costive or billxous. ' 11'or sale by all Assn eaampls to all, worthy of imitation, BdrleyPer buih............... g the leading druggiatd in 750. bottles. the famous and justly celebrated Thomas .Pets per. hush 3p 3t Holloway, better known throughout the Flour °r b� h 55 53 3t t Stratforl has refused the exclusive fran. „ • perbbl......,..: x ' Aide. wide world" -for his Pills end Oiai• Apples per bag.......`.. 4 0q 4 20 ohfae of the city • 85 :. r!j y to the Bell Telephone Co.C7do. Of these Modioines it is not out p tatoespexb privilege. offerof ¢3'L5 w+ta made for the purpose to talk, we are not writing $ l Op T 00 � 0 t cif p ivil h. an o g puff, flay per ton•. .. 6p 7 Oa g , , R�r %t woodPer cord hard .., but solid plain facts, to show *bat can be Wood per coed soft -_ - On markekdaga in, St. Marys epecalst(ve done by great strength of mind; and that Batter per lb. 2 00 218 3 Op 3 6q , l nyers are not allowed to purobase un til What ono Mau has done another may do Eggs ,Per dozen ?9 20 o �'( [� J i after 11 o'clock a; m., the hours previo us provided that be has the ability and de Pork per hundred........, „ 8 00 8 2 i lJ R S �%/ / li to this being reserved for domestic par. tlrmination to use it with all his soul I ---- � l , chasers. Leet lack there lana several Wa read of the Great Napoleon, whose "O'S ExfnvRAxca, ,A man may beer j a �'( prosecutions made. ambition was to conquer the world, but up patiently for hours under trials of s• q ' V O ,L Whyte v Bona of the Mitchell Pork Holloway has somethin else, for instead d tw 13 , Physical endurance lint when faotorv,bave decided during the coming of shedding ceases of human blood, be to years, we cry oat. But why 'should Prolonged , = summer to extend its boundaries, by the. leas cured his thousands, and spread. great Buffer thus? There is a sure axd ' r additun of a wing, the construction of JOY among the sons and daughters. of cure. Bethany, NIo,, (r, S. a , Aug.prompt G1 xvhich will coat between 1315,000 and 4 20 a8lioation by his wonderful Medicines 1888. ""I suffered for vears with neuralgia OCO. and, although lie does not pretend to "' but was finally cured by the neo of St, �GEYj'oru 73tacPcntan 8131 $Loop avasu—Gentlemen -I have `raise the dead, yet be has given strength Jacobs 011.1, T. B. SnuRap R'j"K"j '[^yl r used your Burdock Blood Bitters for bad CO tiza halt 4114 eouudnase to trio lame; .L1t C STOCKY $~:flSt(3ll BOY'S Ej►@se`[g�14 blood and And it, without exception, tee Bud if be has not ""opened the eyes of the NOTICE, SSiY@( -P@1'F cps His Life best purifi,4ug tonic in ars. AA short time blind, he has soothed the pain -worn and 1\I ago two very large and painful boils come comforted those on the brink of the. grave, Iharoby forbidatt persona stylus credit But a 1rbr�6 aria well -selected Stock of Brl And in the four quarters of the (!lobe. his anyone in my name, without a written older, iV111G ��� New ,��QOs' j JQY 31008°s SarsapatrIlla-13lood Pot on the back of my nook, B. B. ii, complete- q as I will not be responsible for any debts so h we are Sellin below SO-c8,1.l.9d �a11�i1 tl �i ly drove them away. preparations have #ound their wav-uot�by contracted, p soned by Cauker. SAUtusL BLAix, Toronto Junction. the force of too sword, not with the aid Etimville, Jan, 26,1893« WN , SLEAS20:1'. Prices. An inspectirin 0f the Raaci kite following from a grateful mother: A cuss Aos Dysrrvvx&—D epepaia is a the of bosaui of ut h ocean fu �ave been ile tl come li. Stec dna a COM - 004. years prolific cause of such ditaers as bad blood, ant bosomips ever corner of the civilizedre���U� SALE OR RENT. &P3SQ!} of 1'j ' 0]d, and It left him very weak and wdtlx b(oo(I constipation, haadaobe and liver complaint Y hun1 ,13 ces wil 'dell; the tale. We carr ' OPer thin golxnrtoell ,vith erexttrar, nIs eyes became Burdonk Blood Bitters is guaranteed to World hero suffering man is to be found A Good BIaokamit & C in the Ha dwar ' ,--- `a soInfamedMathissufferingswere Intelzse, tint[ ous•e or relfevo dyspepsia if used aaaozdin cam o do all. this i antfo vrorlr to ao, 1t nrrfaao Shoo with nr e 111219 ll�,ht al1(l 11e1%vy, g S , without s Dwelling douse, TbiA za a zaor forAesaii weeks itc re to directions. Thousands have 'tetted a rnaah thought wondrous uoha energy, for required °hanoo es ttirzAnOld al assl s od business and with beet results, been doing OLL,& �'()U,9ifi 6�4t• OI)@Ct His E�►@S. out these cotnbined, this Mighty work could sears. Apply at once to D. took Hint twice during that tinzo to tele Vy0 Pon SPnAxats Alyn Bsazazea- No other not Have been. aeaompliehed. And thus SAVUEL PORI), and lair Infirmary, oil Charles street, but then remedy aurae sprains, braless Data, wounds he did it, There is a wise aapinR, '"Don't Woodham. Ont ., spare printer'a ink i" find Holloway spared �` " ---- - - - --- -.--,- - -A< Rebecca Wilkinson, of Br awnavalIey, In -^ rani! tile, failed to clp him the'fainteat sliadoiv Obilblglns, sore threat, rheumatism,eta„ of good, I columenced giving !dirt 7I00d's sc promptly as Hogysrd's Yellow Oil, It neither'"punter's ink," nor vast piles of fl��i�{I T �i;i*� ��� says:_ Thavebeen in a distressod';poudi- Sarsal�arllla and it soon cure"l 111311, I have is an old standard remedy that has given the rooious Metal ' tion for three years from ;Vervousnaas ¢ tr ne a r tluubted that it fsnwed txiu inl,t even F0rleot satisfaotton for 30 g P , gold, IIs advertises p %NO DXOItlil AXONEy TO U Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and fg rtes kri„ vprp Info. You May rise, this tea. years, In aliilia languages apokeln anions aivilisted Sz nClrs. Indagestxon until x31 heap p tivionial in arty way yeti Cliaose, T tin always A• came FOR,=4DAcizu,---lTeadache arises nations --cud whether you go into Prance, A suXoror from Errors of youth, y h was ,gone, I SS�� gg p p ready To bound the pralae of train oonfitipation, bad !licca, dvapapsia or p5elsi°tu+ FIolland, 1'rustia, Denmark, bility and boat -r ° h,Ne.rvousDo-. had been doctoring constantly with no re- FU.G I 4�+ RE DE ,,ry Igor, was rcatorod to bcaltii in IiOf. I bought one bottle of South Atueri< � .,t 't` 9 9 lirnr oomptaint. As B. B. B,. cures all Russia, finesse, Spain, Portugal, Switzer- such a remarkable mnnnov. after all cies had uO1� a�t 6 5a�3 9"1llthese acmplafnts it is naturally the most laud,-^•iiay, we might say ail the kingdoms If+REE to all will w eand the mean$ or aura can Nervine; which done me Moro good cuaeessful bead cure existing. Once of the world—and in a thousand languages atfkwp" follow ell Address, with than any Sao worth of doctoring I ever did A D_ UcF tri z art rite wonderful 2 good it did gt soi�. " , "- i in my life. I would advise ever weak! drl rl l , llnAalr u� r, 2583 ivasbington St, Elie cease is removed the headache vanishes, they tally of ullallosvay s villa ! "—in a MR, EDjVARD UARTI4 tTsscnnnl Y y 1Jos, ,i>. Jl.tss• Get ITOOD'S. Garbutt the man *bei "Idea in Mitch• thousand languages they utter "'Rolloway's Box 143, Detroit, Mfob. personro nae this valuable and lonely rem, - 40 Ointment I We are filled with boundless - --_ edy, A trial hottle will convince you, L Ill4-1u PILLS aro Anna Marto, and are pen• ell last lock was worth about for hi45$00s !, and wonder and astonishment that one man, 1 A KILT FOR SALE. Sold by 0. Gvitz, Iiruggist. =actin, ,apositfon,l,roportion andapp0axnnc0, there can be no season assigned for leis talc. ono mind, one head could plan and deli&9 The contract for the erection of another int( his life. His housekeeper gets nearl The undersigned offers for sale lot 11, oon.11, bridge across lice iii y all th(s; mud WO say that, It ane man has Stephen. It is all under cultivation and i ver will be let in a day l y Il<lars wont rtl all his estate wing t in itself ze r ex tier really Bona aa, there lunar be some wonder• n or two, cud it will east *"30 000 I I y ittendetl to. Aar el het -v she !:nary thi $lin replied, I lameletsa of been rile oattse by liar astray- fir s brass coo vditioin, r g clay loam ; Or ' + lila Tlzttx Was, still olive when I raaelwd the €gance, g fel curative properties about his Pills and class b a g, a °s and stable; well Itiin�rd' �' -- -- All Accounts must Ire 11oUSO and tirftl MO haw it happened.'" Ointment. --feet 0100e'0 Historical Notices. fences on drained, a r(aut YapplyunOrchard, s Ltni.nent is ile Hair Beatorer, �ettle.cl ttt tirkge, Aftt,r tht:ir clvath tho I%risanar admitted, A" 'YAWABLIS H1;rT-.When yo are At- _ _ r to --.. _..�. having burled the victims in the snow; tAck0d Ig Cou9b or CORI do hat data but " " IIENRT 14icaau, or R"HARD WILLTAlIS,CALL ` The '9 Y English Spavin Liniment removes all Crediton, 12-sm Proprietor,People's; cnnlmenCo at Inca to ase Hagyard a Pao- hard, soft ar calloused lamps and blemiahos THIS YVk ^K A 1 it I t xu, �,, ural Balsam. Vils old standard remedy from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, �j MUNI I' �1R b ALE - � FLOUR UR �i ktiiltu xiuxetzd the! i raiirl,iNe* let -Tire It•Moves all irritation, loosens phlegm, and !ting Bone, Sweeney, StiIle$, Sprains, Sora Jl' � -: ' TkII;• krunco-E'zuutai:in Treaty, liFRla thomucoua eurfaaa0, °urine coughs . and Swollen Throat, Coughs, eat. Save ioTheundersigned,havingsianiflodhirintent- PALACE i & FEED 0TTAAt.%. A Bretz 1. -••-This week .1.1proveeti• ai d colds of all binds, 050 by use of one bottle, W'Arrautad ;h o id°OtQ zeri t from tarty litn,rtllolierltie aplond STORE. \icLt •x l;a♦rcusia",-:,Horuiugs' Mills, most wouderInT Blemish Care evarkao:v u. oa , n o arzn fox sale, being lots 24 and ,2s �•,ROO �,"�7 ht a rlett been particularly i s ilti ng,wlintriiit [ `:b '-'7tii.-.people of this village and vie- �Vaxrantod b C. T,nxz a l in the townshipti of lisborno, t,ondan Road r �f n keep on hand the largest stock of inliuity who read with wonder and aslonisb• Y county of raft -b . oho land to a[1 oieared, and Flour and Food in town. is Cxpi r.•ti+d tli,tt the. division Trolls �vlll ring s tau$idfruit-bearing orohnrds t w(ndmiii and -•b'ult-w- . r cut tine rwarvelloua cure Dodd'a kidney RHEUMATISM h imatio IN A DAY. pi thfu cvtz;iiig in acct licit e t11e tale of air p 4nty of geed venter, The fences aro in first- f} 7 y Sotith America ilhettmatia Cute for Rhea- class condition. On the promises are a brick CIIOICTP .r+'It , t•ruf �1 -75 } p offrvtd f'adii, g.Phi arucildinent in favor urs mads t, the Casa of SBM Murray of matism and Neuralgia radically cures int to cottage andkitobent ,two last, bank bars L' FTS, l��UlfY ' ���� �&� of £ra i tzadr�, 'Chia -sill luing tar A. clriso C'ravenhnrat, and dire. i3rown of Toronto 1 horaa atablo, 54x25; driving shed. This in e CONIt�I'f"' wi:i0h seemed $'moat tea startling to bo, remarks Its fiction upon the system is first-class farm in ovary artiou! r s ' . IIONER,Y, Any quantity of Bran mud Shorts ai tiro ii• `,.ate Olathe 1%.dget speaCh, tvhiali remarkable and mysterious. It removaa loaat(on is n good ono being plmitefr and the , , „ "Hill prices. Farmers will' hits O. nied the flltenti0n oft) ie !Ionic for true, are now nc longer in doubt that at Once the canes and the disease g om ]txoter , 13 �DD[IaS,, azivaatage to cal tfind it tf ilial Dodds 1{fanny Pills Bra the ,gzeutost mod. sly die appeare The first dose recti sPharo tfiero is Dna Of the host markets in Ont. FIIV'1� T(JI3.{+C{ 1 tnc7 C!ICkiIIS• before cin I and inspect Dux rltn0l two vet, ;s, It will bo sold at a r0asonablo figure. For g g BiaewFlexn. 31Olzdty evening the lllaritimts 1>rorineo telae on0nrtli as there has been a cure beuents. ?ti cents, warranted by further Part foularsa Dtrto ntnttllit la Iitul rho $pnal:Nr;s eye:. Z)r, ''aht hexa in this village almost as wonder 0. bats, Druggist. Aug.I y `'"l, VAxrrta, Tiny P; a. Ont, G. A. 11 . mrA,-,-, If. � IN*C�N�., RlghustprfCae paid for oats, CAnier m, (Inverness,) 3tr, C.filies, elle fi,l. Mt, 'Win. MaLean of ibis place has _ w "- �- - r , ( ° l fcyr months been troubiod with backache I"nou xI1;E 1rAR t�ariTrr-In northern D:VIINISTI'w 1TU 11lanag•er. Proprietor, O R. S, RIOErARDSON, !.rein '• and illy. C hesley spoke in favor of nervousness, lack of ambition, lose of a - FROM People. n RS' NOTICE Opposite Town Bail, llZtir the ':t,ti011Al Policy, Dr, C'hristfe and Mr, p p pe. revery subject to colds, ATO CRElltl`OR9. (�, �A�'Ztz�r�+?�x �A�E�,r AQ=. petite and flash, S _ - ^v_-- - . - -. _ _- l�lrly rblyarguingeontra, Symptoms which only but the natural remedy is also produced 1 n In the matter of the estate of Isaao Iland• i SAVCD byBuy- 11on. Mr. C'Ostigan introduced Iii$ meds- c'rist when rho fell destroyer "Bright's the name Mato. Dr, Wood's Norway pin c ford,latoof the viiia o of Exotoz, Blacksmith, FAl� r' + ^ on 0� " y are to aruend tlielrrnachise Act, It [tints Disease hos the yfat(m in its grasp, 'which Syrup cures coughs, colds, Izcara0nass , n tf Dai t to R ' S. t- chap. 110 Section 36 0 S BI"QL1 , ENETBR• FLA zIIg at aur i4 generally regarded as incurable. Mr.. asthma, bronchitis and air tlixgnt and inn poraanaiinv'n y gluon that ?tli creditors and As you pass by on the Ui PLANING MILL to siin[,Ti.;vtlze r0vf&icin Of thefistsbylnere• lttel,cau has been thoroughly cured by a troubles. PrIaO 2bo, and Geo, g the Into la vin insd Ngo dG the estate of Just for a moment stop. street 911Ci LUMBERYARD ly ora�nz ; the Dallies to be dropped, and the 24th day of December 1812. aro on or o An have your hair and lvhiskerattrimmed writin;q the additions. No new lists will lip two mouths nae of this remedy and frank- At a rocpnt mooting of the DirpOtora of deliver or send a pester°pafdtre rho under- t Hm;ing's harbor shop. print,. -a, nut; this is the eConoznicaI fes- IY cava that they caved his )Ito, the Elma Cheese and 73attaz Directors Wo axe the If hint fir• keep constantly on }read u!Wrenstook ni sigma Emit at for James and Thos e said d g ng barbers,'{ d owed p ne ane emlock lumber,°%lieedr;r lce ttu a Of rho measure. R 017 resident -• - • - -• -� Ing Co , a motion was made and carried to thomduiiniatratoracf the oatnto of the said da- We do our work with °ars,; stook of vo I alao a caste° voter roust make personal declaration, ceased on or before the 15th day ;of ilfarch A. WO alleys kaeo aur raxor>1 pine loth. BIRTHS. establish a creamery in connection with the D.1803 a atatamant in writing anntsining their And shears in good repair. Our stock of doors sash, blinds, mouldin +. nOu•rr dellts only call employ an agent Southtott-Tis Exeter, on the 16th vitt the wife factory. The roquirod machinery for the names, addresses, and dicot ooutm with full ko. is completaaud t�iarouais kiln entad. S 111 « trtver to Sir .lieetar I,tingpviil the of Uri Win. Southoott of a son, creamery will be put in next summer And partioulars of tbeir ainfwe cud aoonunfa with We have the vary finest styles ofdobaira, We offer for salel.600,000'�1mnd XXX PI:,'H botwvra':ti4dn periitnuuiclttiaer l Qovern. • operations commence Nov, tat, 1893. The j°o°Atustifa°y)vere&°d;Statutory dealaratiou, l ja a keep our towels clean. aand'"DARSI3INGLES namnufacturodby the b0tt1:aril ills Iuipeiial ,slid Federal Govern- biAARI LD. building will be enlarged by file addition thoaftn whio�Za data co chid safanylh°ldby them y shampoo .in the best of syle akersin Ontario. administrators tv11I And use the easy hair machine. Tanks and cisterns, all abapesand sizes,made !horns regarding the annexation of Hawaii MoGawAX-Us uuAav-At IJtizktnn, at rho of 20 feet to tho North and of the main di$tr(bute the assets • of tbo !said deceased it- Snma ba to order at lowest Dr(cas. jVo have somothin^ by tho gaited States, res(dunoo oft a bride's inntbor, on Tuesday, niong the parties antitlod tboraof, hnvins ro- But t harbors irs work so slowly, newin this line for watering cattle in the stabIn building and other improvemonla made. his s our text: or beraxard. a rwulit.r Thompson will leave for Paris Yoh, Iet,1898,Robort McGlowon to Alexiva The mausgemOntof this factory are enter. Love notice. avid ° claims of wli(oh ator shill We do not keep you waitfn , Ca(icheese an I+'ilday, the 10 1, cud his dace in lite S.,daughterofhfre,JohnUrqubnrt, fir the said administrators will Your turn is always '"neat,'+ our celebrated Dakiug Cabin. 7771W IRE, 1E10 r 1 JONES BROjgN_Op the 22nd nit, , the prifi o za d onebgetie men' and are wide notbol(abloforlthesaid'anoteo4anypartthe o Every woman using them recommends tl.om Comuz;.rns will be by Kion, Mr, rosfdenea of tht brides father, by the Itev,iJ an b partaina to ilio ohaeae but Lase bPerson Of o hose claims notion sharp highly' As fnr rho ladies andahitdren, 1 Turnintr,band,scroilsawing,and all kinds of t7uilnet. Walker Shilton,B, A, of Oli4,on,hlr. Gear e d utter industry .chis factory was the such distribution, A14 s artier t a time of We do their ijnzh tip-top; , machine work promptly attended t It is not correct that one of the rayls• A. Jones, of Soafarth, to Innis Grange, first in Ontario to adopt the BabooOk Sys- saidEatato moat Ong thpenr�(age (ndoptod to We shingle their bait and trim their bangs � It will be to your futerosE O° foes of rite „Tete I+raneo•CAnadian treat Smit h.er of .Mr. John Drown, of Tucker- tem of paying for milk aocordmg to quality m ant of their 1lnatinx s i)i,rbor Shop. etookbefovo1purohnsing elsewhere lamina out Y 1 smith. lndeptodnoss to the undersigned without fur - Cana atet; for a t line of St of rho part of KLUNEB-THOMPSON-fit the reaidonco of ace the crsaznerand the first;u Dlma township to introd- tiler notice. L. II. UZOIC$ON, '-- Cznasla of m fast tins of steamers between the brides mother, TIap, on the 15 nit, by Solioitorfor adminiattators. ROSS SC TAYLOR, M&lxt Street, a I, :uch port and the Dominion. l ranc0 Rev S• Acheson, Mr. John !linker, of East y bated. 8th Feb'y,1893• tyawnn0ah to Marton• daughter of Mrs, . _ �L Concedes 10 Canada the minimum tariff an Thompson. G. HOW TO (iLT A��"$UNI;IG)HT' Th ee •_RARGA cereals, flour, lumber, leather, cheese fish rhOA1peoG I'sand other articles,-vliile Canada in return 13ES1' 3f0GREGOR •At the rer(dona0 of the PICTUitE, brides varouts Hallett on the 22nd ult Mr. ,z +, r i e -viii only Collect cru French wines a specific A. Dost of lroseland,fatnn. to Ansa Jessie, Sena 25 Sunlight Soap1wrappers (strap 7 � l duty of ;,a cents per gallon. oldest daughter ofiMr. b,AloGregor. per bearing the words "Why does a woman Ii:LIi�FESs TF,T`'QIiS VALISES STRONG-RYLE- Ou the 14th art at the look older Sooner Than "a man,,) is I;ever ' + , Manse, by Rev S Aaheson,llr.Georso Strong Bros., Ltd,, 43 Scott St., Toronto, a4d'you g WHIPS, RUGS, (BOOTS NOTE Tarltr Reform lti hTexlco. to ,-Miss Mary 0, I{vlo, all of Tuckersmtth, will receive by post a pretty picture, free , ? ' l' �' �i T j j, CxTv or TlnslCo, hlaxah 7. --An official STEIVART-uOIR,.At the residence of the from advertising and well worth framing. ° SHOE, RUBBERS, decree Inas been issued by President Diaz ui� by t et iovt0�ltetohpr 3Ir: Jo)inoStary This is an'easv snap to decorate your•"•,Boma. a making several important reductions in nrd, to Miss Agnes Moir. TBe soap is the best in the market, and $ '"~'. "� . y AT ETC" X (oii'I � C� 4Ve have had Ilia the tariff. The reforms are in the duty on PJfARIN-STIIER-At the roaidonoe of the it will only float la postage to send i4 she ata p histpr vnrKtiou ilia n �rgoE Fled liomm_°di- John �i T ) I ! + expeniellee that at - horses, hogs, cloths, tobacco, soap (not bade a father, on the 15th ult by the Rev. IV. wrapper, if you leave the ends Open, wazitAmnng those who suffer from PiloepgTtexe fJ i !! fl ! �r , I�/ e tentton to iiusiness, close prices and erfumed liquor, drugs, seeds cotton Birks. John A• Pearin of Blanchard. to Write your address aarefslly. $remedy of the highest mr f from . And 8 Main 8t p }, q g , , oatlior(ae, eldest daughter of Jonathan Shier reliable -and has more thea mat the antieipa- i bpunse0gfitsy are the main factors in our lace And fibre. It is believed that Hader Esq,'-Voodham, g -` - s. tions of those Physicians iia ek t wa t it a- luthe new duties the then oulitrs from the DOJPE-SHIER-at the residence of the �.T1`�-( - tj their practice. Yuetcone is a Sure aurin a ROTE` A FEW PRICES ; United Suites and other countries will ba bride's father, on the 15th n(t, by the Rev. W v .i.J� JL when other remedies fait to relieve Tosttm- y� With this ever largely increased. to Ma Cham M. Doone, merchant, Lakeside, oniala furnished. Prior $1, Foe eala br dreg- half FOX Felt Boob, Grails, 82,00 Promptitude. to Martha, second daughter, of Jonathan gists or by mail on receipt of price,'I felt Boot, Loose Socks Grain 2.2a redeeming feat_ Miss Jennie Smith of Kingston has Shier, Eoq, Woodham, , are imprinted deeply on our motto, we QR -v. s S.. Lon. n, Ontpvjf oturing Chemist, 14$ Men'sRubbers, 0,50 have the patronage of the many been appOintedby the Church of England CLAR$-ROY-In hulIaxton. on the 15th alt hundaa fit.. London, Unt; foreign mission heart! as lad su erin- at rhorosidenco of the brfd.'s father, nfr, SAT /-gym ry rT T m Women's Rubbers; O,gO irhom despise those too -often -resorted tendent of a ntus0 school at Kobe, Japan. ib° D ROY, Esq. Mary, oldest daughter of 1V O .L {Ji (,J 1 ,�, � Hisses' Rubbers, 0.25 to tactics of tailors especially, namely Senator Boord, of Indiana, h.•ls intro- NORRIS -LONG-In St. Oolumb(an church, putting off until next week what should yciuced a bill in, the State Legislature to Irishtown, on Monday Fab.1$Ili by Rev uean The people say we areguilby of sell- �i� Skilled Workmen are -employed to have been done this. �p Dfurphy,Mr. James Norrie to Mies Lizzle. in Boots and wmanufacture the hoods ai revent the importation and sale of the eldest daughter of Ur James Lon¢, bete of g Shoes cheaper t11at ! , la the best of , eriltton hoop slants" The Sue fpr Hibbert, any other house in town. Come V material is used. T i satl� ��r f JQ This is a nic solation of the law is to be not more IfEFS-HINCKS-At the Methodist Parsonage and ben, witness, you will be well Prompt attention given to all kinds of !caking word, be than XOnlu and not l than $100 and beaforth, on the l5�ths ultby bboRev.J. Gall°- repaid for your time, Wedown the �j repairing, My Stock is well assorted to carry out its meaning is difficult to ,in for not less than 30 days. Emiiy Hinoks, of Yurnslio Por tine to Miss J H and every customer is gaaranteed sates- some• `ire glory in word and the -way It is believed the bill will carr , country for prices in Felt and Kicl. faction. The Prices mean a sale query it is exemplified in our shop. We guar y eTEWART-MOIR-At the -reel device of the Sox and Rubbers, Felt Boot and time, Cull and be convinced. antesBAtisfactionevery time in all .res- brido'e father, 4th Boa, USboruo„ on the 22nd Grain Bo its,and for Men's andsBoys RXrSTNJGSS ANI) BTJ92Nl,8S 1►IEN. ult by the Rev, C• Moocher Mr. Joha Stewart Lon Boots we take the bu n. yy pests. Lenham t4 Co, hardware, Chicago, to il4ias A¢n•sMoir. g !� J'OHN Tli UBLE, Exeter. If you want u suit hays assigned. Liabilities 2 000, _ - Tt' ry , l� Q � _ , a east, vest or pair DIED• GIE0. KANSON s, of pants, gine us a call and be convinced Bank of Ireland stock h ellen nine DAVIS--InBlensbard, on th• 14th alt. glary, 'irhe People's Shoe Store. r1% ,.,,L O N hat what we have said is true. points since the introduction of the home µ'right, 'wife of JObn i. Davis aged 32 years Next Door to Post Office, h+r rule hill. 10 months, - gyri l J T Owen & Co., bankers at Ailsa �� � t' i Do yow .rent a We JOHNS. aig; Ont., are said to have suspended s `- H PIANO, ORGAN, J3ICY CI, "', SEWING payment. b O U i�� H U.J i � O N Special �i � ` MACHINE, BOIrS' h GIRLS' TRIcy- + Iveassig 6 Ca., furriers, a i inontreal, ' 1 CLES, ExPE SSS WAGONS! 'KIRKON to $60,sslgnecl; with lzabi'lities amounting to X00, 000 V City TTeasttrer Klx1�y,' of Otta-va, Itas, armors Cheap j ' �^e 7{ ®fI1' " l;iyen of dei,s that no United States money �l f� �r p Sale l �i ! t $ t tars at the City: hall Isle of the all over C n is to be.takon in the officesH4Y]a YOU BEE N TO J { i outhI1uron Parmoro' , Ing to s all over stitut meetings oI yin S c � (� the city also are nnw-illing to take ilia Instituto tvi►i botiefd in' � 1 � money. DASHWQOD, .12arah 7, O$ sJ Governor l4lcl�iuloy'sliabilities iu con- Jf�,ET+'R, March S, t ; nedtion with the Walker failure amount VA RNA, March 9, :r u GTR10TlY HIGH GRAD, ALL MADE OF 'THE 8Fa7 to$06,080, jusf five times as much as he r SEAFORTH, March 10, tiTE :L Atla WARRANTED FOR ONE YFArt is said tubo worth. Mrs. Mcliinlpy has w aucacTuuco ev • V5,000 left Ler: by her father, which she Commencing at half past ton o'clock each dor, TRP. REST Y.E ' 1 Addresses on emotesl subjects put be d niver Furniturev '� Efil n " i nt insists on turning over to the 0xeditors. .d by C. uC.l ure ga, Toronto, Deputy Minister T �1rE CH E +PEST YET 4y !�, (�rj 4'd} icycIe Doe Ltd, +� J3IL � lkIUNECLr>AL, of Agri ulturinteprofoseorof ohetnielry at tit CHEAPEST YET If hat get there as $een she ngriuultural : p allege at Guelph , T. 7 - � � r�oa ��?' hr�i� Savo as possible. Asnnitary association has benuformed Ufllon,SnRerintend•nt of the °xperimoatal THE ,i3ZOCTI;iT YL�'iP ( kr iDa: rullinoe sold out already, d lot of. in ITamiitan. creamery, Mount Elgin ; C. M Simmons Iyr4 r early Spring goods u !lube croak hrooder and bhippor ; David Buohanau I r..`,iaxw for catalogue -� nd Torbiito's rate of taxation for this year a titer of the Canadian, -Live Stock ' Jouraat; a°�'j If von do; the place o et thet ill be 19 mills. Toront6 : Jahn Burns. Kirkton, subject, Beat Ordered Clothing l p� most reliable This H, adrtrkia¢ ; Wm, Johnston; . ]ilaashard, "`6 ao„ds at -'modern price ie. at ,P)It$yNd kWeek, f err tire agitating euo jest, Ontario farming compared with that "`b C Cad 1i11i.Llit�1' At RTIN'S, dealeeq' in Musical Instruments, cask ltchewau sett! Qantlemen 1 leave Sewing ltfeeh(ne sapD noa, ate, or the erection Of that district into a of the Western States. A ohoiae mutfoal yo4xordera early, for lire have Bold our steno and business prnRrsmmowill be furnished by the -local with the brat 'staff of Tailors l the be$'t` and O h e sols u iness rovirtce; o, rornittoos •►,n' connection with the aconin¢ a f aloe& of ]?' All Muds ( rte, aur clearing sale all Gltrammesi,,l11 �' we Triznnlrpgs, and the beat d °f farm in sotd'on � mar through &a mo g John Newton, M. D., R. II. Balser and `a'oetings'at each pinoo,' Pot full particulars le� ,.S C1uttin in Town din overoosE. Agents for the celebrate t g nib of March. SV ytnust ` his Dllitcn were Monday nominated ., 3; HIBX Hasolf JOHN HANI�'AII tiro g : ; yol care ears at deatisfeee ham jPeson, d Chat I to reduce our stack, oris half: pVe need r tbo redvsbip of Doseronto. Pitasinixz. Sic AH, , not tell) on what that means. QQDFJ1LLOW S BLOCK. $. +J PER.B.IN.3 fit MARTIN, Come and ace. • 1? anson'e i3letets. DOUPE & CO,