The Exeter Times, 1893-3-2, Page 3> ' d
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carried his threat into exeeution and the Or GENPRAL JIYTF,REST.
forms of his, extra punishment were carried
t' out to the letter, ,
i9` The Strange Habit: isn't Peculiar to Thei Tile 4ohammedaa community stood y above his rank is.
Y but to sill! his liberit atoll
' 9 a Raoe, However. �erest mt the an awful
ull nobody so before
ore tem, ,i The largest telephone centre in the world
aea �"�' l'% as to he lost forever in soul, aud the like s that in the exchange in Berlin, Ger
They Iain Amok Junk a s a'White !elan swatted any , them who chose to ' many, where 7'000 wires are connected with
. .Is superior ti), all other prepara. prospect .
Fights Sitars IIiuiet the HiIIuoncc Y run amok for their own pleasure or eon- n office, r
tionsslalimina to bebload-purifiers. ala4deninx 1 aselou 'Which has. "I'M venience, Small electrfe Iampe are being tried by
.First el, all, because the principal Smoideved, For one complete year not a single case of the
ejLondon Police in place of the old-fash. A
ingred',ent used in it is the extract During a period of six ears spent conseen- amok took place in that district, The cure to oil bulIseyes The experiments have
Yproved highly satisfactory thug far.
of genuine Honduras sarsaparilla tfveiy in the native stated. of the Malay was perfect.11
--' pen. a]a Java Sumatra, Borneo, Sulu,mud Among the passengers on the steamer
!root, the Variety richest in g7edi- ' ' City of Topeka, which recentlyarrived 11 .. I Is
many out•of•the-way islands of the great LAKE TERIaC&MINGUE 0.0U$ RY from Alaalca; was- the skeleton a'whate
cinal re, ertles, Also because yarchipelago, tudy of the Malay --- lizard, which is reported to weigh 2; 400 Infants of •
P pi Mala the g 'iQ� is s $lid �iih�Rd�t'C.t1
Cures Catarrh
the, yellow races was my private recreation when Tile iteport ora Setiter in tine District—A pounds: There is said to be but one other
clock, being not my official duty. 4 sue Field for Fttrn►s-uoautttltl Scei4• of its Kind known to be in existence, which
raised expressly for the Company, Perhaps the most prominent peculiarity pry aud 1.00d FislLLge. is an the British Museum. ,'rCaetorlaissowelladaptadtoebEdrenthat 0"teriacures COLIC, t�iiisti�atioty
by winch the i4Salay has become fatniliariz Amon the arrivals in Toronto a da or Olive growing, olive picking and the Lrecommenditassuperior toanypreseription Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eruotation, .
is always fresh and of the very ed to hid white brother in alionland� is that two: ago w Y i i g 6+ P g tnowaLo, e,°' Kills, Worms, gives sleep, and promotes db
• best kind.` With equal " ' i ifici u g as 14Ir. (. G 1 �rr, ,,one of the _>!?gnufacture of olive oil have become a m- n.,a, AAm,4 x D„ �ti•on,
qu I discrYmina which has rise to the s gn a t pioneer settlers on the shores of Lake Tem. Iughly important industry in California, 111 so, Oxford SL, Brooklyn, N. Y. VPzthout injurious medication
tion and care' each of the other expression running amuck, or,as it should iscamiu ue, who after a few ears of labor, -T-
u be given " amok," 1 ' Y This year the industry has a remarkable
ingt edients are selected and com- g'ven in the vernacular, �rnntting has as a result a prod native farm, a mill and ]room, Many , orchardists have made 5250 "The rise of I Castoria'!s so universal and " b'or several yeasts I have recommended
with the accent on the a, a comfortable home. Her reached Mattmwa an acre from olives this season, and some its merits so well known that it seems a work your `CastorlV and shall always condone to
e pounded. It is Learned scribes have harangued at length by sled from his home, the journey taking have Ystade a clean profit of S3f fl an acre. of supRrete anon toendorae it. Few arethe I do so asit han invariablyprodaced beul8cial
I "�" upon this peouliarfty as:a disease belong+ four days, Several miles of the winter road raiser William is only thirty-three ears witbiitioasgreaoh swhododotkeep Casioria results. EnwaA F PARutm V. D.
lingpeculiarly to the Malay races, and is along ilio bed of the Ottawa river, and 'old, though already the father of seven Cdxuos>URTyx D.D.. "The Winthrop," 125th Street and 7th Axe.,
great deal of theoretical nonsense has been thereatter the lumbermeu's toads oil the children. New •kork 6ty,
Medicine offered to the public in explanation thereof. Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. NewYor>- City,
, Quebec side; of the. river are used, .Tho wonderful progress madam surgery
,. there is nothing in the so -.called Malayan A newspapperrepresentative, in an Inter. is shown from the fact that only, nine per
N,, because it is always the sante in mania, which does not find its counterpart view w th Mc Farr, learned that the resi- cent. of all Operations in amputations are Trait. CzNTADa Cour"T, zf MURR- STREET, NEW YORK -
Or in the United States, Canada, and Europe, dents of that far awe art of Ontario had fatal,
flavor, and effect, Y p
a says a writer, duel a Malay witnessing guy enjoyed a thoroughly seasonable winter, Jerusalem. haft been snip in aboom slued
Id being highly concentrated 1 y g y , y g
, � g y r of the daily chronicled deeds of sadden m- the thermometer at no time reaching the the completion of t4 <: railway that connects
only small doses are needed, It furiated assassination by hatehet,pistoi,gun, depth recorded at points" further south, such it with Jaffa, Over 300 houses, hotels ---- -
or handiest implement would just shrug his ___,:--._—_._.___. I—— -- _r:,.,_._...�.:,---
is, therefore, the most economical P J g as Dlattawa, Pembroke or Ottawa. ',rhe stores and rasidemces have been. erected,
blood -purifier in. existence, It
shoulders and mutter `r Jalap snick." cold, liewever, while steady, was not really It is said that the most precious collection g�
One tough of nature makes fire whole extreme nor ills it itiictuute to an degree.
of, German wines in the most
is that stored CURED iN 20 MINUS'S BY
makes faacl.noLlr- world kin," and atnang all races of mankind The lake is of coarse frozen over ytlYron h
���"� iSliin 1Vol`li are to be found degraded types of human- g in the collars of the Grand Duke of J,uxam-
� i t, YP ita entire length of 7u miles, During the burg', Some of the vintages date back to
pleasant sleep ity whera passions. uncontrolled in the snmmer this region is easily reached b the B
SCROFULA 1 p Y Y 170G, Ip,n
refreshing' earlier stages lead on to greater excess in steamer frain ,liuttnwa and now that the
g, • and indulgence till life itself pays penalty. + A huge sewing -machine, weighing cotton -belting.
- e tons,
life enjoyable. It searches out all + p Y P Y Canadian ,Pacific nava purchased the rail- is in use in Leeds. It sews cotton•beltin . ,
J .y Tim .Malays are by natitre an aristocratic way partially bail ttoward the lake, the res. A single mahogany tree in Honduras was OR MONEY REFUNDED. Purely` Vegetable, Perfectly Harmless
impurities in the system and expels race, never given to brawling or noisy ell- idents confident) expect it will be con- 6 Y
counter, As a consequence did Utes rare! y P recently out. into ![parse, which, when sold g1II1Ll plea Saglt t0 Take. FOF Sale b ' all n u T
thein harmlessly by the natoral coeur among thorn, ounce of pro gravest tinned to their shores, and thus have access in the l uropean market, realized over 810,• � 3' r j?,$'jStS• PR.4T� �� Ciao
channels. AYER S Sarsaparilla g � ' ' to the rest of the world by rail as well As by 000,
oharaeter,in which case thogravestinethods water, <
gives elasticity to the step, and of adjudication are restored to in the shape Nearly 9 0 competitors for admission foto
111r, 1•nrr isnot only entlnistastYa over rho the Paris Cmaervutoire came forward last
Imparts to the .abed and infirm, of kris and dagger, agricultural capabilities of his district, but year; 220 were young ianists and las vio-
renewed health, strep th and Among the Sults who are to tho Ma1aY equally so over its scenery in the former i' Y KP
g' ' races what the Vikings were to Euro a the l Y o- iniats, Of the pianistsenly 16, and of the EXETER L
vitality, lava of fightin7 for fighting's Sake is re. G4nnaetlan ho says ilia group of . r fawn- violinists only 12, were admitted.
e,P ships surveyed at the northwestern end of
_ • dominant in their character, and there is no the lake will provide first•olass farming land , ,At the end of June last theta were 6$,-
necessiG for a Sulu to amok in his own isl- P g oho miles of telegraph lines, representing The undersigned wishes to inform the Public in eneral that It
Y for thousands of settlors, Those who haveP g kv- s constant! In stock all hinds of
suds. .already settled there are prasporfue;, an ex- 23$,1144 miles of wire, thraughoutGermany. P ' Y
AV L 11 05 A sullen or savage look in A man's eye is collent market for their reduce beau had As regards teloplYouic communication in . T�^�••� ��{^ '�I�- l-g-I-�p
■ sufcient, to make iheppassing Sulu leap into with the lumbarmon on the Quebec $ttile of that country uo leas than 324 towns are ��.l..l_ l.Ll�.l.'i M A .1 .uj ����
�' �, �+�, �" .fighting fume, and the brooding amoker the, lake. One settler !tad sold 5?,000 worth Provided with systems,
won ld bo spared a moment's unueaessary of ha Electrotype reproductions of rare pieces
10 re red by:Dr.,1. C. A •er & Co., Lowell, Afass. y, Oats, etc„ last season while oLlir*Ys ,� ® 4 , , r.
•Sol t all li'I,g- ists; '»ee $r; six betties, ;, yearning for blood and struggle, lids to Return of anywhere from $500 of silver, such as are found only in museums pit
Every amolcer commences with a brood. h $2 000. r Spring wheat is successfully fail or valuable collections, are among the latest
Cures others, will curb you in fit. ' p y fads of the aristocracy. KINE AND REMLOCK LUMBER.
t have witnessed Half a dozen cases of famvn, and experiments witlifall lPaar A larger proportion of children surviveSHINGLES E SPECIALTY
Lava also been ,so eesafiil, ;tbr: Farr
amok at haat, and following tip a theory on boasts that bis flowers have been in ,their first year of existence In Dublin than ,,
very or a the subject have interviewed the men iu bloom late in the fall, when frost had in the twenty-eight large towns of England 0 0,000 X X and X X X Pine al2d�. Cedar Shing es now in
W -anted
horseorcow Wants after confinement wiLli xaaults that lava ni ed aver tthin at oints further South ; and fir ales. A, Cell solicibed A,1; d satisfaction uaranted.
pP ) g 8t0(3II<to know hon to enabled me to crook at least another lial£ in fact, he claims for tie district, a climateTho Empress Eugenia devoted two Or keep his animal in dozen cases at the very ,Dutset. as equable as it Is healthy, on account probe three hours of each day to writing her
good health wh}la in the suablo on dr fodder, memoirs but so sensitive is she about her Z5 WXLLI .,.
DICIVS EL001) PURIi�llsit is now dry
arlalcY:rs :lie ritnsY.n. ably of the proximity of the great basin of that
pts the best Condition Powders, it gives a goad ft is popularly supposed that all ordinari. water, ,a Willes its length. NVitil a viow to work hat she allows no one to look at her
appittlu and strengthens the digestion so that all the ly woll•behaved Malay willauddenly, atany bringin tiledistrict, to the attention of the manuscript, and has made ,special arrange. �-------°' --- — -- •------ - •_- _,----------- . _ ,_.. �..,,,_.._,...,r..r-;
food isasstmdatod stns forms llrsh, thnssartn more hour, without rbymo or reason, leap u , publlo, i1Zr,Fmrrintends writing an a,eoount marts that her beak shall not, be PtYi)hsllati
tbau it costs, It regulates tite Ilowelr• and Kidney$ and, attacxing the nearest person as a com. of tho agricultural resources, the area, lentil she has been in her grave twenty-five I
and turas a Tough coatintoasmocthandglossyOne- mencement rush forth oil awild career of climate and other information rogurding years' LAWS
6J� J ���
Sound horses ore ai• ' Certain scientific men claim to have dis- y " 6J i
stabbfir Ytnd slashin +3nall directions, the lake and its surroundings, and be will PILLS,
thiswayce demand ander " !'his snot roto the case. I have always no doubt, be lad to send copies to a lY covered that rho memory isstren arinstinl•
arts season tvhca they 5d'� nd noted two aintsin nlltheresearches I hove p l ybur Pst. mer titan in winter. Too much foot!, too Safe and absolutely pure. Most Powerful rl em' IiCgulator
sera sotiabletastlps and p ofiica,vvlYo otic sass him. at IIaile g P match physical exercise, and too much .. known. The only safe, sure and reliable pill for sale. Ladies
into this iuteresangsubject--•namely, education, they assort, aro filo worst foal of ask druggists ;for L4Roe s.Star and Crescent Brand. Take no
'CTi2 will etc round at that ilio atnokar was known its a Ynau of As to the scenery, ho only oanfiim,s what the memory. otlierkind. Beware of chew imitations, as the are danger.
stablenocessity. ltwitiHol-.s-,es
to s+' �+r ueer fits aud broodin tem erament and we have beard of its beauties ; indeed, .1Ir. Y rc P y 1
remove a curb ° `� n �' P ' Farr claims it sue In Switzerland. very stringent laws exist olid. Sold by�aIl reliable drug.eists. Postpaid oareeeipt of price.
spavin, s almost every case had been vereorer at Prier f f the Saguenay ,way for
the protection of fruit trees from iuseots, ARI.C,RICAN FILL CO., Detroit, 1F 01.
splint or tttoroughpin or any swelling. Dick's lhti, some time iii his life from. a severe . �' .for aha boldness of its cliffs and the wild "
mottr,yycurer. a strain or lamcnessanti removcsinliam. ."°a "x ' -F « n„ i and athar pests. NO trop owner is allowed
nmtld3:frnmcutsandhnrises. Ior$atoh•a}tI)ru , attn4traiir3, 6.4'..- a,y due,,, 3i'.rr "Front my front
x , 1 s It may, I think, be safely S?t t: that ever windows," leo said, 'r:I ltava a vi.ewv`wh £.I to treat his trees as he chooses, but a strict
fists, Dick's T,titnd l urifier,ec. 1pic k'slitlstrrt,Oc• Malay who runs amok £s a 11 crank 1 iallerl in the Dontinon, I eau wa"C1,4,z,k- 4 r•over both amateur and pro. Y
D'ek's Lhtlment 5c, Dick's Ohument26c, cannot be er t feasYanal liorttatilfttr " p• 4 04 a. a .
gaud a been a "crank" fous
r some time, previous to look tip the lake a distance of twelve miles, r "�"""`� i„n shot �� - � " ti S
rsfull par. h%Toua Malay, who never uses hi,s hau s in islnuds and ie, and six miles tburst.acrossotueasr ue 1 o es makinthe d firers from antwenity twoftonagurul inn Qtleeit` ' , —� , I ,n ti �� '� fit' `aG a �{ �%N' Pte.
Fat 3; d a coatarounloco letup t Y Vletorfa'a jub%lee year, to ascertain how far •,•C ''V� -�A, off` O r �1
,,G s� 5'G 2• Qd� o � ��
ticutars & fiatic violence thorn is but one means of os- P P ' rat, But tits scenor in au a shot could bo carried, remained in the air4_ +� p1 � „ ;t �y,
•. abooknfvatuattchouseholdandfirmrecipeswill ercising his ambition to "go upon atear." oupht th adjoining Lake Temagamingne G9irsecondS and the highest n o .qe' -
bosentfree. ° f`• His knife, either parang or kris, is always anglit to make it the greatest tourist resort + t; point reached 0`�5 c O4`b Yip ti no � �•�
I3ICIi CO., P.O. Bu c 45., itiOTTRCAi in his hands in his jungle home and nth ,and it will ultimately be reaohetl in its flight o£ 12 milds was 17,000 fent. i - S! 1D'� , ��ti
iu. Gamtda It has been left to a resident of NorthVN
ways, and he naturally turns first to his by the James Bay railwayif it floes thrnuah. Carolina art discover the most novel way to S �ti 00 �o�S11.N ti� do ��� 4b' o��G r
most familiar weapon. This lake is covered with beautiful islands, y , m e ♦r, '>o fi 2• a e
It1eOCpOtatett 4887, with Grill Capital Ot 90,COD the water is clear as crystal endow a college. His proposition is to m- �, 9 , a NP �`
Sltearoxeitemontvvilloftoa cause a ilaiaq ystal and tilts frolic b ,,c+ 4c '� G't+ �� b opo*
to break into an amok but in ever +, telt fishing is exceptional, The lake is perhaps stere the lives of fifty moa ettveanthe age$ e ti !t e � ,�•t.
case Ithink it vvillbe foundthatthoa molter 44 miles long at its great length, of 40 and 50 for $10,000 each, and than as >;+A; h��c � 1%�; lg� 0, e, t,, 1�,�•.;W,
+ the olicio are collected convert them into o e, '�%! ,&,r
was a milli accustomed to frequent fighting 'Phan d communities.le go s prospective mining. Di, a fund for Llte college in question, 'That �N, c� ti r p4r' Q,oO �ti1�� , s• tp
f in Ai big " durbar " was held not long ago Bell of tte tion to the strong} indications of 'would mean a clear $50,000, ESQ& Gly' d�,V is �'c, e on Vrbs �'S'4 �° 4
called attention to the siren ,
*A- varat ions wilds Dytxk chiefIn British s pretseentnworo n l iuptlto vicinity of Lako'1'emagd other metalsoiutguema �und tbal1203 at 142arinea has been nce more the standard raised iso plea- for 4�4�oiti O 4��{tilt' oefiIlbo �/•��J � ��". gP'9 0449o'c�4ti3a'
K NA /Z_15.67.- i.,eing ltindly'treated and. honored, if only of
to the question of settlement tiful is the supp'y. The minimum in the ; ��ti� ep .►. ,41y, CoA GaAe�e�C,o
�1 t�.�s -. for policy s sake. An old brother officer of he Lake Temiscatningue eouutry, Nr, Light Infantry is now a feet 7 inches from r2r .S �* a' e p4 0 1% Q�
mine stopped out from the reception hall I'nrr said tato land was easily cleared, aha IS to '20 years of age, and a feet 7} inches y do cod °i .'1° 1Z, Qty A r G°~ N,
• ,, for a breuth of fresh air in the open, pieta stumps being removable without any above 20, while the recruits for the Artillery n. e� "e ' Q % ``��''" '+ eon •�o s' �o M ,-oPoe+ 1b'
R*mIt Al:a•+t nntnearltved nnaite daGthesurlden difiioiytyafter the timber had beePg a d .lid standard avdunder
hY her the nthaa bit eett ��01N"'; y=-0 Ce4l�c'�'��e'W, &'9' o� �,7Q� 4
PP few ears. Back of the townahI g Q{ �e z» 4'y -9p , 0", r., -,,-0,7-./
v .
NtoTot apparition of the white man from the m s• along the western shore of the lake general for many years. r� i ° r e,
YB terrous interior. With a yell he leaped, ly there is an extensive pine country, The horseshoe superstition is very old. mea ab ,t`O ."'., ,4cf 'i No.
L/ and, and pith razor-edged kris, cut at the which will give winter employment and a The ancients believed that iron as a metal 1 c '- �4* or.
unfortunate officer's head cleaving a ash market to the settlers for many years to had unknown powers, and would drivenails
AND APPLIANCE p0. g g `'� Sfanufaefured onlybyTh°mas Holloway, 78 New Oxford Street I
p� �y �± y fpr TORONTO,
�i p, in his face which took twelve months in come. There is no reason therefore why into their walls to keep off pestilence. It$, late 583, oxford Street, London. '
49 lclr�s S 4 11 I O(IOIITO ol{T Piccadilly to heal. Temiscamingtie should not become one of has always been thought uncommonlylucky
1 the most prosperous settled corners 'to find apiece of the metal, and as horse- t3TPurchasers should look to tho Label on the Boxes and Pots
� ' S i � Before he could repeat the blow he was P P It,
G. C. PATTERSON, A!gr.;for Canada. out down and overpowered by the surround. of Ontario's great domain. shoes were the form in which it was most If the address is not 533, Oxford Strect, London, they are spurious,
Ing natives, and lived to regret his excite. � frequently found, the superst'tious regard _
Eleetrieity, as tapplied by the went and control his nerves. Took a Bean from a Boston Child's Lune•- Lame to be transferred from the material to
Owen Electric Belt, On the Malay peninsula the natives area the shape.
7s now recognized as tine�t•eatest boon gffered far more gentle and Iu the amphitheatre the Massachusetts
g quiet race than the General Hospital, Azurizavva Ryochi Nfehome Sanjukanbaz
SulusorD mks Foston, the other after- The oldest armchair in the world is the
to suffering humanity: Zt is fast taking the Dymks, and the cases of amok which I?Lio•bashi:•kit is the simple name of a Japan- •
no3n, one of the operating surgeons, Dr. throne once used b ween Hatafu
lace es lira it all nervous and seemingly
break out there are generally cases of brains , , who
ego gentleman who has discovered the social �' Y
troubles, anwlll eff,5et cures In seeminniy John W. Elliot, showed a little child about of roto ra lin in natural colors. It is flourished its Lgypt 1600, B. C. It is made
unsettled by sunstroke or of morbid P g P p
jiapaless eased w11oreovery other known means 3 years old who bad. inhaled a b-ian into the g n of ebony, beautifully carved, and - is so
•failed. It' nature's remedy, and by its allowed to worry beyor.d final control. hoped that he will not imitate Daguerre by ,
lung, and on whom an operation was per• christenin hardened with a o as to appear to be carved
steady, sooth}ngicuixent that is readily felt, It has been said by the learned theorists formed fqr eta removal. g the process with his own name, is the latest triumph in pharmacy for the cure from black marb�e.
POSITIVELY CURES more at home in their studies than in the Think of going toaphotographerand Lalling Ll SII itte symptoms indicating RIDNar AND
jungles, that there is no cure or preventive The opeYation was performed a few days him you want a dozen Azurizawar ochini• Lrvsa Complaint. s If you are troubled with*
. Rhontnatisnls Sexual Weakness, P a o an has roved remarkably euneessful. Y costiveness, DIZZ.tnesa, Sour stomach, ��a ��� NERVE BE"s are a new die.
Sciatica, Ponztsle Complaints for outbreaks of amok. g ' P Y chomesaujukanbozkiobasbikuotypes taken. ,overy that m}re, the worst cases of
p The begin, which was of the ordinary size of Rooks intermarry, year, y
General'pahility, Iuippotonay, Thera !def%r and will show good proof a white beau had been inhaled into the y, yearafter ear chiefly Nervous Debility, Lost vigor and
Lumbago, AiI no.vbisenses, to the contrary. ' among the occupants of adjacent rookeries, e 17 B ENS railing Manhood; restores the
Nervous Diseases, Liver Complaint, right bronchus, and, as the right Ming was d weakness of body or mind caused
CURE FCRTITE Ei kBiT. thus shut off from receiving its proper If a male should be so bold as to brio ho no ® b over -work, or the errors or ex
Dysppepslit, Lame Back g y
Varicoo le, IIrInary Diseases. g P P to. his rockeries &'bride from a distance, the etwea of youth. This Remedy ab,
amount of air, the Clanger of broncho-pneu- solutely cures the most obstinate arises when all other
Not so very long ago a smart young Brit. monia with a fatal termination became im. other rooks would refuse to receive her, Headache, Indigestion, PooR APFETITH, TREATamaxi; havofailed evento relieve. Moldbydrug.
H "C U M AT I S M ish magistrate was in charge of a well-known and would force the pair to build some way TmED FEELING, RUMNATta PMNs ; Sleepless gists at $1 per package, o, six for $5, or sant b�yy moil. on
It is a well k own fact that medical science . minent and and Was performed. Nights, hielanchol ? cello BACH Acnx, receipt of Deice by adtkea9ing THE JAMLS I1iED1:01NIi
settlement not far from Singapore. Cases • oil. In the neighborhood of big rookeries y g, Co., Toronto.
writ°forpamAME X DICT
The incision about an inch long, was made Men,bray's .kidney and Liver caro
pas utterly fail d to afford relief in rheumatic rf amok were oecurrin every week accent- outlying nests o£ this kind may always be
oases. Wevonturetheassertlonthatalthau�ir g y in the median lino of the neck, and after
Electricity has only been in use as a remeNtil panted by heavy lists of. dead and wounded going through the superficial structures of found• '
a ont for a sew, years, it has cured more oases victims. g g P A blind beggar, in the streets of Paris, f `
g that pare the trachea was reached and enols. I d r I HAVE YO U
of ed. Rheumatism than all other menus tom- It mast be understood that the average ed in a vertical line, liOre on his breast a picture ropreaeuting
bfned. Some of our leading1zhysicians, roto - absolutes indifferent to y q p - p
.nizingthisfact,areavailingthomselvesofth,, death, anotonly y The incision ens made lar a enough to indistinctly .. earthquake an p lesion
most potent of nature's forces. rteath, brit often welcomes it as a hap g 6 of flea•damp. A gentleman stopped and will give immediate relief and EFFECT a Cure,. a ,
means of improving his condition inanother ceps, w very long and slender pair of for- kindly questioned the poor beggar. "Tell So?d ataADivgStores.
cepa, which were carefully passed down the me Peterboro' 111odicine Co„ Limited.
TO RESTORE MANHOOD world, where Mohammed has oP.'ered rein , my good man, in what country that
people P P trachea and into the right bronchus. A yon have PETERSORO', ONT. I I i 1
i" Thousands of eo le stiffer from a variety of such paradise as his unsophisticated nature catastrophe occurred, of which
nervous diseases, such as Seminal Weakness. deems all that can be desired. short distance 'below where the windpipe been the victim." "I can't tell. I bought
Impotency, Lost Manhood, weak Back, etc divides the end of the forceps it touched the . �
that the old modes of treatment fail to cure Under these circumstances the death pen• bean, which was firmly lodged. Grasping bhe;painting at an auction sale." . P
There is -a loss of nerve force or power tha: alty (as laid down in the Indian penal code An illicit distiller named Charles Carroll w L E
the bene[ with the forceps, the surgeon broke + +
any of Ua restored would
medical treatment, adopted in the Malay countries ruled by offa,small bit of the offending substance and of Buchanan County, 1'ra., waa pursued by 1."� 1:
any doctor who rugsd try ti aecomiaug tri. tie British) is such as causes him no con. g revenue officers, and took refuge in a vacant
fo any !tend la drugs is practising a dangerous withdrew it.
form of charlatanism. #roperly treated Dern whatever. I Tutee attempts resulted in getting only barn. The officers bad no idea that he was
THESH DISEASES CAN •� He will walk, boy or man, calmly and on- concealed therein, and as they came in sight i a I
�a�ftE� P i y g , small particles. It had. become softened, f
erci ecus! to the arows'and smoking his and the soft part of the branches had swot• of it; one of thein laid a wager that he "Backache the scaven ars
Etoctrioity, a§ app11 d U,v ho Ovven Pltcetrie last cigarette, smile disdainfully upon his 1 could put a bullet through a knot -hole in The Cameron Hip ander• 9
. 11en and closed in about it rbc next at- P g Ohl I means the kid of th,, agstetn.
Belt'8n4 Susponsary, vv}ll most assuredly do rtndience to the last moment whfch drops tem t was more successful. The fi the door. He fire 1, and a groan followed r,
Following upon s public meeting held ill Heys are let Delay .. 1 s ,
scVoin Supp heWlxsittlisoltt 1:itei��niil u3sut that him out of sight, of t{,e head of ilia force s bliria Itne teeth tlYe report. Carro111tad hfa eye at the hole g P p
Toro 8 waver fm _ ,!m. e g me y, new- Upr youlig magistrate, with run amamit of P d t emaolves and Received his death woun Glas�o v, the`Hi hland Soviet of Landon trouble, Dodds dangerous. Neg-
1 ._ n aud vigor to the ui the substance of the bean, and with care.
d ° g Y Kidney PNIs rue looted Idne
organs and aignso to healbhy dellen the whole zeal which proved his youth and inex er In man.- arts of Bn laud in German convened a meeting in the metropolis of pro- y gi k y
ncryond-s stem,' P tuLmantpulmtwn it was. extracted. Y P ngland, + Y• .� tompt telae troubles result
y ienco set to work to discover' something Immediate relief as experiencedand in the north of ,Europe there are till I test against the proposal to convert the 9th f ar f
seller might possibly `act as a deterrent. w by the 76 per gent, in $cid B/cod,
{�� �e gous superstitions 'concerning the cuckoo, Cameron Highlandors into a battalion of n
BEWARE' OF IMITATIONS We determined to attack the 1Vlala tell 'little sufferer, and toady the child is prac- all of,wlzieh- bows x it Scots Guards. rhe meethi was heldatthe disease is Dyspepsia, Lruer
Y tically well. , ve , un a in ascribing to g first caused b
And tile wortbless, cheap, so-called Glectr'o gion. Accordingly he caused notifications it oracular Ower - Scottish hall, Crane Court, Fleet. street oil y Oomplaint, 'and ..N
powers. If the . cuckoo
High . , ' disordered kid- the most dan- . •
'' I3elti ahvo3iaised by some concerns land paddled to he :pasted i�•i his district to the effect that lands aud Hebrides f t o: the 4th lost. The war office authorities do
through t country.' They 'are electric: in Kind words produce their own image in da i h cugkoo is first y Ile s, e o
no seem to corn Iehenttthe force of ubltc y teas fall,
•,iaitie onlyy worthless tis a atirative: otter, ani! the next person convicted of murder by. , g heard b g one who has not broken his fast P , ., • • P rr �, -
p •_ men s, souls ; and a beautiful image it is. is + A7rght as'fuell Rni hfs Asease
dear at any price, amok should not only be hanged by his neck - some misfot>ine, itis behaved may be ex• opinion which their action in this matter has J ,
,%a 0 t.allenge the World to s.iow :a till he dead, but should furthernio e e They soothe and quiet and comfort the ' y roused. Tlie Hi bland Bernet as al sty to have a Diabetes and
>;leotric Belt where the burrent is tinder con- r h hearer. petted, m g y h ready healthy .
trol of the patient as completely as til Is. cremated after death; and' his ashes carried A curious book in which received cordial promises of sit orb from otty 11"O
p Y s. a ,, the. text is P PP
our Tracie Marie is the , portrait of ..3r, to the four points of the compass and scat- . ; : The best rules of rhetoric are: To speak Scottish n ble Yieu interested without 8etuel' ' j It s. et b o u e
P neither written nor ranted but has many S a i t in ,
speak from the heart • haveP • • age, as
;" Owen rinbossed in ,gold upon every v3eit a,n1 teredinto -the sed around the island. intelheently • p , !diel beenpublished- reniment and atathe other national societies J , cJOOd diseases Eannot:
appliance manufactured by us: • somethin to say; say it, -and stop Y in'twcnty five patty p
The Malays, relying upon he cast•i.rOil g y , Y , op wheel Each arb. consists f t inLon, on are associated with the . move- health inhere the exist to {leis
S i odve done, P., c we, leaves, so that
Sen( tf►r Catalogue --Nailed (yea-e±�� a CBE integrity of British laws, Hmiled at what Y the entire volume i> there is tier casco t k r d n e y s a a e Dodd i!'s e_dn e
The Queen's Scotch o lame only contains sf y leaves, me y i o believe that �y.
-: E they supposed was an idlethreat, and with ` Q • n journeys and the ex inscribed it protest ill be i t clogged, they are Pill- isle used.
THf, OWEN E�EcrY4ie BELT ce;, .. with the service of the mass ,and the pt'ote w sr Elie ant o make 141x.
m a very fete renis attar the . earn of tht pensee iactdentaito diem cause a leakage in 8otr1 b ail dealers orsenea r T?
�tl i Kine St, VIV. Toronto,posting n several prayers: 13otli the letters and the Catnphell Bannormanhesrtate before Derry- y S a_ onreaapt
notices an amok took )eco. two r thee,: : he Royal Purse to the time of about f G,000 - of So cents. pt:r bo5.or sIa for sz. o:
Menttm-kthis nazt� p , . o ear. borders are fix black silk on a white back- ung out a change so totals o i used to na, 5
6, magistrate prom d y Y OPPosed Dr. L.,i Smith . Co. '3 ;• onfr rifle stir
P y Pitcher's �'ea$i ground. ileus! sentiment. lwakaailedl{idnoy Tatic,
deaths resultin the Y i Of`f93
19 I
Children Cr for Pit