The Exeter Times, 1893-3-2, Page 2_....__ 1 FOREIGN NEWS. TWO VIBGPS IN AF$rG�,.: Mice ThatSllbsist on Boor ions, THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN n LTE �A iN lif Supt. DXtnr ua Snes a district Just xsetnru lot Among itlleath wall@ythe queer qs asmouse tplof uiatz! asfe lac 4� .e .V N 1. - v I „. i :* Reddeuts of the Rue Pat]ama, in Paris, Hirai GS4er the Masai lti ideft it. qulredsuchatastefomorpionsthat they form to h V4 , , p,., •' . a street which vas thus named a few years WY -+u Capt.. Dundas went to Mount itsentzre bill of fare, Tile scorpion carries its I 4 C IR N ,ii, I I t u ago when the canal project was popular and Kenlain East Africa rerentiy, he ascended formidable armament in the end of it's slen•. pp olz]isiu ,aro petitioning for a new. name t13eTana River in ,his stern�vhegl steami der,. elougated abdomen in the shape of au�, E 0 i I �+.�'�� TO rH�(. '" Y k for the street. p boat a distance of 350 miles. After he left exceedingly venomous; hooked sting. When "r r A musanlnaan canitidate is to contest .for his steamer and was ]Halting his overland disturbed it elevates this in the air and _t>< m I\+ arch to the rest mountain be had an goes in search of its disturber. Bat it 18 N I I I r A Wash Day AND No Steam 4N THE ii House " in Russia will follow, and last of all the Ger running toward the great mountani. at . Vigor.. It Is absolute1 a Seat in the legislature at the nextelection :- Cape Town. He is the first non-Luropean .% ° opportunity to gots vivid idea of the flatce comparatively :810w ill iia. motions, while P y nice are proverbial for their quickness rile 11 ~ 0 candidate there since the Cape constitution p Masai on their raids. The country, he was crossing was wholly unexplored, He reach• world over, The mouse learned many gen- PPOINT6IERT was granted, �e A billilas been introduced into the New the an called the be country, a beauti- al land d M ] d to fol region of bills and cultivated valleys, orations ago where the scorpion carries its P weapon, a p ' p ,nil when he Hots it h@ lea s at ND the work A' so cut down South �X alae Legislature to restrict South ion of Syrian peddlers, on the round Y p g that these destitute becoming a He found the people hard -wonting and f.i- dustrious, and they evinced a most friendly the uplifted abdomen, takes off the sting at a single bite, and proceeds to make a meal his helpless It is to be aliens are feeling toward the Europeans. The people of prey. supposed thatlicate girl or delicate public evil were ros erous and ha The soil was p p the only animal that relishes scorpions. woman can do a A poor French p husband cvasa@ri peasant woman whose seriously wounded by a Ger fol. rich and the fields. fruitful. Passing on to the adjoining district of g 1 g family washing without being man forester on the Alsatian frontier has re- '2,500 Kikuyu, the explorer met many natives °r ® r e s e rye tired. fused to accept the indemnity of ivhc wet@ terrihiy excited over tlie_arrival . ei francs offered her by the German govern- in the eastern part of their country of the The richness, color, and beauty of the NO HEAVY BDIL1iR uient. dreaded The said the enemy was Masai.Y Y TD LiFr A Prussian official mining expert has burning their villages and carrying off all hair, the ,greatest care is necessary, made investigations of the coal strata of the the women and cattle. Capt. Dundas much harm being done by the use of ��� ���a world, and expreages the belief that the could see to the northwest great volumes of 'worthless dressings. To be sure of HOW? coal deposits of Austria-Hungary, France and Belgium will be exhausted in five cen- smoke, indicating the route taken by the ]raiders, The explorer continued Ills 'having afirst-class article, ask your � turles at most. Those of Great Britain and •S course along tile crest of a range of hills l druggist or perfumer for Ayer's Hair t y super or o any BY US1NC plan strata will give out The Amerian denly he came into view of the Masai, who other preparation of the kind. It supply, be expects will not last longer than were in the valley below. They were up - a the k,aropean, ward of 800 strong. Their broad spears restores the original color and fullness Sir Andrew Clark is quoted as saying at a glistened in the sun, and they were march to hair which has become thin, faded, meeting recently held in Loudon to promote fug in serpentine fashion toward the region or gray. It keeps the scalp cool, moist, %,Ithe founding of a colony for el. : ,,It from which ho had just Home, As ills and free from dandruff, It heals itching was a singular fact, anti had been proved by caravan numbered only sixty men, fifty ofI ght reverts baldness, d imparts specialists, that a large proportion of our whom were patters and not available as humors, p , • InN great men, from N'owton to Charles Darwin, soldiers, Ile knew that if he was attack- to r+ " were sickly in their infancy—in fact, .they ed by the 11 asci his " party might be an T !� had been opileptics—and yet Lvllen they nihilated. 9 e yis HE HAIR. bad attained to manhood they were capable Suddenly the Masai halted and plainly ep1'dhi t as Dil:ecf'10 of doing great things. - ) showed by their actions that they had seen a silken texture and lasting: fragrance. g O y g g �' The Duke of Wellington somewhat rough -the explorer's party. He caused his men to No toilet can be considered complete spread out fn a skirmish line,. thus hoping Put aside your own fdsas next wash -day ly smashed another Waterloo legend, An o p g without this most papular and elegant rindt tine easy, clean, " '� to deceive the ppari tl to his numbers, try y $tJJVLfGHT way. English artist collet] upon hint one day of all hair -dressings,' Ills manoeuvre apparently lied the desired addressed him "asfoliows; "kiy T.ordJauke. effect, as, after a short delay, the Vlasai "My hair began turning gray and DON'Tyf Let another wash -day gobywithout I have come to ask a great favor. 1 want moved on. falling out when I was about 25 years of trying it. you to give me an opportunity of making a A week later Capt. Dundas retuned from age. I have lately been using Ayer's picture of you in precisely the .attitude in Bair Vigor; and it is causing a new the mountain by the same roilte. A terrible whfell y au stood when you aafd ` Up, l growth of hair of the natural color."— Guards, and at them 1"' " Oh, get out t" eight met life be ~viten , again reached l R J. Low o , the fertile hlhe count, which was all 1 Lowry, Jones Prairie Texas. roared the Iron Duke, Then lie burst out peace and sunshine when he had passed "Over a year ago I had a severe LEN TR,A.L laughing and walked into another room,, through it a few nays before. Now, instead fever, and when I recovered, my hair When the Princess of Wales is in Den- of prosperous villages and fields of grain, he began to fall out, and what little remain - u - ore mark she wears a complete mourning cos. saw only smoking ruins and the bodies of ed7lurnedgmy. Itried various remedies, Fume of cream color, which the Empress of old men, women and children half burued but without success, till at last I began Russia has introduced into that country, as lying in all directions. Hete and there a to XS,0.N .S BLOCK. the national wainninit. Thereis, therefore few persons were seen wltl their hearts a0 E a remote possibility that the Princess say buried in their hands, pictures of hopeless see fit to introduce the customin the Unit- misery, scarce noticing the passage of the ited Kingdom ; and at some distant day, per. caravan. When Daudas questioned some Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my hair is chance, British women may be free to dis• of these unhappy beings, they told him that growing rapidly and is restored to its card the barbarous black robes which do the Masai had arrived at dawn one morning ortginal color."—Mrs. Annie Collins, not properly find place in a Christian and had begun spearing and burning all be. Dighton, Mass. country and protect themselves during the' fore them. They went through the dis, " I have used Ayer's Idair Vigor for period of mourningbya costume suggesting trict like a whirlwind, carrying off some 250 nearly five years, and my hair is moist, Hope and trust rather than the deepest de. women and a large number of cattle. Only glossy, and in an excellent state of spair. a few of the people succeeded in escaping to preservation. I ant forty years old, and A full stock: 0f all kinds of Daring twelve months ending June 30 the mountains. One old chief implored have ridden the plains far twenty-five 1591, 4,1:18 sbippi• g casualties occurred on Dundas "to make medicine," or, in other years,"—Win. Henry Ott, alias 11 Mus - Dye -stuffs andk aca e p' � the coasts of the United Kingdom. Thera words, to prevent the ]]seal returning by ung I3111," Newcastl@, Wye. Dyes, constantly on was a Heavy increase in the number of lives occult processes, in which lie supposed the I lost as compared with the previous twelve I European to be proficient. He also asked l hand. Winans months, the number being 5'?3 against 406, (( that some of'the whites be sent to live in Aye s -,f-, _. . � ondition The cases of total loss rose from :-Sl to 344, I his country and help his people protect e 1 . � ` and the serious casualties from 820 to 557. ; themselves against further attacks, �, ,. r � f * Yowd One thousand four hundred and seventy The Masai raise many cattle, but they , -; , . ,� „},. .1 four collisions occurred in the year. Ufrthe.depeuti fora farce supply of their stock l3retDycctTshyj;� +,yell, Maas. erba 4,195 casualties, 3,691 befeXF h ttiid upon these raids. 'Phere is no tribe"zn Haat; u ?Shere, the lest colonial ships, aud.437t1f�it1 1441t Africa, except the Somalis: anti'Gt�ilae111 .�l+,; ', �;iti "°tl�'tp coil. ivu•? a° uuu `,. ' ; :,t ' eseYle were from these s. in the mark- f' years 4,697 v liat'ti Aw'6 4,6 most fe�,gl a- « ettgfabnt �' : ;,U , I,- i of et and always +S _, •;.,t,,,, a .1 itpm, Involving the relons sfkraeh t 'e f plerz4dfC411Y � { � � ;z'�� lar k. w ,v , Ai"511111WI It es: • devfsstate«fi-a"+3?ht?y� entirely upon their 1c� - `�' �+ l� Fesh. Rina y re �"# . w - . . s k, l .. : eittiilo, the fleah'and milk supplying pras- n 6 ,, r•.r -1 �%~, , n 9rirty'-deaths from starvation occurred �� tloally all their food. The. women they l'" .p � fif Lon(Ion during 1891. For the most part capture are divided among the Warr!*—, pp�. Tl1 Btofa3 tie'6 they were of persons between 40 and 65 and there is a large admixture of the blood , d g years of age; there were several infants, and of other tribes in rho ]]asst of today, � "� "" - plar .000 Imone woman of ,8, In only two cases was One of the reasons given for building the ..� n death accelerated by drink. The relief I—THE— 1Io�iTlt :iL ° authorities make "specific statements" that railroad from the coast to will pu ria Nyanza t�} P {��i i; «� I r FEE practically all the cases were unknown to Is that the enterprise will put an curl to Rugal Elocti�C Co. "�,4 DULLS p y these terrible raids. It is asserted by all Arc andxnc"'Iescentl;l••etria i .,{ Cr - r b �� s " p them until too late to save life; the persons who. have practical knowledgo of white .r.... ,F, l ]sortie aurora V Co. " 6 a Ba d � f aL-ice U� �Ac did uotseekadmission to the workhouse or ana G,neratora, ' enterprises in East Africa that the regions r%p CONTRACT08 d BUILDERS OF News °e even outdoor relief; which seems to mean Jul which aro now the scenes of these gruel out- ELECTRIC LIGHT AND Printing ` that practically all the thirty indivfdnals ra^es will be entirely freed from them and . who died of hunger were not of the auper Y ughcu theno i ivrapl]Ing 11 e t - , ,1 w g' opened to European trade as 900n a8 the ThrenpltouttheDaminion. c 1 I C class, but Honest poor, brought to coots proposed railroad is built. 81 to 70 wellington St. SandfarSMIE(, . -- tion by the sad grind of untoward circum ___ ,. - - �;,,,,..,,,.,.��t= stances, and who starved and died in silence 9 A S d TERRIBLE EXPERIENG,E. PETERMA� S ROACH F� 9 ' A British Admiral exercised a peculiar privilege recently, affording thereby one S yor,,ngLadySpends.tX19htotttileParirieNOT A '�,rrr{/°"' Unlocks all th& •?' ' •ted avenues o£ the illustration to the question often presented Exposed to tiro Cold. f .a��- _, �I, to the curious as to what sight happen A, Calgary despatch says :—One of the + $Oplels, Kidneys and Livers carrying' g Y Y FATAL TO COCifEDACHES AND E3ATER DUGS. should the senior officer of the ship or fleet most terrible experiences yet reported dur- off gradually without weal min;; the sys- choose, when." eight bells" or °'sunset" is in the resent season of hard frosts n as DOLLAitBfWhO Crit,: s IUO Cd a:falllur� fpr l trig nu ,' to , secretall the ions; atithe same time GOrd reported to him, to withhold his "Make it that of Miss Louise Henry, who spent a a SPICE DIli11CII:iNTS, of th- so, pleaso, by officially delaying sunset for niTht during the recent cold spell on the EWING, HERRON � DQ`s Letting Aeidity of the SatOnlachv over an hour. It was duringthe trial of cutin Biliousness, pyspepsia, open prairie, exposed to the bitter cold, sole DIfiS, 570 & 5a1 St. Paul Street, liOlvTItEAL. t; Admiral Fairfax several weeks ago. By the wh]eh It was almost impossible anyone Ileadaehes, Dizziness, heartburn, Admiralty regulations court martial may endure. hiss Henryas driv- SolarroprlMoroithoLX0Xb1nYA I 11 Skin, could long y of gcoth% All W. ods boating tLL Constipation, Dryness of the , Hct sit after sunset. The trial vas almost il r -aro ure. (; p Ing home, when her glove fell out of the tri o marl n t!r < BROWfiY� Dropsy, Dimness of 'ishan, faun- over when sunset was reported on this day 1.1 , She of out to recover it dragging roar Lion nrnna Allmnte WUOLESAU. diee, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sero- and the Admiral, beim anxious to conclude g g gg S PonT, Lion Lund, ".i." ltonss1ZI Q�� Mia, Fluttering of the Heart, ser- g her rug after her, a most fortunate circum- �o. S11`i'•iirRY,LIinl3= 1, zI o the matter, ofiieial'y put the sun back, or stance, as the horses trotted away, leaving anllla• CLARET.Llonlirand, A." FJ D( 9 N o VOtlSness, and {i(el,ei'alDebility; all ordered tilatitstand sttlL Inconsequence, h r mainderof her aurno witimcryLtonBrand,LloaB c, S P I 9 ■�'s thb.,a and many other similar Complaints all the ships in Davenport ke ttbeir ensi ns tier re wall. the e ] Y« do Vie. ,iron Itr wd, Lloa na in$>~enceaf$IiRDOCii p p p g or freeze, as the case might be. A clog do Vie. fa`1EC30hiAhlT. , to the happy flying until after it was quite dark. which had accompanied tier, remained with Agent for Toho Robertson & sons Scota% wwsitop; James . - ,,01.3' BITTERSS. p l+orgusrn & Sons, Glugmv; Ronnet R Deiamain Jarnac- For Sale by alb Dealers. A novel and remarkable point touching her, and by means of it and the robe she cognac, rranee. CnAMP.taxE, vin derrinceas, vind'Eta r°1fE ill ail QI'�`.'j'Q;ar', the international ethfes in times of war is managed to keep from freezing, but it can [1Ig at. Paul f'+1®elites]. "RI Y .,alp-' -'- ' stn raised by a demand lust made on the Ita:lan b"e inlagrned what agony she must have sof Government by the 1lunieipEd Council of fered during the long night from h+rfday at Cw 1. � '� Q I )a Venice for the restitlttion of some six thou- 5 o'clock till 7 o'clock next morning, when MON`2'REAZ, sand pictures, which the Council declares in a half lifeless condition she reached home. CARTER'S were stolen from Venice during the Napo. The wonder is that she survived it, but J• W Lewis, - PP®rietor I , leonie wars and scattered over Europe. with a pluck and coolness unusual even in IN THE CENTILE OF T11E BUSLtiESS PART OF THE CITY ITTLE The national Government is asked to resort the hardier bearted male sex, she never oN NOTRE DA a;I STREET ' to diplomatic measures, and to request gave in for a moment to the terror her sit. CONTENIENT TO R. It. DEPOTS AND STEAMBOAT LANDLI63 foreign powers who now possess the art nation might well have caused. Miss PILLS. a � booty to disgorge, A demand. Electric Cass Pass the Door• also made Henry is now til in bed from the long ex- EVERY MODERN IMPROVEMENT that vigorous representations be made to poaure, but she will be quite recovered m a Austria, calling on that nation to restore short time. R�A.TES: �S.S@ to S2.00. the 135 pictures which the Emperor Ferdi- nand carried off to V ienna in 1838. If the How a European War Was Avoided. 14IO iTIt At ria <L'I RADE py I11 powers got to considering this pointseriolT- Le Figaro states it has beard, on good 2 E 9,0 8 CURE ly and Conscientiously, it may result in authority, that about two months ago we - R k, COLI m p Sickl3eadacheandrelieveallthetroublesincl• general disarmament. b B® RLh Aw,`,�, 5 o dentto a bilious state of the system, such as were nn the eve of a European war. Some of Brazil is involved in serious difficulty the advisers of the Tzar insisted very much n [CART HUR I 0 F, Dizz Hess, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after with both Italy and Germany because of on the desirability of Russia declarin war w 1- o' �, 1 eating, Pain intbe•Side, &c. while their most y g P R P F R 0 w 6d, & co.remarkable success has been shown in curing outrages perpetrated on German and It al- against Germany, as the defective arma• ■ iau subloct In Brazil. .Au Italian Inas her ments of the German troops would give rj�O ��I I I"i - - S I 0 Kribly mutilated and tortured, so that he Russia a great advantage over her oppon- FACTORY NT8 .. . i died, Uy members of a guerrille band at San ent. It was further pointed out to the tea,,■.■, ��aaan headache yet CARTER'S LITTLE Uvea PILLS uinaente, in the State of Rio Grande, last emperor Alexander that France was five CANADR TPnUSS FACTOFIY e,re equally valuable in Constipation, curing November, and another Italian was brutal- months ahead of Russia in the matter of Est. IS56. F. GROSS, Prop. and preventing this annoying complaint. while 1<r maltreated b a Lieutenant of police at Y p artiiaments. Ill order to ascertain the true A fiances for all kinds of Phy- ' they also correct all disorders o. -fie stornaeh 5 ° 'pi? sten itte the ly o and regulars the bgtvels, iamao, in the same ,tate, in TJecembar. facts of. rho: case rile Tzar sent his brother s,cal,ieformities. Gross, r Grand 'fi 'al Limbs. Improved Pat. Aru ci L a is - i - il,ut,norfties promised that er ins to Tome Par ' •ve they out eared I The 13raZlidrl p the CTrand Dukn 6 1? i�, .lT lE t y Y g t 1 d r-- -8en fb r reparation indiscretion the b- J ; punishment should be dealt and r p and London. By some indiscre > o Tana olst7lii;aRs Af6or ( done. In• scams Before PRIDE rnig Montreal T7eing. trade, but this had not been do lect of His ImperialHighitese s visit b Using 712 Craig street, sent to the Ital- b St I 11 I . I .11 I I HEAD structlonsliave now been s known. to the Spanish Ambassador at . a i to inform the to Madrid • tan iUlanfster at Rio de Janet o Petersburg, telegraphed hed zt ,MANUFACTURERS he would be almost to diose „ g g p 8®®T SHOE Ache they from which cit the news in some unex- +vritti-sutEer from this distressing complaint: . Brazilian Government that sufficient time y a J. & T. STEPfiENS, Wholesale, I3eaudry 5t. ateI their goodness does not end havin ela sed for full inquiry into the mat- ained manner, found its wayto Berlin. J but , and those who oce try them will find' g p m t and complete pl ' Emperor f Lerman Isere, a ter, Maly looks far prompt p _ It is that the Emp Y Dt48 RNING CLIPPERS these tittle phis valuable in so man�yways that 1 not be willing to do without them. satisfaction, and that, should this not be at one, moment thought a war unavoidable. r tleC `gtior allslclt head iven she will be compelled to adopt meas- The result of the. Grand Dupe's travels S, S. IUMBALL, � 17 Crai 8u a given, demanded b the gravity of the oircum• established the fact that in the various Y g E FRa I ACH stances." German is seeking satisfaction tries visited b him there was not that MUCILAGE fir, LIQUID CLUE 1ilAN st y Christmas Da the conn �' r the Tzar's ad- Prices Right. 759 Craif ' . e . because, as alleged, last Chi y inclination for war which E. AULD, g Paolo entered a rivate meet- have led His Majesty to be. > — . ' is the bane of so many Lives flat here is where police of San P p visers world h l Y • I '. , , . . TRACH FEATHER MANFR. r eat boast, Our pills cure, it in of the German FVotkinen'a Club atthat ]Reye. D� we moire our gr g while others do not. alt place; .attacked wren, women; and childreniv. SNOW, Beat hers Repaired, 1913 Notre Dam i (ART5 ii b LYTYT E Li rEa Pii is are very sm end vTE easy to toke. (ane o , 1, ills make with their naked swords, and ended by, a dose. They are strietkq vegei this. and do lunderin the house. The reason alleged Some of "the native women of Australia URERS not gr%lie or purge; lint ly their);entle action SiliL�iARIOFABT Tease all who use :diem. ill.viala, at . cents: or the assgauit that a mulatto detective was have a queer idea of beauty. They `cut W. GORDON & CO., 601 St. Pau ri ft 1; Sold everylvhere, or sentla mail refused admittance to the;alub.� The Ger themselves wft tshells,lcl when the wounds the heal N1 CARTER tADDIC11m CO. Naw 70th: man.papers say the policemen "perpetrated open for a long i l y STENCILS, STEEL STAMPS, DIES, ETC P CAR . ; ' t acts of brutality such as savages would huge scars ar+i the result. These soars are DAWSON ,send or Prices 749 Crail gal 8l, is ill Dont IMM P&J. shrink from." deemed highly ornamental. G. W. + f ' IJO 5L S JS11,,0}I .10 �1J UaJ t a ��� 3't :� _111111111111111111111111111111 Stom,#%ch..U 00 ,.. Liver The Most Astonishing Medical Discovery of the Last One u ffiumdred Years. It is Pleasaut to the Taste as the Sweetest Neetan;: itis Safe and Harmless as the Purest Milk. This wonderful Nervine Tonic has only recently been introduced into this country by the proprietors and manufacturersof the Great South American Nervine Tonic, and yet its great value as a curative agent has long been known, by a few of the host learned physicians, 11 who have not brought its merits and 'value to the knowledge !d the, general public. This.medicine has completely solved the problem of the clue of indi- gestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general nervous system, It is also of the greatest value in the cure of all forms of failing health from whatever cause. It performs this by the great nervine tonic qualities which it possesses, and by its great curative powers upon the digestive organs, the stomach, the liver and the bowels, No remedy compares with this wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic as a builder and strength- ener of the life forces of the human body, and as a1 great renewer of a broken-down constitution, It is also of more real permanent value in the treatment and cure of diseases of the lungs than any consumption remedy ever used on this continent, It is a marvelous eure for nerv- ousness of females of all ages, Ladies who are approaching the critical period ]mown as change in life, should not fail to use this great Nervine Tonic, almDst constantly, for the space of two or three years, It will carry them safely over the danger. This gmat strengthener and cura- tive is of inestimable value to the aged and infirm, because its great energizing properties will give them tt new hold on life. It will add ten or fifteen years, to the lives of many of those who will use a half dozen bottles of the remedy each gear, 'IT iS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF Nervousness, Broken Constitution, Nervous Prostration, Debility of Old Age, NervousHeadache, ludinostion and Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Heartbtlrx and Selly Stomaeh, Female Weakness, Weight and Tenderness in Stomach, Nervous Chills, loss of Appetite, Paralysis, Frightful Dreams, Nervous Paroxysms and Dizziness and Ringing in the E1N!.1, Nervous Choking, Veakness of 1 xtrefnitles .and 110t Flashes, Faiming, Palpitation of the Heart, Impme and Impoverished Blood, Mental Despondency, Boils and Carbuucles, Cl-eplessness, Scrofula, . St. Vitus' Dance Scrofulous Swellings and Ulcers, Nerv„pusn: males, Consumption of the Lllngs, Ia . ' 11,ge; Catarrh of the Lungs, in iu ia� 7ir-_n—.,d1;,* kid (,hronic Gough, s ig Heart, Liver Complaint, W4_8 in; the Back, Chronic Diarrhoea, ' k'"ailing Health, Delicate and Scrofulous Children, Summer Complaint of Infants. I All these :Ind many other complaints curet] by this wol:ticrful •}���,�y� �-�ry¢{{�!; 7 �NTervine Ton'�igc'.�v �1 �v �v �1 A241 As a cure for every class of Nervous Diseases, no remedy has been able to compare vrith the Nervine Tonic, which is very pleasant and harmless in all its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest wild most delicate individual. Nine -tenths of all the ailments to which -9e human family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaied diges- tion. When there is an insufficient supply of 'nerve food in the blood, a general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the xesult. Starved nerves, like starved museles, become strong when the right bind of food is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses and ailments disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system, must supply all the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is *le first to stiffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food sloes not con- tain ontain a sufficient quantity of the kind of nuitriemmt necessary to repair k the wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upon the -nerves. . For this reason it becomes necessary that a nerve food be supplied, This South American Nervine has been found by analysis to contain the essential elements out of which nerve tissue is formed, This accounts for its universal .adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de- rangement. :- CRAwroRDSTILLE, TNII.. Aug. 20, 'SG. ?.=ECCA Wmrw,aox, of Brownsvailey. lull., - To the Grent Soul& Awericon lredicineCo.: says: •''I lead been in a distressed condition for DEAR GEYTs: I desire to say to you that I three Scare from rervousnEss, Weakness of filo have suffered for many years wills, a very serious disease of the strmtarh and nerves. I tried every stomach, Dyspepsia, and IudiA stiou, until my medicine I con!d hear of, but nothing done me health tvns gone. I had been doctoring con - any appreciable •- cod until I was advised to stantly, with no relief. I bought one bottle of try your (treat South American nervine Tonic and Stomach and Liver Cure, Hud since ueing South Amerlcnn. Nervintivl e, s,telx dorso me more several bottles of it I must say that T am sur. good than any $50 wortli of doctoring I ever ' prised at its wonderful powers to cure the stoln- did in my life. I would advise every weakly per ach and general nervous system. If everyone son to use this valuable and lovely remedy; a knew the value of this remedy as T do you would not be able to supply the demnud. Eery bottles of it has cured me completely. I J. A. HArt=. Ex-Treas. Montgomery Co, I consider it the grandest. medicine is the world.,, A SWORN CURE FOR ST. VITAS' DANCE OR CHOREA. 0RAW.1oItDsV1LLE, ZrTD., June 22, 1887, My daughter, eleven years old, was severely afflicted with St. Vitus' Dance or Chorea. We gave her three and one-half bottles of South American Ner- vine and she is completely restored. I believe it will cure every ease of St. Vitus' Dance. I have kept it in my family for two years, and am sure it is ,the greatest remedy in the world for Indigestion and Dyspepsia, and for all forms of Nervous bisorders and Fading Health, from -Nvhateve f cause. State Q InfGiana .TOH `T MIs$_ S M of County,}ss Subscribed and sworn to before me this June 22, 1887. CHAS. W. WRiGHT, Xotary Public; IN DIG ] S'"i0N�' AND "ADS PIEUPSIAll The Great. South American Nervine Tonic Which we now offer you, is the only absolutely unfailing -remedy ever discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast train of symptoms and .horrors which are the result of disease aria debility of the human stomach. No person can afford to pass by this jewel of ineal- culable -value who is affected -by disease of the stomach, because Le ex perience and testimony of many go to prove that this is the chis hn&.. oNLy bNI; great cure in the world for this universal destroyer, 'There is no case of unmahimant disease of she stomach which can resist the wonderful curative powers of the South American Nervine Tonic. IL n t n Ind., says: MILS. ELLA A. BnATTot of Now ]loss Ind] na HARRIET E. HALL. Of way a Ow I > y 8 ,. a , "I owe my lite to the Great South American says; "I cannot express how much I o)r'e to the Nervine. I had been in bed for five months from Nsrvine Tonic.If a stem was completely shat teretT, e the effects of an exhausted stomach. Indignation, y y g g P Nervous Prostration, and a general shattered ppetite gone, was cou him and spitting ' condition of my Ivhole system. Ilad given up up blood; am sure I was in the..firnt stages all hopes of getting well, Had tried three doc- of consumption, an inheritance, handed down tors, with no relief. • The first -battle of the Nery-' through several generations. I bgan'' taking Ina Tonfeimprovedmeso much that lwasableto. the Nerviue Tonic, 'arid continued its use for, walk about, and a few bottles cured me: entirely: about -six months, and am entirely"cured, It ' I believe it fs the best medicine in the world. I Is the grandest remedy for nerves, stomach and , can not recommend it too highly." lungs I have ever seen.,, e 1 No remedy compares with S01ITx AMERICAN Ntcnvlx>r as a cure for the Nerves. No remedy eolh, pares with South :l.merlean Nervine as a wondrous cure for the Stomach. " No remedy, will at all compare with South American Nervine as a cure for all forms of, failing health. It , erfaiis to cure Indiggestion acid Dyspepsia. It never fails to cure Chorea or St, Vitus' Dance. Its pat I S t build up the whole system are wonderful in the extreme. It curep the old, the young, atSaa the mid die aged It is a great friend to the aged and infirm. Do not neglect to use rids precloas boons If yep do, you may neglect the only remedy which will restore you to health. Souity Ainerictl,a Nervineis perfectly safe, and very pleasant to the .taste. ",Delicate ladies; do rant tali ao use great cure, because it will put the bloom of freshnese and beauty upon your lip!'!•ud in your cheek t and quk9dy drive away your disabilities and weaknesses.' . .✓ , Lia Lame 1 ounce o tle, 1 QI1 0 EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTE'M C. LUTZ 'Sole Wholesale and Retail Agent for RxeTe4,. 4 ,