The Exeter Times, 1893-2-2, Page 8a _
iNSURAi`CLr Brevities. 6eafortl► Dye Works. r
lookout for thaOildtellow'a Concert ! All orders for the above works can be 11
{ r
y i* ST a,.,LLI0 t', A,13Y T �+O left at E H Fish's barber shop- Satis£ae-
11[lif[L Good kridgy falls ort March 31st rhos rico guaranteed,'I'FIE \yE6:PE1tN �S;aII12.1NCE 007,2• y 0 @ !
PANTO, at Toronto; trier, Por tliel'HCS lx ear' Notice,klUX ENSURANCE COUPANT, or uondon; The county meeting of the L, 0. L, will
Pmgland, A.I,IIANCE INSUPA>C%' OO,t be held in."Extster next Tuesday. Snell Bras,, having bought out the firm t•
PANY ofEngland, of Snell Bros, & Co,, all persons indebted
Messrs Snell Bros purchased a hog this to the hate firm are respectfully requestedg�'yk
',iNS\ixi�, Ti.I1,S, D.xi.s weak for which thev paid over $40. to settle at once, as the business of the �` ,��,y �4 d4�
+ Graduate of 1toyal College of Dental Lent this year begins two weeks earlier late firm, must be wand up immedcatel}.
1`urgeons and of the Dental Department of than it dad last year, as Ash Wednesday �---
$orouto Nvorrits, (with honors,)
tipdaia ist inbridae-r►oric, and gala and par fulls on the 15th of February. Death of htr, Geori;e Eaatett. — - ®- - ----cam
oelain crowns- cir-Ifenry Levett, formerly of Exeter, The many friends of Mr Goo. Facrett
PulroblitrousOxideGas asndlocal anwethet-
ice for painless extractions, Alwase at home, was elected conneillor in a con sited were painfully surprised on Tuesday
O>11oa; Fsn9an'a Bleak, l3xeter,
election is one of the wards in Parkhill morning to }earn of his death: Few knew be 1R,� ��� �� ��� SO
Monday. of his Illness, which had only extended \ ,.�/ �L..�i
At the Gun Club shoot in Parkhill, last . from New n of and which proved to o
Creek iliessr s H. and S. ElEber, I.. Bias, of an affection of the heart He was not
taken bad until a few days ago, and his Are showing an immense range of English Flannelettes and Prints, (extra wide widths)
Crediton and E. Bissett of Exeter, made death was not expected until almost the s
creditable scores- last moment. Mr Eacratt' was of„Iriah
Conductor Walmsley, of the L H & B., birth, and came to this country when which have just arrivetz from the old country. Beautiful patterns and fast colors.
is on duty again, he having slipped and quite young, anti was one of the early
AND fell at Exeter Station sortie days ago, re- settlers to Exeter, He had been engaged Call and insper't them.
ceiving a broken rtU, in the harness-making, and by his amiable
Mr S. Jory, of the 2nd call. Stephen, disposition and strict attention to business
sold T3154 worth of clover seedy this place had commanded a largo trade, mud
was � SONK
el er do ay oast. �i'ho says growing quest, unassuming and friendly and heldIV PICKARD
clover does not pay ? . to esteem by ail He had }raid the office `
-' — Thi, milkman's horde ran away on Huron of Treasurer of the Corporation far many
street, near Mrs Fisher's residence, on ( years with entire satisfaction. Deceased
^^ Saturday afternoon, causing the rig to f leaves a widow, six grown-up children and
r We barsdle School Supplies, four brothers to mourn his demise, and
1 g PP , upset and spit! considerable milk, they have the sympathy of the community r
t. Stationery, �ti'ralrpinAs, Twines, Considerable ice is Using harvested this GOINU
1 Bags, Small Wares, Fancv Goods, week, which has been procured at the in their bereavement, The funeral will
1 Aux Sable, three miles west of this place, l" A X
take place on Friday, tinder the rites of
Combs, Brushes, Soaps, and the MasonieOrder,
and is pronounced to be first class.
SMALL LINES in Wood has been marketed quite freely Personals
the past few days, and it looks as though l s Lordship, the Itisho of Huron,.slid
MUSICAL GOODS. p Y ' g Mrs, Baldwin left London n Friday ,last Flaying renewed our lease of the store, and been requested by our numerous pa-
the quantity will exceed the demacd,those �r
who deliver` early will be the gainers. on a trip through Bgypt, They took pas- tronS in Exeter and V]cinity, t0 continue business, we have decried to remain, and ar
The anniversary services of Caven Pres- sage from New Yotk direct for Gibraltar, determined to fill the store with the
G. byterian church will be conducted, by There they will commence an easy journey
J. Rev, A. Grant, B. A., of St. Marys, on around the 'Mediterranean. They will be �i 7 ,
Fab- 26th. Tea meeting on Monday, absent five months,—Hiss Hawkshaw has Cho cost 1 ,l.`ardw re Stock in t�ntarzQ.
x returned home after an extenied visit t4
Stock Takil. rfriends $South -oat --Mr }Charles Minor d' �i 1 Mesars Snell & Armstrong received London South was a Mr to tles Min liedWe will COST mence at once and will never let up ou most wonderful bargains 11s another carload of cattle from Ethel on of his mother at Elfmvil o the other day. xardware and Tinware
Saturday last, which they intend slaugh• She is not expected to zacuver, -Mr. Goa
AND tering here and selling on the Loudon Knox, who has been visiting friends here ��Te will open the eyes Of the trade anal ticl\le the hearts of. our customers, The
markets. the past month, left on Monday for Kip- p y
One hundred and forty new solfeitors pen, where he has secuted a actuation with goods must g0, and Hardware and Tinware will move at prices SO reduced that illus
STOOD.- were admitted in Ontario during1892 Mr Wm Cudmora --Ur J E, Rollins of
one hundred and eighty eithr died, Killarney, 1\ian, is visiting his father lir. fetch intending purchasers, Make no mistake, when we Say a thing we are generall
TAKING left Ontario or gave tip practice during the Slam Rollins, London Road south •.-Mr understood t0 mean it,
BARGAINS same period, fid. Willis has apprenticed himself to the
Advance Council No, 207, Royal Temp- barbering with Mr Hastings _Tisa Mattie Stoyei- are right in our line Iron we lead in fur11aces.
T11E-• late of Temperance intend holding an open Penhale of Exeter is visiting her sister, �
meeting at h,;imville abortly for the pur. Mrs A• Bailey, Landon,-Mr. J. W. Bar-
pose of orgaaisiog a Temperance Lodge rison, teacher at Varna, visited friends in Bll35ett' 3 Old Stand :Meter. 1VLCDO�T Zt B ,o
IQ that place. town over Sunday over R. day—Seldon of Y.In- i
r C. Sonrbesr, of Ellice townsbip, reaped getout was to town. over as been vi! iug
Bellof Hamilton, who has been viattwg ..�...�:..�_.._._.,.� n_-..:T.,...._.._..��..�.:.-,.---�--.--�...,...,....... �. ...-....m._...__. :�.-.....;..:.... _ �,_x...,,,.",......_.,.,...�.�.-..-<v
the benefit derived from raising good at Mr Smith's the past wick, retvrned DIED.
perkar=, lie sold raven hogs weighing home no Monday.-_Ylr. Nathan Johns of EACRETT--•I,1 Exeter, on the 31st tilt. Mr. Just ���,�hed taking stock,
All winter goods iliust go. 1, rR" , onlida--at $8.85 per hundred, the Beumiller waq the guest of Mr J. T, west- '
N(1 C,lrry111 fitoLli over at lot bringing $158.28. g George jJaorett, oriel Ol years, G months, �
Cott on Friday last -Mr win Bagshaw, jr, _
fy Store. x Mr. Jas Byron, editor of the Luck- returned to the Clinton High School on George Vrckera, file 11itaboll embezzler
lots I 1 ,�1t0.'t . n„w 8eutinal, has been honored by his 'Monday,.-Mr Frank Halls of Elimville
Y left for London this week to take a course aha was arrested in 9f ail at Stratford
t�Vt;fGOatS #C1r �Ie71 and. logy-, municipal colleagues in the gaunt of
Caps for Men fled I30)�S, Fnr -O(Als Brace try being placed in the Warden'a in a business College.-Miss Smith of and who has been fu jail at Stratford aver
-Maga, was on Saturday sentenced to five
Goat Rnbev, Fur Coats Chair for this year.; Htnsall spent Sunday the tYuo'kt of her years in K;ng8ton Penitentiary, Vfokors' am
Ol all l�fntls, The affaira of the local of the Sal. parents.--Mica Loughrey of London is • pin
Wool Blankets IN'ugil U. uderwear, Corp” savant lence promineconsistent
of mere R lite names of
, vation Army vera wound up an Tuesday visiting Dfra B. 1'oplestane - ivloaera aovoral prumfnent formers it} the voiRhbarWE 1*4P & VE MA U
Malltle Cl()tht;, a'1 going at ulea2. and the ,furniture removed Exeter being Gregory and Collins have finished auditing hood of Mitchell to notes atzgrogating up-
ing prices. a fruitless vineyard, they have, no doubt, the village accounts, and have prepared a wards of $3,000, and which were disc• not( d
■ quit the village for good, very good statement, in an abstract form, by J W. Cull, banker of Aliichell, and
,{1t'„ fety ends of Sealette for On Saturday and Sunday Nye had our giving a comprehensive report, They ox- athero. Vickers is 00 ears of ORO, and �
amined the assessment roll to sea if the y A All Around R,edu ctxon. of
11ea.rly half their value. 4V e JanuaTv thaw, but on 5,ionday�the Merl sato was properly applied to each tax leaves behind him for a time u wife sed
curt' dropped, and again it is n aneezer.' nine child, r.n.
Mabe Sealette Jac> ets to The thaw improved the roads wonderfully, payer, and found it correct in every case. — - � _ --
guest o f her Cayce of town.—Mrs
to the tort an t7 ss, � � PER
� ���Order and ',ilarantee perfect a thing .not often the case. uMet of her sister, in town•-.gag s the ?VNI
The Ontario Le islature will not meet g It is very important iu the aAo of vast
ht aril AltVOrliTrlanSllip g of London is visiting at Zrir lis in Mills—
' till the beginning of March, owing to the �1r, Charles Tom of Goderich is in town material progress that a remedy be pleasing T.
Wo have about twenty Of fart that the wLegislative chamber in the visiting his family. - Rey. Redmond to the taste and to the eye, onsily taken
,, new Parliament buildings will not bo Corr, reached, in the Main at church on Sun- acceptable to the atumrroh end healthy in
this season's perlect-fitting Toted b y the contractors until that tune. p its nature and efioots. Possessing thoco
r}aClii'tS Still oil hflll(l " ,119 p $ day, Rev `cDouagb taking his charge at perfect qualities, Syrup of kips is the one
Jackets y The streets have been levelled by having Birr.—?lir, James Down is nuahing the p q y P
will go at -very low tinges. the pitch holes ploughed out. If ihe var fruit tree business in this locality to a laxittive and most gentle diuretic xuown.
iougpathmasters throughout the country considerable extent.-Grand Band Metb- er WINTL
011 ahClllld rr(?e them, would do rho same, ind t dollars would w epi invaded the prised t on Friday l OTICE. `R GOODS
��, SMVA.I.--- i"o Ladies' Jack• be eared in rho wear and tour of cutters, eteaing last and surprised their pastor, 1`V
J The first vote in the Dominion Parlia- Rev. J. E. Ho'.mes and wife,- Mrs, (leo. I herobr forbid all persons giving credit to
els and Til lslers bought at a Bank- moot, present session, took place on Alan- McLeod is laid up with a serious cold-- an Fono in my name, rvithout a written order,
rupE Stock sale, prices originally day and resulted 103 too a l anaervative Rev. A. Stewart, B. A. of Clinton, will as i will not be responsible for ary debts so
Wert i0 to, Our rice and our contracted.
5 p �' majority of fifty. The vola Was on conduct the services in the Preabyterian E]imvillo,Jnn,26,1893, tyN.SLEa113ON, l
99 church next Sunda Rev. Mr. Martin _ -- In Order to clear then,
pick for i, See alum. Laerfcr's amendment to the address in Y•
favor of tariff and r-duction. will be absent preaching anniversary serf �I`1AR.M FOR SALE.
The balance of our Millinery mons at Innerkip -�Nm H Diuney o£ JLC
Stock Ot s at any price. Oysters have been scarce in town the PRrk River, N 1), formerly of Exetor is in The undersigned offers for sate lot 11, acn. Fl,—
l; 7 p pari week, and when they are again put town renewing acquaictanees. Stephen, It is all under onitivation and in
rl , A. STE RT, on salts Will lza advanced in price. The first-class condition, being clay loam ; first- j �' ( j.� ¢ {-
reason of the scaecityis that the waters of Rev. Dr. Sexton of New York preached class brick dwelling, barns and stable; well Avail a� l �oursed & 01 �llls o�por UU �3 tJ
Maryland, from where the Oysters in the James at church on Sunday last, fenced and drained, and good ;young orobard° e s
are taken. have been badlyfrozen the past and delivered three lectures in the same Terms easy. lror particulars apply to
Notice to Times' Readers. few weeks. p church durinvthe fore art of the week, IIEtRxEedito or 2-3mE(KID�iPropriMIr: to secure good neve goods at Cos
P Crediton. f2-3m Proprietor,
TPae publislrer,t troulcl esteem it a favor if It would have been a very good idea On each occasion the audience was large,
yea,ders teould,when making their purchases. had the snow-plow been run down the and we might say appreciative, as no POCKET DOOI, )COST.
mention that they tart the merchtrit's adrer- station street, as on this street there is speaker could have held the attention of
tisentent In TnZ TI7aL9, considerably more traffic than on many of his heareta more steadfastly. The rever. On Monday evening, between four and six CARLING
the streets ka t a en. At resent alas• end eentleman mastered his subjects with o'clock, b}iotweeo Part's, Ha' blacksmithabop andp p p , P itilr ck, Northcott'a, ons', via Afi th age side
v , trianbm is rendered very disagreeable to ease, basing his themes on scientific prfn• road. It contained a sum of money and some
,Uri ' ;r�',JQ T' J7)o 'Noy the depot. ciples, his delivery, logic and eloquence rapers, valuable only to-myself. Finder will
surpassing any attempts before given in o rewardei by raturning same to the under-
wing are the License CcmmissIon- signed, or leaving it at Trains Office.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd 1893. ers for Huron: South Huron, Robert Exeter, and his defence o the faith and WM.NORTHCOTT.
doctrines of Christianity could not but be
Spicer, Peter Douglas, John Weir; West accepted by the most ardent of "free --
l�JCAL HAPPEN MGG. Huron, Samuel Sloan, Jas, Stevens, Hugh Thinkers." Rev Dr. Sexton left a very its
McQuarrie ; East Huron, Thomas Gibson, favorable impression in Exeter, and the
CRAYON PORTRAITS—Miss M. V. white George Fortune. George Murdie. North pastor of the church, Mr, Russell, is to be�nlll oYou ant A farmer ,tamed James Sharpe was in
is now prepared to do portraits in crayon, Middlesex, L&Cbl!D MoIntyr^,, Alexander stauey killed Friday morning near white
life size. Orders to be left at residence. Smith, John Gunn, M. D. commended for his efforts in affording the M oburab, Bruce County, by a free falling o
Exeter public such an easy opportunity wealth and intelligence ? If so read the him, and crushing his skull, Deces,se
Until further notice there will be The Bell Telephone C.). should pay of hearing so learned and lovical a student ����—!(-- pages of the Nortboru Monthly, the initial leaves a large family of small children un
skating inthe rink on Tuesday and Thera- taxes. They occupy the streets of Clinton of the doctrines of the Bible, more es• number of whish is now in press for Jan- provided for.
day, and `Saturday nights and Wednesday and are well patronised by our people. pecially his exposition of the "mysteries," The undersigned having recently uary, 1893.
and Saturday afternoons. S I)A- Is. The company should contribute to the made a purchase of Tbis monthly is edited by one of the
revenue of the town the soma as an BIRTHS-
Y righteat writers on the continent, aekieled
Tile Sial:, other established business. But all these BxtarAcosrBE—In Exeter North on the 20th A FIRST-CLASS GRAIN GRINDER by the beat procurable talent. TWO KINDS
Mr. Bowman of Usborne is stili in a years they have been free from the tax alt, the wife of Mr.Thomas Brimaccmbe ZVishes to inform the public In its columna will be found the writings
law state.-Mrs John McCallum was taken collector and the town should be the ioser of a son. p of Bret Harte, flit 1Jdwin Arnold, Goldwin OF ,
worse this week, but hope is entertained of no more. ---Clinton News -Record. BLAIR-In Rippen on the 27th inti the lie is Smith, Rudyard Kippling, tiVm. Black and TTc c
her recovery. -Mr. Muttart still lies in an Messrs Rollins & Williams Milling Co. wife of Mr, Benjamin Blair of a .son, others of high authority. We intend to GUSTO ►; TO � � R S
uncoascioua condition, and his death is of this town have decided that better re- DUI-On Thursday ;20th ult, the NO�% PREPARED have the beat household magazine in Am-
hourly expected.-The Iate Henry Her- sults can be obtained from a larger system wife of Charles Duffield Blansbard, a erica. �•..•-�®
ney's family, who have all been down with of mill than was formerly spoken of. They son. To grind all hinds of grain on the In order to get
typhoid fever, are recovering health as have therefore concluded to build larger, KLUMPP-In Stephen, on the 30th lilt, the shortest notice at 5 cents a bag.
rapidly as possible, and in accordance have let the contract wife of John Iilumpp,of a daughter, Ten hou'sand
for the machinery for a one hundred and DiLLING—Ia Exeter North on the 29th tilt. TvFsDAY' and FRIDAY only.
Beaolntion oiContiolanca, fifty barrel mill of the latest improved the wife of klr Earrg" Dilling. of a All rain for grinding ur poses subscribers a month, we make the follow
To MR9• ISAAC HAI:DFORD AND FAMILY,— style. The people may, therefore, expect daughter. g g t p p fag extraordinary offer. _
.,.-- must pass once through rile fanning To the first arson who sends us a slip of
the Members of Court Pride of the best results. let Contracts for the build- p p
We, MAftRYEU. mill. a paper upon whish is written, "The North-
ing- will be let as soon as pians and opeci- p p „ w7:DE-A-wAi{L
Huron, No. 7885, desire to extend their Premises situated on _C,ako Road ;
fieatious can be got STUBDa—wEDB--On the 17th •ult., by the ern Monthly, the great family magazine,
sympathy in the bereavement you and g y' a little east of G. T. R. track, and sen Dents for a sample copy, will be KIND BUY FROM
ufail have sustained in the lose of A Stsi}a correspondent writes oThe Rev, ow Beaumont John et Stubbs, a! PY,
In of Court Wabun invited Brother the township of Bosangnet, to Mary Satisfaction Guaranteed. given $100 00 in cash; the second, $76.00
your husband, and the children in having Fleming, of London and Bro. L. H. Disk- Elizabeth Webb, of the township of Btep• A call solicited. the third, $50.00 ; the fourth, $25.00, and
lost a kind and loving father. We eats g+ ' bee HENRY DILLI7Na, the next sixteen, each $10,00. FOLLICR S. FRUIT an? G8OGTIONERY
only ask you, to go to Him who has prom- son of Exeter, to spend an evening with
$sed to comfort the widow and be a Father them and attend to witness a little of the kIor>rnrArr-BALBAON-A.t the residence of In addition to these rewitrde, we will sxo��,. ,
number the first ten thousand sample copies
workin of the order. The officers hay the bride's mother, on the 25th tilt„ by Because that' aah gat gooda that are riffs and
to The fatherless, • We sha11 greatly miss g the Rev, A LRuosell, Christn ber Hoff- GUILTY 1 to 10,000, and every person who receives up to rho times,
our (departed brother and his ever-wise Ing been elected for the next quarter, Bro. p
advice to our young Court. Signed for Fleming proceeded to install them into man, of Stephen township, to Mia- a Dopy the number of which sada with five
Count Pride of Huron, their respective offices Which apparently Hannah. Baladon. (5, 15, 25,' 35, and so on), will be entitled Ail otliel'
JFSSV WESTCOTT, C.R. was much appreciated by those who. were RANxiii-DONALD--At the residence of the OR. to a prize valued at not less than ten r
not connected with the order,_, After the bride's mother, "Gowan Crae," township '�,'�` �y-� -�'T ®�,lY�,x'S t
(rr oRGmm KEk1P, Soca of Blanshard on Tursday, Januar 24th NOT (`� GUILTY
installation a Sae apical was laid by y ' �-`t •s•• vt v I .!.
Caterer Sadler, made up of oysters and by the Rev. her Cosgrove, .B es Miss _ The officers for the Huron S S associa- This is expensive, but amodern journal
tion for 1893 are.-President Rev. E. W. rich provender which justly satisfied the Nellie J daughter of the tato James Don- must adopt modern methods, and we are
s in ham resident Rev.
. inner man. To still improve a good time aid to Mr Robert Rankin, 'of Toronto, The people say we are guilty ofaell-
Hu,ghe , W g ' , some older gentlemen treated the visitors WATT-PARSONS-At the residence of the Try Boots a say we a helper than prepared to spend the moneplto establish our
Kerr, Brussels, James Scott, Clinton, N. �o a 'r Xe, olden time ` Concert can- brides parents, or, the evening of J'an.
H. Young, Blyth; D D Wilson, Seaforth, slat"n ' Ye. of hoolti' c and Scotch 24th, by the ILsv J A Hamilton, Mr, Jas. any other house in town. Come Of course we look for subscriptions' from
Rev J S Henderson, Hensall, Cor- Seo. H i 5 o e son "Far the are jolly Watt, to Misg Ida Paroons, all of Huliet. + and be a witness, you will be well every prize winner.
n god ll g y ' Y If you wish;to share in our liberal die= !'Asx ASLEEP
Faster. fllinton, Trees., J. C. Stevenson, cod Mellows" by Bros Fleming' ' and i�IRg� SwtTznR-A6 Sfrktion on the 18th, repaid for your time, We down the y
Sec. Israel Taylor. Exec.,- g tribution send for copy at once. But they are wakiug ui) to the fact that I can -
Clinton, RAc, Y Dickson was well 'received after which alt., : by the RM el L Hutton,, Joseph country for prices tri felt and Knit
W. M. Gra Seaforth, J. S. McKinnon, Kirk to Annte.M, eldest drughtev of w m Sox and Rubbers, Telt • Boots and ' All awards for the Ua,rod States free of give them goods that rrillplense thein.
Y the meetingadjourned,
Blyth, Rev J, U. Howell, Goderich: H, 1 a.;. • Switzer, Erq., 9,11of the township of Grain Boots,andfor Men'sandBoys' d"ty' T L Full lines of Fruits, oysters, Confection-
MoQuarrie Blyth; will. Bailey, Nile, appointed Blaushard. 'TIJBJX.,sinEBv MON II
y + Y T'rof. Ruse has been app _- dm Lan Boots wetake the bun. r a, Cry, Bread, Buns, Calces, Etc.
The statistical report- was presented and of the James St. church choir. JonxsTox—GtYNv1Na—On Thursday g
y ,26th .Carouta Caned
referred tnthe statistical committee, cont- h 10 months old child. of Mr. ,Wni alt, at the residence of the bride's father GFEO, MAN ON's Wedding Cakes and boxes for Wedding
p�aced of XV. M. Gray, Revs Higley and T e A fords Mr. by the Rev Mr Ferguson of. Granton The Postmaster-(General has authorized Cakes.
Gray of London, sled yes y. The People's Shoe ,Store.
Campbell` Iardfn of Exeter attends th.e David` Johnston Jr. to Ehzlt 'fourth ,p the placing of a letter box ,at the Olintoli 'E. , � OLLI,M
Mtuard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Wm' g daughter of ',tir. James Gunning, both a4 Next Dobr,to Post Oflico,
funeral to day. Hisnoh%rd. ' oration far public convenience.,