The Exeter Times, 1892-12-22, Page 1II Inrinneeneess AND HTJTRON & MID1DLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY VOL. X.X. NO, 17, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING DECEMBER, 22 1892 fust Arrived .l The Cheapest Line o Fur Goods ever brought iilto Exeter, Having secured a large:consignment of these goods at PRICES AWAY DOWN -. \Ve will give the people of this vicinity the advantage of our close buying. For the next few weeks we will offer Ladies' Storm Collars, Ladies' Boas and Muffs, et prices hound to sell them. Thebe st value itiliCliildreor Lamb Boas in the trade, se:-. 'a en.-._=." Conic alidet the first choice of these Goods. We also offering anything in the Dry Goods lino at the lowest cash price and will he llleas.ed to show you through our store, ____'; cnig, No trouble to:show goods. A. J• McTAVISH Hensall. FEED. -.4. largo quantity of Feed for sale. Meal mai $10 uer ton; dust$0 per ton. blood white Oats wanted,and good prices paid. Hi:Na 1,14E QATai ICAC T n M1i+La WANTnn.-At A, Wesoloh's, 6.000 pairs of boots and shoes that Deed repairing. We wish to announce to the pubhio that wo have just Ycooivod another largo shipment of Felt hoots. Rubbers and Overshoes, which we will sell cheap for °ash during the next 30 days, Wo keep an assortment equal to bo found in any city and buy our goods for Cash, direct from Manufacturers, thus enabling us to sell you all kinds of footwear as cheap, and in some lines eboaper than any other bloater, as our mottois and has been,' 'small profits and quick returns." Having recently engaged the services of Mr,if.Pfaff of Riution, who has boon man- ager for Mr. Woismillor, for the past six years and ho having closed that department, wo in- vite Mr W's customers to favor us with their -patronage. Boots & shoos ropeirodwhile you failars.lh I am yours truly, A WEsR an. past Butter and Eggs taken. Sign of Big Boot. GREAT CLEARING SAr n• -In. order to make b0 d devisee my Spring Yellowing roduot for Host dost Worsted Suits, worth $30 for $2C. 25 for 21. 22 for 18, e,8 for 15. I3eat'',iotolfiTweeds worth $21 for $18. All -Wool Urges21 for 18 and as low as 810. In Overcoatings wo have some fit teen pieces left wbieli wo will sell at cost. Remember those goods areal" the nowostend latest patterns and will be made up in the latest stylus with Al trimmings. In Gants' Furnishings, it is a well known fact that we carry the best and largest stock, equal to that of any town or eity.ahich will be sold at big reductions. Space will not permit fur- ther quotations. sq womill conclude by saying that all those vrlie5 bay a. suit from us from now tilt Christmas will be given a neck tie or neck scarf as a present. Remember this is a genuine . sale and you will save money by buying from us. We guarantee all work, as wo can boast of having the best system of cuttingandfirst-olass hands to make up a stylish suit, Givous acall and bo convinced that wo mean what wo advor tis°. Remember the sta'•d, McEwon's Block, op- posite Commercial Hotel, d'34t JOHN POPE, Prop. Zurich. Bntors..-Don't forget Nomination on Monday the 26th of December. -•The ex. amination and entertainment in the Public school was a decided suocesS. The total receipts from the entertainment was $47.93 -Council met in the town hall on the 15th. All the members present. Little business was done except the passing of arnumber of accounts. These will appear in the statement to he presented on nomination any. It was decided to take a vote on the Howie of Industry question, --The A. 0, F, Purpose bolding an oyster supper sometime dut'ng X -mag week. 1?1xeter Mui oipal Council. Statutory meeting of the council held at the town hall, Exeter, 15th December, 1892. All present. Miuutos of previous meeting read end confirmed. By-laws No 14 and 15 duly read, and passed. Oarling--Ross -$10 granted for rent of recreation ground, Spackman -Christie ---Orders were passs ed for a number of stuns, but as they ap. pear on the abstract, they may be seen at various places throughout the village. The reeves and treasurer's statement was received and 100 copies ordered to be printed for diatribution on motion of Ross -Carling. The council adjourned until call of the reeye, M. Becalm; Clerk. Stephen Oounoll. Credition 15th Deo. All members present. Minutes of last meeting read and signed. Resolved that no action be taken in the matter of Mr Greib, Resolved that a resolution be passed em- powering,olerk to accept the requisition of G Brown in reference to a certain drain in Centralia. i 1ber-Sheritt-that the treasurer take out of G 0 monies the amount used of the general fund and put to the credit of said general fund Resolved that Mr T. Clark's application for a retund of the amount of statute labor returned against hien by P M bo not granted. A number of ordera were issued, but ite they will appear in the abstracc at nomin- ation, they aro omitted here. C. PROUTY, Clerk, U sborne�Council. Tho council mot on tho 15th inst., put, gamut to adjournment. All the members present. The minutes of the previous meetinggwere road and approved. A. Mollanald notified the council that it would,not bo convenient to hold the poll in his house at the municipal election. Lydd -Halls -that the polling risco for the N W Ward be changed to let 6 N. T R,and that the by law fixing polling places be amended to that effect. -Carried. Shier -Cameron -that by-laws No. 8 and 9 for 1892 as now .road a third time be passed. -Carried, Halle -Shier -that S Skinner receive $1. 72 for relief. -Carried. Cameron -Shier -that J. & E Heywood be paid the sum of $1 55, being error in assessment roll.-�arrfed. A number -of orders were passed, but as they appear in the abstract, they are omitted. Shier -Cameron -the council adjourned to meet again Monday, December 26th, after the nomination is closed. GEo, W. Homelier, Clerk. Folluwing are the market quotations : Wheat . , . 60 to 61 Barley 38 to 40 Oats 26 to 28 Peas ,,. 55 to 56 Hay 5.00 to 6.00 Butter 17 to 18 Eggs 9 to 19 Hogs 4444.... 5.75 to 6.25 Clover seed 7.00 to 7.50 ELF,oTION or OFFICERS -Election of Offi- cers of the Canadian Order Homo Carole on Monday evening,when the following officers were elected : Past Loader, Rev H. Irwin ; Leader, A. Weseloh; Vice do, D. Urquhart; Rec. Sec, R. Spier; Treas., Goo• McEwen; Fin See.. J. Clausen; Ohap., J. H Petty ; Mar., D W.Foes; Warden,J. Akins; Guard R Beek; Sentinel, H. Cook; Ex Phyaiciau, Dr 'W A. Thompson. Lodge closed to meet for Installation on 2nd Monday in January,. BRIEFS -Mr E, Roedding and Chas Bos- senberry attended the funeral of Mrs L. Gottschalk last Friday afternoon at Zurich. -Mr Will Nevin of Bruoeflelcl was in town on Tuesday. Mr John Troyer is on the siek list -The Misses McLennan of Strat- ford are staying at the Commercial hotel visiting their fe,ther, Mr McLennan, grain buyer. -Mr Geo Arnold, lawyer of Toronto, is home on`'a plea to hie parents ;at Ern s- old f Cottage --Harry Strong of Seaforth was the guest of Mr Joseph Thompson on Tuesday. --Dr McTaggart of Detroit is home on a viait.-Mr Wellington MoTaggart left Monday for Boston Legal Matters. The report of the Inspector of Legal Offiees for 1891 has just been issued. It does not contain the most thrilling and interesting reading matter, but some of it may be instructive. The Sheriff of Huron served 133 processes during the' year; the total amount of fees earned by his othlo was $3473 74. The fees earned by the Local Master in Chancery wore $351 30, The total eatery paid the Deputy Clerk of the Crown and Deputy Registrar was $1469 60 The fees earned by the Clerk of the Court, not including salary, was $738 95. The total amount of fees collect- ed by the Surrogate Registrar, part, of which goes to the judge, wee $321049. The net salary received by the various officers, being less their expellees, is Sheriff Gibbons, $1723 89; Sc Melcomson, Local Master and Deputy Registrar, 91250 ; Ira. Lewis, Crown Attorney, $473 94; Clerk of the Peace, $675 15; D. McDonald, Deputy Clerk of the Crown, $585 30; Clerk Coun- ty Court' $502 45; Surrogate Registrar, $1223 90. PROyrD BEYOND DISPUTE. -No one now doubts that Burdock Blood Bitters will ours dyspepsia, biliousness,;, constipation, headache- or bad blood. The proof is so thorough and overwhelming that the doubt - e re have been silenced and B. B. B. is secured in its place as the best purifying tonic and regulator extant. Bxnow Hour, Prineetown, Ont, Granton. BRIEFS. --Mr. McWaro, who has been away for a considerable time has return ed ; welcome. -The Maocabees held their concerton Friday evening ; rumor says one of the best on record. -Milt, has gone single handed, but will return this week doubled up, Congratulations and a long, happy and prosperous life with your esteemed partner, -All the talk about here is X-mas ; the church of England people purpose, decorating their church for the occasion. The oongrega- tion of this church is growing rapidly, and if it continues to increase thechurch will have to be enlarged. The popular- ity of Mr. Gheant accounts for thisstate CONDENSED DISTRICT NEWS, PERS$ Blansbard township will vote on a by- law to abolish the statute labor system. Dyspepsia's victims find prompt and per. manent relief in Hood's2ersaparilla, whish tones the stomach and creates an appetite.. Perth °minty is sadly in need of a poor- house. Of the fourteen iomatee of the county jail eleven are paupers, incinerated as vagrants, City Clerk Lang, of Stratford, narrowly eagaped being streak by a stray ballet that entered hisoffice one evening last week from a shooting gallery. The Rotten Catholic Church at St, Marys of affairs, -It is understood Mr. Vain- is hurrying forward, Money is being raised ieson, baker, who has been in the ern- 131' the eels of tiokete for the drawing of ploy of Mr. J, Foster, intends going in- Prizes. About 8,000 have been sold, to business for himself in Lucen,"shortly. To be free from siok headaohebillouauess Success, Dave l constipation, ata, use Carter's Little Liver Pills. Strictly vegetable. They greatly stimulate the liver and free the atomise's from bile. Usborne• Sones REPORT -The following are the names of the pupils of Winchelsea Public Settee', who made 40 per cent. or over at the Christmas examination : Sr IV -E, Turnbull, 96; H. Spicer. 92 ; M. Brims. combo, 90; M. Clements, 86; C. Delbridge 84; A Hunter, 76; N. Russell, 74; G Min - era, 70: W, Johns, 61; A. Francis, 62. Jr £'/-F, Miners, 59; O.Powe11,58; S.Johns, 56; I. Upshall, 50; H Kyle, 46; F, Brown, 45. Sr III -S Clemente, 79; M. Miners, 73; E Clements, 72; E,Johus, 70; H.Johns 65; 0. Francis, t57; P Rowoliffe, 45 Jr III -L Minera,66• G. Spicer,63; F.Andrew 63; L. Vail, 58; F Delbridge, 54; B. Row. entre, 53; G Godbolt 50, II -.W. Russell, 80; E Cams, 78; C. Johns, 77; E :Berry - hill, 70; E Cooper, 70; E. Brown.:63; A. Woods, 58: 0. Flawkins, 56; 0 Rowcliffo, 53: J Iitirdman, 45. Sr Pt II -L Robin- son, 79; J. Berryhill, 79; W Hunter, 70; E Delbridge, 57; M. Woods, 47. Jr Pt II -W G. liolmab, 93; L Routly, 90; E. A Godbolt, 72; 0 Routly, 68. Pt I -R Wil, cox, 97; 141 Delbridge, 96; A llerryhill, 94; D Delbridge, 94; L Hunter, 93; 0 Minors 93; L Andrew, 93; P. Spicer, 9.1; E Johns 91; M Hawkins, 87; W Herdman, 67, GEo W. fioneten, Teacher. Greenway. Bxunrs.-Mr N. Goodman of Loch - port, N. Y,, is spending X-mas with his neice, Miss F. Ulens.-Mr. D. Poul ter of Moray, preached in the Meth. church here last Sunday. -A large num ber of our young people attended the Christmas Tree in the Presbyterian church at Grand Bend last Monday evg. -Mr. Henry;Belling, cut his foot with an axe while cutting wood last week. - Mr. D. Brophey built a now granary last week. -Mr. C. H. Wilson sold one of his handsome black horses to Mr. G. Skinner of Parkhill. -The young peo- ple expect to have an enjoyable time at the Christmas Tree entertainment on the 26th, in the Methodist church -L. Brown was very sick last Monday, but is getting better. -Mrs. John Being is improving and the doctor says there are good hopes for her recovery. -Mr. A. Armstrong spent last week in Goderich. as juryman. (Jredeton. .-.•.+-4 Stephen. Wxan;No-0no of those pleasant overate which so seldom takes place in tbrs town. ship happened at the residence of Mr, M. n U 'nor 9th u oa fan u on J`" k of 9 0o a a Stephen, Wednesday afternoon last, the occasion being the marriage of Mr. W. H., second son of Wm Dearing, Eaq., of the :led son. Stephen, to Christens, second daughter of Mr Matthew Finkbeiner. Mr Jas Dearing, brother of the groom, and Miss Mary, Mater of the bride, acted as the second best couple or the 000asiou; The knot wag tied by the Rev Brand of Crediton. Theta were over eighty couples present to witno.is the very solemn event. The prosonte were numerous and costly. showing the ;High es- teem in which the contracting parties aro held. The Crediton Band was present and played some liyely airs, which added much toward making the 'event a pleasant one, After a sumptuous meal was partaken daoeing and other amusements were indulg ed in until the clock began to strike the little ones. The h.ippy couple will make their abode in afine, new, brink residence on the 2nd concession, which the groom has had furnished recently, where they will share the joys of wedded bliss. wane-. Dashwood. BRIEFS. -Mr. Williams and family who wore injured by a runaway here are making good progress. -Mrs. Mary Dickey is reported to be married to a farmoi near London. -Mr. John Petter was married at Stratford last week to Miss Elizabeth Siebert, and they have moved into the village. The good wish- es of all go with them on their journey through life -Division Court was held here on Tuesday ; the only disputed case was that of Morrison vs. McInnes. It appears that Morrison had been work ing as a hired man for McInnes and quit before his time was completed. He sued to recover wages for the time he worked. His Honor Judge Doyle held that he had no claim, as he did not fill his contract, and gave judgment for de- fendant. The shooting match at August Hill's on Tuesday, was a success, and well attended: Capt. Heywood was re- feree and gave general satisfaction. Each contestant shot at 10 birds, with the following result I. Smith, 7 R- Gregg 9 G. Hirtzel 9 G. Blackwell 6 I. Bice ` 10 '1' Sweet 9 C Sherdown 9 ` S. Eilber -7 F, Kerr 7 W Yearley 7 W. Gregg 8 R. 0. Brien ' 6 W. Sims 5 J Lawson 8 PUBLIC ScaooL Ex:tar.-The teachers and pupils of our school celebrated their annual examination on Tuesday, Deo. 201b. The day was fine, at least more pleasant than it was on examination days the two pre- vious years- Alargenumber:of ratepayers and friends attended, and also the following teachers : Mies Blair of Grand Bend, Miss Fulton, who was assistant teacher in onr school last year. Miss Hauoh of Z 'rich, Mr McGregor of Babylon line. Mr. Spender of Biackbusb, Mr Latta of Hills Green, Mr. Hey of Johnston's Mills, Messrs Hagan and Latta of Zurich, besides several ;examining teachers. Y. P A. -About 20-25 members of the Y. P Alliance visited Zurich Y.P A.on Tues- day of last week. The collectors of the village for the Bible Booiety have finished their work. The amount collected was $20,80. The collectors of the other districts have not all finished their work. The popnlation of Stratford has increas. ed 271 during the past year being now over 10,000. Real property has iuoreased $33.075. Builders have had a busy season. ThoWoodetock Publio Sohool board have appointed Mr, S. Nethercott, of Mitchell.. principal, vice Mr. J. W, Garvin, resigned, The salary will bo $900 per annum, and his duties will commence on January 3rd. Mr. Dayfd Sorimgeonr, the Conaervative candidate in the late North Perth election has made an Assignment to Sheriff Honaie. He owns a lot of real property, but it is heavily encumbered. His liabilities are large. "A snake in the grass" is all the more dangerous from being unsuspected. So are many of the plead medicines offered to the public. To avoid all risk, ask yourdraggist f r Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and °leo for Ayer'e Almanac which is fast out for the new year. The death marred in the township of Weat Nissouri on Saturday last of Mr. John Gourley (known best by the name of Ser- geant), at the ago of 77 years, Deaocased was formerly connected with H. M.'s 27111 Regiment of Foot, and served at tbe Cape of Good Hope and at other planes. Last year Sheriff Eoesie's salary amount. ad to 95,777.5$; Surrogate Judge, 9711.80 ; J. E. Harding, Local Master, $489 ; John ldington, Clerk of Pence, $639.47 ; Jas. Mc- Fadden, Local Registrar, $1,506.90;; Jes, McFadden, county Court Clerk, $634,19 Jae. MoFadden,Surrogate Registar,51 I05.75 ... • Locals. During the year 1892 Exeter paid in charities $137.45; Uaborne tp. $222.72 ; and Hay tp. $309.81. Facts are stubborn things and we have been reminded that our China and Glassware is select and the best proof is because of the sales during the past and present week. Call at J. P. Clarke's and you will admit the fact. Mr. J. N. Howard has purchased the mill dam and some other property from Messrs Rolling & Williams with the under- standing that if they cannot procure water for their mill near the town hall the prop. erty is to revert to them. Rev. W. H. Gane of Amhersthurg will preach the Anniversary sermonsin connec- tion with the Sunshine Methodist S. S. (Elimville circuit) on Sunday next as 2 30 and 6 30 p. m. In the morning Mr- Gane will preach at Elimville. Large numbers will no doubt ay.til themselves of the op- portunity of hearing this popular preacher. Father Andrews, Father of Captain :Walter ' Andrews formerly of Exeter died at Goderich on Tuesday last aged 77 years. A-Cleanlinets.care PREPARE BUIL (3HOLER ... and °enrage are' the resources of civilization, against cholera. Keep the b3dy aorrpeloney clean. Fat hot iooc1 Take B. R. B. to maintain the regulatr geetion;and ensure pure blood whish is then ry best safeguard against cholera or any oth r epidemic. nvncx The directors of the Great Northwestern Fair, Goderich are $300 behind in their finances. Mr, Barrow of tbe Moltsons,Bank Clinton has not been removed from that branch ap wars intended. A little ttoy, on of Mr, John Drop, Beaforth, fell out of bad,Ion Wednesday night and broke his Ice For tampering with milk taken to the Bluevale cheese factory, Mr. Jackson was fined $10 and $$2.50 caste. Ou Tuesday last Mr. W. Down And his son Alkert of Clinton left for Boossvain, Man , where they expect to reside. Mr. George Woods, reeye otIllayfield was married, on Wednesday evening to bliss Gematnbardt an estimable young lady of that village. The many friends of 3. 3. Fisher, the pioneer of Colborne township, will regret to bear of his serious illness. Mr. Fisher is well advanced le years. The Clinton Counoll has decided to take a vote on allowing cows to run est large and also on the House of Refuge at the °ami ng Municipal Election. C Rogerson, of Hullet, brougbt into Seaforth the other day a chestor white pig that weighed a little over 800 pounds. Re was purchased by Robert Winter. Mr, W. H. Baker, of Bayfield, has been engaged as needier of the Egmondville school at a salary of 9440, Mr. Baker is a teacher of considerable experienee. A seventy-five pound cheese was stolon from the Centralia cheese factory one night last week. Some person in that 'vicinity must be laying up for the winter, Another of the worthy pioneers of the township of Usborne, in the person of Mrs. Samuel Horton of .Lumley has gone to her reward having reached the good age of 74 years. It is reported that Mr. jell.) B,aoore is oomiug out in opposition to k1 r. John Cox for Reeve, and Ja'ues Conn.dlr Hud Mr. Churchill will run for Deputy 1., ix•.derioh township. It is said the G. P. R. has threatened to pull up its rails between Wimgham and Teeserater because it gets so little freight from Wingham that it does not pay to oper- ate the line. Mrs. Chas. Smith of Ji:nos, Obio writes ; I have used every remedy for sick bead - ache I could hear of for the last 15 years bat Carter's Little Liver Pillt did me more good than all the rest of them. One day last week while Mrs.R.Hender son, St. Marys, was dem' tiding tbe stairs at the residence of her ds" iter, tilrs Sinclair she in some way o. o'er missed bar footing and fell to the bottom. Her ehoolder was injured and her face bruised but she is recovering gradually and surely from the effects of whioli might havo result. ed much more seriously A. DinAGREEAnLE Heins, -Why go about hawking and spitting when Nasal Balm will remove every vestige of your catarrh, and thus relieve you of this disagreeable habit. Ill cases of sold in the load, Neral Balm gives instant relief and effoate a permanent cora. From dealers or by mail, post paid 50a small or $1 large size bottle. Fulford & Co., Brockville, Ont. Mitchell Advocate : -" Some few weeks ago George -Snorters of this town, left rather suddenly and it was whispered that his •business transactions were crooked. In- vestigation proved that be bad raised large sums of money on forged notes the names of the beet farmers in the ooentybeing used. Nearly $1.400 of these notes were discount- ed by Mr. J.W. Cull ; $300 by Mr. John McCurdy, Kirkton ; $600 by Mr. T. Hanson Fullerton : $300 by a gentleman in Exeter, also several hundred by Mr. Jas.A. Watson of Mitchell. Mr. Cull with Detective Mo- Carthy of Stratford at once went in search of the fugative, and they overhauled him at Hillsdale, Mich. He at once admitted his guilt. when he was placed under arrest, and taken to Port Huron, where he now lies in jail." MIDDLESEX. On Monday Jan. 2ad 1893 the ratepayers of Parkhill will vote on a by-law to raise $5,000 for the ereetionof a town hall. D. N. MoLeod'a stable and storehouse, Parkhill were destroyed by firs last week, together with their °entente. Loss heavy. Mr Wm. Brewer, of the firm of Brewer Sc Son, Parkhill while at work in the flour mill on Saturday had his right hand serious- ly mangled by being naught in the cogs of a wheel. It has been decided to wind up the affairs of the Huron Live Stook Insurauoe Company and to discontinua business. The beehives lately has not beau aufficien t to pay for the continuance of the Oompariy JOHN WHIM, & SONS. Publisher and Proprietors We wish all our Customers, friends and others. a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. With thanks for past favors, and so - netting continued support We remain, Yours truly, J. P. ROSS. Market Square Bargain Depot On Friday night Mr. Smith of Goderich 78 years of age, passed away at the resi- dence of his daughter Mrs. Dorland, Di- vision street, Kingston. Deoeased had only been living there a short time, and a tett days ago be was stricken down with a par- alytic stroke, Mrs, Robertson. a daughter of the deceased, arrived at Kingston during the afternoon, and it is probable that she will return with his remains to Goderich for burial. A meeting of the Councillors of the Do. minion DraughtHorse Breedere'Sooiety was held at the Rattenbury House Clinton, en Tuesday laat, President John McMillan M. P. in the choir, A considerable amount of routine business was transacted and matters discerned in preparation for the annual. meeting Of the Snoiety avhicfi will be hold In Clinton, on Wednesday next, 21st. Mat. The reports show a falling off in the busi• - ness, transacted during the year owing to • the prevailing dullness in horse breeding end selling,but the Society remains in a ``i sound condition and has about 350 entries for its volatile and a balance in the Bank of $1600. The precast rogulatione of the U. 5, Treasury Department do not recognize for free entry at the customs any Canadian horse regiatera require that the animsls be entered in the American Stud bouks to raceme free entry. The Dominion Society however doss not recognize fres customs entry as the prima ubjeot of registration and will, continue:to do bnsinere at the old stand and encourage farmers and bleeders to breed systematically and preserve au official record of their animals. With many clergymen public speakers singers, actors, Ayer'e Cherry pectoral is the favorite remedy for boernese and all affections of the vocal organs throat, and lungs. Its anodyne and expectorants effects promptly realized, A party in Bayfield, roomed a letter a few aaya ago from. Robert \Vixen, a sailor alio had his feat amputated last winter, stating that he had been provided with artificial feet and was able to walk up and down stairs with ease. Mr. Peter Schroder jr„uf Dashwood had a very ektlful operation performed last week. by Dra. Rollins and Hyndmau of Exeter He has been suffering for a number of years from a ruuning sore, extending over the greater part of his leg. The wound was opened at the knee and extended up and down the leg and the bone ;scraped. He IS progressing nicely. Rev. Father Cook, pastor of St. James' church, ;Seaforth, who has been absent for ine past six months in Europe for the bene- fit of his health, returned last week, and placed his resignation m the hands of Bisbop O'Connor, which was reluctantly ac- cepted. He nes accepted the chaplaincy of the Franoimian bospital, in Newark, New Jersey, and left for his new field of Iabor on Thursday. - The report of the Bureau of Industries relating to loans and chattel mortgages, bas just been issued, and shows that on Deo. 31st. 1891 there were 541 chattel mort- gages in force in;fluron to secure existing debt, as against 497 in January of the same year; the amount secured in December was $173,191, and in January $148.987. In December there were only 32 for future indorsement as against 111 iu January,the amount being $,16,374 as against $48,800 A PeoMxNENT LAWYER SAYS : " I have eight children every one in good health, not one of whom but has taken Scott's Emulsion, in which my wife has boundless confidence." John McDonald, formerly of East Wil- liams, champion runner of Michigan, will run a foot race on 22nd inst. with John Fisherman, of Chicago, for $1000 a side and the championship of America. At the approaching municipal elections in London, besides the election for Mayor, alderman, school trustees, water commie - stoners and possibly a hospital trustee,'the people will be asked to vole on the following questions: -Shall bars close at 7 o'clock every:night in the week? Shall London have a free library? Shell 560,000 be raised to establish an -electric light plant-? Shall the city be divided into four wards ? Shall three salaried oommiseioners do the work of the preeent column committees.? - THERE'S MANY A SLIP --Now that winter has Dome, many horses and cattle will be. injured by slipping. , A strain causes a lameness which if properly attended to from the start will soon be oared, but if left a hard substance often forms over a joint and serious blemish results. Disk's Liniment should be applied as soon as any lameness is shown, while' if a Spavin Curb'. or Ringbone leas already formed it, it can be cured with Disk's Blister. Get Disk's. It code only 50 ole. There a few cased of chicken pox in Luoan. There was a total of 120 in theMiddle- sex House of Refuge during the past year. Eight died, 26 were discharged, 5 abscond- ed; present number of inmates,80. Intem- perance is credited wish 37 cases. Cost of maintenance,$7,485.59. Thomas Mackery (aged 16 years), of Biddulph was arrested on Saturday by Detective Allen on charge of aesulting John,a 13 year-old son of Michael Jackson. The boys are school mates and it is alleged That out of some difficulty that arose be- tween . them iu the class -room Mackery "laid for" young Jackson with a stone, knocked the younger boy down, and then proceeded to pound his head to mincemeat with the stone. As the parents of the boys did not want trouble young Mackey plead- ed guilty and was fined $2 and coats. Itch on hamanbeinga andall animals cured in 30 minutes by 4Voolford's Sanitary Lotion. Warranted by 0. Lutz Druggist. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. - South America Rheumatic Cnre for Rheu- matism and Neuralgia ridinaIly cures inl to 3 days. its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removea at once the cause and the diseaeo iminediat- sly disappears. Tiro first dose greatly benefits. 75 conte. Warranted by C. Lutz, Druggist. ung. 14. Orangeville. April 4th, 1892. Dr. L. A. Smith & Company.: Dear Sirs, -Anti -Dandruff is evidently giving satisfaction. 1 have sold about half of the -gross I bought from you on the 23rd of Jannary last. I use them in my own family and like it well. Gan recommend it to all who are troubled with dandruff. Yours truly, Taos. STEVENSON. FOR SWELLINGS AND FELONS.-GENTLru DIEN,.-My little girl,' aged 3, had a large, swelling on her neck, I used Hagyard's Yellow Oil on it and it disappeared in a short "time. It ales *lured a felon I was troupled with. CHICKEN SEASON IN DARKEZVILLE. "Great Scott! I've donelost myChria'- mus dinner." -Judge. Measure for Measure. "It's not the right sort of feeling, perhaps, but at Christmas I like to give just as valuable presents as I receive." "So do L My wife is going to give me a hundred -dollar dressing gown, and I am going to give her a hundred. dollar check to pay for it." -Life. CHRISTMAS EVE -AN ALARM. are Chorus -What wuz dal? Didn't you hear sumfin?-Life. i Big Blaze in. Hamilton. Er Ammon, Dec.. 21. -The. Ontario . Box' Co's premises were destroyed by fire yes.j terday morning. The blaze's was one of the fiercest that the Ambitious City has seen in years, but was splendidly handled by the firemen. The building ,was damaged to the extent of $6,000, and much valuable machinery was injured, making the total loss $10,000, covered by insurance., The Heedless Factory smokestack was damaged to the extent of 6725, I