The Exeter Times, 1892-8-18, Page 7trI.V.'arrtrnr,, re Oinn ee. k 1074 'f ir.11,7 rto e nee eie ;1_712,1HOE (1051. • of Pere, r. tin.. letirEllein Osten' e • ' • o et • mendoe; en) I rs eressenseE epee_ .1' o oa ico •,d'FfiDERestp, T,IFE .a• 0„g`f TtoN 'Isl. _ems_ Windt' );ke dory Snitch .to direct the eS'..L7111:,i. !,1" neolore to a, new Ser • ies of Wee :1•y Englieh Authors, for to secure sr wide circulation .in this section of country, They ere ri series of reprints of morl.,. esopeneive books, and 'though sold at the astimieldmerly 10SY price of 5 cente, are vitri.'ettle gems of worth, as interosti en, ; ,erd with morals drawn wiLi;tsreir eenese. They are is- sued for the millet, and in England lave fonwl Hod.: etre- to the homes of the uilhnn. :s• nit engaged in their protium bet nidoli•beel and sold 13 ritillione, and e'er deem aro engaged in the same noodle issues of single tales have been Menenites, ranging from fifty .thousand to tent milliom Call end soo • dm on Saturday after- noon or memilme • erst. ,T. GRIGG. Bookseller rola 44 /— 3 , +3, F011 1310 BLRGAINL 17:J ; rft' 1'41 P.4 etir 1.1 ,Dr S vtee is, 0 SPirting. r^i r.; Hulloed lo s• at closest 'eta pi ice s tie] g the great al es- 'foreti •i 1, Our Big — <, n ' befote 4. A L • tt t4 IN,:•;);.411,.:i piSSOSSI011 'alld b' git;•aleiering the store. 0 Do vt-n wvIt u nice white em broirlen ildrams ? 11 you. do, 4, 4 want to soc vou ; we have is"atne gra:id nirlileS for you at ri red %teed ,s. • 0 vo- - ' v .rt time to buy " iemeries as n e are doing big f.12 ;thiug-s in.hotoe, fresh Gro ecrics. Manylines below 'aet twl whok!s,Ale, cost,. How !1.), w.' do it and live is what tro 1111111es the old timers. Our ,Isystem of doing business is ;our own. Others may follow is tut they never get ahead, 'do J. A. STEWART. V • *4 • • 4 .60,41..., ....•••••••or•r• ee• 1711$ (Suter Wan. THURSDAY , AUG UST 18.11, 1892. 1,9t1/11, Senforth Dye WorkA, An agent of the above wre ka will visit Exeter every two weeks, and persons hom- ier/ stained or felled elothea will -find it to teem advantage to give these wo7ks 0 ta Mt. C•othes of all kidils (leaned,. dyed, and pressed. ()rehire left at Bissett Bros.' hardware will reeeive prompt attention.. Satisfaction guaranteed. a11 -2t J., IV. Soma , Seaforth. ion win went You hail on your fnr cap, overcoat, and mittens when etre approach Greenland the evening of the Festival of Nations, on the ;30th inst. Come everybody tr. the land of ire. snow, and glaciers Inc cream, milk- - shake, and other frozen delicacies in abun- dance. ESKIMO. Ilie 400th Anniversary. 'Hon G. W. Roes, Minister of Educa- tion, has sent out a circular to inspectors and teaehers which reads : "I beg to call your attention to the propriety of having suitable exercises in our schools on the 121,11 of Octobento commemorate the 400th autiversary of the discovery of America. For this purpose teachers are recommend- ed to make whatever arrangements they may find most convenient for bringing to the notice of their pupils such an import- ant historical event. I would suggest that on the afternoon of that day, so for as time mser allow, there might be suita\le sougs and. recitations by the pupils, sketch of the life (:)f columbus fnight be read, and advantage might be taken of the oecitaien for having short addressee, deal- ing with the progress of civilisatidn since the discovery of this centinent. Exercises of this' kind could be made vary interesting and should exert a goad lid -Menne' on 'the youth of our country." Tile Law of Estray Animals. The laws of Ontario provide that a person takuig up any estray stock shall give notice of sueh taking up by publishing a notice three times in a weekly paevsspaper, if one is published within the section where the estray was taken upmnd if the proper- ty is not called for within three weeks after the first insertion of the uotioe, the • finder will go to a Justice of the Peace and • take oath to the finding and advertisieg. If the property is not claimed within one year and should not exceed $50 in value, it then belonga to the party taking the same up ; if. over $50 it shall he advertised by the justice and Bola, and the excess of all expeesee shall be handed over to the County Tretteurer. Any person taking up ate estray and peglecting thesame t be ad vertised and eppraised shall be liable to a fine of $20. The estray laws apply also to any personal propertywhich may be f oand in like manner. Itis also necessary for the person taking up the estray stoek to notify the clerk of the municipality in evhicitr he resides, giving a. description of the. animal, the date on which he took it up end any other partieulars that might serve to lead to its recovery by its °weer. I pieties:would keep Vile notice [conven- ient for reference it might frequently save them much trouble and annoyance. • Mivard's lanieserat ernes Urargei in (Live litrevitte The. Village'Council met last evening to trellises:et usual business. • see The apple crop is heavy in Huron, ba snotty light in neerly every other western comity. Parties in search of a nice house and lot at a low rent or to purchase ehould cell ou W Grigg, Alain -St. Rural sehoels opened on Montlay,end on the 29th the achoola in towns and villages will commence. The ketone team wish to return thanks to those citizens who so freely coutributed to their funds last week. A look over the town will reveal the fact that a large amount of building is being done this summer, principally of brick. The board walk in front of the town bell premises has been taken up, with the intention of substituting the same with flag stone. There is a shortage in butter in this section owing to the extensive manufacture of cheese ; bat notwithstanding, the price remains low. The rank growth of Canada thistles in fielde and roadaidee, in the townships, is alai ming thrifty farmers,who keep their own domains dear. Everybody you want to see and every, thing you want to eat will be at the Festival of Nations on D. Rollina' Lawn, on the evening of Aug. 30th. The municipal voterslist are now issued and people generally should taxa the trouble to see if their -names are thereon. It may save much annoyance litter mi. Me. Chart Snell, jr, has commenced the excevation for the foundation of a hand- some residence to be erected at once On Audi ew.et., neer Dr. Rollina' premises. The first harvest excursion to Manitoba was run on Taesday, and among those who left Exeter station vee : Robet t Sanders and Miss Hogarth for Deloraine, aud Mr. and Mrs. 1. 13owermau for Ilarthey. The motamito is mild to bes'e twenty four teeth in his bill, but the tempers at the lake imagine that thie lively critter has twenty-four hundred sometimes, from the manner in which they bite. The Tilsoeburg Nees on Monday dee feated the Toronto Dukes twice in a game of liaeeball, Score—fIrst game,(13 innings) 5 to 4; aecomi game, t to 0 F. Anderson and D. Tait are battery for the Tilsonburg team. The dehorning commission find in favor of dehon ing end the report states that the enmity of the practice heti been intensified by the oopouents of the horn -depriving operation. The report will be printed r ly. The pipes at the mill pored are being adjosted so as to permit the plocuring of a supply of water for street watering pur- poses, The recent fire destroyed the former apparatus, and the dust liaa been flying in tattling clouds of late. The genial landlord of the "Corniners cial," rim T. W. Ilawkshaw, was yesterday marred to Miss Alice Murdock of Luean. Mr. A. J. McTavish of Exeter acted aa beat man, while Miss Ido McFalls of Luca n supported the bride, We extend congratulations. The Canadian headquarters at the Fest, val ot Nations will naturally present more substantial ettractions than those offered elsewhere. Visitors have no need to fortify themselves by a preliminary lunch at honie tor they may be enured a good meal under the auspices of the Canadian Flag. There have been a great numy Louis- iana lottery tickets sent into armada of late, and the Attorney General is now in the possession of several letters written by Canadians for tickets. It is probable that the purchesers of the tickets will be p roseeut ed. The Park, ill Review complains that the Exett,r teeth Hie recent lacrosse match in Exeter taw the Parkhill team rather toughly. The pliming was tough, but one side was no more sparing than the other. The Parkhill boys should take their defeat more gracefully than to whiue. The Insurance Agents have nearly all adjusted the claims of the &emir Milling Co., and the wee k ,of rebuilding the mill burned last week will be commenced at once. Farmers arid others can be supplied with any quantity of bran, shorts, Otte, at the flour and feed stores in town. During the terribly hot weather the Health Inspector.lhould be more than or- dinarily diligent in his duties, and all Ciii- zeus should see to it that no cess pools are allowed to accumulate in their yards. Exeter has the name of being exceptionally healthy, let us strive to keep the name. On July 1st the law which (forbids the use or possession of tobacco by boys under eighteen came into force. The weed still seems to be extensively used however by the kids of the village, and someone in selling the stilt is breaking the law and rendering themselves liable to a heavy Pen alty. The boys are also liable to prosecu- tion if found using it in public. The following are the names of the suc- cessful candidates who wrote at Cliuton for the Primary Examination, arranged in order of merit :—Lucy Stevens, J. Walsh, A. Jones, R. Smilie, George Robb, R. J. Pickard, U. Fair, M. Martin, W. Holland C. Tebbut, Jessie McDonald, Bertha Scot t Bessid Murch, Elia Taylor, Minnie Izzard W, Reed, Jas. Rental, Alf. Russell. The Toronto World announces that plenty of shinplaaters of 25 cents valeta can now be had at the bauka, and if not kept there can be obtained from the Receiver. General at Ottawa or the Asaiatant Re- ceiver -General at Toronto. Merchants and others who have been agitating for a larger issue can govern themselves accord- ingly. The members of Exeter Royal Templars of Temperance, No. 207, will please meet at their lodge room at 10.15 a. m. on Sen. day next, the 2lst inst., for the purpose of attending the Caven Presbyterian Church in a body, when a sermon mill he preached by the Rev. W. Martin at 11 a. m. The Hensall, Kippen, Brucefield, Vara., and Crediton lodges are invited to attend, by order J T. WESTCOTT, Rec. Sec. This is the way a local paper refers to a skipper from Kingsville r— He s gone? Yes, Mac's gone, and the mourners stand •aroand thick. A glistening tear stands in many an eye. The last trick of the arch - swindler was to -entrap his minister. On Saturday last as the bailiff was about to lay lais bands on McLellan to take him to Sandwich he appealed to Rev. J. Wilson to side him ovemuntil ViondaY, when he vvoulci have plepty to pay the laid of $14.60 The minister could not refuse•and said yes he would becotne responsible until Mon- day. On Monday afternoon Mac (hired a rig from the Wigle livery and atarted for Detroit." Mr. Wilson WAS recently pastor •of Main -at. Methodist church, Exeter. Reitetating "A Are the bananas, ami melets,Which wi 1 Naticale on the Dr 's Law». SHOES 110F.Jig 1°/ Niefitrill° & SH be sold et the African booth, deriug the evening of August 30th at the Festival of idooTs Bn . 4 Personals, Mrs.J.P.Oltolte and family are camping at the lake. --Mr. John Taylor, me, and daughters, Miss Lizzie and Mrs, Brooks, are on an extended visit to friends in Lon- don, St. Thomas, and else where,—Miss Alcecks, who has been visiting in this neighborhood for some time, left this week for Honsale—Mise T. White, accom- panied by several yeurig ladies of Sarnia left Tuesday on re trip to Muskoka and other points nortle—Miss Carrie Wilkins of Sarnia returns home to -day, atter a pleasant visit with friends in Fereten—Mr J. .1 Piekerd and family and Mr. John Hawkehaw and family pieeiced at the lake on Teesday.—Mr. D. Johne, post -master, who has been 111 during the past few months., expects to take A trip to Manitobo. shortly,for the benefit of his health.—Mrs, T. M White of Windsor is visiting friends in town. Mr.White and Emily will move to Toronto in September --His Honor Judge Doyle held Divisioe Court here on Monday—There were hut fewleasea on the docket. —jr, jamee Creech, eon of our respected constable, inteuds opemng a tailor shop here short ly.--Mra,R .11,Verity offieiated at the organ in the Main -et. church on Sunday lest.—Mr. Alex. Dow, an esteemed eitizen, is at present coutined to his bed with s serious atmek of thecae"; we hope 8000 to he Ole to eeord his re. covery.—Mr, delay of Montreal was in towe the forepart .of tide week buying horses.—Mr, 11, '.x.aociq of Osborne has purchased a house in town to Match he will move shortly. MeJones of MeCtilliv. ray also expects to move to Exeter. We welcome both gentlemen to town.—Mr. Lofft of St Mat ys, and niece, Misi Lindsay of Clinton, were in town lest week an their way to 81, Marys, trom •a trip earth --- Reeve Batellea who hs been epending the past two weeks in Illuglandisai'efl for home on Monday. —Al r. Browne of Simeoe was in town last week M cenueetion with the recent fire, and be twelves us that /mother null will be built at attire --A =pie of medical fraternity from Exeter attended the pionic of the profession at Goderich on Pridey last. --Mr. R. flicks and family have returned from their outing at the lage, They report a pleasant time. —Mrs. R. Eacrett, Exeter, is visiting 10 Lecan.— Miss Lottie Petards of Exeter le the poet of Miss Emma Baird, Parkhill.—N. Dyer Merlon, and family, have returned from the Bend,and Mr. llrewer hasgor a bick to M r. and Mrs. Me lavish ef Lon. don are guests at the "Conimercial."—Mr 11. Spackmalt has moved into his new residence on Williannst. Mr. Snell in. tends moving to town in September and occupying the holm vacated by Mr 8.— Mr. Robert Leathern on re ttairday left Exeter for the old memo), with :1/ heed of pi bee cattle end 3 home. We wiali him ban voye Loth (.'W Le, nil° has been visitrog friends in town for the peat few weeks left yesterday to visit in Clinton, Goderich, Toronto, Niagma, and other nieces.— Mrs. Brophy of Montreal, who has been viaiting her brother, Mr, L. H. Dickson, the past few weeks, left Tues- day for Pembroke, to visit her parents.— Miss Olive Whittureed to Brandon Tneedentetter a tS,, visit with *Mends in Exeter.—Mr. M. Perkiesee and wife of Toronto arothe guests ef Mr. Tiros Parkinson.—Mr. Weld:Inge; of St Thomas is visiting friends in town,—Rev. Ain Steele preached in the Trivitt Memorial chutoll last Sunday in the absence of the rector, who is takiog holidays. Rev. Mr. McDonagh preached the last of a set iea of sermons ou Sunday evening, directing his discourse to the women. --Miss Ager of St. Cathsaines is the guest of her sister, Mrs. (Rev.)Pletcher at the Thames Road Manse. —Miss Annie Wileoxson of Port Perry, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrsalatnes Hodgson, of 'rebottle, has returned home. - and Mrs James Hodgson of Palmer- ston spent Sunday with frientishi tesborne - -Mr. Robert Sontheott,Aliss Mary South- cott, Mr- Walt. Vincent, of London ; Mr. Jos. Clarke, Seaforth, were guests of Mr. W. Southcott, Sunday. China— The Celestial Empire—will be repre- sented. Allee Afelican menee, who three goodee cupee coffee, come° longee and drinkre with Joheee. Peanuttee fivee centee. Comee early reed havee chunkee °tee Dr.'s Lawnee onee Tuesday nightee Augustee, 30thee. CHEW JOHN. The eticket team will play at Clinton this week. Read J. P. Clarke's change of advertise meet this week. A bargain table of boots and alums at J. P. Clarke s, price 50c a pair. The 5 0 E picnic at the lake on Thurs- day last was largely attended - Several loads of new wheat were on the market this week • quality good, high test and 75 cents per blge For choice biscuits and groceries, none better than those offered by J. P. Clat ke. The Verity Plow works will be moved to Brantford shortly. They are now com- pleting some large orders. Ladies 1 if you want prints at reduced prices, betore fall goods come to hand, call and get price at J. P. Clarke's. The annual excursion to Grimsby and Niagara Falls, on Aug. 20. Tickets $2 from any point along the line, good for two doe% Best program the park evet offered. See bills and posters. Any machine repaired by me whose warrantee has not run out, and machine not running properly, return the same to rae and I will repair it f me of charge. H. S. Kenn, llansion House. • Ottr readers have no doubt noticed that r in the majority of houses struck by light- ning the chimneyseerns to he the ymint of attack, the electric fluid gaining admission to the premises by this means. A scien- tific paper says this danger can be avoided or at les.stlessened,by co pping the clfinmeS s not in use with ordinary tin tape, and thug shutting off the draft. , The same theory will apply to closing doors and win- dows during the " progress of a thunder storm. • John Kennedy of Biddulph, one of the Principals of the Donnelly trial, has been arrested on a charge that on Mon- day he threatened and attempted to murder Michael O'Meara. It is Alleged that while O'Meara was driving a binder Kennedy made a rush at him with a pitchfork and had he not jrunped in an instant from the machine he would likely have been killed./ WQBOOTS oa;41.600. SHOES R1CHAR PICKAH D & SON Are clearing a number of lines of Boots k Shoes at Big Bargains or order to make room for Fall Stook Call and inspect the Goods. RICHARD PICKARD & SON. ASH DOEb IT. I need money, and to get it, I will Offer for the next two weeks the foliow- ing reductions : A atrong panel bed in Maple, fernier price 51 95 reduced to rel 0. Panel bed nicely carved anti moulded, 4 ft. 61n. high. formereprice 12•75, rethmeti to ee, Bad room setts in :Manle regular price <Sin redueca to Slew -outs a few bit, nod room nets. Maple res, price $15 red toen2 .6 17 " 15 Si dehomds.Tables. Cupboard s. Chairs Spring Mat tresses 'cto. 10 per emit uentigular priee, Good Bair °loth Parlor Suites Solid Walnut from ,e2a upwerds. Plush parlor suites from Set upwards. Everything reduced itt proportion. fur Catah. This is a sweeping offer and will only hold good for the new two weeks. WALT. ANDREWS Two Dors North Town 14'estival. Festival rf Nationmunder the rompiciee of the Epworth Leagne of the James -at Methodist church, will 00 held OP tile beautiful grounds of Dr, Rollins, on Tues day eve:ling, August 30th. A good pro- gram of voted and instrumental music provided. Atbiisiuu, adulte Lic.; child- ren, 10e. Ice et mom tte , extre. Accordieg to the Village by law cowa are supposed to he shut in at nights from 15th August. Citizens will do well to make a note of this. lie is with tut tome moia— IL S. Barbee! Terernmesmee wsalestrir.Wit 'Strteatirg: itm mat ClothWriegee repine-, ,a ping at the Mansion lionse, for one week ()tags to do the ldjovc r pate work. Satis- faction guerenteed or no charge will be merle. This is the feurth year for Mr. Berl, and his former work here epeaka for itself. Shuttles, needles, and,parts to all noteliines constantly kept in stook. Far - The young people of the Epworth Lea• gne of Main-st Meth chureh nurpose giving a Musical At -Home in the teeth e room of the eflumh. on Tueaday, Augeet 23rd. A splendid program has ..been pre- sdasel , reed e -ye! "m , et. i• pated. Refreshments 'served during the evening.. Admission 15 cems, Doors open at 7.30; program to commence at 8 o'cloek Every person cordially invited to attend. The I 0. P. High Court. Barrie, Aug IL—Tho following officers were appointed by the high chief ranger: —High chaplain, b` W. Farris, Ottawa,— High journal secretary. L. Lawless, Toron- to—Senior Woodwatd, G. F. Martin, M. P P Toronto.—Junior Woodward, IE. A. Collins, Toronto.—Hieh senier beadle, Dr. Mallory, Campbellford;—High conductor, Mayor Lloyd, Newmarket.—High messen- ger, Frank Madth, M. P., Beaverton.— High messenger, 13o. Symington, Sarnia. —High assistant messenger, Fitzgerald, London. Clinton. Bthees —0n Monday evening Joe. Rider, probably the most !inoffensive citizen, in Clinton, waamounced upon near the station by one Thomas Dougherty and brutally beaten and cut on the head with a stripe. James Sheridan took a hand in melee. Chiefs Wheatley ann Paisley captured the cul pi its and soon had them before the May- or. Sheriden was tined SI\ 10, including costs or 30 days and had to accept the latter.— Seaforth's rate hes been struck at 20 mills, while that of Clinton is 19. --Th re is some talk of having a ten mile bicycle race short- ly for the chanapionhhip of Clinton.— Teameter Wheatley was awarded the con- tract of gravelling the Bayfield road from the railroad to the corporation limit, tho Price being $2.40 per cord,—The Masona of Fordwieh have e,ceted a new hall and raised the nice srun of $90 at a concert following tbe opening.—Exeter and Clinton Cricket (lbs will' likely cross 'willows here some day this week. --Reports state that Mr. 13. 0. Cole, who left here a feW days ago to took after his barvest crop in Dako- ta, will realise handsomely': as the yield is the best for several years. ---For many years Philo G. Whyte, of Lneknow, was a well- known character In:Brut. t 1 Guron oonn. ties, known as anctieeeee 1. nage driver. Many years ago he mysto e diaappear- ed, leaving a Wif9 and fain t , behind him. II has lately been ascortaimet thet be died within a recent year iu Califoenia, leaving 00 estate valued at abet $38,000. It bas since increased to over S40,000, and the moth hly rental of the estate iS 07P1! $330. To Dispel Colds, Headache and Fevers, to cleanse the asatem effectually, s sternly, when costive or 'MI- ious, or where -the blood is mpnre or sing gish, to pernetnontly cure habitual celeste- pation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activite, without irritating or 'Weakening them, use Syrup of rigs. Minard's !Liniment euros Distemper, U • -77-BUYING For Yourscif For Your Wife For Your Children sdsr.,4"7.1t DO plaoe in town that offers better oppor- tunities for 1E3 A. 0- A.1 1\1 - In the Staple Wareof any special line of /Goods, than can be found tt 6 A LiNli,BROS. The fallowing are the maticessful prize winners at the recent diribution at Browning's Beek Store : Pd. Shaptiten, r, Book May Themes Ink stand. Rettie Essmy, Kite Minnie Wateliforil, ?Milton rod Mary Birdman. Autograph Album Wilber Martin, Base ball Jennie Handford, Hooks and line D Sanders, Cities of the Woriti(book) Edna. McCallum Game Herbert Harrell, Garfield Hedger% Gertie Hicks, remain 'Hooper, Eliza. Higgins, VilIiam tTool, Lena. McDonald, Wesley flowey, Lottie Hunter, Fred Heaman, Miss Hill Clara Pasmore, Wcoaen bank Mrs G Ross, Large autograph album Garfield flodgert, Tea-pot stand Eddie Pickard, a Colored crayons Blanche Jeckell, Fan Donald Monteith, Photo album Ernest Hill, Blue book Eddie Pickard, Bible Pansy Prouty, • Purse Eliza Higgins, Paper and envelopes Arthur Hedgen, Ink stand Alf-MeTagart Around the World(book) Ethel Sweet, - Serop album George Parkinson, Kite Samuel, Jury, Mug George Bagshaw, Vases :sleuth organ Fan Pistol Drawine slate Testiment Wooden bank Cup And saucer Pine beads Photo Album Doll Testiment ALES3p WANTED. To se -1 our unexcelled. Ndrsery Stock; Steady employment and control of tern. tory. Have done business in Canada 35 years. Liberal pay to the right man. Send for terms. CHASE BROS iSe CO , Coiborne„ Ont. 1 OUSE AND LOT FOR . SALE. Frame house and lot on IVilliaranstemear tho market, will be sold .cheap. Douse, which is titrT/'101ttrlies')Tigci ictig Ivol;lierTil Lrtrn4tl ill/3'04Mb' to CHAS. NEIL, Exeter, N'OTIOE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of William Anning, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, deceased. Notice is hereby giVen Pursuant to d'hapter 110, of the Revised Statutes of ' Ontario, 1887, that all Creditors and other nersons haying claims against the estate of the sivid Williani Atoning; deceased, who died on or abont the 27th day of June, A. D., 1892, are on or before the 6th. day of October, A. D 1892, required to send by -o es nnrepaid, or deliver to the under- signed elieitor for the Executors of the real and personal estate of the said decease(1, their Christian names i and surnames, addresses and descriptions, with full particulars and proofs of their claims, statement of mounts, and the nature of the seenrityfif any) held by them. And notice is further given that after the Oth day of October, A. D.1892, the said exe eaters will proceed to distribute the assets Of thereto, reg& ard being had only o the claims of the said deceased. among the ries entitled nennotice has been reeeiv d as AbOVI3 Te- e Al re d, andlthe said executors stil lime boilable rot the assets so distributed orL.any Part there - net lieve been received at the nue of such dis• of to auy nerson or poisons whc se claims $11411 8101(0. C. EGERTON R141RSON, Data. August 15.$A0..litiei.t1Or89f2e.rt1e Exect4itters. 9 Toronto 55, Toronto, fl F, KINSMAN, L.D.S, D.D.S • Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. and of the Dental Department of Toronto University, (with honors.) Specia ist in bridge -work, and golden,' por- celain crowns. Pure Nitrous Oxide Gas and local antesthet- ies for painless extractions. Always at home. Office Panson's Block, Exeter, VOTERS LIST. -1892. MUNICIPALITr 01-• TEE TOWNSIIIr ;OF COtTliTY OF HURON. Notice iahereby given that There transmit- ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 6 of the Voters- !Lists Act, the copies requiredby said sections to be so trans milted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act. of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of said Munieiptilitir to be entitled ta vote in the said munieipalitY at elections for members of the Legislative As- sembly, and at Municipal Eleetions, and that said lid was first posted up at rnyioffice at Zur- ich on the 10th day of August, 1892, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list. and if any omissions or any other errors are perceived therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to la.V. SAM. 3. 1.1A TTA is.Careek of Ilay Dated this 10th dav of August, 492. TIESIRABLE VILLAGE PRO- -iv PERT): POR SALE. Suitable for a retired gentleman, containing 3 af an acre of land, on which is a two storey brick house, ana good driving shed and stable. Choice, young,fruit-bearing trees of all kinds. i The property s situated on the corner of Bill and Andrew streets, east of the Presbyterian church, the best location in town. Terms easy, and possession given at any time. Apply to MRS. PINCEd T1y7..m1 On the premises. READ MIS: 'MIDST ALL BLOW AND BLUSTER R N. ROWE Still takes lead in the Furniture Business We are too busy to call on people in need of Furniture ; but please drop in our Warerooras an& see our Stock and we will try to suit you isa this line, Ordered Work Nea,tlyDone on Short Notice Remember we have also a handsome line of UndertakintY Goods llways on hind, and all calls in this hie will he promptly attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed every time. Stori;—Next to Molsons Bank, Exote ROBT. N. ROWE,