The Exeter Times, 1892-8-18, Page 5f 7 7 7� t !.7 method L Gtli 1113 t Syrup of Fig; i taken; it 1 plc: and refreshing to the ta' te, an t gently yet promptly on. the Kidne Liver and Bowels,. cleanses tiles tem effectually, dispels colds, n.e :ry- achr ',fevers and cures habit Colj '0\ n.. Syrup of Figs IS ens. onlj dy of its kind. ever 1�t duce , easing to the taste au(L ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the , in Irealthyandslgreeabiesubstances, its many o .cclleutqualitiescomn1en(.1i; to all and have made it the MOS popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for .sale in 's is bot Ies by all, leading drugg,ists, Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure ii promptly for any one who .Le try. it. Manufactured only by ex IALIFORNIA HG SYRUP C04, $Ari wBAI`ICISCO, CAL. s+Q CSVST,T.E, ='I', 311F.r11 YOBS, :a\f.1, k`or Sale at 0, Lut;a's Drug Store WE have on hand a Fine Lino of BOUND BOOKS $nit',b]e for Sunday School Librarke ar Ii1`CEentatienS. TRE Gene. " Parlor Quoits ' `La'o FLIPS, PARCHEESI, HAI.4/R, Authors, Etc., Etc. J. W. BROWNING HOOK DRUG STOREU BORN. Idents. -..In Ridcinl h.en the 10th inst.. the wife of Warden C. C. llodgiu a. of a daughter 1l the wife of Jeremiah leaman,srnof arson ' Towv.ts.—Tri Exeter south. on the 1'.th inst. the wife of 11, 'Towle, of a son. Ittnesss:—In. Exeter, on the 11th inst., the wife of ,Tttbn HIarness of a son, ilowe;.-1u Usbornc, con. 2, on !the 10th Inst, the wife of Robert Down of a daughter. DIED. Conon,--In Mitchell, on the lith Inst , Alfred Charles,only son of R. T. and hose Coital, aged 2 seers and 4 months. Dustier.—In Fullerton on the 10th inst., in- fant son of Thos. W. Dungoy, aged B days. ,IY[nei e'en ono( Jeremiah, on t,j'c41' ir)'yC1til& Monthly h V' Fr xz9s for Boys and 1r1S Tho"Sunlight."Soap Co., of Toronto, offer the following pri zee every month till further notice, to boys and girls under 16, residin g fn the Province of Ontario, who send the grcatost number of "Sunlight'. wrappers: 1st 310; 2nd, .$6;3rd fi3;4th W1;5thto lith a handsome book; and a tpretty picture to those toile send not loss than 1.3 wrappers. Send wrappers to 'Sunlight" Seam 0thee. 4tSo^rttstroot,Toronto not later than 29th of each month, and rnarked oompotition; also give full naunoaddress, age and number of wrappers. Winners' names will be published in Toronto Mail on first Saturday in each month. SALESMEN WANTED. Wo want both travelling and local Salomon to ropy sent the old established Fontbill .Nur- series SALARY PAID FROM THE STAR]? to Salesmen experienced in our lino; liberal tortes to beginners and a permanent situation assured. We have 7,0 ACRES under cultiva- tion and aro the only firm furnishing STRIC T- FICANADIAN IL STOCK.OUTT FREE.IRDY GROWN l TIES for North Ontario and Manitoba. a spec- ialty. WE GUARANTEE OUR STOCK Apply for terms at onoo. Wo want you NOW' STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, lint. English Spavin Lininneut remvoes id hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blom ishes from horses, Wood Spavin , Cut bs Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Spraios, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs etc. Savo 450 by use of one bottle. War anted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ver known. Sold by C. Lutz. -2e ly 66 rman 99 4L r We have selected two or. Croup. three lines from letters freshly received from pa- rents who have given German Syrup to their children in the emergencies of Croup. You will credit these, because they come from good, sub- stantial people, happy in finding what so litany families lack—a med- icine containing no evil drug, which mother can administer with con- fidence to the little ones in their most critical hours, safe and sure that it will carry them through. UD, 1,. ILLtTS, of Mrs. JAs. W KIRm, Aline, Neb. I give it Daughters' College, to my children when Harrodsburg, Ky. I troubled with Croup have dependedupon and never saw any it in attacks of Croup preparation act like with my little deugh.- it. It is simply mi- ter, and find it an iu- raculous. valuable remedy.. Fully one-half of our customers re niothers who use Boschee's Ger- rup among their children. e to be successful with the t1 st be a treatment for terrible foes of child- ongh, clroup,''diph- gerous infiamma- oats.and lungs, cry semi REBATE ABOLISHED ttTA•NT MEETING OF THE CABI- NET AT MONTREAL 4 f t i ep nnouneentent by W10 1'roiuiei• Ehni !he Existing' Systemw5 all he Ter-. Lit the Enol l,f the 1'resent Hon - h01 : Ct. ntt,r'iee zsetween th Two ;ov.•:. a,c,a,tn Suggested. M07,-: . 1., Aug. I5. ---Tho fact that ai' temporarily the seat of thee. eruu uu, r tiaturday for the third time teens t , p toeing of the 1'alliauient Lige a ,11 1• i attracted. 1lmisnat Attention to t at. (14h1rc r 4tMee o1 the meeting of the (Jabi- :1.t In this cat;-, outside of the important lettere a tiiup , ° aq•t tl, ;subjects 1ects t d,r dismission, Ca10IItic Sett dry morning tio I$ltu e C.^.bl„+t o f in ; he broo::o c,treet bee me 1t is of attra utiun for newspaper men, Eyt ere variety of reporter, anti many who milk rely claim the flimsiest kind of conneetitei with the press, rang the bell en 1 wee,. told ; het no fnfnrmation could be given tot torr, As each Minister 0:000 tip ue wen e tese e 1,nttt n-ltoleri and :s" -ex- . erained 1ac s•,"',.:1'01 the friendly shelter t of she ''r 4ieor, but D0 information could b, elieitet. ,eutI a very erect -fallen body of nc n ,Tape- .,en filed slowly away to try their lute Wee 01.1 At a little after 10 o'cle,olt the a cetiut was called to order by see re n there being then present .Hon. \1 a to n:a,. Bowel], 51unster of Militia and Defence; 11011, John (4,stig;an, Minister of inland Revenue ; 1ir111, J A. Cliaplean, -llnu ,ter of Customs ; 1Ion. George II: Fos - tel, \1iuistel• of Finance ; lion. C. H. Tep- per, Minister of Marine and h'ishet.ies , Sit skdo:hl u t trnn. Postmaster-(rend'ral ; Hon. John 1x•1.; tot Minister of Trailways and t. to t] 110e Edgar l lrtvtln k MIituster of the tette to 1 Sir John Thompson, Minister of .1notioi' . Hon, John Carling, t1inister of Agriculture, and Hon. A. Ounnet, llinistor of Public Works, With the tr, oeptiwl of a brief interval for luncheon the cabinet .at steadily until about a quarter past four, (when the fol- lowing „'Icial statement of the position of the t )vernnlent upon the canal toll ques- thin was imparted IT the Premier, Sir ,]tri111 :xbbt,tt t, aid that, iit pnvtuanee of lite utas of the Government as to the temporizes! a li ar,tuter of the existing, ordcr- in-couinil 1e patting the rebate on canal toile, mei of its future polite, the existing system would be terminated at the end of the present -eent t ::in, n11i1 that to prevent a eontmnane of the 1tn ul,ler. t 11Nling 131114.'11 appears to prevail in the United States on tins t elet i t, an assurance to that eine •t: would be rant to the Government at. \\'a':':. in.;tcna. The lu meruus cOnttaets and t.t- gas,t mt ate 'ubieh h ave hemi entered into 1• r that pro: tett season under the existing canal regul tt 1,>ns render it pmaetically impossible to make en earlier "gauge on account of tli injury which would inevitably thus be0aus- edl to individual interests. Later in the evening two of the other members of the Cabinet were questioned. on the subjeet,eu 1 one of Hearn stated that it wan the inteuti.,n of the (11merrunent to 110141 a conference with the United:States authorities in y\ ashington during the coaling winter to discuss for whole question of railways and inland navi- gation. THE MAJORITY WAS FORTY. Salisbury Itetiros and the G. 0.: ti, t, summoned by the Qtieexi, LoSPOS, .Aug. 1.a.—The scene in the House of Commons daring Tlu reday even. .lotto and, Acesteses note .t... 11 entente( 1D 111ter.,ttin't mg's final and excite • features shied the similar of LI f crisis dome ur o n Rule bill debate lobate in 1880, when Mr tladstouc, now victorious, was overthrow . Every inch of available space on the Ile was occupied, and sole' of the members Id to find seats in the galleries, and ever a speak from those elevated and distant i iltitious. livery English merrlher err, and the total number of ab - was pre: maces 'w IS only 13. The visitors who crowde j bio galleries were well repaid for their a -tt dance by witnessing one of the peaceful evolutions by which England over- tliron no set of rulers and sets up another. Thot ;h Mr. }Torbert Gladstone declares that his father has fully recovered Itis health, and that the stories of his weakness are intentions of malicious political enemies, and though the British Medical Journal, on the authority of ,Sir .Andrew Clarke, states that Mr. Gladstone is sound in body and in mind, and able to work with any plan of his age, nevertheless the aged statesman to -day looked pale and distressed, and sank into his stat as though exhausted. He was nervous and irritable. The light from the Opposite windows annoyed him, bis eyes beige, still weak from the effects of the injur s sustained by one of them while on his way sign. win mos witl his bell ;t losi.' da Hcy.a: IIe heat ing • most of the diatribe, but when Mr. Cha nlberlain declared that Mr. Healy was a person who would insult any pian, and thein pausing added with offensive empha- sis, j "or any woman," the face of the Irish ober tmderwent a sudden change of earance, and became livid with sucpres- go. The Conservatives yelled with de - '.Mr. Chamberlain's home thrust, and to shouting until they were hoarse. iservatives were plainly chagrined tilure to extort replies from the The latter were content to do very .fug, and to rely upon their votes. ;e divided at, midnight. When hone returned from the lobby the ,eral party rose and cheered him. s appeared at 12.25 a. m, with the tailing the numbers, showing the he division,t slut hanclecl the paper mold Morley, the Liberal whip. the signal for a volley of lama). c1 Irish shouts of."i\'Iitchelstown," ith Balfourism,” etc., and it was before Mr. Morley was able to the figures. The result an- wvas : For the inotion, 350 re motion, 310. Then there was a lay of enthusiasm. The noise: absided, Mr. Balfour and the y of Conservatives rose, and amid acclaims l'it. Balfour moved that adjourn till Thursday next. lad st ne cotfeared on Saturday \u1. • u Vernonn Harcourt, 1t J✓az 1 Spero Kimberley and Zion. Jolu>, Moe: Gladstone has received the' cont he Queen to form' a Cabinet, and retood that the gentlemen with has been in conference will have e the e0nlpaign in Scotland. At a afrom him the attendants closed the nes and drew the curtains. During of the debate Mr. Gladstone listened his eyes closed, keeping his hand to tr in token of attention to what was said, Chamberlain never come so near g control of himself as fn his rage to - at the tactics employed by Mr. Tim y to prevent his delivering a speech. teaped deutmciations upon Mr. lIealy's iMr. Healy smiled sardonically dur- mei self light a kept up The Cu at their Liberals.) little tall The Hot' Me. (71st whole Li The toilet paper golf result of to' itIr. A FL'his was cheers, al "Down n SOn1e tilil announce npunced against tl fresh dis haying whole bot prolorige'rj the Hous, 111 G with Sir ter, Lord' ley. Mr. ,rand of t it is uncle whom .ho places i11 if The Molsons Bank ((IIiABTBED BY PA, RLIAMENT11856) PaidD.p(7apital w. .,. $2,000,000: Restrund ,,. .., .,, T,100,00C HoadOflleo, n'footren 1 , F. WOLFB1ISTAN't1{(i0Al',EMo•, Money advanced to good larmeraon their own note with one or plore endorser at 7 per cunt., per 50140 at. Exeter Brant, Open every lawful day ,frem. 10a.ra.to? p.m SATURDAYS at/ a,m.to 1 p.m, Current rates of interest allowed on deposits N. DYER FIURDON, Sub -Manager. ZgOf ECU Mal MAE.EK WU REPORTS. Wheat .: 75c to 80e per bushel OW SELLING PUKES. Flour, Strong Bakers' $2,50 per 100 do Best gamily 2.25 do Low Grade 1.75 Bran.. .. 70e Shorts .. 80c Clop . , .. $1.00 to $1,20 [1. 11 11 Chop stone running every day. THE EXETI41R MILLING Coy. armors' 9dieniion! PRICE LIST : FLOL'h, Zurich S. B, Ilensall S. B. St. Marys S. E. Pastry (Per ton) u SHORT'; BRAN CHOP $ 2.25 2,25 2.25 2.00 14.00 12.00 $14 to $21 All orders of ton lots or over filled on shortest Notice, Orders in the village delivered prom- ptly and Satisfaction guaranteed. R. S. RICEARUSON, Opposite Town Hall, Manager. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN, On the security of Cultivated Farms. Inter- est six per cent.. payable annuelly. Any por- tion of the principal may be repaid at any time the borrower wishes. All expenses paid by the County, No person except the County Auditors allowed to sed mortgages or to know to whom money ie loaned. Apply to Wlf. HOLMES. Ccctlei5opt. Aug, ^tet, S'2. Co, rreesureie Western Fair LONDON. Sept. 15th to 21th, 1892 Canada's Favorite Live Stook Exhibition.. $2,000 added to the Prize List. Over $1,- 500 going to the Horses,Cattlo, Sheep, Pigs and Poultry classes - Visitors and Exhibitors aro promised more for their money this rear than ever before. stabling and space allotted on receipt of en- tries, Special attractions will bo of an attractive and elaborato kind. Srsontr EXCURSIONS 0\' ALL RAILWAYS. For Prize Lists and all information apply to Capt. A, W. Porte, T.As.Browne, President. Seoratary. A NEW ERA CANADA'S GREAT INDUST EIA L FAIR It TORONTO SEPT. 5 to 17, 1E393. Enlarged Grounds, New half-miie track New Grand Stand, and many other Improvements. Greater and -Better than Ever Entries close August 13th. Now and varied attractions of a Superior Ch'trac- ter, Instructive and Amusing, the Lat- est Inventions and Grandest Exhibits in all Departments. TRE PEOPLE'S GREAT ANNUAL 'OUTING Cheap Excursions on all Railways. For Prize Lists, Programs and all Infor- mation, address J. J, WITHROW, H. ,i . HILL, President. Manager. .7,510 eft, It'1 mormAusue R Ig ltALOX4. and. kindred dieoabeM aro daeto'oongeation of theblood vessels. tnatprodueesferinola talion, resetting to acids: If rho Mood does not,circulate in flanimation in time must he the inevit- able result. The Cur ativo Absorbent is is one of the most DOW- erful blood stimu- lentsknown, It slim Mates the blood to action. restoring the cireulatlon 'that ones estahlishc4l dis- ease must cease. Canadian 0 thee, LO v DON, ONT. O 'S CQTT011 ROOT COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physieir,n. Susrescfuldlius- t•d monthly byt1outastds of LADIES. Is tho only oerfeot- 1y- tfeandreliablemedicine 0,,trovered. Beware of un- principled druggists who tiny inferior medicines in ;darn of t ., n 1. - ,r Coos's Cor•rox hoot CoIIPonx p take no S 1{ : ituta,' or inclose Slant] 4 three -cent Canada, nuc rage stamps in totter, and we will se,:tl sealed, by return mail. Full scaled particulars in plain envelope. TO ladies only,2 stamps. address Pond Lily CompanyNo.It Fisher Iliock.131Woodward ave.,Detroit }lion, Sold in Exeter by A R, I4LITZ, Cenral Drug Store and all druggists every where, IO 0 IT Do you want a PIANO, ORGAN, BIO3:YCLE, SEWING MACHINE, BOYS' & GIRLS' TRICY- CLES, EXPRESS WAGONS? oar $80,00 Oafeq $ STRIOTLYHIQii QRAOE. ALL MADE OF THE BEST STEEL AND WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR MAaurtO1uRg0 nY [he Goold Bicycle Co. Lid, BRANTFORD, ONT. Send for Catalogue If you do, the place to get the most reliable goods at a modern pried is at PERKINS & MARTIN'S, dealers in Mnsical Instruments, Sowing Maclaine supplies, etc. � HEAP ' ] I ^, SH +1I1 kinds of Farm itru,lements sold on 't roar FOR '(` Jl gin over cost. Agents fir the celebrated Chat V hate Wagon. PERR.INS & MARTIN, 1"anson's Block. 11101)1,1,_11, T p g Cfl bbledick &�`o }<.i 1:; having latei • purchased the Stook.:i J, N. Howard, and added largely to the S . the best equipped and largest liar +;,, ti' Establishment in the County. Th, sale and Retail, and catry BUILDERS' MATERIALS, En, BLACKSMITH'S SUL'PLti{JS, CARRIA(-E MAKErt'S 0001) ., STOVES, TINWARE,. and everythingiu F :41 1: •l, i I 't i i)v, VAR! rr, LARGEST. 8100K OF NAILS , 1 1r 1,,` s ,". fire GET THEIR P1i,ICES BE6'ORra YOU -,t • x House cleaning time is upon us, Use labas i+1,: i ,; ;1.:r :,t l'; au4d ceilings. They have the genuine thin;; 'srih'. i i <' .:.1d; tirl. i form.. You can r on sd water. i ht 1, 4., •. ir.11 r'71e. tints Call and see their.fine store, fine stock and fru .,.e.: . CO L DICa _.- .. iA,24.4",` GARDEN . S FIELD SE S, ALL KINDS OF FEN CE WIRE LAWN MO W S ALABASTIN E (IN ALL SHADES), " DAISY" CHURNG, ALL KINDS OF TIS WARE JUST ARRIVED --AT— Furniture & Undertaking Establishment A. very NEW Prices to suit large line of GOODS everybody. Bring along your old Furniture and have it made new. The largest stock of New picture Mouldings in town. .Also PARLOR SUITES AND . CURT AIN POLES—in all colors. Remember you can have your Curtain Poles cut any length desired, as we buy them in long lengths. Gall and 1 nsiect our Stock S. GIDLEYI Oddfellows Block. !ai 1 (41USI BE LOANED AI PER - CENT. rrn Ater and Y6".12. SSt. 1.4110A second Moitgages, Old �. mortgages paid off'. N`\ OOMMISSION. Agertis Vented. Call or send Pc. stamp for CIRCULAR. co3r, A. HYNDN�A.N Wishes to inform the cit'alIns of Exeter and surrounding that he is now engaged selling ofil:ees Bakin Powder fleas C g In tpr•tntitiea to; snit Purchasers. Orders left at' the house or i1r ir)ndman's, OOieo will receive. pre l..pt attention, d16046G. A RYNDMAN :'HE BEST YET TRE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YETI Best Ordered Clothing induced in Exeter Gentlemen I leave your orders early, for with the beat staff of Tailors the best studs of FineTrimmings, andbest g , the est Cutting in Town, you are sure ' f satisfac- tion 4.. ; N 1Cl,y. ,r —AT— CAUTION EACH PLUG OF Myrtle ra[oney log at cur PLANING MILL And LUMBER YARD Wo keep oonstnntiy on hand a large stook of sit kinds of building materials. Dressed nr un- dressed pine and hemlccls lumber, else a choice stockof yo,1 pine lath NavyOur stock of doors. sash, blinds. mouldings, • &e. is complete and thorouely kiln dried andCEDAf SITINGIEStmn ufnctu XXX the bust makersin Ontario:. Tanks and cisterns, all spa tesstteredesizes.mado 0) order at lowest nrrlees 'Weturve. Setoothrnr, (newin this lino for watering •Vtle in 111e;thblo or barnyard. 11 Everly woman ming celebrated orteoiunile ns teem higlilY. Turning,bnnd,sorolisawing, and all kinds of machine work promptly attended to. It will bo to your interest to examine ori stook before purehising elsewhere. ROSS & TAYLOR, Main Street. SA•G"EDby Buy- IS uy IS AMAIIICED T. & SST 3:31,ZOSTZZI LETTERS. NONE - OTHER - GENUINE JJOTJPE & CO. Are selling goods so cheap of late that some people got the idea that all they hacl to do was to help themselves. This is presumption on their part, as we do not make a practice of giving goods away. At 3 O'Clo cat. In the morning, in future, we will be prepared to give such customers a little more than a few old watches and brass chains, as we have added to our large stock a beautiful line of POWDER and LEAD. $'1,.00 will buy 20 to 27 pounds of best Sugars at .'DISEASES mEN OF Of all ages esulting from Errors or Indiscre- tons of Yoath, may be permanently cured and tie vigor of perfeot manhood fully restored, as NEW -00 DEBILITY, STERILITY with Sal INA L LOSSES & PREMATURE DECAY Long Standing cases of GLEET, STRICTURE SYPHILIS, VARICOCELI:I•and all PRIVATE and CHRONIC Diseases treated with perfect success. Our field is in CHRONIC CASES in which others have failed ; if you aro Incurable we wilt frankly tell you so. Write for particulars and treatise, Free, to Sr LOUIS MEDICAL Co., I62 and l04 Icing Streit. West, Toren to, Ont. s3:6m Combination —OF--- DOUPE & CO'S, Kirkton. JI-ig1iQu1ity&Low Prig This is the condition of affairs with rhl1ree Points iti n1 re? vrds within th of every descriJl tion, Prices within the reach of all, and now is the time to buy NOTE WELL, Experience 4Ve have had the t expenie;nce that at- tention to business, close prices and proper fits, aro the main factors in our business. Promptitude with this ever e• redeeming, feat- ure imprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too-oftuh-resorted to tactics of tailors especially, namely putting off until next week what should have been done this. Satisfaction.b This is a nfc9� looking wwrord,ur to 'carry out its meaning is difficult to some. We glory in word and the way i it is exemplified in our shop. We guar- antee satisfaction every time in all res- pects. 1f you wank a suit, n coat, vest or pair of pants, give us a call and be convinced that what we have said is true. btl/\TC n. SHOES, SLIPPERS, RUBBE7tS, KTC.. In ordered boots and shoes we give. every satisfaction, For first class stock and first class workmanship we lead. Repairing neatly and;quickly done, at right prices. .A call will convince you that the best place to buy is at . MANS cs CENTRAL ,a1 e. ShOP% 1' LS LV SON'S BLOCK A Hastings Shirting and Elaiioutting its tlreiatest style of she art. jf{ Every attention paid to outing IV. JOHNS. Lai:test ar,-. Chi1-kren sHa,r