The Exeter Times, 1892-8-18, Page 4--A ^O, Established in 18 7 13AZIZER* EXETBE$ ONT. Tree tads a get -terse bankieebusiness. Receives the Accouets of Merchants and others on favorable terms. Offen= every accommodation consistent with safe and coneervative bankire principles, Interest allowed on deposits. Drafte isseed payable at any °thee of the Merchants Bank. DISCOUNTPD, aud eloeweeo Law; o's NeTES and 11.1011TGAGES. esseweewasseneweeseves vossrmormeasem fee s V.:Nttir.r riURSDAY, AUGUST 18th, 1892. WHAT ARE YOU ANYWAY? "The Exeter Trees misrepresents ti Advertieer, It eay s that this inure:it 'h at tenth come out in its true colors as a. aunexatioulet.' This is an untruth. T1 Advertiser is not au annexetionist." The above ie from the Loudon Adver- tiser of Saturday last. Let us see how we have misrepreseated the Advertiser, For about two mouths the 'Tiser had pleated daily at the head of ics erliterial column the following extract from speech of the lete Hon. John Bright : "I eaunot believe that civilization, in its journey with the sum. will sink into endless eight in melee to gritify the ambition of the leaders of tide revolt, who eeek to Wade through slaughtet ta N throne, And shut the gates of mercy on 'nankin I have another and far brighter vieion be- fore my gaze. It may be but a vision, bat I will cherish it. I see oue vast confeder- ation, stretehing front the frozen meth in uabroken line to the glowing teet1k. an1 fie in the wild ef the Atleutio et• svattl te the valmet W44^V t•i tile Paine main—end I see (MI!p. €p'' itU oue Ian. gunge tool omi 1 t14' MA 0110 faith, 41141 over all that wele imminent the home of free- dom anti a refuge for the oppressed of every race an1 of every clime." Either the Advertiser meant some- thiug by tide ctaispicuous and continu- ous posting up of an eloquent utterance of an undoubtedly great. Englishman in behalf of annexation, or it was merely plesviress the monkey business for the amusement of its readers, or words to tied aut. On Saturday of last week the mystery was unfolded. On that day the 'Thor again reproduced the extract, nen fanm owed it with a column editorial elaborately and cunningly prepared, and beerinie all the marks of careful super- vision in order that the paper might say it Was in sympathy or otherwise with the 'fad,' as ought appear to suit its pur- poem The 'Tiser, among other things it seed in praise 'of the extract above given, had the following The Advertiser will do what it can to beaten the day when suds a consummation inay be reached, and meanwhile it will en - mirage the freest possible discussion of tbe futuee of this country" .e. the Nattonal woeld weaken Brit ish connectiom feeling eare that eucti a result would not follow the inaugur- ation of a truly national Policelie:is reported to have eretoeted. "Well, so much the worso for British connection." Six Illobard Cartwright and Baru M. Lander tire therefore clearly responsible, for the annexation. sentiment 'which tg. day pervades the ranks a the Liberal party. As for Mr. Mown, it, is true, as a Reform writer/ has recently pointed out, that he tier er appeared on the plat- form la supeort of the Liberal party at the last general election, told only praie- igraised waiter it was killed ; that he did not et t the powerful correpting machie- ery of his we:eminent to work in behalf of Sir. Rieherd and Mr. Laurier. aud their annexativa policy, yet he knew that the euccese of unrestricted recipro- city meant, in the end, annexatton by the mulergronnd route, and having that knowledge, he failed in his duty as a loyalist and a men by not taking the platform and repudiating his Dominion leaders with the energy he now displays in condemning the ennexationist of le Orangeville who not unnatut ally, though (If foolishly believed that he was justified "in seeking, in a direct and courageous manner, that tomexation which his lead- er* were seeking in an underhanded way.Of course Sir Oliver was not inthe enjoyment of los Knightly title before the election. Looking nate dismissal of theyoung traitor inOrangeville as the un eirateful get of a leakier toward a faithful subordinate, there appears to be, after all, from their stendpoint, strong justi- fication for the almention element in fortnitig a separate party to punish Sir Oliver fur teeing the official head off one of his followers, who was only a little over -zealous in the oause of 'Liberalism' zs ee have Liberalism exemplitied by its d leaders in Conada. The quarrel is none of ours, but the Conservatives will do well to wetell the issue of the struggle. Wkt bare ite eaueu for completer, if the Liberel mu to, in their etruggle for ()Moo .les Delainion, dispalee the Liberal eider in Ontario. Mr. Mowat, to fully Justify himself and make reparation for pest iniedeecls should return to the Con- ervative party, whose ranks are always open for the return of the vilest of re. penant sinners ; we'll kill the fatted caliber the prodigal. ,ITOTES AND OOMMENT6. a Now the sameapeperhas the hardihood eteasteneweees awe Wit Ann exa if not., what in the name of common sense ia it anyway 7 We have it4 It is simply afraid to stay whet it thinks. Either annexation is right o ib is wrong. If wrong it should, not be advocated, and the 'Tiser's attempt to crawl back into its bole after looking at the powers arrayed against annexation shows that it is consclous of its guilt m attempting its advocacy. lf to advocate it is right, th 'rinr i Cettamly mgoward, A FAMILY FIGHT. The Empire ahnounees that a new party—an :advanced 'Liberal' party,— is growing up within tbe Reform party, the object of which is to defend and justify Mr. tight Myers, Q. C. of Orangeville, the matt dismissed from office by Mr. Mowat because he advo- cates the annexation of Canada to the United States. That such a party is forming is not improbable, and it we examine the situation within the ranks of the Liberal party, we fine in the hiatory of that party, and especially in the record of its leaders, very good rea- sons, free), the Liberal point of view, for the existence of such a party, how- ever unpatriotic its aims, as the Em- pire Ann tunces to be in process oforgan- ization. It is simply a case of chickeus coming home to roost. A pertinent question is this, is it Mr. Myers who is responsible for the strong love for an- nexation which has recently developed within the Liberal ranks? Could Mr. /vleiers alone, with all bis ability -and his correspondence -with Mr. Mowat shows hitnto be an ,able man --have implant- ed in the breast of the average Liberal that desire for annexation which we see manifested among the more prominent No one willventure to affirm that Mr. Myers has such ability as would be re- quirel to acconplsh thee end. The Liberal leadereomong them leer. Mktwete are respemsible for the sentiment which unfortunately exists. For years past they hive been teaching their followers that annexation is the only way to sal- vation for Canada. Not long since Sir Richard Cartwright Waa the guest of a Boston political assooietion, and at banquet at which commercial union was discussed, Sir Richard allowed himself to be referred to, without protest, as the first U. S. Senator from the coining State of Ontario by a gentleman who -understood What 0. U. meant. Hon. Mr. Laurier subsequently delivered a epeech in the same neighborhood, and it abouuded with expressions which very in, perfectly concettled his annexation eeatiments. Commercial union, alias .restricted recipeocite, eg as unquestion- ably anti-ltritieh, and when it was so' charged. by Couservativeis on the plat- form and in the press, the only defence the Liberals could put forward was that. When Sir John Macdonald was told that es, All the returns being now in, it is shown that the prohibition plebiscite vated on by the people of Manitoba at the recent general elections was carried by 14,000 majority. * • • The educational problem in Canada will never be solved until we have a truly national system of Public schools ; a system uniform throughout the Dom- inion, controlled by the Federal author- itios, and in which the development of the highest typo of Canadian citizenship shall he the first Aim. 4.4.11 Cheese -making is one of Canada's greaten industries. While in other re- speets our industrial pregrese may have been slow in the particular direction it r........ro..imo.corsit` ne -uncle has grown from almost nothing twenty yens ago, until to -day there are Over 1,- 000 factoric n Otetelrite nd Quebeo alone, and the wads' of the flnished pro- duct exported for the whole Dornunon is valued at close on $10,000.000 per aunum. Cheese is the one article, in- deed, in which the exports of Canada exceed those of the United States, and why cannot such an expansion in eggs be wrought? ea* Speaking of the arrangements for the Canadian exhibit at the Chicago exposi- tion, Prof. Sanders says that the Gov- ernment have agreed to contribute to the erection of the Canadian building, which will be 100 by 40 feet, the office headquarters of Canada. This building is to be erected on a plot assigned to Canada opposite that of Great Britain, and facing the lake, a wet favorable position. Allethe Provinces are taking part in the erection of the building, half the cost is to be borne by the Dominion Government and half by the different Provincial Governmeras. The various provincial rooms will be lined with their native lumber. *5* In fisheries of the Dominion last year 66,675 men, and 1,27 vessels and 30,438 boats were employed; the capital invest- ed in craft, nets and other appliances being estimated at $7,376,186, nearly double the amount so invested ten years ago. The total yield of the fisheries of 1891 was 18,977,878, sho ring amiugorea- se et a million and a quarter dollars over the product of the previous year. With the exception of the Province of Ontario, a slight increase is noticed in the catch in all parts of the Dominion. The Nova Scotia fisheries yielded $7, 011,300, or 35 per cent. uf the total New Brunswick, $3,571,060; Quebec.' $2,008,378, P. E. Island, $1,238,033, British Columbia, $3,008,755. Ontario; $I,806,389; Manitoba and North-weab Territories, $332,969. Tile decline in Ontario is attributed to reduction in the market valde of the herring catch, and to the unprecedented gales experiencee on Lake Erie and Huron. In the esti- mate of the British Columbia catch is included $794,925 representing thevalue of sealskin a0 compared with $492,261 in 1800. Rebece, k Wilkinson, of 13rownsvalley, Ind 'vs :—"I Iseve been in a distressed condi-, ton for three veers frora Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, " les apepsia and Indigestion until my health was gone. I bad beau 0°a -wing constantly witu nO re. lees beught one bottle of South Ameri- can Nervine; which done the more good than any $50 wet tb of doctoring I ever did DOUNIONIN11110- NEWS OF 'THE "IVOB:Lp:,. Harvesting is general this week in Mani- toba,. 14,1700 11040,e 004 41 tovo. liiditt ea otti tiski Coluttis, • •••-. - IBBe Mike, Arisston, is to be lit be electricity, The Soul branela of the 0,1e.R was °pea - el on Mammy, 15th inst. _Richard White, M. P., is spoken of as tiontreal's next postunester. A new suedes; machine factory to employ WO bands is being organized in Hamilton. The Royal T'emplers of Temperance heve raised their insurance to $3,000, an increase. ef Julie Roberts, the Kingston druegist,who Med recently, leaves an estate of aver half a million. James Dennis was suffocated by sulphur fames in a natural gas well at Caledonia, yesterday. Peterboro' iaas voted down the $40,000 by-law to provide funds for output and main sewers. The annual meeting ef the Domeniotatellie ance will be held in eNlontreal, commencing September 22nd. The majority in favor of prohibition in the recent, plebiscite in Montreal is returned at fourteen thousand. Charles Ockerman died from injuries re- ceived in a, fire at the Witulsor Hotel, Belle- ville, en the 27th ult. Reve Canon O'Meara, of Wiunipeg, is spoken of as the next rector of the Church of the Ascension, Hamilton. Tito body of Matthew Milco, of Kingston, has been found hi the bush near Lake Dore, He has been 111i8Sing a mantle John Green, a telegrapher, is in jell in Buffalo on a charge of bigamy. He is saki to have several WINOS in Canada. The Lindsay Lumber Company's mill at Mamma was destroyed by becittning itt Wednesday's storm. Loes, Se0,000. :1/41 W. IL Ruby, one of the best kuown and. most highly esteemed residents of Port Eight, was drowned on Mouday night. Harry Brothers, of Woodbridge, employ- ed on the steamer Macassa, fell overboard at the Harailtou mime and was drowned. Mr. Alexander LelV3011, editor of The Yarmouth, NeS,, Herald, has iustentered upon his sixtecutit year of newspaper work, A Victoria, B,C., despatele says that the surveys for the route of the Canadian Western railway will be commeueed next week. Hon. Edward Blake sails for Canada on the Parisian next Thursday. IIe spoke for nllriig.htMorley tereweastlenn-Tyne Monday The M. C. R. station at Antherstburg was destroyed by fire early on Saturday morn- ing. Supposed CallS0ineendiari,sin ; loss $5,000. The Montreal Street Railway Company have granted an increase in wages of 25 per cent. to the conductors and drivers in their employ. Andrew Tweedie, a well.known Mont- realer, was knocked down the hold, of one of the .Allan littera; and died at the General Hospital. Mr. Hugh Nelson, Lieutenant -Governor of British. Columbia, has forwarded to Kingston $50 towards the . Macdonald im- mortal fund. A movement is on foot in Kingston to raise $25,000 for the purpose of malting an exhibit pertainingdo the Thoueand Islam& l'tdik.htriesivItrto"Tite-al was chaaiged fa the Hamilton Police Court, with Tierney in con- nection. with etatpmente made when taking out a frierrnige license, Mr. %ergo Duhamel, ex -Commissioner of Crown Lands, Quebec, and founder of the defend' Nationaliet party, died yesterday at his residence in Montreal. The riigh Court of Ontario, Independent Order of Foresters, opened its annual net. ing on Wednesday at Barrie. Nearly four hundred delegates are in attendance. The preparation of the Behring Sea case by the State Department in 'Washington is now nearly completed, and the papers will soon be forwarded to Great Britain in ac- cordence with the terms of the treaty. The Manitoba Government's crop bulletin for August gives 0 most promising account of the state of the crops in the province. The weather in July was specially favor- able. Mr. James Anderton, proprietor of the Vairvietv brewery at Barrie' -was burned while asleep inthe 'barn on hisfarm onalon- day night. The barn was struck by light- ning. • Da Williaan II. Henderson, professor gi cynical medicine in the Royal Medical col- lege, Kingstoin died at an early hour Sunday morning. Bright's disease was the cause of death.he T bodies of Mrs. Currie and her daugh- ter, who were drowned at Wiarton two weeks ago, have been recovered. Those of Mr. and. Mrs. Stevens have not yet been found. The thirty-eighth annual session of the Grand Lodge of Ontario Independent Order of Ocldfellows opened Wednesday in Wind- sor. Between. five and six hundred delegates are present. Mr. James Connolly, of Wolfe Island, while driving from Marysville to his borne, was killed by the accidental discharge of a gun, which slipped from the seat where he had placeit. , Mr. john C. Chisholm, of the Depart- ment of Justice, has resigned his position and will enter the University of .Ottawa next month to study for the Ronan Catho- lic priesthood. • The preliminary examination in the crim- inal libel suit thstitntecl by M. C. Cameron against 'W. F. Maclean, of the Toronto World, was held last Wednesday in Ooder- ich, and Mr. Maclean was committed for trial. • • The Eippewa timber limits of the estate of the late David Moore, of Ottawa, com- prising- eight berths, which cover an area of fifty miles each, were sold by auction. The eight berths were sold en bloc for $255,000 to the Moore Joint Stock Lumbering Com- pany. T_Tinted Canada, the Irish Cesholie weekly. ,in Ottneva, in its yesterday's issue, said :— “Since our last issue, we beve bad the as- senunee of those high in the Councils of the State that the rights of tits Catholic min- eerity in Manitoba will be protected.. In thio Montreal Superior CourtJurige De- lorinner .granteil Dr. Peulicles a mandamus against the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, that body having refused to greet him a license upon the payment of the us- ual fee, although he had: quelified in France. he judge saut that science knew ho coun- y, and it was not in the publio interest,* lace an obstacle in the way of young Cosa ians studying abroad. in my lite. I would advise every weakly 1sr person so UPil this Ta `tumble and lovely grem- edy A trial !mule will coniinee you. Warranted by 0. Lutz Druggist wig 14 • • Keep Ilinard's Linimentin the house. Freneee Milfreci, a, Mieweari girI 941teCI.0.-q13.1?!,00-e.44.' vtirt" '1?°17‘ tit Ott g • espat 6111 ppayq, tjustrt4ty 4! totlital 1441040,10 XtgOug there for the as a The extreme beat in Kanenei ie temeitte, eareiety autoteg main WW1 tIA to tha erweeget of e e2ep. It is announce that Frau Wegner will not permit the ens duetion of Pursual at the Chicago Fair, South American Roman Catholics have sent 10,000 lire to Rome for the Pio Nouo monument fund. Tan Heitlya election is to be protested by his defeated opponent on the grounds of priestly iutimidatien. The French Government has decided to ennex to Freece the islands of Aimee:A= tind St. Paul's, in the Indian omen. The American senthe Weuonah won the yacht race at Gourock, Scotland, on Wed- nesday with two miautes to spare. Mrs. Clothilde Robineon, colored, has just died in Detroit, Aged 100 years. Her husbaud died some years ago at the age of 115. At Denver, Mr. Hugh McCurdy, al Comma. Miele, was elected grand master of the Knhslits Templar of the United States. Prof,. Hall, of Washington, thinks it probable that Mars, in addition to her two moons, Dimes and Phobeus, 11.1S a third satellite. Governor Brown, of Ifaryland, hae ten - tiered an official apology for the illegal 'ar- rest of Dr. Georg, it member of the tieviee Legation. Anton Wolff, the Berlin banker who fail- ed last year, was sentenced to ten yeare imprieonment and loss of all civil rights for five years. Aa outbreak of phylloxera is reported in the Min Croatian district of France, tile viueyards af which are among the finest in Champaigne, The Inman Steamship Company is think- ing of changing the port of arrivals and de, pastures of its steamers from. Liverpool to Southempton. Helmieta, a New Jersey village, is alarmed by the feat that 20 deaths beim taken place there 'within a week from a diseaee that re- aeinbles eholeras It is stated that the Pope ltas resolved, to appoint the recently- conseerated Bishop of Westminster to the eardinalate at the emit. est opportunity. Lord Salishuhy has formally tendered the resignation of himself and colleagues, anti Mr. Gladstone has received the royal emu- mands to form a ministry. Dr. W. Seward Webb's Adiroudeek and St. Lawrence Railroad will be acquired hy the New York Central and. Hudson River road within 30 or 00 days. The Pope complains bitterly that the Italian Government puts no owl, on the enemies of the Church, and that he is more a prisoner than ever before. The Judges at the art exhibition in Munich have awarded medals of the first claw; to Mr. Whistler, the English artiet, and Mr. Dwight, of Nitw Yorke Mr. Gladatone will not go to Osborne, the Queen having arranged to convey her cone mends to inin to form a Ministry by Gen. Ponsonby, her private secretary. Tile Perry Flour Company is a gigentia combiae incorporated at San Francisco to control the milling interests of Oalifornie, witheee ontput ef C10.0e01wwiel-aere ere' eadwata tamer Ved,C011 nan 50 oner of release from prison on condition 'that ha would leave Trance forthwith never to return. Mr. Deco u refused to accept the offer. Mr. Edward Blake has arranged for a meeting of the two rivet Irish sections with a view to reconcile their differences, There is, however, little hope of an agree. From 8,000 to 10,000 miners in the 'Win ginia soft coal region show symptoms ol restlessness, and may join in an effort to compel the operators to sign the scale m Johann Singor, a Vienna clerk, in a fit of despondency murdered the woman he was hying with and her three childrsn ebviimthsecifhercoal fumes, and will probably die The no confidence motion in the Sells. bury Govermnent was carried in the House of Commons by 350 to 210, giving Mr. Glad- stone the majority of 40 generally assigued to him. The ettpretne cashier of the Order of the Iron Hall has petitioned for the appoint- ment of a receiver, It is claimed that them a,lhortage of $200,000 in the funds of the order. The Welsh members of Parliament have decided to support the Irish Home Rule bill provided Mr. Gladstone gives Welsh Church disestablishment the next place on the programme. Minister Egan has agreed with Chili upon a convention for the settlement of the unad. justed claims of the United States against Chili by means of a Claim Committee te meet in 'Washington. Startling news is to hand from Central Africa, where the slave -trading Arabs are in revolt against the whites, and the gravest fears exist for the safety of all European expeditions and missions. Dr. BronardeI has completed. a report 011 the cholera, cases in Paris, in which he says they were entirely due to drinking the pot. lilted waters of the Seine, and there was not a single case of imported cholera. Edward de Cobain, who was expelled from the British Parliament on the charge of committing foul crimes at Belfast, Ire. land, is in New York, and is creating a sens sation es an exhorter at revival meetings. It is ramored in Paris that Mgr. Stoner, who is a representative of the aristocartie - English Catholics 'at Rome, and a persona grata with the Prince of Wales, will be made a Cardinal at the coming consistory.'. The Italian Minister -of Foreign Affeirs has notified the Mayor of Genoa that King Humbert and Queen Marguerite will arrive there on September 7 for the purpose oi taking part in the Columbus celebrations.. 11 18 asserted in Pittsburg Pa thee the police have discovered an Anarchist pIot to assassinate H. C. Frick. Secretary Gregory has been warned that he has only until the 15th lust, to live, and other officers of the Carnigie mills have received threatenine letters. Though Mr. Herbert 'Gladstone declare* that his father has fully recovered hie health, and though the British Medical Journal, on the authority of Sir Andress Clarke, states that Mr. Gladstone is somati in body and mind, a special cablegram says that in the House on Thursday hp exhibited signs of physical fatigue and mental., Writs. bility that were scarcely indicative of sound mind in the sound body. •• Brief ,bt ews Items. egThat 0, -0. Morrow, B. A., a mom Outabe appointed alagolo notes In Ike :Winnipeg -collegiate tIoiniani In pinei ol I..., Langfold, toaigne4., __ " the airarifort ill "WrollriseiMTAa GM more morally keap #abfkir blood pure arld vigorous by the ase of Ayer's Sarsapar ilia, aatnrally fair eon:minnow, would be tbe rale instead of the exoeption, as at pre. e erie Pore bleed is tee east beautifier. A osnical obsoyer cif beaten uature says that a woman will give 25 colts for a 50 out a.rtiwe that she duesn't went, and a man will give 50 wiles for a 25 ;int artiele that lel duos eeka. There are four tittles as reeny words in our laneueee as Onee ag e la the Fteneh.yet O philologist estimates that the (Image of new %wade fa our language goes en at the rate of 100 annually-, Ewer, J i ult t , ft (.1O blin Ill£Si. t4pAiti appears to be the ere koest sidle:els in the respect. Au oexIlitt en!. s that scarcely one in twenty of watchwatos euffere hem e web eyes. Fear nen in every six use tobacco. A medical man ua \Jenne aeserts that dtpli. nutlet is iin imi as pr eralialt muting smoker; £19 th0st. elm den) ,i... itiseh es the Lowry M. tile N't ed. All ettees of weitet anti lame be -k, back- ache, eherinuit,sie. will find relief by wt at- tn.; oue of Ca,tecr: Swart Weedand Balla - donna Doekrebe Pia, tots. Prim) 25 cents. Try them. Joint le %Leh tee nee tam ellen eimaptit ter, is eiedited whit breaking the tie rld'a receol ler putting alee pound shot at W15t SnpetiOr,Wis. His put was 51 feet i Well - es. Ilia 22. pouted shot he put e6 feet 2e in, width le bail an inh below .he xeeord, More cane of sick headache. bilionness, conetipation, eau be eurea in lees time, with lees toedielue, alui (w less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, than by any other meaus. The cholera return from the whole of Enda for the Ilth !net., thaw a large he crease in ti e number of new easee es well as iu the mortality. There were repotted 0,177 new easee and 5,6..00 deaths. Ayer's Heir Vigor restoles color and vita- lity to weak and gray liair. Tlirouge its beating and eleanieg qualities, it preveute theaccumulatian of dandruff and cures scalp (Mmes. T:ue best Lair dresaiug ever made, and by far the most economical, A. special cable from louden says the (baud Trune board et1110111#003 a kbvideud nfourm117 past balf year 00 tbe guarauteeed stock at tint rate of ei per ceut, per an - WHAT STRONGER PROOF. --Is need- ed of the merit of Mae Sarsaparilla than the hundrede of letters oaten:01y comiug in Millie of teats -ellen cures it ilea effected after al: other rt amdiee bave tailed? Truly Hood's Swam ilia poaseesea peculiar our• ative power uuenown to other rowdier. Hood's' Pille cure Consiiration by rotor. ing the peristaltic ;actual of tile alimentary °anal. They ate the best family eathai tie. rO se ariedisin Pat.10e 'Odle SY aro pony earn. Inge from ..ug] to Atm. 7, 1892; 1891, e$2451,00,0000.0; 1891, 6391,000; increase for 1892, EfElt LADESIIIP.-.Personages of high rank en Englaud are patrons of a meat remedy. Bridgefoot boom, lver, Bucks, Eng, "Lady Edwards has sufferen hem rheumatism for several years espeoiall • In never tee without 4 bottle," tete kneksee She was persuaded to bur as Nets:WW2' 'eft aittltitiefibt#VIRMI; ,W Tho relief is nob. that Lady Edwards4will Zt Mr. Edward Blake, hes determined to sail for Canada by the Persian, on Time. day next Before departing, however, lie has promised to speak for elet Morley at Neweastle-onTyue. It will be Mr. Bialie's first acquaintance with a popular Eugnsh anemibl7x. Tho eperince of the manufacturers of the Mottle Navy tobacco is a valuable lea son in political economy, Previous to their contractual:1g that breed, the :tobacco nude of the finest Virpeeia leaf, was always held at fancy prices, and put up in Boma fancy style of manufacture. It was thought that only the deli would buy snob tobacco, aml at the old prices none but the rieh could buy it. The makers of the Myrtle Navy rent: - ed to snip the reanufactute of the tobacco of all iie fancy wets and put their profit at so low a rate that no competitor could pee- eibly endereell them at tbe same quality of article. Front tha very first, until now, their rine of profit bits been so uniform per- centage upon the cost. It is their enormous sales vrItioh make their low rate of profit a satisfactory ono in the aggregate, and aleo gives them it Erin Iola in the Markelt Their emcees is an excllent leseon for manufactur- ers to study over. They make ono feel as though life was weeth living. Take one of Carter's Little Liver Pills, they are very mall; no bad ef- fects; all troubles from torpid liver are re- lieved by its use. . anadian Pacific HARVEST EMECTX1ISX0INTS FRONT ALL STATIONS INONTARIO RETURN RATES TO Hartney Deloraine}0 Moosomin Q -13inscarth Moosejaw Regina } $30 00 Yorkt on ,Calgary Prince - I Albert Edmonton S40 To leave all points in the Province of Ontari(01o .August 16 Return uttiql2°ctob'r lf, August 23 ntil IteturnuV 4. e ' , P eturn Until Octob'r 23, 3892-- Sep um7 ,w, r -, v.. bre, Parties ticketing from other points should 92— arrange tdarrive at Toronto it time to connect with the 11,20 p. m. train on above dates. For full information apply to any tioket eat. of the Canadian Pacific: RailwaY. a -11-4t W. J. CARLING , Agent, Exeter, ADS UPI EY FRONT! ••,.., P ' Those who can't smile in the face of adversity will nob know how to laugh when they meat the wave of prosperity. A littlef both will make better citizens of us, ai, d will keep us in our place. notwitle tending the dearth in customers , durinwe le busy harvest time. A great neanergeods have been sold by us, small eiercluees holp to make up the grand, eta]. ; decidedlynve like the larger sales especially when the money ia held up to our rimy and we get hold of it. Bars gains have been sought after by our g custoners, some come too late for cer- ; tain lities,but don't get excited,ib ntekes ' the hairt pump faster, the temperaVre e riee higher. Keep calm, and, you'll 'fin g better able to keel) cool—don't ferment. The sau rises in the east, because the yeast makes everything rise in which it is put, and the hest made is f,Tho Royal Yeast, and we sell it, A pretty story 'Aeneas the ear, fastens the eye, and. ;zone -times it Hales, but evluit is there so sgaw as firstadass pieltles,and the last artieleyou can get in quality first-class at ,i, I'. Clarke's for MC 8, gallon, Not until very recently have we kept a 250 tea, nud we have taken great trouble to get vho best obtainable. Our customers elll for it, pronounce it good, and call again. More to hand this week. Yuurs faithfully, ..T. P. (MA:7MM P. Se—First.clase Butter and Eggs wanted, The higheet price will..be given. Liziie Borden was arrestal charged with complicity in the murder of her father and eteinnother at Vale River, Lewd Chief Justice Coleridge is alien to rcigtl 131.; otri,T, mid Sir Cleirlee itki,eell is -legion, of ILI his StPx,":,,ir. The Prohibition Commission heard evi- etence film prominent Citizens iu different walks of life at St. John, N. D. Z‘lost, of the wituessee thouglit a Prohibitory law etel net be maenad, wleile some thought the wintry was not ripe for prohibition. „ \ Clifford .731401C1ItC85 A Boston Boy's Eyesight Saved—Perhaps His Life By Hood's Sarsaparilla—BloOd. Pot- soned by Canker. neael the following from a grateful mother: "My little boy had Scarlet Fever when 4 years old, and it left him very weak and with blood poisoned ivith canker. Ms eyes became so inflamed Undies sufferings were intense, and for seven weeks he • Could Not Open His Eyes. 1 took him twice during that time to the Eye and Ear Infirmary on Charles street, but their' remedies failed to do bim the faintest shadow - of good.. I commenced giving hiM Hood's Sarsaparilla and it soon cured him. I have never doubted that it saved his sight, even if not his very life. You may use this tes- timonial in any way you choose. I am always ready to sound the praise of Hood's Sarsaparilla because of the wonderful good it did my sem" w. BLACKMAN, 2888 Washingtonn• St, Boston, Mass. Get nobirse...:' HOOD'S PILLS are hand made, and are per - feet in composition, proportion and appeartulce. 0 450 Miles of Railway (4 Passes Given Away th FREE Each Month. The above rebus is the name a aperfnme. In order to introduce to the public our POCKET PEREUME WAFERS we will give in prizes the above number of miles of railway passes each month, to be distri. buted as folloWs: To the first person sending us the correct answer to the above rebus will be given a EWE HUNDBED-IILE PASS on any railway in Canada, or the Dnited states; to the second will be given a TWO HUNDRED AND PIPTY-MILE PASS, and to the third will be Oven a ONE HUNDRED-. 'MILE PASS, and a daily He of a, ONE RITNDPSD. 1YEILE PASS will be given to the first person WhoSe• letter 18 received and welted by us containing cor- toot answer. All of the aboveprisee, or their ecui- vaient in cash, to be given without partiality and bona fide. our esocacaw PERFUME w.APERS are • the choicest, most desirable and durable perfume ever introduced, being made of the best a perfume, of the size Of a small coin they are not cumbersome in the pocket, and each wafer will impart a delicate oder for from four to six weeks sufacient to perfume ones clothing. The wafers are put np in boxes of one-haif dozert each, thus each,box will last from s to nine months. Each person ansvvering.above reb must enclose 30 cents in silver (or ten three.ce Canadian or fifteen two -cent 'United States POS stamps) for one box of our POCKET PER WAmits, which will be sent, postpaid, upon re of tomb. In addition to the above a hirge nunt SPECIAL _MIKES OP VALUE will be aw Address :•430E_LIOTROPE PERF1JME 32() rOngiiitIOreet, Toronto, Van (MertilikkuisAapey.)