The Exeter Times, 1892-8-18, Page 1VOL. XIX. NO. 52,
I Pr eraium
PERMIT US to call your Attention to the e25 card which we have 'sailed for the
nee of youraelf and family at our store. Wo invite you to bring it with you whenever
yeti contemplete making future cash purebases tzml carefnlly examine our stook and
prices. We Will punch the amount purebesed Anti when the entila ticket is used and
when $2li woi
rth s bought and paid for. ette will take Omen) in presenting you with
one of our beautifnl hard wood FOLDING TABLES.
This opportunity to segure one of these beautiful tables we feel you evil appreeiate.
Please bear in rabid that we make DO extra oharges for goods ou account at this Prete--
um offer, Trusting yov will call and see ue, and that WO shall have the pleaeure of
presentiug you with one of the tables, we re•e
Exeter, July 28th, 1899.
Fall Pave,
Great North Western. (oder.
ich Sept 27-28-29
Iudustriel, Toronto . opt 5 14
Western, Loudon.... .. ... Sept 1544
North Perth, Srratford. ....Sept 29.30
South 'Huron, Seaforth..... Oct •t-fi
East Huron, Bruesels.... Oct 6 7
Stephen and Us/borne, Exeter.. Sept 26-27
Clinton. Oct:6-7
Hibbert township .... Oot 4-5
....Sept 14.15
Biddulp.b, ... Oct 4-5
SOUth Perth, St Marys Sept 27-28
Secretaries will please forward datee of
their fairti for publication in this Het.
Iu Se Catharines they prohibit bioyeliete
from using the ehiewalke.
nem H. Hendcrtion, profeaeor at
alt etlioine in the Royal Medicel
lege, Megaton, hag died of Brigetea dieeaee.
Georize Neebitt, son of Wm. Neabitt,
presstuau of the Standetd offline St Catlatt-
eeDln4ali". Wel the 014 woo'
emu, 0141'...rouva;
judge eteenotaa, at Broeaville, On. On
Monday, sefAteneeti J0141 It7411 4114 Jihanti
Smith mace yeara eon in the petettentiary
for barglirieilig the residence of Fale. Ste
The four ordinal pinta —The. four car-
dinal points of health is the etomach, liver,
bowels, and blood, Wrong, action in any
of time produces dieeittice Burdock Mona
Bitters acts upon the four cardinal pointo
of health at one and the tonne time, to re.
gulate, strengthen and purify, thes proem--
ing heath and removing diseaee.
elontreal regetroe tl!.e nonain eezer
utility its thine 918 licensed pieces for the
male of intoxicante, Nearly hell of these
are shops. Lam as the number is it is a
reduction of eixteeu as compared with last
Premier Greenway has issued the Mani-
toba crop bulletin, which says that a good
crop is now assured. The total yield la es-
timated. Wheat, 2.000,000 bnehele; oats,
15,000,000 bueinde; barley, 4,000,000 bus.
Wheat will run in moat sections 25 bushels
to tbe sere, the greater part of it higb grad-
es; oats 45 bushel to the aore and baeley
35 bushels to the nem. The potato crop
will be tbe largest and best ever known.
Monday afternoon Frank Wilson wife
and child of Newmarket, were returning
horae on lefaskelonge Diver, near Jersey,
from a visit to relatives, when the beet was
upeet, lied Mrs Wileon and abild were
Baby was Moire—Dear Sire,—Nly baby
was very sick with diarrhoea, and every-
thing we tried failed, But on trying Dr.
akpeeler's Extract of Wild Strawberry we
d it gave prompt relief and ve-y imon
d him completely.
r . John Clarke, Bloomfield, Ont.
konvention of Germaa horse butchere
has agreed to open a first class resturaet
at Berlin for the purpose of educating the
upper climes to the 480 of horse flub as a
viaad. The report submitted bo tho con-
vention stated that there are 2,400 Lem
butchers in. Germany, who kill 86,000 bore, -
es annually. These horees are meetly fat.
tened for the meat market. No aorn cent
&littlish are used.
Diarrhoea and vomiting.--Gentletneto—
About five weeks agu I was taken with it
very severe attack of diarrhoea and vomit-
ing, The pain was ahnost unbearable and
I thought I could riot live till morning, but
after I had taken the thirill dose of Fowleted
Wild Strawberry the vomiting ceased, and
after Lite sixth dose the diarrhoea stopped,
end I haye not had tbe least symptom of
it since. .
Mrs. Alice Hophius, *Hamilton, Ont.
BRIWFS.—The late Geo. Swanson leaves
six children, four sons, William of Hamil-
ton, George of the United States, .Iohn
of Toronto, and Magnus of Goderich, and
two daughters, Mesdames Win. Mitehell
and D. Cantelon of this town --On Thurs
day evening of last week the fire alarm
sounded, the cause beim/ the explosion of
it lamp iu Mr. James leivan's resideece,
Montreal street. The fire caused. by the
explosion was cleverly put out with a
blaultetoso the services of the Fire Co. were
not teeeded.
4 Cep I.
LOST. —On Thursday lasabetween Exeter
and lehiva, a silk parasol. Pinder will be
snite ly rewarded by leaving the same at
Tiers (Vice.
Very reapeetfully yours,
3. MoTAVIBil CO.
eliesee Russell hese re.
turned after visiting friends in Port Hunan
and vaninity.—efiss Leuey Rneeell has
taken her room in tereditou Polilie sehool.
--Mate Carrie Drew of Exeter, and her
cousieffrom London are yieiting at el r.G.
W. Holmaine.--Sellool opened on Monatty
last and the sound of the bell wee heard
in the laud after six weeks' rest.—The
hat vest in this neighborhood is petty well
through, and thrashing anti preparing for
fall wheat in pne4rees, —No moreaecidents
to report at present—the geitin being all in
end no buga to pick on the potatoes.
Follewine er he market quotatioes ;
Wheal, to 75
Barley ,„ „ 38 to 40
()eta ..... . . ... . 2R to 50
Pees . 55 to all
, Hee • , . e
ellUeer heed 75:7050 two 75..5705
Leek here' Senn worth of being and shoes
to tie eaorilleed at a. weselah's during the next
three mentbee We will sell all our summer
goals et cost for cash. We guarantee setts -
faction in (were !interim we are here to star,
and our trede ut increasing every year.and the
reason is thet we buy nothing but lira -class
Reedslied sow au free of °hero an goods
betwixt front ue, and goer) everything genezally
rotted in a first tease boot and shoe Store. IVo
rate butter and egg. for greme same as cash
We keep a Mee neeortment of truuks lout Val-
hanketo oil our old euetomere for past
ete reline e, and et pui ti invite as mat,y new ones
us ma.y see fit to give ue call. tali early and
oe • easehere.
and bo oenvineed that 114 mom whet we ad-
vertise. No trouble to show goods,sign of the
big boot.—A. Wes non, Prop.
eleiterseCook Bros of the Hensall Flouring
Mille desire to return thanks to their many
eatrons for past favors. and would state that
they aro better prepared then ever to cater to
the wants of all, e call solicited.
liniens—Mr. Wm. Crawford of Ripley
sees home on a visit over Smulay.—Mr, (.43
I). AinoLl and wife have returned home
:again after a two weeks" visit at Ansa,
Creig and vitinity.—The Misses Godfrey
lielgrave are vieitiug ut Mr. Slither -
wad's. —M II. Cook hue been on the sick
Het fer a few daye, but we .ieee glad. to see
hint able to be out ageite—Drawine in of
the flex has begun, aiol the boys are bring -
in bie loads —Rev. Fear of the Nile
nuele a mill at liens:ell on Wednesday.—
Rev. Mr 'McKinley was attending the
wedding of Rev, Mr. Cousen of 13elwood,
formerly of Rennin., at Seaforth.—Mrs.
John Wade of Grend 13ond is visiting at
her daughter's, Mrs Oscar Shuart.—Mr.E.
lloeditig made a business trip to Zurich on
,Wetineedey. - Harvest hands are very
scarce in tide -vicinity, as there MO farmers
iu every day looking for help.—Mr. Me
Intyre of the Hansen House made a bus!
Less trip to London Wednesday.---MaJelin
E. 'AleDonell W08 t ken auddenly ilt on
Sunday evenieg lora and for a time life
"I despaired of. He rallied however;
Chelera tum bee was the canee.—Miss B.
Wilson is visiting at Lexideeboree.--elelro,j.
Macarthur has retained to town from Ailsa
Craig, where his family spent the summer
on tee feral —R. D. Young has sold his
interest in the basiness of Ooad, Rennie &
Young, to Mr. Bennie• Ur Coad intends
poing to the Northwes' in the fall.—Mrs,A.
Weseloh and danehter have returned from
viait to friends in Goderiele.--Miss Ethel
Munlock ie visiting friends in London.—
Rom Mcill gen is becoming an expert at the
bicycle after a years' praolice,—Mr. R.Hode
gals was in London last week. ---W. Downs
• de g t• • T J b
18 Span 111 vaoa ion in Pronto,— o n
Pope spent last week at the Bend.—Dr.
Thomeon was in Galt laet week attending
the wedding of Dr. Thompeon. The ladies
will please road thls item carefully, as we
ale not wish tohave it understood that our
Dr. 'Theinson has "gone and done it."—
School reopened no Monday with the fol-
lowing teachers: de T. Wren,ediss Simplon
Mrs. MoLean,---aire, J. Ellis returned from
Goderich this week.—Miss Gildrie of God.
oriel is the guest of Mrs. Ellis.
Smith America Rheumatic: Care for Rheu-
matism and Neuralgia ridically ores in]. to
3 days.. De action upon the system is
retnarkable and mysterioue. It reameee
at once the cauee and the diseeseimmecliat-
ely disieppearie The first dose greatly
benefits, • 75 centre Warranted by
0, Lutz, Druggist. ant. 14
Itch, Mange and Scratehee of every kind
of burette being or Aniln:11A, .ciired in 30
I minutenotes by Weliorda eanitary
Minard's Linimenicuree 'Diphtheria. This neetr tail.. 5 15 hY • C
THEY 344.
A. sail aeoiaent occurred here Moudiiy
resulting in the death of the only et"M
Samuel CalIfee. 'who recently 04410 here
froni Iowa. The little fellow was playing
around his theneth hay rack, avb'th the
horses started, eatchiug him in the spokes
of the bind wheel and crushing him ageinat
the inside of the rack, He lived but it few
Ilacns,--10 the three.tninute class
following toms wet.e, entered awl took the
following poztitious .John Shauuon b. 13
Dr, Dunce:Abe, I I I; 'Pitney M, b.
Hetherington, 7 2 2; Madge Wee g.
MI/11TM 3 4 3; Baby It ch. g, D
6 dr.; Fred Areher, b, s, Tom 8
dr; Storm Itiver, e, E.. Handl dr,
Time, 2 34, 2.40,2.37i, 2.380
Hunter, g. in, Norman MeEeet
Tow Barite, b. kr.. G. Odell, 1 11; Gentili-de
b, in, W. Deneeith, 2 2 2. Time, 2 313,.1.36
Running raee--White Wins, fhe
George Hendrie, 3 3, Main Spring, tk.
Nwile 13ourguin, 1 I; Lily B, h. „'ne. W. B.
Davis 2 2, Tinae, 56e:56e. The moo for
Tuesday did not fill, so they were postponed
Wit settee future date.:
Goderiob, T0\711E1.44
ruezes.—Ale le Xing Cantelon boteght
last week 'rem Mts. Weleh, tin t1e 64l con
her splendid orcherd of applesfo
acme stun of 6,175. It paye to apples
road Mr. Cau'elon alvveys pays' oriteide
price.—Miss S. Sheppard, form I the
13ityfield line, this towurship, ga
with her many Mende in town nd eounlry
has deeezted single blessedness oluM
the ;heat army. Her old eri Imre wieb
Mr. and Mrs. Yates long let a PleeePrOk7
and trnet that the laclyhe o • 10, ben
ono never to be regretted, enb bok
place at Sarnia lot Wedne
young couple spent the 1 uxoon
Niagara Falls and other plxi' . . 'L'xxy wiU
reside at Oil SpriuRe, Ont.
Buezre.—Mr.'11olt, of eodetiob. cfti
Panted by a few friends weie itt town_,,one
day last wolf --Rev. MalOwere of Seaforth,
delivered at excellent itadretta to the con-
gregation of the Methodist °torch en
day night —Several of our viiiittng .bortale
ere have loft fur their respeoltre homes,
maker, is repairing his dtvelling house,
having the structure reified from the ground
and old timbers replaced by now ones and
the bowie Elided exec.—Among the visitors
who left tbe past week were the following z
—Mr. and Mrs. Ross, of Buffalo, Mr. and
Mrs. Graham Moorebouse and family and
Mrs Major If, Cook all of Goderich, Miss
Robinson, of Brampton, end Mr. anti Min
Davy of London.—Tne wnik at the school-
house bas been eroareseing very rapidly,
stone Six feel is vaulted yet for completion
before the °petting of school, Tho coutona
as far rie woodwork is concerned is under
the charge of Mr. Kelbfieiech. Tbe :neon-
ery by Mr. Weaver who has so far proved
bimsell a hustler,
'Sitars.— Mrs. F. Kibler has returned
from emelt visit to Dashwood.—Mr. Ed.
Ragan and Miss L. Hauch have returned
to take charge of their work ia the public
school.—Mr. M. Stumpf wears a smiling
face (a boy).—Dr. and, Mrs. Henderson of
Detroit are expected to visit friends in
this vicinity this week. The Dr. formerly
taught here.—Our publicechool opened on
Monday with an attendance of 100. This
is very small owing to so many Mug
engaged in the fiaxiield.—Mr Sam Hauch
is visiting in the village. Sam has an
extra weeks' holidays, as his schoolhouse
is undergoing repairs.—Mr. F. Hess; sr.,
has sold his driver"Punch"at a good price.
—The arbitrators appointed by the Coun-
ty Council in reference to the change of
school boundaries in the township of Hay
have made their award. --Mr. John Kibler
has been engaged in ;the general stare of
Appel & Zeller.—The Id's Fair will be
heldin Zurich on Monday and Tuesday,
September 12 and 13. Every effeort is
beineput forth to make the fair it success.
A large and enthusiastic meeting was held
In the town hall on. Monday evening. The
list of special prizes and attractions will
be a long one. Everybody come and bring
everybody along with you.
Division Courts.
His Honoe Judge Doyle held Division
Court in Exeter, terediton and Zurich this
week. as follows :--.
promissory note ; adjourned for the pur-
dose of examining C. W. Yourex. Collins
for plff., J. M. Best, Seaforth for deft.
Mob...menet' vs- Powiteo, vs. Ross garn-
ishee. Garnishee suit after judgment.
Judgment &pease garnishee for $14. Col-
lins tor plff.
Mom vs. BLATCHFOnD.—Atijourned.
Elliot for plff, Collins for deft.
leirgetemote vs. Jorneseeer—Action on
account. Adjournment for the purpose of
being revived owing to death of p‘ff. siece
proceedings commenced.
Beeowee MonLET V5 Mrrogrwt, --gar
Mello, Action on promiseory note and
account. Judgment for plff, againat deft,
Morley for $63 and against gatnisheeofor
018.10. Collins for plff, , Dickson'. or
The following cased are tO ,be disposed
of at the Zurich Com t, the result of which
will be given next week AJoheiston vs.
Curts—action for wageseaCollins for plff.
Dickson for deft, w
McIntyre vs. Wilson—A (aloe ftor price
of goods sold and delivered. Cielins for
pl fe
afinard's Linhnent is used by
oul.stkor, eeThrough
034 tilotPttt teF
heat will average about. ZO bushel
th ia Lansing ofadopting the, front
local improeeeneet.
engelia, oeeBreatiela, hate been
taaoh the S. S. 1o. 10, Stanley,
to U. Billie. Jac. Grant.
are ochry to learn that Me. Hugh
,'tloi tam one of the pioneer residente of
Tu smith, ie seriously ill.
' 0. Patterson, M. P. for West
wedge donation of $10 towards
of the Huron Oentra
. card. of the 5tIfelinee
ber 50.4tere farm teler neighbor, ff
dello Cook, for the OW of $1,950.
Mr. John Whiteman, died in St, Paul
weele of inflemination of The bowels.
Bet evait 21 years of age, and svorked xis
'Ur. T. A. Gitlin,formerly of Clinton
Collegiate, was married lest week to Mie
Thomas, dangleter of Rev, S. Thomas. o
The many friends of Mr. James nahaffy
of Fort Albert, will be exeeedingly sorry
to hear that ha Las been compellbd to make
an assignment.
George Elliott, airline of elitohell, and
wee °Chia fellow gtsthuitei terve opened an
otilee in Toronto ;es 'ampere and analytic
George Hearn of Downie tax an apple
tree, one side of which isloatled with. ripe
Mite:hell (+rite beat Afitchell eFekriem
Bev. -Prof. L
der conelde ati)n a a in
Mr. 0.1eluetori, of Ft tiebeed, bee ‘vint
that teeted 63 ibi tp er
the Invent Bed veriety.
No ether Sarsaparilla bee the merit
which Hood's Sateepere eilhe hies Neve akee
ffrin holt upon the eermetzeggegef the peep
Mr. Duffy, el the Montreal bank St,Marye
haa been teansierred to elm Lennon at, God -
°dab, and lefe on Fricley eveeing for that
.John Dyers, of glicheli bac resiVied Jibe
poeitiou of light end waterworks tiodueer,
and Mr. Rover bat been sopolueed tae
Mr. and Mile tV 0. Gioia and iasotly,
forint*, ete lettaforth, luivemeeed beto Sea
MarYs and takor up residence on 'Nate
street Beath.
The Blaeshard oboe°,
,eoeter WelrhE & SON
Beni/Maher and Propritto
accenting competes dss5 bPleee of
_cheeeroin London on Sat Praha, 0.e:
cents per peen&
The many friends, in this county. of Mr
H. W. 0. Meyers will be pleased to lear
that he is regovethig, and bopes to ,.be able
to return Immo in September.
Alittbaboy ia Lneknow the other dile
undertopk leo oetch the big flies, and like
She ten 00 one Ot the boo laves. In an `f
etent he was coveted witb b.its and 100
On Tuaroday last, while the ye
ebil4 01 Mr. W. UoCool, of Hallett. 'wee
playltig around the floor it walked over the
doorstep and fell xi short (lister:be, breiking
*arm above the wriet.
On Tuesday Was. Hicks lost it vokhiable
%ono The team were in tbe pasture, and
one kicked, the <abet breaking its leg. This
le the aeoeakone in a little over a mouth
tleat Mt. Woke 1440 Inn in ill° same way.
A Brut !torn New York state have leased
the skating and curling rink in Seaforth
fox three months, in which to merry on the
apple evaporating bueinese. They parohese
rant dry all the fruit that ie disoardell by
relaftre ettriiiirwrgrzwe
that over six thousand dellaretworth of b.
cycles have been sold iu Seaforth, during the
past two omens, and still people talk of
bard tiros, but perhapsit is not those who
bicyolea that are heed up.
apples while tile other is eovered
Orate ,
rya TO44 °mum
.liamse, to the +re
stiinte Boar A ea
. Sox,
xcavatiota for the fou
new npan' Oetholle Onizech
it abent complete, The bun
local same with Ohio emne it
F. E. Goodwin who fa anon
fdrd for ltfatitatia, -gee wed, y
bar of friends an Feiday oat pre.
eS irrth &Mahe 400 it e addreaa.
alit= 0404 Ark 4, one ot the
at residents. died at
Awe bp, We etee as 93 veare
e, an1rnaved Lo tha t_ohneldp of Marne
in the Col -
the death
tiou if the
firs% as
per Elea
Mr. D, Fraser of Otanley, had lately a
somewhat novel experience in hiving bees.
The swarm went oulya short distance when
they settled on soma Canadian thistles in
an adjoining Oeld. Thelhistles were equal
to the °coition and sustained the weight of
the colony till they wore safely bived.
The joint meeting beld at Winglia n last
week of delegates from the various Clamps
of the Sons of Scolland,resulted in an agree-
ment to hold annual Caledonian games un-
der the auepioes of the order in Bruce and
Huron The first joint celebration will be
held at Luoknow, Sept. 14.
The first meeting of the Qttertely offieial
Board of the Hernial] Circuit, fer the year
1892 3, was held on Saturday last. It was
decided to raise the salary of the Superin-
tendent, Rev. H. J• Fair from $700 to fins.
The probationer, Bev. G. McKinley, will
receive $250.
Bev, Father Cook of Seaforth has gone
on it trip soross tbe Atlantic for the benefit
of his health. He will visit Ireland, bis
native land, and probably eFranco, Switzer-
land and Italy before he returns. He
expects to be absent about six menthe.
Father Keeley will take his place till he re-
On Monday last, while W. Jerves, sr., of
Holmesville was getting -on the horde rake.
the backbend of the harness brae' and let
the shafts down causing the pony to stare.
Mr Jervis was itnooked over and one wheel
running over his body while the teeth
dropping, oaught and badly tore his face
and shoulder.
Owing to the loss of Drysdale appoint-
ment, which has been put on Bayfield cir-
cuit, it having paid $70 last year, the mio.
biters salary for this year la 6650. it was
8700 last year for the Hensel' North circuit.
This circuit is paying 6233.35 more this
year than it did the year before Mr. Irvine
came, end feel unable at preeeut to make
any further advance.
A sad atundent occurred to Wm. Walker,
of the lOth oonceesion of Usborne. His
eon was on the ljnder when one of the ani-
mals beeame naive, end Mr. Walker rush-
ed to lay hold o its head, when he wall
unfortunately thrown down and carried un-
der the horse's deet, part of the binder go-
ing oyer his WO, brealtiug two of his ribs
and lacerating gaim severely in the lower
part of the fiber -men.
The tollovein , from the Woodstock Times
has reference to a former °lintel:den:—
Frank Pitcher: formerly a member of the
22nd Batt& ' band, is involved in it racy
muds]. up 5 Strathroy. He was band-
master 1 0, and for sometime accused of
undue tmacy with it Mime McDertnid,
millin '• To hide their shame they dep.
ed." yee.
On Thursday evening of Lot week a
yoong led about eleven years of age,son of
Mr. William Dunlop, jr., of Hullett, met
lentil a very serious accident. Ile was horse
raking, when the animal got frightened
and ran eaway, It is supposed the little
fellow was thrown froin the rake. He had
three ribs broken and was injured internal.
by, and for some time his life was despaired
of, but at kilt accounts he seemed. to be re-
ea a
The children's friend—Gentlemen Lot
summer our children were very bad with
summer oomplaint, and the only remedy
that did them any good was Do Fowler's
Extract of Will Strawberry . We used 12
bottles duting the warn ,vother and would
not be withot 1 11 at 5 times the cost.
aher la the
060 aelected as
h '
a,1r5t,y- o'441°11,01
it 0°I)
vies lame by, thing ecineeue
etroyed, aderstoo1 thet the most a
the aoetents were deetroyed idea.
The other day Mr.johnston Stewart,Blan
shard wasoffered 418,000,for his farunstoole,
household effects, eto.,by a gentleman front
Wellington County who was in tearekt of A
1 property. Mr. Stewart deolinel the off -
preservinie, I know, and we gee -tepe-
e with the ladies. But, if yoa will
tem' pure granulated sugar and safe
sealers, both of which we keep in
quentitiot and at lowest prices,
labors will be rewarded by luseious
1» oyeryjax-you open during the
ngratulate the earinore on On/
co of the bay erop and the eit'e
Other for Oaring it, You must.
•equire /are number ftI
'We have sold large numbers 44 these
already, and have abundance yet and
Bargain Depot.
Herrison,is the men the: notarial n
then cleared out,
A very 41eath occurrel Senday
evening in the ia.rd of the. Ontario Howe.
London. ltteLtard Pe'kin', aged aliont 80
yearn, heel jurt token a driuk of cold weber
whou he saidc to tbe grouuti.1 ve ur three
people who wituklaad Ow full ran n.,t to him,
and were horrified on raisin him to ilud
Fie extintet.
Last Sunday morning Jemea ,Iohnstoreof
that place,geined some notoriety he etthtlieg
from Parkbill to Grand Berid, a distance of
11 mile • in. one hour 46e niinutdA on s,
wager ue to time, with Elwell Shatidock.
Weile there ie no objection to Jobnetan Gr
any body else allowing fleetness of toot in
rueniug to Grand Bend, there is a tserioue
objection to such racing on the Sabinale
ay It Is it breasth of the laws of the omen
eryettid it "scandal to its religiourt sentiment.
-.t'trkhi3l Review,
Lest Taeselay efterneen Peter Hord'e
been, stable, end ontests, eon. East
Williates,eveen destroyed by fire from light-
.£ vreepahle horse and gone thowet
z e ap
.1. ofe, h et, eareng the e
impute/he horse heek inthsxsst3Me ad
the barn. A fow minuted Titer the
was steucir by ligheaing Ana enveloped in
sheet of names. Mr. Hord's less is heavy,
as moat of thie season's mop of wheat, hey
and oats Wag destroyed.
Following is the list of succeeded eanilie
dates at tineParlihill entrance examination:
Grace E. leionleten, Emily McIntyre, Susie
Moran, juin), Wallace, ,eotemb Thompson,
Frank Pickering, Olive East, Meggia Mae
Kenzie, Evelyn Aueustineenreseilla Knight,
David Brion, Jame.' NeePhereee, Jelin te.
Garner. Thutnas Elliott, Bella More, Edna
Stewart? Oharles Gordon, john letcCuish,
Alex Meleenzie, May Hodgiuseelary Meltee
Mary lieLvieh, Maggie MeLeod, John E.
McIntyre. James Sullivan!. Jeseie McIntyre.
Colin Welk. The follownee were room, -
mended ; Maria Fairies, Win, neon Neil
Canaeron, Mary Treherne.
-9. sad termination to life by selfeiniliction
pommel in Web Nissouri on Friday bet
Geo Ernest, a son of James Hari te,who re-
sides on the 10th con., had partaken of
dinner and afterwards lineman:a to tbe barn
for the purpose of eleaning out the granary,
his father and brother raeantime going dee
where to prepare for threshing. During
the afternoon they returned to the barn and
were liorrifiee to dieeevor thedt,i5bus-
pended by a rope from the rafter, He was
immediately cut down bat life was asthma
The young fellow had 'been despondent for
eome time past and there is no doubt but
what he was temporarily hasane when he
altninitted the on
3. D. O'Neil, le. S„ and his little son,
Lawyer McBeth, end Mr. Oreadook ell of
London, narrowly °soaped being killed at
the Maiu-St crossing here by a west -bound
freight train at 9.10 p. ni. on Monday of
last week. The cumpany were on their way
back to the oity,having driven out some few
borers before to spend the evening in town.
The horses were on the track when the
train was eithin twenty feet of them, and
the driver turned the horsearound, off the
track, tipsettiog the rig and throwing the
oecupents on the road One of the wheels
of the vehicle wan wrenched off. The dootor
and alr. lelacbsth inform tie that they eau
swear positively Ulla the engineer did not
wbistle when approaching the ci•ossing •
There ie no watchman at the erossing after
7 P. m.--Lucati Record.
Bev. 0- Webster, B. A., IL D , son of
John Webster, Blanshard, Will elortly pro -
need to Palestine as a =ahem,. under
tee auepioes of the foreign .talssiottary
committee of the Presbyterlau ellurch. of
Mr. George lieeves,was trippa by a loose
olank in a sidewelk, from Main he sustain.
ed a broken nose and a pair o black eyes.
In consequence ba corporatia has been
asked for damages, and haveg vitrified to
recognise the clann a law era ia threaten.
The StratfordBeacon,has een servedwitb
a writ in an action for libe" The Beaeon
referred to Mr. Freed, editr of the Hamil-
ton Spectator, as a tome' juniper, and
Mr. Freed jump back eletairig as a bounty
41,000 for being called mil it thing. Libel
snits come, you never law how or when
or what on earth they 0120 for.
Joseph Ketterson's (fenerly of Mitchell)
will was presented for *bate Monday. .Ele
leaves 660,000 to local lanities, inoluding
Protestant Orphane' Hne,,610,000; Plorue
f or Incurables, 07,01; high Protestant
Benevolent gociety, )000 ky=. Home.
$5,000; Girls' Home$5,000; -eNeweboys'
Home, $2,000; Infe's Homeeee$2,000;
Hospital for Sick Chan. $5,000; Home
for aged men and W0313, $4,000: StaTolies
Parish (town' ds thetrection , of a new
church) $3,000.
Alio Maggie Forcl Carlisle anti Mr.W.
gatemen of Agee eig weite married at Ger
lisle church Wedn.ay. ,
Charles Currie, !Parkhill athlete, is ou
a tour to Philadena, Albany, Ottawa and
Montreal./ He iseking a good record.
John T. Moller& mail clerk, a McGilli-
vray buy, ha' bo promoted to a seeond
el rkship oi1 lino between the Soo
h Bay. „a e
Hangs McG 1Ay ha roent-
gen ins0 acre farm on eon. 16
T. Amcor a 100 -acre farui on con
11, mllivray, and 61,100 in
Portions of cetreets are JOing (levered
thie week witherry chiles ronght from
Si. Marys. Tmaterial it beinp need as
a matter of eiament, and it found satis-
fitotory will pthly be used in future it.
stead of grav-Parkhill Gazette,
Hobert Dmloo visited the finally bury.
Mg ground h Petrielt'e 0441ette1'y at Bid
dulph anpdayand tnoved the body of
phriasvberraotehnetr;aii:ototiitheepsleomt,e plot as the
othoenrsT, ibluersibevaavniniaggsoomf leaarte7voierks aannad ei amt..
gig was eat the Central hotel LUCAll tor
the purpoe organieing a band, whieh
wsares is; were
e:10,eddia:g_di nepds ;r, :-'Pre. Dr.
oahr8e.. fRpo 10, 1 soAswa. ion) to!o, f fie
Pres., Joleh; Viee-Irres., J. D. McCosh;
An Onaerrespondeut telegrapihteesantohinoaert
otbitwur etyielrl;rartiiiimead;sJoollhv aeurrrGiieBne u,a,ffaraotelloiz orly
padden Tilsonburg, and well.known
ime. lie than seven women bave sent
wont ale that they b Nye Groin- or
C. C. Bearatins & 0o.
Gentlemen,—For years I have been trou-
bled with serofulous sores upon my fa e. I
have spent hundreds of dollars trying to
effect it cure Without any result. I am hop-
py to say one bottle of MINARD'S LINI-
MENT entirely oured inc and I can heartily
recommend it to all as the best medicine in
the world,
Ronald McInnes,
Bayaeld, Ont.
The worst forni.—Defie
three pieta ago 1 was troubled with dyspep-
Ina in its worst form, neither food nor nied-
ioine would etay on my stomach, and it
seemed itnpoesible te get relief. Mollify I
took one bottle of B. B. B• and one box of
Bureock Pills, and they cured me complete
Ire. 8, 13. Smith, Eunelale, Oea
A perfect cook. --A perfect 000k never
reeents es with any indigestible food.
here to few perfect,cooks nod consequent
y indigention is very prevaleet You oan
at what you like and as much an you watit
fter you to,e Bur eeek Bboa Bitten, the
at oral eneeitl 1 t itt 41 er dyapepsia
any form