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The Huron News-Record, 1885-06-10, Page 3
Clinton, Wednesday, June 10. - ■ -p^-q- ■-....... PEARL I6mo 10 Cloth boards, red edges .. .. .. 12 Paste grain limp, gilt edges, with o maps 12c Paste grain circuit, gilt edges, with 0 maps .. .. 18 Persian Morocco limp, red and gilt edges, with 8 maps 16 Turkey Morocco limp, gilt edges, with 12 maps 16t Turkey Morocco bevelled boards, r/g edges, with 12 maps lOy Levant Yapp, silk sewn* fined calf, gilt edges, with 12 maps MINION 8vo. ‘20 Cloth, beards, red edges .. .. .. 22 Paste grain Jimp, gilt edges, with 6 maps 22e Paste grain circuit, gilt edges, with fl maps .. .. 23 Persian Morocco limp, red and gilt edges, with 6 maps SMALL PICA 8vo. 30 Cloth bevelled boards, rod edges .. .. 30/ Pesf Turkey Morocco, flex., solid r/gedges .. .. MINION 4to Parallel. 40 Cloth bevelled boards, rodedgeB .. .. .. 40 Turkey Morocco bevelled boards, gilt edges .. ., |wws->erm S Staiti ’Siws Huron Record, . UMALtfAXAJTJE®.') A. O. U. W. : TJEIAGIOUS SERVICE will ba* held la the : XV Baptist Ch uxch, Custom, ojiBUNDAY, Jexs' 14th. At 8 o’cbclc p. im, undent the Auspices of i th.e Clinton Lodge ot The Andeift -Order of United Workmtn. Rbt. Joint Grst wIII conduct the service Members of other Lofigos in the 4 vicinity are invited and expect'd toattaud. The public geiiftruily are cordixllyinviteu. -} (By order of Committee/ GEO. GOLASGOW. Clinton, June fl, 1885. 342—It " . SNORTHORN BULL CALVES i For gale. First-class Pedigrees, which wUl’be * sent on application.—W. J. BIGGINS, Elmhurst Farm, Clinton P.O., Ont. - 342—Nt LOCAL NEWS. In and Around tl»e “Hub.” ®divu ®alk. WOTlCE.—At (til tiiius wewifi be glad to receive itenis of newt from awj reliable tonree, either verbal or written. Reports of meetings, en- tertainments, society and church doings, etc. etc, or any other matters of general interest - toll! always have a place in our columns.—Eb Eye, Ear., Throat And Nose.— Dr« Proudfoot^ oculist and anrist, of Montreal, will be at the Commercial hotel, Clititon, on Saturday, Sunday . and-Monday,the 20th,'21st-,tind 22nd of June, where he can be consulted ' • for <ny disease or operation on 'fifoe* above organs. * ,.34.2 - v- _ o 0 The WiLLtow.—The Young Can>* adian. cricket club of St. Thomas r will iftest the powers of- the Wander- ersjr., at a match game in Clinton] , on Friday, June 19th ‘ Giving Them ’ Fits. — What ? Who? Where? When? Fits Ini. •clothing,—Rance—At the Hub Clothing House Ontario St.; Clinton’ —Now, auy time. Cheese It.—The bottom has dropped out-of- the Ontario cheese • market and trade is very difficult to-do at all, with wholesale buying* figures at something likis 5 cents: per lb. ' Mb. F. Hess, carriage- maker, at ^Zurich, has recently patented hisi •“Bnggy Top Eock.” With th'is’appli-! ance a person can easily >and quickly | raise er lower a buggy £op without [ moving from the seat. \ The Semi-Annuail meeting of South Hiwron County Orange Lodge will he held in the Grange Hall,Clin-, ton, on Saturdays I3tli inst-, at one lo’clockjp. m. A full representative attendance is requested. i Mb. W. H. M^rney, of Goderich, | ■ a deserving gentleman, was chosen, at the recent allheal session ®f the Grand Black Chapter ’ of ■•the. Black. - -Knights of Ireland, held at ■GoriC.i wall, Deputy Grand Master ef his! district. . “ ! IwoHMiT.ie.ir For. The Pctbmc.'— 1 Postmaster (Fair at his own instance and expense haslhad printed and cir culated several! 'Wndred tabulated time tahlep giving the hours.of arii- from the Clinton Post Office. “■ Our Down Engineer Abroad.— I A hors<^ JbjeiangiHg to.Mt. (Proudfoot , of Clinton becaine** Triglitened at „ something near'the wooleii mills and ran away throwing the occupant out and completely wrecking the vehicle. ^Mr. P. escaped uninjured.—Seaforth Sun. ■' '. ... _■ New Arrival/-Mr. Wm. McEl roy, of Blyth, has come to Clinton tp try his luck, lie Htarted workr dii| . Monday last its the Dphef'ty, ,Organ I factory, lie will also be an a/dditipn to the already splendid Doherty Or gan Band as .second, cornet. A, n " welcome to Bill. “ L.-O. A.'B.' A. —-County Master; .' Scarlhtt and Secy. Flpody haVe fixed I Saturday, June FSth at 10 o’clock p.' in., as the time,, and Orange Hall, ! Clinton, as the place for holding t'he Semi-Annual meeting of z the South Huron [County. Orange Lodge. A full repTesentatipn is desired. A.®. LT. W.—Lodge 144 of the or* ■der of United Workmen will meet in the TawheHdij/Glinbbuy dit Suh- dlay June the 14th to hear A religious discourse.-'by the. Rev. John Giay. Adjacent, lodges have been invited and it <is expected that a number of the outside brethren will, attend. Mr. 'Grey will undoubtedly .make the occasion .interesting* ’ The Orange Order.—Messers. Perkins,-ef Gbrrie, and Scarleft, of •Leadbury, C'»uuty MasTefsiof North and South-Heron, attended the‘56th annual meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge of Briddh America, which commenced its session in the town of 'Cornwall Tuesday of" last ®eek. The meeting was an exceedingly harmoniio'Ss rone and the. progress of the Order during tike year most-satis-. 0 factpry/. . "■ ■ 1 11 ■ Downey, of Seaforth had his-arm so injured by a circular saw that a por- ■— tion of the limb had to be amptutat- ■ ed, and a young ma> ncim d Cornell had tMff-fiatid drawn info a planer at the Doherty Organ factory,C!intpn, and the bpirefi considerably crushed. j. Wer0«t--not that, tl$0 belt was quick- - ly unshipped by*one ofthe hands the consequences-wokld have been very serious if'Tfot fatal. , 1 He Draws Steadily.'—zV com . ponbent of the Tilsonhiinrg/phservpr ■ writesAfirmer in Bayham, Nor- folk county, Ontario, liarf a /sturdy «on whois about 25 y<«u i of \';.6. r. He also'Ea-s ’one horiie 'and' an 6k. As a rule for general larming pur poses,. he harnesses the horse and the ox together, but the oth-1 duy the son made up his bi'indl ■ to - ke ? the place of the ox; so he oafried eno end of the neck yoke and walked a- JongsWe'ef the horse drawing rails on a lumber^ waggen. J£e thinks ho draws more steadily than ah ox. L>.<R9E FuNEitXL*^—The- furipal procession escorting the remai <?- of I the late Wm. Kitt, to the Clint cemetery, Tuesday of last week, was n very large one; The Foresters of town and vicinity took part in it,and a still krqatpf number of’Oranito* ~ .fiiigtirdtee^d‘hAvii’2 b er/bf bot^i^pti ■■ y ; OrAt)gb^L’*’tl • on tkn Barfield Line, in L< u>*!vsboio, Sutnther Hill, Holmesville, iley, jyiytli, Wingliam, ^enshll, the jtbWh and dthfejt, pUchs, Th addition to these therd were many non-sooiety maw; and the’ Town Band whoso magnificently mburn'fhl mnsio'wdad much to the impressive solemnity of the .-.occasion. ^Deceased . had been HhhjH fifteen Weeks. J Ueasep Publication.—The Ho- wick Enterprise, whiob has been ia existence for Ave and a half years,’has been suspended, the proprietor hav ing resolved upon entering another and we hope a more lucrative busi ness, A Soiled Stream.—Berbn Neuosi There was a baptismal service in the Grand River at Breslau on Sunday ^■aet, when the rite was performed on forty recent converts, the result cff<an extensive revival in the new Mennonjle Church of tlmt village, The rite was perfernaed by the minister in charge, Rev, Frank Mayer, who baptised all but seven by imme|(don. The latter preferred pouring 6r sprinkling, but also in .the river, that is they knelt in the water while the minister performed ♦Im ceremony. Disorganized.—The delivery wag-r gon of rhe Doherty •••Organ Co. was about leaving a $700 or $800 organ at the residence of Mr. Brown, Ontario 8t^ when the instrument, which is said to be a fine one and ooUld be made to come as near talk ing and-singing as any piece of hu man mechanism could, seemed taken with aeudden inspiration to jump off the waggon and walk right into Mf.' Brown’s house. Though the will power, the act of ’volition, were pos sessed by the organ, i. s pedals were not equal to the requirements of lo comotion, and it tumbled over into the ditch and was so thorough ly dis-* orya^iztid that the experts at the Factory will have to exercise all their ingenuity and finesse to reduce “the fractured parts to .their original Status and strength, . , Solid Rain.—As thunder o^6f theimpuntainYops'fn an. Alpine storm so leaped'the enormous masses of ice from ’tlie Louse 'top's in Clinton last Sunday; A hail storm commenced about 3,30 p.’ m., and lasted about fifteen minutes. During that time there ,was a perfect'down pour of broxen chunks of ich’, vary ing from the size of’a cherry to that of an average sized hen egg.. These". .danced in glee on the roofs of .houses, the rebound often sending t'hem sky ward several times ere they finally rolled to mother earth and dissolut ion. In many places the ground presented an appearance as though it had been thickly fltrewn with a coats ing of bleached gravel from 'the lake shore, Jn ’less than an hour it had all disappeared. • — A 'Cow—ardly Affair.—The* .'.editor' of 'the Stratford Times last', week’said, that one of the questions to be discussed at the temperance •meeting on Sunday would be: ‘the cow by-law, and the right to herd co ws, heifers .•and bulls on the streets by jailer Nichol?’ Mr. Nichol took offence at th is and on Wednesday; ' wthile the editor of the Times was in front of Mr.-John Brown’s office, ■he came up to" him and struck, him. brutialliLy_ behind- the ear, almost .breaking his heck. . ,-Next day Nich ol appeared before the Police Magis trate and .was fined $15.00 and’costs. • A man .who wouldthiis take the la w into his own hands is unfit to hold a public office, and instead of being fined he should have beeuTmprisdrU ed.—Adfvocoite: . • • ____• A Success.—The firemen’s tours nament, in Brantford, Ont.,’ on.. Wednesday, was a vranil success, fire companies from Clinton and other prpgrecssive parts'-cf Canada and from -Lhe-UHiteil-^Lat-es—ta-k-ipg—parbr—It- ■ is estiiiiatqd that there, were about, 10,000 people oti-tire Fair grounds to'witness sports. Our1 “hoys’’-" did hot, enter for competition, though. "Capt. -Pay must >iave felt proud of * the excellent appeirance of liis’inen? The Town Band, which accompanied ©hem'were* the observed .of all .for tlfoir .weat appmra'itce. They all re turned in the “afternoon, .auA after mafrosuveritig on the Square,, where cheers wettr given for “hand?’ami tlie ‘‘‘firemen,’ they adjourned to their respective halls. Wheeling Pheaciiejis..—The New;York Worldf w.yx.:—“There are in tlie United; States about -300 ■ rtlwicHl wli<a'imeir, about 40 or 50 of- these gentlemen are to unite in a tour of "three weeks in .Cicada, wheeling over 621 miles of the best roads. The start is to be made at Niagara’Falls Aug. 5, and thermite, by jlailv.. stages^.: leads through Hamilton,Galt, Woodstcok, London? ■ GbderwlTT^ratford' G'uerph, Toron to, Whitby, Newcastliy Brighton, Napatiee, Kingston, by steamer. ; among .tjie Thousand Islands, .and return to Niagara. Falls Aug’ 2$. Tlie entire expense 'of“’“tlre'*“t«‘tir7 including hotel bills aiid transporta tion -while in Canada, is not. to . '.exceed $30. A western division, starting at Detroit,- is. to join t.he eastern party at Londpn.;; ” Garden PAR'ry.—The following mention was received too late for' last, issue One evening lust .week awarded party was held at Mr 'jiohn. Gibbiiigs’ ill honor of! his having recently taken unto himself a better half. He invited all his etiKiloyes to make merry with him. The lawn was brilliantly lit up’, the tables were ' tastily spread and.■ Idajlecl With . the? ’ things that,. j^iaLy^eJiiner man,. ' ahd ainpIe;jtwtice'-vvas''d'otie“*tli’eiir>" The st lid solids were supplemented by a'treat of solid fluid in tlie form of . exquisitely flavored- ice ernamr To vary the programme the gm-sts. indulged in speaking and singing. . Mr. B. 8. Brown gave choice selec tions on the organ at,intervals, and the tooherty Organ-Co. band render ed excellent music. It was verging on the early hours of morn ere the company broke up, the band closing by playing the National Anthem— Com, ■ More Scott act Magisterial Learning,,—We have been shown the summons served, on Edward Lltisday for violating the provisions' . of the S<'6tt Act,’ in the c*’. e trif-ff” before Poli ■ Magistrate Young on Thursday, The summons iff address- .ed'tothe defendent in the handwrit-' ing bf the Police Magistrate and goes on to say that Edward L’nsday did unlawfully sell intoxicating liq uor in goiitroecntion of ihe pKjvisis ons of- the Cana ■ Temperance Act, 1878, and fijrth. ■ that ‘?/oh 11)00 pre- vUtu.ely, to wit,” convicted of a sim- iliar . ‘offence.’ -—Milton Champion. “If Police Magistrate Young’s law is no better than is orthography, . may the Lord ha’ e mercy on those who Ttne before him. Which re- iiiin » us that Mr. B Attic,suggested ; as a fit personra similar position in Huron, would be a very dangerous man to occupy it. Ho is without the snghta.it rudiment ry knowledge of law, unable to take a comprehensive grasp of even an ordinary case, is a thorough paced partisan and would, so oqr information goes, make an un desirable judge in cases where his known sympathies aite known to bo .unreasonably allied with the prose* cutinc oar fv. , - Personal.—Wo bad the pleasure Ot a call, Monday, from Mr. George Rhyiiaa of Goderich, and from Mr. Cha8. Stack; of Chicago. The last named gentleman has been a resident * of Chicago for many years. Weighty Matter,—An idea of : the extent of manufactnriug carried i on in Galt may be obtained from' the fact that within the past week or two upwards of three thousand tons of raw material, in the shape of pig and other iron, have been receiv ed for our various foundries and machine shops, at the several rail way stations. In a comparatively short time the material will be scatterd over the entire Dominion in the shape of highly finished mach inery of one kind and another.— .Reporter June 5. A Bxq Loss,—-Last week Mr. Stewart McDougall met with a big loss in the death of his favorite im ported horse, “Fearnot.” The an imal had been ailing .for a short time ’with an affection of the throat, and Was thought to be recovering when he succumbed to an attack of acute indigestion, at the Rattenbury stables, Clinton. “Fearnot” was probably the beat pedigreed heavy draft animal in the Province and his death is pot only a regrettable oc currence on account of the heavy pecuniary loss it entails upon Mr. McDougall (about $2,500), but .it will occasion regret among some of our best stock men on account of their being prevented this year from improving the breed .of their stock to as great extent as they otherwise would. Mr. McDougall has the sympathy of all who,know him, and his pecuniary Iobs is certainly a discouraging reward for tlfe outlay he incurred and the enterprise and judgment he displayed in importing such a-valuable animal. • Optical Delusion or Mistaken Identity.—“Seeing is believing” is an often accepted truism. The fact of the matter is that'there are, probably, none of the. senses tthat are so ape to be deceived that of physical sight.. Under different cir cumstances the same individual will see a particular object in a different lighjz,,.. .There is'the peculiarity of strabismus when our own optics tell ub thce person iB -looking At’ us or at a given object, but the. party so af Aided well ted us he is looking in a totally different direction. There is a very great .prevalence jof_jcoliir„ blindness, persona who cannot tell the difference between t' e shades of an orange lily and a gjpeen shamrock, Tlieh we know-that-altitude and-the- rarity of the atmosphere brii.gs dis tant objects abnormally and decep tively near to one.. A-,point ten or twelve miles- distant will, sbipetimes seem almost within a stone throw. Yes, men’s optics-are fearfully and .sometimes telescopically made. The .-well know contraction arid'dilatjion of the pupils of tlie-cat’s eye-and-the peculiarity of the eyes of the owl show that when humans would con sider that darkness o’qrspread the land those ■ inferior . animals are mewing or oo oo ing “bright, bright as day/ Enough has now “bemr strrted to convrrrce-anyone-that- A’sihle objects are not always.'what they. seem. If anything ware want ing to elucidate anil further confirm * that, position, circumstances connect ed with the alleged rescuing of a’cow ■by a-private citizen from an official of the town of Clinton, one evening last week, won Id supply the omission. It is unlawful for cows to run at -I arge-w-i tlti i i-th e-eo rpo rate-lit nits-of-- the town of CHifton, between . the .hd.ars of 8 o'clock p. m. ajnd 6 o’clock a; tn. On the nieht ill question Luke Trouse. the official referred to, with an assistant found some horned cattle at large'during the restricted .hours. They were driving them to the’pound when, so.it is alleged, aji employe of-Thos. Tiplitig interfered and ‘ declared he' would “kick,” “make it hot for”, or in wOrds equiv alent declared his determ i ation to. pi-event the impounders from tak ing along one of the "coiws which he said belonged to his employer Mr. Tipling. Fp'r . this the young rtiari’ was fined on Thursday. On Friday Mr. Tipling himself was charged be fore the Mayor with rescuing his cow uom the alleged lawful clutches of ■Mr...Trouse. Mark Copp who was with Mr* Trouse testified to finding cows on the coininons ; to driving them along the highway when he was stopped by Tipling’s employe ; that when listening to the threats, of. said employe the cattle turned a ..corner..-JLefore-cotning-to-.-Ti p lin g-8- premises,but that hp nevjBr lost sight ’ of them and that acow claimed by Mr. Tipling to have been .on his premises' all tlte evening; was one of them;’ that the night was quite clear. Mr. Tiplmg testified, that it was impos sible, lor his-cow to haveibeen one of those found at large as she was-iii „his possession all- the’ evening; lie Was expecting her to drop a calf and was particular in looking after fier ; that when Mr. Trouse demanded the' cow he told that official lie could not' have her that h©'did not give her jqp,:.tha(t he could .hot. rescue a Cdw kfter 8 b’cldck WaLwi'S already ’n -pis-possfession and haLnot_beei)_out_ ‘ofYt^ir'evening.^mTYlibugL^tire evening was so dark that he could not see a cow five feet from him, he '■'^iewn^a£*nie'cbw' was in his posB- e i n all the time because he, couid put out his hand and-touch her;- that owipg to the darkness of the evening Trouse And his aid must have ■ been mistaken. In fortlmr proof of this Mr. Tipling testified to taking a lamp, after Trouse hud left him, and found a cow belonging to XV, Weir, which must have b< Hthe one 1’rouse Was after, about 25 jtards away.' 'There was a bull along with her. This cow was , the mother of his, Tiplmg’s, and was of same weight, height and Color, and the one could not be distinguished from the other except by the ritrgs otr tlie horns. The case was evidently an optical delusion,or mistaken identity. ‘And Mr, Tiplingjco'uld a< count for the mistake of Trouse and his aid by. tlmir alt wing the cattle to get .out of .their sight, the night, being dark, and coining up to - Tiplin'g’s and finding thefe the exact coun * part of one they had been driving to.; the pound, they • naturally pounced upon hisi this was.where they made the mistake. Whether it was owing to the darkness of the nighfy 1H effect upon the optics of Mr, Trouse and hjs aid, the density of the atmosp- lierfi when “tjie evening shades pres vail,” or the Siamse similarity of the cows, Mr, Tipiingrconclusively prov ed that the identity of his COW with the one Trouse had on the road to the pound could not be entertained for a moment. The Mayor distniss- bd the case against 'Tipling, who of fered to pay a fine if, upon bringing the two cows together on the market place Trouse coiild, even id day light, toll w .aww'wrra:. Reduced Price List of the Revised Version -OF THE-- •0------(o)------(o)-------0- i * t I * 1 ?1 00 1 80 1 00 1 (W 2 25 2 76 4 60 $2 10 2 80 3 SO 3 85 .. ' W 00 .. 14 W <3 Chris. Dickson, Clinton. Education.—Teachers Sloan of No. 7, Hullett, and Galbraith of No. 8, East Wawanosh, have added much to the appearance of their res pective school premises by the good judgment, excellent taste and energy they have displayed in planting trees etc. Work done in this line will have a wonderful effect in enlarging the minds and increasing the mental activity of the pupils. Have You Got Worms.?—There is a peripatetic genius going the round’of private houses locking for “worms.” He is understood to have; a panacea for aH diseases, and the root of all these is Vworms.”. .Kill the worms and you will destroy all disease. . He must do some business or lie would not travel. . It passes comprehension how any rational per-, son can patronise such quacks, men whom they have never seen before, who have obtained a smattering of medical.terms from patent medicine almanacs etc., and whose conversat ion, appearance and occupation prove that they know nothing of the “healing art.” But they do sell their wares, to the great danger of the lives ’ of the persons using them. Surely there is culpable credulity-on - the part of a portion of the public ; the woman folk are the orfes whom this-class of quacks most easily im pose upon. Time and again we have seen in the daily newspapers where persons have lost their lives jrr wrecked their systems by placing confidence in travelling quacks whose alleged herb dr other medicine was going to cure them—-in some cases of only fancied - ail meh ts. jSTot long since one of these gentry punctured the skin, back of the ear,on the head of a child- in London, Ont., and left solne quack oil to be rubbed in. The “herb’l oil . contained sufficient of some poisonous drug tp throw the., child into convulsions from which it died. - The quack .was tried for mur der which.was changed tomanslaugh-. ter, found guilty and sent to prison’ Only the other <jay 0,10 °f th0?6 quacks was fiiied $115 for practicing his cure all business in Peelee Island, Essex County, ;Ontario; "Where there are resident physicians and. . druggists whom the law say# are competent persons ' in jlieir several ' lines and whom the public know and can have a choice of-.in consulting, there is no excuse for-persohs trust-, ing their, lives, with the possibility of being cheated out of their nioney £s well, to uoti-professional strangers and tramps who wander from; door to door seeking whom they may en- .trap. ■ -This genius who lias been go- ing the rounds of private houses in Clinton, when' he finds the inmatep have not worms, will, from—a-casuaL l,ook at the’ female inmates, impart the information that all women are subject to peculiar ailments and-pro ceed to form a diagnosis of the pat- ticula:- aileg'd infirmity of those be fore him with a view r, i selling his nostrum? If lie is allowed to pre scribe lie will most likely give them .some p.otibii which, like.that of his Yank<- prototype, will give them “worms ’. ■ Whb11 bh has , their, ail ment reduced to “worms” then is .the tinier for his particular nostrum pit is “death on worms”. _ , • TuiFLRSV“The Exeter boys took second prize in the 1 titer national Hoe^1 Reel race at the Brantford touriia' ineiit last week—The Brussels. Post is .tlie authority for the statement that the correct “.inquiry,,in that burg just now is, “Where-do you get your' “Spruce.” In Goderich the proper things is, “Where do you get your “Milk”? W-liilein Cliiitoir. “WhererweJiarve-no-naugliti ness,—the- ‘ exclamation is; *What a dry town’?—- A Clinton schopL boy.- on the way home from school stabbed a comrade, in the lower portion iff the breast. The wound in nt>t serious— Mrs, John L. Sturdy and daughter of Harriston, were in town l »i-t week on their way home after visiting at Mr. Cluff’s, Goderich township— L-.wyer Manning is-away in Algoma enthusing the Grits up to the voting point-rThe Trustees of the Method * Vst'-Ubureb' have sold 8 lots on Rattenbury and Princess Streets t > J. Johnston, H, Sleep, G>. and W- Beasiy, for $2,05.0’—An annex will , ^he' tJLC;to the._rear eb(l of Ratten - ?bui^y St^Meflio<ri8t church.; enlarg ed accommodation being required— Rev. Mr. Salt'on id doing good work among the youthful , attendants . at the Methodist. Sunday Schqpl,' by providing prize’s at His Qwp c$st and giving them to the scholaig who - wer Biblical questions. The method'Mr..Salton has adopted' has a direct'tendency to stimulate research into and a knowledge of the content^ of the . Good Book—The •manager of The Mols'on’s Bank at Clinton And Airs. Brewer are having an outing in the lower provinces— The Elliott implement factory, of London, which was. recently destroy ed by fire, have notified their agents that they will be able to fill all orders taken, ha'vfhg secured other premises in, running order ; Mr. J. B. Weir, who has his depot next tci Cantelon’s grocery, is <'.eir agent' hertteQarling and Pinning are selling a number of at- valuable aid" to butter making on the f> rm, tafhe Churners Friend”—Saturday oyening the Plymonth brethren discoursed ■ .on;the Market Square, and tho 8, A. with d.rutn and banners' appeared also—-Builder Charlesworth has the walls of the new residence he is con* structing for Miss Foxton up, and the builder’s of St. Paul’s Sunday School house aro putting the roof on it—Drum-Major “Tom” Carling is a born diciplinarian, the way he puts the "members of the town band through their ‘’fadings” would tho roughly irradiato the darkest recesses of tho soul of the most taciturn mar tinet— Inspector Malloch is on offic- al business Wingham and Turnberry- ward—Kngineer Proudfoot, P. D, 8, may take action against the municip ality where ho ha' “ jury done his huggy through ineffici-, ent protection to the roadway-r-The Ontario Street Methodist S. S. will pic-nic on July 1st.—The Salvation Army have purchased the temper ance, hall, the price biting $500— Reeve McMurchie and Deputy W, Coata returned’1 from Ephesus on Saturday looking none the worse of their tussle with the “aniraile”—- Saltford, Goderich tp, and Nile cor respondence of the News-Rlc/ird appears in the’Godgrich Grib paper without any credit therefor—At a • foot ball match io Seaforth between the club of that burg and Clinton, on Saturday, our boys were badly downed—Art thar Cooke? And the answer came yes, then the twain were made* one flesh—Oliver*How-7 boh is hovering on the dizzy verge, we hope he will recover—Arthur Cooke and bride had, a pleasmt reception party at H. W's., Monday night—The A, F. and A. M’s have secured the pretnisqB over Cooper’s grocery and will fit itmp for a Hall. The location is a cheery one.^—At Bayfield on Monday- the Clinton Knights of the willows were “wal loped” by those of the lakeside, vil lage* Goderich--Township. Council met ’ as Court of Revision at Holmesville, May 30th. Members all present; these having qualified, the appeals were proceeded with. Mrs. Hawley's appeal asking for a reduction on her real property to a par with her neighbor's, as the place had now to be rented as a farm and the buildings were of no more value to a tenant than ordinary farm build ings—reduced from/9,400 fjo $7,000. George Parson’s appeal asking that the amount of his personal property assessed at $170 be struck off the roll ; as he iB indebted for said property ■to the amount of said assessment—- the amount struck off. Arthur "•’KWox’8 appeal .on his real property . asking for a reduction and stating said property was now.' worthless' -through’ the operation- of-the/Jcott- Act—no reduction made! . Some half dozen dogs .were struck off the roll they having died or been killed since assessed. The Court of Revision closed. The minutes of last meeting were read and passed. A 'few changes were made in statute labor, some small parcels of land being fentcd Bince aBsessment.1- Mrs. John Gibson was-paid $5 bonus on wire fence. A number of minor matters were disposed of and the Council adjourned to meet again on the first Saturday, in July. JaMes Patton, ,- . ’ • /- ’ - . ~ ia- Clerk*. . 4' And TAILORING. .. For summer weather we are showing a very full selection ot White Lawns, White Pks, White Spot Muslins. Colored Muslins, Colored Lawns, Embroweb?5£ and Laces,—Lace Parasols, Silk Parasols, Cotton Parasols and Umbrellas.—Men’s and Bd/s' .Rubber Coats, Ladies’ Rubber Circulars/ Highest Price for Butter aud Eggs. Five per cent, off for Cash, 1 J. CALLANDER, MANAGER. e^IUate J HODCENS, DRY-GOODS PALAOfc c* UlUUuMi Luminous Dial Alarm Clocks. Ml The time can be seen as well nt night as by day. Cathedral Gong Clocks striking the half hours. Call and see them at ROB. W.COlTS’l STORE -cr^GO TOc Bobertson’s ---------iFOZR-------- HOSIERY, GLOVES, 'CORSETS HATS^ND BONNETS RIBBONS, LACES, I 4 ■D ’ll ►o- iiknpj jlul J ------O—------- MXUUUAIUNJ Note Some of Our Price Mankin Young Hyson, 40c., at -. 25a I Oolong, SI, at Pakhaong Young Hyson, 65c.,' r" '’ " Japan, 40c., at A-., - - 25c Japan, 60c., at, . . - - 50c Moyune Gunpowder, 75c,, at S'mgr, Best, 75c.,'’ut Congr, 65e,, at. '2*0 Iks, Best jiaw Sugar. •■-"c 5W til 50c, 13| lbs. Stmidard'Graiiultitcir . We Import our Goods direct from Foreign Markets, dial e<>iB>'qnent?v <».'.■ quote you lower prices than those buying in the ordinary iVny. / ‘ ’TERMS CASH. Produce of. all kinds taken'sAlue as cash See oifi St.--jk— Get Our Prices, and you will find them right. - O. J. tuthill & co., Sign of the China Tea Cannister, Searle’s Non Pin. k, ’ . ‘ ■ ciuinsTTonsr. -ont PARASOLS,Dress Good HOOP SKIRTS AND BUSTKES, The GREAT CA H STORE l\U \. \ • \ FIELD <& GARDEN SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS,9 l-J 3 A)Os llullett. ’ Mr. Geo. Spindler who cut his-leg last spring and has had'a hard tithe of/ib since, having had to.get the limb, JaneetLin jhe. mean time, is now re covering slowly. A sheep or a woolly horse, which ? Sheep washing time is /an, and a young man of our township was notic ed washing an animal in a' creek the other day. Some parties whb observ ed th^.process I'romA.distancbx.wexo... quite astonished at the immense pro portions of the “beastie," aud .the peculiar mode of. clipping him in inc water. Instead of the man “sousing ’ the animal in the water the animal appeared to be “sousing" the man. • On closer inspection they, came to the conclusion af first’ that the1"animal was an equine of the Barnum woolly horse 'breed, Drawing ncaror- the. man was seen gesticulating wjjdly with his hands-. Getting'closer they found that lie had a small tin wash-, dish and was dipping water from the creek and splashing it over what they, had taken’ for ap immense sheep or a1 woolly horse. '-S?ie woolly looking coat . was only one of mud.. Explanations ensiled and it was' disclosed that- the horse had fallen and rolled over fn. the mud and the peculiar operation ..that lookcd ..like._waslijng7:sheep—was-: merely the owner trying t.o give his horse a presentable appearance* Rev. Mr. Craig will deliver ^ dis course to the Orangemen at Summer hill on the 12th of July, NORTH-WEST WAR NOTES, It is gratifying to find from. Rev. ‘Mr; Quinney and others who have just escaped from-Big Bear that the prisoners with that chief are alive ‘and fair.ly well treated. None pf,the t women, have suffered personal in dignities a 8 alleged, by some. -The viciouB .outraging of women .p'ri.s'o'rierB by’lndtans ib so totally unusual that- the people have hdi 'believed the ^tpri^4J.tMr.0JJlQWjiinQck_.jinci ."Mie's] Delaney V being outraged, and the public* will gladly learn from this authoritative source that such has not been, the case.. .Gen. Middleton, under date of Fort Pitt, June 6, Bays he has received in-. fffFftiation from Gen Strange that Big Bear’s band has broken apayt, virtual ly into two parties, and he has. still . the McLean families and several other prisoners. Middleton is going to follow both trails with his mounted men, and hqpOs to catch Big ?Hear •yet. • ' Capt/ Steele; 70 mounted scouts ahd police, hadian engagement with Big JBear'at Two Lakes, 50 miles north east"of Fort Pitt on,June 3. He came upon the Indians at n|,ne O’clock in the morning as they Were striking camp. He immediately at tacked them. Finding their frdnt too strong he executed a clever flank movement, taking the Indians in the rear and driving them “in disorder 'adfoss a' small creek, where he was unable to follow on account of his ‘'small force. The Indians numbered fully 250. Tie flaw no^igna of the prisoners during the fight. Steele sent Interpreter-McKee with a flag of truce, He advanced, but was fired on. He got near enough to be heard and called out toJBig Bear in Indian, and. lie replied Indistinctly, McKee Said “If you will deliver our people we will cease firing.” The Indians replied, “We intend to clear you out.” Steele’s loss was three wounded*. MoRny and six* scouts of Strange’s liaye brought in Mrs, Delaney, and Mrs. Gowanlock end eight men—five half-breeds and two wood CrOes— who were encamped by themselves. TheChurner's friend! ...../ ’ijlOW Sale by Catlin tfinniftt** cun too. The dfudgrty ot ordinavv ....aveldfd byscflutln/rosft oHTk* i.’hnt) !■NHIW Vllfllllllik / HVWllVt i. K—Lx t Stylish Scotch Tweec/s, - Beautiful New Trouserings, Handsome Spring Overcoatings.' AH Goods New. No old, accumulated Stock. -Pantsfrom $3 up, All-Wool Tweed Suits $1$. tK^Perfect Satisfaction Given or no sale. C. C. RANCE, THE HUB CLOTHING HOUSE, CLINTON. «■■■■■„•■■■.■ ....... ■.... ' i . ........... .......' ,, 1^. J. '/ EvervTuslness man pow-a-days advertises cheap goods . In order.. .. to find out who is really selling the Cheapest Goods is to giveto find out who is really selling the Cheapest Goods is to give L f a trial, and you will find they are cheaper than the’ cheapest. No old stock -ALL NEW GOODS to sclecl*from. We • do not give any quotations here oh special lines, as goods so much in price / I ) I AT- teas FINE TAiLORlNu ! M. FISCHER, SMITH’S BLOCK, * CLINTON, ONT. The correct place forpcrfect-flttirig garments at closest queUtione. Pit, Workmanship, Assured AV“ MILLINERY A SPECIALTY / ........... . ‘ •■■■-. 11 ' ■ •Er’ Remember'the Cheap Dry-Gooda Store, next to Cooper & Son’s Grocery, opposite .the Market Square. I <4 “V’T-.’Z" . ■ ° ■'“‘'J' “K can and examine—-^ .. - -■ 0(fen and T ‘ and'the 6ounuy,°h(jt seJl pjjfc® S| r*eciahy‘ mWerdo8’notdpeddr Wftrrnnted« sell purely on merit, 1‘rJces Low <’nn ’V'6" tbr0,,«b l,1« tal1 and see stock. I aa IL . IN FULL OPERATION. , ------------0—o—o------------- Manufacturing in All Branches Attended to. ------------—------0--------------------- i - ——Have always on hand a— LARGE TWFFnQ STOCK OF I VVL.CUO Flannels, Blankets, Yarns, etc., SS“ CHEAP FOR CASH, OH Id* EXCHANGE FOR WOOL E. CORBETT, . Manager« J Clinton, May loth, 1385, 1 JOB PRINTING. In retui'ningi’tbankB to mymiiny friends and patrons for ptisi_pfttronnge, 1 would - -,w ,u—Z like to lian theirxp.ec.ial..at.terition. .tq.ro5<V.0kvLcomplcte.Alock,.oif ■ • .. ... HARNESS, WHIPS, CURRY 7C0MBSf. ^RUSHES, ETCMV“ETCi - ’ to uiy stock of'* . " " 'i It will be found very complete, and for durability and finish cannot be excelled ) r any one., Ab I employ none but the beat workmen, and Use the best material to hti bought in the market, all who.may faVor me with their patronage may feel confident; • ' ’ of getting satisfaction. ®f3r*PRICBS AWAY DQWN. * Trunks and Valises in. great variety and Prices Low. GEORCE A ___________________ . . SINGLE"HARNESS:-: ■J, ■I*. -I ■ Barb Wire. E^'BARB WIRE/S3S * —Ask for and have no other than the-- WASHBOURN-MOEN MANUFACTURIKC