The Huron News-Record, 1885-05-13, Page 4FAPER LAWS
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■hureli.—Services on Sumla-vat 11
■ in. Bible Class, 10 a.m. Sunday
K>.m. Service on Wednesday, »
Kt Craig. B. I)., Rector
Methodist.—Services at 10,30 a, in.
In. Sabbath ScIi,qj1 at 2.30 p. tn.
tshvtdrian.— Services at 11 a-ni. api
ISahbatli School, 2‘.30 p. m. Ubv.
Lit, Pastor,
Ltian.—Services at 10.30 a. in, and
Kabtiath School, 2.30 p,ui. Rbv,-J.,
ptor. ’ .
hurah-— Service at 0.30 p. ni. Sab-
, 2.301>. in. Rev J. Gray. Pastor.
ma hubon
t/7 Record,
i), Wednesday, May 13th
of canada“and“loohaber, by j.iaokay in the Scotchman.
Hi Macleod f~ AVoul(Tit Eear
Hi story told ? .
■rmy legend of the days of old,
■ and tournament and high em-
■ize, ■
■gbtly-feuds beneath fair ladies’
■true story of our modern time,
■s befel, in coid Canadian climg,
■zen winters, past, Duncan
■- man—one of millions—in the
Iwart wight lie was, whom but to
I to wish friend rather -Jhan-
Ith by trade, a bluff, hard work-
lig man,
II of his sires, his race, his name,
lis clan.
tYrilT^rikht KFm cdiinniTiTO^
Inan down .
[ball a skittle-; his. broad brow was
brown ■
honest toil, and in his clear
due eye
ed strength to conquer fortune
or defy. ■' ■ - '
Work all sufiwlent lor the passiug
With something left; to hoard* and
put away.
Content and Uuhcan ueVer dwelt
And love and Jeanie’ nestled at his
In summer eves, his face towards the
, sun, “
Haloved to sit, hiB long day’s labor
dope, .
And smoke his pipe beneath the syc.-
> amore,
That cast cool shadow at his cottage
And'hear his bonnie Jean, like morn
ing iarfc, ” ' ’*•
Or nightingale preluding to the dark,
Sing the old Gaelic melancholy songs
Uf Scotland's glory, Sootlauds rights
ami wrongs,
■ Or true-love ditties of the olden time,
Breathing of- Highland glens and
moorland rhyme.
Thus years wore on. Their sky seem
ed sunny blue
Without a cloud to shade the distant
Of happiness to come. A child was
born, „
Fresh to the father's heart as light of
Sweet to the mother’s as a dream of
A blessing asked, but scarcely hoped
when given, „ ’
Most dearly prized I Arias! for. hu
man joy, . ’ ’
That Fortune never builds but to
destroy I '
That child wap purchased -by the
mother's health,
Arid Duncan’s heart grew heavy as by
stealth “ „ "
He gazed and saw the sadness* in her
• *' smile,
That lit, yet half extinguished it the
For, ah 1 poor Jeanie was too fair and
To bear unscathed' Canada’s wintry
‘gale; - '
And hectic roses flourished on her
- cheek,-
-Filling his heart with grief tpo great
to speak. — ■ •
Long, long, he watched her, and es
sayed to find
Comfort and hope I At last upon his
. mind
Burst suddenly the thought that he’d.
All that he had earned in that new
’world of^ woe «■
-And-bear her back, ere utterly for
To the moist mountain" clime' where
Bh'e was born, • .
To dear. Lochaber, and' the Highland
■ bills, __‘_ ‘mi. '
And wave invaded gleps and wimp,
ling rills,
vVhere first he found -her I Late,
alas I too late I ’ ■ . . .
“Duncan,". she said, “I feel approach-
; ing fate,
And may noUtruvel o’er the stormy
- - aea f ,* Z L.....• •
To die on shipboard and be torn from
thee; \
Here let me^nggr till I go to rest 1
Time may be sKort^rJong, God know-
./ eth best.
Ilut as the tree that’s planted in-the.
• ground, .
And sheds its blossoms andlts.leaves
'around, ' ■'•■/-
“Diw^vhere it lies, so let me live and
die . , ■
Where thou hast brought me ,’twixt
——-the-earth-and sky.—. ■— ——
I’d not be buried in th’ Atlantic wave,
But in brown earth with daisies on my
.- ..grave; ' . . f f ' -/
Fresh blooming gowan from Lochy
. aber’s braes
her own luxuriant tresses.
‘It is short, but pretty and curly,
and she ia far too good for that boy,’
| ‘Nellie! Nellie I That sounds rather
] bitter, and puts me in mind of the
fox and the grapes.’
|, A little indignantlaugh fcrokd from
| Nellie’s lips as she looked over there
| by the lake. ■
Half a doa<*n girls, in the most en
gaging summer costumes, hovering
around the recumbent form of the
curly headed heir, who with a sweet
smile upon hia lips, accepts their
subtle flatteries, while each vain lit
tle heart flutters with delight ua their
being the favored one. .
Something weak, almost contempt
ible about the group.
As Nellie turned away her eyes
met those qf Wendell Verney, and by
the expression in his lace ah-e knew -
that something of the same thought
had passed through his mind,
It was then that she decided, that
her answer to Percy Uakleigh should
>be in the negative; for, comparing the
two men, the younger lost so much
that not all the lords of Uakleigh
’could turn the balance in bis favor.
A very stately room was the library
of -the’ball,, and Nellie was' very’gWd 1
when the interview wbb over with
Percy, although ifiortified that he did
not take the refusal in the tragic way
that she had read about in novels.
• • * . • a:
Af beautiful night, the soft.south
wind just rustling the leaves in the
chestnut groVe, the firmament ablaze
with .heaven's jewels, and beneath,,
wfiere-afl is quiet and still, Wendell
Verney is telling his love to Nellie
‘And you will ba my wife, darling,
and ' help me win. a name and for
tune I’
‘Yes, Wendell,’ she Raid shyly.
‘But when will you be back lrom New ,
York !’
‘In a week, I hope. What can I do
to prove my gratitude to you for
casting your lot in life with a-poor^
man !’
‘Why, promise never to love me
'less .than you do . now,’_she.said,.
• laughingly, drawing her hand from
his clasp. .
‘But I hear the carriage coming to
take you away.’
‘Away, ah, yes—but a week and I
shall return, never to. part from you
again,’- and the stars looked softly
down,'blinking kindly in the vault of
heaven, the: sole witness of his victory.
gained by hearts over' diamonds.
I Were his words, and those but.
■rough at best,
I. truthful ever as his own true
liomely nature, not of winning
I ways, .
Igiven to tears, or overmuch of
[praise; "
with a. heart Bs^gdileless aB a
With. Scottish earth enoi
.mound to.raise
Above my Head;
/ . done' : '
When your fir Jeanie’s moftal race
ieven year
d that frolics in the
.Dfihald left his shieling in the
the burn side that wimples down
the Ben,
gray Lochabfer’s melancholy'shore,
d sighed, like others, “1 return no
■ more,”
try bis fortune in the* fight of life
a new world, w.ith fairer field for
strife . " •
mn .Scotland ofifers, overfilled with
et scant of acres to reward their
pains’, '
e wooed with simple -speech a
, Hjgland maul, •
nd asked her, “Would she quit her
native land,’
Iler mother's- love, her father’s guid
in’ I a n>1,
ind make another sunshine faraway,
7)7 hiin jijpne?” She blessed the
•v happy day .
'hat a good man, so honest and so
brave, . -...........
lad sought the heart and hand she
freely gav<. ■
’0 See the pair, the man so massive
'he maid so frail, yet-winsome as a
song, ,
i'ou might have thought t4ie oak had
chosen lof bride
he gowim glintibg on the green Iiil;
bide I *
Ind Jeanie (,’nmeron ! happy wife WaB
she, *
filing with Duncairo’er the summer
sen,-' ,
uul dreaming, as (he good ship cleft
the foam, • . ’
if independence and a happy home
m that abundant mid rejoicing soil
hat asks but-hands to recompense
ilieir toil.
.nd fortune favored them, as fot'ttlfie
JI who add strength and virtue to
good will.
d«! Imncan-R hands found always
Voik well repaid, which, growihg
ever grew; '
Voik and its fair reward but seldom
il the old lend, whence hopeful lie-
had llmvu;
‘Three days to think “of it,’ mused
Nellie Ciaymore, walking up and
down the narrow strip of grass that
skirted the doctor’s t compact little
.dwelling. ‘Three days before the
garden party, and then I shall have
to decide whether I shall be mistress
of all Uakleigh or the wife of a sur
geon in one of the poorest practices
in New York.’
Seeing her so charming in Jier
brown holland dress and ample gar
den hat, with her golden hair flutter
ing in thp sunshine, little cause for
wonder that the heir of half the Bur-
rounding country had lost bis heart
to her so tar as to entreat her to be
come the lady of Uakleigh’ hall.
The offer was a very flattering and
tempting one to Nellie, and she was,
too much of a woman to refuse the
offer at once just just because she did
not love him, So three days had she
taken co consider his proposal, and
in the library ot Uakleigh hall on his
21st birthday had agreed co give him
her final answer,
‘Three days, to think of wbat, Misb
Claymore?’ exclaimed a voice from
the surgery window, and looking up
with some embarrassment that the’
first part of her sentence had been
heard by the studious young Burgeon
who was taking a brief holiday ’neath
the doctor’s roof previous to taking
a practice in the upper wards of Ngw
llis face was a sad one, toojjnucli so
to be deemed handsome, but lie was
interesting looking. .
‘Indeed, Mr. Verney, I had no idea
I was speaking my thoughts, and still
leBS tliat you were within -bearing,?
replied Nellie, coming to the case
ment about which' the rose twined^
lovingly, .•
‘Nellie,’ lie said, ‘I was thinking
how sorry I shall be to leave this
place for the city and change this
rose covered cottage for a dingy
apartment in a dirty street.'
‘Must you go yet ? You have only
been here two months.’.
H must, or I shall not have a penny
to start with. Besides I am getting
every day less inclined th work.
Pleasure is enervating, it seems to
sap all my energy.' ’■
‘Papa will’ miss you very much, and
so shall I. But y.013 will soon be well
kriown in the big world, and though
you must work through poverty you
must not mind,’ ‘If I had you. to
talk to me I think I ^liould be the
first in the country before the y.ear is
out,’~fie“ saidwith a. flush of . hope
'.mounting to his earnest face that
made tlife dark lashes droop b'ver’N’eP"
lie’s eyes, while a decided flutter
about her heart.warbed her that they
were now approaching an interesting
crisis! ' . . . ..
‘Nellie,;Neilie,'Where are you?"I
’ . i . j . ( tutu x ea, respuimeu me
ma.V-.e^b.eenJookingMor-^you-^alUdayyn- '-d-ran -Turnirig^qriricl«ly on—the
-cried the owner of a. racher-curioqs,
fussy looking head which appeared at
the upper window. ■
'' ‘Here, papa,’ answered Nellie, while
her companion-hastily withdrew from
the casement.
. ‘Have you-written out Those prg^
scriptions yet? No? Well; I cjtrfriot
Cherry Pectoral
No other oomp’aintF are so inaidicua In their
attnclc those nflVciing the Uimnt and lur-ga:
none so trilled bj Uie ie^vriiy of
ers, The coygh'w cold, multh g
perhaps from a trlK t g or uitco::wi<w ex-
poHure, ia often but the bt^-i-nli.g of u fatal
' :kners. Avim’s Ci:
•11 proven, fiii tli'-en.-
::.yuY m., lias
■j'liui In ly v ms' ti :ht
thr- at an-: jung u ic •• 3,,auu*uvi*»d be
i in all cases wlu.oiit de’ay,
A Terril le Ckriigh Cn’v4.
111:1 to"l< fts> mlecii'.il.'ftlileln'ff'i’trf
..i-I's. 1 huff a t n.i :uc< > jji.r 11- t-->
-hl iittur ji’ebevlihuutMcop. Tir-uHti'i
IC me lip. 4 L. 'll AYi.K’ti Cm.:.i;» 11->
".’..I-1. ii *T-«
su-v'i. ami iui«’i'iRd me the rc.-i bctim
•>...................... j* — ..............’• liy ti •
11 j« a
n a
giiyVlHC! «(»• 41 M ‘*t »#•** »*
toual, wlih-li r< i ived my lungs,
lor Hie ni-ovi-iy of my etwinii.
Cilll Iiw-l U V l! U.C 1’11 ,
in-lit euro was eliect- -I. J 1 ni now liL 1'i-t-
i»il, litiw m u lii-ari,., ami am saUsmcu jou
uirnmcv m-AiiHi vL saved u e,
11<>P'CH 1 . l> BK01im«.”
. ltocMugbam.-yt., Jmy 45, lu2.
Croup- —A Motlicr’s Tribute.’'
•‘•"While in the coin Uy 1nat V> t<-r my little
bf>V,tiHC<’ yim><>'-.‘, was tai cu itiwiu in up,
it k-erned as if lie would uie pom sinmgU’
laumi. Ouv 't tho fam li suuvsitd iln- use
Ol AVEH’S‘C.d'.BKV l’l'ITlH.'Al., R Utile ot
W-iieli was Hiv.ay.s |i- ptin the bouso. ’
was tried m si-mli uud ire< uei t ik s.s, ai.d
to our delight lets than half an hour the
blue jiatu-nl. was bri alii-iig ti i-Hy. 'lhe doc
tor said that the 1 1:1 v Pn- miKM. l.iul
gave 1 my d.n nip's lile. tan jou sobdei' at
our grnijtuoefeinct rely y ours,
? t;s. 1---MA GrrNFV.P
153 Vt’esc 128111 St., i.ew link, fdaj 10, H8?
^Vl'Tfiiave tiscil Avi:r's Cm-'uur PiKTonAt
* in my family ii-r sei. r.-l ,'enis, ri d < <> not
lmslL-to to pr<ir<-u> <•« it the » ost dl't-eliml
remedy for couaus ami eili s r.o Lave <nr
U-i-d. A. -I. <T:anl,“
Luke Crystal, Minn., Marell It, 188‘A
“ I suifered for eight years from Broncliftis,
arid ail-rti'.-iug '■ r< i n i.i; s wiih 1.0 suc
cess, 4 was eured-by the use < f A*' ids cm it-
bv PiaTiij: vl, .'Ist ui \\ aluls.” ■
Bybttlm, Aiiw-, April O^lbW,
“I ch’.uint?A-enouflt In j'wiire of Avfii’s
Clwmitv I’Ti’ion.-. L, b-fiiviig as 4 do that
but for its us-' 4 slmuld long ill ei have r.icil
from luii-.t troubles. p, LbaUJUON.
l^, I vans, April 22, lbt-2.
No-cnse of an affection of the throat or
lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved
by the use of Ayer’s Cheiiby Pectoral,
and it will fthi'ai/s c'^e when the disease ia
Hot already beyond the control of medicine,
Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co:., Lowell, Mass,
Sold by all Druggists.
FOR DYSPEPSIA- and Liver Com
plaint, ydu have a primed guarantee
on every bottle of Shiloh’s Vitalizer.
It neverffails to cure. Sold by, J- H.
Combe.. - ---------I 320-ly. ’
■»“ Barry Sullivan, the Irish tragedian,
was, playing “Richard IIL.’ some
.years ago at Shrewsbury in England.
When the actor came, to the line,
“A horse! a horse! my kingdom fora
horse!’ some one in the pit cal'ed out:
‘Wouldn’t an ass <lo; you,
van?’ ‘Yes,’ responded fife trage-
I- j inter
im pter, ‘please co$e round-to .the
jstage door.’ .
to at all ?
'shall do
me,land you know all jny^patients at
Moorvi-lle g
you, do then
gether. Will
,.ifyou intenoF
ust, be olf.Jw.’What I
u'i> cl
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Ari old pbysiciaii, retired from' pvactice,
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. A dentist at Washington claims to
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The VoltAio Belt Co,, of Miu'shall,
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Cautious customer (who has heard
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pre strong man wept, “Jeanie !..”
■was Ml he said, . - ■ •
“Oh, Jeanie ! Jeanie LR.and he bowed,
' his bead, .- . .
And hid his/aoe hehind'his honest
^—handsT-f^”^—•" T \ jr
-The saddest man in all those happy .
’ lands.) '
“Jeanie F” he ' said, “ye .maunna',
And leave’ the world_ to miseryJand.,
“Duncan 1 ” she answered, “woeful
is the strife
That my warm heart is fighting for its
lifej • . • .
And much as-M-desire 'lotLthy dear
sake, .. ' ‘ J
And the. wee bairn’s, to live till age
o’er take,
I feel it cannot be.- God’s’ will is all ;
Let’ us accept it, whatsoe’er befall! ’’
his forge, and took his
(for Lochaber ' o’er the
sorrow and alone with
And,-.Teahi0.die4,/ .Bhc badriot-IaindL
the indols
tool’d .
And closed
To Glasgow,
■ foam:
Alone with
,lli® heart
And long ere forty days had run their
round, '
Duncan was back upon Canadian
Duncan, the tender heart, the rough,
■ - the brave,
Wi<lf earth«and gowans for hiy true
■ loves grave!
London, England, April 10, 1885.
Curious Coin.
Canadian Salt onequaj’.led.-^-
Profosscr Arnold, tl>« qininmit, Am
erican authority on all questions r«*
latmg to.ilirirying, before.the Iriiini
gration and Colonization committee
gave bis opinion on the’respective
•.merits of the different varieties of
suit fordairying purposes. He said
that much of (Im talk about the salt
of differeht countries for this purpose
were tlje ideas worked by dealers
and agents. lie had carefully con
ducted a series of experiments with
Liverpool and. Goderich salt, ami
the latter produced I lie better results,
and inasubsuquent experimentcamn
out ahead ot Liverpool salt, In
short, Canadian brines the
purest in the world, and tTio Cjm*-
dian article vtas now coming into
competition' with the tTnited States
fialtiof dairy purposes ifi the AmeiL
can .home makers.
hen Mr. Verney ‘goes [
fnow, although lie is generally.
Thinking of-something else ivhen I
am tai king tb him/ Dr. Claymore con;
•tinued, coming' down, to the ball,
■ where Nellie was waiting .10 give him
his hat. - - '
-■■s‘Now get my staff,—lie always'call-
'• ed ifa staff—-‘and run .for my'gloves.
I know-t-lTQs®”twO Wig'by girls
be dead, by this time,’.'and he stamp
ed up.and down the hall i'n a fever of
excitement. .‘.There !.goodbye,' -and
don't bother me with your kisses ; I
have never time for anything but
,Work. If you don't, get those done
-b-y-the- time-treturn-you-shall 'no,t go"
to- the fete.’ . " - ■
‘After that threat IMl do it. Good
bye, dear, and be home as soon as you
can,’ answered Nellie attending him
" ta the-gate. - . J. - '
■‘Gooff ffye. ' Tel~r*Mr”"Verney.'that*
I shall expect him to comeutiris after-’
noon for a few hours’ fishing up
stream. And if lie wants something
to do lie may as well get my tackle
in order., for it positively frightens me
to see it in the condition it is? ’ And
with this parting injunction the fussy
though really good naturfed doctor
Walked down the .road olj his errands
pf mercy, leaving Nellie to watch his
broad fOriii until it disappeared be-
.liind.axl.ump-of-.lmdge-row. ■ ,
‘ * * * «.
... It is the day-of the fete.. All Oak-
leigh and Moorvilie are "alive with
flagsand bunting, arid a* triumphal
arcli' over the big gate marks the
entrance to the hall.
. This arch is to be illuminated-in the*
evening, arid the inhabitants of the
neighborhood aro. to be further de-,
lighted ■ by a grand display of fire
works. All in honor of the young
heir- J’here he is, leaningagainst the
terrace rails. Handsome, you think,
don't you.
o, Still tl.ipre is such a decided lack
of character in Ills face that it looks
almost girlish.
Un the scat by the terrace steps is a
party of young girls, among whom is
Nellie Claymore.
‘Arp you invited to’the ball to-night
Nellie I’ asked a bright eyed member
of the group.
‘Yes, dear, but I don't think I shall
go/ replied Nellie.
‘Not go ?’ echoed round In aston
isliment, ’Why, I- would go if it were
only to see the diamonds and plate.
But you perhaps’ have seen them,
haven't you ?’ ....f, .
‘Yes; they are certainly vei’y beau
.‘I wornler who will be the lucky
woman who will catch the heir to the
diamonds I’ said Lucy Beifling, one of
. the girls, with a quick laugh, “it's
certainly worth trying for.’
Report said at the time that she
was trying very hard herself.
‘See how he is flirting with Miss
Monroe,* It is not likely to be one
of us, do you think I’,’
‘I don’t know -about that; her hair !
is so short, and I c.ab't t|flnk why it’j
don't grow/ said Lucy, shaking opt
- Tn the north of Scotland, the
minister was taking to- task ori'e of
his. flock, who-' was a frequent
• absentee, and the.accused defended
'himself oil a, plea of long sermons.
“’Deed, man,” said the reverened
■ monitor,,a little nettled at the jnsin-
uation, “if ye dinna mend,, ye may
land .versel.’ whaur ye’ll no be troubl
ed wi’ many-sermons, either long or
short.’; “AVeel, aiblins sae,”o retorted
John, “but it may be, nae far want of
'ministers.” .;; '•
Feyer colic,,iZAJUjaatural' appetite,
fretfulness; (Weakness, and convul-,
sions, are some of ■ the' effects- of-
Worms in. Children;' destrqy the
worms with Dr. Low’s Worm Syrup. !
’ ' ' 337-4t
A sorry-looking specimen was be
fore tjie' police'-judge. “You are
charged jvith being a vagrant-,1’ said
lit iC:Ti’^-*1 ■• vov ••-ya ivvnyiru'iw icuf uwttij
jedge,” respond the man. “Have
you no.home?” “ Not in these parts,
jedge.” “No Jrifenjlfe'?- “I ve got a
wife- inj’exas, jeclge.” Why don’t
you go to her instead of starving and
freezing up here?” “Jedge, did you
•WTWCHfiyHIvtfS'?”’“Tir"'course I
didn’t.” “I thought so, jedge, o.r you’d
never have axked'me the question.”
“Sixty days,” said‘the- judge,- curtly.
“Much obieeg'edj jedge ; I*wuz. afeer-
ed yer wuz goin’ ter sen’ me back
ter Texas.”
Wn believe the cause of the won-
derf'ul success ef our Murray & Lan-
man’s Florida Water may be.found in
the fact that the principal aim in its*
preparation has always been to give
-the simple natural perfume of flowers}
without any chefnical addition what
ever, and to avoid, "by all means, the’
groat error of making a heavy’, -sickly,
swoet perfume,:, . ’ ..<»
• A very fat doctor was taking a walk
in the country one day, and becom
ing very tired and hungry he thought
it would shorten his walk by crossing
an adjoining field.- Meeting a man
near the gate, an.not wishing to
offend the law by trespassing, he
said— “My good fellow, would yon
please tell me if I could get through
that gate ?' The man gravely scratch
ed ■ Ids ligrid/aiid, Took frig al t e r n a te 1 y
at the gate and nt doctor s corpulent
body, at last Said, with a humorous
twinkiejn his^ye—“ Weal, sir, ye’re
gey stool, but I don’t think ye’re sac
fat but whit ye’ll get through ‘the
gate,' at least a cairt o'hay went
through'about halfan’oor syne,'
Many ladies admire gray liaison
so.nm other person.But .few care to
try its effect on their own charms.
Nor need they, since Ayer’s? Hair
Vigor prevents the hair from turning
gray, and restores gray hair to its ov-
ginal color, It -cleanses the scalp,'
prevents the formation of dandruff,
and wonderfully stimulates the grow
th of the hair. .
A Well-to do resident ofCorinecti-
ings. Alter" generously providing
for a.lawvprto make hisjwill. His
wife, and daughter watched proceed-
etit shortly before his decease sent
.for them, the sick man directed the
•lawyer to designate $500 to his aged
sister, who was needy. The wife and
daughter remonstrated angrily.
Qmefly the sick man said:‘Make it
81000 for my sister* ’ Another
proles! from the grasping pair. Make
it $1,500, ’squire,”1 coolly said the
Uaator. “You shall not I’ shouted
the woman. “Make it $2,000,’ said
the, will.maker serenely, and here
the Indios concluded to hold^thoir,
tongues. The lawver kept the secret■
for years, but gradually it leaked out
ns a warning; to Iho selfish of all
classes and sexes.
a positive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria,
and Canker Mouth. Sold by J. II.
Combe.’ 330-1 y
■»’. r/ ’ ’ ”* t . ■ • - (
“J-q’nes-r.^Yes, sir, it’is mighty hard .
to. collect- money just n-oiv. ' I know
it.’’ Smith ‘Indeed.- " Have you .
■ tried to collect and iaiicd ?’—-Jones':
. ‘Oil-, no.’—Smith::.‘How, then,/Io you
■know is hard to collect?’
■AJones : ‘Becouse several liave tried
• to collect of .pie.’. ’ . ■
. No child or grown .person can fenjoy
perfect health if troubled “with
‘ worirrs. DR. SMITH’S GERMA-N-
■ WORM REM'EDY'i;’ is the most- ef
fective worm destroyer iri the world,
pleasrnt to the taste,.and sale.' Ask
your druggist for it, and " take no'
other. • '3$L2t
■ „ A NASAL- INJECTOR, free.^-with
eadi .bottle of Siiiltih ’S /Catarrh Reifi
ed,V, . Price-50 cents. Sold by J.. H.
Combe. 336-ly .'
A prominent "divine who was to
- officiate at-a wedding,- finding him*
LSfejllJ’Jl'lJiQDgregaLm-iu._tho_cliUach -
considerably in advance of die bridal
party, asked that some one should
strike up- a hyxnri. to improve, the
time. „A good brother started off,
just as the bridal party entered, with
-the hymn begining, ‘come an, my
partnersin distress.’ '
-Our town Druggists say the l?ain
Killer sejls tlm best of any moffTcuie
they keep’; during the hard times of
the past year or twd, there were nohe
too poor to pay filicir “quarter” for a
bottle of this indispensiblo family
i Corner of Huron and Orange Streets, 0LI^y^;
The Improved Timpkin Buggy a specialty*
■» Tn Durability, Lightness and Appearance equalled by ltd other.
AU the latest iniproveil vehicles kept constantly on hand. FIRST-CLASS
BLACKSMITH »“ ccutiection. Best material and workmanship in nil
.branches, . ■ '
@S5>Kepairing and Bepainting Promptly Attended to
in di
The discovery has’ been' made in
Brooklyn that the school children are
in .the h.abit of getting’tirunk on carp
dies filled with a mixture of fusil oil
and alcohol. ■ .
■p. Each
,f. §1.00
by mail
Bourbon, Ind,, says : “Both myself
and wife owe our lives to SHILOH’S”
J. H. Qombe.. 336-ly
The Best ever offered in this
vicinity for the money.
Also', General GROCERIES,
equally cheap. \
on hand. >
Ti. contractu ihaile' ... .AforTlHSPAl'ER'
LT U A iii'-h is kept on
file at the olliee of LORD -A, TlIQ.UA’S; ,Mo; -
Coriniok Block, Chicago Ill r
’ . 7'0POWDERS.
/ • ■---------
y' '.rdy'i-m.-iit to t 'Jto, Contain their own
■ v ’ (i c, Iii’it, -gtifo,\snre,’ami
:-••• -c'lr-ma in Children or AdultB
Implements I
TUIt Sccraviug Ui« Uuuj;. m a uoiumy »uia-<J
J'illi l/ill Ti1. Vi ill itfriufTW
•s Having purchaSecF&'Rrge stock of
How to Sell Goods
------5TALK TO-— '
. TllfpAlb TV Ilf'
. ' . GrOnDES'KXC^X.
Physicians’ -Prescriptions Carefully and Accurately Compounded,
and Orders Answered with Care and Despatch,.'
. ■ The Public will find our Stock of Medicines Complete, Warranted
and of the .Best Quality ' . . * -
Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, Sponges, and all
kinds of Druggists’ Sundries usually kept in a First-Glass Drug' Store.
____....:7..'X_—--------------------------- -------:--------------- —=a.
■ wamper-| WALL'- PAPER.
The time'for House-Cleaning ia near. All wanting
Hall, Parlor, Dining -Room, or Bed
. * • ? • •
1 Best' .and Patterns
- 'REAPERS, MOWERS, ,v. ’■
- PLOWS, ' ' . . ■
/ET(J?,''eTiI;’ I-. '
Arid all Implements used on farm,
as Good-us the Best^ aniLas U'lieup.
/ ■ as the-Ghfeapest,- at. '______
’J.-- B.- WEIR’S
CMNT0N. . ‘ O NT A It 16
93” .The Bazaar.Fashion Books for 1883 are out and can be .had for nothing.
Call anC> se^ the papers and get a Book • , ■
\ He Sells’ Cheaper than anyoneon top of theEar’th.
It -excites expectoration and cau-er. tbcjAmuts
to throw off il e pble'-.mj r
secretions ami /'’te-l-.ffci'li heals i.lie'irri
and imparls: .strengih to the v hole ..system.
effect that it is warrajilrd to break n/i t’e ,
.host etisircssttiff cimgii in a jeti> i.i>urs fl>pe, if
not of Too long stdiming. 11 \s svflt> ranted 10
• mast confirmed cases cf ,CoHsU»i/>t,on !u- it is
tear ranted hot to produce Cusiiiei.Cshvmost rein. •
edies cause 'this .trouble) cr affect the head,
as it contains no opium ilfai,yja.rib. St is war
ranted to be perfectly haindesS to the niosi_
delicate child, although,it is ah active and pow-’
. erful remedy for restoring the syi-tem. There
is no re'al necessity for so many deaths bv Cbh-
sumption^ when A'i.ul'n's l.t'aG Bai.sam':will
firevent it if only taken in titiie, : To Physicians
laving consumptive patients, and-who, having
failed to cure them jyith their own medicine, We
would recommend trj give AI.PK.n's..LunG Bal
sam a trial, Sold iy all Druggists.
■——r . A. Sad Delimit. ■ ■
Npglecting-a-oanstipalori condition-
-o f the - -bo we I sy-ish-sii re--to—brin g—i 1F
Mifealth anil great suffering^ Burdock
■ Blood Bitters regqktt-e-"‘t.lie'howels in'
a natural* manner, purify the blood
and prorn’ote a healthy action of the
stomach,-’liver, kidneys and bowels.
. 337-^t ” '
'Having the utmost voiill Ichuc in.its superiority
over all otltprs, and after thousands of 4vs.ts of inc
moat complicated and s.m ere-'t cases we "COTttd■-
"■find, we feel justilied in offering to fiirfuit Due : Thousand Dollars fur any ease of Cougiis, velds./
■sore throat, inllueiiza,liuursehess,bronchitisc.oif-'
sumption, in its early stages, whooping cough,
: and all 'diseases of the throat and lungs, exvojit
' Asthma, |ur wnich Wc only claim, relief, that we curewitli West’s t'ough Syrup, whu)Ztaken
.according to.directions.' Sample buttles 25 and
50 cents; large bottles one dollar. Ueiufino wrap-
• pers only in blue. Saki-by all druggists, or sent
by express on receipt o'f price. JOifN C. WEST
M(!<.).,.sole proprietors, 81 end 83 Jung Street E., Toronto tlntl'. .J. Li. Cunlrie. ag'mit.'Ciijffbh-.mT
At Greatly Eeduced Prices
I am prepared, to sell LOWER THAN THE LOWEST.
A Gdiinectiout riiatl has a nov.el
barOirieter in the. slfiTpe-pf. four bull-
’■frogs, which live in a half hogshead
in ins spring. .'In fair -weather they
sun'themselves around a hole- in the
hogshead’s, bottom,.-but’’ when the;
storm centre moves their way they
’ (live through' the hole and out of
sight. . ' . ' .
During the mania lor toller skat
ing a rin'k’ll attract many. a. young
lady, although, As a rule, young ladies
never find a wrinkle attractive-
'No other**preparation so concent
rates and combines blood-purifying,
vitalizing, enriching and-invigorating
qualities as Ayer’s .Sarsaparilla,
Quality sho'ukl be considered ' when
making comparisons;
A physician was lecturing lately
on the ignorance of their . own com
plaints; Anil said that a lady once
asked him what his next lecture Was
to be upon? and, being told the
“circulation of the blqod,'* replieci
that she should certainly attend, tor
she had been troubled with that
complaint for a long time, /... T.......... “............. / • ■
iVnY.’.WILL YOU cough when
Shiloh’s Cure will give iriirnediate
relief. Price TOcts., 50 qts., and SI ■ Combe. 336-ly,
It is told of a worthy minister who
lived not twenty miles from Aberlour,
and sometimes officiated a9 chaplain
of a prison, that in acting inthiwapa.
city lie often forgot where he w is and,
used in ’prayer the customary pefi
lion: “May our numbers be increased;
carry US io.otu* respective places
abode.1 ,
Use Pimp. Low’s Svi.bnrR Soap
Prickly lleat,_ Nettle Rash, S<
Eruption, Itch, and all disbftscd com
ditions of the skjn. 337-4t
There is something, lovely and
primitive in the idea of two quar
relling houses going to'their joint
father-in law to got their dispute;
settled- There is, no doubt, still a
personal element in the affairs of
nations, and while1, the Czarina and
the' prdspvctJve Queen of England
in o sisters and the Emperor of (Term*
any their father in-law there should,
so far aw royalty can iuflnence svents,
bo no war, ”
Both Light and Heavy, Double and Single, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES
Trunks & Valises away down.- ’Baby Carriages in great variety^..
5,000 .Bunches of High Laud Pine .and Cedar Shingles,*
. AT1B .YOU MADE miserable by In
digestion, Constipatipn, ''Dizzin/ss,
LomS of .Appetite,' Yellow Skin ?-
Shiloh’s Vitalizer is a positiveLure.
Sold by J< H. Combe. . 33ffiTy-e.o.vv_
y ’ Z .
Miss Lee, one of the. speakers at
the recent meeting of/socialists in
Chicago." .'declared herself ready to
.^LmnhLi’-a-iniiskt't 0 kill a “mean,
dirty, awful capitalist.” - -
Nationa.l TijL are'sugar coote’dj
mild but tliorfiug'i; and Are the best
Stomach andLiver Pill in use. • 337-4
__y----------- -. _
J udgeJL—of the St. Louis Circu-.
.it Court,., like , many another judge.,
is fon/1 of a qiiiet joke. A raw Ger-,
majrwho had been" summoned for
jury duty, desiring to be relieved,
advanced as his reasrin, “Schudge, [
can nidi good English onderstan’.”
Looking over the crowded- bar, his
eye filed with humor,. Judge L--—
replied : ■“ Oh, you can serve;
won’t . have to understand
English ; you won’t hear, any
WI5 will pay the above reward’for tth.v Case of-
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia,-Hick Heiidiiclm, tn-
iiigestiofi, ConstipatioiiArXJostivencss wernnnot
cure with's Vegetable Liver I’llls, when the
dircetlon.Hivrc strictly complied with, They nte
- purely Vegetable, and never fail to give srttisfite-'
tiou. ’ Sugar Coated. Ltirgb boxes, eoiitainiiifs 30
Pills, 25 cents. , For fitllo’bv nil tirugprists. Bo-
ware of counterfeits and imitations’. The genu
ine mamif.ictnrcd C. WEHTSf CO.,
■ “The.1*111 .Makers,” 81 aid 83 King-st., E., Toron- „
to, tint. Free trial packages sent by mail pre
paid on veceipt-of a3.cent stamp. -J, Ji. Coinbc,
ngcnt.Clinton 314-iy
A Golden Opinion
Mrs. Win. Allan, of Acton, declares
that Hagyurd’s Yellow-Oil is’the best
household remedy in the world for
colds, croup, sore throat, burns,‘
scalds and othei' painful complaints,
Her opinion is well founded. 337-21
The discussion of the Budget in the
lobby of lbw British House of com
mons discloses riiiich discontent
among Irish and Scotch members,
whose grievance is the disproportion
between the whiskey and beer
dullest- the whiskey 4ax Being in
creased it half-penny per $ass, and
the beer tax only three farthing per
gallon. . . «
SHILOH »S CURE will immediately
relieve Croup, Whooping (Jougtp and
Bronchitis, Sold by J, II. Combe.
-330. fy
A woman who has taken in sewing
for a. couple of years to support her
iiv/.v and drunken husband says it Is
surprising that the Board of Health'
has not had her indicted for. “main-
turning a nuisance.’ A
Dr. F. C. West’s Nerve and Brain
Treatment, a guaranteed specific for Hys
teria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous
Neurnlgid, Ilciidaehe, Nervous Prostration
eiittscd by the use of alcohol or toba cco,
Wakefulness^ Mental Depression, Soften
ing o‘f the Brain resulting in insanity ami
lcitiliiig to ntiscry, decay ami death, Pre
matura Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of power
in either sox, Involitnt&i^-Lossea ami SpoF-
iiiatorrh<e.;i caused by over-exertion of the
Drain, self-al .............................
box contains
a box, or six
prepaid on r
for $:
........receipt pi i<
We Guarantee Six
To euro any
reived by us
with $5.00, w
tteii guan
J IT. Coml
es i: . „
Stand 83 Ki ng-st.'I to, Ont
W.est of England, Scotch land Foreign Suitings
• ■ & Trouserings, English & French Worsteds.
Goilerlcii, 1ms a spiemlifily assorted stock of new Spring and Summer Goode,
Ordered and Ready-irmdc Sults at the lowest prices .ever lienrcl of— norib but the
titst.of triimnlngs used,.and perfect fits guaranteed. A full line of CENTS*
F U R N!S HINCS always In siock. Callrnndsee, It'wiH-pay you. ■
ABiUHAM SffiSXTH, The Square.
SKfrZ a
oc C ,®
jaundice: ■
AndF every spcclfts df tttSoaia arising from
T. MILBURN & C0.. p~^^s«o,'
nARJtY RtSIlEIb the renowned Tori-
sorlal Artist, has. obtained' the wislstarice
Of a fiM-vlass Harbor, fay AH the latest styles
<ff ladjoN and jfcntlomoii's halr-eutUng. One Loot oast of the G.mtiiorolal Vote),
The Nfiws Kkcoo
jobprinting, °