The Exeter Advocate, 1891-12-31, Page 8rtwawevw.sileillepett,Witatall, urn
fal- MTV
f ^1
t S ec:let—])rain: a line fraln the Lake
Shore tlirOc.tly (^.ilt Co llillp,3iranil thou
by way of Stan and Cromarty to Ful
ln>.rtou.and I ussiidale,'thou south to
Kirkton and Woodham then west ag'rLiu,
to Clandeboye and terminating by way
of McGuire, Mount Caatnael,Con'bett and
Greenway at Greed Bend you bave
the outside Boundary of the field which
a<hns to cover with its Beds and cus-
tomers. To seeur'e this we have to
keep a largo supply and cortaiiily are
not failing in this respect. Our store
is literally crowded with goods and
'Holiday Stock ready for seekers of Hol-
: iday Gifts, Every desireable thing we
could thicik of has been placed to meet
our customers watits and no v wo cor-
dially invite them and their friends to
call and pass a pleasant half hour in
looking through. We Wish to mike
our story worthy of
Both our Customers and Ourselves
And now with little fear ask for their
THE MART. Exeter.
a R
I lAgn.
WE will save you money.
WE will save you money.
On Crompton's Yatisi and Coraline
orsets, our price for the best Yatisi
trset is $1 and for the bestCoraline
You know the regular price$.
from us and save stoney.
olesele Stock.
A rholesale Stock.
Yes we made a slight mistake last
week, we consented our profit, "weath-
er profit we mean" and he assured
us that we were going to have lots
of frost and snow for the holidays,
acting on his advice we cleared a
wholesale house out of storm collars,
bought every collar they had in the
place, the result is, we are loaded
with storm collars, be their snow,frost
or ram this lot of collars must be sold
and quick, too. \Ye will sell this lot
of collars for ,just half the regular
price. Do you want one?
Black Henriettas.
Black Henriettas.
We have jest opened a special ship-
ment of Black Henriettas, that for
Beauty of finish and texture,is away
ahead of any Black goods that we
have•ever shown in the past. We
will do a big trade in Black Goods
for the next month. V\Te invite in•
Below Regular Cost.
Below regulon Cost,
Yes, we have an immense assort
trent of men's and boys' overcoats.
All to be cleared out away below reg
ular cost prices. We can't afford to
carry them for another season. If
you need an overcoat drop in and
see us,
Remember that on New
Years' Eve we give Beauty a-
way. Rally round the Big
Store at eight o'clock, New
Years' Eve and see the buttons
Now for the Conditions ou which
Beauty is to be ;even away.
There is in our window n •glass jar
containing a number of buttons, the• num-
beris unknown to any alersoMilte guarantee
E f
filch a 1>enrn below With 'every
untse otyL.OU you are entitled. to one guess :fit
the number of Buttons in the .Tar, with a
purchase of $800 twoucases Hud so on.
In our office will bekcept a Book whoreyon
will. register your name'' and:-yourguess,
The contest to elose at 8 o'eloek onNewiear
• Eve. when the jar will be opened and the
Buttons conn tett by disinterested and res-
ponsible psarties, and the person who has
guessed. t le correot or nearest to the correct
number of Buttons will then become the
owner of Beauty, should there be ft tie then
the first who lens registered the correet num-
ber will be the winner.
This is to certify that the
number of buttons in the jar in the
window of the Big Bankrupt Store
is unknown
to any
person, as they
were placed there by us and the
jar sealed in our presence,
Sighed (B. S.O'NunT,
R. IT. Coar,1Ns,
� ... Stewart,
Dealer in Bankrupt Stook,
Spackman for Deputy -Reeve for '92.
For a fine black; suit try J.H. Grieve
Merchant 'Tailor. •
Vote for 1htgh J. Speakman for Dep-
uty-Reeye on Monday next
A few ends of Soalettes for rlearl •
half price at Big' Bankrupt Store.'
If you want a first class farm On easy
terms call on John Spackman,' Exeter,
Don't forget to call aid see J H
Griove's $10 overcoats before,purehas•
And shaving' clone in inset:lass style
the holiday L
Y season
n• E. 1I.
1' ksh,
Don't pass the 13ig; Bankrupt .Store
when looking for value in 'Drees Good&
The Big Bankrupt store beats em all.
Remember you mark your ballot in
the space opposite ',lie name of 1-,ttgh J.
Spackman for Deptlty Reeve 011 Men-
AnyooAs'al and "aiedtcci1 alcluisex"
and "Farm from. now till 1893
for $1. Soo 00 bbille' fag's,
Your vote and Intl no lice are respeet-
fully solieited for high J. Spackman
for �) n Reeve oh •n 1'
tai Deputy ty a 1tI� rc qty.,
Now for cheep overcoats at. the Big
Bankrupt Store, tire whole stock to he
cleared out at once. See the values.
NATIONAL PILLS aro a mild pur-
gative, acting on the Stomach, Liver
and bowels, removingalt obstructions.
Spackman will give you honest leg-
islation at the nlunicipal board during'
1892.Vote for knit for Deputy Reeve.
Mrs. John Smallaeomb picked sewer -
al pansies from her flower garden on
Christmas day and had them for a bo-
Wait for the comedy company which
is to appear 111 Drews Opera House on
the llth, 1,2tla aua 13th. "hurls Protu-
Don't forget to mark your ballot for
TIugh J. Spaekman ori \londay. He
will conduct your affairs properly for
the eusaing year.
Surer foundation cannot be laid
than the real merit whieh is the solid
base for the monun:Cent l success of
I-Ioads Sarsaparilla
Mrs. Rd. Pincombe has disposed of
her frame dwelling situated oat Silncoo
street to Mrs, Fulton, of Tuekersmith
tp., for the sum of 5)300.
Mr. Thos. May, of TTsborne, moved in
our midst last week aricl is o � ' 1
� c,cn n
p3 :,
residence the l .suicnca reccutl J ' vacated l t
J :Mr.'
H. Hooper, on. William St.
great aid to internal medicine in the
treatment of scrofulous sores; • ulcers
and abscesses of all kinds,
Now while the subsidized shouters
aro cleariing their throats for tate us-
ual party slogan it is as well to re-
member that municipal government is
business not golhtics?
Come to the Big; Bankrupt Store
Thursday evening and see Beauty giv
en away. The jar of buttons will be
opened at S o'clock and counted, and
the lucky guesser will receive Beauty
as a New Year's Present.
"Karts Promise" and "Carrier 39"are
the plays to be given by McNulty and
Hart's comedy company who will ap-
pear in Drews Opera House under the
auspieces of Defiance Fire Company
No 2, on January 11th, 12th and 13th.
Remember the dates as a treat is in
store for all
The sad intelligence was received on
Tuesday morning of the death of -Miss
Eva Manning, of Oshawa, sister of
Soloman and Jonathan Manning, of
this village aged 23 years. Her re-
mains will arrive here this morning
and be conveyed to the residence of
Mr.•Sol Manning and interred in the
Exeter. Cemetery this afternoon.
At an early hour Monday morning
the Commercial Hotel. Berlin,owned by
Mr. Able Wainer, of Exeter, and oc-
cupied by his son Currie, was discover-
ed to be on fire. The structure being
chiefly of wood, it fell an easy prey to
the flames, notwithstanding the effortsof tnc firemen. The loss is about
55.900, nearly all covered by insur-
'rhe residence of Mr. Geo. Lindsay,
Wingham was the scene of a pleasant
marriage on Wednesday Dec. 23rd
when his second daughter, Mary was
united in holy bonds of matrimony to
Mr. 'Wm. Baker, of St. Catherines, for-
merly of Exeter. The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. S. Sellery in the
presence of a large number of the con
tracting parties most intimate friends
and relatives. The bride was the re•
ceptient of a goodly number of both
useful and ornamental presents. On
Thursday the happy couple took the
train for Exeter, ,where they spent
Christmas day and returned to Wing
harn that evening, leaving there ou
Saturday for StCatherines where they
will reside in future.—Com.
Chas. McLalif;Itlin, who has been in
the employ of W. IL Parsons as black-
smith, attempted Jted to tthal.c,good his
cape, on Sunday night last. It ap-
pears that he had contracted several
small debts, amounting in all between
890 and 70, and in orderto evada pay
anent hired a livery rig and drove to
Lucas: where he thought to catch the
early train but to his surprise an early
train slid not mill in on Monday morn-
ing so he took a mixed. In the :neat-
time rumors went afloat that lie had
left town, and despatched,
when about noon Chief Gill received a
telegram from the constable at Forest
stating that he had captured the man
answering the description. On Tues-
day morning' Chief Gill left fur Forest
and succeeded in bringing his man
back. He not having much money
was granted his liberty- by handing to
his creditors an overcoat, a cap, and
other wearing' appearal and some tools:
Ile again left an Tuesday.
Two°.Q'raperel for (51.
The Exeter ADvoOATE and "Medical
Adviser and "Fear et /14" for oniy 81
froth now until tan. 1st 1593.
h arnneof kiau-'f -
The undersigned has several first
class farms for sale on easy terms.
J. SPA-OR:MAN, Exeter.
hhobtq.r>ig 17IateJ.
A pigeon shooting mach will take
1n connection with the Central hotel,
P xeter,on Dec, 31st when a large n tiro-
ben of shooters ate expected to be pres,-
I1nal .I.. ,tl testrnarn•
1Vi11 not Mae, in dealing with the
rotten a1;i'Ities Old bv`markir,n your ball -
lot in on aV r his f
faVee o 'Monday
you wk
get the best of equalization in assess
WOOD! WOAD! WOOD! '!'tie Exet-
er Salt Worts Co. Foglairc fifteen hint,
Bred cords of soft wood, dry and green,
Will pay the highest price. For fur•
ther particulars apply to.Daviid Mill,
B. (;Artr x,'u, See y.
for Spackman,' -tine youn • mart's
canldi,dlnte for Deputy Reeve
Sir blas zee.,
Neve).' too late to mond, 5000 pairs of
buots and shoi,.i that aaugcl rely an•iitg to
bo left at the leading' boot and shoe
store next ,door to the post oiiiee. G,
sadden (roll.
On Monday mor'ning, Mrs. 'Dr, T, A.
Anios vrectied stele telegram . from•Toron-
to nnotifyirlag her of the death of her
father, Mr. I.' W. Manning, after an ill
ness of five days. Pneumonia ^being*
the causeof the trouble. She, left on
Monday evening to attend the funeral,
Again on Tuesday moroin'g Mrs, Argos.
sent .w r theI'
yord to• Dr here that' tl�r s s
ter had been stricken with the same dis
ease and that his presence was request
cd at once. The Dr, left on Tuesday
afternoon to;visit the scene.
Rot's Can Maim liluncy g+ aSfi
Any aetive boy can make plenty
of money in his neighborhood by re -
plating tableware and jewelory with
one of the Magic Electric Plating Out-
fits, Those who have already secured
one of these machines are making from
$90 to 05 a week. The price of the
plating outfit is,$t10,but we have ar-
ranged to supply it to one boy oralf in
each neighborhoodfree for a few hours
Work, whieh can bo done after school
or on Saturday. No. capital required
Any boy sending his address and re-
ferring' to some Ilterehant hi his town
as to rionesty will receive ptirti
byla,rsi'This is a perm,-
'return Mail. 1r< S r rrt
newt money m?.rllr'nd business for Me
right, kind of a boy. Apply et once.
onto, Ont. -
It was difficult to realize that • Fri
day was Christmas day. Day resemb-
les night as much as the weather re-
sembles ideal Christmas weather. The
sodden sky, the drizzly rani on times,
the mud and towards bight_ the fog, all
were in the antipodes of what we are
aceustonted to associate in, imagine
ions with the Christmas season. But
the Christmas spirit was here and the
sunshine of it radiated, warmed, and
brightened the hearts of tine,people in
spite of the uneogenial weather. All
took time to feel the prevailing influ-
ence of the sentiments of peace on
earth and good will to :nen. Services
were held in the different churches
throughout the town and a fair con-
gregation greeted each.
A Rare Occurrence.
On the spacious lawn and croquet
grounds of Mr, John Small/ combo on
Friday' afternoon, Christmas day,might
have been seen a jovial company bus:
fly engaged, with mallet and ball, en-
joying themselves in the favorite
amusement of croquet. This is an oc
currence which rarely happens in this
section of country on the date above
mentioned, and probably will be a long
time before occurring again- After
the parties had spent a couple of hours
on the green and had become some-
what exhausted with fa.tig.ue, the win-
ning parties being well satisfied with
their success, the monks of the -dwelling
house Were then thrown open and
aniuseneuts of another source resorted
to. This kind of merriment continued'
for a. number of hours, in fact until the
hands of the clock began to point to
the shall numeral figures oli the Glial,
when the assemblage dispersed, each
individual returning to their several
homes, after wishing 111e O0:0tipaniS c,
the cottage the compliments of the sea-
son, and that they would live to enjoy
many such evenings Of. pleasure.
As time rolls on the voung as well
as old are taken from our midst by the
cold hand of death. This week we are
Called on to record the death of one, of
our young glen, who • was known
and beloved by all. Wesley James,
son of William and Annie Creech, at
the early age of 18 years, 2 months
and 12 clays. Deceased had been ail
int about two weeks previous;, to his
death, ad doring that time suffered
much intensepain. Medical skill had
its frill course but all seemed to be of
no avail, and on Saturday at about 2
O'clock he passed from this sublunary
abode. On Sunday Drs. Hyndman op-
ened him and on exarrl:itiation found
that just below . the stomach three:
bands of sinew had formed. and entire-
Ied the bowel; whish had contracted
and caused stoppage, and there death,
No doubt that if an early operation
had been• perfornlei .he, would haye
sui,vived, for as soon as those bands
ttefils severed the entrail resilmed its
natural state. His remains were fol•
lowed to the Exeter cemetery on Tues-
d•ay by a large concourse of sorrowing
friends and there interred, rev 'Mr.
Russell performing the burial cere-
Address and Presentation,
Last Monday evening the 'Ladies
Aid of James Street Methodist Church,
teat at the church and then proceeded
to the parsonage, to 'the number of
about seventy. After all had seated
themselves and were enjoying a socia•
ble chat the gathering was called to
order and Mrs. W. H. Parsons stepped
forward and read the following ad,
dress, while Mrs, C. Snell, sr.; and Mrs.
D. Spicer made the presentation, of
which the following address ex plains
their nature.
M its. RI; sst.
D,IO R Fruasxo•--'We desire to ex•'
press to you in some form -our appreei..
ation of your hearty and efficient teff
arta as President of the Ladies AidSo
ciety of James Street Methodist ch mirk.
And tealso con •
arc yrou and 141x.
Russel] on this the 20th annvelsai•y Of
your Wedding day and we, 'wish yon
and your farnilv many years of pros•
lir :city end happiness so vent may be
Able to do the work "God" has given
you to do, and may the work prosper
111 your hands, Though you. 1(in
no way invited any token of appt'00iat-
ion , we think; it would ba unbecomin',;
on our part not to show our thankful- EXETER,
Hess for your worthy efforts, Wo
thought this a Food oppoitunity to
give van some tribute of our appreeia-
tion and something you could keep as
ie (rit na„l
rbnthe( Ladles Aid So'
E.' r l
o ety of Jainc s A3t 1 i Lh adn��t 441.01, i>ti
whose behalf we are couyened togeth
et•, therefore, Mrs, l%ussell, wo ask yon
to accept this dinner. sett ati eoming
from graceful hearts, looking; more at
the motives that prompted the gift
than the gift itself,end we liep 3
e', you
and your faniilj may live to enjoy the
happy privileges of life and be very
useful in winning soiils for the Master,
and when our church work on earth. is
done, lest us look forward to a grand
re union in that Home abort.•
Signed n d
in behalf
of the
1 -imbibers
of the Ladies Aid Society 'of James
Street Methodist Chru-elt.
Exeter, Doc. 2Sth, 1591.
After the reading of the address' i1i-.
Russell replied foi -Mrs. Russell in a
yery appropriate manner. The coni
panty spent a yery pleasant evening
and broke up after aatrtakiig of a:
n partaking
substantial repast provided by the lad-
Instal tuition
On Tuesday evening the Members of
Lebanon Forest Lodge, No, 133, A.F,&
A. M,, assembled in -their ledge .rot)m
in honor of the Festival of St. John and
for the purpose of installing the newly
elected officers for the cumin,;: year;
Bro R. H. Collins, W, M.; Bro. Charles•
Sanders, S. W.; Bre. J. Knight, J. W.;
Bro. J. Ross, Chaplain ; Bro: B. S. 0'
Neil, Treasurer;
Ir(, 1rC,.L l ,L, W. Bro, M. LaGI'ett
Secrc,t•li v, L,to. W, Lc.� c,tt,`S Di Bi•o. J.
Davis, J. D.; Bi -o. 3;Stewart, 1. G,; Bro.
'Wm. Brooks, TV ler. The ceremony be -
ended and the newly elected offic-
ers in their chain', I3ro. P. H. Collins
arose and thanked the brethren for the
honor they had conferred upon ihim,as•
suhing therm that with their help lie
Would stri ('0 to increase the growth of
the craft in ,general: After asking W.
Bro. Hush J Spackman to step for•
ward he read the following address.
To Worshipful Brother Hugh J,
Spackman, Esq,, Wooslripf!ul Master of
Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133, A. F. &
A. M., G, R C.
WVoiesrtlrruL SIR AND 1300-rtuln.
We, the officers and members of Leb
anon Forest Lodge, embrace this oppor
tunity of expressing to you our hearty
appreciation of your direction and cork-
trol of our Lodge and its affairs for now
8o many years. Your government of
our Lode while strict,has not been ar
bitrary; while firm, has not been clic•
courteous; while exact, has riot' been
unjust or unfair to any brother. Cur
L'idge during your administration o'B is
affairs has made such progress in Its'
membership and its finance.3 as is
pleasing to us and as must be gratify -
to you. During your long ten in of
office you have by your kind,courteous
and impartial conduct endeared your
self to every officer and member of the
Lodge. Every officer has felt it a
pleasure to assist yogi in' the exempli-
fication* of our craft wort: and every •
member has felt it a high privilege to
be, present at the sante. You have pro
ved yourself well skilled,o.f good report,
true aril trusty, a lover of the whole
masonic fraternity and particularly of
the members of this Lodge. Courteous
in mauner,and steady and firm in form•
ed;priuciplc andwe therefore testify, n ith
pleasure to the High es:imetiOIa in
lv^laifh we 11o'4 von,
As a slight tok , n Of our gratitude
for your long servit:es as our Master,
and of the'high respect we entertain
for you we present to you this Past -
Master's Jewel, trusting that the Most
High may give you length. of days to
wear it with honor to yourself and
benefit to the craft and we pray that
when you are summoned lroni your
world here you may ascend to the
Grand Lodge above t1 litre. the World's
Grand Architect lives ai:d reigns for
ever and ever. ' •
All of Which is repectfn!ly submitted.
Bro. M. Eacrett made the presenta-
tion, when Bro. Hugh Spaelcman in a.
few words thanked themfor Such a:
ift. '.11G lodge as then clt
sed and
the brethren gashered at the Central
Rota; 10 partake of an lyster 'supper,
refreshments, spseohes and singing,,
Concluded a very pleasant evening.and
after singing "God save. the Queen” all
dispersed to their several homes.
S3,000.00 11011Tll.
If you want a
Child's, Boys or Man's Suit
Overcoat and Pants &c. call
and see our big stock.
The LIft io TOWN do
. J. SP
11.N._ . )1 11_.. , fl H
.. 4.
Il 11
11 • 11
II 1111 11 it :I• 11 11
What are you going to want?' No doubt there are many
things you leecl a lo' more,buy
,, y � and t I o � you will that you do not
need, we have thing for the "NEEDY" and thing o' •o ' the
f-, 1 �;, t 1
;NEEDLESS", We are; now
with a view to
� a bigtrade. Prosperity is over all the land
and the opinion is that a good season is coming, Trade is to
be lively,we and we have
think, prepared to meet 'a busy
period forthenext
two months. Do not take any stock in
any misleading seste1eRts of bargains "its 111Oe
11 g
eL spratt
to catch a maclfrel", sure as you live.
We are told that our goods are FAR, CHEAPER
than toose that prate so much about their bargain making.
To be eonvinoed? s see for yourselves.
We Would like to SEE YOU. COME.
kIl 11eaprice paid
0� •
�, for:l�raeltice, Butter 1Gc, Lard 11c; Eggs
1Gc; Dried Apples5cts; G-eese Gets; Turkeys acts; Ducks Gcts•
Y ,
Chichens 5 cts.
Balla!lls i11
Also a la,a, e As,evtiiient of, Stores.
Famous Cook,
Art Countess,
Roy4d Art,
Double Beater,
vouble Heater with oven
Box Stoves:
Having a large • uantity Of Tinware
to dispose of we will hold an
" " . an.ISATURDAY
afternoons and evenings.
F trmers DOW is your time to get cheap tinware,made of the
best P.radle r tin and at Your own price. Do not forget every
� �, y
Thmmmday and Saturday. both Afternoon
. hL O A IL Prop.
When I.sty I cure I do not mean' me elyto stop thein
for a time and then have them return again, I mean a
r,vlleal cure. I have made the disease ofFITS, EPILEP•
SY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant
my remedy to euro the n•erst. eases. 33'ecause others hare
failed is no reason for not now receiving a mire. Send at
once for a treatise and a Free Bottle' of my infallible
remedy. Give EXPRESS and POST•OFFICE.
H. G. RooT, M. 0.; 186 ADELAIDE ST.
from whpaper rch this 1 p is printed
was supplied by the
Dealers in type,
Presses, and Printers' Supplies.
80 & 82 Wellington St. west
Exeter Roller Mills,.
WHEAT 0.90 TO 0.95per bush
Our' Selling Prions.
Flour, strong bakers', $3,00 per 100
.t ,.
best family, �.a0
" "
grade, 2,00
Bran, 70 41
Middlings, 90 "
Sereeuings, 100 " it
Chop, 1.10 to 1.25 ' rt
Chop stone running every day.
The E eter Milling 'Co
A l'irgtv,plan Talor
The Summer holidays are now abotnt
over and the Fall Fails being
close 'at
hand, I wislh to inform niy many cus-
tomers that I am still in my
P. J. Knight's Grocery- Store.)
And am prepared
to do work in latest style and ,•i
best of worknlanshi.p.
x 11 11 x 11 ± II x II 11 x
x II -= II x 11 :- II' x 114-
1 x
Grive me a 'call
and leave your.. measure and
I will give you a
neat fit.
Over F. J. Knight's Grocer
pox' day.
J. & J lllclIARTIN Proprietor:.