The Exeter Advocate, 1891-12-31, Page 5Fier ol< ei FirtJ Years, MILS, Window's Soo•raimo leas been used by millions. ofinetht,rs #or their ohild-t� ren while teething. If disturbed at night "and broken otyour rest by a siolc child suf- fering and erYiug with pain of Cutting Teeth send at osteo and get a bottle of ',Mrs )'lrin slew's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth. ing.It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately: Depend upon it, mothers,there is no Mistake about it. It cures. Diarrhont, re ulatos the Stomach and Bowols, cures find Colic, softens the (.Tums, reduces XII- !lamination, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs, Wittslow's Sooth- ing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the presori tion of one of the oic est and ad cos 1 t female , {• !1 9 {x339 7 i y 4 and nurses In the United States. Price twenty- livecoutsa bottle. Sold by all druggists isNo world. Oitufor throughout STunS br," Ida Rutson, the 17 -year-old daughter of a farmer at Libertyville, north of Chicago, was fititall I shot yesterday by Tom Dawson, a rejected lover, who immediately killed himself. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an East lndiamissipnary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy fol the speedy and perma- nent mire of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma, unit 'nil throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and adical cure for Nervous Debility and, all. Aarvous Com, plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has r' felt it his duty to ntal a it known to his stiff - eking fellows. Actuated by this motive aird a desire to relieve human suffering, T will send free of charge, to alt who desire it this • recipe, itt German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressiug with stearin, naming thispapei W, A. 1\oyac,820 Power's Bioc7c, liooliestet', Judge Collins, of Chicago, yesterday rendered a decision clec1tring uucon- stitutionol the alien land lacy passed by the Illinois Legislature ill 1887. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castori; When she became Miss, she clung to. Castoria. When she bad Children, she gave them Castoriar A brakeman named Griffin, of Tor onto, fell across the rails in front of ::i moving train at •Trenton yesterday, and was almost instantly killed, ;p:.4 C HES WH •,a,Llft '.i,E • U E' E ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup., Tastes Good; Use to time. Sold by druggists NQS` lJ;ivT R:T i.b'N'„ ,ki��Y Farmer_ William York, sr., of North Dorchester, liiddlesex county, has been summoned on a charge of erectly to animals for dehorning,cattle. FOR PAIN OR COLDS. GENTLEMEN-, months age I :had a beating breast. I tried a num• leer of remedies but got no relief: I then tried Ilagrard's Yellow Oil, which gave me, instant relief. uf. It is the best thing I ever Bred for all kinds of pain or .colrl. SII b. J err.: CeanEa T, • St, ll.,iys, Ont, Theresults cf tiio Christmas cxanti- nations at Trinity University and at the Ontario Vetinary College will be found in these columns to day. For'aity ease of nervousness, sleep. 1essuess, weak stomach, indigestion,. dyspepsia. try Carter's Kittle Nerve 7'i115. 13.e"licf'is sure. The onlynerve t l r=l- c lwtte for theprice in market. o u a .et. i=r vet:' of the: people the Edison Ct ti any has been granted the fran- chise of the streets cif'Petei'boro for an electric street railway, NEW SARUM NOTES. DEAR SI1ts,-I have used six: bottles of 1 took it for livercomplaint e B. .lo, 1i Before' I took it I had headache and felt stupid all the time, but now I am.. healthy and entirely well. In addition I have a good appetite, which I did not have prey. oesly. S IBBIL 1.'OUNn, New Saturn, Oti:t. A meeting of the East Middlesex Conservatives ryas held at London ves• terday to nominate a candidate. After 50111e discussion an adjournment was made, on motion of the late member, Mr lia.rshali, until next Wednesday week to see if Hon, John Carling could not be persuaded to run. TO INVIGORATE both the body and the brain, use the reliable tonic, Mil - burn's Aromatic Quinine Sine. Ernest'Pacaud has been securing eXpert opinion; as to legality of the l,i'0vrn ial dissolution. 'The general verdict is ihat.:Lieutenant-Governor Angers acted strictly within his pre- rogative, Pale and sallow cheeks mean disease and a premature death. Rosy cheeks are embitMath:al of long life. The u'c of Dr. Williams, Pinl: Pills builds up the blend and nervous system, and ue• ver fail` 'to ldave rosy cheeks. Try • therm The was so dense in London, England; yesterday that three police men walked into th't. Thames and were drowned. The gas gave out and lamps. and candles had to be substituted. Backache is rtlinost ilnnledrately re keyed by 'Wearing one of "Caster's Stuart Weed anti Belladonna Backache Plasters. '1 i s ono and be free` from pain • Price 25 cents. After. raliter protracted trial .the petition aa'aiest the t(tuiri of the Re- form M,.):'. fol Pt el. 1ir..Ioseph Feather!. "s l c yesterday in ytonc., ri..0 t d the elect- ion being declared void. IT 'SELDOM PAILS. • DEAR SIRS, -.i tool: two bottles of tiag,yard's Pectoral Balsam, and it cured me of hoarseness and tightness of the chest after other things had failed, I have also tried B.B.B., it t'orks splendidly for Weakness and lieidache, MADboOK, Beamsville, Ont: The annual Meeting of the Coalmen•- rlal Travelk:15' Association of Canada Was held in Toronto yesterday. Tho assets of the asscriiatfon tiowamount to $1)6,6G5, with liabilities praeticdlly nettling,' Dr. LaROR'S COTTON ROOTS PILL%a Safe and absolutely pure. Most powerful Female Regii,lator known. The only safe, .snare aszd reliable pill for sale. Ladies ask :druggists for LRRWe's star and Crescent Brand, Tate* 7.io other kind. Beware of cheap nitalions, as they rr'1 ciuucrer- ous. Sold by all reliable druguists. i'osi paid on reooipt of Fico. • AMERICAN PILL COs, Detroit, For sale in iixeter by.1. )'D'. 8h0WIling.. Dr. T. A. Slocunn's OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PIJR COD LIVER OIL, if you 11 the 13r'ouchrtis-Use it, For sale by all druggists. 85 cents per bottle. The safe in the Grand Trunk station at Listowel was blown open on Tues• day night and $111 token. The post- olice was also burglari:,ecl; but the rascals only Trot it litho sinall change, EXPEL THE WORMS by using the safe' anti reliable authelmintic Free- man's Worm Powders. The body of the late Senator Plumb arrived at Topeka, Kansas, last Ligh`.. Every mark of respect was shown at Kansas City and othar points as the funeral train passed through, and at Topeka business was suspended and buildings draped in mourning. The body now reposed in til6 capitol build. ing. G OODaADVICE DEAR Silts. -I have been troubled with headache for over 40 years, and had it so bad about once a'Week eels thrtt 1 was sometimes net expected to live. 1 was advised to try B,B.B., ;'tnd • have used 3 bottles. S now. have an attack only once in four or five months, and feel that if T continue using it 1 will be entirely cured, Wherefore 1 recon Mend it hibli:ly. Mas. E. A. STolinr, Shetland, Ont. Either eight or ten people were kill- ed yesterday by a collision between the St. Loris express and a Niagara Falls special on the New York Central, near Yonkers, N.Y There ore many forms of nervous debility in men that yield to the lice of Carter's Iron Pills. Those who are troubled with nervous weakness, night sweats, s etc., trythem. m. James Cronin "beat" his way from Toronto to Trentonandfired a• bullet into his right leg. He continued his journey to King'ston where the lead was extracted. EDITORIAL EVIDENCE. G l±NTc,i11BN,-Your zea gyard's Yel low Oil is worth its weight in ,;'old for both internalond'external use' Dur- ing the late La Grippe epidemic we found it a most excellent preventive and for sprained limbs, etc, there is ntthiug to equal it. PEMBEiRTON, Editor Reporter, Delhi, Ont t A sanitarium for the cure of liquor, opium dud tobacco habits nas been op- ened' in Chicago by the Women's' Chr=s:fan Temperance Alliance in that lty. Most cases of consumption are of ca- t irthal origin, and death follows ine- ritably. Catarrh can positively be cur- ed by Nasal Balm. Thousands who have been restored testify to its merits. .fry lt. Toole the tallest man in northern New Jersey, died at Bridgeville 3 ester. clay, aged 56 years. Ho was nearly saver feet high and weighed about 800 pounds. A CHANGE FOR THE BETTER. °firs, -1 have taken three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters and find it a splendid medicine for constipation and poor appetite. I will Continue taking 1t as it is it great blessing and I feel a great change in My health since tak- ing it. Mns. J V. GRAN, 5 Syctenhant St, Toronto, Ont At the Ottawa Police Court yester- day Eon. Thomas llcGrcety and Nich• dos K. Connolly- were committed for tEl M'.Michael Connolly was dis- c;llat n 'gi Gd. 'ooksgollop oot COMPOUND. 4. A. recent .'discovery by an old ph,ystele n. .S/ted ~quit!, Mad monthly b'1/ tltntts mels tar n 5. le the only perfect It safe and reliable thectic- int: discovered, Beware of sinprfncipled drnggistswitn r. ffer inferior,medirines i,t place of this. Ask for 00ot.'5 0or•rox Rom.. CoatrouND, take no substitute; or incLose $1 and 4 three -cent Can• ado, postage stain p- in letter, and we wits send; seabed by return rn ail Full scaled par- ticulars in plin i'nveto pe, to ladles only, '2 sl am p3. Aticlrc ', upend{ Barr Lords, u,3 No 87 isher Rock. 111 Woodward ave., Deb oit 51(ch. P, holr= in lFxi 9l td at Du. Lie rz's, \V Ilr,owarra'8 and by all dinggists every- where. A HANDSOME GIRL Is "a thing of beauty and a . joy for ever;" but where the charms of youth- ful health, the rosy lips, and pearly teeth, are accompanied by the breath of en tarrh ] Why it is time that the maiden bought elarl:'s Catarrh Cues, price 50 cents. This •would cure the catarrh at once, and save her chances if not her life. No other remedy so easy and pleasant to tale, ;and nothing else so`sure. There is no CSctrse for an of- fensive breath when it.can be avoided and prevented so easily and pleasantly Bashful ladies may send the price di - red to Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New Fork. F IRE WOOD WANTED, Threo-fourths of it well. seasoned, 20 cords bard wood Or 30 cords softwond. Apply bo. fore Christmas to .Box 117, Exeter, statin;, duality, hint and price. $75 000.00. -x 111 persons who want - CHEAP MONEY at 0 51, 6 and 6 PER CENT Should call --a the--- !goo of It L COLLI2' S pt,70. " " Free frits; ,it.,t,1' r. Toronto News $1.75. " " Globe $1.75. Farm and Live Stoelt Tour,$t t5 Advertiser 51.70 Wives & Daughters IiIi.18 " Hamilton Spectator 81.75. errnan rup,, The majority of well-read phys- icians now believe that Consump- tion is a germ disease. In other words, instead of being in the con- stitution itself it is caused by innu- merable small creatures living in the lungs having no business there and eating thele away as caterpillars de the leaves ole trees. A Germ The phlegm-ehat is coughed up is those Disease, parts of the lungs which have been gnawed off and destroyed. These little bacilli, as the germs are called, are too small to be seen with the naked eye, but they are very Much alive just" the same, and enter the body in our' food, in the air we breathe, and through the pores of the skin. Thence they getsinto the blood and. finally arrive at the lungs where they fasten and increase with frightful rapidity. Then German Syrup comes in, loosens them, kills them, expells them, heals the places they leave, and so nourish and soothe that, in a short time consump- tives become germ -proof and well: tg London Huron & Bruce Railway Y'assenger Time Table, GOING NO11TII GOING SOUTH. London,dep't3 05 4.25. 'lviugliam 7.05 940. Liman Oros' g 8.17 520. Belgrave 7,24 4.00. Tan � C deco e 8 528: y. Blyth 7:38 4.15 Centralia. o•, � n_ Centralia, D 45 Londosboro 7.47 4.-a, EXETER 9.111 5.57. Clinton 8.07 4.45, 1-ronsall 9.28 6.119 Brueefield 8.26 5.04. Kippen 9 31 0.17. :tipper 8.34 5.12 ilrucefiekl 9.42 (..2U hlensal.l Mt 5.19 Clinton L0.00 0.45, EXETER 8.57 5.33 Londosboro' 1019 7.03 Centralia 0A9 5,45 Blyth 10 28 7.12. Olandeboyo 0.18 5.56. Belgrave 1042 7,27 Lucan Cros'g0,24 602. Winpliani 11.00 7.45. Londona.rr (015 6,4.5 -1\ TICE, Mr. C -t. A A . IIyn dman wishes to inform the citizens of Exeter rind surrounding country that1thas secured an agency -Tori-- FINE FLAVORED TEAS A.i)-COFFEES -and also FIRST CLASS BAKING POWDERS. Orders left at his .residence, Albert-st.. or at Dr. Hy -1.0m ait's Office, lfain-sr.., will receive prompt attention. h G, A,i�.l•jl3t.➢t:iii • 1'.\etel', Ont. For Sale. A. desirable residence in Exeter N ortb, now., frame house. one-flftbs acre of land. The house was erected in 1888. Gal terms to purchaser. Apply at 5t,is office. 145-1 Oiit' Clubbing • The A nvoCA rte -will 1,o • (dubbed with fire following newspapers 8111 jun. lit 1803 at the following rates: - Advocate rtite :- Advoeatad Empire 51.76 Family Herald. N ti --THE- E. RL-o., SHA.' IN1• ---PARLOR. EXETER, ONTARIO. A. Hastings, rop . Every , fl .Y e attu t o lollP aid to Lathes' and Gtlldreu S Hair Cutting. A. Basting°s. TO11,611 SHOP. Mr. George Sm'illcombe wishes to informs the citizens of Exeter and sur- roundine country t tat he has opened --out 'a dery--. Tailoring' and Gents' .Ful.•.nish- ing Establishment in Fahson's Block. Latest designs of goods always on hand, and made up in the Tritest; American Styles at Right Prices, A CALL SOLICITED AND A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. Ladies .rackets and 'Mantle making attended to. J. G. SNIALLACOlVIBE, MERCHANT TitLOf, Exeter. POC11.1 Sale of Filfillita for 1.11 11011 30 DAYS Now is the time to secure furniture at prices never heard of before in Exeter. For the next TI-IIRTY DAYS, I WILLOFFER THE + 7. HIJ � �HOLE OF MY GIGANTIC STOCK OI' --- Bed Room sets in Maple, Cherry, , Ash& Oak; Sideboards s en Maple, Cherry and Oak: together with a Magnificent line in Parlor Suites9Loxn.ge>.s ,Ckairs,Iables, and everything usually found in a first-class furniture store. uEl'+'ILIVTl3ER THESE ' ARE ALL FIRST CLASS GOODS IVO' - SIiODDY 7CL14'I, and the prices are from TEN to TWENTY per cent LO the usual price ■ OaII Early while the Stock lasts. Remember the S and- Faetmry and Warefroorns two doors north of Town Hail, Exeter. 'tt'r- all flow! Why cheap furniture at BOWO°0 � tura St Rea Good Bed Room sets from $9.50 and up. " Beds " 1.60 it " Sideboards tr 8.60 " " Ext Tables 6 00 .t Lounges tt 5,00 " and all other goods in proportion. Fancy Rockers & Easy Chairs for XMAS. See them before buying, they are beau ties, and cheap. As I have my- two warerooms full Goods must be Sola to make room for more. R J Bp4 tteahlAiqn 1 l if�� t7 b a In this line my stock; is second to none. POBT. N. ROWE, bf.AIN ST., EXETER - FURNITURE -AT 'ID vijr ILA A A very large stock on hand now to select from in the way of Parlor, Bed room and Dining Boom suits at nearly half the usual price. 150 Looking , las' II eTiseBfamlO'ny. c andj Hundreds of feet of Picture Mouldings to clioose from, cheap. Easy Chairs and a great variety of other Goods suitable for Xmas presents and in fact everything usually kept in a first class furnishing house. all for prices away down. A good dozen' chairs for $.2, Come and see our $1.75 panel Ben that we "BLOW ABOTT', the reason we blow is we have the goods to back it up. Bring along oour easy chairs and Parlor Fnr- nitlu'e that need re covoring as wehave a beautiful stook of covers with cord & gimp to;match. Drop in even if you don't want to buy, will be happy to see sou • • .UNDERTAKING A complete stock of everything in this line from the eleapest to the high est. Also the only Embalmers. Ito Member the name and place I L Odd -Fellows Block. Opposite J G rig g's Stationery. CLOT I NG J. SMELL, EXETER ONTARIO Has now in stock amn Wintr IN THE FOLLOWING LINES West of England Suitings and Trous erings, Scoteh Tweed Suitings and Trouser ings. French and English Worsted Cloth All made tip in the Latest Style, at %�b est Rates. IitOr. .7. SNELL WALT. ANDREWS. AVOID 61111115 OPIUM to children if you wish, fortheirfuture welfare. Norse's fly eerole of Celery Com- pound, Exact formula on every label, is s safe rem edy for teething infanta and nervous adults. En. dorsed by physicians. Send two cent stamp for descriptive circular to gazers Morse, Burialo, N. Y. W. G. Bissett's Livery, First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES ,IYITH COM.MEROIAL MEN, Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT. Exeter -North General Store A Clearing Sale AT and BELOW Cost. We offer our entire stock of DRY GOODS IN ALL ITS LATEST STYLES, AND PRICES AWAY DOWN. A nice stock of Furs to be cleared out Carpets and Floor Oilcloths. OUR PRICES IN BOOTS AND SHOES away down below cost. A JOB LOT OF READY MADES. 5 lbs Japan Tea f' or $1. Full Stook of Groceries, No trouble to show goods. We offer a-retl.lLactioti of 25c for cash. JOHN MATHESON. Exeter North $G�TRRS DUG STOKE. A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs AL SWAYS KEPT. y. PatoRtillotliolus,Sportgos, llrllit'a supplies At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts Carefully Prepared. I1lluiii's YOWEICT the best in the market, C. LJTZ, PROP. Cljel .tlW1, aha--- r A SURE CURE roil BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK HEADACHE, AND DIStASEs Or ?He STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. THe Y Arts Miui THOROUGH AND PROMPT 1N ACTION, AND room A VALUABLE AID TO BURDOCK BLOOD Birftne IN THC TRItATMENT AND OURS or CHRONIC AND OBSTiNATE DISEASES. FElf fro Viflofeaie & HC( Grocers, i WINE SPIRIT Merchants, Ezctea'. CHRISTIE'S ®EEROi'IL£ HERR First RIGS A,,(lHORSES. ORDERS LEFT. rU THE 'HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Ter=.ss _ ��asos�sl3 Telephone Connection. HARMLESS HEADACHE i ta4t C c lac., aa, ho '6 mcd:icino !,?^i fcr wlv.oh only honest= t stra:glufor•ward s tato- m_nts are made. Soe that yeti gat the gen,zinc Roe. man's. : slat on having. them. They Cure £7L Headaches. They arsnot a Cathectic. E�c ���` e.A, V t 9 IS STI"LL IN THE OLD STAND -where he is- READY FOR A CALL. Morn, Noon or Night he will -GIVE AN-- EASY NEASY SHAVE, ANS i HAIRGITT, LADIES HAIR OUT TO ORDER Also LADIES HAIR WORIK DONE. North of tilt of Post -Office. �. Fr .IG9'•d, yS A_ �l r u,ns,i All men can't be Apollos of strength and form, but all may have robust health and strong nerves and '•Clear minds. Our treat- ment males such men. The meth ode are our own exclusively, and 'where' anything is left to build upon, the v4G8J2 7 U is easily,tanc&�� ��p " 1y,)n 3' er'i<n�nerafll. restored. s eta. Weakness, Nervousness, Debility, and all the train of evils from early errors or later excesses, the result of over -work, 'sickness, worry, etc., forever cured. Fell strength development, asci tone giv- en to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. Im- mediate improvement seen.Failu1 I 2,000 references. i3ooL explanations and .roofs mailed (sealed) free. Address, ERiE MEDICAL 00., g BUFFALO, N.Y. 1