The Exeter Advocate, 1891-12-31, Page 1Subscribe tor The EXETER ADVOCATE • Only ti4,1, fronlno till 3 a mottry, t 1,808. Clive it n r.i aL' VOL. IV. EXETER ONTARIO THURSDAY DECEMBER 31 1891. The I oisons Bank BUSINESS TO3E CONTINUED, (Chartered by Parliament, 1855,) Mrs, John G oud. begs respectfully to • 1 Paid. up Capital ., ,Jitorin the that she lias succee(;led to . Rest Fund.... .... ,...,.. 1,000,000, IZotilaa°:,11.,:'7.1g4111'sCic s1in 41`.:111ffil'El,::itliltii),l'u:',IvTlIccol Head office Montreal, have favored her, predecessor with, their custom, that they ill still be able to have F. WOLFER:STAN TnomAs, ES(1,1 work den° ilt the lu ther line as heretofore 1..silINERAL lilANAGER. . a t the same rn oder ,to prices as formerly. ,_ With the hope ofing satisfaetion to all Money advanced to good Farmer's on their 1r,rties 3frs, boulii.1111s determined ho eon - 07,,n rtoto t 0110 or more endorsers "t 7 ( not her business 1 pon 1iI,raI rinciples, per eent per annum. itt taltOS t,his medhun in behalf of her hus- band of thanking the public fox their pas Bt Elxeter ranch. patronage and 110;0 ars. Open every lawfui day from 110 a. rn.to 3 p. o Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p. A general banking business transacted • Four ear Centper annum allowed for Mon - 011 Deposit Receipts., Savings Bank at 3 per Cent. ;. N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager, THE Ox2tv: gLbrocate5 Is published every Thursday Morning, tub the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. 3,y the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMPA NY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. 41.50 if not so paid. t1ciz.z5 ora. No paper discontinued .until all arrrearages are paid. 'Advertisements without. specific directions will be published till foronl and charged. accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned. out in the finest style, and. at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord- ers, -&c, for advertising, subscriptions,' etc, to be made payable to Sanders & Sweet PICOPIIIETOIt S Church Directory. TRIV,ITT MEHORIAL ClluRCH.--Rev. S. F Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. m and 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.80 p. METnonism Ontrewt--James-st , Rev. A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.30 a. xa. and. 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. ALAIN STIrENT-Rev. W. McDonagh'Pas- tor. Sunday Services, 11.00 a.m. and. 6.30 p.m. Sa bba th School 2.30 P111. PRESBYTERIAN Cifuucn.-Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.80 p. Sa b bath School, 0.45 a :m. iacarAccawroarowtsmomarmasimeraataansa.*marmsabypestsese• Profess' °fiat Car ds. FttllS011'8 Block two doors north. of Carling store, MAIN STILE E T, Ell,ExETextracts teeth without pain. Away at liensall on 1St Friday; Allsa Craig on 2nd and 4th Tuesday; and Zurich on last Jniursday of each, month. CH. INGRAM., DENTIsr, Member Royal . College Dental Surgeons, successor to , B.. L. Billings. Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given fur the painless extraction o..t teeth. line Gold Fillings as required. •';AREE. W. FARNCOMB, • Provincial, Laud. .tt \ .Surveyor awl Civil Engineer: Offree, UN, '" Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. ii ...,,-.....-----.-....--...--...- ," nettle:a, B WHITELY, M. D., 0.M., PHYsiciAN . and. Surgeon. Office and residence - Corner Victoria and. Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. T. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN ST. Residence -Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. DR.T. P. Mc LAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF • the College of Physicians and Surgeons .Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and AccouCh- •• eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont. . TIAIVD MILLER, Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate of the Ontario Vetertnary College. Toronto, (Successor to Wm. Sweet, V. S ) Over 10 years practice. Office and residence oue block east of RichardPickarcis store. Opposite Skating Rink, Exeter, Ont. TAR. T. A. AMOS, M. D, C. AI , Member of ill College of Physicians and. Surgeons, • Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of' Physicians and. Surgeons Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Faculty of Physicians and_ Sur- geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Office -Dr. Cowen's old stand.. 1111. J. H. NicLELLAN SUROEINN Geaduate New York Eye mati Ear hospital Eyes tested. and glasses supplied. Office con Maple and Talbot streets, LONDON, --- ONTARIO. Legal. H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - .L1). OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public, •Office- Over Post Office, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. --u, I H. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR LILA. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &T. Money to loan Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter. Erc ike6 B. TOT St ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- ors, conveyancers, ssc. Money to loan 1r cent. 141,10T. T ELLIOT Auctioneers. TT BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensee Atict- A.L., ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for thetownship of Us borne Sales promptly attended to and term %reason ahl e. Sales arranged 'at Post office, Winchelsa AI. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens- Wed Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur- on and Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Sat.:Orders by mail or other- wise promptly attended to at reasonable priceS. ATT HOLT, 1Chiva, Ontario. Licensed safe t - V . Ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex and Lambton, and the townships of Stephen and Hay All sales promptly attended to, l3OSSENI3EHRY,Hensall Ontario. Lie - 111. owlet' Auctioneerfor the Countyof Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and satisfactien guaranteed. T HARDY, Licensed. Auctitmeer for the 1-1. County of Huron. StlIttS CondUcted on reasonable terms. Farm and Farm Stock a pecialty. P1111 arrangereents can be made at this office. FARMS FOR SALE. West half of lot 10,Concession.) in the towns,hip of Usborne.in the eonnty of p ;Iran eentagnina therein so marts more or less There is about 30 mires ateared 'Ma the bat - ;thee bush, being ,mixed with black. I1911 it n d ceder. A goodwind-milt with a goo,1 well of wat,er and well suited for stock raising. For further particulars apply to Geo. 111in t- Hidgetown or to Sohn Hunter, .Jr. Exeter WITHOlfr MONEY. A'Scheme by ii!71iich You WiliSe- cure a Year' ii SttiNcription to a Great Paper Free. A yeareeMbscription to the popular 0111Horegh Apvisna" ahd Farm Beim published at Bowman ville, On te which is a most valuable edition to the Farm 11) g Community awl which we are pre - paled by special arraegement, to fern - 'jell that great publication for one, year FREE to any of our subseribers, who gill pay up all arrearages on subscrip- tion and one year in advanee, and to any eeff subscribers who will pay one year in advance. By this arramgement IT COSTS YOU NOTHING to receive the*MEDICAL ADVISER and FARM HELP for one year. It will be to your advantage to call promptly. Sample, copies can be seen at our office. -TO THE - RATEPAYERS OF THId. Village of Exeter. I beg leave to announce that I am again in the field for EPUTY REEVE for the Ensuing Year. Thanitinte ,t-oit for paet, fayors I res- pectfully Solioit 'Your Vote ON MONDAY NEXT. and that the (sleds write to G. T Mau- thorities ask ug pertaission to kg:lite cattle yards on Station ronnds the council, to defray what expenses there be attached thereto. NA, G. Bissett - Carling that a committee of the council coosi.sting of Reines, Bissett and Rots be appointed wita a Vie* of seeing, the 3oard Teede regardieg the removal or purchnsing their building. 011 1'033'11 Hall srrountle. Bissett--Carlints that gm ask for tenders for the mom 0' of market mitt scales and Placed on 1 owl Hall grounds as detired. by the comic' Tenders to be received up. to the 31 inst. Mr, E. Heywood asked permis slot?, to get use of drunefor band whit: W'18 greeted. Bissett-Carliug that 13, adjourn until Doe. Met. reesenat Ikention, Mr, Dearing', sr., is a±1. pees wit visiting 1113±11 (1 aud friends i Flirshitig, Michigan, eed intends re malt -ling for almtut' tWo We,elts.-411. George E. Stokes and wife, of Detrait were the guoste of Air, and 11126. Georg Sanders durin g' the past week -L. -Kis Sophia and Susan Sweet, of London were here with their parents clurin i.Thristmas.-Mr. David Tait,. of Ridge town, was here renewitig acquaintau cis during the holiday. -Mr. Reber Hugdes and son, NVatter, of Hensall We re visiting in the village on Satur day. Walt leeks 11011e 1110 worse O his king Meiotic:0 aud intends returidng to Cffieago in about two weeks,* where he has a situatiou with a ingest: inonu- rneetal firm. -Ale. Haedeoek Of Emerado, Dakota-, is at present and er the parental roof. -Mr. Robert Pat- terson, of Hensel!, was here durieg part of last week visiting- friends.- Mr.- and Mrs. William Davis, who have been residing here for some, time re turned to their home in IN'inkhain on Tuesday mornings -Miss Mudge, who has been the guest of Miss Susie Tait for several days, returned to her 'home in Pgdgetown on Tuesday inorning. Air. Flank Anderson has been in towa, during the past week reneWing old ac quaintances and intends returning to Ridgetown in a few weeks, where he has a situation. -Mr. John Bawden, of Winghtun, a fernier ecsident of this „ , , , mliage, is hero vislting relatives' and friends. -Miss Sharon., of St. Thomas, is the guest of Mrs, John Spackman. - Mrs. Shaw, mother of Mrs William 13awden, left on Wednesday morning for Olds, Alberta, N.W.T, to reside with her son. -Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Em- ery left on Wednesday for Simeoe to spend a few holidays. -Mr. George Puke left on We'dnesdav morning, for - Atkinson, been -Mr. Arthur Kenitn is at present visiting friends in Hamilton Witshing you a Happy New Year 1 Miss White returned to Kalamazoo, rema in Aliehigau, on Wednesday to remain for 1 t, YOURS, &c. some time. -Mr. Theodore Sweet' left „noackniarlast week for the North West where he i 1061 It1 Po1 a has secured a situation in a drug store. -Mrs, J. P. Clarke le,ft on Satur- YOU'VE NO IDEA How nicely Hood's Sarsaparilla hits the of people who feel "all tired out" cr "run down," from any cause.. It seems to oil up the whole mechanism of the, body so that all moves smoothly and work becomes a positive delight. Be sure to get Hoods, Hood's Pills act speeially upon the liver, rousing' it from torpidity to its natural duties, cure constipation and assist digestion. 'wait roe re. Exeter Fire Company No. 2 have en- gaged tne Comedy Company of MeNnl- ty & Hart to give three entertainments in Drew's Opera House on the even- ing's of the lith, 12th, and 18th of Jan- uary, •Disteta Meeting. The annual meeting of the district of Biddulph, L. 0. L., will be held in Ex- eter on the 12th of January, 1892, A full attendance Of the members of the society are requested to be present. J. NEIL, Dietrict Master, council Proceedings. Council met on Thursday evening at call of the Reeve. Members present. Reeve, Dept Reeve, Christie, Carling' and Ross. Minutes of last meeting were readeand approved. Clerks re- port, re voting for and against remov- al of market was then reade-Polling' sub div. No. 1 for removal 80, against 17; No. 2 for removal 71, against 16; Nov 3 for removal 16 againat 82; No 4 for removal 71 against 67. Total ma- jority for removal 59. The following account were read: -S. Hersey $2.50; John Hyndman $2.50; Geo. Bissett $2 5o Geo. McLeod $2,50; they having acted as deputy returning officers) Mrs. Ed - worthy $2; W. Weekes $2 for polling booths: M, Eacrett $2 for services in connection with same J. Williams $124 60; Dr. Lutz 90c. for disinfectant. T: B. Carling moved that the Depo. re- turning officers be paid $2 as usuai per dayno secender. Mo ed by D. A. Ross sec'ol. by W. G. Bissett that they be paid $2,50 per day. -Carried. The Reeve asked if there was any other huainess. Mr, Carling made reply, "what were we goieg toilrelative to the remove al of the market. The people had car- ried same by a large majerity and that we should nut in tamattei. ttt, once and not sit here like school children"Mr. ROSS said he quite agreed with Mr.Car- ling that this matter had been carried by 59 majority aad en the face of this ±110 satie man would go agaireit 1±1 Moved by T. B. seed by E. Christie that tye MVO market as soon as praeticable and Mr McLeod be com pensated for any expense tha,t he may killed by the seyertd marksmen: be pat to on accotint, of such renioval• Ailsa Crai • G Munro 8 El Mahler 9 day for Coburg to attend her father's funeral... --Mr. Fred Brown, of Wing. hum, is spending holiday with parents. -Mr. Pope 01 ±1110 MOISOICS Bank, has returned from St Thomas where he has been spending his vacation. -Mr. Thos Creech, of Ypsilanti, Mich., James Creech and wife, of Tilbury Centre,and Mr. Richard Bissett, wife and family, were here attending the funeral of Wesley Creech on Tuesday. -Mrs. Geo. Weir returned to Ridgetown on Tues. day. -Miss Mamie Sanders left for Lon- don on Wednesday monde g.—Mr. Nat Horn, of Durham, is visiting in town itt present. -Mr. Robert Fergtison has secured a situation at school teacherat Haysville in Water lea Co. -Mrs. Charles Eaeret le of Sarnia, is at present in the village with relaties.-John McKay,of Toronto, is the guest of 1. Carling, Jr. Kirkton A very enjoyable gateering of the Sunday School children of St. Paul's Church came WI' on Thursday evening of last week in the Town Hall. The Church guild furnished an interesting program of vocal and instrumental mu sic besides dialogues, recitations &e; after which prizes and presents were distributed among the children by the teachers. A pesentation was made by the lady teachers of it velvet cap with gold tassels to Capt. W. H. Paisey, as a slight reception of his services as Sup- erintendant. The Incumbent, Rey 1-1. D. Steelee awarded special prtzes to pupils whose names stood at the head of the roil for regular attendance,, at Sunday Sehoo12besides an illuminated Xmas card to each child in the school The proceedings closed by singing' the national Anthem; after which bags of candy and taffy were distributed frec. ly among the children. An hour was spent in innocent games, in which both teachers and children freely indulged. Creditom Mr. Canipbell, of Toronto, has been engaged to take charge Ofelhe public school for six months', An% Hobbs who was formerly engaged as Principal going to Parkhill -On Friday after- noon a large nutnber assembled at the hotel now occupied by Mr. August Hill for the pOrpose of participating' in a pigeon shooting match between a dub from Ansa Craig and a, home team. After the discuSsion regaialing distance, etc., had been settled, the match began and resulted in favor of the visiting team by eight birds. Thc] following is the -total nutnber of birds ' D C 0,17F pp need of -- !J Bills,. LOtee, ft0t1ttN, ITITZVariln.,1111.1111•PSFONV,MA.71,1,,,,r01•341,11,3311,74.trin.r.V131.1.414.R.,1 • . - , „ , „,„ j. Bowlonat A MahltIr, ; A. Bice, 8; visiting in the neighborhood of Nov J. Sherdowe, 6; Al. Daheey, 6; total 52., Haniburat-Air. J. Stureph. awl sister , Home torten -W. Smith, 7; S. Eilber, 5; of Elff111•11, are V141.13 o' th0,11' 1)E0l1101`, Hertaell, 5; 1. Handford, '8; J. West- Micheal Stum ttet D /3th the nomination of candidateS for the corning gnunieipal 'election was held in the Town Hall ,in this yillage. A large number of the ratepayers of. Hay were present and the following" were nomimated as dandidages.-Iletive Fred Hess tted Geo AfeEwen eFirk De- puty -Reeve, C. Kallefleiseli and Williame: 2nd Pepety,Reeve, jolui 11. &sheen mid Moses Geiger; Couecillors, Rebt. Turnbull, Wendell, Schmidt, John Voelker, Wm. Campbell, Robert Alc, M ardi e. EIltE.-Las pada y morni ttbout 330 a. m, the bate .and houso oit lot 22; Bronsen Line, Hay, was totally constuned ,flre. The hoase was oc- cupied by Mr. Alex, Elosseubeery'.s fem.- ily who escaped and saved very little of the f urn it urs] and eon ten ts of the house. The barn was filled with hate grail) and implements belonging to Jno. and °Well Geiger- who had rented the farm. Everything. was eon. slimed except the cattle. Alr. Geiger Bros had about 1500 bus of grain det• troyed with various implements Mr. Klopp the owner of the farm . had. the building. insure-cl for $1.000 . mid the grain was insured for $300, The fire is the work ot an incendiaty. cott, 4; P. Curtain, 7; H. Etlber, 8; total 44. On the. whole the mateh Was a success and speaks well for the mane, - ger who had chatgas of the proceed- ings. Brucefleld, Mr. Ma user:, 13 ra d on , n ,, is again home, the \Vest seems to have agreed with him.--Aliss Belamieson, St. Alarye is spending' holidays at home 2153 Miss R. Jatniesoli of Paris. --Mr. 1)ellas, 'Teacher or:farrow Ont., is home on Xmas Holula,vs --Miss E. McDonald, Clinton spent 10* days at home last week, -- Mrs. A. Bealin Pend Mills is visiting this syeels. at Ales. W. Seott,-,Tas, Me - Donald, Livertou is house at pretent,- Christmas passed off very quietly in our burg. ---The Cheistmas Pend held in Templet's Hail, Xmas Eve was quite a success. Tne mtell was i,ery large. - Air. & Mrs. Geo. Forrest have gone on a visit to friends East AVilltarns,-A quiet wedding took place here on Christmas clay' at the Faueli house. The happy cOuple, retna tied in town during Xmas and loft for Hen - salt the felloWing date -A I;t grippe patient in every house hi town, be- ware. -Mr. Mrs. Cameron, Hamilton were the gues'S of Mr. Geo. Haut Xmas -D. AlcCowaii pulessaes visiting friends in Port 'Huron next WOO -- Tuckeremith nominadon Was hild in Dixons Hall Ale:eclat, 1)ee. 28t1]. The folldwing candidates were- nominated, Reeve HT-Alt:Cad knee) Deputies Wal Icer AicKay, anti Sheppard Councillors, MeCttrthey, twit Reinhie Mr, atid Miss Hackney, of Utborne, were the guests of Air. McLaren, on Sunday last. . Miss Agnes Park, of Niagattg is spending' her -Xmas and New Year holidays with her parents near Crom arty. Mr. Harry aed Emanuel Speare, of Seaford], spent Xmas with their par enis of the 12dr-concession. The Literary Society of Cromarty met as usual on Wednesday e,yening and wit being:satisfied with the even- ing's entertainment they assembled at the residence Of Mr. Wilson and passed a few hours of 'the long night tip- ping the light faegpstie, until alit, haes ing satisfied. theraselee,s., returned to' their respective hems than Meg Mr. and Mrs. Wilson for. the kind accom- modation Whieb they had afforded thern On Wednesday afternoon one of those pleasant events which generally brigh ten a home took place at the residence of Mr.- Donald McKaig. After it number:of friends had assembled Mr. Ballantyne, of Sebringville, was united in bonds of matrimony to Agnes, fourth daughter of. Mr. McKaig, The cere. many was performed by the Rev. Peter Scott, of Cromarty. After all had done ample justice to the inner man and the, tables cleared away the mazy whirl began which lasted until the dawn of day, when all departed to their many homes wishieg. them every success which this life affords. A likewise ereat took place gt the residence of Mr. John Rice, being the marriage •of his eldest daughter, Elizabeth, to Mr, John Mitchell, of Tuckersmith. And, more of the same kind are soon expect • ed. We with you much joy Tommy.. Zurich. Mester jno. Kibler who has been at- tending the Hamilton business, college returned home last Thursday. 'John looks hale and hearty. -Mr. Ben Holtz man -returned home from Elkton Mich. last 'Wednesday. He says die is well pleased with Mich. -Mr. Ab. 'Ruby, of Elkton Mich igat present visiting- at his fathers Mr. Jacob Ruby. -Miss Su- san Steinbach of New Hamburg is yis. Rings friends and relatives in this vicin ity.--Miss Edith Dyer, of Exeter is the guests of Mrs, D. Steinbach. -Christmas day passed off rather quitely here. The day proved to be very dull and owing to the muddy state of the roads not much stir was to be seen in towii. 'Quite a number of Mir citizens took in the festival ,at the 14th con. and some went to Hensall to attend a festival there. They all report haying had a good time. -The Evangelical. church held the annual' Christmas Festival Thursday night and although the weather was not of the finest there was a good tarn out, the church being fill ed to the doors. The cantina recited the piece. with great Credit and after the packages and preSeMS were dis. tributed they 411 wended their way home well pleased With the gifts Of Santa Claus Lathereaa chureh also held their festival Thurtclav night The elittreh Wits Well filled. --.-The Me. ith S closed last .Ttiesday for Iwo .weekt. Our Teaithers atteaded the ex- aminations Miss Reith and Mie 041,1.8 Latta last week. ----Last Tuesday even- ing -Etter' the eldest daughter of Mr. Ed. 4011 passed away after a severe Hitless of several weeks. The Ittligiti Were interred in.the Luthereagi Wry Xmas morning.' We extend ong heartfelt Sympathy to the afflieted par, Outs and frienda.-Mr, Henry Deieliert, of Marlette, Miele, is tinder the parent - I roof, -Mr, Sol, Hardy And fonii3; are , 1;, ; 21 Centralia. A daring awl bold midnight robbery was perpetrated on three fariners in this vicinity on Wedfiesda,y night last and ne marauders managed to carry away eleven bags of first class cloveg sea The following Are 111LL losses: -Mr. Wes - 1132' Huston, five bags:Rh:1h flicks, foar bags, a id Wm, Hielts, of 2w1 concession of Stephen, two bags. They were tracked as far as Clamdehove and there all trace was lost. - Biddulph. A sooffil and literary entertainment was given by the pupils and teacher' of school section. .No. 2 Biddtilph on Tuesday 22nd inst. After the pupils had undergonea rc.,,VieW of their stud- ies by the several teachers piesent in which they acquitted themselves very well indeed showing it marked improve ment during the past. year. Air. Jas. Dempsey a former teacher acted as chairman and after it few well chosen remarks the pupils gaVe it number of readered, songs and recitations. After: w hie h en lam pie repast - urlI4h by the parent's and provided for the oc- casion fer all, when all present express ed themselves as well pleased with the entertainthent.-Died at his resideuce Biddulph, on Saturday 29th hist:, Mr. Geo Hodgins in the 94113 year of his age Ile was one of the early pioneers of this tp havieg resided continualry in it for the past 57 years. He was a native of County 'Tipperary Ireland and emigrat- ed tusthis country in 1833. -Me. Wilson Culbert who has been seriously ill for the past 3 weeks is again slightly on the mend. --.-Mr. T. C. HociginS intend resign ing the Deputy Reeveship. Mr. A. K. Hodgins and Mr. Westthan are spoken of as likely candidates. --Mr. A., Hod gins,of Biddulph has bought a fine farm on the 16th McGillivray for the sum of $4,000. Th e former own er refused $6,500 for this farm six years since, the farm is well improved and considered cheap at 'present price. We wish Mr. Hodgins success hr his enterprise. Usborne. Mr. Chas. Johnston, of Nissouri, `who has been spending Christmas in this vie inity with frias and relatives, left yesterday (Wednesday) for his home, - A number of near relatives of Mr. Thos Kernick assembled at his residence on Christmas clay to partake of it Christmas dinner and a very enjoyable time was spent -There was a likewise gathering at the residence of Mr. Daniel Kernick's home where all partook of choice viands and no doubt the poor geese suffered. - Miss Selina Harvey, who has been ill for some time, left last week for Bowman - vine where she will remain for the good of her health. We hope she may soon return fully restored to health. --Mr. W. Fisher gas% an oyste.r supper to a num bei- of his most intimate friends on Christmas eve and all speak of having spent a very enjoyable evening. After all had sufficed the innerinan toasts were drank and responded to, after whie,h all left for Miele respective homes well pleased with the time spent. -Mr. He,nry Homey, who has been. very in for some months pak, is we are sorry to say no better and that his recovery is doubtful. --At a meeting of the ratepay erg of S. S. No. 5, held yesterday Wed- nesday) 134r. John Freya° was elected Trustee. In the past term considerable dissatisfaction s been expressed by ratepayers and *0 hope and trust that this feeling may not exitt in future, and we feel confident that it will not as the present elect is a man who will dis. eharge the dutie,s of this office with the utmost economy . —mr. AS. P1,1137110 dis- posed of a tine horse to Mr, ht. Berry, of ,Hensal ort Tuesday last, for '3411idi he received a handsotne price, An ekperi• mot of feeding has been tried by Ailr Frayne on this horse as to how mneh a horse could be Math) gain On Weigh ing the animal was found that ft had g-ained three' pounds per day for one Month. This speaks' well for Mr. Fra-nc a8 a feeder. • vre 238 Nominations. Etteerpit. -- The Domination for Reeve, Denuty-itee,ve, and Councillors. took place at the Town 1-fali, on Mon- day eveeing last, --.11.1r, AI. Etterett act- ing as Returning Officer. The halt was peeked to its utmost capacity ta hear the nominatione and Speeches of the candidates for the different offiees.; A feW minutes before half - past seven., LeuliectrlitiREfintioetrueatiti ,,;roo.,0,1cat isitoia thaoturli ishe ito- nouneecl that the meeting; W11.6 open ta receive nominations, but some time - elapsed before any stir was macle. About 8 o'clock the first propoSal 3012 made, and, before the hour had expired the following were nominated:- Wm. Bawden for iteeve, proposed by T. If. McCallum, seconded by Wm. Harding; Ed, Christie for Councillor, by Jeseph 13i 37-11021, seconded by John Hawkshavvr J. P. Clarke for Couneillor, by It. Terry seconded by D. Beetled.; T B. Carling, for Conticillor, by John Evans, seecnid- ed. by Thos. Dearing; W. G. Bissett for Deputy.Reeve, by 1). Miller, eecondeil by Kinsman; Hugh Spaelsinan for Deputy-Reev'e, by It. FI. Collins, See- oude.d by John G'rigg; Dr. Rollins for Reeve, by Jas. Peart, seconded by Jinn. " Fla'ktrizstiaw; 1), A. Ross for Couneillor, by H. Kinsman, seconded by Hugh Brown; L H. Dickson for Councillor, by J. 1'. Ross, seconded 'by J. N. Howard; it. Collins for Couueillor, by Jolla Spaek man, seconded by John Gillespie. At half past eight Air. Eacrett dee41.re,11. the notninatton closed. It WAS i1111111ith lately moved by R. H. Collins and sae- onded that he act as chairman of the: meeting- for the bala.uce of the evening which was carried tutanimously, and which he did most efficiently. it was then moved, seconded awl carried that each speaker ahould be allowed but one quarter of an hour, 1-teeve Rollins was the first called 011 by the chair - Marl, who read a summary statemeut of expenditure atid the town'e financial standing and asked to be supported ia the coining contest, stating that the only fault that had been advanced, to his hearing, was the supportingof motion at the County Council of a less allowance to the volunteers than prev- ious yeart. After stating his reasons for supporting' this 'notion he resumed his seat. Then followed Air. Bisset% 'I'. B. Carling., D. A. Ross, E. Christie, W. Bawden, It H. Collins, II. Spaek- tnau and James Peart, hut as we are limited to space we shall not publish a full accou.nt. After all s.peech making.' swastneyefilregmeatietese was, closed- „by the gusteanary vote of, 'thanks to the chairman and the electors passed out in an orderly manner. NVe learn since the above that Messrs. J. P. Clarke, and L. H. Dickson have resigned, thus the`, - councillors are elected by acclamation, 108 (1113 Messrs. 1)1.. Rollins and NV. Baw- den to contest the reeveship, and Wr. G. Bissett and Hugh Spaeitman Deputy Reeveship. STEPHEN. -Reeve, V. Ratz first Dap- uty-Reeve, Eilber; second Deputy - Re e ve, J. Sherritt ; Couecillors, Hickee F. Wuertz--all by acclamation. McGrhitivitegv.--Reeve, W. L. Cdr.. bett ; First Deputy Reeve, Geo. L. John- ston Second Deputy -Reeve, John L.. Drummond; Councillors, Thes. Prest and Ed. Morgan. BAYFIELD.---Reeve, G. Woods, Coun- cillors, Edward Simons, Fowely and Fra- zer -by acclamation. CLINTON.--Mayor, W. Doherty and David A. Forrester ; Reeve, A. IT Man- nnehdieyee, ((tatecce..));.Deputg Reeve, D. 13. Ken.- UenortsE,-Reeve, T. McKay, (1-0-. elected by ace.); Council, Ward No 2, Wm Kydd (reeelected by ace., Ward No. 1 „James Halls; Thos. Heywood aed Rich Hunter'Ward 3, J.Shier and W. Del - bridge, Ward No. 4, Thos. Cameron and. Jas, Ballantyne. RIUMT115. : Wow:nee-In Exeter, on the 26t13 inst,the wife of Mr. Daniel Wood, of a ;laugh- ter.' , WEnsia.-In Brewster, on 29thinst, the wife of Mr. John Welsh of a daugh- ter.' DEATIIS. Carmen -In Exeter, on 26ttp insteg Wesley James, son .of Wm: Creech aged 18 years, 2 months and ,12 giggettter,___In Oshawa qui 2911] Eva, daughter of tie late Samuel Manning, of Usrne, aged 23 years., he and months, ll pegg,G.---Putst7tA'irt:AR.-(4; the resid- ence of the bride's parents, Stephen, by' the Rev. Mr. McDonagh, Mr. John Piling, of Zurieh,to Miss Jane, second daughter of Mr, John Priskator. Baienu-Luetrisav-At, the residence of the brides parents, On 'Wednesday 23rd inst , by the Rev. S. Sellery, Wm. Baker, of St. Catherines, for- merly of Exeter. to Miss Mar,v,second daughter of Mr, Geo. Lindsay, of Winerharn, BA L LANT V;St -MPKAff3—Ifl 1111313013, A en the 23rd inst., at the residence, of Mr. AleKnig, b,y the Rev. Peter Seed. Of Crcirharty, Mr Balltintyne, to Ag- nes MeKnico of Hibbert.