The Exeter Advocate, 1891-12-10, Page 81171111 40041—Draw a hue from the Lake Shore di.reetl r east to. Iaippen and thee b r xtyr of Stalfla and. Cromarty to F'til- Iia.rten and ltusseidaale, then south to K rkton• and Woodham them west again, to Clandeboy:c and terminating by way. of 'McGuire, Mount'Caaniol,Corbett and • Greenway at Grand Bend you have the outside Boundary of the field which THE:MART:... aims to cover with its goods raid 0U8 tomors. To secure this we have. to keep a large supply and cert lrll\ are not failing in this resliect..Our store is literally crowded with; goods and Ioliday Stock ready for seekers of'Hol •i€Lay Gifts. Every desiroabin thin. • we could think of has beeu placed to meet our eustomers wants and no v we• cor- dially invite them and their friends to call and passa pleasant half hour in looking through. We svish to make our store worthy of Both our Customers and Ourselves And now with little fear ask for their verdict. THE MART. —THIS IS TIIE-- BIS' BANKRUPT STORES AD- VEZ- USE- MENT. That's what you are looking for, all right, our talk this week is about the success of our great 60 day closing out sale. Order! Order! you old timers who are shouting yourselyes hoarse, crying Great Clearing Sales. Stewart has the Floor, here's where you take a back seat. The greatest Sale of the season is ours,. .and is already at high tide in public opinion. The Big Bankrupt Store is • .oyer-liowing With ram bargains which need, only to be appreciated. Now, while this great G0 day sale is on, the hum will continue at the Big Bank- rupt: Stora\. A Beautiful lot of Dress Goods, at such •prices as will cause you to -wonder. .A jolly lot of Furs, all at sale prices, and sale prices wi.tli us, are so low, that it would mean utter anni- hilation to any of the old fellows to at- tempt to beat us. Our reputation •is already established and it can't be a very bad one, judging from the crowds which daily throng our store- Not to Look around, (as they do in some stores in this town), and go away disgusted. No, No, the people who visit our store are not built that way, they are a far seeing and wide awake public who re- cognize a genuine bargain when see- ing it. fence tete BM BANKRUPT STORE'S snceess, 13. & C, Corsets for 690. during' the The law setting a price Upon the With the above for a starlet officers, it Great Clearing Sale at Richard fide, head of the English sparrow wont into is belieyed that the Order will greatly' acrd & Son's, effect on, the first of this month BA the !increase in risen bership, Threo thousand pounds' of sksaising State of Illinois, and henceforth that The annual election of oMeors of yttt'it, onl)r 10 eta, per slaa'kn at the Lae, llamg'uaeiofls little pirate will have to Plymouth Lodge, No. 00, S, 0, E. 13. 5.,. 9r. n ` 4 the fate of bekng sowed up on hotel Members of the order were nominated Boots 'unci sli ca rubbers and over- Now for the Conditions on which Beauty is to be given away. CONDITIONS; Thorea:s in our window a gl.n,,s jar containing a number of buttons, the rerun ber is unknown to. any person,'oho guarantee r (`which appeals below, With every pur- e.hase of SIM you are en titled to one saes.; at the number of Buttons in the Jar, with a, purchase et•5800 two guesses and so on. In our office will be kept a Book. where you yourguess. • : and • name will register your t. g Thecontest to close at 8 o'clock onNewYear Eve. when the Jar be opened and the counted b disinterested and res - Buttons cox \ ponsible pu,rtie, and the person who has. guessed_ the correct or nearest to the correct. number of Buttons will then become the owner of Beauty, should there be a tie then the first who has registered the correct MGM - "her will be the winner. This is to certify that the number of buttons in the jar in the window of the Big Bankrupt Store i s. urrkriown to any person, as they were placed there by us and the jar sealed in our presence. Si.,ued (B. S O'Nrir,, R. H. Cor,uTNs. Stewart, Dealer in - Bankrupt Stosl:. 1.1101911146 LOCAL JOTTINGS. do Woolen Mills, aro some pretty sharp dodging to escape took place on Monday d 'e'ie when ao 0 0 shoes, all at stale prices at the - Big tables tinder the a: taue of, some mall to Eill the different charts for the ensis- S game bird Sparrow pudding, . by lug; year -. I'ow is the time to ordot your suit or not to be despised, Latll,ruit foto.. whatevor name it is called, is a dish Past President, Bro, overcoat during our Great Sale. Rich - Bill Nve, who knows what lie sass, Vico from past experience, puts It, thusly to Its,asnam, Girl wanted at the Exeter Woollen newspaper thieves;_aA man may Ilse Chaplain, Mills to tuna knitting machine, one a wart on the hack of his hj,ek a USed tO the work preferred, 0011ar button, ride op. the bask coach Buv your aroceries at Richard Pick- of a railroad ear to save the interest ard & Son's , they carry the largesstsand on his money until the conductor best assorted stook in town. comes around; stop his watch at nightht "Pay yourtaxes" are the words of to save wear and tear; loave his 'i' or• our colleetor these days, not only to. 't' Without a dot or cross to save ink; owners, but for politax. pasture his mother's graye to save property corn ; but a man of this sort is: a gentle heady. made clothiu ; is • taking b' ' 'clraicl Pickard & Sons, man and seholar.eompared to the fel- wings t Jailow who will take a newspaper two or Stile prices are Gelling on:them, • three , and :when asked to pay The Grand Trunl.' Through Express for l for it,puts re into the ' postorlieo and trains began runztiub regularly thio- has It'maricecl 'refused.''" • ugh the St, Clair tunnel on Monday. On \Vednosday evening; last about 5 Boots t" Shoes aro beim' cleared re o'clock one of thoseevents which tend to gardless of cost at Richard Pickard & add pleasure and joy- to a man's hap i Son's Burin; their Ureal Sale. Dims tools place at the residence of Mrs. NATIONAL PILLS are a• mild par- J. it.lor'lock, Crediton, when her daugh• gative, acting on the Stomach, 'Liver tern Miss L. A. Morlock, was united tri and bowels, removing all obstructions. that solemn tie, which. binds -man and Overcoats for men and boys for near Wife together, to Mr, Harry Bucking- ly halt price during the great Go day ham, of Exeter, the Rev. Mr Russell, of closing out sale at the Big Bankrupt Exeter, performing the ceremony. Miss Store. Lavina Morlock, sister of the bride, act You can give your friends a nice ed as briclesr laid while .lir: Samuel Christmas present present by getting a Saveck, Publisher of the Exeter "Advo- pair of fine blankets at the Exeter l rol- cate, supported the groom through the len Mills.intricate windings of the ceremony. Great bargains in sealettes and all The couple were the recipients of many and useful presents, some of kinds of mantle cloths at Richard Pick- costly r, whlc,tl came loris'distances. they in - and &Son's, during their great: clear tend residing in this village where Mr. ing sale. Buckingham is engaged in business. No other preparation combines the Amidst all congratulations we extend positive economy. the peculiar merit to the young couple a long life, of happi- and the medicinal power of Flood's Sar ness, and may their united endeavors saparilla. make home pleasant. The English church parsonage has The remains of David Driller, jr, who been undergoing repairs during the we announced last week was drowned past week, and is now about completed near i;hama, New Mexico, arrived here making. it more comfortable than before. on Monday morning and were interred' The McGibeny family willmake their in the Exeter cemetery in the after appearance here on Monday Dec. 21st. noon, the Rev. Wm Martin performing It is needless for us to comment on those the burial service. From what can b0 noted musicians. \Vait for it,it will be learned of the affair, at the time it oe- good. carred he was, in company with anoth Owing to Miss Sarah A. Eacrett de- er young man, out boating, when'it is cling to fill the position as organist in supposed the craft upset, and they the Jame.s`str•eet Methodist cliurch,Miss were thrown into the water. The Edith Brown has been engaged to fill young man* 10 company with him the vacancy. nearly succeeded in reaching shore,. All parties needing sale bills will but Mr. Miller was found only a short find it to their advantage to give the distance from the boat, having, met a "ADVOCATE" office a call, and you will watery grave unexpected. Diligent receive satisfaction for leavingyour search was made for the body but sev- order. Give us a call. eral days elapsed betore it was found. Word was sent here as soon as it Carpets, Curtains, Blinds, &c., &c., at was discovered and word was imnled- away down prices during our Great lately sent back to have it properly Sale. Richard Pickard &- Son. cared for and sent home. It arrived Where do the people all come from, here as above stated in a very good and what is the attraction? Why, the state of preservation, and was placed great 60 day closing out sale at the at rest amidst a large gathering of Big Bankrupt Store, is what is bring- relatives and friends. ing the crowds to town every day. Fames for Swale. The Exeter public school concert The undersigned has seveani sfirst which was announced for 21st inst., has class farms for sale on easy terms. been changed and will be held on Fri- J. SPACKMAN. Exeter. day Dec. 18th. Every person should. Wanteat:. take this in as it will be worthy of pat Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of ronage. boots and shoes that need. repairing to Wm. Piper appeared before His Honor be left at the leading boot and shoe Judge Tom and a jury on Tuesday last store next door to the post office. G. in answer to a charge of being connect- Manson. ed with the recent chicken scrape, and vestry Meeting. was dismissed. No substantial evidence A. vestry meeting will be held in being produced.. the Trivial Memorial church this Mr' John Coulter, wife and family (Thursday) evening. All members left Exeter on Tuesday for Hensali, are requested to be present as natters where they intend making their future of importauce are to he discussed. home. Although not a long resident Gutters, Sleighs. ' here Mr. C. succeeded in making many D. Brauud, Exeter North, has a friends who are sorry to hear of his de- great variety of`: cutters, bob -sleighs, parture. Mr. Hugh Spackman intends &c., call and see before purchasing occupying the premises vacated by Mr. elsewhere. Also a. large quantity of Coulter, which is opposite the Main st dry hard wood for sale, -which• will be Methodist church, until September, delivered to any part of the village in when he expects to have another resi- large or small quantities. Orders left deuce completed for himself. at this offie promptly attended to. Mr: Chambers, Father of Issas Cham- aiaipnaccuts. \ane exported Messrs. Lovett and D c vinst n is the ossesaor of ay P r.• of Al 0 oers, , P bushels bar'lev to 1Ju S• m ten thousand - Masonic Heirloom in the shape of a sill.r . - :y handkerchief. The article first belong !and this week.—Mr. 11 m Balkwill grandfather of Isaac shipped one car lambs to Buffalo ed to thebrcat„Ianilfatic qac P Satur- Chambers, who was a Scotchman, and day and H. Willort •also shipped one eviclentlya mason of the Scotch Rite, car to same point Tuesday.—The Ex - This handkercheif of queer devises has eter Milling Company exported to Eng now decended to the fourth generation land several cars flour during the past It appears to have been brougat from week.' Scotland by the grandfather of that Obituary-. i • still soundFisher 1: gentleman. The article s ou The funeral of Mr. Pratt too and handsome, after a period of over place from his late residence, huron'St one hundred years. It :is completely on Friday afternoon and : his aremains covered with all manner of Masonic were interred in the Exeter Cemetery. emblems, in colors. It is not for sale: -Mr: Fisher had been ill for sometime Thursday evening last week the and his death was not unexpected. He members of Defiance Fire Company died on Wednesday evening last week No. 2, met in the Fire Hall for the about 7 o'clock." He was born in York - purpose of receiving their salaries for shire, England, and euigratedto this services during• the past year and for country about 49 years ago., settlins- pa r fUl until the election of officers to perform the on the gni concession o s iort,e uu i duties pertaining to the company for six years ago when he retired from the For afine black suit try J. IL Grieve the ensuing year. The officers, which Merchant Tailor. are, -Captain, James Weekds; lst Lieu- tenant, Silas` Hand ford; 2nd Lieuten- ant, Richard Farmer; Sec. & Treas, D. i stBranchtn rn A. Davy.; 2nd Spicer; 1 7 P , -+ Braurhman, John Belittle; Foreman of Hose, George Hill; Assistant Foreman, L. Treble; being duly elected to fill the offices, and the other business's ended, the company repaired to the Groeer,y Store of Mr. Frank Knight to partake of an oyster supper. .After all had be- come seated in time dining roots connectiOf they refreshed themselves with the delicacies• of the season, which were served by Mr. Knight in siu,h it manner as to command words of praise i,eer After all had partaken heartily, Several p ., reeckviug more than an allotted Share for one man, they thanked the gentle- lnarri ,for the hospitable manner in which they had been treated, and as ADVOCATE from now till 1593 for $1. See clubbing rates. Richard Pickard .& Son are selling the best 25c. tea in town. • -Try Gidley's $1.75 Panel Bed that we blow about. See ad. elsewhere. If you want a first class farmoileas terms call on John Spackman, Exeter Don't forget to call and see J. IJ, G rieve's •$10 overcoats before purchas- ing. ' Dress goods from 5c, per yam'd3tap, at Richard Pickard & Son's during the Salic. Buy your K.rnas groceries and teas Big Bankrupt the Store and save • Money. R ehaed. Pickard & Son ai-e Cleansing nrrliriaer,y, thenmantles, etes regardless ofsurest him that when another reunion Cbst during then great sale. We l, We are often asked, "NOv,, really which is the hest and cheapest store itr town," our answer mast be the Big. ,Bankrupt Store. occurred it mould be in the place they were now about to vacate. Ali there separated for their separate homes pleased, with their evening's Sentinel, t,C. Organist, nist, Sister` May Gill, hardships of the farm and became a resident of Exeter. Ho leaves behind to mourn his loss a wife and two child- ren, one of which is married and resid- 'es ham. Aithon h the weath- er i n W b _ '. large er ryas somewhat disagreeable the lathe, number of friends who gathered at the home to pay the last tribute of'respect, showed the nigh esteem in which the departed one was held, Elections of Office., On Monday evening last Advance Qf),uncil 207, Royal Tcmplars of Temp. eranee, met in their hall. and after dis- pensing with other business : elected the following officers for the ensuing y ear: 5elect ou illoro Brother T Muir; Vice' Sister H. B`Lladon• r Chaplain, Bro, J. IV. lIar rison; Rec'd Secretary, " Roger 8, Crocker; Asst '' J. C. Gould; Rich. Gidley J P, Clarke; J. VV. 'Browning; " Thos. Brilnacdmtie' " 'I'.1!.1,)ayidson•;. Fina 0. rlreasnrer, . Herald: Guard, sport. 1c Secretary, 1st Committeeman " 2nd , " Ord • d ai 4th 5111` Gtlr Inner G -ward Outer '° 11 33 N. D. lurdon; Samuel Sweet; Ed. Bissott Joseph Senior; Robert Rowe; G eorgo .feria p; Goorge. Bantle° Fred .1+,arneorn be Phil ILowtelrifc • 1 Win. Dearing a Ard. Staulale John Parsons Wm. Pugsley James Sweet Surgeon, "' Dr. '1'. A. Argos Lodge Trustees, Bros, John.Spacicmaan, George. Davis aucl James Sweet. Auditors, Bros. Robert Pickard and Hugh Spackman. Grand Lodge 'Delegates, Biros. John Spackman and Joseph Senior At She annual meeting of Exeter L 0. L No. 924, held on Saturday, 5th Inst, the following officers were elect- ed,—W. 51,, II: Ltmbroolc; 1) M., E. Gill; Chap., J. Spacktn;in; Rec.•Sec., L. Dickson; Fin. Sec., J, Ferguson; 'boas,, Jno. Director of tete- montes, D, Den; lst coni., J. Willis; 2nd J. Priskator; 3rd, :E; Sanders; 4th, W. Snell; 5111, J. Gillespie. 4:iaaaraeiiau Order Ciallbe I^n'100111 . Is trimly Canadian Benevolent and Fraternal Society, is charted by the Government, and admits both ladies and gentlemen to fall membership and full 'benefits from age SS' to 55 years and pays the full claim at death. or age 75 years, or one half in case of total disability and balance at death. or age 75, has also a sick benefit fund paying. $5 per week—certificates are issued for. $500, $1,000 or $2,000 as the member may elect. The Order gives its •ben- efits at actual cost as it does not allow any more surplus than $20,000 to ac- cumulate at one time, The object of the order is to protect the families of its members in case of death and the members themselves in the event of disability or old age. Tho order is controlled by its member, each mem- ber having a vote on all questions, in- dividually first and then by their dele- gate in the Grand Council, every amendment being submitted to the membership 1E1 the local councils before being brought before the Grand 'Coun- cil. The Order has already between three and four thousand members. Exeter Council No. 94 has decided for a short time longer to admit candi- dates at charter rates. There is a de- cided advantage in joining at charter rate which can only be made known after initiation. Now do not put off until tomorrow that which you, should do today -give in your name "don't "procrastinate" you know not what a day may bring forth." He that pro- videth net for his own, and ,especially those -of his own household, hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel. For full particulars see circular or ap• ply to any of the following, Rev, W. M. Martie; Councilor; J. P, Ross, P. C.; J Senior, V. C.; T. A. Brown. Prelate and Asst Rec.;'Mrs. T. A Brown, Itecorder; T. Fitton,-Treas.; J. H. Grieve, Marsh- all; R. Muir, Warden; E. Christie, Guard; Mrs. J. P. Ross, Sent.; Dr. Amos Medical examiner, or to any of the members." As the Council can close the charter at any meeting apply at ones and make sure of ;;•ettting in at charter rate. T..A. BROWN, Asst. Rec, FIVE HUNDREL) DOLLARS Will be given for a case of catarrh which cannot be cured permanently by Clark's Catarrh Cure, Step right up toythe office and prove your case and get the reward. Thousands have tried thss remedy but no one. has claimed the reward, because it cures in every case. If you have a cold or are trout 1'(l with Catarrh, ask your druggist for Clark's Catarrh Cure, :p1cc 50 cc is and see what a pleasant relief it will be instantly. • rf yon are asked to take something else Send to us direct, and we will send you a bottle by mail no receipt of price Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New N.orl:. NOW IS THE TIME TO FALL BUY YOUR $3,000.00 11011111. TO BE CLEARED THIS NEXT 30 DAYS AT LESS TIIAN WIIOLESALEP RICE. If you want a Child's, Boys or Man's Suit Overcoat and Pants &e... call Pants, and see our big stock. Th !mint in TONI to CHOOSE POW'. E. J. SPACKMAN & CO. SAMWELL'S BLOCK EXETER. ` - ONTARIO TSE ObD SHIP TILL FLOAT& Though tossed about by many a ALO , and HARD BLOW too, still not forced to unload her cargo, but would like to lighten her burden in order to make room for the spring trade. We have a quantity of , Read made Sorts and arc t that will make you open your oure es when we quote ' you the price; We also have a lot ofBoots and Shoes, Furs g- Underwear, . e and Robes, i which will be sold at the lowest price. rice. Fol, possible Trade, Tr age, Trade, wo cannot allow 30, 40, and 50 per coni off arm we do not put it on, hut will allow a Ii'bustl discount for, Highes price paid for produce, Butter Mc; Lard 110; Eggs 17c; Dried Apples acts; Geese 5cts; Turkeys Sets; Ducks Gets; Chickens 5 ets. A GALL SOLICITED. IG Great Baraa!lls 111 Ti7lwal 1 Also a latae ss©itment of Stores. OK: Bermuda„. Florida, Famous Cook, Manitoba. Cti .i tt tA Art Countess, Royal Art; Double Heater; Double Heater with oven Box Stoves, HAR WARE. Iron shelf goods Cattlechains, Scoops, Axes, Xcut saws, hinges & House Fittings, Paints, Oils, &c. Coal Oil, 4 gallons for e E Cts_ Water White, 4. gallons for ac cls_ 3 ©CO fejt Ash Ceiling, Dressed. 2000 feet Hardwood Flooring, Dressed. All to be sold this Fall. J. Pd. HOWARD Prop. F 1 Sc :I' When I sayI nre I do not mean. Inccry to sto them P ro: a time and El en have them else again, I mean - Syradori AL Il eve made the disease o ly. warrant 5Y or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long atud}•. I warrant my remedy to Cl 00 the ,worst cases. Lecanse others have failed is no rens a for not now receiving a cure. Send at 0100 for a treatise and a.Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give EXPRESS and POST-oxuICE. H. G. ROOT, M. C., 186 A`bELAIDE ST. WEST, TORONTO, ONT. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT ril os®J+...0a . _ _ from which this paper is printed was supplied by the re UT o TYPE RUNNY Dealers in typo, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON 30 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO. Obi T. Exeter Roller Mills. MARKET REPORTS. WHEAT 0.90 TO 0.95l' err bush Oar Sellin27 Prices. Flour, strong bakers', 8800 per 100 best family, 2:50 " " at. lore grade, 2.00 " " (L " Brain, 70 Middlings, 90 " " Screenings, y J.00 '‘" r Chop, 1.10 to 1.25 " day, running everya , Chop stone u TERMS "C4.SII. L+ `lix>t , g: intoxete't• Milling Co A m Tailpr 1 f The Summer hohda.vs are now about over.and nd the Fall.I1 airs being close..Cs band, I wish to inform my many cus- tomers that I am still in my OLD STAND, (OVER (F. J. Knight's Grocery Store.)' And am prepared to do work in latest style and best of workmanship. x II' — 1 x II ' - II 1< Il - II x ALL WENN 60pRBBiEED. x II ÷II >C• II :: II x 11 ,÷ II x Give me a call and leave your measure and I vvill give you a neat fit. Over F. J. Knight's G•occr^. Store. BERT KNIGHT. CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTA1IO $l per day. J. & J AlaA riN,1'roprietorsa