The Exeter Advocate, 1891-12-10, Page 5kbr ()vex i iffy ourtt, . Mit$. WINSLOW'S SYRUP has boor' used by millions ofntothers for their child- ren while teething. 1f disturbed tit night and broken of your rest by a sick eland Suf. forrngand crying with pain of OuttingTeeth send at once and got a bottle Of "Mr's Win- slow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth- ing. It wi11'relleve the poor little suff'er'er immediately. Depend upon it, ntothers,tbore is no mistake about it, It cures l�iiarrhwa, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the (;rums, rednees In flnrnmation, and gives tone and energy to the whole .s,ystont.. "Mrs. Winslow=S Sooth- ing Syrup' for children teething is pleasant thetott taste and i, t prescription of ono of the oldest i and best lforalephysicians and nurses in the United Status, Price twenty - live cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world, 13o suretand ask• for "Alias. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP," .An auditorium to cost $1,200,000 is to be built at Minneapolis, Minn., main- ly for the accommodation of next year's Republican national convention. A citizens' guarantee' fund of °.x"100,000 for the entertainment of the convention is beim raised. Consumption Cured.. An old physician, retired from practice having had placed in his lands by an Last India missionary ,the formula et a simple vegetable rein odyfor the speedy and perma- nent cure cri,i1nentcure of0ousual ption, Bronchitis, Cta- tarrh, Asthmand a, unau throat and Lung Affections, also a positiveand aclical 'mire for Nerve us Debility aucl s it 1 .,rvous Coin - Plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt ithis duty to make it known to his suff- eringfollows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will seud'freo of charge, to all Who desire ir, this recipe,inGerm an, r2'rench.or English, with inn directions for preparing and using. Sent ltd mail by addressing with stamp,' naming:. this paper. W. A. NOYLS, 820 Powers Block, Rochester, N. Y. A Montreal Gazette reporter occu- pied the stand at the trial of Nfr, Mer - tier's li bel suits in Quebec nearly- all of yesterday. He knew so little that the Premier became very mad and threat cued to subpcena the whole Gazette staf' When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castori 'When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, Before the Imperial. Royal Labor Commission yesterday, a factory ial- apector spoke somewhat emphatically of the superior order of things regard- ing ing fai,ctories that prevailed in America as compared with Englund. TIIE REAbON WAY The reason why Burdock Blood Bit teas leads all other medicines tin the race for popularity is'b cause it is ab- solutely 1 pp J e ci solutely pure, cannot 'Harm the most delicate invalid, and never fails to cure biliousness, dyspepsia, bad blood, con- stipation, Ste. • A Tien T'sili despatch says that the outrages in China aro committed by a an organization 1110'4n as the foul - 0 , a ll o• „ el tince'�a ue whose. object is to slay c � , all foreigners 1,11c1, Chrfstr.lns. TO INVIGORATE, both the:body and the brain, use the reliable 'tonic, Mil - bun 's idilburn's Aromatic ,Qui nine Wine. At tu'meeting in Hamilton yesterday attended by members of both parties, a strong; committee was appointed to tale up funds for a memorial to the late Sir John Macdonald. ENJOYING A BLESSING. Ditekn: Srl.s,—Last summer nay younger siSt,la Were, Caked Very badly with croup, indeed we were almost in despair, Laving little hope of truing them: Finally we applied I-Iagyard's i'ellow Oil, and to our great joy it cur-,. ed then' perfectly, and they are 130w enjoying the blessing of perfect health,` ANNIE JOHNSTON, Dalhousie, N.1•;', Hon C. H Tupper received a Most hearty r welcome yesterday at Chatham, . Y Ont,,where he delivered art eloquent x111(1 ess before the Young Men's 1 ibcr al•Con•ser]ati.veAssociation. Successful remedies always find un- scrupulous imitators. Ask your dealer for Dr. 'Williams' Pini, Pills and tale 310 substitute.. They are a Bever fail- ing blood builder and nerve tonic, rr - dmiraliG Officials investigat- ing ...ThSA v let. C fatal al gull wattlec,' f In the t c t he warship Plucky, whereby two boats were suul: and one fisherman killed, have awarded' the owners of the two boats £400, besides grantilig• corapen 8stiesto the widow of the fisherman 1 iHed. , COLD WE WE../1.THER TRIALS. DEAR Sirs, --This fall and winter .I sut'feredfrom neuralgia in my face and. had the best medical advice without avail, I at last' thought of trying B.B.B. and. after using one bottle have not "felt any symptoms of neur'rlgi<s since. 1 n.gard it as 'i line family medicine. J. T. Duosr, Heaslip, Man. '1 he C.P.R. steamer Empress of China experienced rough 'feather• on her jvoyage from Hol oh i,rna to Vancouver. Capt' Good, of Cleveland, Ohio, died at sea. VICTORIA CARBOLIC SALVE is a great aid to internal medicine in the treatment of scrofulous sores; rricors and abscesses of all kinds. ,: A deputation front the West Indies had an interview with Secretary Fos ter at Washington yesterday relative Vi to t luc.clplociG,g treaty with the United States, embracing such articles the 'tariff on which• will not discriminate against Inst t hamother country.. Have no equal as a prompt and pos. Rive cure for biliousness, skit head- ache, constipation, pain in the side; and all liver • troubles. Carter's Little Liver Rrl',s, Try there. . The Russell divorce case was Contin- lied yestorday, all the evidence for the Countess being talon, and Sir Charles Russell opening for the respondent. NOW,PRFE FROM PAIN. AR S]1tS --I have been troubled Dr trim. Laine Back for about six months o• , (, , would try Ha yard s and '101.1 htI ao an ., r, - Fellow Oil, which cured ane. Am now fretefrom all pains and recommend -S"ellow til very lustily: 1 RdNli P.teelLlt, V\ inolia, OM,. 1133333371.133211134 SPANISH NERVINE TUX GIMAT srArTIsri ILE7dtEBy, easily, gn-,elcly and permanently restores Weakness, Nervousness aril Y,ostbianhood. A oeaARa s specific Pits end Neuralgia, Dizziness, Convlsions, Nervous Prostration caused by the u•aeo f Tobacco o Alcohol, Loss of Power in either Sex, Involuntary l.os•ses caused by ever -indulgence. Wo guaraeteo'six boxes to cure any case or refund the money. V. a box; 6 boxes for $�. Address 17. S, Agents Span- LM L edioinb Co„ Detroit, Tilton. Sold by druggists. Qr. T. A. Slocum's OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVET.,, OIL. if you have Difficulty of Breathing—Use it. For sale by all druggists. 35 cents per bottle. Adyices front Pekin say that an ofli• ci,•LI st.`ltelnant places the insurgents' at 1,500, and says that the movement is really one of private revenge taken by a native for outrages inflicted on his wife, said native being quite promis- cuous in his acts of vengeance. What is more annoying than going about constantly hawking and spit- ting? This is the result of catarrh.ar d Nasal Balm will cure any case when faithfully used. J. R. Arnold' was acquitted yester- day by the Ottawa magistrate on the chargers of fi•auct and conspiracy, anti committed for trial on a third charge, breach of duty. A GOOD VERDICT. Sirs. -1 have great reason to sinal: of your 13, B. Bitters, I have taken 6 bottles for myself and family and find that fol• loss of appetite and weakness it has no equal. It cures sick headache purities the blood and will not to i l when used. I heartily recommend it to all wanting a pure medicine. Mits. Htte tt MCNuTT, Truro, N. S. Two boys, Augustus Swanson and Armour Clover, yesterday dug a cave in a frozen sawdust pile at West Su. petiole 14'is. While inside the crust gaye away, crushing them to death. Do not suffer from sick headache a moment longer. It is not necessary. Carter's Little Liver' Pills will euro yin. Dose, one little pill. Small price. Small dose, Snzall pill, Trial of the petition against the re- turn of'\Tr.Ingram for East Elgin was commenced at St. Thomas yesterday. No decision had been reached when the court adjourued until this morn ing. EXPEL THE WORMS by using. the safe and reliable anthelmintic Free man's Woran Powders. Great cXcittm-neat is reported through out the Red River valley, Dakota, ow ing to an order issued by the Great• Northern railroad, avuning settlers to vacate land'belongiu,>: to the company by December 15. TIIE BEST YET. DI9xali —1 t was attack- ed Sziis I' nlothe is attac ed with inflammation of the lungs whish left her very weak and never free from cold, till at last she got a very severe crud and. cough. She re• solved to try Hagaarcl's Pectoral Bal- sam, and. ou so doing, found it did her ,d there good that' any elites mcdre,ine she ever tried. Mits.-NE NED1-, 50 Smith Av.Ilamilton, Ontario. George J_ Reie's two-storey brick store in Detroit was burnt earlyyester day morning. George Reis, Mrs. Reis and their thrive children, Charles, Josie and Eddie; perished in the flames. A servant girl and two ,other children esca ped. Mrs. Chas. Smith, of Jimes, Ohio, writes: I have used every remedy for sick headache I could hear of for the past fifteen years, but Carter's Little Liver Pills did me more,gobd than all the rest. The Haiifax, N.S, Board of Trade has issued a circular to other boards of trade throughout theDomr'nion, asking that they be represented at a public meeting to be held in Halifax on the 15th inst,:for consideration of the At- lantic mail service. Chancellor of the Exchequer COschcn addressed a meting: of leading bankers and merchants in London yesterday, dealing principally fa ith the preposi- tion £i notes with a 11(11 of mires$, ing the stock of gold- in the Bank of. England .a.it:1E8i; and Commission to trifli fl–N, Agents. Ken and Women, Teach- ers and Clergy -in en to introduce a new and. point tar standard book. Testinioaty of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nan etih rhe most rem .a11 able religious book of the age, written by 300 v•minont schol a , Non- sectar.lau Byer,- er, Christian wants it. Ex- clasivo territory give]:. Apply to The henry Bill ublishillg Co,, Norwich, (16)]111C. Doh 0ttoiil1oa1 COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an alit physician. Successfully resift monthly 53 LhoiitaniTh of r I, l es, Is t11,o only perfect 1y safe and reliable medic- ine discovered.Boware o£ ' a'1 unprinciplotldruggistsw1 offer inferior 111ed 10.111 0 8 an place of this. Aslc for 0001c'S Oo'r' ox, ROOT COMPOUND, take tan sustLCtte o1inclose anil three-centnt Can. and we will send., sealed, by return mall. Full sealed par- ticulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 Stam ps. Address roodLily Co tgtmny,No Fisher Nock,' 195 Woodward ave. Deficit, . rtTr,c at DR. l U 4 rnl � Mich. £ta Sold , W. ilIlowN'NO.'S and b;1 all c}ruggist.> every- wiiero. A/L'_W:IY.f�'',V. 04VL,S0tN3,(''.1-11110. is TlIE IT 1 i" ,BnST 115131 INC ANADA To G11'' i A TR.nROU,t(n 13ri61NI )-, EntimAtiON. tt lke a Daunt Trip alit tisitall othorllusi- r uoss College anti Com. me't'al l)01001motlts i,fi C.111)1la, then visit the Northt'rn pic Business Cot',examine t,verytlxini. thoto11;hly, Ifwo fail to lro- tlncr the Mast Ili01 r'uCll,conip]ete, 3ntcli rul a , snd o_tontive erne do of stud • the best cot- legepremieeSl111tlthe b1s aii,1mesteem pieta slid an o;vt suitalrlc furniture all el al nlua,tees, WO tvt11 1 I"1 en tt all tiolii503 i li] 1,], 1,'or Annual Ann Olin SOa,00t�'�,vnl tau partleu- larapfree, itddro'-i, C 2 F3,Ei♦11' (, Pr ncipal, bt-280. 4` ugust Flower" How does he feel 3—He feels blue, a deep, dark, unfadiug, dyed- in-the-wool, eternal blue, and he makes everybody feel the same way —August Flowe. r the Remedy. How does he feel? -11e feels a headache, generally dull and con- stant, but sometimes excruciating— August Flower the Remedy. .v. How does he feel?—He feels a violent hiccoughing or jumping of the stomach after a meal, raising bitter -tasting matter or what he has eaten or drunk—August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ?—He feels the gradual decay of vital power; he feels miserable, m9lancholy, hopeless, and longs for death ` and peace -August Flower the Rem- edy. How does he feel? -He feels so full after eating a meal that he can hardly walk—August Flower the Remedy. e G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A. IT SAY D 11E11 LIFE A Letter to the Ladies. Toxooto, Oct 21,100 1. . l pleasure r a 111 f 1lTi tl] T a 1 take f; 1 in o r, you that a. c ai ago Mas °eonetiollledie in es cured ne of oserious aftack of paralysis. Three years ago .L hacl a sudden stroke while, sit- ting ou to sofa, a second onefryer teen months ago while lying in bed. A111 did for it failed to do much, good My voice and all ono side were badly affected. At last I tried Dr. J. I:IntendJomilt n's 11igtogenctio Remedies. In three months my voice became strong, My bS, which were almost useless, regained nil power. 1n0 longer need to be assisted t etabl or 1 an r.JIl othc table place the ,y 7uuseles developed wonderfully. considering that 1ani ,1yc1ar of age. 1'ea1 walk to it eh arch knbac 1 regularly. Thele t ffect has leen perm ane ti t now for about twelve mon- Last April l baa severe attack of mand Hid cur- erl,ine In a few days, and 011 the 550 of this niont]i 8 took. :con estion of the liver end right 11mr T. 00 bIttl c oulcl not have lived tong. 7111 a levy hours rbcs Ilistogcnetic; Remedies once more gave immediate relief, It is only two ac rebs n.nn I am sitting up ev- ery da and n" arly well. To say that 1115 faith ,uHisto g ,retic Lecltcincs isstrung but faintly express sit Tr} it ladies 800 "those or any Other complaittts ita,d be convinced. Dr lacer, of (orento,is allowed to give my name and a,ldresV to any inquirers sim]larly affected. ' e..,]r•ctfullyr, Ml1S ---, Toronto. P. S,—Above address can also be had lot the London office Will beatll et r "Ciegntrazl Hotel," on Tueoi lay Dee. 11st.; fr0xan' 9. 30 aZ.�.m,, •tpo e ✓l�, p. tip„ and atilensaa, 1, "fIs3ltsa iI el,?' saine day (TIl,e:isal:y) frons 6 p. i.pi., to 9 next ,lnor.u.ing. 'A -14J .. .eJ ARLY, , CONSULTrATION .FREE. All Diseases•Trsated, ,., Histogenetic I�` title 1� edlcic.e Association. Rooms 2 and 3 Albion Block Rich Richmond• St 'London, lleacl Oilice for Western Ontario Head (Mice for Canada, 19 Youge Street Market, Toronto. May 14-74 • Meution Exeter "ADVOCATE." London Ht,ron & Bruce Railway >7'assaeet,^y<sn 'Time Taab]c. GOING NO11rin min Lon don,dep' t 8.05 1.25. LuoanOros'g 8.17 5.20, Olancleboye 8 52 a 28, Centralia 9 e15 a tri' EXETER 0 111 T 57. Hensall 9 28 4.09 ]81p3lon 9 31 31 17; J3rucofield 9,42 9 20. Clinton 10.00 0.45. Lonclesboro' 10.10 7.03 Blyth 1028 7.12. Belgrave 10 42 7.27 Winrbam 11.00 7.45. GOING SOU'r'ir. a.m. p.m. Wingham 7.05 340. ]3elgrave 7,24 4.00. Blyth 7.38 415. Londesboro' 7 47 4.25, Clinton 8.07 4.45. I3rucefield 8 20 ,5 04. Killeen 8.34 '5.12 ITensall 8:41 510 EXETER 8.57 5.33 Centralia 9.09 5,45• Clandcboyo 9.18 5.58. I,uoan Cros'g 9,24 6,02. London a.,rr 10 15 84.5 EXETER STILL TO THE FRONT And if you don't believe it call at Ross & Taylor's PLANING MILL AND LUMBER YARD gaud you,avill be convinced that they have the Largest a.nd Best Stock of all kinds of 1,xiui uldrnn• Materials in this sec- tion tion of countr r ,and at the lowest prices. Shingles a Specialty, having a large stock on hand eve are prepared to meet the keenest competit• ion 415 to prise of quality. We have SO - cured the; right to Manufacture and 'll r •i I alanrn 5t, Aie 1 aln9 t,e el, axed B Cab- inets. Call and see them and be con- vinced oftheir merit. ROSS Sc. TAYLOR,' \`.`; SC,, Exeter PDC1(1.1 Sale 01P111111111111 [or tie veXl 30 DAY; ;Now is the time to secure furniture at prices never heard of before in Exeter:. For the next THIRTY DAYS, I WILL OFFER THE WHOLE OF MY GIG -ANTIC STOCK OF Bed Room sets in Maple, Cherry, Ash & Oak; Sideboards in Maple, Cherry and Oak: together with a Magnificent line in Parlor Suites Loup e hair Tables and everything usually found in a firs -class furniture store. REMEMBER THESE ARE ALL IfJRST CLASS GOODS, NO SHODDY ELM, ami the prices are from TEN to TWENTY per cent BELOW the usual CaD Early while the Stock last& Remember the Stand—Factory and Warero north of Town Hall, Exeter. r two dors WALT. ANDREWS. a Rost. N. Rowe. AND FURITIIRE S. A very large stock on hand now to select from in the Way of Parlor, Bird room ai.d Dining Room snits at dearly half the. usual ;price. 150 Looking Glasses from 10c and up, Hundreds of feet of Picture Mouldings to choose from, cheap. Easy Chairs and a ,groat variety of other Goods suitable for Xmas presents and in fact everything. usually kept in a first class furnishing •house all for prices away. down. A good ~r dozen chairs for 62. Come and 'see our $1.75 panel Ben that we "BLOW AEOTT", the reason we blow is we. have the goods to back it up. Bring along eons easy chairs and Parlor Fur- niture nfturc that need re covorua�, aswehave c. a beautiful steel. of covers with cold �� gimp to match. Drop in even if you don't Want to buy, will be happy to see you.: UNDERTAKING A complete stock of everything in this line from the cheapest to the high l est. • Also the only Embalmers. Re member the ®name and G1;�place DLE 'S 0 dd-Fellows Block Opposite J Grig'g's Stationery., A G M\Zain. st. EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock ittlutin Wialgi 0"00=a, IN THE FOLLOWING LINE+'S : West of England Suitings and Trous cringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser - WV. French and English Worsted Cloth English i the :Latest All Made up z lli Style, at best ;' t+Y'r1 L L1t Rates.�gs�t♦ 4. Z. TRADE. ]EARS. AAORSE'S GLYCEROLE OF M CELERY COMPOUND. A. SAYE remedy for teething.. Infants and adults: suffering from all nervous troubles. Guaranteed to contain 110 opium or any drugs except those printed on formula on every bottle. Endorsed by physicians. taros, 60 Guns. Yor isle by drogiisu, Send two cent stamp for descriptive circular to Hazen Morse, Bultalo, N.Yc Gr Biss ft's Livery. .J?first Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT. Exeter -North General Store 4vi U) I%L1SIROSL A Clearing Sale AT an BELOW Cost, We offer our entire stock of DRY GOODS IN ALL ITS LATEST STYLES, AND PRICES AWAY DOW v: A nice stock of Furs to be cleared out.. Carpets and Floor Oilcloths. OUR PRICES IN BOOTS AND SHOES away down below cost. A JOB LOT OF READY 117ADES. 5 lbs Japan Tea for $ 1, Fall Stook of Groceries No trouble to show goods. We offer a>beduction of 25c for cast'. JOHN MATHESON, Exeter North A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. —1 t— PatOlti IiTegiciq6S, SpoITes, DriiggiSt's supplios At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts Carefully: Prepared. wiltairs ager the best in the market, P. C. LIYT?. PRO_ FREEMAN'S-- WOR 1f c led ant to faF.E•. Cort in,i%:crc^.urz h 1'ur„ndizDC. A 2 ya/C, SztO c+ aritart;�cPlrad 7 • T. °. , i5, aestY i. 0 fYtl :VOK7 C � .la.lra �s=.� �:.. at+etlle3'GYCi)t7Laa,r,4'IC C5C7c`�,.-�..u1.y...-;,:,�crr-ss:w::+.,1 Farlller gyros., W4oIesaL & Rotal! Grocers, WINE SPIRIT. Merchants, mVyqy"Nde, E,ertq: .. . CHRISTIE'S G EigildrelE) RID First Class RIGS gine' HOR J -,t 0. ORDERS LEFT Al7H.E 1 Aja SHAW HOUSE OR AT TTIE STABLE WILL 1 1 PROC,IPT L�: , ATTENDED �DLT) :CO• Tex r3r2 aMoacc=,aale Telephone Connection. rft)v f p, iib S!LESS fiEeDi11fE ALL En .t'1ACl-1 ea0.oy are lic,3 dltiti13,-- ;0' 5 tisewr a , Sure everiy- tkiaus h ate.i»; a1' f hcatt- aches :Pry them, .it will east but 25 cent* fVY a bx. and, dict, are harmless. ess. They are nota Cathartic €. P. FISH. )1IIIUIEI IS STILL IN THE OLD STAND --where he is— READY FOR A CALL Morn, Noon or Night lie will —GIVE AN— EASY SHA TE A1�I r -In OD FIliIREITT LADIES HAIR OUT TO ORDER. Also LADIES HAIR WORK DONE. North of Post -Office. All men can't he Apollos of strength and form,' but all may havo robust health and strong nerves and clear minds. Our treat .'Hent makes such men. The methods are our own exclusively, and 'where anything is left to build upon, tare 10 •tLL;,"ti1yf quick- VIGOR �11ic k- permatently restor'ed, 'Weakness, Nervousness, iDebilxty, and all the train of evils' from early errors or later excesses, the result of over -work, sickness, worry, etc;, iore`sor clued. Fn13 stringbh development, anti tone giv- en to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. Im- mediate improvement. seed. Failure impossible. ossible. OOd' references. I3oolt, li `�.+ explanations ledreo, f and: raoofs 'mond t1, p ERIE IVIEDIOAL, cid •e 0., a, ti BUFFALO, N.Y i•,