The Exeter Advocate, 1891-12-10, Page 1. ,,..........„„....---,,,,,, for
0Aly In 'fr6M ItOw till .itthtlltrY
461) 1833. Clive ib rin,L.
.140.KTMellu filrwrAmwmfet•
.EXETER, ONTATI.10„ ThIJRSDAY,, PEC,Ei‘113E4 1O 1801.
The Elnolsons ank.
(Chartered. by Parliament, 1855,)
Paid up Capital., ,, $2,000,000.
Rest Fund • „• 1 000 000
Head office Montreal.
Money advanced to good Farmer's on their
own notes withone or more endorsers at 7
per c en t par aonuin.
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful day from .1.0 a. m. to 3 p.
m., Saturdays 310 a. rn. to 1 p. m
A generalbanking business transacted
Four per cont, per annum allowed for mon-
ey On Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3
per oent.
Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager.
Ozetttoc brocate,
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance.
Si1.40 duet so paid.
.27.6.-srestic5.=.g MnYzer.-. ora
No paper discontinued until all arrearagos
aro paid. _kayo); tisein Outs without spounc
directions will be published till ferbid, and
charged. ibccordingly. Liberal disc.:on-Ian-lade
for trauscient ailvertisOMents inserted for
long periods. lilvery description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Chequesononoy ord-
ers, &o. for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to
be made payable to
anders & Sweet
Church Directory.
Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. in
and 7 p. m. Sa bbath School, 2.80 p.m.
METHODIST CHURCH -James -St , Rev, A. L.
Russell., Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.10 a. m.
and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath. School, 2.30
MAIN' STREET -11,0v. vv. AteiJoungh Pas-
tor. r3uutay Services, 11.00 a. in. ant 6:30 p.m.
Sabbath Sch0012.80 p. m.
Pastor. Sunday Services, II a. m. and. 6.30 p.
m. Sabbath School, 0:18
Professional Cards.
, n. s, Fa ',son' s meek
two doors nOrth of Carling Store,
1A 1N STREET, ,EXETEn, U.XtrthetS teeth
wit•hout pain. Away at lionsall on 100
Friday; Ailsa Craig on. 2nd. and 4tli Tuesday;
and 2, uriola on last Thursday of each month.
CH. INGRAM, DEXTis,r, Member Royal
• College Dental Surgeons, successor to
11. L. Billings. °Hie° over O'Neil's Bank,
Ib'xeter, Out. A safe anaesthetic given for
the painless extraction of teeth. Fine Gold
Fillings as required..
ITRED. W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land
Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
oyinx Post Office, Main street Exeter; lilt.
V . and. Surgeon. Office and. residence -
Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich,
X., Residence -Corner Andrew and North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and. Accouch-
eur. Office, Lashwood, Ont.
D IVD MILLER, Veterinary Surgeon,
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Toronto, (Successor to 'Wm. Sweet,
V.S ) Over 18 . years 'practice. Office and
residence one blook east of Richard Pickards
store, Opposite Skating Rink, Exeter, Ont.
-n,11. T. A. AMOS, M. D., C. M , 'Member of
JJ' C'ollege of PhYsicians and Surgeons,.
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of
Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen-
tiate of tho Faeulty of Physicians and Sur-
geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical
,College, Toronto. Office -Dr. Cowen's old
ER. J. 11 McLELL:Pil\T
Graduate New York Eye and Ear Hospital
Eyes tested_ and glasses supplied. Office cor.
Maple and Talbot streets.
.1.L., OR, Convc.,yaucer, Notary Public,
Office- Over Post Unice, Exeter, Ontario,
Money to Loan.
.1-i• of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
ve yanzer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan
Office -Fa uson's Block, Exeter.
- -
.L4 itors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan
at 0 per cent.
tIC r.ELLio,r. J. ELLIOT
T.T BROWN, Vv'irichelsea. Licensed Aue.t-
1.1.• ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of Lisborne
Sales promptly attended to and tormsreason
ble.Sales arranged at 'Post office, Winchelsa
A j. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens-
„Mood. _Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur-
on and Aliddlesex. Residence: 1 mile south
of' Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other-
wise promptly attended to at reasonable
WHOLT, 1Chivh, , Ontario. Licensed. auct-
• ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex
and Lambten, and tho townships of Stephen
and. Hay All sales promptly attended. to,
-12.4,71 BOSSENBE.RRY,TIonSaliOntariO.
01105 A,uctioncer for the Counts of
'Enron and Perth. Charges moderate and'
Satisfaction guaranteed.
LHARDY, Licensed Auctioneer for the
. Colin ty of Huron- Sales Conducted on
reaionable tbrins. _Parra and Farm Stock a
s peoialty. Full arrangements can. be Plade
West bal± oflot 10,; Concession 5 ,in the
township of ITsborne,in the county of Huron
containing therein 50 acres more or less.
There ift aborit 30 acres cleared ,and the bal.
an Co bush, bein gn ixecr with black as11 and
cedar, A. good 1k/incl.-mil1 with, a good Well
of water and WlI suited Tor stock raising.
For further partieulars apply to Geo. Hun t-
nr. 'Rid get0V,,A 01.' 06 John Bunter, Jr. Exeter
Oy merit.
..,,, .
For Sate,
A desirahl °residence in Exeter North, new
frame house, one=fifidis acre of land. Tho
house was erected in 1888. 'Good. terms to
purehaser. Apply at fliis office. 115.-t
--All persons who wallt-
at 5i, 6 and 6?3, PER CENT Should call
--at the----
Off,00 of B. lz. coLzaws
.A good „girl for general work. Apply
at the Methodist Parsonag.e, Centralia
A Scheme by Which You Will Se-
cure a Year's Subscription to
a Great Paper Free.
: ,,, ,-,
:. A years subserrpr,,oen to rem popular
"Murnear., Auyisign.” ar.d . Earn Hein,
published . at Bowman vi Ile, Get., w Medi
is ,a most valuable edition to the Farm
i lig Community and W11 iell . we a re pre-
pared by epecial agranp,.e,inent, to furn-
ish that great publication for one year
FRFE to any of our Subscribers. who
e, ill pay Up all arrearages on subscrip-
tion and one.year in advarice; and to
any new subscribers who will pay one
year in advance. By this arraogement
HELP for one year. It will be to your
advantage to call promptly. - Sample
eopies Can be seen at our office.
Are predicted with reliableaccuracy,
and people liable to the pains and
aches- of rheumatism dread every'
ahange, to damp or stormy weather. ,
Although Hood's Sarsaparilla is not .
aleirried. to be a positive specific for
rheumatism, the remarkable cures it
aas effected show ,that it may be taken
or this complaint with reasonable cer-
,ainty of benefit.' - Its action in neut-
eilieing the acidity Of the blood, which .
s,the cause of rheumatistn, coustitutes
le.secret of the sueeess of Hood's Sar. '
"tarilla. IF you suffer from .rheumatism, '
rive Hood's Sarsaparilla a fair trial; it 1
vill do you good.
rwo Papers for SI.
The Exeter ADVOCATE and Mediea/
4e/ri-seif and "Tar?ib Il ,,,qp.'.. lot. only .,. 81 ]
.roin now until Jan. 1st 1893. ]
Personal Mention. I
Mr. Richard Harrison and daughter '
eft on Tuesday evening for Kansas t
it where he will visit his sou, who is r
;maim g hiS profession as a, dector.-- e
dessrs Samuel Popplestone and Rob- i
rt Pickard left on Tuesday for Goder- r
eh, at which place they were draught- ,
d as jurymen. -Mrs. T. A. Brown left i
ri Saturday to visit her parents at e
h•ono.---Mr. and Mrs, Wright, of Alma, s
liCh., whO bare been the guests of Mr. t
Villiam Case, London Read, for some t
ime, returned home on Monday.-Mes- t
rs. F. Hunt, G. Da W, Rich. Davis, A. s
.utton ancl G. Westaway were Visiting t
1 Seaforth on Sunday last. -Mr. Frank t
landcock, a former Exeter bov, but e
ow a/ resident of Grand Forks, Dakota C
rrived here on a visit last week, and a
Rends re.maining until the epring. He h
poks hea.rty and says the West agrees s
,i th hinn-Rev. Mr. Martin and. ' wife It
Pent Saturday in London -The' fol- C
ming gentlemen left Tuesday morn- b
ig to attend the assizes in Goderich, n
„I:el Walper, David Mil!, R. 11. Collins, it
amuel Priskator, Jno Hynclanan, Wm. 9
iper and several others.-Mr.McI3ride• s
gehitect of Londornwes in the village -
n 'Monday in connection with beisiness s,
elating to the new parsonage of the F
,nglish church --Me. Walt,' 1,Valmsley,
!London, gave the Anyoenvria a call
esterday ' and afterwards was : the
nest of Mr. Samuel Buckingham. 7
voetriv of Praise. 11
The concert given under the aus-
ices of the Indpendent Order of Odd
ellows on Friday evening was one of
10 best colleens that has oeen given
3re for some; time. Although it rained d
uring the day, towards evenirg it ni
3carne fine, so that a large ,nuinber n
veiled themselves of the opportunity ei
hearing a highly appreciative enter- a
Ailment. The concert was -opened by
few remarks from Mr. Len Dickson g
ter which a lengthy program was 0
;odere.c1 by the following artists,-
es. ii,. n. Oaldevall's Singing was such
; to be greatIradmiged, being of such
1 Impressive nature and soft tone,
'ought forth' hearty .en chores to which
ie Willingly responded.. Amongst g
iss .T. Alexanders's repertoire. was a N
,ndition of "Saunders MeGlashao's g
Mrtship," which brought forth roars tni
laughter and as the pf0,011111 was S. Is
bg, and varied. enough to give full' id
ripe to Miss Alexander's 'versatile tz,
,wer8, it is needless to say the andi fa
CO NYI.IS highly, delighted. There are '88
w among musicians or edncated am. te
tiers who do not kneW of George ne
Ix: Violinist, Who waS not only loudly g,
eeted but repeatedly called .baels. 8
e has the tnegt ftlat'YellOnS teellnigile, Sp,
heitiet one to wonder that the human ga
nd can be so trained. ".rhe many w
lt.g'S which Were Sang. by 1,1.. W. Rich hl
ded ninth pleasure to thoSo whO, had 10±
theted together for an evening's: fee
After he had given 8109
^ ^
What a differerme in the morning'," h
responded to enchore, Yition Com
pleted a lengthy and most enjoyabl
program ever given to an Exeter and
iCtflCO The .committee who had charge
of makirigoll arrangements ou behalf
of the society should not he passed by
withotit being given special Mention
for the risk they undertook in handliug
euch an ex pensire troupe and for the
talent they were shccessEn1 in obtain
COOnell Proceedings,
The council met pursuant to ad
JOLD.7nifient at the Town Hall, Exetet
1st Dec., 1891. All 'present. Ailinnte
of the previous meeting were; read and
confirmed E. Christie -D. ,A, Ross -
That orders' be granted for the follow,
ing sums, viz; -P. D, Bell 8135.84 in,
full for luinber; Jio. 'Moreshead 50c.
labor; Bobieg Produce; Co., 85.59 for
coal oil; W. J. Bissett 85.03 'labor and
81.50 bookkeeping; Jas. Creech 83,75
cliarity to Mrs, Wilcox; do 82 Mrs. Me-
intyre; .Fire Co, No. 1 860.20 for servi-
ces, No. 2.8105 do; Geo. Hodgins 53.12
labor; S. Haudford. 8513 do; S., Davey
$3.13 de; T. Bell 63c do; if. Dillingn 25
cts. do; R. Crocker 63c. do; Wm. Davis
83 rep. fire, engiue ; and S. Buck g ham
812 for hooks. -Carried. . Petitions
numerously signed for and against the
removal of the gram market from its
present sate, to on or near the
Town Hall ground Were read. T. B.
Carling Christie L. -that the petitions
be laid over and the reeve -instructed
to get legal advice on the,.. matter. --
a reject TIM council adjourned until
Monday the 7th inst. at 7.80 prn..
M EAnnETR, Clerk.
The council met 119 :Dec. 1891, and
ti absence Of adriee concerning re
'novel of grain market. adjourned until
Saturday evening at 7 30,p.m.
M. EACRETT, clerk.
;al We are favored 5vith another spell
of winter on Sunday last -Miss Sarah
Lowe is On a viert to friends in London
•-Special services are being hold in
the church arid Innen geed is being
done. All should attend -Mr. A Em-
ory was the guest (if. Mr, A. Mitchell on
Sunday last. Abe is looking well and.
- seems to look after no one. -Mise
'I'llg'g&Trt, of the London Road, was con-
fined to the house last week by a se
yore attack of sickness, 905 is now on
a fair way to recovery. -The trustees
of S. S. No. 1 have decided to put
new ceiling in the sehool house. This
was badly needed and will be a groat
irnPrevelnent 111 I.;.e.eping the teaeher
and children warm.
Council met at the Town Hall by or
der of the Reeve on 7th Dee., 1891. All
present; Minntes of previous meetiug
.ead,and approeed Moved by D. A.
oss seconded bye W. G. Bissett that or
ers be granted for the following sums
Spackman 8155, Hardware
'te; and J. 0, GarroW $5, .advice re
Market =Carried. By -Law No. 11,
891, to appoint Deputy Returning Of<
eers, etc; was dilly read and passed
n Motion of T. B. Carling seconded by:
D. A Ross. The Reeve then read a
eomnainication from Mr. Garrow, of
oderich, touching on -theremoval of
he Market, who stated that the .coun
cil had power to move the market and
isestablish the old ono, and could Move
uildiog, scales etceproviding the same
e done before passing by-law. After
eadinge.'whiela causecleome discussion,
Tr, Hodgert could not understand why"
her wanted to move, the market and
vho the agitators were as he thought
hey had little to do. Also, Mr. Harding
ould not understand why some of those
n that petition were so keen for rimy -
ng -the market now as they had stated
n the platform that they would never
'o for the moving of it as it was in the
ight place. Profound silence prevail -
d for soine time, when at last the Re.
ve asked what was to be done in this
atter, Mr. Carling said thathe
iought it nothing more than right that
he council should act in this matter
ince such a largely signed petition had
een presented to, them. Mr. Bissett
hen said he would suggest that the
•ouncil move it and not take ,a vote. Mr.'
hristie made the reply, "take a yotenby
11 meanS" ; while Mr. Ross thought " it
est to leave it, a,s it was. Mr. Carling
aid that in order to wind this matter up
e would move, seconded " by Edward
hristie, that the 'yoke of the electors
a taken as to the removal Of the
arket itt. accordance with the pet,
ion . submitted at a previous meet
ig of . the council and that the
tne be taken on Friday, the 18th,
-lamed The following named 'per
ns were appointed to take the vote:
• sub -div, No. 1, Geo Bissett;
" " 2, S. C. Herse,y ;
". 3, G A K McLeod
. " 4, Jno Ilyndman.
he Council adjourned until the 15th
st at 7.30 p. m. M. EHACRETTL Clerk.
Around About Us.
DEATTL-We are sorry to hear of the
eath of Mr. Oldworth; of Bayfield, at
e ripe age of 81 years; he was born
London, England, in 1810; be car-
ed on farmingin Goderich township
length of time, but has been living
tired this last few years. His re
:tins wera interred in the Bayfield
metery on Wednesday, last week,
We are glad to state that Mr, 11.
uby is able to be around again -Miss
Woodhall who has had charge of Mr
ell's millinery department returned
her home on Tuesday, -Mr. John
ied, of Baden paid his friends here
sit on Sunday' -On Wednesday night
,v. Mr. Mair, of Sebringville lectured
-the Evangelical church in the, inter<
t of the Bible Society. After the lec
re a branch society was organized
re with the following ..officers. Pres.
Cook; Vice Pees Jos. Snell, Sec-Treae
M."Handl; Committee, C. Miller
hra,der. J. Hall, J. Weber -On Thurs
y last three young 'Men were arraig
before Magistrate R. Cook for be-
g disorderly on the street. After
aring 0 'amber of witnesses one was
ind guilty and fined $7.40, while the
ether two were aquitted.
The many friendS of Mrs. Benjamin
Dew will be pained 50 learn of her de-
mise, which Sad oCerirrence took place
on Nov, 25t1i in Jennings South ;Louis
Lana, It; will be remembered that'Mrs.
Dew was a' daughter of Mr. JohriGard
Mei', once a resident of Farqu tar, but'
now of Iowa: and Also a siste -in law Of
Mrs. John Hunter; jr, of Usk orne.
The Independent Order of Foresters
hero biteed holding a debate on Fri-
day evening in the hall.. Captains J110
Cann and Wi lliath Monteith. Subject,
Resolved that 'Annexation with ',the
United States wauld. be. preferable to
Independence for Canada. As the sid-
es are supposed to be evenly matched
there is likely to be some able discus-
A Heavy fall 1±SUOw occured :here
on Sunday , but .,Scarcely enough to
make good sleighing. .
• 1,cirktOn.
A -Debating Club has been', lately
formed in the village, and their . first
subject came etrlast week --tie being
"which was the greater incentive. to
action., the fear of punishment 'or the
hope 0± reward?",. They. are to :Meet
every rhursdayaevening,-St. Paul's
church guild had a most successful
gathering and grogra.m at the parson
age 00 Tuesday• -fortnight., It bids fair
to fulfil Re objeet. Which is the in,utual
ireprovernent.a0 social. fellowship of
its members,,Several. Mon ha Ve
turned home from Manitoba and tee
North West, -where they spent the au-
tumn in helping in, with the harvest
they speak encouragingly of the pros-
pects out West. -Sleighing has coin -
me r iced in eittrieepte-e-The, , seeen d„..:reetU,
lar meeting. of So. Paul's . church' . tOok"-
place on Tuesday evening of this week
at the residence of Mr. Jas. Allen, 10111
con. of Usborne.
Grand Bend
There was about 8 inches deep of
snow fell -on Sunday night last which
has started sleighs and cutters out
again -The Methodist Sunday School
of this place intend haying a Christ-
mas tree Entail:lion-lent 00 the'18th of
this present month.-Mr.J.Brenner the
hotel keeper of this village is having
the work on the new barn pushed for-
ward as rapidly as possible the fra-
mers headed, by Mr. J. Binger,of Green-
way started on Thursday last week and
intended having it reacly to raise by
Tuesday if possible. ---Mr. Smitn, black-
smith, who has spent some:4 months or
thereabout up in the Michigan lumber
woods has returned home to spend
'Christmas. -Miss Mary Pollock who
has been residing in Iugersol for some
time past is home on a short visit to
her parents. -Musk rats are reported
to very plentiful down on the drowned
land this season. -On Wednesday- of
last week another couple passed out of
single Wretchedness into double bliss
en the person of Mr. Rohn Pollock of
Stephen township, to Miss Isabella, Pat-
terson, of Bosanguat. The marriage
ceremony was performed by the Rey.
Mr. Carrier, of Grand Bend; while the
„groom was assisted by Mr. J. Cronan, of
Stephen and the bride by her sister
Miss Janet Patterson before a number
of their many, friends who presented
them with some very useful presents
and Wish them every success in their
new home.
The recent fluries of snow are mak-
ing the young' people -think of the jolly
sleigh bells, a little more now would
meke grand sleighing. -Mr. James
Miller jr., of Cromarty raised a log
stable 21 by 30 feet last week this is
a rare thing' for °lir vicinity. --Messrs
Walker Ss Fulton who went to Mani-
toba ornan excursion last harvest, re-
turned home on Saturday last. They
seem to be well pleased with their trip
and much more so with the country
westward Mr. R. Simpson shoemaker,
who has been engaged with Mr. Per-
kins, of Chiselhurst for the past year
was flind dead on the roadside near
that ol1agc on the 20th, Ti Seems that
be had been to IlenSall andgetting his
top part too heavy wag unable to reach
f116.ornzef'i that
death. 11gt aud ebt)eni ns ea:(111 feonttl. InYd was as
stated by Mr. Cann, Of Exeter, -Miss
Patriek, of Detreit is at present the
guest of MiSs Tian, Of Stafra•-MisS
Minnie McLaren was the gliest of Mr.
Andrew Stewart, bf Usborne, 011 Sun
i0300"0 'o3roin,'ntn
Tiia ADvocAl'i?, 'OHNE
tii5 [571i? 111.11S, 'Lotter:1
NO 235
)1 NIN;oam14:, aw isiOonstliViiii s81.1:vol;Iiiv ot(s) et`iiitenitildnrit,211it,11r
i with Miss Ann Longrnan (Led
married in London, Some time after -
mg the battles of life happily for .t,-
number of years they managed to ac-
cumulate wealth enough to purehas6
two of the best farms that can he
found iu the township of Stephen.,
which he remained on up to the time
of his death, and is now occupied by
his son William, His borne was open
at all tinies to ieceive visitors anti
esthia'alnitgy•erhse, alnithirloritt;t1filni 7thnelafteleclinngi'anof,
warm friends who are grieved over his
departure from their midst. 'Die part,-
uer of his joys and sorrows p1eee5e6.
hiin in death seveml years, sd that the
beginning and eliding vf his earthly'
life was singlehanded. Until a few
VedlIS ago Mr. Rowtelig was a robust
man but old agen
began to suiee aoth-
er victim, and he gradually began 1(8
fail in health until steleken .ts above
mentioned, from which he never re-
covered. The remains were interred
in the Exeter cemetery oh `I'ttu1ny,
Rev. F. IL Fatt performing the buriWa
se.r vice of the ' English. eh arch. "Man V
relatives and. friends were in atteno-
ance, showieg the respect and esteem
in whieh 110 was held. Thus another
old pioneer and tiller of the soil has
gone to the land from whieh no tra ved•
ler ever returns, the silvef cord be,‘ing
loosened that held his spirit to the
tenement of clay another voyager hat
passed into the haven of eternal rest.
day last.--.Messts Chapp(„s1 4 ;.3wallo-.y
of Woodham was the guest of Mrs. T
Chappel on Sunday last. -Mr. M Spear
of Seaforth was visiting, his parents
near Gromarty last Sabbath. --A num
ber of the boys of Cromarty joined to-
gether make their purses into one and
inviting several of the young folks
from that vieinily spent last Friday
very enjoyable by tipping the light
fantastic in the hall owned by 11ir
hard of place, George must have
been too Melt excited about politics to
get left so had.
The literary society. of school section
No, 2, Stephen., intend holding au mit
ertairtment on Friday evening, Dec.
18t11, Nvhem 11 goOdprograinine will be
rendered by' home and foreige talent.
Musk', willhefurnished by a String
Band. Admission 10 emits. EV c!,r,y•
'body invited to ;raced. Doors (men at
630, begin. at 7.30. M. Stev-
ens, chairman; J. Thompson, preSident
--The villitge is lively at present • ow
ine; to ft 1814:3 number of men being
envaged patting up poles tor tele
phimie tioreinuoicatiairMiss Addie
Moe'ock haSe returned from Detroit
where she ha 1)0018 staying for some
time.. -Mr. Si."Schroeder'jr., 'is not ro7
corering verg, speedily from his attack
of illtiess•-•A quiet wedding took place'
at tha residence of Mrs. J. Morioek last
evenieg when the Rev. A.. L. Fen sso I,
of Exeter, unitegl Mr. TIMMS Bucking-
ham, Of Exeter, and Miss L. A. Morloels
of Crediton,,111 the holy bonds of matri-
mony. After the eerettiony had been
performed a repast W0.8 heartily par-
takeu. of, juetice being done by all
present. They left on the same even-
ing. for Exeter where they intend re
siding for the present. May their lives,
now united, be scenes of joy and :hap-
piness is the wish of Many 111 cm. little
Mr. Credie Staniake, of Stephen, has
been busily engaged for several days
tearing, down and hauling awav the
bake oven and building' formerly used
by Fred Griffin as a WOrkS1101).
Miss Kate Hodgins is steadily gain-
ing in health and will seen be able to
be about again.
We had. a heavy fall of snow on
Sunday but a 1"141e more is needed for
dsleagr.1i1;MIygs'h is btisi'ly e,bgage.a."
erecting' an addition to his residence.
and when eotimmeed will add greatly'
ter of the,eCeeilati4g,'
Mr. George Reith wili leaVrtio
for Si. Peal, Aline., -where he has secur-
ed a situation as telegraph 'operator
\'7e are glad to hear of another of Hen
sall's sons meeting with success,
Mr. At Myers happened with a 'pain-
ful aceident on Wednesday last; he
was drawing some hogs to the pack-
ing house, riding in the hind part of
the wagon and had a boy driving, who
struck the horse, causing him to jump,
thus throwing Mr. Myers to the ground
dragging him a distauce, bruising him
badly and g inflictina -severe con
his face.
Mr. Arthur Coxworth will be mana-
ger of the skating rink during the
winter season and will begin opegat
ions to make ice as soon as the weath-
er wili permit. -Although She roads
were very muddy on Friday evening
last, it did not step a large number
from attending the concertin Exeter.
All speak highly of the entertainment.
-Mr. G. D. Arnold has moved into his
new brick cottage at the west end of
the village. -Mr. 'John Gilchrist who
has been in Sarnia during the sum
mer ;Ind fall months has returned
home -We are pleased. to announce
that Mr. Thomas Moir is slowly recov•
ering from his severe attack Of erysip
elas.--Arrangernents are being made
for a Christmas tree in connection with
the Methodist church on Xmas eve. -
Another industry is about to he start-
ed in the village by Mr..D. Urquhart,
He contemplates running a saw mill
in connection with his oat-nieal
Many bumps have been felt and heads
read during the past week . by Herr
Mark Henderson, phrenologist.
Again we have to call attention to
the departure of another of the early
settlers of this neighborhood, in the
person of Mr. Thomas Rowtcliff, who
succumbed to a stroke of paralysis on
Surfaay morning at two o'clock p. m
after an illness of several months. Be-
ing born in Devonshire, England, in
the, Parish of Morton, about the year
1811, and not feeling satisfied with his
native home, left in the year 1832 to
seek his fortune in America. Corning
to Torento lie remained for several
months, but not feeling; satisfied, he
came to the; township of Stephen, then
nothing but a vast wilderness, where
he bonlight a quantity of laud, and be-
calm to hew out a home for himself.
Many a hard days toil has the deceased
endured in felling trees and making
preparations for the earth to receive
the seed with those implements that
were used in early pioneer days. Hav-
ing wrought for seven years, he sue -
ceded in'making for himself a com
fortable hoine, but one thing was want-
ing and he returned to England for a
partner in life. "Spending several
Months at home he returned 50 Canada
'Look oat for it. It is corning. Fri-
day evening,'Dee,18111, is the 'sdate 01
De,mpsey's Big.Concert in Smith's Cole- -
Cert Hall,Centralia. This promises te,
be the' best Concert given in this 'efiti
triet for a king time.. It is under • 'the
management -of Jas. A. De -in psey, of
Eden, and the .pablie may depend they
will get full value for their money,. ,
The "Prgados" of Exeter, a musical
company ef rare; ability has been ext -
gaged ; also a .yoeophone band, the bin- .1
niest thing out. more fun to the square
iiich than • anything yet introduced.,
There will also be some very. fine se-
lections on the musictil glasses by a
well known musician. This is really a,
treat and should be heard by every-
one. There will also be some of the :
best ex hi bitious of club e winging ever
gi ved to the people of the District..Iu
Haditi011, to this Will be the latest and.
bost Comic Songs given by J.A. Demp-
sey, 14 his (MO inimatable manner r"
Wliielt 'pleases everyone andoffends
none. This promises :to be the beet of
thee,Oiemn. Remain:her the',•date, Dee.
Smith's Coneert Hall, Cenfraria'. ""'Alr'"
mission 15etS Concert at 8 o'clock,
See bills for particulars.
BRIEFS. -MISS Maud. Dempsey has
bean here from Lucan for some tithe'
past Sickness caused her to return -
Miss Alice Hodgins and Miss Mary Jane
Dickens, of Biddulph, were the guests
of Miss Lizzie Dempsey last week. -
Mrs. Samuel Essery and her son James
visited Loudon this week.-e-Prerybod.y
talks about Dempsey's Concert in Cen-
tralia. Everyone is going. It will be
O grand one. -e -Mr. Herb Mitchell, ,of
Biddulph, visited Centralia, Crediton
and McGillivray on Friday evening
last. It wasia very dark 'light but
Herb got there all the same. --Mr. Wm.
Dempsey visited Centralia two eyen-
lugs last week. Something seems to
draw William's attention there. -Mr.
Alex. Hodgins, of Ord con. Eidaulph,
who has been very seriously ill for
some time past, is, we are gdad to say,
recovering.-StewartHodgins, of 3rti
con. Biddulph, is known by every One
to be a hustler. He Is a man noted for
his love of improvement. Last year he
erected one of the most commodious
aad latest improved cow stables in the
surrounding. district. At the present
time he and Garnet are now engaged
in digging a well, in close proximity
to his cow stable and it is So located
that his cows are watered without be-
ing untied from their places thr
sta'sble. This well is now about 68 feet
deep and 17 feet across. Ibis intendee
to be large enough to contain water!.
enough to keep .a windmills of the
largest size and capacity made, put'llIe
ing continually. A large firm in the
United States is supplying the pumps.
Stewart says it will pay him in one
year, in Saving his time doing' chores,
Fisima.-In Exeter, on the 2lid. inst,,
Pratt Fisher, aged 61 years, 3 months
and 26 days.
Row'renryg.-In Stephen, on the fit,h
inst., Thomas Rowtcliff, aged 80
years, 8 months and 8 days.
KEYS. -In Stephen, on 7th inst., Relit.
Keys, in .1118 67511 year.
Then go ahead! If you have, the Ca-
tarrh, every preparation that does not
cure you only irritates and increases
your sutferinee. Begin right by using
She simplest and only rethedy that is
guaranteed -Clark's Catarrh Cure,
The soothing, healing influence 18 felt
at once, and a gratirying cure always
followS itS use. Price 50 cents If the
druggist tries to sell you something,
else, send the price to Clark Chemical
Co., Toronto, New York, and the rem,
edy will be sent to you by mail. All,
Frst-class druggists keep Clark's Ca-
tarrh Cure.