The Exeter Advocate, 1891-12-3, Page 5Ver 0ve>,1`i tw I oalrt4, 3}f1i5. WiN5J.ow'8 SOOTHING Sytt1iVIla8 been: used by millions o#'mothers for their child-? ren while teething, If disturbed at night and broken of yourrest by, ash su child f - tering aid crying with pain of Cutting Tooth send at oilco anis get a bottle of "Mrs Win-, slow's Soothing Syrup" for Children 'Teeth, nig. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, motlrers,there is no mistake about it. 3 t cures Dilarrha:a, 'egulates the Stomach and, Bowels, cures WWind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces In- flammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole systonr. "Mrs. Winslow's. Sooth- ing Syrup" for ohildron teething is pleasant to thotaste and is the prescription of ono of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Iirieo twenty- five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists tbrougl)qut the 'world.. Bo surerand ask for “Mas. iasLow'i SooTniNo Sy uuP," Enquiry into the 'Connolly -McGreevy conspiracy case was resumed at Ottawa yesterday. The recaptured books were not forthcoming, but the enquiry. continued, the expert.'testimony of Engineer Jennings being taken V and Contractor Beaucage neard from, Consumption Cured. An okl physicianretired from practice having had planed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a supple vogetable•romedy,for the speedy, and perma-- nent pure of'Corisum ption, ;Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma, and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and -:tdieal cure for Nervous, Debility and all ervous Com- plaints, after Navin • tested its `wonderful curative powers in t1, ousands of oases, has felt it his ditty to make it known to his suff- ering follows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to retiovs'htunan sintering, I will send free of eharge,•to all who desire it, this reei1pie,in German, French or English., with full directions for p eparing and using. Sent bymail b,y addressing' with stamp, naming' this paper. W. A. NOYES 820 .Power's .Block, Roclteste9•, N. Y. • ' Mr. Sol White, M.P.P., endeavored to agitate "continental union" in Wood- stock, Ontario, yesterday. He was badly sat upon,;tot a single adherent being forthcoming, and a resolution being passed diametrically opposed to his theory. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When shewas a Child, she cried for Castoei When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. The decision of Revising Barrister Fraser, of London, Ont., that certain Objections to Conservatives were lava- lid because the notice was not suflii- ciently specific has been endorsed by. the action of Judge Davis, of South 31lidcllesex. More case, of sick headache, bilious- ness, constipation, can be cured in less time, with less medicine, and for less money; by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, than by any other means. Two Englishmen, John Cooper and 'Walter Rundell, having .been arrested at St. Etienne for offering a bribe to the foreman of a small arms factory. in r France n• •bre as , •i 1 h'i of the 1.<nce-ol procure 1>c,cnd, I)01V Russian Pilin THE HEST YET. Dian Sins, -My Mother was attack- ed with inflammation of thelungs which left her very weak and never' free from cold, tis at last she got a vert* severe cold and cough. She re- solved to try Hagyard's Pectoral Bal• r doing,found it tlh s;im, anl. 0 1 SO of nd did her more good than any other medicine .she ever tried. Mas I>nzr2 any, 4.0 Smith .Av.Hamilton, • Ontario. Exports from the Uuited'States, for the year ending October 81, 1991, a- mounted to $97,966,665 against $860,- 677,815 ii) 1990. The imports amount ed to $919,061,750 against $917,270,- 515. Changeable weather, producing cold in the head and catarrh, is responsible for one half 'the mirery Canadians en• duce. Nasal Balm at once relieves cold in the head and will titre the worst case of catarrh. Mail advices show that by the recent earthquake in .Japan "7,254 persons were killed. and 9,458 wounded, while 90,000 louses were wrecked and 400,: 000 people rendered homeless, EXPEL THE WORMS by using the safe and reliable authelmintic Free- man's Worn) Powders. .A wagon train of immigrants was. caught in a snowstorm) on the'Chilholv•' is mountains, Tenn:, .yesterday, and George Akers and his family lost their way and were frozen to death, A GOOD VERDICT. Dr, LaROR'S COTTON ROOT PILLS, Safe and absolutely pulse, Most powerful Fomala Regulator 'known,, The only safe, Sure and reliable pili fox sale. Ladies ask druggists for Lal os's Star and Crescent Brand, Takr+ no otherkind. Beware of cheap imitations, as they are danger. ous. Sold by all reliable druggists. Postpaid on, receipt of pace. AMERTQ'1N PTLI,. CO., Detroit, Mich. Dr. T A. Slocum's OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER •OIL. 1f you have Tightness of the Chest—Use it, For sale by all druggists, 35 cents per bottle. Sin, s,—I have "Peat reason to speak of your. B. B. Bitters. ,'I' have, taken 6 bottles for myself and family and find appetite for loss of and weakness it has no equal. It cures sick headache purifies the blood and will not -£ail. when used. I heartily recommend it to all wanting a'pure medicine.' Mins. iuon M01317, Truro,'N. S. The rural deans of Ontario, in sess ion at Kingston yesterday, passed a resolution to the effect that their tra v cling, expenses on official visits should be paid by the mission board. If there ever was a specific for any one complaint, then 'Carter's Little Liver Pills is a speeific for sich head- ache and every woman should lenow this. •. Only one pill a dose. Try them, • Frau I+'roti„hy Sidney, beat the year. ling ,trotting retord yesterday at Stock - :ton, California, covering: the rile in 9.26 fiat. i"ansta rt dltced her yearling.• peeing record to 1 2.l,. NOW FREE FROM PAIN. DEAR SIils; -I have been troubled • vita Lame Back for about six months and thought I would tray Hayard's Yellow Oil, which sural me. Am now free from ail pains and recommend Yellow 011 very highly, FRANK PALMER, 'Winona, Ont. The special committee of the Niagara diocese has proposed the formation of a p rn<i general synod to be composed of the `bishops of Canada and Newfoundland. VICTORIA CARBOLIC SALVE is a great aid to internal medicine in the treatment of scrofulous' Sorest niters and.abscessos of all kinds, C. B. Taylor, a noted Merchant at Liverpool, committed suicide yesterday by shooting himself with a revolver, Bueinest' reverses were the cause. Mental worry, over -work and excess- es are the fruitful. causes of insanity. Dr. 'Williams Pink fills are an unfail- ing remedy, building anew the blond Anil restoring wasted energies. Good for 'nen and women. The Itnperial Government noti- fied the Newfoundland Government that there is a; question as to the con- stitutionality of its Us it Act, and pro• posing that Canada and Newfoundland submit a test case to the Imperial Privy Council, COLD WEATHER TRIALS, Duilt SIRS, --This fall and winter 1 suffered from neuralgia in my face buil hd the best medical advice without avail, I at last thought of trying B.B.B. and after using one bottle have not felt any symptoms of neuralgia since. 1 regard it as a fine family medicine. J. T. Dnosm, Heaslip, Man:, Mr. DeCohain, MP. for East Balfast, declines to leaye his refuge at Boulogne to answer the charges of criminal inde- cency made against hien, and his seat in Parliament will be declared vacant. He is a>Conservative. Always avoid harsh purgative pills. They first make you sick and then leave you constipated. Carter's Little Liver Pills regulate the bowels and make you well Dose, one pill. James Forrest, a carpenter living on Bellwoods avenue, Toronto, was in stantly killed at the G.T.R. freight sheds yesterday, a huge box of plate ;glass falling on him, Forrest's body Was nearly severed; at the Waist, ENJOYING A BLESSING. DEng Siris,—Last summer my younircr sisters were taken very badly with eroup, indeed we were alinost in despair; having little hope of curing them. Finally we applied Hagyard's Yellow Oil, and to our' great joy it cur- ed thcln perfectly, and they are now enjoying the blessing of perfect health, NB, A\,,Ih] J(71I\STO\, �.1a.1h0us1C,1,I1 The car house, 26 cars and 5 horses belonging to the Second Avenue Trac. tion Co., at Ila;velwood, near Pittsburg', Pa.., were burned yesterday, a loss of $105,500 being inflicted. A probable cock and bull story comes from London that Lord Salisbury has bad anemissary from the Vatican stat- ioned Hatfield, imied 1t his family seat at Hertfordshire. TO INVIGORATE both the body and the brain, use the reliable tonic, 111i1 - burn's Aromatic Quinine Wine. Harry Garbutt, the alleged Texas forger; has been ordered for extradit ton'. .A stay of proceedings, however, been granted to allow the prisoner to appeal: THE Rl;A50N WAY The reason why Burdock Blood Bit- ters leads all other medicines' in the race for popularity is because it is ab-• solutely pure, cannot harm the most delicate invalid, ancl never fails to cine bi iiousness, dyspepsia, bad blood, con stipati one etc. Gu the application of the crown the Connolly -McGreevy corlspirae_y- case, ou trial at Ottawa, was yesterday ad- ,jou rn ed until Monday. r Sale. A. desirable residence in ExeterNorth,now frame house, ono -fifths acre of ant.. The house was erected in 1885. Good terms to Purchaser. Apply at 'this office. 145-t '",j nnA`+iA9.L.g.an: and Commission to e VJ. Agents, Men and Women, Tomb- oys andClcrgynen to introduce a new and popular standard. book. Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth, The most remarlcabio religious book of the ago, written by 300 eminent scholars, Non- sectarian Every Christian wants it. Ex- clusive territory given. Apply to The Henry Bill ublishing C, Norwich, CONN. 001(s0oito11R0o1 COIVXPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used eto ci111y by thrnasarads 0f tam vs. Is the only perfect ly safe and reliable medic- . ine discovered. Beware of anprinoiploddruggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this, Ask for COON'S COTTON R001! (IMPOUND, tcalre nu substitute or inclose St and 4 three -cent Can- ada postage stamps in letter, and we will send. sealed, by return mail. Pull sealed par- ticulars in plain :envolope, to ladies only, 2 Stamps, Acklress Pond li b' Comps ny.No 7 Tf isher Block 1:3t Woodward aye,, Detroit ' M ich. ' lfnr Sold to 7 \ih�t't;R at Da,LUr!.S ,v) WBltowsINCI'S and by ail druggists every OWEEN SOi7ND, C1N'L'AXI O IS'rite Vabar BES Pe toi 2N C.iO3AOA to net 1,A Tltoitotltl11 Btrat0nss EDvadtrose Take a Round trip audvisitallothor.Ausi- noss College and Coni- ntUei,artatelits :in Canada, then visit the North ern :Business College. examine evorytlriugthorouglily, If WO fail to pro- duce the inost'tlrorntigh, complete, price tfeat and extensive course of study; the best coi- lego prom iso and. tlicbostand iiiostcomplete and meet suitable furniture and appliances, wewill _give you afrill course, FREE, For Annual Ann otui, on,ent, giving full particti- lars, fisce, address, 0 A 1!'L'EMING, ih in230.cipal, Ct'- J. C. Davis, Rector of St. James' Episcopal Church, Eufaula, Ala.: My son has been badly afflicted with. a fearful and threatening cough for several months, and after trying several prescriptions from physicians which failed. to relieve him, he has been. perfectly restored by the use of two bottles of Bo - Are Episcopal schee's German Syr- up. '' I can r-ecoln Rector. mend. it without hesitation.” Chronic severe, deep-seated coughs like this are as severe tests as a remedy can be subjected to. It is for these long- standing cases that Boschee's Ger- man Syrup is made a specialty. Many others afflicted as this lad was, will do well to make a note of this. J. F. Arnold, Montevideo, Minn., writes: I always use German Syrup for a Cold on the Lungs. I have never found an, equal to it—far less a superior. O G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr,Woodbury,NJ. IT SAVED HER ITE. A Letter to the Ladies. Toronto, Oct. 21,1901. 1 take groat pieasnre in informing you that h year: ago Idistoeenetie Medicines cured mo of a,SOrtous attacl;`of paralysis. Three years ago 1 had a sudden stroke while sit- ting on a sofa, it second ono fourteen months ago while lying in bed. All I diel for it failed. to do much good. My voice and all one side were badly affected. At last I •tried Dr. ,T. ]ulnen° Jordan's Eligtogenetie Remedies. In three months my voice became strong, M,y lintllS,-which were almost useless regained. full ovex. I no longer er coed to bo assisted place toanother. er. t tab. orfion ono 1it e o b to the 01My muscles developed wonderfully. considering. that T am 71 years of ago. I can walk to church and back regularly. The effect has been: permanent now for about twelve mon- ths. Last April T had a severe attack of phoneenia and Els togenoticRemedies cur- ed. mo in a few drays, and on the 8111 of this month I tools congestion of tbo liver and. right lung, I was so burl I could not have lrvecl long. In a few hours the alistogenetie [Remedies once m ore gave learn Galata relief. It is only two weeks ancl I am sitting up ev- 'i • L s air' that a- and nearly well:, o .,a to err day 1 r� 3 my faith in Histogenetic Medicines isstrong but faintly expresses it Try it ladies for these or any oth er c om plaints and be convinced. Dr, Beer, of Toronto, is allowed to give my nacre and address to any inquirers similarly' affected. • Respectfully, MRS. ------, Toronto. P. S.—Above address can also be had at the London office. Will be at Exeter,"Central Hotel," on Tuesday Dec. lst, from 9.30 a, m., to 5.30, p. nn,, and at Heiman, "Rensall Hotel," same day (Tuesday) from .6 p. nzn., to 9 next mornin . • CALL EARLY,. CONSULTATION FREE. All Diseases Treated, Histogenetic Viediciue Association. Booms 2 and 8 Albion Blocic, Blain, and St London,,Head Office for 'Postern Ontario HeaclOffice for Canada, 19 Yonge Street Market, Toronto. May 11101 Mention Exeter "ADvOCA'ru" Huron &w Bruce Railway London 17'assensser Time Table, CTOIEG NORTH Goma sourn. a.nl p.m, a.m. p.m. London,dep't8.05 4,25. W.ingham 7,05 840. Luca o Cros'g 8,17 5.20. Belgrave 7.24 4.00. Clandeboye 8.2 5 28. Elyth_7.38 415, Centralia 9.05 5.45 Londesoro' 7.47 4.25. EXETER 9,10 5.57, Clinton 8.07 4.45, Hensel. 0,28 6.115 Brucefield 826'5.04., Iiippen9.64 613. Kippen 8.34 5.12 Iirucefeelil 9.12 6,20 ITensall 8.4t 5.19 Clinton 10,00 0.45. EXETER 8,37 5.33 Londesboro' 10,19 7.03. Centralia 9.09 5.45. Blyth • 10.28 7.12. Cland.oboyo 9.18 5.56. Belgrnve 10.42 7 2, Taman Cros'g9,24 6.02. Wlneham 31.00 7.45. London a,rr 1015 64.5 EXETER STILL TO THE FRONT And if you don't believe it call at Ross & Taylor's PLANING 1YIILL AND LUMBER YARD and you willhc convinced that they have the Largest and Best Stock of all kinds of Building' Materials in this sec• 1101'1 Of country,ancl at the lowest prime&. Shingles a Specialty, having a large stock on hand we are prepared to meet the keenest competit- ion as to price or quality. Ti?e have se. cured the right to Manufacture and Sell Merriam celebrated Baking, Cab- inets. Call and see theta tti!nd be con= vinced of their merit. ROSS St TAYLOR, Main St,, Exeter Special Sale el ForiliEfir for 111 iioxl 51111. Now is the time to secure furniture at prices never heard of before in Exeter. For the next THIRTY DAYS, I WILL OFFER THE WHOLE OF MY GIG -ANTIC STOOK Bed Room sets in Maple, Cherry, Ash & Oak; Sideboards in Maple, Cherry and Oak: together with. a init es Lou a Oha rs Tables Magnificent line Parlor ��. t g �. and everything usuallyfound in a first-class furniture` store. rtEmEivn3ER THESE ARE ALL FIRST CLASS GOODS, NO SHODDY ELM tad. the prices are from TEN to TWENTY per cent BELOW the usual price. Call Early while the Stock Iasts', Remember the Stand—Factory and Ware north of Town Hall, Exeter. oms two doors WALT. ANDREWS. Robt N. Roe. FURNITIIE IEIILER AN nelertaker. 7 THE LEADING a, a acs,•. r u. AND Furniture Dealer OF THE I have an immense Stock of Furniture. and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. UNDERTAKING A SPECIAL'T'Y. An examination of our Stock Solicited. A CLOT v: y.i" )4ifDID 1ififI1lg OPAL to children if you wishaor their future welfare. Morse's Cly- eerole ofCelery COM. pound, xact formula on every label, is a safe rem- edy for teething infants and nervous adults. EnP dorsed by physicians. Send two Dent stamp for descriptive circular to Hanlon Nem, BalQ'alo, N.Y. W. Gi Bissett's Livery. First Class Horses and Rigs SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros: Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G-. BISSETT. Exeter -North General Store llving lip itistitosse A Clearing Sale ATancl BELOW Cost. We offer our entire stock of DRY GOODS IN ALL ITS LATEST STALE t STYLES, S, A\ TD PRICES A 9vA�: DOWN. A nice stock of Furs to be cleared out. Carpets and Floor- Oilcloths. OUR PRICES IN BOOTS AND SHOES away down below cost. A JOB LOT OF READY MADES. 5 lbs Japan Tea for $1. IT!ull Stook of G1 ooaries, Nb trouble to show goods. We offer a reduction of 25c for cash. JOHN MATHESON. Exeter North CC0t�R6 !TAG 1111,1:, A complete stock of Parc and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. LEY. Patoittfilogiohies,Sougs, 1ifllllit'S Supplios 91 sNELL I 1./Zairl. et ti r EXETER - ONTARIO in stock Has now AltImri aid Vtnter GOODS, IN THE FOLLOWING LINES West of England Suitings and Trona erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser- ings. s V French and l:n„lish iorsted Cloth All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. rl ',s r +L At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts Carefully Prepared. WiltairS 001111111OR Poi ger the best in the market. t_J �n1 . LUTZ, r� r 7 PROP. 1 A SURE.CURE FCR BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION. INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS. SICK HEADACHE, AND DISTASES,OF' THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. THEY Ant MILD,THOROUGH AND PROMPT 10 ACTION, AND FORM A VALUABLE 515 TO BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS IN THC TREATMENT AN0 CURE Or OHRONIC AND tDDJST!NATE DISEASES. Wilolesale lictail Grocers, \VIRE & SPIRIT Merchants, CHRITIE'S COWHERD 1AL E2 First Cla0 RIDS. And HORSE& ORDERS LEFT AT THEHAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO: Telephone Connection. t - .�' r'f'ri:�i eit'.n.1 Ikez 1 ' Bilis She' SS 1?E:41)ACll% POW or,-.5is e 1'}.:- ere sn honestBleak-Ole for which cnly honest,,.: stra.ght!orwnrd a tato- mints a• a ;rade. See that you vetthe genafav 3i/off- malts. Insist an Lavin therm. 'They Curd AT.1. They ars nota cialeirtle. Ea t. FIS BRUER 9 IS STILL IN THE OLD STAND —where he is— READY FOR A CALL. Morn, Noon or Night he will —GIVE AN-- EASY N—EASY SHAVE, IINf GOOD HAIRCUT, LADIES HAIR CUT TO ORDER. Also LADIES IAAII't WORK DONE. North of Post•Oflice. ,1J nICCA LIMITED TIVIE EQ VIGOR ad STRENGTH! ST�� For LOST or FAILING W i,Nll100111 General ant.1' NERVOUS I)EBILLTY, Weakness of BODY AND .HIND, Effects of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble MAN - MOD fully Restored. Row twat - large and strengthen. '!WEAK UN- PEI/ELOPED ORGANS and PARIS OF BO1W. Absolutely unfailing HOME TREATMENT—Benefits in a day. 14Ien testify front fifty States and Foreign CountrieWrite Countries. .them, Book, explanation and proofs. mailed (sealed) Fun]. Address ERIE MEDICAL 00., B U F ALO, N.Yfi,