The Exeter Advocate, 1891-11-26, Page 8EPIIIITJII1JTGWato THE DTA RT. COUNTER GOD. Toys S. Polish Pictures Beads Shoe " Spice Jars Dolls Match Safes Salts Ind. Mugs Needles Rules Balls 1-I. Pins lianiners Purses Thimbles Tacks L. Pencils ButtonsAgate S. Drivers Broaches " !'earl P. Cord W. Chains Handkerchief C. Openers Cups Towels C. Tongs Tey Books Neckties F. Shovels Knives Fans S. Lifters M Organs Sp1ashers P. Mashers Whisks T. Mats Toast Forks Soaps Bibs Dippe,es N. Brushes Tin Pails Egg Beaters S. '• r Steepers C Turners Clothes " T, P. Stands Pans Blacic'g " 1Comb Cases L. Squeezer. Stege " Dust Pans C, Screws Tooth " Pie Plates S. Ladles Combs Trays Toy Brooms Goblets 61 o Eii'arV4ul4'1, Exeter. Tin Big aniqt EXETER. Greatest Overcoat Sale of the Season now Be and: on. Sure Attend. Now for the Conditions on which Beauty is to be given away. CONDITIONS There /sin our windows a glass jar containing a number of buttons, -the num- ber is unknown to 'any person,the guarantee of which appears below. With every pur- chase of $1.00 you. are entitled to one guess at the number of.Buttons in the dal, with a purchase of POO two guesses and so on.' In our office will be kept a Book where you will register your name and your guess. The contest to close at 8 o'clock ou iiewYear Eve. when the jar -win be opened and the Buttons counted oy disinterested and res- ponsible parties, and the person who has guessed the correct or nearest to the correct number of Buttons will then become the owner of Beauty, should'therebe a tie then the first who has registered the correct num- ber willbe the winner. This is to certify that the number of buttons in the jar in the window of the Big Bankrupt Store is Unknown to any person, as they were placed there by irs and the l jar sea1ed i i Our presence. Signed f B. S. O'NEIL, ) R. H. COLLINS. Stewew t, Dealer in Bankrupt Stmei. 113111121211.100d LOCAL -JOT'T'INGS. Great bargains in 'Sealettes and mantle cloths at Richard Pickard and Son's, during the Great Salle. For a tine black suit try J.H. Grieve Merchant Tailor. • Never judge a councillor by how he shakes your hand. ADVOCATE from now till 1893 for 85. See clubbing rates.' If you :want a fist class farin on easy terms call on John Spackman;: Exeter Don't forget to call and see J. H. Grieve's $10 overcoats before purchas- ing. Brushes celebrated B. & C. Corsets for 75c, pr at Richard Pickard & Sori's during their 30 days sale. Buy your Mantles at Richard Pick. and & Son's during their Great Sale and save from 15'/, to, 50°/,. PAl:NFtJL BURNS, bruises, scalds and cuts are quickly soothed and heal ed by Victoria carbolic Salve. Richard .Pickar.l & Son's Great Sale will last for 80 dans, those who come have t will 1 ar e choice of the stock. Secure your reserved Sett tickets at Dr. Lutz's i?reg Store, for the Oddfel- low's concert on Friday evening Dec, pith. Richert. Pickard &n are offering So g their r'normons stock of tweeds. worst- eds, etc.; ete., at salt prices for 20 dept. Now is the time to ofl'sr your shits af.d cvcrcoats entree,.r. t. , „reqs., "Listed," as the brokers say, at "100 Dress •Goods will be sl.tugetered at 1ickrePickard, & Son's's during the Great Sale, 50e, goods for 55c,, Sze., Vie, The farm stock and itn �letnents g be longinto Sit'. Wm.aaawden, Exeter North, �were 'sold by public auc- tion on Thursday last week. The weather beingOne a large number of purchasers were present, causing prices to tiler high, Ills rumored that the contract for digging a ditch through the toWnsl ipof Hay has been awarded to a gentleman of Dun ville the price being about $13,- 000. The length of the drain will be about 12 miles, through the township of Stephen, Hay and Stanley, and will be about 9 feet wide on the surface sloping inwardly until it reaches a depth of 5 feet. 1 is expected that the work will begin sometime during the.comin m mr sueso as to be conpletcd before the freshet in, the fall. MATienudeIAr•---A few evenings ago the Grand Uilion Hotel, Clinton, was the scene of a pleasant affair, it being the marriage of Mr. Chas McGregor, of Kinburn, to Miss MinnieSpooner, daughter of Mr. Chas. Spouner, proprie tor of the Grated Union The cdremony took place at 8 o'clock and was per- formed by Rev. Mr. Craig, 'after. which the invited 'guests, of whom there were many, sat ckown to a bountiful repast. The hotel boarders were all present anclamong then were Prof. Griffin and Prof, Hill, lecturer on Vaneover and the C. P. R' The' presents were very numerous, among them being a handsome easy chair and rocker, Pres ented to the bride.by,theboarders. The bride was assisted by '1Vlkss 17.irinieD'i n- ison, of Mitehell, and 11Ir. John Living stown,of Seaforth, aeted as best man Mr. McGregor Was formerly a student with Dr. Sweet, V. S., of Exeter, and will be remembered by many in Exet• er. The happy couple left for their home in Iiinburn, where Mr. McGregor is now being engaged in farming. We wish them a life of happiness and pros- perity. • Daring the beginning ' of 'the `Week the clouds fairly deluged. this village' and surrounding country with such a doavnpour of water that small creeks were transformed into rushing rivers, and many cellars throughout the burg had three and some nearly four feet of water in them. As the craters of the latter part of last week made their way to the: river Monday's rain caused it to Doses One lest, Hood's Sarsaparilla e Iva n for the price. is always �r fair1 le. 4 i cT it ee Men's ready-made elothing ,, wzh be e'eared -during ltieleard Piel,ard and Son's Great Sale at diseouuts from 10°J•0 to a33°l,, Alt partiesneeding sale bills will find it to their advantage to give the "Anvoo.in".otlice a call, and you will receive satisfaction for leaving your order• Give us a call. Everybody invited to come and in- spect our stock during our Great -Sale, you will be sure to see something that you want, on which you can save money. Iiiehard Pickard & Son. The Masonic Lodge Delta Was brok- en into a few eights ago. The regalia and warrant were stolen. The regalia was subsequently found hanging about the necks of cattle and horses ie the neighborhood. Let every subscriber of the. Anvo- onx s who learns any local oecurrance in his or her neighborhood, just write the particulars of what has Or is about to take place aucl send thein to the office, where all such ere welcome. ' Mr, Alfred McTaggart, London Road; was stricken last week with an attack of bilionsness which caused him to be confined to his bed for several days, The disease bas somewhat abated and he is now on a fair way to recovery. The Odd Fellows of Exeter have gone to a great expense to giye the people of this vicinity one of the very best eonterts that has ever been givers here. For particulars see posters. Don't miss it, for it is one opportunity of a lifetime. a'he anniversary eerrnons in cont,eet, ion with the James Street Methodist church will lie held about the 20th of December, when the Rev. Mr. Boyd, of London, is expected• to be present and deliver able addresses, and a tea will also be served in the basement the following Monday. While Mr. George Eacrett, son of M. Eacrett, was engaged in painting plows at the Verity Foundry on Tues- day, he met with a painful accident by tripping and falling on a plow in which the head of a bolt cause in contact with his upper lip, cutring a hole com- pletely through and bruising the Hp badly. Mr. Alex. McPherson. Taxidermist;. received from Clinton on Tuesday ey- ening last a large bird,bearing a some what close resemblance to that of air owl, only that its plumage is more beautiful, being much like that of a golden pheasant. It is a rare bird and is a puzzler forlour taxidermist to as - cert ain the naive. There is a counterfeit 81 Dominion Bank note in circulation. The official description of the note says: -"The paper is poor: and the printing inferior, while the portrait of Lady Dubberin in the centre is wretchedly executed. The scroll work, too, is bad; and the space left for the signature of the. Deputy Minister of Finance is blank." As there has been a great increase in the business of the Canada Cornpany Mr.. John Spackman will not give up his agency until the new year. Mr. Spackman states that he has tran- sacted more business during this fall than at any other time in which he, has been engaged by the company. This speaks well for hien and shows that it is now they are beginning to appret:i ate his services. The work of threshing is now nearly completed in all sections of the count ry. Comparatively, little marketing has, however, yet been done, probably not inor:e..than one-third of the avail able crop .having been disposed of. Wheat is moving very slowly; as many are holding it in anticipation of high- er prices. Very little barley has. been Marketed, and as the detnancl is not brisk and prices are low, many intend to use it for feed. Another entrance was effected through the back door of the sr,olc of Mr. Richard Pickard and Son last week but nothing of`much value is thiseinge. The plan for gaining admission was by boring with an augur: through the door so as to allow the hand to be in- serted -to pull back the bolt. In fact, the deed looks to have been done by the sane parties who were operating throtiglt the yitla e some time a go. As there was.no money to be found they did not receive a great remuneration for their trouble, only afee small arti•i• Cies being missed. On Tuesday evening last a large number of guests assembled at the Mansion House fer the purpose of spending a' few hours in pleasure and pastime. Mr. Michaeltree, his two sons daughter, of London, were, present and furnished all that was necessary to make the evening enjoyable. Several comic and sentimental songs were sung by them and all seemed highly pleased with the inanrier itt wltieh they acquitted themselves. "Blind Tommy" furnished some choice music on the violin and organ, which was a credit to himself,and much appreciated by the company. • On the 22nd inst, another of Exeter's citizens passed peacefully away to that land of rest, from whence no traveller ever returns.` After an illness of not long duration Mr. RiTehaed Herren was called away, being aged 00: years, 6 months and 16 days', Deceased was an old resident of this sectio. of country, having striven in the hardships of ear. . 1 sic a �omfolta ler, 1 'pioneer life tom cc. ,y home,and haying been r w ardeclfor his labors Was enjoying the pleasures at the time of.his death, Et leaves behind to mourn the Cosa a wife and child, who have the Sy nipathy of the comrnunitq in their sad bereavement, The ternaries were interred in the Elim vilie cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, but owing to the inelereencv of the weather• was not raise several feet in a short time and fears of the dam going away were en- tertained at one time, but the torrent has continued to run on in its wild car- reer and nothing of a serious nature has happened. The small creek which runs through the village begs.n to rise in the early morn, but it was not until about three o'clock in ;he afternoon that it threatened to do any damage, the mouth of the arch which is built under the main street became blocked' with square timber, causing the water to raise several feet in a short space of time. The flood then began to poar into the cellars of the dwellings situat eel along its course, some of them hav- ing as much as three feet: of muddy water in thein. Several small bridges were shifted from their bearings and carried a short distance down the stream when they became entangled with some other obstacle and were al- lowed to remain. In the country much damage has been done by the storm in carrying away bridges and fences, the wind having takena hand in the dis traction, leve pled • the fences to the ground. Up to the present no loss - of !ife has been. reported and the weather has now changed, to a snow storm. Lathes. Buy your millinery at Eicher]. Piek- and and Son's during Sale and save money. Farms for saie. The undersigned has several first class farms for sale on easy terms. J. SFAGh,iAN, Auction Sale. J. uS ' S `"'. niallacombe purposes en having rn- auction sale or. Saturday evening 28th inst., at 7 o'clock sharp, at Fanson's Block,. Exeter. Notice. Our accounts are now aeady. All persons indebted to us will coufdr a fa- vor by calling before the ist day of December and settling. Brssnrr Biros. W tinted. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoe Store; next door to the post oilice. G. Manson. idick Mist. Mrs. Joshua Heywood, of Osborne, is in it very low condition and her recov- ery is doubtful—Mr. Wm. Wood who has been ill for some weeks is still on . slow way to recovery. Council Proceedings. The council met by order of the reeve at the Town Hall, Exeter, 20th November,'1891. Councillors Carlin;, Ross and Christie present. Mr. Carling was chosen chairman in the absence of the Reeye and Deputy. The minutes of the preyious rneetina were read and confirmed The reeve and deputy having arrived Mr, Carling' vacated the chair and the reeve stated the principal reason for calling; •the caiuncil was to consider the case of Mrs. Wilcox and two grandehildren indigents, W. G. Bissett,—T. B. Carling—that Mrs. Wilco x and the children Ire sunt to the Old Country where they r came frorn.— Carried, T.['. 13:Carling Christie -- that the amount of indebtedness to the township of Stephen, in full $1710,60, be paid and that the reeve and Tress. user be authorized to borrow sufficient. to meet that amount. --Carried, W. Cr. Bissett—D. A. Ross 7,,that hied Hoist be paid 851.00 for tile,—Cat Hod, The coitncil itiljourned until 1'ednesday la clj' elf tided. d the 2nd Dec, M. ') AtA.E•rr ¶l a «0i;Pt i i ;die:rtf. .f n Cllr � o there ie company rlc i ,,, �°bt�,"4ran teeb 1p 0tiplal;T it limited 1U 1111)81' of Clergyrnen witli original meneseript sermons at the rate. of two se1'mens per week at the pittance of 81. The offer is made in strict eoufidence, and dee- omen are assured that their arsines and eoufidence will 0e kept inviolably secret. The work, the manager says is tho product Df a iselmet, btilliaut grid ablecorps of writers, who are vigorous thinkers and Been observer.; of men and events, Situdas es Servicer. On Sunday morning the lley. S. P. Robinson gave a Stirring discourse to the hearers of the Trivia Memoria church. In the evening the Rev, Ill Brown Scrnloli, of Reused, occupied. the pulpit 'and of an oration to a fair congregation His remarks be ing of such an 1wpressive nature, coin - Man ded oni-tllanded earnest -attention, at the same time seeming to please his hearers in tones 01 rapture that could not be thrown aside. Au exchang s•of pulpits occurred in the James and Mtin'Street Methodist churches last Sabbath, the Ileo, Wm llcDoeou;h ocoupy.ing the pulpit in the former and the Rev. A. L Russell in the latter. Excellent snrm- ou's were preached by both eler:•gymen in each instance. Cazradian O4.4ier Q;itosen Pviettds. Is a trriely Canadian Benevolent and Fraternal:Soeiety, is charted :by •the Government, and, admits both .ladies and gentlemen to full membership and full benefits from h" go 18 to 55• years and••p rys the full Claim at death or a'e 75"years, or one half. in case of ` total disability and balance at death or age 75„ has also it sick benefit fund paying $5•per week: T ertiiieates are issued for $500;$1,000 or $2,000 as the member may elect. The Order gives its ben- efits at actual cost as it does not allow any more surplus than $20,000• to ie- cumulateat'One time. The object of the `order is to protect. the families of its members in csso of death and the members themselves in the eyent of disability or old age. The order is controlled by its member, each mem- ber having it vote on alt questions, iu- dividually fust and then by their dele- gate in the Grand Connell, every amendment being, submitted to the membership itt the local councils before being brought before the Grand Conn. The Order has already between three and four thousand members. 'Exeter Council No. 04 has decided for a short time longer to admit candi- dates at charter rates. There is a de cided advantage in joining at charter rate which can only be made known after initiation. Now do not put Off Until to.moiraw that which you should do to-day—give in your, name "don't "procrastinate" you know not what a. day rimy bring forth." He ,that pro- videth not for his own, and especially those of his own household, hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel. For full particulars see circular or ap- ply to any of the following, Rev. W.111. Martin, Councilor; J. P. Ross, P. C.; J Senior, V:' C.; T. A. Brown, Prelate and Asst Rec.;:Mrs. T. A Brown, Recorder; T Fitton, Treas.; J. H. Grieve, Niarsh- all; R. Muir, Warden; E. Christie, Guard; Mrs. J. P. Ross, Sent.; Di' Argos Medical examiner, or to.any of the members. As the Council can close the charter at any meeting apply at once and make sure of gettting in at charter rate• T. A UrowN, Asst. Roc; Richard Pickard & Son's ;;rent clear- ing sate commences on Saturday, No,y. 28th. Goods will be'snld at discount ranging from 1.O to'90°/,• USED IN TEE f'1OSPITAI..S, And endorsed by, the medical faculty throughout the states. Clam's Catarrh Cure has come to be regarded as the only real specific fer that dii.ea,se. In evey case it works it certain, safe and speedy cure Pleasant ` to taste and smell it is yet powerful in healing and rstoring the n.ttural functions. No other remedy gives such s atisfacti n ,. because the results from use are net the same. - Sold hy all druggists, or sent to any address on receipt of 50 cents, by Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. NOW IS TEE TIME TO BUY YOUR FALLL � � �� alb 3,000.00 WOOL TO BE CLEARED TIIIS NEXT 30 DAYS AT LESS TIIAN WHOLESALE pRICE. If you want a Child's, Boys or Man's Suit Overcoat and Pants, &c., call and see our big stock. the LE in TOWN to C1/005E E'ELOM. r -r E. J, SPACKMA.N & CO. SAM•WELL'S BLOCK, EXETER, • - - ONTARIO 84REECIIING SCRAMBLING Would bo a good phrase to apply to those who are al- ways paradingbar- gains gins they never can produce. \tie'undertake to do a STRAIG-HT 'C! 11R Erre reGentfln ^: thi g; Selling goods for what they are riving dollar for dollar in value, C -LT lv[0'I TO Square Dealing', Gooch Stook, Low Prices, Vari- ety, Courtesy. CARL GI'E�t a BAllal `'S Ill 111111111e .also a large Assortment of Stoves. OIC: Bermuda, Origina Florida; Famous Cook, Manitoba. CO.1 b Art Countess, Royal. Art, Double Heater, Double Heater w'ith oven Box Stoves. HARDWAIJE. Iron shelf goods, Ca tiechai.ns, Scoops, Axes, :scut saws, hinges & House Fittings,Oils, Paints, &c. Coal Oil; 4 gallons for eiE Cts- Water White, 4 gallons for 8Q cts_ ci coo feet Ash Ceiling, Dressed. Flooring, Hardwood n g feet v 1i ,, D1 esScd. o: All to be sold. this Fall. J. OWALR1; Prop. limeTaVallOWILVelinee iJ Tw F rs F� 4' !' ry .v When ". , a 1 aurmerelyt t them ,en I s S cure 1do not mean e stop h m for atime and then have them `return again, L. ne;m a ragical c ere. I have made the disease of PITS,-EPILEP• S oge r ttLEIG SICKNESS a lifelong study. 1 warrant m„ Yemedyto euro the worst cases. Becauseathets have fatsed is no reason for not now receivinga cure. Serol at o ,ce fur a treatiseand a.' Erect Bottlof my infallible r mai. Give EXPRESS and POST•OrriCE.- H. G. ROOT, M. C. 86 ADELAIDE ST. Q WEST,'TORONTO, WT. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEiII'CUT moroi , sTcvmm. T 1 from welch this paper is printed was supplied by the MIBTAMNIMUMNITICRIII TORONTO���� FILINORY Imcracraxwagaganraann Dealers in type, Presses, arid Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON. 80 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO. ONT. Exeter Roller bells MARKET REPORTS. WHEAT 0,90 To 0.95 per bush Our Prioes. Flottr-' strong l aker.s', $3.00 per 100 " 'best family, 2.50 " 2.00 " " 70 a ,i 90 u u 100 " " 1.10 to 1.25 '• ". Y � low grade, Bran, Middlings, Screenings, Chop, Chop stone ru in every y, day. TERMS CASH. The Exeter I1lilliri Ar� a�' Ti1 YI The Summer holidays are now abont over and the Fall Fairs being close at hand; I wish to inform my: many cus- tomers that Iam still in my OLD STAND, (OVER (F. J. Knight's Grocery Store.) And am prepared to do work in lateststyle best of workmanship. x II :- it x 11 11 x 11 '- 11 x �tl YIIK 6UpRflMTEED. x II _ II x 11 -- 1 x II = t ,) Give nae a call and leave your measure and I will give you a neat fit. Over F. J. Knight's Grocer Store. BERT KNIGHT. CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. $1 per . ' Co J. &J WAREN, l'ropt'ietors..