The Exeter Advocate, 1891-11-5, Page 8pp
Toys 8..Polish Pictures
Beads Shoe " Spice Jars
Dolls .latch Safes Salts Ind
Mugs Needles Rules
Balls, 11, Piles Hammers
Purses Thimbles 'i'ael s
L. Pencils But loos Agate S. Drivers
Broaches " Pearl P. Cord
W. Chains Handkerchief C, Openers
Cups, Towels C. Thugs
Toy Books Neckties F. Shovels
Knives Fans S, Lifters
M.Orgaus Splashers P. Mashers
Whisks T. alets Toast Forks
Soaps. Bibs Dippers
N. Brushes Tin Pails Eg'g Beaters
8. " Tin Steepens 0 Turners
Clothes " T, P. Stands Pans
Diaek'g " Comb Cases L. Squeezer
Stoye " Dust, Pans C. Screws
Tooth "- Pie Plates S, Ladles
Combs Trays.
Toy Brooms Goblets
0'. GRIGG,
Is it wrong to sell 20 pounds of gran
ulated sitgar for 81,00? You wonder
`vhy we ask the question,' simply be-
cause a preacher of the gospel says we
are doing wrong when we sell 20 lbs
of granulated sugar for $1.00. We ask
who is doing the greater wrong the
good man when he says that we are
selling sugar below cost or we in sell
ing 20 pounds for 8100which gives us
a fair and reasonable profit. We know
that we are not doing wrong, and you
know thatyou are not doing wrong in
buying in the cheapest market, now
who is doing wrong? Consider, yes,
consider, and when you have satisfied
yourself as to who is wrong, come to
us and we will sell you 20 pounds of
the best granulated sugar for 81.00.
Cheap enough ain't it.
Euless Mao two :months
In lest thou two Months
We give Beauty away, who is going
to get him? that's the •question. New
Year's eve tells who the lucky one is
Try your lack, you may get him,
Choice Dress Goods,
Choice Dress Goods.
Beautiful is what the ladies say when
they see our grand display of new
Dross Goods, what more could they
say when Beauty predominates
through our whole. shop, and every
Indy buying het Dress from us, has
a chance of winning Beauty.
Goin„! Going
Yes going and gixich too. Our stock
of searches and mantle cloths, never
had we such values to offer. This week
we offer a beautiful sealette for 85.50,
regular price $8,5('. We bought a big
lot of this line and ,got a bargain. and
you get a bargain, too,if you• buy your
coats from us.
Tea, Tea•, Tca,
Tea. Tea, Tea.
Buy your tea from us, we are away
ahead on the tea question. We clear-
ed a wholesale house out of a large
lot of a special brand,aud are now in
a position to sell you tea by the
pound or box at considerable less
than regular wholesale prices.
Furs, Furs, Furs.
Puts in great profusion with us. Some
special values in boas ald,storm collars:
Foots and Shoes.
We have the stock of boots & . shoes
and we do the trade. We can save
youmoney on your shoes this season
Just drop in and try us.
Now for the Conditions on which
Beauty is to be given away.
There i is 11o, t
r window a gloss jar
containing a.
� ber ofn
b tions
the 1111111-
ber isunknown to any person,the guarantee
of which appears ears bel r.
11' o+ With every pur-
chase of $1.00 you are entitled to onegness at
the number of Buttons in the Jar, with 'e
purchase of $800 two guesses and so on.
In our office will be kept a hook wheroyou
will register your name and your guess.
The contest to close at 8 o'clock onNewYeer
Eye. when the jar will be opened and the
Buttons counted by disinterested and. res-
ponsible parties, and the person who has
guessed the correct or nearest to the correct
.number of Buttons will then become the
owner of Beauty, sbolii,.there be a tie then
the first who Inc registered the eorrectnum-
ber will be the winner.
This is to certify that the
number of buttons' in the jar in the
Big low of the t
B Bankrupt u
1 Store
s unhm o•
wn to
person, as they
were placed there by us and the
i ,r'sealed in our presence.
{Signed 13. S O'Nrrr,
R. 11. Coi,r.ries.
T. Stewart,
Dealer in Bankrupt Sto:;k.
For alfine black suit try J. H. Grieve
llsrcharrt Tailor.
If you want a first class farm on easy
terms call on John Spackman, Exeter
Don't forget to call and see J, 1•.1.
Grieve's $1.0 overcoats before pui char
in g,
PAINFUL BURNS, °bruises, scalds
cuts are, i •1° .
. 1 c,.l sno.he
c t ,d and heal
9 .r
C, • , Salye.
b Cal i
y Victoria .,•1 bol c,
Note this 'tad:" of Mr. I), W, Foss,
Tlensall, who visits Exeter with bread
every ' Wednesday and Saturday after-
Mr, T. S. O'Neil, harm er, itis ruches
ed the fog end of this notes olid ra.e.
counts in coneeetion svitll rhe I'ickard
7 l
1t ^'•o•
io .illi"c.
t called the king. t
t 1 Ill •
P J of edi.
cines Lood's Sarsaparilla. It con.
quors scrofula, salt rheum and ell otli.
er blood diseases,
The 'Anyouatiee will be sent to
address. for the balance of the year
for 15 cents, paid in advance. No
the time to subscribe,,
11" is
Now is the time to subscribe for the
Apt ogaIa. Yon can he ve it sunt to
any friend in Canada of the United
from non- lentil Jan: 1st, for only 15
"Mrs. Nelson, the,wornan who recent
Iv had her husband arrested here for
nonsupport, was ~even a pass to Exe
to:, where her sca resides."—London
Free Press
All parties needing sale bilis will
audit to their advantage to give the
`'ADVOCATE" office a call, and you will.
receive satisfaction for leaving• your
order, Give us a call,
On Sunday there was a slight flurry
of now which gave the ground e witt-
teriy appearance, Being of a light
nature and riot large quantity it only
remained for a short till'le,
The farmers aro all busy in
section ;setting their turnips into
winter quarters. They report that
is the best yield that his ever b
known in this part of the country.
Don't forget that a tea will be given
in the town hall on Thanksgiving day
under the management of the Guild
of the Trivitt Memorial Church. Every
body welcome. .Further particulars in
a few days.
A. case was tried here yesterday.
Wednesday before the J. P. in which
one of our young nien was eliarged.
with having a quantity of bones and
iron in his possession. , He'was com-
mitted for trial, but was bailed out.
Give the boys a few cents to gather
up the leaves on the street in front of
your lots. If allowed to rot in a corner
of your garden, they 'will make the
best of soil for house plants, they will
also make good bedding for animals.
requirements lll'0 even?'
i 11C11 "
q is of the
day life, on the farm, in the workshop,
or behind the counter or desk, A.
course in this ica,115" lhotoulli, preen.
ctrl, instltlltlon 11 do sham. V)re flava
heard graduates say that its course is
Els much in edyance of the ordinary
business college as the high school
course is of the common schools• Prin.
pal Flemming .doea tto .. allow slip -shod
work; he i&a: thorough business man
and expert accountant; his ;services
are much sought by Joint Stock Cotn-
pauics of venous hinds as auditor and
consulting accountant. So numerous
are ;he calls for his services during
Christmas and;$unilnei� vacations that
he scarcely gets any time for rest. \''/e
heartily commend this institution as a
real, live mrog'ressiye school, up with
the times in every tiling, 11 you want
the latest methods of business you are
sure to get them at the Northern.
Valens wale.
The undersigned has several first
class farms for sale on easy terms.
J. Sraciwa3, Exeter.
.Gloi'sel� wanted.
Mr. B. Aubry, of Montreal, will be at
this the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on Tues-
good day, Nov, 10th, 1891, for the purpose of
it purchasing all classes of horses that.
cell are sound and in mood condition.
+U+'4 Reward.
David Johns has offered a re
ward of $4 to any person finding and
returning his Beagle' Hotted, bitch,
which ;•i"aslost on the 10tH of October
near the Black Creek Bridge, Lake
Clues Cluthe,Xa ventor and Patentee or
Trl sses, . .
And applianees for Club -feet, Spinal
Curvature, Paralysis,, Weal: legs, Bow
legs etc, will visit London (Grigg
House) Saturday, November the seven-
th. This opportunity of consulting a
man of his experience and ability per-
sonally should not be missed, as, he is
compelled to Limit his usual visits ,and
attend the office and factory in Toronto
where he may be found daily except
Saturdays. Ri}member the day and
date, Saturday, Novbr. Seventh (7th),
The lecture given by 111r, Galloway
in the Main Street church on Thurs.
day evening last week was only fairly
attended. His oration of "How to Sue,
ceed in life" was listened to very at-
tentively and many features of an im
pressive nature were brought -to bear
upon their minds. He•is:an able speak-
er, and being a cripple, deserves the
charity of all. During the following
days he was through the village sell-
ing a book, in which are a series of
lectures compiled by himself and are
worthy of a place in every household,
being neatly bound and full of valua-
ble information..
Coning to Loneon.
Chas. Cluthe, 134 King St, West, To-
ronto, Ont., may be consulted at the
Grigg House, Loddon, on 'Saturday,
Nov, Seventh, (7th). Mr. Club 1'•I rep
rttationas a machanical genius for
overcoming all cases of deformities
such as club feet, spinal curvature,par-
alysis, bow legs, etc., is well known
throughont the Dominion of Canada.
Anybody ruptured will heat and see
something which they ` never dreamt
could be done A revolution in trusses
is.appending, come and see:' He is
compelled to limit his usual visits and
attend the office and factory in Toronto
where he may be found daily except
A few days ago Dr, Proudfoot, of
Amherstburg, was called to see a lade
who, upon examination, proved to
have a broken rib. After much quest-
ioning she said it was caused by her
bean squeezing her on last Sunday
A number of the James st Sunday
School children could have been seen
last Sunday afternoon standing outside
waiting for the doors of the apartment
to be opened, having forgotten the
change of time for opening, which is
2 30 instead of 2 o'clock.
Thursday (to day) November 5111 is
Guy Fawkes' Day. No celebration of
any kind will take place here but it.
will be allowed to pass by unobserved,
In rural districts great preparations
are being made to commemorate it by
entertainments of man y different
The G. T.R. have just -sent Plymouth
Lodge, No. 63, S. 0. E. B. S., a cheque
for 812303, being the amount realized
out of the Excursion on August 6th
1891. After the expenses are deduct=
ed there will be a balance of $82.18,
which will go into the contingent fund
of the lodge.
The deeds committed throughout the
village on Saturday evening last, it
being Hallowe'en, were only of a trif-
ling nature. During the past few years
the young men of our town have be-
came more enlightened and allowed
this flight to pass without destroying
personal property and otherwise corn
nutting such frivilous deeds that school
boys are given to.
On Thursday afternoon last week
Messrs James Bissett, Thomas Oke and.
8. Sweet vete successful in bagging
eleven black squirrel, This, although
not a large number, is the most that
has been captured by a single party
of huntsmen in one day this fall. ' The
animals were not very large nor in
extra good condition, and from all ap-
pearances had just arrived from anoth-
er section of the country.
The Wife of Mr.
oft ,
Lie ,c.r died
in n. St. Marys
on Monday last and:Was interred here
on Tuesday of this week, aged 27
years. Although her life a e wCIS not long
irs years had been sprinkled with the
sorrows that belong to the rougher side
of earth. She leaves two small child,
ren. The Rev. S. F. Robinson read the
burial ser "ice of the church of England
at the ;;rave. Icer: husband and moth-
er were among the mourners,
On Tuesday evening lir. Ed. Chris
tie received by express a large photo
from Mr. P,a
J hn �'
o l • -•
I 111
r. e•
Sr.,of h'
C rcha
formerly a resident here The picture
contained the likness of 104 Men,which
aro under engagement to MMessrsPatch
and Bali sill, of that city, who, carry
.on a large' Furniture trade. 'These
young men left her about nine years
ago and have since accumlated the
wealth which they have invested in
this business; Ambition and enterprise
will tell.
Thursday of this week will be the
two hundred and eighty sixth anni
versary of the diabolical gunpowder
plot, a scheme the most devilish his
satanic majesty could suggest or fiends
attempt to carry out. Both its incept-
ion and failure are thrice told tales,
but humanity and Chriasianity will
have sunk logy indeed when civilized
people shall (wase to be thankful each
returning fifth of November for the
overruling of a divilre providence
whereby protestantisrn its Britain. Was
saved fr
n titter efl ,
guided wretches,
We are leas t
p o refer out renders
to the advertisement of that popular
institution—the Northern Business
College of Owen Sound. Young men
and women cannot do better than
v, I lrc to Principal t1 nr ipal Flemming for a
description of the course of study if
they wish to be able to meet the exact. l
COananittedfor Trial.
On Friday morning hest week Con-
stables Gill and Creech having the
necessary papers In their possession
for the arrest of..two wellrenown young
gentlemen, onsuspicion. of taking
chicken from the premises of illrs.'orns,
left in search, of them, After proceed-
ing • Is far as Centralia they them ob
tamed a slight clue as to 'their wherea-
bouts, and left for Crediton where they
captured them in one of the flax mills.
They were brought to Exeter, when,
after the examination of, the plaintiff
and several r al +vita
esses before His Wor
ship, n
they were
ted' toGoderi h Gaol
trial. Y ,
day (4
e n
)another of the `cul-
prits was captured near' Crediton and
tried before the J. P. that afternoon
who committed him for trial: He was
bailed out, •
Sick: List.
Mrs, Emanuel Bissett who has been
confined to her bed for some time is at
present very ill. Her illness appears
to be of a serious nature.—For several
days past �
t. Richard h
d Davie
been confined to the house from the
effects of rheumatistn: His troubles
are of such
nature as
cause him to
helpless condition, his hands
and feet being so badly swollen that
they are of no service to him, -Ales,
Philip Lang is gradually improying
in health.—Ales. William "Pugsley is
dangerously ill at present ;and her re•
cover•y is uncertain,—Mfr, John Pin
combe, of Usborne, is slowly recovering
from his attack oftyphoidfever.—Mr.
Ed. Sanders, of Sand Lake, Mich, lr no
,has been confined to his bed for some
time with typhoid fever, and had a re-
lapse, is recovering, and is soon ex
peeted home.—Miss Maggie Murray, of
Nay, who we reported in our last issue
as being ill, has slightly improved in
health, and is expected to he out again
in a few days.
Canadian Order Chosen Frietidrs,
is a truely Canadian Beilevoler,taiiid
Fraternal Society, is chatt('d by' the
Government, and admits both ladies
and c
gentlemen to full memllcl:5hip and
frill benefits from ago 18 to 65 . years
pays the full claim at death or age
years, or one half in case of total
disability and balance at death or age
75, has also a sick benefit fund paying
85 per Week --certificates a ire issued for
$500, 81,000 or $2,000 as the member
elect. he Order „ic<.s its l>en-
cfits at actual cost ns it does not allow
any more surplus 1111111 $20,000 to ae•
o1..n.111dte at one time, The objoet
the older is to protect the families
in case of death and
members themselves in the event
disability or old age. The older
controlled by its member, each mem-
ember having= a vote on ait questions,;
dividually first aind then by their cl
gate in the Grilnd Council, every
amendment' beinc, g submitted t c
� 0 t• Al
membership in the local councils before
being brought before the Grand Conn.
cil. Tho Order has already between
three and ' four thousand Members.
Exeter Council No, 94 has decided for
a short time longer to admit candi-
dates at charter rimes.. There is a de
cide(1 advantage in joining at charter
rate which can only be mado known
after initiation. Now do not put off
until to -morrow that which you Should
do to-day—give in spur name "don't
"procrastinate" you know not what a
day clay bring forth." Ile that pro-
videth not for his own, and especially
those of his own household, Bath denied
the faith and is worse than au infidel.
For full particulars see circular or ap-
ply to any of the following, Rev. W. l2.
1llartin, Councilor; J. P. Ross, P. C.; J
Senior, V. C.; T. A, Brown, Prelate and
Asst lice.; Mrs. T. A Brown, Recorder;
T. Fitton, Treas.; J. H. Grieve, Marsh -
:ill; 11.: Mair, Wa.rcleu; L. Christie,
Guard; Mrs, J. P, Ross, Sent:; Dr. Amos
Medical examiner, or to any of the
nlCrtlbe.l•s. As the Council tall close
the charter at any meeting apply at
once and inike sure of gearing' in at
charter:rate.. T. A. BROWN, .Asst. Rec.
Special Vostry R;ieeting•
A. special Vestry meeting was he
in the Trivitt Alernoriatl church. o
Monday evening at 7,30, in aceordan
with a request from the Bishop.
Hama to the Church Wardens, 1N.essr
Spackman and Hurden. The cha
was taken by the Rector, .Rev. S.
Robinson, who opened the meetin
with prayer. Mr. Chas. ,anders wa
appointed secretary. There was a vee
fair attendance, several ladies bein
among the number. The letter of His
Lordship, the Bishop, explained that h
was anxious on account of alis. Robii
son's health for an exchange of paris
between the Rev. F. H. Fast, of Wall
erten, and Mr. Robinson, and as th
Walkerton Vestry had uiianimousl
agreed to the change he asked th
Exeter Vestry to agree also and pass
resolution to that effect. Mr. Hurdo
ill moving• a'resolution asking th
Vestry ' to accede to the Bishop's re
quest, spoke of the great advance th'
parish had made since Mr. Robinson.
incumbency; and also of the war
ters in which the Bishop eonlmende
1111; Fatt. Mr. W. J. Carling, delegat
to the synod, seconded the resolution
which was put and carried by an un
animous vote in silence. Mr. Robinsoi
spoke of the many tins which bound
him to Exeter. and its people and wish
ed the churchchurchHere a prosperous future
and many blessings in the coming
years He had been here for nearly years and it washis first charge
but the time had come for' them to
part. Ile would carry happy memories
away with, him and felt sure of a warm
welcome whenever. he would visit them
as he hoped to do from time to time.
He asked theall to strengthen the
hand of his successor• and make the
parish the model one of the diocese.
Wo be to that man of whoin all speak
well, but he world' rest satisfied by the
comendation of the best men and
assured them an that he had tried to
do his duty and if there were any fail-
uresthev were of the Bead and not the
heart. Mr, rats,"the new Rector, is a
graduate•01 Wyclriiife College; Toronto,
though born in Old London, England,
and has hada successful Canadian ex-
perience. CHAS. SANDERS., sec'y.
May be had of any enterprising drug-
gist for 50 cents. It affords instant
relief, and will cure the worst case. It
is pleasant to both taste and smell, and
be carried
the pocket.
e - Don't
away time and money trying
worthless tI11eSS 1
em '
C(li es
write t
o us lirect. If your druggist cannon
you with Clark's Catarrh Cure, we
will. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto,
Now York.
If you want a
Child's, Boys or Man's Suit
Overcoat and Pants, &c., call.
and see our big stock.
141ligist in TOWN to
E. J.
Our ST
,FC11. ,
CK is large; Our:COODS new;
Our PRICES low.
We make a business of making
Bargains in D�Goods Groceries, Eats, Cay
, e
�!�'a , Goods,
The latest
in STYLE, thoinest in
and the utmost
inr -i , beenhave
����� � �' combined in us
in One mighty effort for trade.
"e are
o racs, neither do we -propose to do a fakebusiness in order to gain custom.
We call, a dollar a dollar and not ninety-nine gents. �I=�
goods are all marked in �t
And you may depend that our prices are right. Oui. and winter I `+gfall
e1 offerings will not and carniot be surpassed
��$� ��� �F y BRAY �@�69 ��li�v-8 d �ilic
to the contras Thele i a limit s below which honest goods
cannot be sold. Weplace our uriclowk
_ prices at the water nl�li'k
for safe allcl reliable goods, ; `Ins Inspect p t us, criticise us, know us
and you will find that we saveou dollars.
_�. 'i6
Silver New Jewell Cook Stove for $9.00 worth12.00:
New Silki1'k Cook Stover 0 `
for X9.00 worth R�1o.00; \
The Florida Cook Stove'
The Bermuda farmers Cook Stove:
also a Line of Extended Cooks.
See the Famous New Star Heater,also in coal stoves withoven•
Axes, Saws, Handles away down.
ar ain in all! lines of Shelf Coods.
The Stoves are all at special � • o
S�,u1es from. D. Moore & Co•
and prices are lower than they have ever been offered.
4 gallons Coal X11:65 ets.
e., taken in trade.
J. N. H;; :.WARD, Prop.
n r,s
E 1
When I say I mfr
Idonot e
Y e mean merely to stop themc
for aa time and then have them =taro air n, I mann a
etre. I + have made Elle -life-1 n of t o 1y. Warren t
my re edy to cure
SICKNESS wars a life -lung Be Andy. I ,o have m99 remedy e coref the worst cares, "ing a e others Lavt
fnS,ed ie no resson.for not now receiving acus,-Sandht
once for a treatise and a Free ' Bottle of my infallible
remedy. Give E%PP.aSS and POST.OP1•I0E.
INE Sill cw
L g -2•
from which this paper is printed
was, supplied by, the
Dealers in type,
Presses, and Printers' Supplies.
80 &,132 Wellington St. west
Exeter Roller Mills.
WHEAT 0.90 TO 0,95p er bush
Our St1111.- dices.
Flour, strong bakers', $3,00 per 100
best family,
a <<
.low grade, 2,00 " "
Bran, ` 70 tl ,t
Middlings, 90 " "
Screenings, 100 "
Chop, 1.10 to 1,25 '• t'
Chop stone running every day.
The IJeetex:' 11Iilli lg Co
A F Tailor
The Summer holidays are now about
over and, the Fall Fairs being, close at
hand, I wish to inform my many cus-
tomers that I' am still in my
(F. J. Knight's Grocery Store.)
And am prepared
to do work h iz latest style atldi
best of workmanship.
x II a- 11 x II ' II x II - II x
,x II - 11 x 11 II x it — II )3
Give me a call
and leave your measure and
I will give you a
cleat fit.
Over F. J. Knight's Grocer
1 per day.
J. & 1'Io 1J1tTIIV, Proprietors.