The Exeter Advocate, 1891-7-23, Page 8RE4D-MAKER'S
?PR SALE 3Y ALf. Deaee s,
801 Wa« ��RBTI�HT.
Toys S. Polish . .Pictures
Beads Shoe " Spice Jars
Dons Plate]). Safes Salts Nid.
Mugs Neeeles ll'� les
Bane LI. Pins Mall niers
k'iurses Thimbles Tacks
L. Pollens Bullous .'.gate S. Drivers
Broaches " Pearl P. Cord
W. Chains Handkerchief C. Openters.
Cups Towels 0. Tongs
Toy Books Neckties P. Shovels
Knives Fans S. Lifters
lin Organs Splashers. P. Mashers
Whisks T. elats Toast Forks
Soaps Bibs. Dippers
N. Brushes Ten Pails Egg Beaters
Ten Sleepers 0• Turners
T. P. Stands Pans
Clothes "
Iilaek'g " Comb Cases
Store • 1.t Dust Pans
Tooth " Pie Plates
Toy Brooms !Goblets
L. Squeezer
0. Screws
S. Ladles
The stock of clothing of lir. James
Grieve will be sold at a sacrifice. Give
him a call..
Don't forget that August the Gth is
the date of the monster S. 0. E. Excur-
sion to Sarnia.
National Pills are sugar coated, mild
but thorough, and are the best Stomach
and. Liver Pills in use.
The price of beer has been advanced
I0 per cent. by the brewers, just the
difference made in the•cost by the new
The peculiar evaporating effect of
summer weather is driven off by Hood's.
Sarsaparilla, which "makes the weak
Destroy the worms or they may de -
*troy this children. Freeman's Worm
Powders destroy and expell all kinds
of worms.
Remember that Mr. James Grieve is
• making a great clearing sale of men's
and boys' suits. Don't forget to give
him a call.
Wanted immediately at the Exeter
Wollen Mills 5.000 bundles of wool to
be carded into rolls and 5000 for to be
The AnvoCATL will be sent to any
address for the balance of the year 1.891
for 40 cents, paid in advance. V Now is
the time to advertise.
Exeter, Clinton, Hensel'', Londesboro,
Blyth, and nearly all :the towns along
the L. H. & 13 R. have proclaimed their
civic holiday, for August Gth, to be
able to take in the monster S. 0. E.
Excursion to Sarnia.
Mr. G. W. Holman, Clerk of Usborne
was the only representative from Us -
borne at the funeral of the late Peter
Adamson, Esq., Clerk of Huron which
took place at Goderich on Monday last
Exeter was not represented.
Mr. Wm. Stevens • of Drysdale has
corn growing on his farm, lake road.
west,. which measures 7 ft. 3 in. in
height. Much has been said about the
shortness of growth this year but this
does net indicate a very bad failure.
Owing to such a demand for cottag-
es at the favorite .summer resort,
Gra.nd Bend, Mr. E. H. Fish has rented
his building to Messrs. A. Sereaton and.
M H. Rowland, of London, who will'
take possession on the 1st of August
At the midsummer examinations at
Huron College, the following scholar-
ships were awarded: First senior "Boo-
mer scholarship," value 6120, to G. F.
Sherwood; second scholarship; value
575; to G. Card; third scholarship val-
ue $45,; to E. Lee.
The children, teachers and several
members of the congregation of the
Trivitt Memorial cuurch had their an
nualouting at the lake on Wednesday
of this week. They gathered at the
church in the early morning and start
ed away in busses, vans, carriages and
buggies, a company of all sorts and
conditions that no one would mistake
for a funeral.
We have been shown a beautiful
sample of Fall wheat grown by Mr.
Stephen Hicks, it belongs to that class
known as the Mediterranean, and is
consideree] to be the best that can be.
seen in this section of the country. The
heads are large and well filled, and
have great prospects of a large yield,
Those peripatetic medical quacks
who prey* upon printers and gullible
people, ha'+e hit upon a scheme worthy
of the "heelless oats" man. They give
some of their dupes medicine free,.
merely asking them to sign what seems
to bee receipt for the medicine. By some
hocuspocus arrangement the receipt
turns, out to he a'note of hand for 5100
or more, and the poor patient bas his
patience sadly- taxed when he is called;
upon to pay a good round sum without
having received any value for it.
On Tuesday evening last as Mr. and
Mrs. John Willis, of Exeter North, were
driving,. home, there horse became
'frightened at some passing bicycles
and shied in the Glitch upsetting the
vehicle and occupants. Mrs, Willis re
ceived a severe cut' on the head and
ear and a bad shaking up, while Mr.
Willis escaped with a few slight bruis-
es, The horse in its road career rats
.•eway and smashed the ria to atoms. Saturday.
Remember that Exeter Civic Holi-
day is ou August Gth, and that a lien
Ater excursion, to Sarnia will leave the
station at 7 a.
The Rev. ltobt leicCose Rector of 1'e•
trona, well knowu as one of the most
popular preachers in, Western Ontario,
will ocoupy the pulpit of the Trivitt
Memorial church, on Sunday next.
There will be three services at 11 a. m.,
3 p. im and 7 p. m. Offertory in aid
of parish funds.
Two sons of Mr. John Veal, Exeter
North, were summoned before His
Worship, Charles Snell, on Monday, on
a charge of wilfully drowning a dog
belonging to Mr. Mark Clark, After
hearing the evidence the parties were
discharged the testimony of the plain-
tiff and witnesses being insufficient
for conviction.
Preachers are taking the right view
by shortening their sermon these hot
Sunday nights. When a preacher
preaches on eternal punishment in a
warm place, he does riot need to give
his congregation a sample of what is
in store for them if they don't repent.
It is hard for anybody to repent with
the thermometer at 90.
Mr. Will J. White, of the Brandon,
Man. "Sun" an old- fellow citizen of
ours, of Exeter Ont. Canada is repro.
senting the Canadian Northwest at. the
National Editorial Convention in St.
Pana this week. Bro. White is specially
commissioned, by the Winnipeg Board
of Tradeto agitate thG;holding of the
next National Editorial convention at
Winnipeg. We hope Bro White will
be successful in his mission.-Paynes-
ville .News.
About six weeks ago Mr. Bided, of
Petrolia, began lifting the piping out
the Exeter Salt Well, He succeeded
in getting out 150 feet after many
hard days labor. During a heavy lift
the other day the tubing separated, a
small piece being brought to the surf-
ace, the remainder falling to the bot-
tom of the well, The workmen were
unable to exit a hold of the end as it is
supposed to have fallen underneath a
ledge of rock, and on Friday last had
to resort to drilling another hole along
side of the old pipe. The .first salt they
struck was down about 1100 ft., and
the main bed was struck at11.162 ft, so
that they have now, uniting all the
small beds together, a bed of about 150
feet deep, and can safely say that they
have 62 feet of pure salt free from
The following is taken from the
Paynesville News and alludes to a for•
mer resident of the tp. of Hay, in the
person of Mr. James Henderson. He is
also well known to many of our citi-
zens. -"Tuesday p.
iti-zens.-"Tuesday'. si., Agent Caswell
at the G. N. Depot, received a message
for Chief of Police Henderson, giving a
description of the convict who escaped
from the Reformatory at St. Cloud Mon-
day. A few minutes previous to the
receipt of the message, a chance travel-
ler had been seen wending his way
westward along the R. R. track. Mount-
ing a swift -winged handcar, they were
soon in fud nirsuit overtaking the
wanderer some distance west of the
Depot, they proceeded to examine him;
but after a careful search, they found
they were mistaken in their man turn-
ed homeward with rather a dowdcast
expression upon their once beaming
countenances, and muttering to them-
selves, "No 550 in that man."
On Sunday last several of our
citzens went to Grand Bend to pass.
away the hours of the day under the
beautiful shade trees near the lake.
After they had rested themselves they
began to grow weary for pleasure and
all agreed -to start out fishing. As far
as we can learn they had only began
when along cane the game Inspector
and seizing the trowler severed it
from the line of the sports, thus leav-
ing them to pass the time away - in
amazement. Imagine the surprise of
these gentlemen when they saw the
position they were placed in, but no
doubt it will be a lesson to them to
lease the "dazzling, hook" at home
when they take another trip. on a Sun-
day. Take this as a warning you who
intend visiting this neighborhood be-
cause the watchman is still on the
alert to capture those who will violate
the laws of the land and not keep holy
the Sabbath day.
The lecture which was to have been
given by Mr. J. B. Watson, of St. Marys
on Tuesday evening was posponed un-
til Friday evening July 24th, commen-
cing at 6 o'clock. He is considered one
of the best orators on the continent and
everybody should hear him deliver his
lecture on the life of Sir John Macdon-
ald. This is not a political address but
an intellectual treat. No admission
will be charged, but collection will
he taken up to defray expenses. Come
everybody and see the beautiful oil
painting of Sir John
Chester Yonrex,
The hull -less oats forger, who is in
Kingston Penitentiary, is ill in the hos-
pital with typhoid fever. At present
the surgeons look hopefully on the re-
Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of
boots and shoes that need repairing to
he left at the leading boot and shoe
store next door to the post office. 0.
Robinson and Sperling, of St. Marys,
shipped two carloads of export cattle to
Liverpool on Friday. --W. Shillinglaw,
shipped 2 carload of Montreal
for export on Friday. -Mr. Thomas
shipped 1 carload of cattle to Montreal
on Thursday. ---Mr. Coughlin shipped 1
carload of sheep to Black Rock, Buffalo.
on Saturday. -Mr, John Hannah, of
Seaforth, shipped a carload ..ef butter
from the Exeter Station on Friday to
Glasgow, Scotland. -A. Q, I3obier ship
ped a carload of butter to Montreal on
Remember that the Excursion train
will leavetheExeter Station at `.00�Jy'
q elock, a. ru,, for ,Sarnia, en .Aug,ust
There died on Tuesday, at the resid
once of Mr. John-yHeywood, Exeterr,•fUoeeowee
North, his three-ycar•old daughter, af-
ter a brief illness. - It appears that the
child had been out playing with the
other children in the graden aediunder
Death the apple trees several days be-
fore and had eaten a quantity of the
fruit which had fallen underneath the
trees: Now the potatoes have been
planted here too, and but a :short ma,
ago they had been sprinkled with Par-
is Green. The belief is that thea les
were lying underneath the leaves of
potatoes and that the fluid had fallen
upon them, and the child partook of
poisoned fruit whieh caused its
the oiso�ie n
death, Medical ,Lid was summoned to
try and relieve the sufferer•,but it prov
ed useless, and the little one passed
peacefully away as above described,
The parents have the sympathy of a
number of friends in this their unex •
peeted trouble.
shootut„ :Accident.
On Wednesday morning about. hall -
past six o'clock: Mr. Geo. Vesper met
with an accident wl�leh caused him the
loss of two of his toes on the left foot.
He had taken the gull out for the pur-
pose shooting some spai.rows and
tried thethe cartridge sev-
hammer on
oral times but for some mason it leg
lected to do` its duty.The gun, which
was a single barrebreech loader, was
a examined more closely byhim
o +� 3
to ascertain the cause of the misfire. It
appears that having taken the firearm
from his shoulder he placed the muzzle
of the piece ill about the centre of the
upper part of his foot, but thinking it
a little dangerous he shifted it until it
rested above the. two small toes, and
then began seperating the stock from
the barrel when the cartridge went off
the shot tearing its way through the
shoe and limb. Medical aid ,was at
once summoned, andafter a little time
had elapsed Dr. H. K. Hyndman per-
formed a successful operation of am,
putating the wounded members. The
atient is in mood s irits over the of-`
and feels highly pleased to 'think
it did not happen when the weapon
was pointing at the centre of his foot.
Personal ?Mention.
Mr. William Drew was visiting in
the Forest City on Saturday. -Miss
Susie Weekes has returned from Nor-.
with to spend her summer holidays
with relatiyes and friends. --Mr. Chas
Bailey Of London was visiting in town
on Sunday. -Mr. George Southeott, of
Toronto, is with us again for a few
days. -Miss A. L. Crocker left last
week for Toronto to spend a short ya-
cation. -Mr. Joseph. Senior returned
home on Saturday from Buffalo where
he had been attendinti the photograph_
ers co ivetition.-112iss Alice Prince, of
Hyde Park, is yisiting at her sister's,
Mrs. Nelson Peterson. -'!'he Misses
Colwell, of Centralia, who have been
visiting in and around .Exeter for some
tinne, have returned home. -'dr. N. D
Hurdon wife and family, Misses Jackel
Miss Mable and Clara Hersey left for
the Grand Bend on Tuesday afternoon
where they will remain camping for.
about ten days. -The Misses Sharon
and Miss Stacey, of St. Thomas arrived
here on. Saturday evening and. left on
Monday. They intend remaining at G 13
tliroun•h the month of August: -Mr.
James A. Stewart wife returned
here on Tuesda • evening after a short
visit with relatiyesandfriends in the
eastern counties, -Miss Millie; Liuds',
Waker.-, is. the guest of Miss Mil`oSooT(ltrita,
lie Baiter. -Air. Christopher Hodgson.
of Myrtle is with us again -Fred L.
Russell who left here some time. ago
for Manitoba, St1 uck a Chance of a sit-
uation in Australia is' now on' his
way to the antipodes. b the ocean
y 1 y
steamship Ghana,. -Miss Lovina Cook,
of. Hensel] is'spending a few days with
p g
the Misses 0i11. -Miss Jermyn, of Glan
ton, is spending her holidays with the
h b. •
MissesrGoukl.-ll4i.,Alex Coulquhori. of
Douglass, Manitoba, is hereurchas
ing, a number of horses for the North
West market. -Mr. Lewis Thorn and
wife of Los Anodes are here vision
1.7 7 T
relatives and friends. --Miss Patten, of
Platsville, who has been , spending a
couple of weeks with Miss Horn, has
returned home. -Miss Marsella Cave is
spending her holidays with her parents
in Bay City, Mich. -Frank Snell, oper-
ator, is spending a couple of weeks
with friends in St. Thomas. -Joe Lea-'
thorn,of London; is visiting- his brotn
er John, proprietor of Mansion House.
-Frank Anderson, who spent last
week with friends in town, returned
to Tilsonburg on Saturday. -Messrs.
Samuel Popp!estone, Bert Fuke and
Charles Bayley are camping at Lake
Smith for week. ---Mr. Wlifo 'Lan
ing left yesterday morning for Lon-
don where Dr. Woodruff will perform
a surgical operation on his nasal Org.
an, -Mr. Win A. Brooks, of Chicago,
formerly of this place, is holidaying
with friends and relatives here alt pees•
cnt,-Mrs. Jas. Walters and family left
this (Thursday) morning for Cardiff,'
she will fpend the sum-
Wales, whereWe
l'iiozarv,-In Stephen. 01] .the O h illSt
the wife Simon Prouty of a son.
llu'raait. -tri E.limviilc, ou, fust,
the wife of hd, Huller J'r. of
-Ln Clinton on Jul 171h,
the wife of Mr. A. J, Holloway, of a
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The elite of this beautiful little hail
let picnicked at the lake on Thursday
1<ist. They were gaited up nicely and
report having a good time, all but the
boys who spent the night before and
y pr;
the night after in gettingrigs and re•
turning them. But then the' loss of
two nights sleep for one day's feat is
nothing when you get used to it. Al!
that is with the wt itei is that
he was a little put out because he was
not invited with the rest, Another ex-
cursion will leave soon and we expect
to get a ticket for that one, so we
speak in time.
�� -,
Around About Us,
A very sad accident oectLxed in cast
Wawanosh, on Thursday, 9th inst.
While Label). Walters and J. McDonald
were choppinghood it appears that
the axe flew off the handle that Mr, Mc
Donald was using and struck: Mr.Wal-
tars, causingdeath instantly. He was
.a young man only 22 years of age.
The funeral was very largely attended
on Saturday. He was son in-law of
Geo. Thomson, of Zetland ,,liavii been
married only about three months. The
widow has the heartfelt sympathy of
the community in her sad boreavmelrt.
While Mr. and Mrs. Thomas were
driving to Gerrie on Saturday, July
11th, they had a narrow escape from
what might have been a very serious
accident. The colt became frightened
at some object on the road, and in its
frantic endeavors to get away the bitJJ]F1
broke,Mr. Thomas thereby losing con-
trol of the animal, hich reared and
plunged, completely* smashing the har-
ness and upsetting the buggy. The
occupants were both thrown out and
severely injured,
ire You Deaf.
pr do yon suffer from noises in the head
Theis send' S cent stump anti I will send a nal
liable treatise oontainnigilialparticularsfor
home curd which posts comparatively noth-
ing. A•splendid work on deafness audr the
oar. Address PROF. G, CHASF, Montreal.
I endeavour to produce the very best goods in my line.
Not only the best in
3 •
1 am sending out some beautiful milk cans this spring
far exceeding and previous effort.
Mystock of material for s ring work such as Ea��e-
p es ,
troughing, Roofing, &c. is extensive and complete, and work -
manShi is the verybest. I Solicit otlrcorder for
p y e •,
�.,R ®U e I
a 0 R - - e - N C
: �m C
_--e••• /� �✓ M
Y ,
I have without exception the nicest assortment of
Milk PAILS and Straining PAILS
to be fotmd an wheie' var .ino- in price from 20 cts to , 1.00.
Y y 1 `
1.lprice ofmilk
/� SIZE `
SMALL i�3. �°T TO $2 00 rEn DozEN
L RC SIZE $1000 3 O $3.00 gni,, DOZEN
Who wouldgo without a clipper whenyou call get one
for 5 eitn�l'.
.1 1.;1 Il IJ )
ILL �' O L. L A N D -
Tell us that Rheumatism is a blood di -
sense; that it can be cured only by a
remedy which works through the biood.
And yet, if you have the darting pains
of rheumatism in muscles or joints, try
a little of Clark's Lightning Liniment.
It will go direct to the seat of pain and
relieve it at once. There is no wait-
ing weeks and months before the di-
sease ran be attacked through the
blood, This seems to be contrary to
scientific claims, but it is true that
Clark's Lightning Liniment will cure
Rheumatism. Sold by druggists; price
fifty cents. Clark Chemical Co, Tor-
onto, New York.
=� WN '.4" ? > =.V
,°? a, ;•;ktty R"�"-;`'•'
' It a certain and speedy
r aeyatbeHeedand
Instant Relief, Permanenfi
Cure F '
allure impossible.
1fg envied disease are
eymptome o1 Oatarrb, such
.ache partial.desfnes,,. losing
amen,foul breath, hawlung
ting,naueea, genet -al teelm6
bilis , etc.' If •ou aro troubled
.any of. these or kindred eymptoma,
ynur na,•e oatarrh. and should
title an eecnring .,battle-°,ifea
Blom, Be warned 0 time,
cold in head reeultada Oatarrh,
lowed .6y eonetuni�i1tion and
Naeu. 8anbris cold b9 ail divgglste
or will be sent, poetpaid.on races
veep ecut+and$1.eD)bgad.lresafag
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Call a11C1 see Spackman &I'\inL
tos. Dress Goods. All newCheap
Call and see Spackman &
la CO'ssulti. Sateekn. S, Pl'iritS and Ang0-
ll� SAll good washers,
Call and see Spaek11 an &
Cos. Embroidery shirting's,
Lawns and Delaines for theo
'hot V eather.
sell the best 2.�c Black
FIose in the Dominion Worth
4Octs. Warranted stainless,
Call and see them.
Remember we carry one of
tale ICLI^n'est stocks o Miili11e1:
in town. Everyhat new. No
old trin1mhigs to , work up.
Call and see the new Style for
. a.
Sp1111- and summer.
EXET1;R, - - _ - •- - ONTARI')
a, t,s. twos -mese, ds sfxt��
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p :� { l�
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o sit - n •
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• 1.f ;lip
C F n 1 eta.
+ _®
, 12 cts
,• •
•qua li?'
�." a o 6.�t..9 ' I Vp,e Ribbon 14 :deli
DE < >HIS.
STANLEY. --In Crediton on the 19t1
Just., Mary Ann, beloved wife of
Henry Stanley aged 85,`_Gk6-
months, and 22 days.
IHEYWooD.-In Exeter North, on ; the
21st inst, Sophronia, daughter of
Mr. John Heywood, aged 8
v ,years9
and 3 months.
AnemsoN,-•Tn Goderich. on 16th inst,
Peter Adamson, County Clerk, of
Huron,aged G6. yrs. 2 mos. and 16
y 7
days. ;
1 PoTTs.-In Clinton, on 1.71h inst, Polly
Potts, relict of the late Geo. Potts
aged 76 yrs. and 5 mos.
�•�-�_> 2-==
1F0 r �"� . MONCUR J • .HOWARD,
n i13 s P•n 9'. P f ei 1. r i Atm r.