The Exeter Advocate, 1891-7-1, Page 1VOL IV
NO 213.
The Molsons Bank.
(Chartered. by Parliament, 1855.)
Paid up Capital . . $2,000,000.
Rest Fund. .... 1,000,000,
Head office Montreal,
lEoney advanced to Farmer's on their own
notes with one ,or niers endorsers at 7 per
Open every lawfulda,y from 101) m. to a p.
m., Sat ardays .0.41/ a.m. to 1 p. m
A general banking business transacted
Four per cent. per aunura allowed for
--inoney on Deposit Receipts.
Exeter, Jae. 2S, '88. Sub•Manager.
(gleam Abroratel
Is published. every Thursday Morning,
at the Orrice,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance.
$1.50 it' not so paid.
-ES.:8.-srert5...=5.xi.g. Rate= .
No paper discontinued. until all arreara,ges
are paid. Advertisements without specific
direetions -will be rublishe(l till forbid and
charged according y. Liberal disconnt made
for transcient advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description of JOB
PR)..NTING turned out in the finest style,
and atraoclerate rates. Cheaues,money ord-
ers, tite. for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to
be made payable to
Sanders & Sweet
Clearest Directory.
Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. ni
and 7 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.
Russell, Pastor. Suuday Services,10.30 a. m.
and G.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2p. in.
MAIN STREET—Rev. J. Wilson, Pastor. Sun
day Serviees,10.30 a.m. ease 6.30 p.m. Sabbath
Scho012,30 p. na.
PRESBYTERIAN onuncie—Rev. W. Martin,
Pastor. Sunday Serviees, 11 a. m. aucl 6.30 p.
sabbath Selsool, 9.45 a.m.
PrOfe&moital Cairda.
Fauson's Block
two doors north of Carling Store,
MAIN STREET, EXETER, extrauts teeth
without pain. Away at Ilensall on 1st
Friday; Ailsa Craig on 2nd and 4th Tuesday;
and Zurieh on last Thursday of each month.
arl E. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal
NJ • College Dental Surgeons saccessor to
i H. L. Billings. Office over O''Neil,„'s Bank,
X 111xeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetie giveu for
the painless extraction of teeth. Plit,tes se-
cured firmly lathe mouth by YeMeit s pat -
tent 'Valv
Lucan every Friday
• and Snrgeon. Office and residenee—
Corner 'Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich,
Residenee—Oorner Andrew and. North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
TAB. CROSIKERY, Member Royal College
Surgeons, England; Licentiate Royal
College of Physicians, Edinburgh; Member
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Office, Mitchell's old stand, Crediton, Ont.
a-, 11. MciELLAN,
EYE& EAR S11116E011.
Graduate New York Eye and Ear E'ospital
Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office cior.
Maple ancl Talbot streets.
DB,. M. D., C. M , Member of
College of Physiman.s and Surgeons,
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of
Physicians aud Surgeons Edinburgh; licen-
tiate of the Faeulty of Physicians and Sur-
geons, Glasgow. Fellow of Trinity Medical
College, Toronto. Off-lee—Dr. Cowen's olcl
of Toronto,) Physician, Surgeon, etc.
Having spent the winter of 1886-'87 in New
York,amd the winter of 1887-'88 in Vienna,
OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Office— Over Post Office, Exeter, Ontario.
Money to Loan.
. of Supreme Court, Notary Publie, Con-
veyan.ier,Cbmmissioner, &c. Money to loan
Ofhee—Fanson's Bldelc, Exeter.
12.4 itors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan
47t,t 6 per cent. •
TX BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct-
1.11. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne
Sales promptly attended to and term s reason
able.Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa
A3% ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens-
0ed Auctioneer, for the comities of Hur-
on and Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south
of Exeter, Ont. Sale Ordera by mail or other-
wise promptly attended to at reasonable
WHOLT, 3thiva, Ontario. Lieeneed. anet.
. ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex
and Lambton, and the townships of Stephen
and Hay„All sales promptly attended. tO,
DOSSENBERRY, Eensall Ontario. c -
id Auctioneer for the County, of
Huron and. Perth. Charges moderate and
satisfaction guaranteed,
L'IRED, W. FARN0OMI3, Provincial Land
Sarveyor and. Civil tneineer. Office,
• Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont.
• T HARDY, Lidensed Auctioneer for the
County of Huron, Sfiles Condneted o
reasonable terms. Farm and Farm Stock a
s pecialty. Fall arrangements elm be made
at this office. ,
For Sale.
A desirable residence in Exeter North, new
frame loose, ono -fifths acre of land.. The
house \VMS orectea in 1888. 000d. term s to
pure- site. A.pply attliis office. 1454
The Co r rter Dru2 Store
Pure Paris Green and Hellebore.
Our Stock of Drugs is always complete and of the best.
An Endless Variety of Combs, .113rUSIICS ttc.
The Best and Leading Perfumes always in stock.
Notice is hereby given that all parties in-
'debted to. Mr, .1, H. Grieve will kindly oblige
him by paying the same on or before the 1st
day ofjuly, 1801.
There strayed into the premises of the un-
dersigned, Lot 5, con, 5, Stephen, on or about
ist Jane, 2 two-year-old steers. Color: one
black with white belly and star on face; the
otber spotted white and black. Owner may
have the same by proving'property andpay-
ing expenses. • „ Haxay ESSERY,
212-31 cientsalia P. 0.,
The undersigned. will keep on his premises,
Lot 7, Con. 2, Stephen, a thormighbrecl boar,
which will lie served to a limited number of
sOWS. Terms—$1 payable at time of service
with privilege of returning if necessary. The
following is the pedigree which shows his
high breeding:—Loin Jack", No. (1056) was
farrowed Sept. 27; 1800, bred by ,Tames Dor-
ranee,-Seaforth, Ont., second owner Wm.
Haggart, Centralia. Ont, sire 'Earl of Dub-
lin, (850); dam "North Queen"' (f592),bY ultov.
Harry"(064Violet (1mp.)(570) by "Prince";
Tallens, by Warwickist, Jared. by .f. Smith.
Wx HAGOART, Centralia.
• Mr. Daniel Davis 'having purchased
the Butchering business of Ids father,
(Mr. Richard Davis) wishes to inform
the citizens of Exeter, and. farmers of
the surrounding country that he will
continue in the &tme old stand; and in-
tends keeping 'a full supply of meat of
ale kinds. All beisinees traueacted be-
fore'Saturday, June the 20th, 1891e
will be settled by the former propriet-
or, and all accounts must.eee. settled
with the same. After that date I will
be responsible for all debts ipcurred.
Thanking you for past favors, and
hoping, this will solicit your patronage
for the future, I remain
• Yours Sze.,
• Exeter.
• Large quantities of paris green has
been sold by our dealers for the pur-
pose of destroying the potato bugs
which have become yery destructive
this season.
Pee-SONIA Deenuan.
• Mr. and Mrs. John Smallcomb re-
turned home on Thursday evening
last after visiting Woodstock, Strat-
ford and other places—Mr. and Mrs.
McTavish were here visiting Mr. J. C.
McTavish last week.—Mr. Frank Snell,
son of William Snell, of this place, who
has been in Winnepeg for over one
year engaged at telegraph operating,
is here at present visiting his parents
and friends.—Mr. Dante, father of Mr.
John Dancey, of the To anship of Step-
hen, arrived here from England. on
Thursday last week. He has made 't
number of trips across the water, •mid
is considered by all who know him, to
look none the worse of his many voy
ages.—Mr. Fred Russell, son of Rev.
A L Russell, left this week for Mani-
toba where he will remain for some
time.—Miss Pringle left on Wednesday
for London to visit friends for a short
time, after which she will visit several
places east, before returning to fulfil
her duties as teacher in the Exeter Pub-
lic School.—Mr. Richard Eacrett was in
St. Marys on the 1st attendiug to the
interests of baseball—Mrs. Thos. Carl-
ing, of Clinton, is visiting relatives
and friends in town.—Mrs. Jonathan
Lindsay, (nee Sarah Jane Sanders)
ltughter of Mr. John Sanders, of Kil•
la,rney, Mtn, formerly of this village,
arrived here on Thursday morning,
last week. She intends remaining for
some time to vieit her many friends
and relatives in and around Exetere
Mr. Arthur Davis left for London, on
Wednesday morning to take part in a
cri .1:et match—Mrs. Windsor, ftnd
three children, of Detroit,are the guests
ot Mrs. James. Gould.
Spud keeps things boomieg in town
The farmers around thi8 vicinity arc
busy with their haying.
0. W. Smith gave our town a flying
yiSit one night recently.
Quite a number of our sports around
here took in the football match on $at-
urday hist.
• Geo. Lyn heel who bas been in Grand
Rapids for a few m'eeks returned home
Q1 Thursdfty last,
While Mrs. John Miner, Who lives on
Lot e, con. 7, Usborne, was walking
across the floor on Thursday last weels
she accidentally slipped and felebreak
ing her leg above the knee. Dr.
Bro\\ ning. waS iinme,diately sammetied
and est the in,jured limb and the,patient
is irnproyiiig is well as caii be eepeet,
el She is getting updo years aod 110
doubt it will be some tine befoee :She
le well again, as it takee longeriforetbe
bones of an aged person to uiun.s then
In. the young. '
• The Clinton Catholic church will be
solemnly opened and dedicated next
Wednesday, July lst, by the .Right
Rev. Dr. O'Connor, Bishop of London
The morning service will begin at 10
m., at which the Bishop will preach
,the dedicatory sermon. At 7.80 p. m
there will be a sacred concert, at which
Rev. E. R Kilroy, D. D., of Stratford
will deliver an address, after whichthe
benediction will be given by the Bish-
op. A collection will be taken tip at
both services. The public, cordial!)
invited to attend. Every one will be
• made •welcome.
. Perth.
A peculag disease has been discover-
ed among A numbeyef.cattle in Perth
and which 1 ertninstte4,' fatally if not
promptlYeetteeded to. Dsiesgteele has
had a nuniller of eases on legnsellnd says
it starts vie f, influenza. Titt'64, p thing
that is notiiesable is a sw611114,'i
'it the
lower jointse the el uetS bedeme, wear
and deop-off A sings 'forriss around the
foot and the.booes gradually decay and
wear ewer; mid in. many eases the ani-
mals have been wall:leg on their hocks
Robert Peters, of Brunner, had twelve
head alteeted,nine of which nave either
died or been destroyed. .The others are
improy ing make' Mr. Steele's treatment
The Goveeteneht veterinary inspector,
,CoestneetS Wee out to 8ee them. Three
legs have ;been &Alt to Toronto for ex-
amination 'Cho diseases it is said, ori-
ginates„frowi 'one of two causes. It
is of local U.segiti when caused by filth
accumulating about the feet, and is of
constitutieessi origin when 7caused by
fungi in the feed. In the case of the
three:head belonging to Mr. Peters that
Mr. Steele is pow treating- the trouble
is of a coristitudenal character. The
diseaseeie riOe. contagious. Seveyal head
of cutikeewned, by 'Mr. Geo. Blechman,
of Waetburg, ake also ;Unit:bed 1N,ith the
e. ,
disease, .
FOOTTA LL—The return'ma.tch be -
to en the Edenites, and the Beavers,
of MeGilltVray, was played at MeGilli-
vray 0,1 Saturday eveuipes last. The
game was called at 7 p.m., each club
placing itself in readiness. When play
was cellea", the visitors taking' their
first kick it the ball, but it did not go
far before it was met by Downing, and
sent towards Eden goal; but Handford,
who the Eden boys say is the right
man in the right place, met the sphere
with his No. 10's, and sent it back
again. Then Dempsey managed to
get it and rushed it on the goal when
it was passed through by Bowden, thus
scoring' the first, nal for Eder. When
halftime was callell both clubs took a
breathing spell, and went at it again
with renewed vigor. Dien proved to
be a little tee much for our boys when
time was called. The score stood 2--0
in favor of the Edeuites.
Stanley 001111Cil* RarEPS.--4George is a little sniall but
't takes a. ese.t ro Tett bins, Of his feet
Varna, June 22nd, • 1891 as a few on C'-'''Elle"fferknbw. Cl'e6
The council met to day pursuant to
adjournment. Members all present.
The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of
previous meeting read and signed.
The following accounts were ordered
to be paid: Thos. Wiley, $71.00, salary
and postage; Mrs. Thos. Simpson, $39,
balance due for keeping Thos. Mulloy
to dete. The clerk was instructed to
notify' Jas. Logan to haye the well op
posite his property in Varna filled or
made secure without delay. The coun-
cil then adjourned to meet again at
the call of the Reeve, G.L.SgEweng,
Levi'Stahls, who has been ill for
someine time'seith rheumatic .fever, is
anima again. ' •
Mr. Fred Weurtli has his new stable
completed, and it is a magnificent
Mr. John Fartneg was surprised • to
find one of his horses Hying dead in the
field the other day: Cause of death um -
known. •
The Graveldrawing is abnut °eel'
A. number of farmers liaye commen-
ced haYing, The work won't last long
as the crop is Very light. Fall wheat
is abirat an average crop around here.
Thomas Morkin, jr, of Masonville,
appeared before Squire. S. B. Smyth, of
London, on Monday, on a charge of
unlawfully retaining a ring, the prop
erV of Elliott Eastman. The com
plainant says he was riding towards
the city with Mr. Wilson, a driver for
the Carling, Brewing Co., and at Mas-
onville the defenclarit came out and
wanted Wilson to treat. He replied
that he had no money'when Morkin
offered to trust him and Wilson said: --
"Well, bringlos out a drink," Then
Moil in turned his ittention to the
complainant, and told him as his ride
was not costing him anything he
could afford to treat. Eastman also
said he had no money, when Morkin
spoke of his ring. Eastman consented
to throw dice for the ring, but after
gmtting into the barroom refused to do
it, saying the ring WaS not his. Morkin
asked to look at it, aricl when he got'
it remarked that Eastman must now
treatfight or throw dice for that ring
Eastman saye he, declined to do either
but on cominse to town laid an infor-
mation before Squire J. B. Smyth, with
the result that Morkin appeared yes,
terday. Morkins called the whole affair
a ,joke, and said he offered to give,
back the ring as the men were leav.
thee The magistrate took the humor-
ous view of it, and on returning the
ring and paynig coste Morkin got the
charge withdietwre
is a dandy. Jim is not very large but
he gets there all rig,ht, Jack got off
his feet once, but that was very good,
considering how many shots he got.
Will Folland is a whale. The Eden
boys are a little rough for a friendly
game; we expect to see another match
ii the near futere and we would wish
to see them act in a more gentlemanly
spun. •
• Centralia,
Jeff Essery, of Eeeter, paid. our town
a flying visi,; bn,Sunday last.
T. Handfeed and W. Neil, of Moors-
ville, spent Sunday in our midst.
Mr. Geo. Jackson, of London, was the
guest of Mr. R. Handford, on Sundey
The farmers around here are busy
with their haying'which is pnly a fair
crop owing to the dryness of theweath.
er. •
• Come to 'Centralia to day (Wed-
nesday) and enjoy yourselves at the
Festival and football matches. Every-
body invited to attend.
Our cheese factory is promised. a big
run this year. They sold May eheese
for 82c., which was a very good price
owing to the dullness of the market.
C W. Smith„ our cheese maker,
keeps a five cent how,she has McGin
ty from the bottom of ,the well, Jack
the Ripper, and lest but not least, Feat
Fooe-BALL,—On Friday eyening last
the juniors of Eden came here to piety
a return match with the school boys
of this place, and quite an interesting
game took place which was witnessed
by a large crowd af spectators. Eden
won the toss of goals and chose to kick
north end Centralia took the kick off.
At 8 o'clock 'Islay was called and Hag.
gith passed the ball to Handford, who
being checked passed. the ball to Hill,
who was checked by the Eden half-
backs, and the ball sent flyieg, toward
the Centralia goal; but was secured by
Boyle, who after a tussle with Cave
and Bumpy placed die ball right in
front of the Eden goad and it was kick-
ed through by Hill, thereby securing
the first goal for Centralia, 111 a few
minutes, Play was aga,itt resumed,
Eden taking the kick, by Bumpy pass-
ing to Cave, hut quick as lightning
Boyle was unto it and passed it to
Handford, who passed to Baker, who
after a neat dribble centered it aed
rush was made on goal, but only re
suited in a goal kick, The ball wa,s
then kieked to Cave who rushed. to-
ward Centealia goal, the result svas
the ball nearly going through, but the
Backs were there and the. ball Wil,8
again sent toward. the Eden goal whete
one Of the Eden boys made a i0111 about
85 yards front the ° goal. This gave
Centralia a free kiek, which was talsen
by Boyle, 'who with a neat low kick
put the ball tbkOugh the goal it touch,,
ing one of their players as it wet
through and scoring the second goal
for Centralia, lIaletime was then
called and the players rested a few
minutes. I'lay was again calted at
8.40 awl, Haggith passed the ball back
to Boyle, who after a close check by
Walker and Essery passed the bail to
Baker and the sphere, was rushed to
ward the Eden goal but only resulted,
in a goal kick. It was now getting
dark and it was with disadvantage
that both teams played, and time 'Wag
called 10 minutes before the tune set,
the score standing 2 to 0 M favor of
Cc, ntralia. NOTES OP THE GAME.—
W alker has hired with the Edenites
again. Two or three of Centralia
payers are too sauey. Old Mat is a
corker. Boyle laid them right anti left
he's a dandy Half -back. Dempsey
should wear gloves to keep his hands
from tanning. Halidford and Baker
play fine wings, while Haggith plays
centre with a rush. Cases cannot pass
the old backs; Hunter, the idol of the
Eden club and the thought invincible,
was penetrated Friday night. Conceit
is gone.
The picnic held here on Friday June
26t1i was a grand event, The weather
was all thatcould be wished for, and
although the suii was very hot a fine
northerly breeze redtleed it somewhat,
i.tnd made it most agreeable, after a
bountiful ciinner,swinging and general
sociability were the orer until the
first football match which had been ar-
ranged was called. The first match
was between the Brucefield Midgets
and (4.a:wicks eleven—both juvenile
teaudeP After a hard game the Midgets
were victorious, score 1-0. Mr. J.
Grant, ref. The next match was be-
tween a team from Exeter and the vic-
tors of Brucefield Juniors. Although
the Exeter men were far su.perior in
weight and size, the Victors surpassed
them in combination work and defeat-
ed them, score 1-0. The Exeter team
were a most gentlemanly lot of fellows
and WC would be pleased to have them
in our town again. Mr. A Scott acted
as referee ia this game and gave first
class satisfaction to both teams.—On
Friday evening June 26th a friendly
game was played between the Hensell
football team and the Rovers' both sen
tor teams, on the grounds of the latter
When time...was called a crowd of near-
ly 300 people had assembled to witness
the match. The game was called. at
7 p. m. when the following teams lined
Reith and Smillie; Backs, Wren, In-
gram, Ford; Forward, Kellam, Murray
ISIcTaggart, Reid and Fitzpatrick
RovEns.--Goal, G. Simpson; Backs, G.
McCartney, T. Szott; e Backs, McCow-
an, Young, W. Simpson; Forward, R.
McCartney, Ross, Snider, Scott, McLeod.
The teams were evenly matched, both
in weight and sizes and close game
was expected., which was fully realized
In. the first half neither side scored,and
things were beginning to look rather
blile'2'for the home team on their own
grounds. However after changing
ends a fine rush was made by the Ro-
ver fou svards which was well support-
ed let goal scored by Snider. The Ro-
vers were nosy playing a fine combina-
tion game and although the Hensell
team were playing a strong's individual
game, anoth-r and the lastgoal was
taken by the Rovers leaving them vic-
torious, score 2-0. • For the Hensall
team Kellam, Reid, Ruth and Ford,
played a strong game, The boys say
the Hensel' team are gentlemen of the
first order. Mr. A Scott ales acted. as
Referee in this game. giving perfect
satisfaction to both. ---Remember the
Chatain viz Itovers' football match July
1.4th, close game expected.—BRIEFS.—
Miss Ellie Beattie, of Watford, is spend.
ing a few weeks ae the residence of her
uncle Mr. W. Scott.—Mrs Jas. Thomp
son and daughter left last week for
Moose Jaw N. W. T.—The first of the
Goeriel Temperance meeting's
held in the Royal Templars Etali, Sab-
les th evening, was well attended, Mr.
Holmes, Editor, New Era Clinton, ad-
dressed the meetings. They,will becon-
tinned through the summer months. --
Miss Lillie McIntosh returned home
from London Saturday where she has
been visiting.—Miss Ray Jennison re-
turned from Hamilton Monday. --Mr.
Robt. Watson lost a fine mare last week
—Mr. Jas. Swan has eurchased a fine
driver irom Mr. J, Foote.—The Com-
mission services are to be held Sabbath
next in the old Presbyterian church,
Services to be conducted, by Rev. W.
Graham, of Egmondville, and Rev. Mr.
Ross, of Clinton.—Mr. A. Swan was on
the sick list for a few days but is now
(To late for last week)111
Grand Football match at 7 p. ni
Friday evening, Hensel' vs 'Rovers'.
A good game of Football will be play
ed here on July 14t1i.
On Saturday evening' the 'Rovers'
played a friendly game with • Hensall
team on the grounds of the latter. Re.
stilt 1 to 1. The Boys speak in the
highest terms of the Hensel! boys.
The Social held Tuesday eveiiing un-
der auspices of R. T. of T. Was a grand
success, although the crowd was ''hard
ly so large as on some former occasions,
The Receipts amounted to $40
Messrs, N, Deichert and Pete Wag-
ner are convalescent.
The Misses Heppe' are visiting
friends i11. the villiage.
A umnber of the villagers attended
the meeting at iiippen last wools..
The Panto wil people held their an-
imal picnic in Taylor's grove on Thurs-
day of last week.
Mr. Sam. 3. Latta, Clerk of I-Iay, is
busily engaged in helping to revise the
Dominion Voters' List.
Mr. Chas Grab has almost completed
his mammoth barn. This is a grea,t len,
prevenient to this property,
Mr. Hartman Heppe!, formerly of
this yillage, but now a resident of Bei
is visiting friends in this vicinity.
• Mr. IL Randall has completed the
contract of painting the steeple of the
Roman Catholic churcli in the French
The Puplie. School will close for sum,
mer vacation on Tuesday. Who would
not like to be a pedagogue for tee next
six weeks at least.
The animal "Kindertag" in connect-
ion with the Evangelical church was
held in Ale Ortevin's grove on Sunday
last, There was a splendid turn out
and everything passed off well.
Miss Walker,' who for some months
past has been managingthe millinery
department of the general store estab-
lishment of Mr. D, Steinbach has re-
turned to her-horne in Brussels,
We understand that Ilillsgreen will
play a match with Kippen next week»
ss ish you much success boy8 ane
hope that you will acquit yourselves
as creditably. there as at the lake on
The people of Ffillsgreen S. S. No. 7,
Stanley held the amine,' picnic at Tay-
lor's grove on Wednesday of last week.
The Hillsgreen people are a jolly lot
and. understand 'well how to enjoy
thernselYes on a day's outing.
A couple of book agents Were in town
on Saturday and Moiiday of last week
trying to sell the "Life an Career of
Sir John A. McDonald". The Public
should bewai.e of worthless imitations
The genuine book is a geed one and
should be procured. from Mr. Sam J.
Latta, who has the agency for this vi-
At the regular meeting of Court
Bismarck, No 7383, of the A. 0. F.
The following officers were elected: C.
R., Bro. Robert Williams; P. C. R., Bro.
F. Siegner ; S. C. R., l3ro.. Sol. Hardy;
Treas., Bro. Wm, MeNevm; Secretary,
Bro. Sam. J. Latta; S. W., Bro. H. Mag -
el; J. We Bro. Ed. Appel; S. B, Bro. IL
H. Weber; J. W., Bro. H. Zaplif. This
court is in a very prosperous condition
and can now be ranked among the
best village courts of the society,
The Z. P. S. annual picnic was held
in Taylor's Geove oh the banks of Lake
Huron on Wednesday of last week.
The turn out was a poor]. one and
the picnic was one of the best ever held
under the auspices of the Public school.
The procession headed by the It that
for "a thousand years has stood the bat-
tle and the breeze", teamed out of the
village about 7.35 a, na., arriving at
the grove about 9. The forenoon was
occupied iti taking up the severalsports
which had been -provided for the oseas-
ion. The principal of which was the
tut,' of war between a picked team of
1eboys on each side, as also was the
contest among the girls for the unen-
viable position of the best baby -nurser.
The prize was awarded to Miss Tillie
Kiblei, who really ex,hibited great skill
in harldling the iittle darlings. The
afternoon was taken up principally in
boating, fishing, etc. A football match
was played in the afternooti between a
team from Hillsgreen and one from
Zurich, which resulted in a score of 3 to
010 favor of the former. This score.
was rnade at the end of half time, the
Zurich boys at that time having had
quite enough of the game. They have
never had any practice in this lirie,but,
considering their practice they did re-
markably well. The boys from Hills
green are jolly good fellows and possess
great skill in managing the ball. At
the close of this match a baseball mat-
ch -was arranged between the same
teams, two innings being playel In
this game I-IillSgreen Was as bad as
Zuric% at the football as at the close of
the gatne the score was 10 to 1 in favor
of Zurich. DEATils,
Beosvenuis.—In London TOWnship, on
Lot 1, Concession 9, on the ' 26th
"ult , Andrew 131ownlee, in hiS 7,1th.
Su ATEIL—June 26, 1891, at the resi-
of his son-in-law, W. El. Seccomb,
171 Wortley Road, London South,.
Abrktham Slate.r, in his 73rd year,,
STDWAIiT —lis Usborne, on the 29t1i
'• rile, the wife of John Ste vart of a
LAXe.-111 EXOter, on the 30th ult., the.
-wife of Robe H. Lang of a daugh-
Wuerre—In Stephen, en 2,8th ult., the,
wife of Win. White of a son.