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The Huron News-Record, 1885-07-15, Page 4
^■•^Tdrthirspjri.il ftttcnti»p of Post * sn-1 subieiiV-’ra to tlw following >.(L of the newspaper laws -A po^tujaiter is required to • rive • 'I* tv Dim.it (i’ctuming a paiirir does ’ mww mt' ’aw) when a subscriber docs r-.iku bb'paper out of the office, and fc ito' the reusbn for its nut being'taken. '. y ifglt-vt to do su makes the postluastei .> nhible to tbs publishers for psytneut. "3 —If any pctson ordars his pai#r4fa-» . -rinued, be must pay *1! arrearages, ri? .publisher may continue to send it 6,'itil payment is mu-le, and collect the if! mle amount, whether it be taken from ,.. I'u1 office or not. There can be uo legal . ditmoutinuuiw until the payment Is made. 3— Any person who takes a paper from 5’.e p.-it-oihoe, whether dtrected. to his u •> auother, or whether he has anb- .- I >r mt, ii responsibly for the psy, •s— I a .-iulx-ici iher orders liia paper to ba '• 1 a1 a.evilaiu time, and the pttbli- - -!;.iiMw-to svud, it the subscriber L .-.i jj«y tor ft if he takes it put of tl e y s’ >fiee. This proceeds upon the ground •:at man. must pay foi' what 110 use.*-> ? 3 p f s ‘<“In the Division Court in Goderich -.* r’io N >v ‘iiib .T sitting a newspaper pub ti sued lor pay of paper. The defend : .1 >i.-. - -led I’iiyiug on the ground that he • 1 ku-ed a former proprietor of the . ?. io liseo irimm ih The Jtulge held . t ,ut w.iJ> not a valid defence. The .. - ill’, the present—proprietor, had im . .lie to discontinue and consequently ti-i collect, although i| was pot deuifr it defendaut had notified former pr-• • 1 ‘tor to’ discontinue. In any event . .-n laur was bound to pay for the time :■ ha I received the paper and until he I paid all ari-arsdue for subscn'plion. f! 3 31RU?l l>IRE<rrORY. '-.t. I’inil s Uliurcb.—Services, oh Sunday at 11 (ini 7 p. in. Bible Class, 10 a.in. Sunday - h > •), 2.30 p.ni. Service •>" Wedu.esday, 8 p.m . .v. William naanr, B, )>., Rector ’aiiuJa Methodist-—Sen ice* at 10.SO a. nri. I 7.Ou p. m. SablMth School at 2.30 p, tn. • kv. J. Gtu-.v, Pastor. i.inada l‘i-e*b> terian.-Servicesat 11 a.tn. an; li o> n. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. in, llfcy. i.bx. Stuwiut, I’ustor. lihle Christian. — Services at 10.30 a. m. ah'’ lu p. m Satmath School, 2.30 p.m. RffV. J. kxskr, Pistor. Baptist i.’hureh.—Service at 8.80 p. ni.- Sab al h bchc J, 2.3b n. ni. Rsv J. Gkat. Pastor. JE-ITTKOZST —ASUN- Turon Record, {AMALGAMATED. laton, Wednesday, July 15tli ’ COMMUNICATIONS. i<:/h •! to If/. dfutiHctli/ uiuterntood thatve di >t h .Id iii-rKrlva r,vponxiblc/or tho opintont : >1-.■fuiml J./cjw^unitints.-- lCt>. News-KkCOKI ■ '/o/- .Lutw Record' " ‘ ''ear Sir,--Novelty and exoite- nt are tlie prominent stimuli-of p Salvation Army.. Camel, corps- ive been promi-ed, also travelling, icatricals ami mystery plays revived t-om the middle’ ages, but now we are gone back to the age or miracles, an. I as the .interest in the Salvation proceeilings. dies- out in E”glan<i We learn, by late English journals that one “Al j-ir” Peat-son, ol the Salvation Ay nv, has eoirte out an a Professor of th-- power ot restoring the blind, the !e I, ami the lame, and for those,piir- ' mses Imbl services in the..fontina - reet, cir -us, at Hanley. The Lon- m papers inform us that* sqtl^e. i h.iii-Is httemled, including alx.mt. ' mxlied .ndHidiils of nil ages, • ofth":u in Bull oluirs. . Alter I-1 ma rv Salvation Army services, “ Ixj ’i’. ’ ami his subalterns po<l for the w-H-k, threw oft their- -i. r garments,, and decended into ~™ "T Arena A cripple was firstoper ■ - I on, the Maj-n- vigorously rubbing'. - Jisahle.l limb, his followers pray. ! e c-mgieg-ition ueing.reqii"rtted j ci in, an I alter doe manipulation . i I -van mesmerised and ultimate Walked a little'. Pemtifig the rati m qp him the oncers' scatter ~ “ through the II I), each detach- . . -nt surrbumling one ot- the • miinv • o came to be heatle’d. 'Tlieexeite , > -nt was great and continued to ■ u- ini-Inight Une ol I woman who ' o I she was deal for forlv years .test- i • I to a cure. A you,ng -woinan i--m a Bull Chau’, staggered, to liei’ ' -ei and* watke-l a yard OF two, and collier <tl andoned TfeY 'Batii ‘chair,* • oicii was th<-n elevated in triumph - i er the heads <>t the people. This •xiiihitiofj tie.it. that of the Daven- put liroiliers altogether ati I it rp prated will no doubt “draw crowds ’’ A y-ming man then stepped forward, and stud lie had heart disease, am I - Knell <mwn with a number ot the o ceis around him, women ostly, they plnc*d their bauds-Oh liis head. 1'lie Major’’ c ‘ossed/iis forehead with oil, and alter speaking to him.for a’ time, asked him “did tt.e not feel he-dcd?” He answered in tlie p,. tjegntive,„thxM>.eni'oi:rnancaiand=.lqutit,I^ H turn were repeated more tliati once, H but ns lie still said “nay,' ho was H -mnominouslv dismissed with the H oiisi't vatimi from “tlm Major,” “You ■ . ’ no/i uriuersianuTaitbJ’ H A Heal old man, vho could hear H a ik n spoaeii to in a loud voice, %as ■ i-Hiight foiwai’d, the same' process H' ..its repeated ayud a J>ahel Of noise's, H -o-1 at last the officers announced, I -• lite Lm-it be praised, he can hear,’’ H od lie whs told to .express tils tliailks, I .'iiioitiinate.y he required much4 H mider speaking oh til" part Of ‘{the H H|or’’ before the old man could llehi H hai was laqnired. He was.evident- ■ t as ignorant ot laith as tUe young ■ >t in, ' Varidus'‘'oTfi!er casi^^ei’malso H i-oiigbi orwitfd and oju* much-dwelt H ii was .the cast of a voung-woman H i I io be shtt'eriiig from i’ardvsis ■ -r two years. Iler case Was' prod-. H .iiie<d by her medical attendant to H -• a ease of simple .Hysterical Helpi- hTegia dn^paTsy ot trtFnerveK HtOnv- ■ > <<-, but vVhieb a strong Will can best ■;»“ nrpn-r, and she had bqld) Ol.’teh .told H lo-r medwal attfiidant an*i h< r M ' .oisi-, that she toiilil walk if Blie I l'ii'h-i the hifl ience ol excitement ht H ilo- meeting, and the plfyaicill force ■ npplie I to drag her Irmn the chair H she- wdk"d to where slie Was led. H Cue mental is hO'iliitc Was overcOih" ■ for tie* moment, but mere Was nettli- H er disease nor cure. ■ This alb g"d miracle working ami H rn ih ticHljiig lias betn too mm*lt for H 'Inlitami the “.uedtafti |'>r< S8.V ■ z»ndoti. Engl (hd has exposed the ■ ng. It says evert meuieal man H cinir vitli the iiiftaence Whioh H .i can, "Hprciiiliv under OeFtain H . .lies of exeitemf'h’if exercise over M ....mi'. body....Such imttancefr are met Ahr** VlMiril one Ol these mrrlllijm, and lie ssvu vsi'em* stories were mlti ol cures of ileal mid d> mb, lame and blind persons at previous mrt ing>i, bid all these stories had to he sem-pt-, eu by faith, without evidrucu of any kind to sustain the so culled “ sjor I Prai'son’s’’ Hsaumed powers. Then •came a man who stated that he was ufflicteiiw.t ri urn«tbn,’ndscarcely, side to get "ft a chsii , ami not blit ol thtTlmuite lor two mouths and ws» ofr <«. to go out without a stick, he came tn the meeting, ln»lhi» and found b* could walk after alL Hi* want oi sell conft lenoe whs gone sud “he jut his stick/ What a miracle 1 Then came a speech from ‘ the Maj ir” against Scepl res, Doctors and Jnii ielB.Hiid a man got upand told Imw his »mv had I e^u/ wrrdol Epil ptic fits a fortnight previously by “me Major’’ . and then naively added that lie had been gon'liitirt itra <»• m> th» tenliout an ttU<i<k^ and though the hov him been since bitter by his father'* potiVi lie was not taken to tne ajor to be cured, but to the tnedica1 m m of the family. There was apparently a want of laith in the “Major’*’ .ability to cure this simple wo iitd One other case was proclaimed,, that Ot an infant at the point-01 death, aiitteiing from Bronchitis, and given over by the Doctor, when a .ady who dime in reeommeh'led some chain- pagne to be given to th# sinking infant lor Which they were praying. The child recovered. It was not stated what was the extent ot the. in Sant’s laith. Our faitb.we confess is in /Ar c/m/wp.ig-m . In piher cases he impression made on sn\, is of a purely mental or emotional- character. Morbid excitements ot this kind' are generalv short lived and the Press adds that lor the sake of those whose mimis are incapable ot resisting such ecstatic influences it is devoutly )o be hoped they may prove so. The London Standard commenting on these proceedings says ‘‘I’hough we are tar .from asserting thnt .iho Salvation Armv tn any ,way counten HDcea such proceedings it is clear, if ti)e_aecoiint quoted Medical Press is accurate, knavery is being flagrantly practised, at Hanley, mid ’t i.s doing no service to religion to believe tliAt th^ laws < f nature are lightly turned aside tn under to benefit those pecul iar people who refuse to accept the fact that- they were not decreed for individual convenience but for the good of ail mankind.’’ - It is but two or three weeks since that in the course of a lecture deliv» ered in the Ryerso Hall In -,r’ Kerr, Q, C., on Jlie subject of educa tion without books be apostrophised the Salvation Armv as the apotheosis of blasphemy. There is rniicli truth in- the remark. In. Eastern India they are at work, and appear to be lapsing fast from blasphemy to i lolatry. The pages of the “ ai Ury’ and the hoasting biilletins ol General ^onth have made us familiar with the name of “Major” Tucker as one of the shining lights tlie star in tiie east, of.the Salvation Army, operating, tn India, and let us see what he is doing for the' salvation of - souls. ;I .have now before me the number of .the- Ctrnrcli'' 7 iWs in which It is stated, Irotn the Botnbav- dinn, that the performances of the Salvation Army have been more misc'iievo'is in India than they are at home . In Gujerat four “Captains ' attended, a Staadha feast 'tn honour oi the dead,._jsc Oiimpnnifpl by. gross superstitions. , On tile way. Salvation hymns were sung A inan. who .ha I Been twice excommunicated for ,.taking part in i'iol.jtrniis ceremonies performed the rite called Simantohnaymna, in which some .of-tiiwr-‘‘Uaptains” took part. The Armv members among itiJ; Jemadars and Sepoys no tewer than eight men in one ne’glihorhood who have two wives Some bL these were fortnerlv Christians, and ev^n -c-oinnvinicivntKf^l-iit—heiniJcxplULod- jy-om the.'chiif<‘b. were received with open.a.rrys hv the Salvation Armv I The9 Chii-iian Sacraments, are set aside as useless and unmeaning was it not lately so fi re)and Hindu rites aye set forth and o* 8 rved .as t'nr as .low C ist >41 ndns can do so.- «o find a parajell to “ ajor” Tucker’s per .forming one most gojto^the Hindu Temple with their Bas Lila Dances. The Dherds are leaving the: Salvation Army *»v'hundreds and r. fuckers two tho-rsand a dierents as annotiii- ceirin tlie War (Jrv are only found in a delusive ynagin oion. ■ La v Emilish jotirn)ilff_ announce that. General .Booth and a ;p ’rtion of •his.staff are coming out to Cahada’tQ-, coin>-neo a saliiition campaign among the In liana in the,(Nor,tliw st- I’ey- I’itor.v, and Canadian, papers tell uh tha.t>bme ol-.the officers and UaJets',- Jat present, .serving- in 'I’oronto: and oilier, places have h-mn ordered to •hold themselves in- readiness to pro need ip/.tli'^sa'ne^j.esttnAtib How these cranks expect to carrv out the proposed salvalinti tn the Indians we do not know,peeing that the bi.nituage ^f"i^ffT*lT7nrrnTrkTrnwir^tongiio-t0-l-he- other, blit as the o Heers of the Armv claim m:racu-lous;powera for the h -al- ing of tlie bodv, we may be prepared to hear on their.assembling in; Can- adib-t-hat the gift of tub titles maV be deemed essunttal to^ucoess. amt that some exciting hnmbthi-will be devis ed, Although they may fail in con- veTting the Paga/i Indians and Big/ Bear, Little Bear, Pound maker ayfu otlier.of the Indian celebrities of/ih'e late rebellion, should he profit atwinst the. faseiuHtinns^of. of the of Smiling Annies itiid-Ti inso/fe Salfvs who a company GeneraK^Boiitli, the latter may derive sotme (iseiit{ hints “from Ills Indian ptipMs/ and lessons in tim art of war painting, and war' ilahcmay. enahle lTim bn his return to. Canada to get up some new ex- citejneiit to keep hia-.dupes"and.put |>e progressive thinning of” of .the SalvRiion Armv, i^^iadJia t^^ i e's 11 o 11 L|^e x - n u*im diuiu u .,iuo* m« Fmmer T hiihh. Kvegmi, o£ Corr Got o U><Uiity, Iowa, atontl at tli»* rattling nouth wind w of Itia Hitting room oh Saturday evening, ton days ago, wah’liing the tornado as be-t lie u >uld liroffgh the gathering gloom, he had many iem,oim tor<j“iu*. When thr tor* ado waa at it* worst thu farmer thought as lie turned away, that he beard a human cry, and, stepping again to the window, Im listened intently to the whistling, .-‘creecitihg, roaring wind witho*- 1 His wife coming in at iliat moment, he told her *!iat lie though) tie had Imaid, and a faint incredulous Mind*, lit Iter face, as she,said : ~ ‘You alwaya hear vpmes Jn tlie iitorm. Put down the curtain ; the Iigtit.inng is friglitfjri.* Mr Keegan drew the curt a », ami, taking » seat near the window, reait from a paper for ten or tiftedii luii.utes. The", the Hlortn having passed, he raised the cuftatu gild/ holding both liauda to his eyes, .opked out. His wife looked up in a startled ftaj as he tu ned around, an-i when Jm asked, yD'id you lieay That ?’ she made no answer. The 11 dise of Hm wind had subsided, and above tlie rapj|i patter of the rain drops could bo dtstiuctlyi heard a voice as of shUie one in«<rint<’es.v. Tne tanner put on bis big coat aud boo h, lighted Ins lantern, and start* ed out. Tli<- door iia«i hardly closed tieiiiiid him when, he returned u.ith something white in bis arms, aud laid it in the hands of Ins wife. It> was the dead body of a f. ir-lraned child of two or three yea is. The little one’s scanty clothing ami its tong y< Low hair w^re dripping Wet, outs there Were po biutses or : cuts anywhere to iirdicate the cause of ■ teath, Min. Keegan was busy in a ..moment applying,restoratives. She trad tne del it ate body stripped almost bi-fofe the farmer could ex- plain w in re he found it, anu what she ouuhi, think of in the way of treatmeiit w.m rosoited to, but with out avail. The buoy was dead. While they were bending overutt? little form theyjieaid pace more the'- cry that had startled them earlier: in the evejiing, and once more the farmer‘started out in the pdting rain After making a: co.iiplet" tour of the lot tltrough-che tail.grills stopping frequently to iik en, Im heard tin- cry again., this time seem ingiy from the directi u of the house. Following the cry last heard he re'raced his'steps, aud, stai iliog jie-<r‘-the entrance to liis garden, he resol * cd to remain there and listen, lit a few minutes lie heard the a ad acain, and, feeling that he had made no iui’stake this* time, he acaiiHMiter ed tiie iii'eadnw and, going through the centre of' the • field,;ckme'upon. *two cnild en, both nearly nude, tin* eldest a boy of not more than six years. The o her, a liit'e girl, la\ nh Iter'-.head ni a small-pool ot water, evidently il*>ad; but, th' .noy, . ihough helpless, was crying lofitilv. K ega'n gathered the chihlreii into ins strong, arm's anti .started for ;h<* _ut>ns", where liis- w ife greet, d him - it th.H“ door,- lantern’in . liandr’-’An •Mour Jater.hoth of these ehildre'ir were^ restored t o con-ciousness and e-dtll,' and l.ef- re the waYm. lir* which Mi-h. Keegan Jiiol ma >e w’er eagerly devouring tlie light repast « vliich she had provided them. When it wa«. found that they were,, coinpara’iyely . uoiiijored the farmer put out tits lantejrti aiiik ma t' the ho.iise fast for the n gift, tlimigi. he sad he ielt as though lie oug . to make a Jt^ur- of , the entire .tow 11 . more little ones that lia<L fraine< After lieHniv -had had if • meal lie v uis sister. <• <1 hiaii, mid tiH‘ pot m**u Hi • Wi* by him. When tlm old.man dm*l he gave the b»y nil hi* propertyami Ihd< boy IH t||H ninn Wllrt H JJOft talking to you. I Rlwnys kept flic lot where tiie old man found iiir in in- odour. J‘v« p«v«r had he heart to plow it lip, Nomeliotf. ami now L presume 1 xlia.ll want to do it I les* than ever. It would Im mighty I queer, wouldn't it, if (he Keegan property aboyld after pie go to an other child that rained down oh >l 1* Eating iu tlie Dark. A d spateh ir m O'wmi, N-V-» says:- D. M. B kernel Rixford. a village in the northern oil fi l<D, din on Tuesday f-oni a singular cause- Six years ago this month he entered hm pantry in the dark ami ate » dish of custard. In coming out he complained to his wife of a sharp pain in Ilia throat on the right aide. His wifA examined hit* thro it hy the light of a lamp, and ■liscovmed * fuzxy look’ng> object where ilm pain was. She removed it wi ll a awali, and found that if was til i lower half of some kind of a eater- pi liar. The pain went away after a <iay or two, ami noth.ng mo»e was thought- of the mutter until, three uioniha later, when the pain return ed _wi<b greater severity than at Hraft It subsided as before, but three months, laker attacked Mr. Baker again. • ft was finally noticed' that a swelling was growing on Baker’a neck: directly over the spot ' whore .the pain Was felt in the thro»t. The pain returned regu iarfy evefy*‘three months, and the swellinz continued to increase until it was aa. large as a goose, egg; The recurring paroxysms grew more and more severe, and the victim grew weaker ami weaker under them. .The pain attacked him about the niidule of June, and .he was com- pylled »o takeAu his bed, where he -remained .suffering the most intense agoiiv until death came to his ru- lease Tuesday, None of the doctors who were called could give any sat* isfactory theory of the case. The deceased, was 60 years of age. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the most effective bloockpurifier ever devised.. It'is recommended by the best phy sicians. . 1 - ‘Papa, why do the little, pigs, get so much miltc ?' ‘Because yve want them to make hogs of theinaelves.* ’ Well as ever.. Lottie Howard writes from Buffalo, N. Y : ‘My systi-m Aiecame greatly debilitated tlfrougli ardtiou prole,,ss i<mal duii.es; suffered from uaseau, sick headaclie iin<l;biliou8neas. Tried Burdock B ood Bitters with the most' beneficial effect. Am well as ever* . . 347*3t • . ‘.Wiiat- song will I sing for -you tC- night ?’she asked him. ,‘Sing that old Scotch song. ‘I c-nna leave the aiild lolas yet-,we <1 better bide a wee.’ ‘0.11, George, thitt is a very ugly sohgi It suggests : pimcrastinatiom Let i sing that beautilui s ing, ‘Jhist uj/w.’ AYER’S "-^rrvi T* r f’A”* ** 1 N<> ether eon>ldni>‘ts are so tiuldloui In thett attack a«tho»safftctiiig the tin'O»t ami In’ none »o trifled with by the mttjeriiy er »ui- etv •re. The erJIuary sough ok cold, mu ri< perbepe fvoui * triti'-ug or uucoi.scj us ex* poeure,!* *fwn hut kegtiu.b g of a fatal L eteknw. Ayek> Curmsr I’u tuttat. hta Well proven Its ell eacy Iu a forty y< ais‘ ti,.ht wAU throat mill itu g <j:ror.u’», *iulitU.usA takon in all cases w.ioout d$lay. A Terrible Cough Cu-rr-d. “Y»l iit<’<-lcRB >. •rcic’ihW’1.'' r '*<XI sr” J. JliH.Ial. u.l-iecouah.i ; u L . imt-r Right vhuuiit sleep. T1 • , :s C • u wie up. 1 i. <.rt Avia’s Crnsi i v x. c- 1, it yh, ubicli rt..tved my lungs, h.di cul ■iii-.i, and iytlor,.cd. me. the rest wcu-; - v for the recovery of my strength, l.y li.c cont.iiued use pf the Pt tiOBAt. » p ma ll ut cure vas cbect- d. I s.m-■>»» ya is oh|, lin e «• d boiu-ly, and am sut.sL.ed yuur X acioiia t. sured u «, 1 I Id CK I ' ' RQTUER.” Eochhigliam, A t., u u.y to, Ltui. Croup, v A .Mother’s Tr’I-nt®. “V’t le in tlie c< m try li st yvj) t i n vlttti* l>ny.l-;ree >iins<>'o, v’a8tsl.ei> iliy ix iip; it i-uumed as if tie would ide t'< sn-y,g«? In..on, Oi.e -f the family aufteru d ibi- use O AVSK’U ChpilHV pECTOltAl., a bi tl.V Of w . eii was nm.-iys kept in the house, 'fl Is W..4 tried in small and fret.uei I dt m-r, hi4 to our delightln li ra tl an half eu h< ur the ■ I4..0 pat.viit was briuibji-.gcudly. 'l lu doc tor said that the UnjuiiY JallMua Lid Save I my d.trtiiig’a life. Can you uoi.uer at our gratiiuue ? t>lnc< re’y y< ura, A vs. J 'I M A fflTXT-V.” 153 West 128th fit., hew York, Aiay W, 1L62. . •‘1 have used A Wit’s Ci’rnnv rrrronAn in my- family t«»r revi . I yearn, nial <10 not l.esilate to proi mi' co it the i- oat < ti't-etital remedy .for coughs and colds ft e huve <ur trl-d. . ,1. <1. CitANE.” Lake Crystal, Minn., ®IavcU 13,1882. «I Hntfered for eiplit years from rronchltle. •nd’aflvrlejiiig im.uv. reiiA' i' swbh 1 <> suc cess. I was cured by tlie use <>f ?' - 1 > C'lirit- xtv 1K<-ron \u ,wr«W4U»«f.* rllylftUlu, Miss., April 5,1182, “-T cannot snv enoiipb ih prniae of Avon's, Oin nnv i’.-a-iou.’i-, I'< iivii g «s I do that .but for its usu I should long sii <-<- have <>ied from imig trimbies. ' t'. Lkauuun.” l’alestmo, Ucsaa, April 22,1882. .No.c.iHa ot an affection of the throat or lunegi exists which cannot be greatly relieved by tlie use of 'ayer’s Cherry "Pectoral, *nd it will ahi'oys cure when t;hO'i<ltseai!e*ia ■' Sot ab'eady'beyond the control of medicine. I’REPARED BT “ Dr. J.C. A'eF&Co,, Lov/ell, Mas*. Sold by all Druggists. . d P.O. Box 12*7. I caiidau Tl>l< t'ouphn will berecejved in lletipFSTetMa Muiki; * Jt/ij-rc Price uf either "f above work*. If wnt within ten dayafraaaSate at I 120 Vt-Hl O. till* p«per (tnentlon name of paper). Thia offer la to «MIUW yw I 3 PROMPT rtopon»e «nd Indicate the paying advertlalnx medhuno. ______I lOa-PAGE CATAbGGVE dteiit free. The best lib- erature of the world at the lowest price* ever known. Books Rent for EXAMINATION BEFORE PAYMENT on reasonable evidence of good faith. Address . JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher* *99 F«*rl NafftaA ’ WOXP&fcBQQKS in no trifling aenae, but the best literature of th* world, presented in excellent and, attractive form, at prices so low as to expite universal “wonder.” EIBJRARY of RTANDABI) UIS1ORY, ConUfetoy in on* velums, imperial octavo, good type, with numerous fine illuutre- tlons, til* whole riohiy bound In fine eloth, onMuwuited, following celebrated works, unabridged: GBEEN’H Larger HISTORY of tbwJCMOLISH nOFXJE, C IKLYLK’S HISTORY or the FRENCH REVOLUTION. CREASY’S Flflreii DECISIVE HA’t'TLER of the WORLD. SCHILLER'S HISTORY et IL* THIRTY YUANS' WAR, Harper & Bkothers' lowest prloe for these four great works fa *14.50; my price is $2.<5O .* postage 40 cents extra. “ A wonder lunik in more sensei titan one. The idea of put ting a work like thia at only *2.50 per copy, seems preposter ous ; and vet there is wisdom in it, for everybody will want it, »nil it will tlma lie the mejin.i of advertising and introducing the nu.merous other vahmble Isioka which the publisher is put ting forward."—(tyrw/ROi nt ll’orfc. New York City. •* Jt is,truly a marvef/of fikill ami a triumph of modern me chanical art tliat sm’J/a noble voltt’ue can be furnislied, at so ■ imall a rost. Whellier we a-lmire its large proportions,”beau tiful binding, fair page, excellent paper, numerous and strik ing illustrations.^imliering nearly IQO-^-all are first-class.”— Christian <’i/nnehr?, Chicago. III. LIBRA It YMf ST A N DA RD POETS, containing In one imperial ocUtvo tiuiulKoiiiely iM.utid volume, of about 1.100 pages, Bour geois and Biwt|er type, leaded, the following works, unabridged : Spott’a Complete roetieal and Dramatic Works. c/iuplet» Fuel leal Works »f Robert Hurp». Complete Poetical Works of Thoiuaa Moore. Equally good editions of these are not elsewhere obtain- gble^or less than *4.50; my price $2,00/^postage 31 cent*. A BARGAIN mmiYt Pmrtry, ETBRAE Y ttf CEA8ISIC FBO*X, <»• taro vofuxn* Ct about •» piyta.baadanma tygo, >** $*• •raamaatad, tMa Um4«sa«a*ya*a4 wwiMt Maeaaloy’a ®*taya or Mil tom Joha Stuart Mill O» Literty, *t. G. Hamfrtoa’a Th* Xatallaataal Tflfct M«rl»art Sp«*ecr a*. JEdpo*Uaa« • Grant 7>o«*bta ®rom Graak Antha«*» Groat Thouffbta from JLatla Aathaaa, Coinplata Kaaays by lord Baaom " . Gompleta “Jfaattara of Irvine’s jt|yi Wlaltla and. Othar SfcatefaMfa ’WMshlafftaa'a rarawsll "aad Other Adtlraassa, Macaulay's JLlfc of Frederick the GffOWt*. Th* above cannot be obtained fcfona any other poHfeMng houte for less than $10; my price b j postage 80 o**M> “This Is indeed a wonder-book, In th* amount and Tsluabl* quality of its contents. The wonder 1* how such a book* which is a library in itself, can be sold at such a price,”—Mgtk» odist; Recorder, Pittsburgh, Pa. “Your ‘Historical Wonder-Book’ IS a wonder—« wonder how an Imperial Octavo volume of over 1,000 pages, with many ’ illustrations, clear type, fine paper, handsomely bound, ooa- itaining four standard historical works of great value, can ba sold for $2.50.”—-Benson J, Lobsing, LLP., tbeHistoriaq. ere amt e l i» E >re ItDy :• hi.' -tiain e—a n d—h~ o th e r— pa n.uiu b hut eiiul I i how lie ci to . Cftiiadn to j an ftndj.o t the ranks/.......... ........ ,........... M iglit- k/miggcsiion be offered to Geji -U4 r a I B60 t h.. I ,u i«. 11»111« ’e h o 11 Ll^e x - = tencrhie.flt’ld <»f 0pe>’>iti<U)s-+F<itn-thc ■ * Njwfliwhst .Indians to th" Mormotir s^ttleinctits in the Utah Territiyy.- ■ He nan not do jniwli harm ther^Xnd -it-mav be- gratifying-bo- his-soPliers;- to know that there \ / , ‘’\Viti: wives as many as they will Each can a Siil'an’s t,liroite/.lien fill." . -It was Brig h.a tn Yon tig, tlte'aMor. ,mnn.-Prophet -thnt Originated the . p'lnn.ol jm/Odyhig^srfeet songs lor ormon byinns. tenoral. Booth has dope the same; for the’Salvation ' Army, thev nm'y yet assimilate in other respected . - / •/ Yours, ...........' SEN.EX, '■P: Social Sc.iitdals- ’’ i'-""-.! -JJ " ’ ’ .//im nnin iron le and pity is that Xm principal aufl'enTa’ l»y these ex po mres at" generally tun >cent per soils, of setisitive and modeaVuLpois “it i < > iL71<) w h < i ii F ’‘firrWi Rt 11 imt trim r ry“ a life’loiiy sttug ami sorrow, Tn sm that all of this pit lictty. of familv broils, of infidi litieH, cruelties anti folly- It is rare, ihdeetl, that tIiHerehCe.* arising from such chu-.cn ealino* Im settled, as many of tm-m are, witliou a reNor.i to the Courts ; or,-> when chore ih such u i appeal, tty Relecting a eloai mouth ft referee, wno will no imm iiiately •notify the. iiewm papers, Hur, be ter than all, where , Inofe in an hciiial Hvati'lal, ‘Im ni e tylntianoH of a famtL fiiemi woulft aavo the iMihes of hose iutoiveft ffom r fti-grace -»nft aeorti' which fol* u>Wa to the eml of life, j t is tmt' ■ mly thoae ftir city Or imlih-ctly ehti ^ugigd-JuJhe ft*pim,ahle - sc-nil-Is imild nhlv t)'\, but she would iioti*"meuhiiHWN is- iH'ntbKBATy, Nervous, Debilitated Hen, You «re itllowtd a free trial of Ihiityn days of the n,q of. Dr Dye'a Celebraied Voltaic Belt with’ Electric Suspensory Appliances, for the speedy relief and permanen t, cure i-fNe.ryuu.-i Debility los-* of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred ' troubles. Al-o, for niauv other diseases Complete restored m, to health, vigor/ and fmirihood guaranteed. N<> risk ^is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet, '*• full inf rmatlonj t.er;c-8, etc., 1 free bv- addressing Voltaic Bel Marshall,-Mien, A wine merchant, or ratfier manu facturei’, was icc« ntjy condemned to a heavy fine for .adn iion. After th« .sentence he as the chemist how he could have so positive that the wine' wa£ a fill>r.cation. ‘Because it d ot bitnrtrate found in all the man of 1 ypur. in tradesman . .For ln.in<‘ b-ck, side dr clpfst, use " - - “■ - ■ >rtCe- 2.>- '^35-y Lord Salisbury is thp first Prime Minister the Queen >6f England has liad younger than herself. Shiloh's P.irou< ■ Plastc cents. >on| ny J, If.,Combi*. ■’ OONSVII PTION CURfiD/ An old physician, retired from practice, , havi/ig had placed in his hands/Vy an > East India missionaiy tlie formula of a simple vegetable remedy for fjte speedy and poitmanent: cure of Cunsumi Lion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Ast hula and all throat aod Lung Affection/- also a pos itive .and radical etu-e for Nervous Debility Tind all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful eiirative powers in thousands of cases, lia/I'elt it his tltity to make it known to Ins suffering fellows. Aotuateil by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, Lw.ill send free s of charge, to air who-dbsire it, this re-,, cine, in German; French or English,- witjf; full direction/for preparing aud usipg. Sent by mail/by addressing with staiiip, naming tins paper, W A. NoYEfl/-14fo- Powei'x Riaclc. Rochester, N, K / ■ ■ 3H-ly^e.o.w;’. 1 have re-oc- ffHA w<^u cr Rfi CENTS RQ wJV A PCUND. yJ\J ■ * —0—0— t . *• . The Be^t ever offered fn this vicinity for the mon y Also, ‘nnei’al GROCERIES, equally cheap. Sl/ccks or earthquake have re-qc-J ZT-------------- oinred in Cashmerei lvjth increaspd oh hand, 7. * violence..It m reported nt Simla - . ‘ — XIihd 2,281 persons h»>ve perishedvin » ■■ » -i. the district of Muzu,ffurahad. I UHk K. FLOUR AND FEED always ---------------7—■ i • . ■ An extellrnt report. lion -Jos. QyGoodri'Iae, of Brdok- Ipn N. Y., ymtes :—“I cunnot ex» press mysHf in su eientlv praise worthy terms ol Burdock Blood Bit- ter-', which I have iiaed for the past two yemfe .with great benefit.’ ■ TQ MERCHANTS: ' How to Sell Goods , .——TALK to —' JOZTISr X1BSLIE, CARRIAGES, WAGONS, &C., Comer of Huron and Orange Streets, CLINTON. The Impr vsd T mpkin vggy a-.rp deity. In Din-abiliiy, Lightness and Ai>;<earm ci equ-fit d bj in. other . All the Vites, improved vehicles keRt“c.-nst ill <>n -mid, Fl R'^T■* OL. i> SS BLACKSMITH iti'cuimection, B>sj matetid mid w •> I mtiisliip in a|l j ' ‘ brnticlies. r ALL WO KTVARRANTED; - - POIC- S REASOLACLE. ©S’Repairing and "Repainting Promptly, Attended-to ’ _____* • . M . ' ■ . . ' '. L._ . ' ■ __- ....—" ——MANU. A'^TUHER <>F------ GODE RIOH » Patterns rd- The time.for Hou>ie-Cle>iiiing-is near, A I ^anting arlcr, IXinia-'' - K goixk ? ’ Boon),. ap'..rs,' . ' will find the Best and Latest ■ SIgUORM ICK. SEJ ,F-BINDEALS, , REA PERS, MOWERS/ - SEED DRILLS, HORSE RAKES- PLOWS, 1 L£S; ARNICAS AN PsNttS; ILLF’ S, »C. • 23” The Bazaar Fashion Books for 1883 are but and can be bad for- noth.ng. Call and see the papers and get a. BocjJt ' -. ■ ■ • -. < - - GODERICH. S3” Be -'-Ils Cheaper than any oneon top of the Earth •’its are Mien.caused by w;orms. Fi^eiuan's \V-orm Powders destroy w^i-jis. 3.35-at. ATTENTI •A t WALL PAPER •the next time yoiylura- yoti wilt tin I'some.’ ■ 1 P >G UO/GIJ ami licvyil. ‘ . < 7»i»t»e ■ 335-y J><)V„;d know w Syntax’ means?’ aid the school-, imistei; to tlie ctiUfl 61 a teetotalk?f. ‘Yrs, sip, the <ltj^y upon spirits,' Daxgeijou IJsefyi to know. Everyone should know that- Hag/ yard's Ye \ .will give pr< relief;applied externally ;will anv pairy; a.nd ta, en interri'ally^4tires colds.jKtbnia, cro ip, soro thr t and most/iiflammatorv complaints. 347-3t In I^dston in 1790 a qiiart of fpm .qoBt Vhe same as n pound of cuff■»••, to wit/ls. 2pl., mid ii> some old account books it appears thgt botn were used in tlie hous'ebob^ih about the ea.ae /propoi tions; The disu iver.v of tho instiuii.meous process of. taking photographs has. boon quihklv toiluweil _j.i uie medical «r.,r.d b.> a perfect and instantuije-. .»fi«. reined.. L*r all aqute aeiios and pains,, as Neuralgia, -.Toothache, Riieuni.irisni, utc. This- .valiiab c r'einedv is called Fluid-Lightning,- and is sold at 25 conts a butt.t by your Drugdstl ■ '3:|5-6t- .. .7, ■ EEC, EL’U., And nil Implements used bn a Lirin, <is Good, a.s the Bcki, Slid us .Cheap 'as the C-lieapesl, at i J; B. WEIR’S [M 1’LEMENT WA KEKOVMS, CLIN S 6^. • OA LUflli ■ ■ ’ ' , I..-W—" ____I VoTrmur & Parks’s Carbolic Cerate in Invalu- .iTIe t'Or' Wounds, yores, ’ Salt liheitin, Cuts, Biu-ns, St«lds and Festers; a's ’u lieaiing and pur- it,.mg dres-s-ing. l)o in t he inipoced Tipuu with uthe.r useless prtipar.itibiis, reeuiiiiiiende'd to bo as gui.d. , t nc obly <j. egor A patite's Ciu-bolic Cerate. Sole 'o.. lill Druggists. . 33u-5t,.. Tlbw is Jim Builiiid getting along?’ asked a stranger at :th" railroad sta tion of a Dakota town ‘Jim ker initted suicide*'bout er month ago/ replied a native. ‘Committed.’ sui cide? How did lie commit suicidp ? ( ‘lie-call me'a liar, st ranger’. . - 5 contracts made fur L’Hlbl’.,, EK .vu'iell is kept on iiiu at flic, iiflco. ur I.OK1J & TILoMAb, Me- Cormpi.C Block, Chicago 111 ; la____,_. e.d a.gftntleji. . man tile meaning of HTe .wm-d “snrro gate,’’ an I the ge ' an explained it ; to her as “a g e through which parties haV niarried?.’hen I imagine, aai‘Mhe'ladv, •that it is a corruption Ot/fcorrowgate ’ You, are right; miss, eplted Jier informant, ‘as woman an abbreviation of woe to mad.’ / *• ’ed was big storm airfl mself rn the j jjeJiti.le girlyi , ami appeared very u ellyfltmfled li her Mtuation. E rlj the next imirnWg *Keegan took the-boy and gir and sturteii •ft iu the-di<ectlon wj&re thr fcr uiei. sa d he lived. h parents were inuud well nigh < istracletl over in fuss; T-.e iiiiut vK which they tlieiii elves had sum4nie<l having preveni A* I':iir Reatch of' him • Their pa/e^wa-. two miles from Keegan’^fand theie-appeared to-b. ho domdt that the lad hud been ear* /rnaiytliat entire distance ' by the (empest^ hi theAwinkltiig of ah eye. hoy’s' parents kjj^w^j-dtdnng pt Xhu, gtrj or the dead • abv, Uii'L although Kweftini all that’ d.av hid i^-iiade enquiries in every direction, lie fo'ii.d no tracO ot the parents of Wither, _ ’w ;* Farmer Keegan told the miiiister a Htdry'about ltimse f, .< ■ ■ ‘It is strange; isn’t it, that the-e . lungs sln'ml i Imve ^hapi eijed ju,»i ■Is they luive 1 Twenty five yea b ago, when this country w-as a good d»-al more'of R Wilde h its than .it is now, rt man , mimed J/ilin Keeg n ownetl the farm where I now live, P iriiig just such a storm as tliia "lie Im~waw-rinnuD4^mi»Jb.U-I^JlLJ^ llh house when be Imard c tetr from the prairie, and, ft"ing in the direciioti wueiiee they came, he found a little boy about three years bld, alm<>*l speech I ess With fright, numb with jold, and wet .to the skm. He -picked - him up- and- carried- hinito the house, Hiid, af er htiraitig him several ilnya tioou.h a severe sick iiess, t'rieil to find liia home, but h trnver did, No one knea him; ami die boy,t lion ah able to talk ami pretty certain that he knew where no lived, was never pyrm Ited to,g" there The funny thing about the cnsH was that the boy, who rti coin patiiml Ko gan in his tfipa, always insisted that he lived Rf a •hiiUse about tipee tnilea a * ay, hut the-pen pie there asserted that they dido‘t know him an f had never so n him b. fo e. I dot *t know hn^' th’af Was, The boy .m-y haV« b’en iii’stakmi* of coiirae,’ but it him afwaya seemed to hie that the lad must hare known Whore Lb warn# froth, though per nn ■ ‘There,! exclaimed Snookers, point- ~iKg. W a n-aTf)-p“wl iiT^airf^teinptriTg to • leave, jhe preu>iaee with a large • log attached to '>!-• trousers, ‘there is • what I call a goo I example of a con tested seat.’ ’ •,. ’ ’ Sit iJijr*’ VITALlZ’HK is wh if you need for Constipiitiihi, r.o*^6i App< tile’, izziness, aibl al *yinpU»'ins <>i Dyspep sia. Price 10 aiul 75 -ceuiB-pel’ bottle, *old by J. H i’ombe. ’ ‘ 335-y . . Ale wem* Pleased, —I he eJijldi’Cn like Dr. Low's. Pt"as|int worn) Syrup an J" parents rijoiee over its-virtues. ■'■ ’. —“—■ 335-51 . UJo^ers will liiid the Pain Kieler . ihe nui’sery. and it sWuld always be-kept near-at hand ij|-ca8e;of';ac<!iiientv-“Eor |>>iin in-the- irenai B ' ake a 11 ttje Pahl JKj I ley Jm . jiweetened milk and water, bathing the1 iir-H8t8 in.it clear at the same Time. If the milk passiiges afe clog ged, from cold, or other causes,,Hath* ' ing in file Pain Killer will give imme diate relief. During I lie recent storm in Minne- .sdta a hailstone that lell was ineas • tired and- lonnd to be four and one -halfiineheiLiii„diAmeter .the largest .way, fthd^wejve iiielms y>jcircumt.er ence. Others that-te l weighed from one half ft) two poumla. A cow, Striick by one of these stones .was instantly kdled. Cal! a air I a chick and she smiles-; call a womari a hen and she' howls Call a.young woman a witch and she is pleased; call an Old woman a witch and,, she is indig ant Call a. girl a kitten and Bhe rather likes .it; call a' woman, a oat and she’ll hate .y.ou, ' • C\TARRH CU11ED, health and sWce breath secured, by 'liboh’s < atiurh Remedy. Pllee 50 rents Nasal In jector h’ee Sold by J. Combe, ' 335 y /An ounce of mother is .worth a< Ijound .QL^ minlBlerc* . Bieiio^U clergyman on Sunday, ,‘There^ itj a sermon In that <n ntence. The great heed>of the age is home training which will prAVe eftectivc when the parent's back is turned» - There are many perfumes which, whc|p..applied to the hamlkerch el, have a very agreeable odoy t< r a lew moments and then die away ,leaving Only’ a sickly, disagreeable Btneli. Not ao with urr'ay & Lanmans FLORtof Water; the longer it is ex* roaed thh niore delicate atid delight* 1U1 beCOtiieS its rich aroma. ‘Now, Jolinhie/. sai I the teacher, ‘if your lather borrows £lCH) ami pro ’finses' tirjiaYdrlTr JCWR^kyliAttr hWhlf- Will he Owe it) seven wee^ks?’ ’One •’hundred pounds, said John le* *1 m airaid you don’t know, your leason very Well,’ remarked the teaclier. ‘I may not know my let-son very well, JphnnieJranJcly remarked,‘but . I. know niy Talirer,1’ . “ ; W.LL-YOU AUFEER with Dyspppsia imt iver Co'mpiidiit? Sliiloli'H • Itni- zor is ,;'i) i-mceeb tocufe you’. S »ld By J. H.,-Oombe, • ' 335-y.- , Young lady at a reception,.trying to Inrce a conversation) ‘Mr. Nood- lebnhg; what do you .suppose makes all .these receptions so ihvariablv" stupid?’ Mr. -Nobdlebang —‘Aw, ; really; T Imynn't- the ghost of an id.-HW , .Young lady— ‘Ami 11 th> other gentleman are mue_b like ybu; I begin to see tlie rensoh now.’ For Nhttlis Ra^h, Summet Heatp -Er -ptiotis rtrifi general toilet purposes -tiseiKLg^r’ff 8 u I p litrrJSoa p. -3 jy-2 u- . Men who go Weal with industridtis habits rapidly grow rich. One miin who Stai'te'd itt Neb’aska twenty yea ria*-ago with" iioilnngTmt- a wile and’ a stand of beys nd’iy has a house with a splendid mortgage on it, a Rate with t-Wo bin es, and- two daugtiters who swing, on the gate and are called honey. His wile, w|io is an indtuiH ou.screature, Ims secured a divorce. Tl)is is but onA of many instances. The Southwest Presbyterian says,- regarding the New Orleans Exposi tion : — y^e give the management this. fact »o , ponder; There were nearly as4 man v people in bile single Pres by'terian church in the city, each Sabbath during the Exposition, ;as were upon the Exposition grounds. ”11118 woul f indumCercimtf-Presbylerb- airisrrr is booming or thaHjje. JEx- pqiption is not. -"‘Roy; J. G. Fallis, Dutt iu, corcitie, : “For some ’>ea|».JU,v wife hifl bou.ri troubled witii DfspepMu, and tried -jne-thing after another reuoniiuonded ■ with but little or no-etfeet till advised til >?i>e .dcUrogdr’s;, Speedy Cure a .trial. Since taking the first hottie I have noticed i.mproveinerlt, and can With confidence rec-'.inmeinl it to be one of, it not the best medicines -extant for ln£|>cpsia>. This invaluable medicine for AWT Complaint, Indigestion, Kidney Complaint, is purely veget-. ible. '.iHOld at your Drug Store. Trial bottles, given free. . 335-5t..' SisOOO FOUFtiT ! .Having tuu ucuiist conli leiicc in its aupunurily- ovor ah others, uhd after thuusayds ut-cesls ot tn** must euiuplieated and severe-t eases we could Hud, we leei jusiitied in uifu’iing'.co torieit One 1'liousalid Hollars fur any case of Coughs, colds, sore throat, indauiiza, hoarseness, broiicintib, eon: ’sumption,in its eai.y stages, wnooping cough, anu m diseases ul toe-throat and lungs,, except Asthma, for which wo uni., claim relief, that we can’t cure with West’s Cough Syrup, .wlfeir taken according, to directions. Maniple buttles 25 and 50 cents; largo battles one duiiar; Ueuuiuu.wrap- pers oiiiy in bjuue. b'o.U -b,.' ail druggists, oi’ sent ~brj*oxpr'oss oirreeeipt of price. JOHN C. WES I it CO., huio proprretois, 81 and 83 King street E., I'ofoilt-o' Ont.- J. H, Cumbo, agent, Clinton-.-31-1- 4 At Greatly Reduced Prices f am prepared to sell. LOWER THAN TH 1- LO VEST, 5 a.■£.. © 6. -w M q 15' an bl ■ A rasrw’S"’- POWDEZXS. n L t o t iso. Contniii thoir own . ;.s a i f“, B’lre, nbil" flX.'ecni* r • - ■ * < i Children or Adult* X" fad- 3500 REVvARj! • WE^vil'l pay the above reward for rin\ case of ’Lirsf-COffllBaint.. PyspopsiofSiclr-l feiidaclii-t-lfi-- digestion; Uorirtipation or CoBtlveijo.ss we cannot curewith West’s, vegetable Liver Pills, when thv directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give kitisfae- tion, Sugar Coated. ■ Largo boxes, containing 8 PillsZ25-,oant?. For Halo, bf ’all Druggists. Be ware of eoiinterfetts.andJinitntio.nRjT’h.f- genii- iitthniannfaeturld only by 301117 ^."WEST&CO;. "The Pill Makars,’’-81 and.83 King-si., E, Toron to, (Ynt. Free trial- packs-.- e sent b mall pro paid on receipt of a 3 cent st mp. J, H. Combe, agon t.Clinton 814-ly- IB csf of Foreign burtings & Trouserings,,English & French Worsteds. THE CLOTH EB, ' ■ fS ’ ‘ 1 ... - J. SMITH, To our rea ters. .* If you flttffer from headache, ness, back ache, biliousness or ore ot the blood, try Burdock BittytM. L L ., .... aIT~trregulatites oFXfic t'Tjod, ht er and kidntos, • ' * ftizzi- hum'** Blood Bitt *rB. It is a guaranteed cure im- Hunger iu tlicair. In^ibe I hini’ig winds, the damp atmosphere Hiift eilftdettly chwkol p. 8 pi ia t ion cold* ar" lurking. Hagya^ls Peotowd Balanm diii’rfi col'la, coughs, listhma mid l>.ro -cbitis, ami all. complaints tending t >war-is consumption. A smile is the outward Indication o a genial heart, It rIho is heqnent* ly the preluite io aawelled hefld. ARotJsS rate Liver wheu torpid with National PillH, A good anti-bilioua CHtllHrtic, HUgar-coHted. 3.35-2t Eight times out of ten,, according to jhe Medical Journal, clippers me the ause of coldSjsnre throats, rheu mnticH, neuralgia arid several other I . a—... .... ■£- . » - [■ ‘Hello, DtckJ been to the lecture ?*. enquired a friend, as they, innt rt out elevemo’olbck on, the elfeei, outside a public hall . ‘No. nut I’m going to one. ho'w/„ replied Dick, ns he. made Tor. hottie. 1, sLEKPI.fi vs N GUTS, mideunlHe ah.;c l)v 'ilni>ff t'errib c emtgn, Ii .<> Uiire. I* t it" romeily lor you >'((| J..H,'’ ouibe. , 235 y ■ 'llall’A Vegetable Sicilian Htifr' Re newer never fails ih rest »ring gray hair to ita voutlfful color, ditstr *, an vitality. Dr A. A. Jlmes, State. Am* sayeFoi MtiSttaehnsetts endorses it, mid all who give it a fair trial tint*" in griitefnl testimony io iu many: virtues. Henry Wfcril Bceofier says that in his dreams lie has stolen like a rascal, Imt when not tlrearplng he doesn't remember to have ever stolen any* thing beyonA apples «“d melons. rtjiti 'i mli fifift'Mi'. ("il'S i aii'i fit rtltiii *■■*( «iikatatei’w.-wii|t>q|yr.]H It*! gw Aff 0“<i rer.ord. &/', f/P, TREATMENT’S u.iv-^-- ’ f- ■- iiwnwwMMina y 4J r! . I I ■ I ^EXTRACPWm 1 i it TH Dr. If.’U. West’s Nerve and Brain TrKatme T.agua'anteed peeilic for Hys teria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Norvolis Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the Use of alcohol or tobacco,- Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Soften ing of the- Bi*aiti' 5’wuftfiFgl!nWTiiryiuj<l- leading to misery, decay and death,. Pre*. mature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of.power ill either sex, Involuntary Losses and Sper matorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain, self-abuse or uver-indulgenee. Each box contains one month’s treatment. $1.00 a b»x, or six boxes for.$5.00, sent by mail prepaid oh receipt ef price.. We Guarantee Six Boxes To cure any case. With each ordyr re ceived by us lor six hexes, accompanied 'with $5.00, Wo Will semi the purchaser ottr written guarantee to refuhtl the money if tliC' treatment does hot. eFeet tt cure. Guarantees issued only ,by John C. West &Co.( 31 and 83 King st. E., Toronto, Ont.: J H. Combo, agent, Ciintoii. 314-ly I GROCERS. New eastm’iT as. from 15 to 75c. per Pound. . Chase & Sanborn's COFFEE a specialty, all grades and-Prices. Christie, Brown & Go’s Biscuitsr HAMS, BREAKEAST BACON, ETC. Large and Oamnlate Stdok dfOhjna, New Crookory, Glassware &o. GoodD.promptly deliveiTd, Gali 'and examine our store, which is the —-LARGEST AND NEATEST GROCERY IN TOWN — T. COOPER & SON 0 0ANTELON BROS., Genera! Grocers and Produce Merchants, ------RACEY'S OLD STAND, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. Choice, Fresh Family Groceries CONSTANTLY1N STOCK. 1 . min A c# WVmt? A VF A T TTU*