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The Huron News-Record, 1885-07-15, Page 3
(4MALG4X4TAD.) CJlittttfNk Wednesday, Jnljc 15th not do bo. ■ " •*■ ----->- > - '' —!■ /" - hla iiirrinLotiAiy’aOws. In anil Arounii tite “Iliib.” • ( NOTICE.—At all ti/M toe will be^lad to reoetoe Mtwd/riim tuig rtlitAle source, either What er written. Hepb'rtt of rueeHnge, e»- ...tertaiwiuuU, eoeieig anfl chursJe doingt, He. gtp»prang other mtUere of gaecral interest will altoage haei « place in our columns.—Eo ^TGem Jars, cheaper than the ■ cheapest, at Floody’s. 344 >--r- ■/ ■ . Excursion.— “Remember the Masonic excursion from Clinton to Port Stanley on the 7th of August. , .See posters/’ ’ 345 t-d. ■ ........, - --r ' ' • 4 * « 500 Gent^H Suita wanted, iallor Shop, Vlctoria-St. Glove# cleaned on #hovte#t notlr,^ Satififdtion guar anteed ar,no charge, 346-4t Adam Brown EsQn.,; .one of the 1 leading uierchaufo as well as one of the most spirited citizens of Hamil- ton, was iti ’towu last week ac ; compariied by his sori and daughter. Another Faith Cure.—We had the pleasure of meeting Drs* Camp— , bell and Mackid, at the. Ooui- uierciai, the other -day, and making the acquaintance of Dr. Nichol, of Bayfield, and Dr.,Evans, and we feel better ever s.ince. The’ gentlemen were attending a. meeting' of the Huron Medical Association, here. " A Golden Drop,—Among the receipts of^ the.evening at the Gar den Party at the Rectory was a five dollar gold piece. 'A party received it in change when p lying for refresh- 1 mencs and returned it next day,.! Whetkert'jt(ljad preyiously been paid in by "mistake, or"’Whether some lib erally disposed.patron intentionally meant to do good by - Ftealtff'is not . ’ knoiyn. We understand that the Rector will return it to tlie rightful owner if it was. paid in by mistake. Telephone Extensions. Thb Bell Telephone Co. announces the completion of a Trunk Line, east from Kingston as far, as ‘Prescott, ■ connecting also Gananoq'ie, Brocks . vifle ,mkCMaitland in Ontario, as Well'as Ogden&burgh, Canton, Hew- ; e.l to11fRicli v i11e, Potsdain and other points in the State of Newy/YorlF. The Company ha« a large, force of men at present engaged in building lines, and will be able, to cotuplete ,n8w' extensions^ ifr' many, different directions shortly. / '■ ' ' Clinton _MUscl.e Distanced,—» — • At the Star Salt .Works, Goderich, is a boy of sixteen years Who, during the five working days of<lust- w„eek., T P'ack'ed'^tJiO-barrels -of sal t J -add k"" year ago he pack’d, nail’d,. branded, and headed 40 barrels-i-n-three hours' and, now can • turn out 120 per .day for six or riiore consecutive.days for money. Any Goderich packer of mature years would consider '100. >■ barrels per day very little to brag of.—Com. ■ . ' : Milk as a Fire Extinguisher.— During a thun-ierstorm a few eve nings ago lightning struck a brirri belonging to Air. James Williams, in; the township of Westminster, . i.. and„t.heAiol.t_despeiulijigjJbLmugljL-LlHi_ centre of the building;eet it on, fire. In the yard a lad was milking a cow end hadjjust tilled tfie pail when he_ saw the blaze start.up. Without an instant’s delay;7h;e .ran to -the spot snd with his pailful of milk put. out the. "tire and. saved the. barn> A ' cautiqus. riiilkmaid Would * proh<bly liave hesitated about wasting .thq precious fluid;. Rebellion CoJipendhjm.—About ___a8^terse_yiitfdll4.ilescriptiO4i-7-qf-the- Noj*tliwe«t Rebellion as is likely to be’published for some time is to be - found in a pub-icotion issued from , the Witness office. Ft is reliable, ( trustworthy and ‘profusely illustrat- cd. Those who wish to refresh their memory in regard to the incK dents of the how happily crushed . ‘unpleasantness,’ or to inform their fririnds about i',have the means with in their reach uy securing copies of the ‘Riel Rebellion,’ p.iiblished by the JlYLiW, at the low figure' of 25 cents each. ’ . • The Garden -Party at tlie - Rec* tory, Tuesday evening of-last week, accomplished thia purpose for which it was..gdtten 'up^-that of promoting . . sociftl""1tT?SFcpur8e. The. pecuniary ' .—result, tJiough-o£ secondary‘ import —tanceF was.qu itegraci f ylng;-tl»e-grossr -’ ^/proceeds being nearly $50. . Ttie’ajg^ ’toijdance was ■ as large as expected <*vm-y’6he^Beemed pleased with the direct material valpe they re* ceived for .the several amounts in vested in the. refreshments so-dour teously served, . The affabilitj' of the Rector, the ladies, and all imuiediat ely connectel -with the getting Up qf the affair set the guests,at ease'and was beyond nil praise. The night -wjftB-nioderately dark and the grounds were just sufficiently illpmlnated to crea'e a sort of artificial twilight <luring dm whole evening. The town band played very picely during the ovening arid their efforts Seemed to 66 highly appreciated ‘everi“6y those who were disposed to be critic al. Grip on “The Land O’ Burns.”>=- We copy tiie following from Grip of the 4tlr fast.", "which is very complimentary to the author of .the book in question - “The Land O' Burns,’' “We have been favoured with a copy'of a little work bearing - the above title, by Dr.-Campbell, of Senfortii. The Doctor is well known as a litt&ralw in the West* rirtr section of the Province, Andi the subject he has dealt with, in the present case ii? well fitted to inspire ttity-Scottish writer to groat efforts, , Jr. need, soarcnly be said that Dr, (Campbell has done himself and his ’ country justice. The typographical work of the. book ip very heat, though it boasts only paper covers, Tho publisher strangely omitted to State the price per copy. This is the . most serious error we are able to discover but it can. bo easily roefis fled,” The price of the work, which may be obtained of the anthor, is 76 BWIOWY III,—»The Rev Mr, Baylor, latoly of Bayfield, wfap left bare on Friday and. whose purpose (D. V.) is to take ft trjp to the old Country, was suddenly taken ill with tofifo 4’reot ailment of the heart, at Stratford* on Monday last. One physician was summoned, but he considered Mr; Taylor’s case of so serious a nature that another physic ian was called. The tier; gentleman was to have addressed the Orange men that day but of coutBri could M., Those who remettfoered his stirring discourse at Clinton last year'were not only grieved on Re count of the illness : of Mr, Taylqr, but alto at not hearing his eloquent lips drop words pP wisdom. A shore rest will probably admit of the gen tleman continuing his journey to the old country, and we wish him God Speed, Whom the ladies and children' like arri sure to be generally liked. Rev. W, McDonagh seems to be poSHesHed of that kindly dis position which endears him to the virtuous and innocent everywhere. ThiBex Clinton pastor before leaving Sarnia last week on a three months trip to the old country was the tecip* ient of a pleasant surprise. Mes* dames Palmer ai)d|Suuders culled on liini, and on behalf of t|ie< memhers of the church, Resented him with a pur8e cotitaining$60.—’ ...... Huron Orangemen—The Orange men .of 'Huron celebrated in the usual loyal manner, Some going to Bayfield, some to St. Thomas and others to Stratford. From Clinton and vicinity the greater number ' went td Stratford. There were about 300 Orangemen and tlieir^fronds’ . ticketed for Stratford from Clinton on Monday. -The Doherty band- accompanied the Clinton brethren, playing to arid from tlie station. On , their return in the evening the side walks for the distance of about a mile, from the station to the north part of Albert stree.t,- were densely packed with the sympathisers ot the good and graiid old cause- . Tlie dav. passed off nicely, profitably arid* orderly. There were altogether re presentatives • from; 133 lodges in Stratford, and over -6,0.00 members took part in the. procession. Lightnings Freaks.—One day last'week While Thouias McIntosh,- contractor, and his men, arimng whom, Were a nian named S.ieWarc and Peter Ross, were engaged in. shingling the roof of Mr. Ruther- ford's barnjqn the 7th con., West ZorYa, qear Braemqr,, the 'thunder? stfirui struck, them. The lightning struck the roof making a round hole considerable size in it,'And Stew art who Was neap-was drawn partly through the bole by the suction, Peter Rohs,, who was a little further 'away, .wan thrown,, turning a coin- plvte sonn-fsault arid alighting astride the ridge of the roof; Stewart was taken down as dead;but is still liv> ing, altho'ugh his condition is very precarious. He was badly .burned, :h’is clothes, even to his shoes," being t!orn off/hihi. Before the aceidriii.t.; his foot rule was in his hip pocltet^..' qnd when lie was being removed it' ■ was discovered that the.brass, on tlie same, was entirely melted. His hair Was also completely'burned '.off. Some idea of the experience' under gone by Stewart rriay bt? judged-from but. is all right now,- • A' tiumhereof the other wprkiufiri received a slight shock but none to a serious extent. ‘ Curious'to relate no tire .followed the str.oke.j f The Twelfth.—Last Sunday be ing the 12th July aeruions were preached by ninny of the'ministers throughout the country. Rev.' Mr. Gee preached on the Bayfield Line •witln‘ refeierice to tlie -ever to he commemorated-day..—The Rev. Mr.- Birks pieached a pertinent and in-, structiye sermon at, Holmesville. Jii The course of Jirir remarks, we are informed,, lie mentioned tlie fact that some cranky individual, claiming ,to be a mejn’ier.of his church, liad sent, a letter to him stating that if. he (Mr. Birks.) preached to the Orange men the writer of the letter would leave-the,church. Tlie r«'V. gentle^ -:mati acted as though there was soiite "of''tlie.‘‘No Surrender" spirit in him arid refused to comply with the de*, mand of the,‘‘leave the.-church*’ in* Another KNidUy.—Mr. T. M. CUtiling hug reoeived thd “aofcolMde” (vide Sir Richard John’s speech some time back in the House) on both, shoulders, and is now a knight of the hammer, legalised to knock down to the highest bidder all stock, real estate,, furniture, etc., entrusted to him for sale. gsoci Norn.-rMr. D. B. Ken nedy J»m. purchased councillor Copp’s well bred Royal Revenge trotter for Mi*. Thomson, of London w^Mr. McTaggait sold a fine two- year old Tontine colt to Mr. Tipling at a flgure mdeb greater than eould be Obtained for ordinary stock of same age. ' ' . - LiFii Partnership.—-Ab will be seen by reference to item under the regular heading our former estim able young townsman, Mr. A. J. Grigg, formerly With Mr. Biddle- combe, now carrying on business in Ridgetown, has taken 0 partner afid has complied with all the formalities of registration etc. His many friends hope it may be an enduring and hap py one. The young couple have been sojourning with friends in town the past few days.' Soveheign Mistake.—A gives B a sovereign in mistake for a shill ing. B accepts the coin, thinking it to be a shilling, but subsequently. disco vfiFR it to.-ljM._ft-flovfi fb ii! n. a nd GREAT DISCOUNT SAXE FOR THE HEXT THIRTY RAYO, M v/JEjOOJK On Pocket Books wo will give a discount of 25 per cent—on, Jewelry 25 pqr cent— on Silverware 15 percent—on Miscellaneous Books 20 per ceut—on BiWe8>tol<l Version, 25 per cent—op Photo Albums 25 per cent—on Apograph Albums 25 per, Testaments 25 per cent—ou Spectacles 20 per cerit—ou Cups and Saucers 2&; . on Pipes 20 per cent—on Vases and China Goods 25 per cent—on Vioiimi AnAFi 25 per cent—on Concertinas and Accordeons20 per cent—ou Wall Paper 20 ppif ci on Berlin Wools, Fingering Yarn, kc., 20 pep cent—on Day Books, Journals, Ledo,._, &c,',-10 per cent—on Mouth Organs 20 per cent—on Baby Cmriages 10 per cent-'-on Ladies’ Hand Satchels 30 per cent—onfCombs, Writing Desks and Workhoxes '20 per cent—on Velvet Frames and Dolls 25 per cent—on Baskets 10 per cent—all -other goods at proportionately low prices.—Our entire stock, amounting to nearly $15,000, the 1st August, and balance our booka on the 15th.- R. Lauiey Hand Satchels 30 per cent—on .Combs, writing cent—on Velvet Frames and Dolls 25 per cent—on Baskets 10 per cent—all ... .. goods at proportionately low prices.—Our entire stock, amounting to nearly $15,000, must be reducod to $10,000 within tho next 30 days, as we commence Stock-Taking on the 1st August, Mid balance our books on the Chris. Dickson, Clinton. WHEN VrartWG THKHUB OF HURON CALL AT «* er cent—on _>I>crcent—• ,. cent Ledgers, FPe keep thei Largest and Pest Selected Stock in the Countg, and carry on ALL the Pra^hcs of the Dry-Goods Trade dividual. — Rev. Mr. Craig preached at. SiHiim^rb.ill. There was a large attendance, which, the discourse was well worthy of. Those who-were present speak’ in the .,very...highest terms of his thoroughly Christian and liberal treatment of Qraiigeism. The rev. gentleman-acknowledged that lie had not given much attention to thb subject of Orangeism, but the . more he looked into it the more he became convinced that there was a necessity for the. existence of such a body of men, if only as. a counters balancing''power; to that of Jesuits' ism. /• - - Bilious or Libellous I—By-sonie peculiar conjuncture of the planets Hie very air seems to’be rife wi.th' law or libel sujrs." The latest-talk . .in..this way iK.sevnral .projected libel suits against our c'ote'm'.- on account-? '"rif-aojiLeX(firna-w.hich appeared in his paper. ’ ThenXirb)^ is a postal cartL; libel' suit. And e'ven the innocent-- News Record has beon ‘ threatens ed.” One crank geniris in the full-- ness of his. lieart, or Lh'q emptiness of his pocket-,' called . at thia office and demanded blu-u-hud or the pros duction ofj an item which he alleged appeared in’thitf journal some nine months ago. We did not’thiuk we Were either legally or morally bound to furnish the man who thirsted for -gore with documentary evidence that we.had libelled him; we thought- we had done our part if we printed 'ttfftl pUblishedTlie'ini’eirtfod ering the views We have exprensod Anent the appointment of a Police Magistrate, we held that it would be ihconflistenf to "act the.part of prosecutor ahd defendant in our own case, We gave the man of gore and libel a Wal in Bend off, and the next we*heard of him ho had just Returns ed from a trip to Goderich township, Where he had been with the ostens Bible ribject of obtaining work. He wanted to -stay at the house of a farmer, bfit the husbandman object ed to entertaining tramps, though he may have remembered that by doing so people have had angels a« their guests. The^farmor objected In a very objectionable way to en tertaining the alleged tramp, and, so the latter alleges, came in physis cal contact with him in such a man- ner ns to double him up /quite as effcctiyely as if ho-had eaten a peck of cucumbers. The last we heard of our erratic visitor ho Was interview,, ing Mayor Forrester with the avow* ed infont of. bringing the Goderich township farmer up with a rmrnd appropriated the flame, Does B com mit larceny! This was the point winch wan argued recently in Lon* don before all the judges of the Queen’s Bench Division, presided over by the Lord Chief Justice, The point had been originally re served for the Court for the cormiJ- ©ration of Crown Cases Reserved, ? but that Court, wbicli consisted of five judges, had been unable to argue and had ordered it to be argued be fore a full Court in order that the collective wisdom of all the common . law judges might be brought to. bear upon the. knotty question. Their Lordships reserved their judgements in order that'-they might give a can - fully.yconBidered any! final deoision upon what the Lord Chief ( Justice called a “much vexed.question.,” Mind Your own.- Business.— ‘Yoor dooty,’ said Brother Gardner" to the Lime’Kiln club, ‘am to obey de laws of Goc| an’ de kentry ;.to be, charitable w fieri’ charity am deserv ed ; to be naburly when yo.ur naybur “ will permit, it; to be ready wid good advice when asked fur it. When you go much beyond dis yon ahi makiu' a nuisance of yourself an’ doirir mo’ harm dan .good. When a man who moves out of a rented bouse -between "two days, an’ doan- leave' his hew addteRfl. tied to de doah fur de benefit of de bilked landlord comes to me an’ wants to. weep fie- kase 1 liasn’t-been to church fur two Sundays past, I’m kinder ready to' declar’ dakl won’t-goCagih fora bull y’at*. When a man has fiL. wid jlll ■ his nayburs, an’Tlnbeh his poo’ old? fodder td de.poo’ house to die, calls arban’ to demand why ?I doaii’t come,. down for disior.dat charity'. I • feel alEde stubbornness of an Alabama biziness am ez good a motto 'w ‘God Bless Our Home.’- ;. v- -.. r Trifles.—Mr. Archie Kennedy / is laboring.under an affection of the heck-L-Collector of Customs Awn y^trotrg—wentr-fo—TorontoSuturdny- - returning TuesrliayT^Mfs Whaley’s* $3,000 residence is fast approaching com pieton—Messrs. Hovey and- John Johnston have each'uhdei*‘ wav new' residences, involving a probable expenditure of $6,000, on the lots they recently . puichased from the trustees of C. M. Qlitircli—Mr. John Beacotn has put a new shingle wie on his residence. This is not the J. ' B -that- tried to unwig our cotem-— "Mr. and Mrs Geo. Sheppard-of the Nile wore in town visiting friends last'week. We were glad to . have - the’'lady “and 2genth>nian-yisib-Hhis- . office—Mrs Kitt is. ,the fortunate recipient of $1,000 from tho benefit fund of Court Maple .Leaf Nol 16, Canadian Order of Foresters, Clin ton—Miss Salkeld, of. Goderich, has been visiting-friends in Seaforth.and Clinton.—There was a big blow here on Monday forenoon. As it came front the soutJi-WesLour people at tributed it to the efforts of-the big guna at Bayfield—C. ,C. Rance has uiade a picture gallery of the-bHTuVr clothing'house show windows, hav ing them deeo.rated with ticketed samples of an immense line'of mat erial for suits—Mr. A. H. Plummer will Leach' for Mr. A. Galbraith in Wawanosh, near Marnoch, "Mr; Galbraith going to the Norifial'for a term, whence Mr.- Plummer hns/G .cpntly returned—'i’he Grand IJliion thlrew the British banimrvto the breeze on the Anniversary of the battle of 'the. Boyne—r^Pfie Doherty band presented a fine appearance and played well at^Strstford.on-thei 13th.—-The Dohfirty Organ Co., has put a new plfiner in their' faetpi-y; ■’Mr, Steven's has also’ added one— The reception at tlffi B. C. church to the -zriew ■ minister was a success. 'Thfi'^ghutleman bids fair to become popular. '"7' ?'~S—----- to be - a ranger in that secret society. I could give him three more reasons why he can never get there, if he calls for them. Entertainment seems to have taken, another fit of romancing in winding up hjs epistle, about “a letter sent to the county of Halton.” I fear his imagination will be his IfowhfatL Now, Entertainment, don't get "despondent at your failure In Bayfield, the extra charge' made bv „the reeve wmb for wear and tear. Call ujf your troilp and try, 8ay lloltnes* Ville, Summerhill Of Brucofield. You have the talent, a|l you want is less imagination and mote perseverance to make your labours 'irnracoewr Thanking you Mr. Editor fof patience and-space. ■ . A Cracker on the I’hiiir. Clinton, July 11,- 18fi5. ' . COMMUNICATIONS^__ ffe wtehit to bi distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves resipdnsibieybi" tho opinions , . expressedb i/^rrespondents.'— Eu.JNbws-IIkcord « * . . ' ' ’ -r Editor News Record. ’ - Bear- Sir,—Allow me r to express through yotir-. columns my tlmnkfulnesis •to Court Maple’Leaf, No. 10, Cniadian Order ot- Foresters fol’ their speedy settle-, ment of my claim of $1,000 arising from the death of my late husband, .William Kitt, bO , having been a Mehiboy of tlie Order for somewhat over five years. 'I also wish tlie Order tho fullest measure .of success, as I have reason to do- by know- in^thokind„and,brothpriyji.t.tention..they_ 'paid iiiy/late husband during his lato ill ness, and tlie grateful pccumary aid of $3 per- week which they allowed me during that trying time. I am sure ped’s mercy will bo with the Order, and may He see: fit to prosper it. And,I- would recom mend all wives whose husbands aro not yet members, to use their influence to have them join. • I remain youra ever truly, . MRS. W. KITT. Clinton, July 10,1335; „ Editor New8-llec6rd^ I notice in yourdotera another blow from Entertainment Now, he seqms to have great confidence in his own imagination; he depends to j much On it. life imagined at one time he was a star on his first dram-ah, but, lo he has failed, so the people of Bayfield say. He owns up to one mean man having joined his lodge arid flays he does nob belong to it now. There must be two of thrimTor l|ie person to whom 1 alluded does belong to his lodge now, I could give ft few more if he wants them. 4Not long ago I in company with uno of the members of hm lodge, wo had a drink and I paid for it, his favorite' old rye -pret ty hard drink fora brother templar. But I notice, the fiifller templars’ fat? A Good Filter 'Pure water is indispensable to health, the least impurity should be removed by a good filter. Pure Blood is also indispensable ; there can bo no perfect health without it. The Liver filters the Blood. Regulate the Liver with Burdock: Blood Bitters and make pure Blood. 347 • 31. Dlckiiisoii vs"'Tostcr. Editor News Record. DearSir,—Riel’s Clinton organ last week in endeavoring to make a point against the opponents of the Scott Act, resorted to theii- old practice of making false statements. I will here give the item from their paper and then I will endeavor to give the full facts of the case. . ’ Withdrawn.—In May • last, at the annual-meeting of the members of the Mechanics’ Institute, a sale of old mag azines took place, Mr. Horace Foster act ing the- part of auctioneer, much the same as ministers and others do at socials, where'cakes are put-up by auction. Some oftlie opponents oi the Scott-Act, thinking •they’had a case , against tli'e Secretary of tho Association, 'laid information against him on Tuesday, with Mayor .Forrester, on a charge of “selling by auction without a license”’ but before it came ior trial the charge' was withdrawn, complainants find-; ing they liad no ease. JJfow the opponentfl of the “Scott Act”’ had qptfiing to do with this case being entered, as it was a Clear case of infringement on the right of D. Dickinson (the complainant). He has paid about $200 into the County treasury for the privelege of selling by auction, and certainly he ought to have protection; ‘without, being in sulted and slandered by a paper that haB earned the name of tlie champion “Truth Stretcher,” of the County. ■Since • libelling the dead as they did in the Beacotn racket they'do not seem to-have the least regard for the -truth, and none but those who think and act with them can ever expect to. get justico^at their hands, -and wlien they get cornered ‘ up ib their., lies they quietly stop tliq_,contro- 'versy as' they -did in-' the Beacdln matter. I will liere explain how tlie case came to be “withdrawn/’ aS the Era states, A, II- Manning and the Mayor, ..each used tbeir. influence to have the case dropped, ailcFas tbe fipe, if infficted, was likely to.cOme. out of -the Mechanics' Institute, Dickinson agreed to let it drop-pro viding they would pay the costs, as the Mayor admitted he could- not do otherwise than inflict a fine of $20.00 as provided by county. “By Law," passed June 5,' 188lpjae follows: “Any person or persons acting/sell ' ing or offering for sale by public auction.any goods, wares or merchan dise, or in any way exercising the calling of an auctioneer without first having obtained a license * ’ * shall, forfeit and pay the sum of $20 lor ea'ch'_aHd^e'very'"offence,~vvhich' penalty can be'recovered: in a sum mary mariner before any Justice of the Feace having jurisdiction within the said county .of Huron/ with costsiz and one inoiety of the said penalty, whbn recovered, shall be paid to/the party prosecuting, the other irioiety to be paid.to the ‘ Treasure^ of the said county of Huron. In 'case .of ..the said penalty and costs not being paid.at the Lime spefijfied' liy the con victing Justice or Justices, the ;sanie -Bhall be Tevied out of'the goods arid” chattels of the pfirty or parties -con victed,' and jin the everit of there being no goods, to satisfy the penalty arid ccsts; the party convicted shall be committed - to the common jail' of the-said county for a period notex- ,c*5fiding twenty one days, unless the ,said penalty and costs be sootier paid." I have only quoted one clause of the ‘‘By JLaw/' but I am sure I have made itplairi to all. that the Era told a deliberate falsehood in stating “the complainants finding they had nd case, had the charge wtih- dfawn.” And aS'far as D. Dickinson ? haying anything against H. Foster. personally on account of him beinjf the Scott Act Secretary nothing could- Bea further from fj|»e truth. _ And as the Era states some of the opponents of the Scptt Act laid the information (thatmeans more than one/, I dare, them to flame tlm parties referred tcL, and in case they do not make good • -theirlying statements then th*e public Will in future take, very little stock in~anytliing they say in Their paper.! A- If. .Manning,-according to bis ownr admission, was, the real law breaker’ dr the cause Of it being done, as he agreed at the time to stand between Foster, and all harm, and he ought to know better than defy the law in any such a way. I have no doubt the clique will say this . letter was written .by. one of the hotel keepers or someone interested in the trade, but,Jbr their informatipn I hjay ba,y .1 aim neither directly nor indirectly connected with or interested in any way in .the trade,, and neither do I take a.sly drink’like some of otir temperance friends in town. Thank ing you, Mr:*. Editor Tor .taking- up; so much qf your space I remain Youm Respectfully ‘ . • JUSTICE- CJlintoty July 11, 1885. Beware of medicines represented as just tlie same, or fully 'as good as DR. SMITH’S GRE ATJGERMAN .WORM REMEDY by dealers, who .sell the ^article that pays best, regardless of, merit. Dr. Smith’s Great. German Worm Remedy is being endorsed by all as a pleasant, safe, reliable, and prompt renrJivi^Ssc «ve .removal of stomach and seat or pin woirtns from ebfld or. adult. It is ea?y‘to lake,/ never fails, absolutely harmless, and requires no after physic. Sold every where. ( Price 25cts. 3s7:2 - * TBs Best Yet* There is no preparation before the. people to-day that commands their confidence more, or meets with-a bet ter sale than does Dr, Foivler’s Ex* tract of Wild StraWbery—the infall ible remedy for aU'forms of Summer- Complaints. <• - 347-3t. M ARKET RE PORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday*.ufternoori . . , CLINTON. LS6. A0l_to 5 00 0 83: to* 0 St - 0 83-r- to * ft 50. .to - 0 3Q. to’ 0 3U 0 (10 ' to ) 1 00 -to . .••(I XJhr to. .0 30 - . 0 10 to 0 10 *0 50 tO'1’0 11 .. JQ Oft.,0 11 00 5 7f| _to '5 75 - 3/00' to 4-'Oo XfOO^to * - - Qilf-, to 0 17 Flour, - Fall .Wheat, • . ., . • Spring Wheat, - • Barley Oats, 1’eun, Apples, (winter) per bbl, Potatoes, .' • i Butter Eggs, • * • Hay, .... Pork Cordwood, Boot •■ - Wool -; - - 0 84 0 60 ~ ") 0 «0 1 50 o Oh 1 .V NOTICE TO CR EDITORS. NOTICE is hereby gl von, fti- pursuance of Sec. 34, chap. 107, of the Revised ' Statutes ot Ontario, that all Creditors an I . nthOr persons having claims .against tl'fe estate of WHiMAM Graham, late of the township erf Stanley, in the County of Huron, yeoman, deceased,. whQ died on pr about the Kith'day of ■ April,' A. D. 1885,. are hereby required to send -by post (paid) or otherwise doliver to the undersigned, Adminis trator, with the will annexed of the estate and effects of the said deceased, ftt Clinton .1‘. O., Ontario, or Messrs, Davison . & Johnston, his Solicitors, Oodorieh, onor before the TENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A. n. 1885, their Christian- rismics arid surnames, addresses and 'descriptions, - the full particulars' of- their claims', a statement of-ttflrir accounts, and the nature of the securi ties (if any) held by tirem. ’ And‘tlie said Admin- ■istrator will, after tho,said tenth day of Septem ber, 18S5, ‘distribute tlje ■ assets* of the” said deceased ajnongst the.1 parties entitled thereto, having regard only'to claims, of which notice slrill Hive been given- as above required. And the tuml, Administrator will not Reliable for' the said assets, or any part thereof, to ,jw»v person of - -wh.aseWnlrn^ratlv^lraiiTfror’h-ttVKiTeeTrT'ccoivud- b.v him dr his Solicitors at the. time of shell . distribution. ' . ’?V,; T1': ‘ ’ : Dated this tenth day' of .July, A.D‘. 1885. . ./ < • HORATIO'.HALE, . / 347—td Administrator, Ciipton P.O. GRAND PLEASURE EXCUIISIONS Making, And TAILORING For summer weather we are showing a very full selection of White Lawns, White Pks, White Spot Muslins Colored. Muslins, Colored Lawns, Embroideries and Laces.—Lace Parasols, Silk Parasols, ’ Cotton Parasols and Umbrellas.—Men’s and Boy’s Rubber Coats, Eadies’ Rubber Circulars. Highest Price fer Butter and Eggs. Five per cent, off for Cash. J. CALLANDER, raE^J.HODM, MANAGER. DRY-GOODS PALAdEJ SPECTACLES. SPECTACLES. ------------- 0—0—^—>-0—0-------- Eye eight is priceless I - When once impaired you should not wait a day to have it corrected, as it becomes weaker if not attended to at onoe. I have Spectacles fot ■ all ages, at 25c , 50c.( 75c., $1.00, $1.50 and $2 50 a pair. Pebble Spectacles at $2,50 a Pair, ROB. W- Watchmaker, Jeweller and Engraver,. C LI NTO N COATS, IWS?5F i Or rssrra UNDERCLOTHING I - Kichly Trimmed with'Torchon Laces, V& CEIEAf. SEE THEM. ——ALSO A BIG DRIVE. IN Rubber Circulars. T i TO THE FRONT! ■o---------------0- •-d 11 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DFALERS IN Teas, Coffees, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware; . - : . - 3EFTC., 3STC., Although Sugars bti^o advanced 1.1c per lb , wo arc still selling 20 lb’s good Rn'W Sugar for $1. LDAD of Refined Sugars on the way from Refinery, at • ./-'Former Prices. Also a heavy shipmept to hand cf our - r T-T’- r A. a; -v'LT a-mo us Give us a call and be convinced, as we are bound to sell i\t closest prices. Ei’Samples of our Famous Teas sent to any adfiress with pl^as’-re* - Searle’s New Block a ’T ffTra 11 L 7 * 1V "".d ■Niftn of thoOhirin T (kuinister, 'll T, H1 i Iopposite the Market. V.--V. JL.U4. UXAJ.iA ' ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. / —FROM— * Every Sunday Evg. at 8 o’clock,- •. /- On tlie Commodious Steamer OCONTO G W. ilIcGREGO^,J Bester, To Detroit and return, tpuching'atSimd Beael), _Port_-Hope,-.l,oit—AustinT—i^'viis.— Forestville,- Lex ngton, Sanilac,.and.itU'RivUr gt^OLUr ports, fdr the round trip, V Or ONE WEEK'on fioard, including mealsand berths, S1O. : . , , i . Made at Sand Beach m ith tho Port Huron & North' western Railway for Saginaw-and intermediate stations. ■. ■ ' ■ ■ -Also with the Cfcveiand Navigation Co.’s boats for Oscoda, Harrisville, Alpena, Rogers City,. Mackinac, Cheboygan and St. Ignpce, and all - Lake Superior ports. ■•. ’ .' . And at.Detroit wth ail. railroads' and Cleveland Steam Navigation Co.’s boats for Cleveland, O’Geod Dancing Music on B®aVd, ' T. N. DANCEY, • " Agent atGQflcricli. July 2nd, 1885. - \ 340 tf ; ' •» • Editor News Record. . Sin,—An equivocal item appeared in yoUr cOtem. which may mean much or nothing. It refers to the alleged • intemperance of a person holding a responsible public position; tend an intimation, is given that ulhe people have a rcmcdij j'n * their own> bauds?’ I would infer from this that a stab is intended fur some one oc cupying an elective position. As I am well acquainted with all the gentle, men against whom such an inuendo •would.lie, I cart positively state that that there is no ground upon which such abase insinuation can With truth bo made. I consider' that it is a cow’ ardly mode of procedure to throw mud so indiscriminately. The item should have been more explicit or the reference not made at all, Youfi?, • • ,.wsncB.m.2. > Tremendous Value GREAT CASH STORE. ■ That you cannot afford to buy a- -^SPRING SUIT • •—-Just call' on— O. O. RANGE, AT JHE HUB CLOTHING HOUSE, ■And he will make the prices to rcacTl every-, pocket. Seo the NOBBY •pANTINGSrSPRrNG-DVEBCOATrN'GS and SUITINGS.. ' An ALL-WOOL TWEED SUIT FOR $12. Perfect Satisfaction giveib -CL OL ZELZvIISrCZHX—— Tho Hub Clothing HouBe,, CLINTON , OWT Saginaw, Bay City, Goderich, ’ Detroit' and^Cleveland. •: Season Arrangement, ' Tho ologtmt and conmiodioUbTitcamcr SACINAWMLLEYt "" WM. ROACH, MASTER, " Will run (Turing the seaconof navigation , aa ' f°B°'vl? ’ 11 “ LEAVE GODERICH Port- HopeSrilid Boach with West Shore .boats for Tloger City, Shoho.vgan, Mackinac Island and St. Igiiaco; rand at Bay,City with stoamers for HatrisWg. Dscodn.and Alpena, roturning to Godcrleli on Sunday. •„ Leayc Goderich every Sunday at 12 o’clock, noon, for Port ITtli-rih, Detroit and Cleveland, returning to Goderich'ori,Thursday. This route will be continued duriflg.tho season of navigation. TICKETS for thcavhole round continuous trip, bcctipj ing 8 days, will be issued for in cluding meals and berths. , • ' —7 For rates oi freight and passage apply to WM.LEE, * Agent nt Goderich. , I’. S—The “Saginaw Valloy” may be had for short excursions on tho lako Any THURSDAY AFTERNOON by special arrangement, 345 < WANTED, JOO Tubs of Good Dairy Rutter, Apply at Cante- Idn Bros, Groeeri/, D e C A NTE LON. FancyL^oods STATIONERY MR. W. COOPER llasoponcd astord^ln' tfio AbWo lino In Weir’s late stand BEA VIA: BLOCK, <lUSiTON* Now Goods, small profits and quick returns. A call roBp^clfully solicited, The business will bo managed by Miss Uoo)>er. .............’ FOR We now offer the balance of our trimmed aud untrimirell Mats, Bonnets, Fectthers, Flowers, Ornaments, Ribbons, Lawns, etc.7 at TO . CLEAR THEM OUT e‘ ’o',b, riec’" 7. pri4cs low"”' • . "‘A '. o IN FULL OPERATION. ‘ . 1 ' ' --------*------0—o—o--------------- Manufacturing in All Branches Attended to. £ ■.. * f ’ ■ . ■ * —-Have always ori hand a—— TWEEDS, Flannels, Blankets, Yarns, etc., ger CHEAP FOR CASH, OR 1N EXCHANGE FOR WOOL. t E. CORBETT, Clinton, May lDth,1385. ' Mannger. LARGE STOCK OF I » JORP ' EVI.- FISCHER, smith’s block, > clin'ton, ont. '> : Tiib correct place forpcrfccf. fitting garments ‘ at closest quotations. HtrWorkinanship,' Style' Assured.1 4n-returning tiiAnks lo my-mnny= frien’h’ n nrl pP trons^foF^past-patronng^M^wm-1 like to Call their Special attenHoti to’ ffiy very complete stock of knasiks, “etc., it ■ Sp'ecitil attention is directMl to my stock of ' . L \ S • ■ 53 9 .1^ * ■ HARNESS, WHIPS, tURRV COMBOS, ** ■ •■ a It will, bo fotinfi very complete, and Tor durability- and finish cannot ho’’excflhri any ono_. Ak’I employ none blit the best workmen, and nsn the best material to bought in the. market, all who may favor me with their patronage may feel confid ? ' •of.gc-lting satisfaction. ' gi^PBICES. . AWAY ■' DOWl Trunks' and Valisss in great variety and Prices Low. ‘ ‘ .................... ■ ''.....................■ A n KJ □a & 0 Juafc received from Mukui'n- SAVES CARPETS. No Dusting Necessa c. * ?rt>