The Exeter Advocate, 1891-4-9, Page 7The Speaker too
The following pe
Mr. Tait -From
,oiety of Cerpenter
tbett land bold for e
taxed at full val
Mr. Ten -From
oiety ot Carpenter
that all eitizens 13
money bynews,
Aar. Teit -Front
ciety ef Carpenter
that the "Public 13
amended that tho s
attendance be 6 to
booke obeli he fro
s000mmodation be
of a sobool age.
Mr. Tait -From
Labor Catmint, atill
tont, teth tame
The following bil
rend a first time:
Mr. Mowat -To
ing berrieters the
Mr. Srraith (York
°Oat Aot.
Mr. lativelae-To
Catholic blehops ol
Mr, Mowat laid
mates for 1891,
allao. motion they
Ma of Sapply.
The House adieu
The Teti
The intimatea to
ins December 31s3,
laid before the As
for their consider
•lowing sarattary of
•Civil government...
Administration of Jus
'P ublic luatitutio
maintenance .
Hospitals and char!
ties......,.. . . ... .
.. . .
atraIntenanee and re
pairs of Governmen
and departinenta
Public buildings -
(1) Repairs
(2) Capital account•
Public works -
(1) Repairs
(2) Capital account
Colonization roads
.013arges on Crow
lauds. .
Miscellaneous expend
Itinforseen and unpro
vided... ...
'Refund aceount.
-Current expenditure f
On capital account...
'Other purposes
Amount of estimat
The detailed eta
deal Of interesting i
there are neatly pag
expenditures whiah
pages of last yea
demnity to member
$57,000, as again
Nipiasing had no m
sernbly, lead there
'mit Emmen to,
Uader the head •
egging to note that
ffri kindergarten, E
night schools. Fo
Pedagogy there are
expenditures: Pr
13,000, as spinet
turers and heath
no expenditures ha
tirinttog arid inoid
in lest year's °dim
LfOr the School of P
Elet apart as the b
,demoustrator in 0
Thie is a new expen
Under " Agrioult
4the Western Dair
dairy erhool end m
,allotted to the Swill
and $1,800 for tr
allowances for otb
fessore at Partners'
al new expanditure
In the expenditur
cultural College an
1800 a adde I to les
salary of au anion,
of °hetet Wry.
Under tho " Pab
lowing statement
•Asylum for the Insane
Mimeo cottages
.Asyluta for the Limn
for /diets
!Provincial Refortnato
languishene . .
'Reformatory for Fote
Central Prison, Toren
Leaf and DumbInstit
ville . . . .
•Blind institute, Brant
Agricultural College
perimentol Farm,
Education Departmei
and Model Schools,
"Normal School, Otta
School of Practical Se
!Osgood° Rail, Toront
GGovernment Kenai,
Algoma District
Thunder Bay District
:Platt"' EloundDistrict,
"Niplsaing District
Rainy Itiver District
County of Haliburton
118•170tOS included in a
;Expenditure on capita
,Ezponditure for repai
Total estima,teil
Voted for 1800, $557,
For "Colonizetio
total expenditute is
ander " Maeda
items ; Gratuity t
W. 91. O'Reilly,
41,662; retiring all
ahem, houselemper i
otatment for many
to the fainily o
Marlieg, Deputy
66,700, and rear'
Hagerty, late of th
city, $850.
For "Ijniereeee
pen(Mures " there i
The aseets of the
e5,818,216 21.
Of this sum $727
the direct loves
araount being invos
cent.' bonds, the
paced at $210,000 i
Mr. Efareourt hel
open°. The other a
deeindge debenture
Resides the 5/27
memo, there is t
.behig the oepitiel 11(
.._ _
. ,
it the chair et three
Wane were preeented ;
the Araalgttimated So-
, teat eainere, prayieg
- ion to Onterici earin interest I
Rip:411)12e icillowing as)ateine nfio 42ride.. 0
, .
Cheer Canada . Grammar sotto'
leo , „ ,,,,, „o,$ 012,769 04
Itfan0artlaanthth0O0fea it1114...,,... 1402;051 '41
4°4 e3SeVeme0 le" Oita°
124,695 le
QuteOto tibar'e 4 libvary, mac, ,
Bitillo9..-rede) et unwed 'tome end 100,041 00
otber credits, .., Y • • .,,„no,sts 0,
' "t '"
ide t at at h ' n o Id e
fin! ..O Wh e tent t e gentle 0 u b
Alta Wood (Hastings) MoVehl the fallow-
iog reeolotion : Tbet to *ba opiniett of tale
091108, the eyeteto of paying preYineial
officers by feta le objectionable in Poinoinle
' °
on4 that thew ought to be ilo ergo:AO() AO
to Prey* for the entnneretion of ehertfla,
regietrare of deeds, (Amite of ?km peeoe, and
county attOrPeye by ealery iostead of by
nether fair to h a It
. ... ,, t ern nor . dY. /Aspens to
the .publio bumps& '
Fraser -It is not fser to
ligil s t
ntlyfra enybody.,
Mr, Merealtil-a think it a time thin
gOOSO deelt with the etibeet.
The bill was read a Aret time
Mr. Mowet moved tbat the debete onfi'
°ark qoUrt ROUSe 13unit Pawn While 8
Trial was Rroceeding.
the laudget be resumed. • .
Mr. 4ereattla enggegted that the MOHO]
stand till Tuesday . next, when, by sitting
a tittle later, the debate eould probably be
finiehed. '
Mr. tIOWat oonsented, and the motion
wall:11180;14 to left °hair.
Mrs. Sarah M. Black Of Seneca,
'VI° , during the past two years has
, ,.,
been. affected with Neuralgia or the
Head, Stomach and Womb, and
i not
flounced thd
A Dulaill Oble °eV° ' It in a°:I -
Captain O'Shea bee brought enit agaillel
the. Catholic biehop of the united dieceser
of Ggymy .044 evemandtteg, the Moat elm
Francis J. 14cGormaok D D., and eneinel
axanhez°c)in:113er het
peouletive purpoees
ne. .
the Amalgannated So,
1 and Joinere, praying
e3 allowed to Vote on
tbe Amelgameted So.
1 and 4Uluere, preying
ohoole Act " shall be 80
Chao' age of compulsory
, $3,605,900 03
Common School eund--
Collections. by Do-
minion $1,020,050 24
Collections by on-
tart°, after doduet-
ing land improve-
nitwit fund and 6
per Cent, for collee-
Tit2°- -0- DQ°01ber' •
6 8 . 1588 r 936,129 10
, .
feeS, and A like ohenge eheuld be 'made ht
the mode of eernenterating all other pro•
Vinolal officers now pedd ' by fees to whom
the riar:ke eezdd he satiate:400y pplied.
Tdr. HardY Iteked that the resolution
:04nd until Wednesday of next week.
Mr, Gleedirring moved for a retern a
()owes of all pepere and correspondence,
elabfieqnent to tlaat already brought down,
pleois; 47,. MIIRDLB.
Desperate Stabbing -40;m in Toronto -Jack
Doyle seriously Wounded.
A, Toronto report etvyg ; ,, Bring me 0,
stage of water, Nell, I'm killed," were the
words that the COtorions Jack Loyie of 145
Jarvie street lettered 848 he fell lacerated
and. bleeding in the rear a the " Toboggan
Slide '' between 4 end 5 o'olooh , eeeteodea
afternoon. ' The women addressed wee
11' Al 1 . It h
NwietnieeseedutioVe seabwingo ot age'rthp:rittatmooamrebn;
a man who et one time had been her
coneort A, moment later a short, heavy
man named George Foot rushed from tbe
alleyway with a large dirk•anite covered
Witil blood in his band end diseppeered,
The police were at once notifieci and the
wounded man immedietely removed to the
hoepital, Where it was found that two deep
elan in the tett arm, a long apt in the
forehead and another in. the right breast
bad been made. Pot* whose home is at 9
Walker lane, but who has' for the last two
weeks been livieg on Pottelnin Place with . a
WenitMdt‘bn3enDaemteeadtitinBnuierroRwils1P3anadn' Ifw.e(71. krt..
tenets. When the Omura (mune& hie
Swtrreitnegst:henMl a ly elbahvo atalld 13 1:Yde: Ial 4P, face 1: tPa'
.te yellow,
wast1 $ .
head ,
such pains in my left side. In the.
morninw when I got up I would
have a ow Of 1111-1.cus, in the mouth,
anal a bad, bitter taste. SometimeS
my breath became short, and I had
such queer, tumbling, palpitating
sensations around the heart. 1 ached
all day under the shoulder blades
in the left side and down the back'
of my limbs. It seemed to be worse
wet, co. 0
in. the 'clweather f. Winter
and Spring; and whenever the spells
came on my feet and hands would
turn cold., and I could get no sleep
At all. e I tile everywhere, and got
no relief before using August Flower
Then the change came. It has done
deal of good during
me a wonderfulm
the timei
I have taken it and s work-
ing a complete Cure.". P. 0
G. G. GREEN, Sole Natefr,Woodbury, N.J.
hYewge ha:°: Gaguti
bal. Qei2.:':weoPeuir.etai:uL gibtotniDei r:s!ni,""11-110: 0,' e
reverend eatlemen mentioned for alleged
0: abt:h.e: et
tionit l'
attributed tra the bieheP of GalwaY an to
(36,rnh°en C?lieflthe°,11peYrei.ontitehael PruebsplignPs7.stO the
continuerd &bum Of their order has been ha
suppress the circulation of the Parnell:Ito
prees. The leading Parnellite paper hag
Novvoaris5h,00w0 iellleriloettalvseubsBoorim'beers.onArTelaubero.sdhseyp.
a deliverance of the Pope invoking
the people to sustain the Church during
her preeent trial. Comrannioetiene wired.
to the 'Vatican urged that the Papal:
meheage be read in the churches on SundaY
prior to the Sligo election, but Archbishop,
din4go informationthat
.dwiitito neededputihsaettotl;
solid mean* Pernell hag postponed an -
' 'a the - • ' -
Pollnow. e message until , his return.
.thThe •8613"ling of Sligo will give a total to
Nationale in Parliament, counting
Joehn Dillon and Wm. O'Brien, of ea'
embere, against the Parnellites' 30. The
funds of the National Federation are daily
increeeing, while tiao Parnellite funds are
A. Cork cable says: While the Judge was
1.4 . years; that eahool
e and that necessary
?romided recall children
$2,457,679 34
Outario'a , share secorditig to
population ea leel , 1,440 070 21,
- " •
between the Government or any member
r '
Or officer thereof, and any other person or
. .• , . • - • • •
venom, la to widenzng, deepen-
the Toronto Trades gala
Iron reeidents of To.
le \MO iatroduaed ana
'mend the law re8ileat-
1. mile/tore in amain
• $5,046,970 01
In additionto this total of 05,045,976 21,
;2n1d0,tolloe0,diihoserot invebiltrokeobtOiamoontiag' to
e are SO a antics on our-
t • , a t $44 791 98
re° aeeenu'e amen° Ing o ' '
The total tisane of the Province thusbearing
eminent to )$5,818,216.21. .
lug or cleaniug out the channel Pi the
Severn River at the outlet of I.tke Conch.
tobieg, or with referetMe to 01'31144 out
the inn by the Public, Werke Depart-,
mod in the °benne!. The ferment along
the ahores of tit se I kce bed found attain
the lett two orkitre: Years that the watel
hes been eo high that tiaey mald not till
' h -Te amend the Mehl'
incorporete the Roman
the moms.) a Alex.
the the
So much for the Peovinoe's present
aged& The Provinee's liabiliti e ti
• • e ow pay.
are ite fellowe :..
B 1 d t ' l't' 451 8
o la eabnece?: shuaere oormemmothil igr 0.-m$ .. . 7 7
131011 SC11001 Puma in 1890 5,618 45
land formerly need for fertutog purposes
• -4 • ' • - . '
The wider wasaaramed up inland of beteg
allowed free exitt tie did not thitak the
people in the neighborhoOd were heturig
anything unreasoneble. They only &tailed
that the out he cleaned out, again and a
erected, that depth
on table esti.
ere referred to Cornnait.
rried at 3.25 p, in.
, $8,ttO tt
After the deduction of thia faitti from the
total assete, 8 surldus 'of anent retileins
amounting to 05,809,995.89:
iiinice•way the of water
might be regulated. They did not wish to
interfere with any vessel rights or With
navigetion. Amording to the last report
of the engineeknearly 12,000 aorta ot lend
intes for 1891.
the adenoid yeer end•
1891, which have been.
sembly end the publio.
atiOn, present the fel-
- e ,
esti metea eapenalture .
For Current On
. The Estimated 'Receipts for 1891 are pet
forth in the following schedule: .
suotady.,.. 51408,272 80
Interest on capital held
and debts .due by the
Dominion to Ontario... $300,000 00
on investmente. 55,000 oo
0001 be realeu nea by a clearing out ot• the
' Mr. 'Frew . had no •obleotion ao the
motion, but would euggeet that the last
line be ehangedio make it oonsietent with
th e fade of the ease. There was no out.
There had been what was underetooci to be
in tine tape he threw up both bis
hands and cried in the voice of a maniao,
i4 I know what von want, Barrows.; I'm a
goner, but Virgo with you; don't shoot."
naumnsaahaamaah 4113122.1110111111,6611124
nun:mains up in the Court Hones
here in the Oftee of the Government against
'Michael O'Brien Dalton end others, olaarged
Expendi- Capital
tare. Aeootint.
. 5 220,565 00 5
• 12.2,709 00
399,610 70
Crown Lands Depart -With
Crown lands 85,000 00Strathroy
Clergy lands 5,000' oo
Ceminou school lands 10,000 00
Viroods and f orests 1,000,000 00
a eleariag out of the obstruotione brought
down the stratum by the floods in the
eprIng and fall; abet is, is far as, he
understood, tbe nature of the work that
had been done by. the Pablio Works
He did not want the. term
Foot waslaken to NO. 1 Polioe station and
looked tip. .e.11 of the parties conneoted
with the affair are of the lowest possible
character. Doyte, who is a mulatto; bad
6" Jar,' Says NEurray is Guilty
of Wilful.' liturder.
assaulting the polioeand with rioting
at Tipperary at the time of the trial of
Win. O'Brien and John Dillon, the Court
House was suddenly set on fire, and a
followed. All.
more than a soore of times been before the
Magietrateeend has the reputation of being
one of the toughest men the* the nolioe h
- e °°
40 contend with. Foot :was sentenced to
eix 'menthe' imprisonnient by the Police
'Magistrate. on Sept. 5th, 1889, for having
'stabbed j Montgomery,h• i h e
sines is at eron•
law, at 18 Dachau street. Minnie Hill.
man, Footsie lover, who it is alleged was
the immediate clause of the row, was living
with aliokie Mandeville until two weeks
ago, when he was sent to jail. It is also
alleged that earlier in the afternocin this
woman had a row with Roger Meanya
cousin . of Naooy • Allen's paramour', ands
Many, who letemving five yeare at King.
MOD, The result of the fight that
-- was
Meany was stabbed in the forehead, but
the police were unable to locate either of
the patios. The hoepital authoritiee oon•
eider Doyle's condition serious.
A. Strathroy aespatch says ; The inquest
wonhothdeiebaoduyoomf Wm A. Rowe, of Metcalfe,
the 'effects of a muffle on
. Saturday' last, was held in the Town Hall
here •, when Messrs. E. Meredith
Find B. P. Tooth „appeared for the defence
and Mr. 3. B. tdoKillop for the Crown.
- '
After court had been opened and the
- tiro bad answered to their names the fol.
i o •
owing evideno,e wag .taken:
a hrelated
Jamee Grosvenor sal e was o
the Bowes. Hetherington's waggon was
napped on the town line opposite the ninth
oonoessionPeaseCaradoo, in the centre of the
road. Deodand Hetherington sat on
the waggon talking 'about building a
granary when ' Murray drove tip in his
buggy. Hetherington moved north so as to
almost alearthe path concession. Deceased
scene of alarm and confusion
the ocoupents of the building mopped safely
. into the street. The polioe are investigating
the effair. The fire wise discovered by a
barriater, who notioed the reflection of the
flames on the glase dome of the roof. . The
court was packed at the tithe, and•onlY.the
000lneee of the jadge and the police pre.
vented a•panio. Despite all efforts • ter
extinguish the fire the flames spread
rapidly end ' the building was . soca
all ablaz& The court house, in.'
.oluding the municipal chamber and the
-t a . t fa till
ot y an oonn y o oes, was o a y
deetroyed. ' A heavy wind which was.
blowing at the time Wiled the afforte of
the firemen, and aided in the rapid•progrese
of theflarateli. The intenee het melted the
lead on the roof, and the molten metal.
poured 40 the ground in streams, further
hindering the work of the firemen. During
theheigkit of the are the roof of the, Come
838,624 00
• math oo
145,085 00
- •
.. 130,857 51
61,146 00
Public Inatitutions 0000
Edueation Department 86,000 00
casual revenue ., 50,000 00,
Licenses ... 310,000 00
Law stamps 90,000 00
. Algoma taxes 4,000 00
Drainage assessment mom oo
Insurance eonapanies' assessments3.030 00
Removal of patients 6 000 00
do in ^the resolution.
Subsequently. t� the work being done to
h• h d •
w la he had referred, large chums bad.
been brought against the Government by
rahl owner& claiming that damage had
been done by obstruettons in the h 1'
0 anne .
He asked hie hon. friend to clamp the last
line his
81.930 00
4 1480,011 00
. 14,500 00
32,990 00
96,700 00
121,359 00
•52;962 03 .
50,000 00
Total 53,208,821SO
As against this animated total ' of
0,298,822 80 for 1891 the aatual reaeipts
for 1890 shoat an expose of $124,332.19 over
Mr. Haroorias estimatefor the coming
Mr. Elarconet's statement of expenditure
for 1890 showed a total of 93,895.384 38.
In this sutn, in addition to the total of 42,-
367,685,66 of regular expenditure to be
of motion by leaving out the ivorde
ft met made by the pawn, works Depart.
mint in the."
per. Glendining replied that after what
the hon. commissioner bad said he was
quite willing to make the change euggeated,
Mr. Waters moved the second reading of
a bill to amend the Assesement Aot. The
objeot of the hilt was to do away with the
two days' statute labor °barged against
e oung men in the township. &aloe four
. 52,850,462 91 $615,601 00
covered by the snpplY bill, there is Included.
the followiem total of statutory expendi•
also provides that : " The Council of any
5 24,963 37
tr 1891.... , .. $2,850,462 94
24,963 87
Drainage debentnres $ 75,654 es
Drainage debentures (tie) 12,10,0 ,0,0
Railway aid certiffce.tes ..
Annuity certificates 2 51812480'0 0' 5
New Parliament buildings 142,102 43
township which may pees a by-law for the
entire • abolition of the performance of
etatate labor for tlae whole or any part of
such township, as provided for in section
92, may nett by by•leve direot that a eum
not exceeding $1 day be
Beady to do iSattle.for Their Homes *
An Edinburgh cable says: The 100
rebellions Lewis Ieland .orofters who have
entrenched themselves in the Oriesay Park
Forest, from which they were evicted by
the owner of the lend in order to enable
him to convert the forest into a hunting
reserve, were to -day engaged in rebuilding
their•de,mciliehed homes and strengthening
their. entrenchments. Several of the Party
' b ' t h ' d ih li
nave been on tutting, an a ore ere are
got of the waggon when it started and
went to the east aide a the road near the
ditola. Deceased did not oall on Murray
to get out of the buggy, but said
that he would very soon fix him if he did.
get aut. Demoted aelled Mrs. Murray a
tier, and said. that she was not a decent
woman. Murray got out of the buggy and
both abused each other. • They adveneed
towards each other talking. Murray ad-
earmed four or five feet while Rowe ad-
yenned a oonple of rods. Deceased stria&
at Murray once with. a olab, but did not
• • - • la 4 th t
hit him. Wttnees •woti no swear a
House•tradclenly fell in with n °rash and
the walla collapsed, to the 'imminent peril
of .a large noxaber of bystanders. Some of
the Mohives were saved, but many dean -
manta, some of them dating back for
centuries, were destroyed When the• flag -
staff which surmounted the building Was
burned away and the Union Jack fell into
the flames the onlookers sent up a great
oheer. The fire, it is thought, was caused
by a defective flue, which ignited the
woodwork of the root. The trial, whale
WAS so rudely disturbed, will be resumed at
alater ate. •
s 53'491'027 31
temente' afford a great
oformatioa. Of °puree
'et) ar'el;rreled'aeatnideefiexeodf
ea estimates. The in,
3. inciuding mileage, is
it $56,000 last year.
timber in ..the kali As• •
have been other re.
Eaucation,"'it DJ liatek:
3,000 has been get aside
ohools and $1,000 for
r the Oatario School of
the.follo wing eatirasted
ifessor of Psychology,
$2,600 last year; lea.
sore, $1,150, as against
t year.: and $500 for
entals, a like Amount as
itea. In the estimatea
• ......- •
meti°11 Seieme, °Ibti la
elf...year's salary of a
Letallargy and asseying.
ditnre. , ,
treat $500 is ellotten CO
v men's Association for
eee te
lk tn°9°°tt°°' $•"‘-' -
3 Breeders' Assooietion.A
melting expenses and
re lecturers than pro.
Iustitutes. Them are
e for the'Oateric Agri-
d Experimental Farm,
t year's figures! for the
It in the Department
lie Buildings " the fon
)pears ;
Re -vote New
, esni. vote.
,Toronto$ 200 s, 9,970
21,200 96,467
t London2,800 41,050
Illananton 6,900 55,513
Eingston ..... 18,590
,.Oriiiia,37,501 4900
'Y., •F°00-
450 7,260
Lales, To- . ,4,665
to 800 4,115
ate, Belle-
Eord 3;600 12,826.
an4 Ex- .
•uelph .., 2°P5
reroute.. 5 asp
a 27,500
tenet}, To-
20,000 20e,„o
Toronto1,500 8'"u
603 i.FOO
300 '-'4°°
esc. 1,750
150 500
76 9'3°
Th.eate expenditures the Peevinaial
Treasarer explained hi his speech. •
The following bills were introanoed and
read a first time:
To amend the Aot ittoorporeting the Col.
lege of Ottawa -Mot .Bronson.. _ .. e
ii. naming the federation of u nivereity
e a°- -
Toronto and 'adversity College with
of • • •
eo eges-: h. . Bose.
° ir. ti_Tttaffsltles 'an a ii m B
Wh te moved for copies of alloroers.
interoanoill with reference' to the with-
dr wal f om sale of mining lands since the
lete f Jiir y, 189and Of all rettirrts or
o nuar.
recommendattons upon which each orders-
in-eoanail were•psesed . Also a statement
in detail &bowing the pelmets by whom
1- ti 1- rants of minim laade
raP lebe gee ao%-g„. a t'le first f Jefnuar
18;93, beenme le I e et e Yl
with the ate or trao e in reapeot or
w to SAO app le% IOUS were ma. e, aa
ht le h r. t- 4 d
the a.tspo gal ma de of snob e ,p Nettie, •
. 1
- .d . h •
In ertpport of the resolution .he sat t ere
d b bt th t the P •
oont e no don a e Mint:leo P00^
reused. great wealth in its mining land. The
u th' If t la' h bad b
report upon is en tea w toeau
brought down shows that there had been a
• .•
greet stagnation in this industry. if h t
woe the ease the reasons ehould be sought
far widen effort made to remedy them. The
G •nna nt sh uld maks greeter effarte to
etvfen111 information upon the enb'eot, and
foe antertsan in whet we the intinajtr coda
bee encouraged. ' The report showed that
0 ostio sold to the united states from
1881 to 1887 no leas than al8,500,000 worth
of nrodtme of the mines, while the rest of
the world aroh Bed four end three.
8 WO . .p er s t 1. .
quarter millions, he tate o 1 tohigen
was not •nearly so favorably situeted • at
r, . • ,... - d •
%enteric" in tete reaped, an yet it pro.
timed twelve times as =oh ae this Pro-
vino& Thera must be some reason for this
' ' t h •
isorepanoy. The mineral intereata of a
Province shonld be encouraged The
report ithowed that not , one-tenth of the
• h had b 1 d Wish
mtneral wealth een exp ore . I
the advantages ot rail and Water 00133mini-
cation which Ontario possessed there
seemed to be no reason why there should
. . a . grantee develop,ment of this irn.
portant incluetry. The report showed that
than one-half the capital invested in
Inclre • •
mining was Amerman oapttal, and the
balance was chiefly invested by eanadiana ;
so that the Americans wain nononly our
, . , .
best onstorners, but had done a great deal
, , ,. . . •
. towards the aevelopment • of our E13112613.
Dluoltof the material in the report me to
trade relations would more properly comearent
before the Ho of Commons than this
bolore - -us` • r
body. He moved the adoption of the rem.
lotion. '
Mr. Hard in reply, stated that the
' y' . • - t - •
order.m.Counoil withdrawing car ain are
ritory frt..= eine, and the rectorate° ndation
from which the order was • made, could of
mune be brought down at an early. day.
a shall paid as
commutation of such statute 'labor, in the
whole or any portion ofsuch township, as
the case may be in whioh oase the cora-
mutation tax 81;2111 be.added in a• Impetrate
oolamn in the oolleotorel roil, and shall be
collected' and aomunted for like other
teeeem Statistios Were maned th show
toe mythicist nature Of the revenue acorn-
- 1 • the 11 i ' •t' t d
ing rom e po ax in ot tee, ovine an
villages. In oci instance was the tax paid
willingly. Was it wise to continueoa tax
of Wet kind, that was scoevidently obnox•
ions to the people? The levyieg of the
statute labor tax was very objeotionable,
because the . young Men did nos work will.
ingiy. The neamatealitiee had alroadY
had sufficient a by the permiesive
dense twit these as would be removed.
He hoped the Legislature watild see its
Ivey clear to remove these Mantling' grieif;
ee 0ee •
Mr. Mereditb took exception to the
preetioe of the House giving such bills a
eeoend reading and referring them to the
at -e. i 0 • ate /1 th - 0- 1 f
4°1 19° man e• ° Pri° '9 ° °
the Bill were approved by the House no
daemon., could be Minato& reference. This
Bill had' been before the Home three or
fonr years ago • and on that occasion was
' '
not generally approved of. The muniot.
palities had the matter in their own hand&the
.end he did not ma why the Haase should
take the power from them. ,
. . .
Hardy thought this was one of those
partionlar Bills which could ba best die
cussed lecooemittee. There was an (mint
100 in BOMB Onnoters that when any tax
was rentoved• a great achievement wee
accomplished: Whether or not the Bill
could be considered from that standpoint.
,_ t d t
" e wag no prepare o say. Bedid not
see that any grievance existed,
The Bill was reed a mond time and re-
ferred to the Maniabody.
Pal Committee., , ' ,
T f 11 bilis '
136 ° °wing were Intranet:ea elm
read a liret time '
Respeoting the debenture debt of the town
or Gthartoque-Mr. rreeton.
Aot to enable the oit of Hamilton to
issue debentures, and for other purpoaes-1
Mr. Gibson.
T ' • 3/4 itt F W'll' W t
To inaorpara e t e . ort I tam, Weter
Company -Mr. Cortmee.
To inoor orate the Don ct Scarborough
11, 1 OP -M. G•1 '
"°. waY eraPanY r• i mrddr•
ep,.., -,
°omega the name. of West Toronto
_ 4-".. _ . o , et.
tl Emotion and for o-ner purposes -- Dir.
Gilm ur '
To ° • I'd t th debt 1 theI f
To cone() i a e , eo own o .
Eesex-Mr. Balfour.
To armed the Public' Health Aot--Mr.
h • • • • v •
To °rummage t p breedin.g end =pro e
ment of trotting and peeing, horses,' and
tee ,.„_ __en -0 .
t ff (II t Cs
t n o rau a en • en rie
"'Abu" afFad . .4 , . • 0,thee _
prao toes in cone ea or spe a .
an" ' 'althoughe
' '
upon on abundenae of game, fat
deertfornetniebidiparpitrt of the bill
of faye.• : Orissey Park Forest is a fine,
densely:Wooded treat clattering About 96
square miles. Previous to' the eviction of
the crofters tbe land was covered with
numerous wellamitivaten farm& At large
foroe of police is already en route to the
forest with inetruotions to drive tlie
crofters out of their entrenched clamp att
any and all °Ode. If the crofters resist, as
they hates announced they will, there, is a
possibility of bloody work within a day or
so. The sympathy of the people in general
is with the crofter&
Rowe did not hit at Murray more then
once. Dees/teed aeked witnese to help 'him
and use the axe he had in his •hand. Mr.
Murray got out of the buggy then and
stopped him from helping deoetteed. He
went up with the intention of helping Rowe:
and taught hold of Bliarray'e legs, the axe
being on the. ground. After the olinoh
deceaged got his club again and Murray
got another. Wands continued: • While
Murray was tater the dub deceased and
myself started away, but •returned again as
far as the buggy. Both reoewed the fight
with their dabs. I stood close by with the
axe in my hand, but did not advapoe eo as
I did intend to
• •
Forgery and Suicide.
An Amsterdam, N. Y., deepatoh says:
Williani Etherton, a farm laborer, 21 years
old, elonareitted suicide this afternoon at
13ranker's Hotel, at Nellistont Etherton
had a cheque cashed for $100. at the bank
here this. morning. Ibis cheque was signed,
by Sanfcrd Johnson, of Starkville, who had
an account at the bank. When Johnson
reached town he was toldtabout the oheque
and pronounced it a forgery. • Etherton
was tracked to Nettleton by the bank
officials, and *hen found at the hotel he
was asked . to go up into his room. He
a Farmer's Wife Attacked and Murdered
in Der Busband4s a bsenee.
to hit Murray. not
etrike with the Axe, although asked
twice to do so. Murray threatened to
strike me with the dub. I was very ranch
frightened and exoited.• Deceased
walked at the head of the offizials, and on.
entering the room shot himielf, dying in re
short time. About '$30 and three gold
watches were found' on his person.
A. Bedford, Ind., deepatoh says: A. hor-
rible murder took place some time Wed-
nesday, twelve miles southeast of.hlitchell,
on a farm i' theextreme southern part of
the countyno In tbe morning Solomon
Neidifes ' left his house to &head a.publia
gale. •He little dreamed of the frightful
tragedy that would be enacted in his home
•h returned,li arrived Isle lastnight
ere e e
andlouna that bis wife had been murdered
a Pistol at Morrol day before hie
death, but it was not loaded. The two
always, quarrelled when they met.•
Dr. A. S. Thompson, Wm. Hetherington
find others were ease swern Mo M0Eiliond
then said that closed the case fo'r the pre-
sent, when the coroner addressed the jarY,
explaining the evidence. as he viewed it and
the nature of murder aft the law looked
%ton it.
The hall was then eleered and the jary
Tight Squeeze.
Chicago News: Bride elect -Let's see,
dear, the wedding takes place at 9 and the
train leaves at 12, ana I've got to. change
f e to • travel
my satin wedding dress or on
in. How oan I do it ?
Bridegroona.eleot-Well,, that. will. give
you three home, darling. •
Bride.eleetTrue. But just think. I've
got to be kissed by all of my old admirer&
during his absenoe Her dead body was
found in one of the back rooms of the home
with tvio Jeep. ballot holes through her
In her right hand she held in a.
death graitta stove•hook with whale ehe
Go neidered their verdiat, which was nnani•
d ' b fift n minutes.
monely reaohe . in a Oat ee
e 21st da of
D was to the effect that on th e•
Mardi, 1891, on the town line of Metcalfe
Whenever a rant concludes that he has
• • •• • * • •
got enough religion it is a sure sign that he
hasn't got any.
'had attempted to defend her honor. Tbe 1
left hand is badly burned with powder, as 1
de radoo Robert Murray did feloni-
alf.) a , „ 1, , , . ,, , .. .
ni an o is malice more.
onelY, wilt 134 0 E n
D. D. N L 33.91
if she was warding off the revolver. Neidifes
and hie wife have been married some five
' ' • i together.
years and have lived very happ ly
She was very handsome wortaan, about 25
16 -
years old.
, thought murder William 0. Rowe. at tooli
Th ' t t 1 sted -in the investiga.
P135 in ems mem e .
thin was of the most intense nature, and
d 1 d d th h t
the hal wet( ense y orow e roug on
th d Th ' da s dosed about 5
a ay. e prooee ing
. e.
eareeree., El S wt..
a Ruestaamies in London From the Effects
of maltreatment.
A. White Slave in New York.
A New York detipatch says: An agent.
of the Children's Society. brougnt a South
A London table nye : An inqueet was
held in the London hospital on Wednesday
. r ' J d
on the body of a Russian Jew name
Praden. From the evidenoe it Was le "lea
that he arrived in Liverpool last week on
, , „ H 1 - d
an American oettle ship. e comp aine,
• a a board
that he ha been or etly treated on ,
the vessel. Ile mid be bad been compelled
or seven een aye o a eep on e eo an
f t d' t I the d
1' bread a h was
we onan. water,g
ill. Hie oompanions testified that many
- d • t
such °twee °calcined, aa estittite men wan .
ing to go back to their native lend were
g and to
oempelled to work abnormal hours
tat mis r ble f od and were paid one dol-
o a o e . ,
. .
A.merioan named' Marie Devenune, 14
, • •
X ' D' t th
years old, before whoa ITVer, a . e
Harlena Pollee Court yesterday morning.
She had been bought from her p s in
000 b 0 1 G 1 Quinlan
Peru for y man .. tenere . ,. ,
of Peru who'plaoed her in service with hie
. t . . • . • , ..
family in this °sty nineteen monsias ago.
. .
h h • ter reter told the
Marie, t rong an in p , .,
00tart that she had been shamefully beaten
. .
1 • Mondaynight,d
by Mr. Qum an .00 an
1 ft th h Se Mr. Quinlan who Wag in
e e• on . . , .
mart said he was willing to send the girl
, .
Th • 'grate
back to her.hotnem ern. , e magi i
placed the girl in the care of the Children 0,
, f f th " 1' t"
Somety or lir er invite zga acm.•
Cures Aso'
IV su ra
L um bapo
he 9
S C 1 at I c a
Spfraii II S p
r tIA '6 s e s
B IrraS 51
mg ae ge el en a,
'''' 7 r - -**".
SIN° ifirtgel
. aaall
, ,
1 1
p, 1
. , ..„,1
I il
$97,700 $419,541
bovo '97,700
1 account (new)383,211
a 31 330
• ' showing.
The statement, however, in detail,
'the persona by whom epplioations for
f ' ' landshad bTo
grants o miningeon made
"toe January lat, 1889, was a very serials
0 amen e alumna •- r•
T d th Di I Aot M'
"'Jitney. ,
incorporate the Braoebridge and
. . , . . . „ ,
Trading Lelia Colomzetton Railway Com.
for 1891 5517,241
49'92') --4744'"4
'Roads," the estimated
using" aro found these
i the family of the late
Inspeotat of Primus
mance to John Bred:
n the CrowoLands Die:
' 0 ' gra '
years, 01,00 , . itoty
° the Itte Alexender
_ .
air:deter ' of Educetioe,
iu ailowanoo to Mild
, Normal 801104 in this
i ..
, and Enprovided Et.
3 set apart the sum of
'mince ere set down as
,448,02 is the amount
3menta,5200,90 ot this
aid in Dominion 6 per
larket vane Of which %t
a the etatement which
1 in his hand while he
Went inveritrieerite :train
448.02 of diroot invest-
te rium of $5,045;976,01,
proposition, and one which involved the
bringingd f . hundred,' cl per-
own o many an
haps meny thotisand of nttinee of pereons
who had simply applied in any part of the
country for the purchage.of mining lands.
The hondrable gentleman .had also asked
for a list of the lotted trade in respect of
Which 'stunt applicatIons were made and
the napped made of snob applimtionet In
m 8 here ' e hot eta ene bat
goy oate t wer rely , ,.
half a dozen, or even tt 'dozeh epplioatione
for the same parcel of IAA& Whitt °bled
hie honoes,lote friend hed in view, or whet
knowledge ho was desirolis of obtaining, he
was 8little at it loss to understand, einem
there Wee a very Spepifici object, to be
attained he would advise the honor-
able member to limit big =Aid%
somewheA. .The applications so rec
were placed on die,andthe Ale was it MO
large and ainlity Mai& Ili would take. a
ntMaher of ' men tieing the beaks of the
°Mee in every day nee te fti10.1 the requests
of his hen. friend. Xow this WWI a Vera'
serkitte t Mk. Ho dla not know why hi
hon, friend desired such a lot Of infOrm, ae•
Coe. lle thought hie bon. friend
better lei the (ration stand till it could be
, , .
pladed in inlet • er wine.
Mr. Whit mosented to the bon. oore.
Ormv-Mr. Mara&
To amend the Public Parks Act -Mr.
. ,
AwreY! , , .
, To arnend the Mammal A.ot-Mr,
Awrey. .
'BeSpeoting the town of Breoebridge-
Mo. •
Marter, '
lieSpecttini the use •of velooipedee 011 the
Public highway -Mr. Davie.
To ene,ble the irtoorporated trtnode of the
. .,
' ' t t 'ad t d
douse of .Cotott o o cameo 1 a a an
' ' n a -Mr Hard •
nienede feud in d • a. .44aa
Respecting loy-lew No. 128 of the town
,of Gravenhurst-Mr. Matter. ,
, Mr, Meredith, in moving the first read.
Jog of e bill entitled an Aot respeoting the
Sittings of 06=0, explained thet ite objeot
was 40'deolere that ()mute shall not betheld
On -ew Year's day, Geed rriday, Christ.
Mae day, the day for miebreting tier
Mtesty'e birthaity,or upon days appointed
by the Goveknor.Genered for public heti.
&toot tor general thanksgiving.
,Mr. Hardy -Or any other day. (Laugh.
" P') '
alte Meredith add that the bill farther
proposed to onset that jatore shall no% be
required to ettehd Mart, thalese While a
oaae was proeeeditig, after 6 or 7 o'olooli in
the evemog. The practice of keeping jarore
lar di lending. A. verdict was rendered in
. . d
accordance with the evidence, the coroner
Temarkine Mat if the testimony 'was true
,-' - ' d th
a horrible state of affairs mute on me
, ,
, steamers and ought to be stopped.
The Belleville Murderer.
I '11 d t le f Thurrada se a :
A Bel evi e claps 0 0 . Y Yll
;arms Kane was men to -day xn his oe ,
He was as unconcerned rat ever, and showed
. . .
no signs of weakening. He. ettyta he will.
s 0 6' ehess9
F . t l3nt
ros - a ef..3 9
S t rl ffrg ess,
• i Aches.
A Railroad rdanager.
13 laid guilty in spite of any influence. 4, I
, • ,
Obio and adissitistopi Railway, Office of
the President and Gong Manager, einem•
nati, Ohio IT 8 A Nov. Id 1886! Gentle-
' ' ' ' :' . . ' I. h .
Wore nothing to say iti excuse of my aotion
Other than the ill•trestment that I have
been aubjeoted toe' answered the man enl•
lady, • en , oommi e e
' When I 'tt d the dord I
The Chas. A, Wulff ilo,,
d d' ' D
ana, ism °Put :
. il i
• -
.1 •
naen : Reioently while In the sot of A ig bug
kneve the oonsequences, and I am prepared
Toronto, Ont.
.f.rhuniam.11 04".
from my car I stepped upon a stone, whieh,
to suffer them." The victim was buried in
turtling Kidder* tinder My foot, threwme
to the gonad with a severely sprained
tinkle. fiefferieg exceedingly, 1 was helped
into the tar, and. my Man Mmste t0
the cemetery at 2.30 this, afternoon. It is
sated that Rate is a relative of the Kane,
who beat hie wife to death in Toronto.
All ' . - ' q
, , e„,e,„„ettoteethateteeettee
.Sewate of imitations,
geteronely with senica arld kindred remo.
die& but to no avail. Bombing a atatien
uld be seaed, two
where St. Jacobite Oil com
, Mr, W. 5, Caines, who has made a tan-
sationin missionary circles by eharging.
apathy concerning the evils of into:Miter,.
0 ite t,
bottlee Of it were bought and the ep011eetion
et:Ignited at oboe in a relief from pain, which
hid begone. e Well in& nobeereble., I was
ance, a about to make another tour of
India. His errand this tinie i* 43 open
.at 'a
Ott and abont my work in three day& W
W. Pilteops, Pres'i rod Oen'! Manager.
temperance guilds in °tenni:lotion With the
schools and colleges', in all the provifioes.
Ho will els° introduce English te,aaleacelte
'H' Piton Remedy tor Catarrh le the
Pare. Iteernson theltioltia nee Vitae Fair,
whe has more Millioxis then,. elle den oonnt,
. ' • '
and lo,oks something him holy Randolph
' . d i ' .
Churchill, has a goo figure, wh oh be,
more often than.. nett' olothee in A gray
on temperance.
A lump of Mal was 'pent froni theRoslYti
' S ' it F exposition.It
mine to the poke e tale
r 11a feet Ion 4. feet wide find
please ed , g!.. i , , „.
2a fen thick, The. Weight WAE1 (Our. on
Bost, VosieSt totZfaenndOheane4
,. ,.
,. Sold 11.y ereggistsOt flOtt bk inatt tOd
‘ . _ . , . 0,..
,, .
WLIV WtnU 1-1,41 110
3055) Wlllj 50Wfl 5W U30