The Exeter Advocate, 1891-4-9, Page 5t rl y L'or Over Fifty Ycarki, ]luta. IS'.1K.33LOW,S' SOo'i'liISO STSUi' has been sired lby millions ofmothers for their child- ren wlrilo,teothiag, 1fdisturbed at night and liiolon of your rest by a sink child sat', forini:1143d eryinggwith pain of Cutting Teeth sand at once and got a bottle of "Mrs Wiit slow's> Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth; ing. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately, Depend upon it, mothers,thcre is leo mistake ti bout it. It euros Diarncaot , regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind tlulie,softens the Clams, reduces In flammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs, Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup" for children teething, is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of tho oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United Stapes. Price twenty- five coots a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be surelanci ask for "ants. WINSLow'S SOOTHING SYRUP," Trains Nos. 88 and 81 met on the Erie road, near llinesdale, N Y., yester- day morning. Fireman Morris, Brake man Fred Moore and John Conroy were killed. Twenty ears were wreck- ed. It is said that train $8 left Hines - dale without orders. All Men, young, old, or middle-aged. who find themselves nervous, weak and exhaust- ed, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, permatiue old age, loss of vitality, loss Of memory, bacl dreams, dimness of sight,I.srlpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching; or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, drzzi• ness, specks before the eyes. twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp or spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of 3 oice, desire for solitude, excitability' of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with LEADEN cnLLD, oily looking skin, etc., aril, nil symptoms ofnervous debil- ity that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension'every function wanes in consequence. Those who though abuse committed in ignor- ance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M..V.LUBON, 60 Front-st. E., Toronto, Ont, Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes. rush of blood to the head, clull pain in the heart with beats strong rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can posi- tively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V.LUBON, 50 Front Street, East,,Toronto, Ont. Aug. 7, '90,-1v. At . Boston yesterday the Boston league Baseball team defeated the Brooklyns by 13 to 2, while the associ- ation team of the Rub beat Cincinnati 0 by 5. The league match had 6,100 spectators and the association game 7,400. R when Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When shewas a Child, she cried for Castori When sbe became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. I A despatch from Greytown, Nicer- 1 agua reports that Warnen Miller, pres l ident of the Nicaragua canal, and 1 party were wrecked on Wednesday on • Roucado reef. The members of the , party were saved. ��2 a '3 lrji r i=uh ..f.r a• Mind wandering �,4 a l I :' in ono reacting.. ,a y , 2,..1,7; parts of ram,- sent A. Lisette. �yr> it li v a� 1 Y '.1:�• : U% 4% cured. Books learned Testimonials from ail tho globe. Prospectus rosr E on application to 237 Fifth Ave. New _Prof.ork, t The Nicely brothers, convicted of murdering and robbing Flerman 'Um- berger, securing $20,000, were hanged yesterday at Somerset, Pa. They died game and protested their innocence to I the last: 0 t :n r�@tiE v c 4 ,'0 'MONO :ro#3 y£ l 0 THE BEST COUGH MEDICINE. i' SOLD BYKD'IRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE,' 'a S ti it President Harrison is arranging for a trip to the south and west during the present month, which is taken to u indicate that he has no fears of a seri- It taus issue to the dispute with Italy C A GREAT BLESSING. Sirs—I have. taken three bottles of 0 Burdock Blood Bitters and find ;it a . good medicine for constipation and appetite. I will continue taking it as st it is a great blessing and'I feel a- great change in my health since taking it: is ' Mils. J. V. GREEN, It 5 Sydenham Street, Toronto, Ont it Barnard McKee, as•ed 29, of Phila- al leiphin., swallowec' the contents of sir y' goose eggs, then filled the ,Shells With al Whiskey slid dr;>uk the liquor, after Il which he went to sleep and never yoke, p> I was very bail With diarrhoea, al- nt Bost gone, when 1 trial a bottle of Ev of ;rest's .Extract of Wild Blackberry and a, ane dose cured me. th Gen. Albert Pile, chief of the 22 loyal Order of 8cottit,11 Masonry 10 the Jnitecl States, died at Washington yes El cl'da,\ He w"15 the i.1111.i11g MaS011iC B( igi'7ltary of the'>woik1 Al' 1)r. 10-0 s Worm Syrup has remoiyed 1, ape worms from 15 to 30 feet long. ' It iso destroys all other l:incls of woi•irls The employes of the St.. Cathariries fa L: trlf street railway went on strike iec 3 eeterday because of the discharge of. Oi a rnao without apparent reason, The Cunard Steamship. Company has made a contract for the constrflction of two steamships, each of 14,000 ton- nage,,designcd to cross the ocean in five days, WE CLAIM THE EARTH. We elaiin the earth is round, and we know its true. We also claim that Hagyaxd's'Yellow Oil cures Sprains, bruises, burns, colds,` croup, sore throat rheumatism,neuralgia, aria all painful or inflammatory diseases, and we know this is trite,. Yellow Oil Is a true fain- ly remedy for lameness' or soreness in man or beast. At Lewisburg, York county, Pa., on, Tuesday night two men robbed Mieh ael Strolninger of $2,000,with which he intended to pay a debt on his farm. The scoundrels bound and gagged Mrs. Stromino•cr in such a way that she was sutlocated. Nature requires aid in correcting irregularities fit this season, and for both hien and women no other remedy equals Dr. Williams Pink. Pills , as a spring blood tonic. .They supply - all the constituents necessary to enrich the blood and build up system. the stem. Sold � by all dealers, or sent post piaci on re ceipt of price -50c per box, or five 1.ox es for $2—by addressing Dr. Williams Med Co., Brockville,:Ont. A young man 19 years of age, nam- ed David Teeter, a switchman em- ployed on the Grand Trunk ;railway' at Sarnia, while drawing a coupling., pin was dragged. Linder the cars and terribly crushed from the trunk down. He died in a few hours. Will positively cure sick headache and prevent its return. Carter's Little Liver Pills. This is not talk, but truth. One pill a dose. See advertisement. Small dose. Small price. The New York state Senate eommit- tee's report on cities: recommends a constitutional amendment providing for Moine: rule in cities and no state in- terference. SIT DOWN AND THINK. Sit down and think; 1st, that dyspep- sia is caused by wrong action of the. stomach, 2nd, that Burdock Blood Bit- ters is designed to correct and'regulate the stomach; 3rd, that it always cures dyspepsia and costs less` than a cent a dose. Can you afl'ord to be dyspeptic? It is estimated that the total area of recession of the rock which has disap peared between 1.842 and the present year, is at the' American falls, 32.900 superficial feet, and at the Horseshoe falls, 275,400 superficial feet. I used one bottle of 'Everest's` Liver Regulator and gained ten pounds in weight—It cured me. -=Thos. Sutcliffe, Aberarder P. 0. The steamer Menominee, of the God- Hsieh Transportation Company, reach- ed Grand Haven, Mich., yesterday morning, being the first boat of the season. SPEAKING OF TIPS. A tip is a piece of special or valua- ble information such as this, thatHag- yard's Yellow Oil: is a prompt and ef- fectual cure for croup, colds, hoarseness sore throat, rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains or soreness of any kind. Known as reliable over 30 years. Lake and rail rates between the tlississippi and the seaboard for the oming season have been agreed upon )y the Western lines yesterday. The ates are based on the lake ratesestab- ishen at Buffalo the other. day.• Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia, tnd too hearty eating, is relieved at rice by taking one. of Carter's Little giver Pills immediately after dinner. )on't forget this. A Brighton despatch announces, on he authority of Mr. T. P Keeler, sup- riritendent of the Murray canal, that ells will be collected at the rail - ay this season, instead of at the west ridge, as heretofore. IMPORTANT AND TRUE: No better evidence of the fact that lurdock Blood Bitters is a certain rem - ay for all blood disorders can be asked lien that of Mr. Geo. V. Thomas, drug- ist,of Hull, P. Q., whose wife was tired of cancer b,y B. B. B, The fami- ' doctor is certain that the disease ras cancer and that it is now cured. Yesterday 300 Italians rushed to the attiralization bureau in New York to ike out papers They believe war is. umhien t and.: are afraid"they will be rafted for service in Italy. We have used Everest's Cough Syr; p in our faintly nearly two years, and has giy.en us excellent satisfaction. -Rev. A. L. Russell, Exeter P. 0. George Simmons,, the scoundrel who atl Lged and robbed Miss Cummings rid afterwards cut her throat, at Can- n, Mich,, some time 'ago, has been ;liteneed to life imprisonment, The Most Agreeable, restorative ton and mild stimulant is 1llilburn's Beef on and Wine, Up to April the first this' year, 2,861 emigrants have arrived at Winnipeg, ainst 1,90Si for the same period last ar, and 280 cars of settler's effects, a- ainst 251. AGYARD S PECTORAL BALSAM Ilagyard's Pectoral Balsam' gives ompt relief in coughs, colds, lioarse- ss, whooping cough, ,croup, asthma bronchitis. it is the most pleasant ld perfect throat and lung healer in e world; for children or adults: Price Rev. Alexander- MacGillivray, of ocl.y ill, b'Is accepted the call from net Presbyterial] church, Toronto, d will remove to the city about May If •m. you are tired taking the h large c old- hioncd griping pills, try Carter's the Liver Pills and take some coni - t. A pian can't stand • everything, ie pill a dose. Try thein. There has been no outbreak in the Pennsylvania coke regions so far, but the situation is grave, and trouble is looked for momentarily. /I' `1 Li jam•- J �� � , ��� ,. "TILE BEST ARMOR AGA MUT DISEASE 13 GOOD DIGESTION." It is a hard, untantrovertible fact that more disease is directly attributable to disorders of the Stomach than to all the other organs combined t this is not hard for even the unprofessional to understand when we take into consideration the mass of food that itis made the receptacle of for a time, there to be churned, di- gestict and so assimilated. MALTOPEPSYN (an artificial gastric juice—formula on every label) will ant the weaksiomach and an cure Indigestion, Dyspep- psis etc. In fact, it is a good aid to digest a hearty dinner, and can do no I,arnl, as itis only adding an extra amountof gastric juice, does not stimulate, and so there is no reaction. Endorsed by physicians. Send 2 cts, in postage for valuable book to HAZEN MORS];, INTEaNATlONAL Branca. 0014010. ...”...."Minfastrcesanuatimwamsaattuaraorer ...arm it u ust lower" Far Dyspepsia. A. Bellanger, Propr;, Stove Foun- dry, Montagny, Quebec, writes : "I have used August Flower for Dys- pepsia. It gave me 'great relief. I recommend it to all Dyspeptics as a very good remedy." Ed, Bergeron, General Dealer, Lauzon, Levis, Quebec, writes : iI have used August Flower with the best possible p .results: for Dyspepsia.. C. A. Barrington, Engineer and General Smith, Sydney, Australia, writes: "August Flower has effected a complete cure in my case. It act- ed like a miracle." Geo. Gates, Corinth, Miss.,writes: " I consider your August Flower the best remedy in the world for Dys- pepsia. I was almost dead with that disease, but used several bottles of August Flower, and now con- sider myself a well man. I sincerely recommend this medicine to suffer- ing humanity the world over." G. G. GN R1;S ,Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New Jersey, II. S. A. IN ORDER TO,MAKE SPACE —FOR— Sll1VI1VI.E.R GOODS, We will clear out the balance of our Winter Stock AT COST FOR Cash NLY Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS S. SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS, LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND HATS. LADIES NETT, VEST AND WOOL SHAWLS. A NICE STOCK OF FUR TRIMMIN'S' GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED KID M1TS & GLOVES at 75c worth $1. We cant be undersold in Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASH. JOHN MATHESON. Exeter No}th HO=MAN'S'v Y fiHARMLESS IiADAC F. PQt rR Etat pl are an honest-msdioino f. r which only honest, straightforward stet e - manta's• a macre. Gee that yougotthe genuine iloff- men s. Insist"on having them. They. Oure BLI. Headaches. They are not a Cathzrtic. CEhTfih�.9flt�u S!9REo 0 A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. --Tt— PateglfioQlCmeS, SO!; Orujjist'g Supplios At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts Car efn1ly Prepal'I'd, 1l 8 GoitaitioR dr the bestIn the market. C. LTTTZ PROP. PEOPLE _IIA BLOW, BUT HAVE THEY THE GOODS TO BACK IT UP Having purchased the Estate of John Brawn, I have thoroughly refitted the factory, and am manufacturing 1 ,., �' an elegant line of furniture in Oak, Cherry, Maplele and Ash. Note some of the Prices, Bed Room Sets in Antique Oak polished at $18.00 and up; Sideboards in Antique Oak polished at $16.00 and up " " Maple, Cherry and Ash at $8:75 and up; i' " Maple, Cherry and Ash at $8.00' and up" Beds, new stile, in Maple or Birch at $1.90. And a handsome assortmentof HallStands, Extension Tables, Writing Desks, Centre Tables all in 'FValnut Oak, Cherry and Ash, and at very close prices. S� Remember 9 make no trashyelm furniture and A ��ll as cheap as the Cheri pest. 100,000 feet ofa I.itmbei and 300 cords ol'wood vcrit.ntecl. 3n exchange for fillrlll.iazz.c, A full Line of -Undertaking goods always on band. Remember the Stand -Factory and Wardrooms tw' doylrs north of Town Hall, Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. COME and SEE. I have on hand the Largest and Best Stack FURNITURE Ever shown in Exeter at Prioes tat caq'( float --•IN— Walnu , Oak, Cherry, Maple and Ash. And I guarantee all FIRST CLASS in every respect. UNDE .r TA : l N C A SPECIALTY, In this line my stock is also complete in CLOTH AND VARNISHED CASK- ETS and COFFINS of every size and of good quality. Don't forget that this is the best place in town to buy any of these goods. Stand one door north of MOL. . NB BANK. Main-st., Exeter. ROBT. N. ROWE. t,°.�• TCE A Fresh and New Stock of irooeris C JUST ARRIVED AT THE Family Crocery. Also Pure EXTRACTS and SPICES. A beautiful piece of glass- ware given away with 1 T of. Mayell's Baking Powder. Dashwood. Roller Flour For Sale. Call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. G. RE S. GI� � z k .ria. 9,EY. THE LEADING- Undertaker EADING ` Tnd.ertaker AND Furniture Dealer OF THE TQW:? 1 have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. UNDERTAKI1 A. SPECIALTY. An examination of our. Stock Solicited. LEY. CHRISTIE'S COMMERCIAL) LIvER!) First Glass RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Terms _ Reaooaable Telephone Connection. EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel.. Barley Oats Peas ... , Ducks per pair Geese 5 to 5i Turkeys 7 to 9 Butter 10 to 14 Eggs .... 20 to 21 Potatoes per bus 50 to 70 Hay per ton , . 5.00 to 6,00 Pork per 100 , .. - , 5.15 to 5`25 Clover Seed 4.00 to 4.85 Timothy Seed - -. - -. 1.00 to 1,25 $1.00 to 1.03 . 5 to 48 • ........ 55 to 55 70 to 75 50 to 60 PROMOTES DIGESTION. CURES DYSPEPSIA. I CURES DYSPEPSIA.' CURES DYSPEPSIA. Mr. Neil McNeil, of Leith, Ont., writes: DE.uo Snts,—For years and yearsIsuffered from dyspepsia on its worst forrns, and after trying all means in my power to no purpose I was persuaded by friends to try B.B.B., which I did, and after using 5 bottles Ives completely cured. ACTS ON THE BOWELS, Cures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION laapfd Zocovery. DEAD Saes, -1 have tried your B.B.B. with great success for constipation and pain in any head. The second dose made me ever so much better, My bowels now move freely and the pain in my head has left me, and to everybody with the same disease Recommend D. B. B. Mass 71'. Wrtaatars, 445 Moor 8t., Toronto. REGULATES THE LIVER, Cures BILIOUSNESS. Cares BILIOUSNESS. Cures BILIOUSNESS. Direct Proof. urns,—I was troubled for Ave years with Liver Complaint. I used a great deal of medicine which did me no good, and I was getting worse all the time. until I tried Burdock Blood Bitters. After taking. four bottles I am now well. Ican also recommend it for the care of Dyspepsia. M.&ur A. n. DEAoox, Etawkstone, Oht. REGULATES THE KIONEYS, Cures HEADACHE. Cures HEADACHE Cures HEADACHE. ffi glompt Cure. DEAR Sms,-I was' very bad with headache and pain rn my back my hands and feet swelled so I could do no work. My sister-in-la.w advised mo to try B. B. B. With ono bottle I felt so lunch better that I got one more, I am now well; and can workas well as ever.. ANN7m 13unGEls, '1'ilsonburg, Ont. PURIFIES THE BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD Cures BAD BLOOD Bad Blood may arise Iron wrongaction on of filo Stomach ac. Livor, RRidneys and 13oweh. 11, 13. B, by regulating aro toning organs, rr ens romovuv tho Cat100 and Makes new rich blood, rem1ving all blood diseases from a pimple to a scrofulous 7000. Farilier r:110, WINiesolo & Rolail Grocers, WINE & SPIED' Merchants, Maln.:E.. Ezetom. —THE ----- CENTRAL SHAViN PARLOR, EXETER, : Ontario. HASTIR'GS PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting. A. Ilastings. THE LIGHT RUNNING SEWING MAC INE HAS NO EQUAL. THE LADIES' j FAVORITE. THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE THAT SIVE5 Li .._._ NEW HOME:8E W1NG MACHINE GEiNRANGylj G IICFtpo-28UNIONSQUARE—•SeiLoutS,M0. ATLANTA t?P;SANFRANCISCAL ,fir. EVEREST'S' CURE! SYRUP CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Try it and be convinced et its wonderful ciiratiTo proportioa. Price 25 cents. (TRADE StARIC,) Try Liver ���r R Ter Di,eaaat it the Liver Kidneys, std., and 2'ni4rf. of the 141aod. ?rice i, St,t b lag 8 ottldtlo r Par Salo by ALL DI:UtlalSTS: eliatufSettired only by arta 3r. Ii iUtDST, canner, FoniW, Oft