The Exeter Advocate, 1891-4-9, Page 1Tr1,71•4}7,--,r7.7,0!,
NO. 201.
The Molsons Bar*.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1805.')
Paid up Capita,1 . . $2,000,000.
Rest Fund.. .... 1,000,000,
Head office Montreal.
Ganaintal, MANAGER.
Twenty Branch offices in the Dominion
ies n the Dominion, U. S and Europe
Open every litwful day from 10 a. m. to 3 p.
mo Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p. m
A general banking business transacted
Four per cent, per annum allowed for
money on Deposit Receipts.
Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager,
(5z eta. Abuorate3
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
One Dollar per annum if paid. in Advance.
81.50 if uot so paid.
21.6.-srertisinag Rate= ors 23.vatlice.-
No paper discontinued until ell arrearages
are paid. Advertisements without specific
directions will be -publishea tillforbicl and
charged accordingly. Liberal discountmade
for transeient advertisements inserted for
long _periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turnea out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Chequesquoney ord-
ers, 10. for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to
be made payable to
Sanders & Sweet
Church Directory.
TutvITT MxtfoutAL CHURCH. --Rev. S.
Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. m
and 7 p. in. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.m.
METHODIST cutrace—saraes-st , Rev. A. L.
Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services,10.30 a. m.
&u&6.3O p.m. Sabbath School, 2 p. m.
MAIN STREET—Rev. J. Wilson, Pastor. Sun
day Services,10.30 a. m. awl 6.30 p.m. Sabbath
Sob.00l 2.30 it. ra.
Passnr-TtntAx CIfflucit.—Rev. W. Martin,
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and. 6.90 p.
tn. Sabbath School, 9.45 a. m.
rrofesstonal C'ardS.
••H.KINSMAN,L.D.S, Fauson s Block
t'wo.scloors north of Carling Store,
° HAIN STREET, EXETER, extracts teeth
withont pain. Away at Ilensall on let
Friday; Aliso. Craig on 2nd ancl4th Tuesdav;
and. Zurich -on last nair,0111Ri.vpf each month.
ri H. INGRAM, DENTIST, N[ember Royal
V. College Dental Surgeons, successor to
M. L. Billings, Office over O'Noil's Bank,
Exeter., Ont. A. safe anaesthetic given for
the painless extraction of teeth. Plates se-
curecl firrulyin the mouth by Yemen's pat -
t ent Valve
Lucan every Friday
tJ . and Surgeon.. Office and. residence—
Corner Viotoria andElgin streets, Goderieh,
J J Residence—Corner A•narew and North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
CROSKERY, Member Royal College
.1, Surgeons, England; Licentiate Royal
College of Physicians, Edinburgh; Merrilfer
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Office, Mitchell's old. stand., Orediton, Ont.
Graduate New York Eye and Ear Hospital
Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office cor.
Maple and Talbot streets.
TAR. T. A. AMOS, M. D.., C. M, Member of
11 College of Physicians and Surgeons,
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of
Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen-
tiate of the /acuity of Physicians and Sur-
geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical
college, Toronto. Office—Dr. Cowen's old
.1., of Toronto') Physician. Surgeon, etc.
Having spent the -winter of ISSVS7 in New
York, and the winter of 1.887-'88 in Vienna,
Austria. OFFICE', -- °RENTON, ONT.
.11:. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Office— Over Post Office, Exeter, Ontario.
Money to Loan.
..1.1•• of Snpreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
veyanoor, COmmissioner. &c. Money to loan
Office—Fanson's Block, Exeter.
▪ itors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan
at 6 per cent.
1- -
TT BROWN,. Winchelsea. Licensed Auct-
.11.. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne
Sales promptly attended to and tern sreason
able Sales arranged at Pot office, Winchelsa
A J. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens-
13....ed Auctioneer for the counties of Hut,
on and Middlesex, Residence: 1 mile south
of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other-
wise 'promptly attended to at reasonable
WHOLT,Khiva, Ontario. Licensed ana-
. ioneer for the,Cannties of MiddlescX
and Lambton, ana the townships of Stephen
and Hay All sales promptly attended to,
• BOSSENTERRY, Honsall Ontario. Lie -
nod. Auctioneer for the Counts of
Huron awl Perth. Charges moderate and
8 atisfaction e,narantoed.
s'Or 1111 C 8i 1"Yi
MI31, cri ol'A ened
• Survemo
Oyer Post, Office, Main streetvil',1111xeteer., Ont.
✓ ITAUDY, Licensed Alicia oil Or for the
.14. Conn ty of Huron, Sales Condueted en
teksonable terniS. Farm and Patin ,Stock
Specialty. Full arraugements ettal be made
.at this office,
INeatoweasste NAILS.
—A positive and permanent cure for in gre‘v-
lug Nails. NO pain. Sent post paid or 15o.
�r silver. A aaress, Row:, SPtie,f rte.'
CO., OR1I.L1A,otur.
nor, Hersey Rhode, Honey Kraft. '1'0
it . • •
ltieS E' 6Wa1per, Bertha Baker, Emma Walper,
)1. an Paler 2nd, Richard Fisher,. Lou
1 - Susau ReStemayer, Conard eliPer, Sam
We have, and keep constantly, one of the cleanest and
best assorted stocks of Drug.97 Patent Medicines,
Dyes, Dyestuffs, Combs, rushes, etc.,
in town, which we sell at prices below any.
Our stock of drugs is fresh and we sell them at fair prices
as we are not members of any Druggist's Association. We
do not use the scheduled price of the Huron & Bruce Druggist's
Association, and can therefore offer drugs at fair and reason-
able prices. We solicit a call.
W. E. COCHIEN4LBR, Pvoprietor,
cOrsier Dreleto' Store
That at this season the bind is filled
with imputities, the accumniation of
months of close confinement in poorly
ventilated stores, workshops and tene-
ments, .A11 these impurities and every
trace of scesfula, Salt rheum, or other
diseases May be expelled by taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla, the best blood pur-
ifier ever produced, It is the onit
medicind of which "100 doses one dol.
leg" is true,
A very able address wasgivenbyMr.
James McLean'organizer of Patrons
of Industry, at Seetsmith School House,
Monday evening., to a large audience,
and at the close of his address 24 sig-
ned their names as members. This
shows that the, farmers are in earnest
about the matter.
Spring has arriyed and the farmers
are very busy sowing, in view of a
bountiful harvest—Ay as sugar mak-
ing is about oveg, the boys again
thought thev would have some more
taffy, but this tine the "boss" tnok Pity
on the poor creatures and let them iff
free --The Patrons of Industry held a
meeting, in Crediton on Friday last
with the object in view; of getting a
store in that .place. They failed in
this howea-er as the merchantelwallcles
irut esellele,see tit an -20° pee eenteerOlit
Mr. Henry Essery has finished seeding
for another year. Beat that if yo u. can.
• ' Nesse
of Mc _la ath vraY4`the guest of tier sis
ter, Mrs, Bunt].
The last wood bee of the season took
place at Mr. H. Hartman's on Saturday
Mrs. MeAtthur and daughter, of God-
erich, are at present visiting Mrs. G.
The following wiltbe found a cor-
rect list of the promotions made at the
1t --uniform promotion examination
of S. S. No. 5., Bay. To Senior Fourth,
Jennie Turnbull, Edith Taylor. To
Junior Foueth, Pol P011oek, Thomas.
Turnbull,- John Teetanee, „Guy Bailey,
Addle TaylOe. To Senior Third, Robt
Turnbull, Willie Pollock, Leonard 'Tay -
103, Mary Polloek, Gordon Turnbull,
Hannah.turts, To Senior Second, Et -
tie Vine, Eddie Turnbull, Wesley
Curt& To Junior Second, Myrtle Tast-
ier, Ernstizie Temper, Hilliard Vine,
To Part Two, Lloyd Taylor. To Part
Senior First, Harry Taylor, Amelia
Curts. Miss A. M. Por,eoble
One of those pleasing and interest-
ing events which are quite common
occurrences in well regulated families,
took place at the English church,Brins
ley yesterday (Wednesday) it being
the ayieg Of a nupital kept be ween
Mr.- RObt:"Atkingon �± i3iddu11i
Miss Jennie seconddaughter f Mr:
John Hamilton, ,of McGillivra The
ceremony was Performed by the Rev.
Mr. Shore, of Ailsa Craig, in the , pres
ence of the contracting parties meet
intimate friends. The bride was sup-
ported by Miss Maggie Hamilton, sister
of the bride, while the groom was sup-
ported. by Marshall Atkinson, of Bid-
dulph. Many useful and costly pres-
ents were received by the bride. The
happy couple took the train for De-
troit where they will spend their hon-
ey -moon. May their,,life be a long and
prosperous one is our wish.
Died at the residence of her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Blackville, Clandebove, Ann
beloved wife of Daniel Neil, Esq., Bid.
dulph, in her seventiethyear. Deceased
leaves a family of four sons and four
daughters,all married. Her two oldest
sons, John and Richard are well to do
farmers in McGillivray township, Al-
bert is Station Agent at Stratford, and
F. H. Neil, her youngest son, lives on
the -old Homestead, Maple Avenue
Farm, Biddulph. Deceased was a sin-
cere Christain and will be missed by a
large circle of friends and neighbors
her remains were laid in Nursery cern
etery, Mooresville.
Miss. Celesta Hodgins left for Detroit
last Thursday after spending the win-
ter with her parents.—Mrs. Banes is
very ill at presentAnd death is expect-
ed at any time.
The Royal Templars intend holding
im entertainment on Tuesday night
A good program is being prepared,—
A good many of oar boys haye gone
out to seek their fortunes.—The °Pat
rons of Industry were in our town on
Friday last canvassing for a store to
sell for, them, but met with very little
success.—Mr. Ben Eilber is busily en
gaged taking. the census of the town-
ship—Miss Taylor'is recovering slow-
ly over her illnesS. We would be glad -
to welcome her back to town again.
Mud! mud! mud! Will we ever
get good sidewalks thls summer? Let
our pathma,ster show himself. —
Sheardown is doing nearly all the bus-
iness at present.—Mm. Morrison, Tail-
or, in order to clear out his stock of
goods is actually seing below cost, as
any eon easily see bv examining his
reocka—Weddings not far distant this
week. Our best wishes go with them,
--Sale of Hotel property here OD
The roads are in very bad condit-
ion now —Our town was visited with a
snow storm on Friday—Wm Boyle, of
Ailsa Craig, is visitheg Needs in town.
--Miss Minnie Rowe, of London, iFf the
guest of Mrs. G. Essery.—B. P. Quarry
was in Lucan on Saturday on business.
He reports that town rather dull; per-
haps on tic:count of the bad 10016.-
13. Windsor's new house is quite en
addition to the town, -1, Neil, Biddulph
District Master, was in Si. 'Phonies last
week attending the Grand Orange
Lodge—S. McCoy has engeged Ed,
Stewart, of Calgary, for the summer to
work oil the farm. Edie a good man,
—Miss Sadie Abbott is laid up with a
severe attack of La errippC.—Mrg,
Kershaw, of Louden, paid our town a
flying visit last week—Miss Windsor,
B. Casey, of Biddulph, has gone to
Mrs. Behoe is isiting friends in
Lucknow for a couple of weeks.
The roads are in a veras bad condit-
ion just now after the late rains.
Tony Clark paid Whalen a flying
visit one day of last -week. Tony looks
well. _
Mr. Mourn, the teacher, of Whalen
PublicsScho1, spent Easter holidays in
Sugar-makink is in full blast at
present. • Some have made:fiftyridunds
Of sugar already.
Mr. James and P. Brooks, of this
place, have gone to the Weeteen States
with a carlOad of good, hoeseS, for
wadi thiSy paid good prices-.
james Whelitiare of this place, sold
out his. property and has gone to the
State of Iowa to farm. .Piratrick Wheli-
lean, his brother, -of Detroit,. is going,
farming again,
Farmers are very busy preparing
for the spring work.
Chas. Siebert, of Badin, is at present
visiting relations and friends in our
Mr, H. Birk, of Kellerman store, paid
Mitchell a visit on Sunday. He reports
business booming in that section.
Our town can Dow boast of two of
the most fashionable dress makers in
the. country. We refer to Miss Harris
111.1d Miss Rennie. They have a very
fine shop, and we would say to all, give
them a call.
The following' is the report of the
Promotion examination held in our
school during the month of March. To
Sr- 4th, Geo. Solder. To Sr. 31d, Ed.
Mille, Oscar Snell, To Jr. Bpd, J.Klein-
stiver, Wm. Schstein, Louis Miller,Mary
Bader, Nie Millet, Acleliee Miller, John
Nadig,er, Ed Restemayer, Teeva Stein -
linger, Ella Weide. 'lo Sr. 2nd, Dan.
Scheteie, Wintine en fieldeJacob Kraft,
Blaia Thorn, Eya Killermare Isaac
Bettschen, Emma Harting. To Jr. 2nd
No, 2, Wm. Baker, F. Gossman, Chas,
Illicit, Ed, Walker. To Jei 2nd, M. El -
luta, T Schoeden, 'T. I3ender, Fred Get-
Witzel, 0..ossroan, Jacob Brenner, L.
Betider, W Milki Tillie Ruley, M.
Faust: To Jr. laser 2nd, Heiweralidt,
Ida Weber, Ea. Bearer, , Clara
Sarah B4/1.
He ucut
Miss N. Fulton, teachers
The peace of our quiet little burg
was disterbed on 'Wednesday, of last
Week,'cansed b,y Vi1hiim ltt appears
that eoati;`of the hoys of the yillage vis-
ited the Inish of the said William, and
enjoyedethemselves for a short time, im
menselysand partook of sOnin tafty, no
one ever -daring to molest or make
them afraid. He learning that. parties
were in ifis sugar redieery at ()pee
wendeeddS way to the village in
eeakch of the girilty, having received;a
elite as tOvho they werebHe went to
John anCeeith unto birn, tell, me I pray
you whethey are that have trespassed
on my preperty, and John answered
and said- „ Unto him, George, Henry,
Thomee -end I, thee are they that have
trangrea0d the law, and William (1.11-
SWered alid said unto him, you shall
stiffer the penalty of the law, and' fear
fell upon them. And be is to his fath
er' and returned not again, And
to the rest he said likewise ye also shall
suffer the ,penalty of the law, and when
he had finished speaking Dougle an-
swered and said -unto him, when thou
briageth4atek what thou didet borrow
froinniyiathers hoesehold then my
brethern wijI give thee the desire of
thine liaartr. And William was sorrow
ful becaaise they had spoken those
things -ceiVi3erning him BUt when he
diseoVered the hands Of George' begin-
nings to move eapielly he quickly 'dleap.'
peered and all wes peace, for he was
'there no more.
Mr. Sam Hicks has rented Mr. John
DempseY's farm -for the current year.
Sam' has also purchased an imported
heavy draught mare and it is acknowl
edged by competent horsemen to be a
fine ., p%etes-slir. asWes ley Welsh has
bought t another imported stallion.
Wesley 'aas two ef the best horses in
ra-,PnvoictATTI you wilt
have o geeanfese'ton as the Tiehis
bas added -another to its . staff—Mr.
Henry Perkins is about to retire from
the farm and we understand. Exeter
will be his future home: He will be
greatly missed, but our loss will be
your gain. We understand his son
William will soon take a partner and
work the old homestead.—One of our
young men who has been paying
marked attention to a young lady of
Stephen for the past five years, in fact
who had almost become a regular
boarder, has notified her that his visits
have ceased. Perhaps he would more
seriously consider the matter if a bill
of wood, coal oil, etc., was presented to
RUNAWAY. -011 Thursday last as Mr.
Swatzentreuber was loading g a grist at
Mr. Williams' mill, his horses suddenly
bezame frightened a,nd while Mr, S. was
returning to the wagon with a second
bag they started for home on the
"double". They ran down Frederick
street as far as Mr. F. Hess' carriage
'areas and then turned west towards
home. The start was so sudden that it
was almost impossible to stop them. As
far as we know there was no serious
damage done.---AsortiEn. — On the
same day as some of the employees of
Mesrss. Appel & Zeller were unloading
some coal oil at their ware.rooms, the
tern became frightened and rau down
the street towards Mr, D. Steinbach's
store and had it not been for a very
stubborn post that stood in front of the
verandah they would, in all probabil-
ity, have demolished the glass front of
the stere. However the wagon was
caught on the post, and this brought
them to a Sudden stop under the ver-
andah. The only damage done was to
the verandah which came out with a
Lroken legb.—Mr, D. Derstein left for
Saginaw,Michigan, on Tuesday last.
—Mr. G. Holtzman has been appointed
agent for the Perth Mutual Fire Insure
ance Company.—Mr. John Vesch and
Miss Smith were last week united in
the holy bonds of Matrimony. Rev. 3,
Cook, of Hensall, performed the cere-
mony.—Mr. Kemp, of Seaforth,purchas-
ed the driver belonging. to Mr. Ehnes,of
this place The sum paid was $115.—
Mr. Demuth, of Port Arthur is visiting
friendin the village.—Mr, Berkley, of
Durert, visited the Public School on
Wednesday last and took a photo of the
ptipils —Mr, John Hicks. of Mitchell,
paid us a short visit last week.—Miister
Emanuel Faust had the misfortune to
cut his foot oa Good Friday. The
wound is eot a very serious one how.
ever and we hope to see him itround
again shortly.—Mr .A, A. Roth intendS
removing from the village.
On Thursday of last Week, one of the
most successful public examinations
that has been held for a number of
our school by the present popular teach
er J. A. Deinpsey. A large ',lumber of
teachers from the neighboring sectices,
were present, as well as the larger poi
tion of the ratepayers, of the section,
An excellent dinner, provided by the
ladies, was served at Loon i11 the school
and each oho present did ample jus-
tice. The program of the day consist-
ed of the examination of all the classes,
in the different subjects, by the visit-
ing tetchers, interspersed by ie tdings
rechatione, songs &c., by the pupils.
In every case the pupils acquitted
themselves very creditably, especially,
in the singing,which goes to show that
they have been thoroughly and proper-
ly trained by an efficient teacher. Per-
haps the most notable part of the pro-
gram was a recitatiou given by Addie
Cave. On being called''on for a recita-
tion, Addle took her position on the
platform and read the following ad-
Ueborne S. S. No 4.
DEAR TEACIIER.—We take this op-
portunity of showing you our appreci-
ation of your valuables services not
only as our teacher but as our friend.
The untiring efforts you have always
put forth, aEd the high interest you
have ever evinced, will long be remem
bered by us. We ask you to accept
this gift as a small token of respect,
,and. prize it, not for its intriesie yalue,
but for thn feelings which prompted it;
assuring you of the best wishes of all
your pupils, combined with the hope
that you may long remain with us, as
master of our school.
Signed in behalf of the school. .
The gift above referred to was an
excellent "Dressing Case" and was pre-
sented. by -two of trie pupils, Malcolm
Dempsey and Laura Hicks.
Although taken by surprise, Mr.
Dempsey, showed himself quite to the
OCCaSSi011, and replied in a very neat
speechof which the followingis synop
sis.--He said:—Ladies ,and Geetlemen
and scholars. "Up to the present ,time
there has been three distinct occaisions
in my life, in which I found myself,
completely at sea to find words to ex-
press mat feelings. This is the 4th time
I assure, boys and girls 'that 'heartily
tbhaatnAlvvr, j3d,anffsoair ,anito:roh.:.:bi'dzovilpirneesszritto.„
you gratitude. I might say, however,
that during the tune I have been with
you, I have at all times tried fo-de my
very best, for those committed to my
charge, and it is certainly a source of
great encouragement and satisfaction
to me tp see that the people of this sect
ion, and the boys and girls of this.
school, are appreciating the work
which I am endeavoring to do for you.
I trust that as long as we remain to-
gether in the relation of teacher and
pupils, the time spent may- be as pleas
ant and profitable as the past three
years have been. The chair was then
taken by Mr. L. Punter, who called
upon all the gentlemen present for a
speech The following quietly respon-
del—Mr. Wm. Cave, John Hunter,
Wm. Coats, Paul Coats, Mr. Gilleland,
teacher, at Zion, Mr. Hobbs, teacher, of
Crediton,Mr. Frank Coats and Mr. Derr -
mice, teacher, at Fairfield. All the
teachers present, expressed themselves -
as being highly pleased with the con
dition of the school. Mr. Dorrance de-
livered a lengthy and instructive ad-
dress in the course of which he remark-
ed that it was quite unnecessary for
him to say anything in reference to Mr
Dempsey, as a teacher. He said that
the very handsome present, given to
him by his pupilsspoke in stronger
terms of his standing-, than any words
of which he was capable. The pro-
ceedings of the day, and the ending up
of a very pleasant and successful ex-
aminationovas then brought to a close
by the pupils of the school all singing
"Home Sweet Home".
Ailsa Craig,
Miss Hoover is the guest of Mrs Alex
Mrs. El Hutchinson paid Lucan a
visit on Monday.
Mrs. Tieden is seriously ill with an
attack of the grip.
Mrs2Hugh Kennedy held a party on
Tuesday evening.
Messrs. McLean and Bowman spent
a few days in Pt. Huron last week.
Alex McDonald jr. and Harry Holmes
jr, left here for Exeter, on Monday last.
Two of Hon, A, M. Ross's sons are
here on a visit to their grandmother
Mrs. Donald Ross.
Mr. Jno Gillies, of Traverse City,
Mich, is on a visit to her brother Mr.
Samuel Gillies, at present. '
MrsiVicAlpine, of the 7th con, Mc
Gillivray is lying yery ill at the rends
mice of her son Mr. Neil. MeAlpine.
Mr. Jno. S. McDonald is still confined
to his home with sickness, we hope to
soon be able to chronicle his recovery.
The Directors of the Mechanics In-
stitute have decided to place about
$200 worth of new books in the Lila
Mr. Duncan McAlpine has commen-
ced the manufacture; of bee hives on
eatensive scale at his turning Inc
years in this section, was conducted in tory here,
Rory Robinson and family left here
set• 1e:1;167 ay aed onFridlasiew here Mr
R . intends tatting up his rLe
Mrs. J00, Morgan enuertained a few
of her select friends at her resideiieoe
Friday evening, everybody thoroughly
enjoyed themselves as usual.
Rey P R. Carey will deliver a ser-
mon on "amusemeuts" at the Baptist,
church next Sunday morning April
12th, serv ice commeeces at 11 a. tn.
Miss Maggie Bruee [Old Mts. Irvin,
of Stratford, who have been the guests
of Mrs. W. G. Shipley, during their vise
it hero, returned hoine!eu Friday evens
Wm. Boyle who has been porter at
.A.un Munro's Hotel for the past 13 mos,
left,:on Friday last, for London. Bille
earrys with him the best wishes of all
the boys.
Mr. Hugh Bowman left here on
Thursday last accompanied. by his son,
for Baden. He vi ent to consult a doe:
tor there about his boy who was re-
cently bitten by a mad dog.
Messrs Tom Owen, Jack Gunn and.
Sam Allen, went to Lucan, Friday te
hear Predeeick Abbot, the talented elo-
cutionist, of London and Miss Mau&
O'Hare at the High School concert.
Rev. Mr. Livingston of the Home
Missionary Bible society of Ontario de-
livered an able lecture on missionary
work in the Presbyterian church, lase
night, short addresses were also de-
livered by Rey's Shore, Carey and.
Rev. D. L. Dewar preached an ex.
cellent sermon to the young men last
Sunday evening at the Presbyterian
Church it was full of valuable advices
to them, as to the kind of lives they
should lead, if they wished to prosper-,
and command the respect of their fel-
low beings about all things. He eara-
estly urged upon every young man
the necessity of leading a christian and.
temperate life, it is the intention of
Rev. Mr. Dewar to organize a young
mens thristain society if he vin get the
young men, of this place sufficiently
interested in the good work, and it le
eineerly to be, hoped that he will be sue.
cessful in his endeavors.
On Thursulesslast while Mr. Isaac
Jones' team was sewing at the flour
millethey hesseeee frisee7eisedaas aesaasee—ate
passing object and they started at a
breakneck speed down main st., but ne
attempt was Made to arrest their rapid
progress until they reached Ann Mun-
ro's corner, when Mr Win. Campbell
rushed out swinging his coat in a wil&
and reckless manner through the air
as if a swarm of bees had suddenly
alighted on his cranimn and instead. cf
retarding, their speed he apparently
frightened them more and they sped
on with lightening like rapidity until,
Dr, McAgthur's livery stable was reach
ed when Mr. Archy Stewart, of Nairn',
at the imminent risk of his life bravely -
grabbed one of the horses by the bridle
and by a sudden jerk brought them te
a standstill before any serious damage
was done.
The Toronto Saturday Globo contaiia
ed the following- obituary notice of a
gentleman well 1:110WII to a. large num-
ber of Craigites, who will regret to
learn of his demise.—The remains of
the late John McNeil were buried en
Tuesday from the family homestead on
lot 31, con. 9, London tp., followed te
the grave by a large concourse of sor-
rowing friends. Deceased was a male
ive of Inverness shire, Scotland, hav-
ing been born in Dochgarrech in 181e.
When about 10 years of age he came
to Anunica and settled in London Tp,
where for half a century he lived. In
his younger days he excelledin aOl ath-
letie pastimes, his muscular saperiority-
bringing him victory in many a con-
test. By his death the large bagpiper.,
of London Tp. has been removed. He
was it veteran of the rebellion of 1837,
and loved to relate his personal experi-
ences of that stirring period. Four sons
and four daughters survive him. The
deceased gentleman was a grandfather
of Mr. J. D7 Shipley,of the firni of Grant
& Shipley.
On April lst a few of our expert groa
cers had a nice little trick worked on
them, it appears that Me Hynn became
possessed of a quantity of rusty salt
andalbrilliant idea suddenly entered'his
mind. He came down town and drop-
ped into One Of the leading grocery
stores and commenced exhibiting his
salt as the geunine raw sugar claim-
ing thee he had just received it from
an American refiner evno wished to ex-
tend his trade into Canada as sugar
was on the free list after April 1st
While Mr. G. was upholding the vir-
tues and cheapness of his American
sugar, an ex -grocer appeared on the
scene and after scrutinizing- the sam-
ple for awhile he declated it was the
seine kind of sugar that he used to
give 25 lbs for 1 dollar previons to the
adoptioa of the N. P. but one of the on
lookers appearing rather skeptial
Whee our werthy made, this remark, to
satisfy himself, he took a monthfui of
it, and then if disgust Was ever dipict-
ed upon the countenance of a litiman
being it was plainly visable on this
gentleman, but he had the grim satia-
faction of catching a few more 61101
01.1)ett8 on the same old 'muscovado
sugar, before the day was over.