The Exeter Advocate, 1891-4-2, Page 8-am..
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ALB UM 13 mmrLES'
S. S.
Stationery School Supplies
Papers ' BAGS Papers
For carpets, curtains and blinds go
to the Big Bankrupt store.
The Bishop of Huron was able to go
for a short walk on Sunray.
The cheapest wall paper in Western
Ontario is at the Big Bankrupt Store.
Insure in the Temperance and Gen-
eral Insurance Co., of Toronto. En
BISSETT, local agent.—May 29-90.
Unsightly Pimples, Blotches, Tan,
and all itching humors of the shin are
removed by using Dr. Low's Sulphur
Don't go astray, the largest, best and.
.eheapest stock of clothing and Boots &
Shoes in Town is at the Big Bankrupt
Mrs. James Holl; sen, of Usborne, has
been summoned to the bedside of her
mother-in-law, Mrs. Thos. liodgsen, of
"A stitch in time sayes nine," and if
you take Hood's Sarstpariila now it
may save months of future possible
Sermons were delivered in the Triv•
itt Memorial Church on Good Friday,
morning. andevening, by the Rev. S.
I,'. Robinson.
" 1
Those i flirt s s 1a rider capee c,s
at tile,t
Big Bankrupt stoic are beauties, sue,
r. STOCK The Biggest STOCK of
Ready -Made Clothing tiller
Bootss t. C Shoes in the County
is at E. J Spaelianan Illi Co,
Mrs, Spicer will have her spring mil-
linery opolning on Friday and. Barrer-
day the ,,rd and 4th of April. Mrs,
Spicer has a large assortment of all the
newest designs in Millinery, Ladies
don't forget to call.
A movement shouldbe made to erg-
apizo a base ball, iacrosse and cricket
club in town, and not wait until the
season opens. V
O consider that
have some of the best material in the
county, then why not get to work boys
and prepare yourselves for the coming
The secret service officers at Wash-
ington declare the counterEeit`S2 silver
certificate a most dangerous one. The
vignette of Hancock is as tine as the
original, and the lettering and lathe
work are an ei.aet copy of the Treasury
note. In fact the only difference is too
minute to be visible to the naked eye,
For the nobbiest Hard or Soft hats
try the Big Bankrupt store,
An experienced school teacher is
quoted by a contemporary to the effect
that pupils who have access to news•
papers at home, when compared with
those who have nos, are better readers,
better spellers, better punctuators, read
more understandingly, and obtain a
practical knowledge of geography in
almost half the time it requires others
Sunday funerals are to bo done
away with in London, Ont. The min-
isters of the various denominations
and the undertakers have signed and
published an agreement to discontinue
attendance at funeralsheld on Sunday
Cases of extreme necessity are except-
ed. This reform is much needed in
every city. Indeed, there is a pretty
general feeling in favor of still greater
reforms in the way of more privacy
and less ostentation at funerals.
We notice that the closing exercises
of the Ontario Veterinary College, Tor-
outo,were held in the large lecture room
of the new building in Temperance
street on Saturday morning, and that
Mr, George M. Fitzgerald, of Chisel.
burst, who. spent Iast summer study
ing with Wm. Sweet, V. S., has passed
his final examination, and is now entit-
led to have the letters V. S. attached to
his name. During his stay amongst
ns he made many friends,and no doubt
you will all be pleased to hear of his
The very latest style in dross goods
is braided sleeves. The Big Bankrupt
store is the only place in town that
keeps them.
Constipation Claims manyvictims.
Ward off this dread -disease by the use
of Small Sugar -Coated Burdock Pills
when needed.
The many friends of Christopher
Hodgson, of Myrtle, will learn with
sorrow of the continued serious illness
of his mother.
Our Town Clock stopped on Thurs.
day evening to take a rest, on account
of the next day being Good. Friday
and a holiday.
It isn't always piety that prompts peo
pie to go to church on Easter Sunday.
The music, the flowers; and the new
spring bonnets are magnificent.
The time if fast approching when
our eitizeus will have to clean up their
back yards, The snow has just about
all disappeared and before long you
may expect a visit from our health in -
The Reform Association of the North
Ridieg'of Middlesex met at Ailsa Ciaig
on Monday March 30th, a large num-
ber of,delegates were present, and de-
eided to protest the election of Mr. W.
IL Hutchins at the lastgeneral elect-
' ions.
George the Hatter, arrived in our
village on Monday bringing with hint
a chum called "Scottie" who repairs
umbrellas. It is about 19 months ago
that George ;ave us a call, but he
looks none the worse for his long ab-
Mr. B. Aubry, of yiontreai, shipped a
carload of horses from here on Wednes-
day: He will be at the Commercial
Hotel on Thursday April 9th, for the
purpose of purchasing all classes of
gorses that a1e sound and in good.
EDITOR Holmes, of the Clinton New
Era, has a libel suit on hand. A Mr.
Beatty, of Varna, is the complainant
in the case, and he avers that a com-
munication published in the New Era,
from its Varna correspondent, contain-
ed or libel on him.
/7;0 -Ladies, remember: that I have
moved across the street, into Fansori's
Block, (Robert's Old ' Stand), and my
tnillinery opening will take place on
the 3rd and 4th inst. Give me a call
before purchasing elsewhere.
Miss Hording
Thos. Cornish, who resides about
b a mile east of this village, lost a val-
taiale mase on Sunday lam, She was
valued t about $170., and as the time
of the year is approaching when she
will i.
11 1. e needed,there is no doubt but
that.the oweerwill find it a severe
.A. Russian statistican and scientist
recently pnblishtsd a book from which
it appears that from 1807 Co ]Sb10Ser
tiL2,0001ne11, women tad children3 hate
been sent to' Siberia. by the'ei•ent
Oyars of Russia. About 60,000 of these
exiles have cried upon the roads during
their transportation to the nines and
deserts of Siberia,
The Rev, Thom
1 )r, la al lire 1 t T Q 1
0 1 e i o l
as will preach iti the `1`riyitt Memorial
Clturcll on Si 11a r next, 711orllill a1 ti
On Monday evening, April 6th, the
.Annual Missionary meeting will `tae
held 111 the thumb sed an address ire;
livered by Dr. Beaunlofit, Othilore
in aid of Mission fund.
I t
ev.v h has e
R who been
suffering for some time past from the
effects of a severe lung trouble, ender
went a surgical operation on Saturday
last which was performed by Dr,
Browning. The operation was of
rather e painful mature, we should
judge, it being a tube inseted in her
side, and from which fifty• 0 ounces
of fluid w as taken away. She is on a
fair way to recovery at present.
A merchant in Clifford, Ont,, offered
a respectable young woman twenty
yards of Bili: fora dress if she \ v o l
sang half a cord of wood ire front of his
store. She borrowed a caw, spit on her
hands, and went through that wood
pile just in three hours, and the admir-
ing crowd bonght her a $try hat to go
with the dress, and within a week she
had seventeen offers of marriage. What
e dandy wife she tt ould malte for some.
poor but honest man who. is too lazy to
buck his own wood.
The grippe scourge in the city of
Pittsburg is' holding on with deathly
results. Some 72 funerals occurred
Sunday and an equal number on Mon-
day. There is a dearth of hearses end
carriages, Ordinarily the death rate
shows 25 per cent. youths: now, how•
ever, it shows 25 per cent. aged, show -
that the dreaded disease is most fatal
with increasing years. Many well-
known old citizens are reported clan-
gerously i11. The grippe in fatat cases
runs into pneumonia with subsequent
n Saturday last Mr. William and
aur Coates, sons of Thomas Coates, of
Usborne, drove to London with a load
of pork for the market and after • div
posing of it drove as far as the Carling
brewery for the purpose of securing
some seed barley*, after tying the
horses they entered the building, and
to their surprise on' retureing found
the team gone. Diligent search was
at once made, but of no' avail, after
which a police was put on , the track,
who managed to run the guilty part-
ies down, otie being an. Indian. They
were taken to the police station to'
await their trial. Both were under
the influence of liquor.
Who can tell the value of a smile?
It costs the giver nothing, it is beyond
price to the erring and unrelenting,the
sad and cheerless, the lost and forsak-
en. It disarms malice, subdues tem
per, and turns hatred to love, revenge
to kindness, and paves the darkest path
with gems of sunlight. A smile on the
brow betrays a kind heart; a pleasant
friend, anaffectionate brother, a duti-
ful son and a happy husband. It adds
a charm to beauty, decorates the face
of the deformed, and makes a lovely
woman resemble an angel in paradise.
Another of Exeter's young gentle-
men has distinguished himself as a
man of skill and industry, we wish to
make mention of Mr. D, Arnold Bower-
man, formerly a resident of this place,
and son of Mr. I. Bowerman now liv-
ing here. Fe successfully passed the
final examination at the Chicago Col
lege of Dental Surgeons, and had con-
ferred upon him the degree of Doctor
of Dental Surgery, and we uftderstand
that through his great success he was
offered, and has accepted a situation
in a lar„e Western Town. We feel
sorry to loose him, and may good fort
une favor him throughout his business
The Dimond Vaudervilles have been
giving entertainments in the Opera
House here for the past week, Prof. J.
E. Gardner, who was here some time
ago with a similar company, has the
management of the troupe. At the
opening of each' concert they begin
With the orchestra followed by songs
and d, 11g acrobatic oba,tfc wonders, after
which the Professor occupies a little
time in explaining the objeft of their
piste The artists are all flrst class, es-
necially Master Freddie Cunningham,
the boy snake or boneless wonder; and
Mr. Will F. McNulty, the Irish and
Dutch Comedian in his songs and dan-
ces brought forth roars of laughter
from all parts of the house. This latter
gentleman composes all his own songs
and music, his latest song which is en-
titled "Mother I'll take care of you," is
just published, and we would say. to all
lovers of sentimental music, that they
should procure a copy, as it is well
worthy of a place in every household.
Now thet the census is about to be
talten, some; information about it may
not be amiss,: The work will commence
next Monday, kith inst. The statesical
year ends on that date, For 'instance,
a birth say on April 7th, will not 'be
included in the record. This also will
apply to deaths. Any one dying on
the 7t1, or 8th and the numerator
calling on the 9th; will not be recorded
as dead. Farmers will have to answer
the-followin;:-Amount of stock, cat
tle, sheep, milch cows, horses, number
of pounds of butter, made, acres of
spring- wheat, fall Wheat and other
,.rains, also average per acre last year
If he keeps bees; the pounds of honey
made, or any other pro.luct that he
may have on his farm The act deal-
ing with census, returns says that for
false information or refusal there shall
be., a penalty of from ,$5 to r$40. It
would be well for farmers to bear this
fact in mind' and to savea considerable
amount of pother, both for the enumer-
ator and themselves, to have a list
ready with all the necessary answers.
of the above named articles.
andy. :Millinery OVellieite°
Sa inweil'ii fA; ocl ., E' Gtei, on
Friday a .all Saturday, April
3rd tuiud fl:tit
Scit it➢4 (Mi 10s n'47e4:enig,,
An exchange says the champion Con-
seevativo polli.lig sub division is Laic, •'s
in Novcotit Out of lU" otos cast
at the late dominion election, 100 were
fer,the Ceneervative candidates, Tup
per and McDougall" Lltean isnot far
behind that record, for at the recent
election out of 100 votes poled 130 ,was
for M1 Hutchins (Con). ,.Lucan rind
Biddulph glivo a Conseryative majori•
ty on the 5th of 340.
Obit niers'.
Another of those sturdy pioneers,
who have clone so much to mare this
Canada of ours what it is, has been re-
Moved from our midst within the past
week, We male mention of Mr. Tlen-
ry Kerslake, who died in Exeter ell the
2.6t11 inst,, aged 72 years, 3 months,
and 26 days, He had been ailing for
some time with a very serious trouble,
itiwarcily, which was not thought ser-
sous until lately, when he succotnbed
as above stated. He was a quiet,
peaceable Man; civil and obliging, a
consistent member of the Methodist
church, and in polotics a Reformer,
Deceased was born in Devonshire,
England, and emigrated to Canada
about forty-two years ago, when he
settled on the lLst concession of McGil-
livray, where he remained for two
years, after which. lie settled in the
Township of Usborne, on lot 10, 2nd
concession, remainiug there until 7
years ago, when he became a citizen
of Exeter, He was married twice, by
the first wife he had four sons and one
daughter; who are all married and
livingin the Township of Usborne.
Having the misfortune to lose her by
death, he married a second time, and
had no family, she still survives. him.
The remains were interred in the Exe-
ter cemetery on Sunday last, and the
esteem inwhich the deceased was held
as well as the sympathy felt for the
bereaved widow and faintly, was well
manifested by the large number both
from town and country who attended
the funeral. It being the largest that
has taken place here for some time.
The annualEaster Vestry meeting
was held in the Trivitt Memorial Chur-
ch at 4 p. m. on Monday last (Easter
Monday). The two church wardens
were present and the Rev. S. F, Robin-
son presided
obin-son?presided and opened the meeting
with prayer. The chairman called for
nominations for the office of 'Secretary
and on motion of Mr. Spackman see'd
by Mr. Hurdon, Mi: Spencer Remming-
ton was elected Secretary of the meet-
ing. On motion of Mr. Spae;msn seed
by Mr, S. Sweet, lir, N leYei Stedon
was unanimously chosen peoples' chur-
ch warden for the current" year. Mr.
Hurdon in accepting the office stated
that he hoped at the next meeting some
arrangements would be made by which
the labor or canvassing and collecting
would be shared by a committee and
not left solely to the church warden as
in the past. The Rector then appoint
ed Mr. Spackman his warden stating
that their relations for nearly six years
had been of the happiest nature. Mr
Spackman in a brief speech returned
thanks and accepted the position. On
motion of the two church wardens after
an unanimous vote the Secretary was
requested to give the thanks of the par-
ish in vestry assembled to Mr. Trivitt
for his splendid gift of a peal and
chime of ten bells to the church which
were rung for the 'first time in Decem•
bei of last year: Also to the Guild per
Mrs, R. H. Collins; Secretary Treas. for
the sum of $236 paid by them on or
gen debt during pass year and also to
the Busy Bees per Miss Hardy for over
640 paid in carpet during same period.
The offertory showes an increase of
$60.00 over last year. On motion of
Spackman and Ilurdon Mr.. W. J, Carl
ing was elected
t d delegates to the Synod
n and Mr. R. H. Collins. On
of Huron, ti d
motion of Messrs. Spacl:matl' and; Sweet
Vestry then adjourned until Monday,
April 27th'
Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of
boots and shoes that need repairing to
be left at the leading boot and shoe
store next door to the post office. G.
Renaembei E. J. Spaek
man & Co, will have one of
the Biggest displays of Mil-
linery at their opening on
Friday and Saturday, April:
3n•d. and 4th.
Sick list.
Mr. Wm. Sweet has not recovered
but very little from his late attack of
illness, -.Mrs. Armstrong, mother of
Irving Armstrong is at present very
ill with a severe attack of la grippe.—
Mr. John Sweet is now confined to his
bed and his recovery is uncertain.
Inuit anti White Social,
'rhe "pink and white" social; and
musical entertainment on Good Friday
evening, in James St. Methodist church
under the auspices of the Y. P. S. C. E.,
was very successful, 1fotwithstanding
the inclemency of the Weather, ,a large
crowd turned out to participate of the
delicacies prepared by that Society.
The room in which the tea -was given,
as tastefully decorated with pink and
i ati.on of all
dtn 1
white, and vvac thea ,
and much credit is due the young peo-
ple for the pains taken in making the
occasion a success, and judging from
the proceeds, X39,95, their anticipat-
ions Were fully realized.The proceeds
go to the Quarterly Board.
Liniment will relieve the painful tor-
ture of Rheumatism in the joints or
muscles It should,be well rubbed itt
with the hand, and the part covered
.with a piece of flannel. The pain will
ease with the first application, and its
continued use will effect a marvellous
cure. This remedy needs but a trial
to convince the most skeptical that it
is a wonderful preparation. Sold by
all druggists; price 50 cents. Clark
Chemical Co., Toronto, New York.
PILESA positive Cure. Thous -
ands of testimonials. No
pure, No suppository, Sent post paid or '7
cents in stamps. Address,
1St -191. Hoene Specific Co. °rillifs Out
45! VI
Tl n't Spring ol1 t l fair. There's no reason for ' when
c4 Cit,
you htiveut .lJl
C RL NG BFR S. right at your door,
were ^ say what we tiE golug to was that
will soon l3e Knocking at our doors and we are
for the tender maiden.
Our Store is filled with seasonable goods at price's that low,
they will surprise you.
,LL,I s9a IE
w S.L
Curtains, Fancy Whitlow Shades, and Curtain. Polls, the
newest (at) Value,
Wall Paper, file display,
Dress goods of everydescription.
,° P
Staple department, full range.
For a Fancy Tie we have thein.
Try O5ct. tea., it has no equal.
Itis a certain • and speedy cure for
Cold is the lima and Catarrh in all ita
Instant Relief, Permanent
Cure, Failure Impossible.
Many somalied diseases aro simply
symptoms of Catarrh, such as head.
ache partial deafness, losing sense of
smell, foul breath, hawking and spit•
ting, nausea, general feelingof de-
bility, cos. Ifyouare troubled with.
any of these or kindred symptoms,
your have Catarrh, and ahottld lose no
Limo. inprocuring' a. bottle of Mas..
MALAS. -. Be .warned in thme, neglected
cold in head. results in Catarri, fol
lowed by consumption and. death.
N.t.Ax. Berme is sold by all druggists,
or will be sent, post paid. on receipt of
price (50 cents. and $1.00) by addressing
Brockville, Ont.
—on or about --
Muk, !sty
\lrhers he will open it
Hew and comploto Stock
T • 3 1 SHOES
&c; &C.
EE- -r ` { A Oyr M N ...
. ty . .1 .i]..L1.111'Y.1
i Mr,.., 5. '•!'. :• i.'.,tt.tis.' ,a.'tk = i.`+.t'::•irt}SD
Car Load Chesnut Coals ; Carload Steel Nails; t 1
Carload Iron aiid Horse Shoes, Carload Blue Ribbon Com-
posite Binder Twine.
Lining and Tar Papers, Rile:and Mortice Locks, Hinges,' Bolts,
till Boilers and tin Pails.
Sugars, Cheese, Green and Dried Apples, Lard, Teas, &c., Oat-
meal x3,00er l 00 er 100 lbs; Flour 52,75 g1.lbs.
!1" _1 N T E 7 )e
fo4 Bushels Timothy, Clover, Alsike Seeds, Dutch Sets, Top
Onions, Hungarian Grass, 100 Biushels Potatoes;,
1 ,
Annealed Bar WireJ band} {Cedar
cry. f'