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The Exeter Advocate, 1891-4-2, Page 1
VOL. W. WiZlitIV*14,130 ISIII•CFMWIMISMIP HINIVINCPLONVI,V EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1891, ' NO 200 1•10111=01.01131116.41112118..4..,11..X.IMIA.uxazums.gra....2.4.s.........asp.Wwesaa."*....ortnagolanscruatuxzes.urrpa.-umant.ww.nosmaanmr.,....,...• tvu,Aratieseasoncomoommor.mmi.empagoomemicr The !Viols ns Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, levee Paid up Capital $2,000,000. Rest Feted- . 1,000,000, Head office Montreal, P. \VOT_JPERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GeNent AL MANAGER. Twenty Branon. offices in the Dominion Agencies in. the Dominion, Ti. S. and Europe Open ever y lawful clay from IV a. rn. to 3 p, m baturdays 10 a, In. to 1 p. ni A general banleing business transacted ere Pour per cent. per annum allowed for "money pa Deposit Recieipts. N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88, Sub Manager. THE Abuoratic ,4s published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, --- EXETER. Ely the SANDERS' PUBLISHING OOMPANY • TIMMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. IS1.s0 if not so paid. .5.."1--rortisSratr, SSatiez ©x tioxi. N o paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be Tinblished till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transeient advertisements inserted for Long _periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord- ers, &c. for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to be made payable to $Wird er S & Sweet PuOrn1E8'01is Church DirectOrY• Taly ITT iliglitORIAL S. F Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. m and 7 Sabbath School, 2.90 p. m. METifOraST Cityrnett-Tames-st , Rev. A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services,10.30 16. 111. and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2 p.m. MAIN STREET-Itev. J. Wilson, Pastor. Sun clay Services, 0.30 a.m. an16.30 p.m. Sabbath School 2.30p. m. PliESBYTBRI %.)I eireecu.-Bev.W. ltartirt, Pastor. Sunday Services,11 a. m. and. 6.80 p. m. Sabbath Sdhool, 9.45 a.m. 1.11.11•11.11.2•110011110of aNtselOwlegralraMMIIIIMENORMOMEMO0111 PrOreSSIOM Cards. R.KINSMAN,L.D.S,Eatison,s Block two doors north of Carling Store, ..e. a• AWN ST1tEET,rarrrsn,extriiets teeth without pin.Away at Ilensall on 1st Friday; Ailsa Craig on sate. and 4th 'Tuesday; and Zurich on last Thursday of each month. DENTIWY, i.Manbor Royal V. College Dental Surgeons, successor ece 11. L. Billings. Office over O'Neil's Bank, * Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for the painless extraction of teeth. Plates se- cured firmlyin the mouth by Ilemen's pat- ten t, Valve Lucan every Friday T B WHITELY, M. Ti. C. K. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office and residence - Corner Victoria arid Elgin streets, Goderieh, Ontario. TNR. j. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN ST. Residenee-Corner Andrew and. North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. DR. cutoereERY, Member Royal College Surgeons, Enkland.; Lieentiate Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh; Illem`ber College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Office, Mitchell's old. stand, Crediton, Ont. BR. J. IL McLELLAN, EYE Si EAR StIROEON. Graduate New York Eye and Ear Erospital Eyes tested and glasses supplied, Office ()or. Maple and Talbot streets, LONDON, ONTARIO DR. T. A. AMOS, M. D., C. M Meinhe'r -of College of Physicians and. Surgeon's. Ontario; licentiate of the Royal Collage cif Physicians and. Surgeons Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Facially of Physicians and Sur- geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical college, Toronto. OfficeiL-Dr. Cowen's old stand, DR. DAVID IC S.TABLER, (UNIVERSITY of Toronto') Physician, Surgeon, etc. Having spent the winter of 1886-'87 in New York,.and the winter of 1887-'88 in Vienna, Austria. oPPIteM, - cuEntmoN, ore. _ RH. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLECIT- . OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Office- OVer Post Office, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. ' LIr. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR . of Supreme Court, Notary Pablic, Con- veyancer, Tommissioner, Ste. Money to loan Office-Fanson's Block, 'Exeter. nnetee &ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- itors, Conveyancers, R.r..c. Money to loan 6 per cent. '. V, ETA tor. J. EiLtoT kir TT BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Ana- l! L oneer forthe'Countios of Perth and Middlesex, also for the; township of Tlsborne Sales promptly attended to and terms reason abl e.Sales arrzimgedat 'FOst ore°, Winchelsa ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Lions - ,d Auctioneer, for the aonnties Of Thar- and•Middlesex. Resideneei 1 mile south Exettr, Ont. Sol° Orders by mail or other - o pro: ptly attended to at reasonable Ontario, Lieengeclitttet, neer for the Counties tif 'Middlesex it a neeteeetuteena the townships ofStephen Alit" Hay" All sales promptly attended. to, ' r".r0 BOSSENBERILY,HenSall Ontario. TAO- ensed Atictionar for the 00310±1') 4,31.ur0n and Perth, Charges moderate and .'latisfaction guaranteed. , rED. FABNCOM,B, Provincial Land. Surveyor and Ci.V11. Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont, LHARDY, Licensed Auctioneer for tbo . County of Huron. Sales ,Conducted ou reasonable terms. Farm and Farm Stuck a specialty. Fullarrangements earl be made at this office, We have, and keep constantly, one of the cleanest and best assorted stocks of Dviugs, ID ate rA t Medicines, Dyes, Dve stuffs, Combs, Briaishes, etc., in to n, which we sell at prices below any. Our stock of drug's is fresh and we sell them at fair prices as we are not members of any Druggist's Association. We do not use the scheduled price of the Huron & Bruce Druggist's Association, and can therefore offer drugs at' fair and reason- \ able prices. we solicit a calls W. E. COCHEN UR, Proprietor, COMMDrug Store., For Sale. A desirable residence in Exeter North, new frame house, one -fifths acre of Land. The house was erected in 1888. Good terms to purehaser. Apply at this office. 14i34 t HENSALL 111A.RKETS, GRAIN. Fall Wheat 95 to no; Barley Spring 95 to 96; Peas Cloyer Seed 4.00 to 4,40; Oats Timothy" 1.35 to 1.40 FLOUR. StrOPg Baker's 875; I Straight Roller 2.25 Family. 2.50; 'Low %rade 1.50 Bran, shorts & chop. Butter and lard. 41 to 61 to 43 to 45 65 44 Bran 80cts per cwt. Butter tubs 13°. a 10 - Shorts Oile do e Rolls 14c, a, lb Chop 1.00 do Lard 100 a lb Apples 1.00 to 1.25 per bag. Cabbage 50 to 60e. per dozen Onions 75 to 1,00 per bush. Pork 5.50 to 5.75 Hides 850±0 5.00 I Tallow Se. per 10 Shoop skins 50±0 1.25 Salt 1.25 a barrel Wood 250 to 3.00 G Bissell Livery. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE , A TRIAL SOLICITED. / W. G. BISSETT. DONT FEEL WELL. And yet you are not sick enough to consult a doctor, or you refrain from so doing for fear you will alarm yourself and. friends --:we will tell you just what you need. It is Hood's Sarsaparilla, which will lift you out of that uncer- tain, uncomfortable, dangerous condi- tion, into a state of good health, confi- dence and cheerfulness. You've no idea how potent this peculiar medicine is in eases like yours. 'Match. The shooting match which was an- nounced, in. our issue of last week for Good Friday, was a success, although ehere was a boistevous snow storm pre- vailing at the time. A large number of marksmen were present, while the spectators •in attendance were stnall, iler. David ;,toinis acted as referee, while Folland clid the scoring. The Gold Medal which the contestants were anxious to Win was won by elr. Isaac Handford, he having-6roken 1e out of 15 of the blue rocks, which were thrown from several traps., and this is consider- ed to be a very good score. Below we °eve the nemes of the other eeentleman who took part in the match : - NAME W. Snell 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0- 0 F. Collins 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0- 5 J.Woods 011.10111010000i-8 A. Loadm an 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0-- Loadman 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0- 3 A. McPherson 11 0 0 00 01 1 1 1 o 1 0 0-7 Taylor 01010011001 0011-7 P. Curtain 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1. 0 1 1 1 0- 8 I. Handford 1 1 ±1 1 11 0 1 1 1 1 01-13 E. Bisset+, 1 0 .0 1 0 1 0 0 1 01.0.1 00-6 R. Eaerett 00 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1. 1 0 1 11- 7 .T. Beer 0 1 00 0 t 01 01.0 00 1. T. Oke 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 personal:Mention. 111r. Chas Eaerett, who has been yisit mg here for some time, returned to Sar- nia on Friday. -Mr. Joseph Senior left on Thursday morning to visit his par- ents in Blenheim.--efrs. Geo Weir, of Ridgetown, formerly of Usborne, who has been visiting friends and relatives in and aroUnd Exeter for a 'ew days, returned to her horne on Tueedase- Mr.. Henry Pollock, of Toronto,forrnerly of Exeter spent Friday last in town, - Mr. A. I-Iastings wile has been visiting friends at Berlin returned on Thurs- day lase -Mx. M. McTaggart, who re- sides 242- miles north of this place, left for Victorin, 13. C. on Tuesday last.- Mre (Dr.) Amos, left on Tuesday ]at for Toronto, to spend Eaeter.--Rev, :Mr. Martin left for Toronto on Monday morning for the purpose of attend - lila. Knox Presbytery. -Mr, C, Hev. wood left for Toronto on Monday morning -Mr. Wrn. Dearinig, sr„left on Mon eras 111 town,, returned to Blyth Mondayto resume 'charge of the millinery- department of Messrs, Anderson & M. Croley is in town spending. Easter ambng her friends. -Miss Emery, who has been visiting her brethmsretitened yesterday to her home in Gantinoque.-Me. Fred Farricambe, who tuts been spending the Easter holidays with Ids parents in Londongeturited here on Tuesday e rv'g , Geat a; iffitteb , The greatest Spelling match on re- cord is that offered by OUr HOMO Pub- lishing Co., in which they will award the following. ma gnidcaut CASH PRIeES -One prize of 000; one prize of $200; two prizes of $100; four prizes of $50; eight prizes of $25. twenty prizes' of $10; forty prizes of $5; oue hundred prizes of $2; and two hundred of $1.. Thawarded of prizes will be to the persons sending. in the largest nmnber of correctly spelled words found in the advertisieg paeges of the February number of Our Homee in which no let- ters occur but. those found. in the sen tence: "Oar Home is Unrivalled vs a Home Magazine." Special cash prizes will be given a.way each day and each week dimming this competition, which closes April 25th 1591. Send 10 cents in stamps or silver, for a sample copy of the February number, with rules and regulations governing the competition .Address OUR HOMES PUI3. Co., Brock- ville, Ont. 37 LI 000 in gOid for a wife. We wil I give to the first person tel ling. us before June 1st, 1891. wheee in the Bible the word "WIFE" is first found, $100.00 in gold. To the next $50.00 To the third, $25.00. To the fourth, $20.00. TO the fifth, $1.5.00. To the sixth, $10.00. 'eo the next 25, $5 each. 'To the next 25, $2 each. To the person sending in the last correct answer, we will give $1,00 in gold. To the next to the last, $50, and so on same as from the first. With your answer send 25cts., in silver, well wrap ped, or Post Office Money Order or Script, for a box of Dr. Cole's Blood and Liver Pills, the best Blood, Liver, and Stomach Pills ever made, Sure cure for siek headache. Don't- Gripe. REeterement the presents are absolutely free, being given away to advertise Dr. Cole's Perfect. Pills and Family Remedies. At the close of the contest the names and addressee of all the prize winnets will eppear in ems paper. We refer you to the Traders Bank of Orillia, Send at once and be Erste Address, Home Specific Co. Orillin, Ont. 13t-194 Duck nearing for Prolit. Thoueeb. duck rearing with a view to profit requires peculiar conditions, yet there are but very few farmers but pos- sess to some degree the essential re- quirements. ',ticks, while having . . many acimirable and profitable quali- ties, arc not free of some that may be stated to Ise the very extremes of these, If not enjoying. the. best water priyil ages they become very filthy. Besides this, under tiny conditions, they have a wide and wel1e,r01.111ded eepute as ray. 6001.10 eaters. Being. of a more or less waeg nderitemperament this often ie - creases greatly the trouble' of attend- ance. They are, as a rule, good layers, and tyhere they have easy aecess to ponds or streams they will yield a hand- some profit in the fall. A writter in the Country Gentleman concludes from his experience that the Pekin and .A.yles bury ducks are the best adapted for 'purely economical purposes, as they lelye large bodies, white plumage and are extremely rapid growers. He has found them prolific egg producers, and the eggs hatch well. For the three days after they hatch he gives them extreme care as they do not begin to eat or drinit readily even when twenty four or thirty-six hours old, but once they begin to eat they need no urging. The growth of these breeds from th me e tithey leave, the shell until they are eight or nine weeks old, is, he asserts, simply- marvellous; and he. ha,s found that to sustain that growth preducing foods -milk, meae bramoats,and whole wheat steamed, chopped clover steam- ed, and some corn needer , or bett,erack- ed core. To secure the greatest profit the peeing ducks are put upon the mar - day for Marlette, Mtch where he still Iset at'elglit weeks of age. spend a foW weekket.vith his son John and other relativeW-Mr. Geo, Knight of /Idertones spending a few days with XVGROWING NAILS, friends and relatives in town --Mr -A Vitive and permanent cure for Ingroiy-, H. picket:et Visited London Wednes- co., imr.xA,01.1T, Log ails. No pain, Sent posf paid for too, day,-MiSS A• L. Crocker, whohal 131-44 been spell( tilig ler vacation Wit par tamer or silver AddreSSI Mitt SPEC 1 ta , klibbeet, Mr. F. Martin and l‘tr, S. Farnham Were the guests of Mr. D, McLaren on Sunday. Miss it Upshall, of Tuckersmith is visiting friends in Starlit. Mrs. Alex McLaren and Mee. Alex. Morrisou, of the leth Coll, are at pros• ent very Mr. Pegioald Serimegour of Strat- ford is visiiteg friend aromed the yi ei nit y of G roma rty Me. Alex and Miss Minnie AleNevin, of Conserve, are at present visiting- fi'ionds near Cromarty. Our much respected merchant, of Stall'a, 'a hag been residing in Toron- to for sumo time, lia.e returned again to oceupy ±1i SbOrr: belonging to Mr, Saddler. Zurich. 111r: Simeu Metter has returned from a trip to, "Minh -lea -la -Mrs Steinback is visiting friends in Exeter. --Mr. John Moyer leteleresinoved to the state of Ohio wbere Ii teteuds remaining for some titne,-The Promotion Examinat- ions are past, we hope to give a full report next week -MISS ,J. Johnston has commenced a dressmaking bust - over Mr. Well's score. -Ther e were ser yeses ire the church on Good Friday. -- Officers of the lay 13vanch Ag,ricul tueal Soeiett- int in the village on Tuesday lart,l,te arrauges matters rela- tive to the fall fair. L'rewster. Oiu eoads are in rather a bad condi tion at preseet. WrneO'Belen spent part of Friday and Saturday last lu Seaforth. Mr. Re4iIrnore, of Forest, is at pres- ent visithig felends in thie yicinitte. Mr. O. Gilmore, who has spent the winter in this vicinity has returned to his borne in Forest. We are pleased to see that Mr. H. Hartman, svho got his foot jammed a week ago, is again able to be aromid. The Canadian band is again getting tuned up for spring, while the most of our spring birds have put in an ap- pearance. It becomes our painful duty to relate the death Of Mr Alex. Atkin, of Grand Bend, who departed this life on Settle - dT,* of last week. His remains were, interred„dso he Parkhill Cemetery- on 1415treineel,*e teheseeehied our hearefeltesym- pathy 'to 'the bereaved wife and family. Winchelsia. Lots of mud. Good sugar making weather, veheat is looking very promis- ing at present. Mr. II, Brown gave the boys a taffy pull on Monday niglat. Liddocott, who has been stay- ing with het sister all winter, leaves this week to wait upon her mother, Mrs Cook, whc. is very 111 near St Thomas. Mr, 11,13rown was out in. the town- ship of Hay, last week, helpings Mr. Ed. Bossenlserryto conduct two large auct- ion Sale, Harry takes well with the Germans: ACCIDENT. -A very sad accident happened to a bright little boy of eight summers, son of Mr. Colley, north of Kirkton, on Monday of htst week. It appears that Mr. Colley was comming through the bush with a load of wood on the sleighs with the little fellow on the load, and whtle the sleigh was pls. sing oyer log, the boy tumbled and feloa a stick- of is on his head, when another large stick fell across his forehead, which broke his nose and facture(' his skull. He lingered in a sad condition until Thursday, when death retieved him of his sufferings. The parents have the heavtfelt symp athy of the neighborhood in this their time of trouble. Crediton, Mr. G. Zwicker, of Lucan, is home on a visit. T1M1nas Sweet, of Manitoba, paid our town a flying visit on Thursday night last. Mr. Charley 'McLaughlin, of Dash, wood, paid our town a flying visit on Sunday lest, Miss Martha, Eilber and Miss Carry Geiser left on 'Tuesday for Buffalo to remain for the summer. Miss Brown, our school teacher, re - earned on Monday evenings to resume her duties after spending Easter with her parents. . The social on Monday evening held by the Ladies Aid was a succese and everybody present 'seemed to enjoy themselves. Mr, and Mrs. W. Jones, of this place, are spending a few day e of their honey moon at the residence of Mr. R. Griffith, 131.117W ell street, London. Death has been in or midst and seized from the home of Mr. and Mrs, C. Ran, Edgar, their oMest son. The par- ents have. the sympathy of the whole vine get Good Feiday passed of very quietly In our village. Although the weather being gently our speete had a glass ball contest, and sorrie good sheeting was done 011 both sidee, Master C. Gabour 10 very low at pvee- ent and death is almost expeeted at anytime. Mr. W, Witzel returned on Thursday last from Galt, where, he has been on business. Centralia A foot -ball match was played be- tween the Centralia team and the boys of the Luc in High School, on Good Fri day, resulting iu two goa:s to nothing, in favor of Centralia, Mrs. Crocker, se, met with rather a painful accident on tile 21st ult., by limekiln). her leg at the thigh. She met witri a slushier accident about a year ago by breaking the other leg about the same place. She is under the doctors care and is doing a8 well as can be expected, Ceuene.-Last Monday evening. sonae of the yonng braves,who arefond of adventure, especially where there is a feast of maple taffy involved,planned themselves a treat in the direction of Mr. Nairtes sugar refinery as a suit- able and convenient location. They accoidingly went to that place at Ant 9 o'clock thinking that the unweary proprietor would have retired era this Lind they would be able to enjoy their feast without being molested. But no such good fortune was in store for them for just as they were congratulating theniselyes upon this good future in not having been discovered and were greedily watchingthe amber liquid that was speedily approaching that stage so much coveted by our would be adventurous braves, tees loud re- ports from a gun made their hair stand erect, they were too much frightened to run away but at once threw up their hands and pleaded for mercy. The proprietor desirous of 'giving them a .good scare had loaded his gun with a light charge of wheat thereby putting marks of recognition upon some Of them. Jimmy Oke bears a slightly scarred face, Charley Smith had a cost- ly seal car punctated with the grains of wheat, J3i1ly Colwell escaped injury but they think themselves abused young men. This &squid be a warn- ing to boys in general not to become familiar with other people's property, even in a joke. .A.ilsa Craig, Mr. Hector Gunn is away on a trip to New York. Mrs. Cole, of Wardesville, spent Eas- ter with her parents. Miss Laura Creighton, of Loudon, is the guest of Miss Della Allen. Ma Geo. Graham, of London tp., has become a resilient of our thriving burg. Will McKay, of Knox Colle,ge,Toron- to, spent Easter with his parents here. Mr. Jno. Attains, of Hamilton. spent Easter in town visiting his old friends Mr. Ino. S. McDonald is confined to his bed. with a severe attack of lum- bago. Mr. and. Mrs, 'Wilton, of Stratford, were the guests of J. H. eleKa.y on Sunday. Mr and Miss McArthur, of London erne the guests of their aunt Mrs. W. G. Sh.IJPole°Y. Walton has been engaged by Mr. Horn, of Granton, to manage his bla.cksmith shop for him. Mr. Dan Catness, of East Williarns moved his household goods and family into town on Wednesday. Mr. Melee., Principal of Huron Col lege, London, was the guest of Rev. Mr. Shore, on Good Friday. Donald MeNaughton, Esq., a retired gentleman in the east end is afflicted with a severe cold at present. Ma Wm. Hughes who has been ill all winter with rheumatism, we are pleas ed to note,is able to be around again, Rev. D. L. Dewar will preach a ser- mon for young men next Sunday after- noon at 3.30 p m. in the Presbyterian church. Charley Banes left for Hamilton on Monday, where he has secured a lucra- tive situation he a large dry goods es- tablishment. Miss McLellan snstained a severe facture of the ankle through falling down stairs, at A. M. Munro's hotel, one day last week. Prof.13irks, head organist, in the Queen's Avenue Methodist church,Lon- don, is home on kViSit to hiS father, Rev. W. Birk's. Mr. Ino. Payne, of the firm of Pocoek Bros, boot and. shoe dealers, London, was the guest of Mr. Henry Stonehouse on Good Friday. Master Elide Shoebottom assistant clerk in the diger department in the Rossin hortse, Tomato, is on a visit to his parents at present. Percy Graham, son of Wallace Gra- ham ex -editor and proprietor of the Parkhill Gazette but now of San Fran- cisco, passed through here on his way east. Me Aleeandet Brownlee has sold his jewelery business to a Toronto gentle- man who intends tatting possession this week. Mr. B, will probebly go to Brit- ish Columbia. Mr. D. Stevenson imported ozie of the finest patio case rosewood finished or- gans from the Goderich Organ Co. that has yet: appeared in town, one day laq week, it was secured for the Rey. D. L, DeMiv",r Wm. Jones sold his large ihiele residence and lot adjoining. the G,T 11 'to a Mr. Wade, of Hamilton Mr. Jones efiditesnetdaes.m2,v. ing o Manitoba in Mae' where he will go farming on an extend Mr. S. I. F. Brown, of the Bell Tele- phone Co, Hamilton, was in town On ThUrSday 1(fl10v1n be telephone of - flee to the new office Ali Hey hag fitted up in conneetion with the print - ng office, Our spring show will. be hall on Thursday-, April, 21st, this year and it is to be hoped that we will be favoree with fine weather, so that our local trottees will get an, opportuulty to dis- play their speed. The town was flooded with maple syrup 00 Saturday, every farmer a/mitered to have a supply with him forPle, it tva.e so plentiful that a good singer might have secured a carload by exercising his vocal cords a little. Miss Annie Calming loft he,re on Thursday for Italica, Mich., to yisit her sister, Mrs. Waisted foe e month, Miss Annie will be missed by the young, peo- ple around here as she is a general favorite with everybody. Mr. Geo. W. Shipley, of the Toronto House has purchased the imported grey hound "Bob" by "Robert theDev- 11" from a noted dog. fancier hi the east. Geo. will probably exhibit him at 901110. of the big dog shows this corning sum- mer. Rev. Jno. Anderson, Presbyterian minister, at Nairn, left hero on Friday last for New Brunswick, ,vhere he will reside in the future.. Previous to his de- parture he was presented with a vainabe silver tea sett by Messrs A. C. Stewart, Dan McEwen and others One day last week the stave cutters at Frank Atkinsou's undertook to cut a cord and a half of staves againsttenes Jno. Bowlon our genial tonsorial artist held the watch and announced the time as 25 minutes., which smashes all re- cords so far known in this country they average 15 cords a day. Kit Walker and Will Shipley are spreparedeto eaw a Cord of wood with a - .cross cut saw against any two men in Craig for any amount from five cents up to one dollar and a half, the stakes are made low so that Bob Patch an Fred Burnes mar have a chance to ac- cept this sweepieg cha1lenge.1 If the Craig council intend keeping the street lamps stuck up at every cor- ner for the purpose of making a big display instead of illuminating the streets on dark nights why don't they paint them red, white and blue ana surmount them with the American flag to give them ae artistic appearance. Mr. Silas Ball sold his huuse and lot on William street to Mr. Alex McKellar of the 17th con. east Williamalast week 1,11d moved into the vacant nouse of Mr. Mitchell, on Mill st. We under- stand Mr. Ball has purchased a couple of lots from Mr. Jas. Allen and intends building a brick cottage on thena thie summer. The Reformers around this section are taAking of protesting Hutchius election on the grounds of bribery, per- sonation, ballot box stuffing and a score of others irregularities. If the electors of North Middlesex don't be careful they will have as bad a reputa- tion as Haldimand for crooked work aa a short time. Mr. J. W. Hey Our printer, has mov- ed into his new office which is a mdclet of neatness and beauty, the walls are all covered with framed. pictures, of the most noted horses, lecturers, actors,fire- men and printers in the world, in fa,et its a regular art galler' y printing of- fice, news depot and Telephone °Mee, in one. Billy extendslan invitation to al his old patrons and friends to call On him in his new quarters. NEIL. -In Claruleboyeem the 80th nit., Mrs. David Neil in her 70th year. NEESE Axrd.-In Exeter, on 2etii Henry Kerslake, aged '72 years, months and 26 days, PRAYNY.-In IIsborne, on the 27th ulte the wife of Mt john Frayne, of a daughter. GRAIIA.-Un March 19th, at 5Se, Dun - des St., London, the wife of De. tee,tive &this A. Graham, of a. daughter, Seeerere-In Heborne. on the 92nd ult., the vvife of Mr. Wm. Snell, of 4. dHenera..011'f1111i .--tlin leashwootl, on the 29t11. ult., the s('lf() ef Chavlee Harden), , of'i datighter. In his prayer on a reeeet Sunday morning in Syclenlutin West ehurcle, Kingston, Rev. P. Whiting. said. "Lord bless the city council, for they need etel