The Exeter Advocate, 1891-3-5, Page 9VIOTO' Y! Tfi 8 IIIYEMEI SllS!8!CI1 The Old Chieftain once more to the front The Old slag will again Brave the Breeze A MAJORITY OF ABOUT 36 48 Government Supporters from Ontario Sir John Carries 30 of the 36 Seats In New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Toronto, March 5. --Returns from ail parts of the Dominion show the Gov- ernment overnment 'Of Sir John Macdonald to have been sustained by a majority of at least 86 which later returns will likely in- crease to 40 or more. In Nicholet, Q., and Queen's, N. I3., both parties claim victory. In Algoma, Ont., P'untington, Q., and Cariboo, B C., Polling will take plate later on. Following is a list of the members elected, with iii most a:is• es, their majorities: Conservatives Elected. ONTARIO. Addington -13611, 100. Bruce. -McNeill, small. Brockville -Wood, 200. Cornwall and Stortnont-Bergin, 300, Cardwell -White, 200. Carleton, -Dickenson. Dundas. -Ross, 50. Durham, E. -Craig, 100. Elgin, E. -Ingram, 46. Frontenac,-Kirkpatrick, 182. Grenville, 5 -Reid, 150. Grey, N. -Masson, 294. Grey, E. -Sproule, 150. Glengary.-MeLernian, 300. Haldiinand.-Montague. 50. Halton. -Henderson, 100. Hamilton. -McKay, 699. Hamilton. Ryckman, 655. Hastings, W. Corby, 300. Hastings, N. Bowen, 200. Kingston. Macdonald; 474. Lambton, E. Monerieff, 466. Leeds, N. and Grenville Ferguson 200. Leeds, S. Taylor. 250. Lanark, N. Jamieson, 200. Lanark. Haggart, 566. Middlesex, W. Boerne, 413. Middlesex, N. Hutchins, 11, Middlesex, E. Marshall, 177. Muskoka. O'Brien. Forfolk. Tisdale, 300. Northumberland, E. Cochrane, 300. Ontario, N. Madill, 42. Ottawa. Mackintosh, 1,350. Ottawa. Robillard, 405. Peterborough, E. Burnham. Peterborough, W. Stevenson, 242. Prince Edward. Millar, 100. Renfrew, N. White, 77. Renfrew, S. Ferguson, 315. Simcoe, S. Tyrwhitt (awl) Simcoe, N 'McCarthy, 300 Toronto, E. Coatsworth, 1,405. Toronto, C' Cockburn, 546. Toronto, W. Denison, 1,759. Victoria., S. Fairbairn, 140. Wentworth, S. Carpenter, small. York, W. Wallace, 200. Total 48. QUEBEC. Bagot.-Deport, 54. Beaucharnois.-Bergeson, 357 Brome.-Dyer, 5. Champlain-Carigan. Compton. -Pope, 1,000. Gaspe.-Joncas, ace. Hochelaga.-i)esjardins, 782. Ibcryille.-Nandeau, 3,000. Joliet t.-Lieppre, 100. Jacques Cartier.-Girouard, 260. Laprairie. Pelletier. Laval.-Ouimet, 57S. L'islet.-Desjardins, 39 Maskinonge.-Coloumbe, 72. Megantic.-I+reebette, 71. Mon tcalm.- Dugas. ;4lissisquoi.-Baker, 100. Montreal Centre. Curran, 1,045. „ East. Lepine. „ West. Smith, 2,589. Pontiac. McLean, 172. Richelieu. Langeviu, 398 Rimouski Caron. Rouville. Gigault. Sherbrooke. Ives, 229. St. Maurice.. F. L. I)esauluier, 100. Temiscouata. Grandbois, Terrebonne. Chapleau, 1,000. Three Rivers. Langevin, 180. Two Mountains. Daoust, 291. Total, 30. NOVA SCOTIA. Annapolis. Mills. Antigunish. Thompson, 200. Cape Breton. McKeen. „ „ McDougall. Colchester. Patterson, 500. Cumberland. Dickey, 750. Guysboro'. Ogden, 54. Halifax. Stairs. 27 Kon a y. Hants. Putnam. Inverness Cameron, 150. Lunenburg. Kaulbaeh, 100 Pictou. Tupper. McDougall. Richmond. Gillies, 83. Shelbourne. White. Vittoria McDonald, 60: Total. 17, NEW BRUNSWICK. Albert. Weldon. Gloucester, Burne. Kent. Leger, 1.87. Ding's. Domville. Northumberland. Adams, 400. Resti4,reuclie. McAllester, 323. Sunbury. Wilmot. St. John City. McLeod, 400. ,, County. Hazen, 600. „ „ Skinner, 600. Victoria. Costigan. Westmoreland. Wood, 100. York. Temble. Total 13. P.itlNCEEDW.ARD ISLAND. King's. McDonald. McLean. Total, 2. MANITOBA. Gisgar.-Ross, 111. Provencher.-Lariviere, ace. Selkirk. -Daly. Winnipeg. -McDonald, 670. Total. 4. NORTH.` VEST TERRITORIES. Alberta. -Davis. Assiuiboia, E.-Dewdney. Assinihoia, W. Davin. Saskatchewan. -McDowall. Total, 4. BRITISH COLUMBA , . New Westminister.-Conilm3-d. Victoria City and County. -Prior. Victoria City and County. -Earle. Vancouver Island. -Gordon. Yale. -Mara, ace. Total, 5. LIBERALS ELECTED. ONTARIO, Brant, N. -Somerville. Bothwell. -Mills, 460. Brant, S. -Patterson, 595. Bruce, E. Truax, 125. Bruce. W. Rowand, 96. Durham, W. Beith, 209. Essex, S. Alien, 61. Essex, N. McGregor, 840:" Elgin, W. Casey, 600. Grey, S.-Landerkin. Hastings, E. -Burdett. 84. Huron, W. Cameron, 150. Huron, S. -McMillan. Huron, E. -McDonald, 200. Kent, -Campbell, 498. Lambton, W. -Lester, 600, Lincoln. -Gibson, 102. Lennox. -Allison. London.-Hvman, 147. Middlesex, S -Armstrong, 500. Monck.-Biown, 235. Norfolk, N. -Charlton, 446. Northumberland, W.-Gargraft, 86. Ontario, .S. Davidson, 83. Ontario, W. Edgar, 500. Oxford, N. Sutherland, large, Oxford, S. Cartwright, 400. Prescott. Proulx, 697. Peel. Featherstone, 75. Perth, N. Greives, 75. Perth, S. Trow, 174. Russell. Edwards, 200. Simeoe, E. Spohn. 100 Victoria, N. Carron, 250. Waterloo, N. Bowman, 73. Waterloo, S. Lig ingstone, 300. Welland. German, 300. Wellington, C. Semple. 196, Wellington, N. McMullen, 150. Wellington, 5. Innes, 150. Wentworth, N. Baiu, 202 York, E. Mackenzie, 360. York. dulock,120. Total, 43. i$i7EBEC. Argenteuil. Christie, 288. Beauce, Godbout, 300. Belleehasse. Amvot, stiiali. Berthier. Beausleil, 180. Bonaventure. Fauvel, 721. Charlevoix. Simard, 200. Chateauguay. Brown, 100. Qhambiv. Prefontaine, 89. Chicoutimi. Savadre. Dorchester. Valiincourt, ace. Drummond and Arthabaska. h ne, 200. Lever- LTr. Kamouraske. Carrol, 100, L'assomption. Gauthier, 177. Levis, Guay,150. Lotbiniere. Rinfret. ace. Montmagny. Choquette, 300. Montmorency. Larte, 30. Napierville. Monette. Ottawa County. Devlin. 299. Portneuf. Delisle. Quebec, C. Langelier. Quebec, E. Laurier, ace. Quebec. W. Ahearn, 102. Quebee County. Fremont. Richmond and Wolfe. Laurier. Shefford. Sauburn, 200. $oulanges. Moss 'au, 12. Stanstead. Rider, 105. St. Hyacinthe. Bernier, 700, St. Johns Bourassa, 224. Vaudreuil Harwood, 92. Vercheres Geoffrin, 168. Vanaska Mignault, 300. Total 33. NOVA SCOTIA. Digby. Bowers. King's. Borden. Queen's Forbes. Yarmouth. Elint. Total. 4. NEW BRUNSWICK. Charlotte. Gilmer. Carlton. Coulter,. Total, 2. PRINCE EDWARD '!?;LAND. Queen's. Davies. Welsh. Prince. Yeo. Perry. „ „ Total. MANITOBA. A. Marquette Watson. Total I. 1N DOUBT. Nicolet, Q. Queen's, N. B. Total 2. ELECTION YET TO BE MELD. Algoma, Ont. Cariboo. Q. Huntington, Q. Total 3. Cons. Libs Ontario ..48 43 Quebec 30 83 Nova Scotia..... ..... 17 4 New Brunswiick.......... 18 2 P. E. Island. ........ 2 4 Manitoba .... .......... 4 3 N. W. Territories......... 4 0 British Columbia ... 5 0 123 87 Government MAI ority so far, 36. RECAPITULATION, • Conservatives Elected.. ..... _128 Liberals Elected. 87 In Doubt ... 2 Elections to be Heid .............. Total No. of 'Members of House.... 215 At Hamilton. Hamilton, Ont., March 5.-A large Conservative majority here was a sur- prise to both parties, especially after the Liberal's victory of last wee':. The city was wild with excitement. A large procession with lamps and fire- works paraded the str::ets and at Con servative quarters, where the returns 'were givers out, the crowd was im- mense. The Reformers had a good time in the Palace rink, where returns were also received. Kingston elected Sir John Macdon- ald by 500 majority. The Conserva- tives are wild over the result. The re- turns were received with cheers at newspaper offices and the City Hall. Nearly every polling booth in the city gave -Sir John Macdonald majorities. I'he Conservatives were addressed in rousing terms by Rev. W. W. Carson, Senator Sullivan, Capt. Gaskin,. J. H. Metcalfe and others A splendid pro cession was the ei"ent of the evening.