The Exeter Advocate, 1891-1-1, Page 8r•
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Lieut forget to marl; your ballot for A queen accident bad a Portland
Spackman for DepittyReevo, woman hast week. An erecta. light
Better Equalization in assosment by wine had sagged to: the tinned roof of
voting for Dickson for councillor. her !louse and the current was .con -
Don't forget to -nark Your ballots deleted by: the water conductor on the
T. 1. McCallum en Monday' next, outside of the house to a trap ins the,
far 1 ,, , . cellar thence by the waste pipe to the
He, will coriluct ,your ,ti�Titlrs properly , )z Z p the
for the ensuing year. sink on the second floor; thence by
Thereri ill bo two eclipses of the sun water pipe to the street, so that when
t the
on -
the the lady put her hand on the faucet of
i • tl 1�,1 .
and two of the moot 1 the water pipe she couldn't let go. But
iy one visible, in Canada will be a tot-
al eclipse of the 1000a ch NOV. 19th, luckily the wind was blowing, and as
-wires tes swayed, the water pipe and
No doubt we are safe in making the'its ad J•uncts ivetre electrified with but
asseriton that Mr. Geo. Bissett possesses an intermittent currant, so the lady
a cow which produces what no other was liberated, after a few minutes' im
cow in town does, that i$ 10k lbs. of pisonment and considerable suffering.
butter in one week.
Dickson for Councillor for 1891. _.
Vote for H. Spackman, for Deputy -
Vote for Dickson and econon
for T. H. McCallum for
en Monday next.
Your vote and influence for
man on Monday next.
Vote for Dickson the young
• man'S
Santa Clause at G. A. Hyndman'sfor
Christmas. call and see
Your vote and influence for Dickson
for Councillor.
Biggest stock of clothing in the
County Fanson's Block, Exeter.
Dickson for home labor. Vote for
him for Councillor.
The correct style of skating boots for
ladies at the Big Bankrupt Store -
Keep down taxes by electing Dick-
son for Councillor.
Don't fail to see J. H. Grieve's $10'
suits before purchasing elsewhere.
All the latest designs in Jewellery at
T. Fitton's Jewellery store. See "ad."
Economy secured by electing Dick-
son for Councillor.
Men's and boys overcoats all reduced
50 percent at the Big Bankrupt Store.
Mark your ballots for Dickson for
Councillor and keep down your taxes.
Band will be at the Rink Thursday
(New Year's Day,) afternoon and even-
First appearance of Santa Clause at
G. A. Hyndmau's on Saturday morn-
Hurrah for Spackman's Boot and
Shoe Store for ovtercoats, Fur Coats,
Robes, &c•
The Hotchkiss Ordnance Company
No matter how much better you has delivered to the War Department
think you are going to do by buyingat Washington, a' sample of the now
your Christmas goods sornew here else, twelve pounder, rapid fire mountain
DON'T let go of your money until you. Pun which will be iverr a thorough
have seen -through the stock and prices fest at Sandy be bind if successful
at E. Spiel;nlau's fine display, will be adopted and supplied in consid
An exchange says that seed - oat erable numbers to the troops o11• the
swindlers are again working the Coin—frontier. This gun is the result of a
try, Itis about time the farmers rvere combination of the ideas of one of the
ou their guard against such persons ordnance officers of the army and the
after being gulled. so many times, I-Ioteltl;iss Company, and it is regarded
Take this as a warning and cion t bite,a. as the ideal ging for service in a rough
Mark 3011r ballots for T. H. McCa1 country.. The gun was made •as situ-
lutn, for Reeve' on Monday. He will pre as possible and can be quickly and
give good !!Municipal Legislation tind easily mounted. 'It is transported with
bring down the taxes. all its fittings and tlmnlunition seven.
11 HICKS offers the following articles pada mules, the same number required
for holiday gifts: -Ladies and Gents for the two -pounder gun now in use,
Gold and Silver Watches, Gold. and while its efficiency will be Many times
Silver Spectacles, Gold and 'Shyer Jewel- greater,
cry, Diamond Set Rings, Friendship )iTepairing,
Rings, Batld Rings and Wedding Rings Bring your repairing to R. Hicks if
a speciality. you desire expert workmanship. 'Prompt
We are in receipt.of the B'ree Press attention and. moderate charges.
Holiday Number. It is beautifully it Girt Wanted.
lustrated, containing choice reading A first class ainingroom girl wanted
matter and deserves the highest praise at once, for which liberal wages.will be
for the Mechanical and artistic work
paid. Apply at the Central Hotel,- Ex-
which isexecutedin a manner of 11n eters
surpassable beauty.
m• t
below have been provisionally passe'cl
by the local examiners ancl if allowed,
by the 1$d.w.x',tion. 1)opttrtment their
cei•tilicate,s will be sent to thein by the
S. S. No..4 llay
Exeter;P. S.
Hlopp, E'ilmor 390
Gould, Emily 456
!licks, Lottie. 434
Eacrett George 472
" 'tressle 389
Gies, John 477
Turnbull, G. M. 439
Cook, Milton 414
McMordio, S. 434
Johns, Chas, - 429
Altdrew,'Chas. 567
Powell, Geo. 416,
Erintaombe, E. 556
Delbridge, J. •442
k'ersouai sgentiou.
Mr. Richard Bissett, wife and two
sons, of London, spent Christmas in
town visiting friends and relatives.
They returned home on Monday —Mr.
Wm. Stewart, of the Club House, at
London, was in town over Sunday, vis-
iting his relatives,—Mr. Jas. Bissett and
wife, of London, are spending the
Christmas holidays in and around Ex
eter.-Miss Lizzie Stewart, of Detroit,
Mich:, formerly, of this place, is again
in our `midst spending the holidays.
with friends.—Mr, Walter Hughes,who.
-has been under the employ of Weekes
Bros. learning the art of marble cut
ting, left for: Cleveland on Monday
morning last: Sucee,ss to you Walt.
-Miss Agnes Hoddy, of St. Marys, is
spending' a few days with friends in
town.—Mr. Thos. Cousins and wife, of
London, aro the guests of Mr. J. Par-
sons. ---Mr. Chas. Knight is home visit
ing his parents. -Mr. David Tait,
former resident' of this place, but now
of Tilsonburg, paid us a short visit last
week.—Mr. Robert Browttlee,of Almira,
1^ork state, is home under the parental
roof again.—Mr. Charles Ross and wife
of Tilsonburv, rvere here visiting
relatives and friends last week Mr.
Ross returned to his duties Friday,
while Mrs; Ross will remain for some
time.—illi. 1�rilliain<Collins, formerly of
Hay Township, but now of London,
o- holidays.
n rn the,
is here spe d b G
—Miss Mary E.• Treble, daughter of
Mr. John 'Treble of this place, is here -
from Wingham visiting her parents.
—Mr: Wesley. Creech left on _ Monday
evening for London, where he, will re -
it -min for some time. -Mr. W. J. Clarke
and wife, of Toronto, formerly of this
place, are visiting friends and rela-
tives in town.—Mr. Reginald. Elliot, of
the Molsons Banta, Toronto, and wife
have been visiting here during the
past week.—F e are pleased to notice
two of our old residents with us again
in the person of Mr. and Mrs, Edwin
Spacktnan, of Blenheim.—Mrs. C. B.
Cryer, Mrs. H. A. McTavish, of Detroit,
and Mrs. W. S. Dever, of St. John, Mich
are spending the Christmas holidays
with their father Mr' John. Hawkshaw.
Vote for Spackman he will act wise
and economical in dealing with the
town affairs.
The contract for the new hotel at
Kirkton was awarded to Henry James,
of Mitchell. •
Tour vote and influence are respect
fully solicited for H. Spackman, for
Deputy -Reeve.
Yes 19 pounds good bright sugar for
31, best baking soda for 2 cts. at the
Big Bankrupt store.
Gold and Silver Watches, best in the
market at T. Fitton's. See "ad" else-
where in the ADVOCATE.
All fur coats, caps, boas and storm
collars must be cleared out at once at
the Big Bankrupt Store.
Big stock of Christmas goods in end-
less variety at Spackman's Boot & Shoe
store. To be cleared cheap.
We are !'leased to notice that Mr. S.
C. Hersey is able to be on our streets
again after two weeks illness.
The Right IIon, a,nd Most Rev. Ws
Thomson, Archbishop , of York, and
Primate of England died last week.
Candies, oranges and all kind of
fruit will be sold very cheap during the
holidays at I1yndman's Grocery
Dickson will give you honest legis-
lation at the Municipal Board. Vote
for him for Councillor.
Insure' in the Temperance and Gen-
eral Insurance Co., of Toronto. ED
BissnTr, local agent.—May 29-90.
For scrofula in every forth Iloocl's
Sarsaparilla is a radical, reliable rune
•dy. L has an unequaIlecl record of
Don't forget to get your blankets at
the Woollen Mills they have made a
sweeping reduction -in prices, for the
holiday season.
Prepare for Jack Frost by buying
your felt boots and shoes, The btug(tsI
stock in town, 1*anson's Bloc:l, Exeter,
E. J. Spackman,
Christmas relen .
Quite a block in traffic attired on The best present to give a friend'
the Main Street at the iron bridge on would be the esent ntitleve ti fiiend
Tuesday morning, A sleigh load of est Africa" by Henry M. Stanley. For
hay was standing on the north side, Sale by Capt: Iiehtp, TownHall,Exeter.
and before willing hands could get it
under way, nearly twenty teams load- Wanted.
rr mend. 5
00o pairs of
• too late to me
ed and empty were idly waiting the Never P
raising of the blockade. boots and shoes that need repairing to
A New York corn doctor says he has be left at the. leading boot and shoe
had fifty ladies faint away in his office store next door to the post office. G.
before they could get their too tight Manson.
shoes otf,and that nineteen out of every Silverware.
twenty ladies of fashion 'have from There is no more satisfactory and
three to eight corns constantly with desireable present for the holidays than
them. Cutting them out does no good some article of silverware. R. Hicks
as long as they continue to wear tight aims to give the best value and the
shoes. best goods. An inspection of.our stock
The Post Office Department has will satisfy you.
made a new regulation whereby, upon Watches.
the issue of the new postal guide in R. Hicks can furnish you any style
January, third class matter,such as pa- or grade of timekeeper, and convince
pers, snaps, pictures, ete., not fully pre- you that you are obtaining a watch at
paid, will be at once foiwarded to the close prices by dealing with him. We
address named, and the shortage there- sell the best standard movements, the
on collected by the letter carrier or newest style of cases, and render great
post -master.. inducements to purchasers. -We offer
Dickson the workingman' sfriend. what you desire at a price that will
Elect him for Councillor. meet -your purse, and strive only for a
some time ago we noticed an article fair legitimate profit.
in the Huron Expositor - stating theS5750 cotta; e.
weight of some very large pigs they or its equivalent in cash will be giyen
have north of us. -In ,this issue we to the person detecting the greatest
make mention of a farmer, Mr. Francis number of errors, (words wrongly spel-
Cornish; who resides in the Township ledor misplaced) in the December issue
of Usborne,' who, one day last week of OUR HOMES. In addition will be
killed a pig that was only nine months given two cash prizes of 3200 each,four
old and weighed when dressed 352 its. of 3100, et of $50, ten of $25,
Duelling in Japan is to be put down
twenty-five of 310, fiftyfof 35, one hnn
at once, according to a severe edict died of $2, and one hundred and tifty
from the 1likada. Any Terson ecce t of $1, distributed in the order mention
inor provoking• a duellwill be heavi- ed' in rules and regulations, which will
13. -fined and condemned to galleys 'for be sent with a copy of December issue
a period of from six 'months to two on recipe of 15c in stamps. Special cash
years. The seconds will beunished prizes given away almost every day
p during competition which closes Feb.
in proportion, while any one criticising 1st 189L
a man who refuses to fight a duel willAddress, Our. HOMES PUBLISHING Co.,
be punished for libel. Brockville,, Canada.
E. A. Garland, a Wisconsin man, hasMasonicOfficers. '
Zurich P. S.
S. S. No. 5, Hay.
Dashwood P. S.
S. S. No. 10, Hay
S'irinchelsea, P.S.
i!t•Y,' .a%!W?.' 4,1414 n,viuM,.anLbrtnlwtwunw. �• x/s,±F! .. 1!0,
wind • u business on a veryair
.�. man can. do a w1 �cl pump Y
May catch the ear of the buyer for a time, but it won't keep
his trade. Talk 16 dear to the man who has his caution talk-
ed away, his scruples talked aside.
To the woman Who is talked into over buying or buyinos a
style of goods that will not stand the test of unprejudiced•,
judgement; such methods' are only worthy
whose business is to sell and not to satisfy.
These are ElOt og.4r meth «ds. call ten
dollars ten dollars and not nine dollars and ninety-nine
cents. This reckless reduction of price -thus dressing up a
ten dollar bill to look like a nine -is a fake business.
Talk is cheap when all its blowing ends in
invented a peculiar clock. It consists At the last regular meeting of Leb-
of three egg -shells set on pivots, one to anon Forest Lodge, No 133, A. F. & A.
denote the hour, one the minute and M., G. R. C., held on Saturday evening,
tate other the seconds. The shells re• Dec 27th, 1890, the following officersvalve on the pivots without apparent elected for the year wereduly installed.
mechanism to give them motion. Mr. W Bi•o. H. S1,aci;man, W M ,
Garland intends matting one with glass c R. H. Collins, S. W.;
balls and hanging an incandescent
lamp in each ball, so the clock can be
made to serve as a lamp as well as a
Messrs R. Davis and So
n s have after
considerable trouble succeeded in
covering the large door of the Roller
Skating Rink with ice. ` They opened
it for the first time on Thursday even-
ing last. The ice is in first class ' con-
dition, and lovers of skating will find
it to their advantage to patronise the
proprietors and reward them for their
a,rdeous ladors in completing this novel
place of amusement. • •
We are sorry to learn of the severe
illness of Mr, Jas, Stanlak0 0110 is ly-
ing very ill at present, and little hopes
of his recovery are anticipated.
Before mrclering wtith i clothing caal1 and five dogs, to kill one of th(se little
011.Jas:" IIS• -Grieve and examine his creatures. Nevertheless, after they
stook ck of -winter
'�� : cl well: nssertetl
large zi]
goods. Prices every below the lowest
Those who have friends abroad, who
were fotrmer residents of this place,
could Ilot take a tnnl•c neeepta1)lc prtes-
ent flail by Int vi n, the Anr'0t -im.^
-)sent them each n°ecl _ for the next year.
Try it.
A HANGMAN'S YEAR.—The execut-
ion of Lamontagne and Blanchard at
Sherbrooke excited more than passing
notice. They recall the fact that this
was a hangman's year. The record
is a long one—Smith at. London, Davis
at Belleville, Dubois at Quebec:, Spen-
cer at Kamloops, Birchall at Woodstock
Day at Welland and Blanchard and
Lamontagne. at Sherbrooke. It is to .he
trusted that the epidemic of crime pre-
ceding these events will now be
This is the time of the year when
large numbers of our sports can be
seen daily wending their way to the
neighboring forests in quest of game.
Tilt; woods echo with the yelp and howl
of the hound, while the hnntsntan fol.
lows closely a:ft,;1 eager to catch a
glimpse of the poor little "bunny"
whose life must be very 1y shottr because,
they say that it takes about six 111111
Sam Sweet, J. W.;
" ' S. F. Robinson, Chap. ;
B. S O'Neil, Treas.;
M. Eacrett, (Gr. Stewart) Sec.
Chas. Sanders, S. D.;
John Knight, J. D.;
Lovett, 1. G.;
" Wm. Brooks, Tyler;
`° Joe Davis, D. C.
Bros. W. Weeks and Wm.
• Pugsleyy"stewards.
Sts Jiisc:Pb itielcson Yiesignea.
ii Ioscph 1111.1 son tendou.d his re
sitrnation to the Grand Trunk board of
directors as heieral manager, and
We can show you something cheaper than talk—we mean
our goods—for Milk is dear at any price. Goods with an
honest X on them and not ten worked over to look as if it
were a nice. Its a fake fit to go along with Barnum's cir-
cus and show bill exalt-geration which describes the goods.
1a,i.7.= =sail= g has •slc S'c,'l:l.s 1-
ire. �"ou. mea
i=t,. S•—We still have OU celebrated 25c Tea, the talk
of the town.—C. B_
have scoured the swamp all day long
you will find them retnrnin„ in the
evening. with probably (moor t f'oof the
little animals. Thio is altout the only
game that isleft in t•hir+ section of
country and it should be protectOti
1010 than what it is. or before long
they will become, e ,tittct.
v eY
the same has been accepted. For some
time past the general manager, on ie,
count of ill health, has been urging his
resignation upon the directors of the
company in question, but 'Sir I3enry
Tyler and others have succeeded up to
the presenttime, in inducing SirJoseph
Hickson to remain in office. Arrange-
ments, however, have been completed
on the other side,and,as before intimat-
ed the resignation of the company's
chief official in Canada, has been reluct-
antly accepted by the hoard. Sir .Jo•
seph s successor will be L. J. Sargeant,
vice•piesident of thc`Chu'tgo and Grand
Trunk railway, and the present -traffic
manager of the Grand Trunk, The
salary of the general manager is ..°"025:
000 per annum. Sir Joseph Hickson
contemplates remaining in .1Jontreal,
and will riot in connection with the
Cana.h.ln advisory �r viboard of the Grand
J gull!. iailtVay.
ggYxln !telloot ientranee tetai Mutation.,
An examination for entrance.' t0
High Schools was held at 'Exeter on
22nd .2G 1.4 and 2,Itltof Deectnbcr, The
Can clMate 5 Were req aired to matte one-
half.of the total and one•third of each
paper: The minimum pn85 marl: for
tinsexanInta.t)on IS 352 then; being 25
1nar1.'- added for the copy Book work,
The ctzndidates whose names are gi' on
gative Medi-
cine. They aro a
supply in a condensed
form the substances
actually needed to en-
rich the Blood, curing
all diseases coining
from Poon and WAT-
ERY BLOOD, or from
the BLOOD, and, also
invigorate and Bunn
IIP the BLOOD and
SYSTEM, when broken
down by overwork,
mental worry, disease.
excesses and Indiscre-
tions. They have a
SPEcirxc ACTION on.
the SExoAL SYSTEM. of
both men and women,
restoring LOST VIGOR
and correcting all
EVERYMAN who finds his mental fac-
MAN ulties dull or failing, or
his physical powers flagging, should take these
PILLS. They will restore his lost energies, both
physical and mental,
EVERY WOMAN el,oneyldttake them.
pressions and irregularities, whichuinraevitaall sblupy-
The Specilties, the Novelties, the Oddities of the A RT
COUNTESS stove are creating; a sensation., For the
first time in many years there is a coal stove that is on every
tongue. !!Manufacturers, travelling men, stove dealers, fatir-ni-
ers and, in fact, every person interested in stoves are talking
about the ART C lIsWITESS.
Why is phis •
Because the ART COMM= is daring in its original-
ity. It leaps to the front with its wonderful improvements.
No other stove has anything like it. New from top to toe.
Brilliant from urn to base. Beautiful in its effect under fire.
Radiant on the parlor floor, and eloquent in its hot air :corn
entail sickness when neglected.
YOUNGliEN shouldtalcethosePu,Ls.
FDI 81i� 615 They will cure rho re-
sults of youthful bad habits, and strengthen the
YOUNG WOMENshhese takeould tathem.
Tke will
make them regular.
For sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon
receipt of price (LOc. per box), by addressing
Brockville. Ont.
How kbollt
the Nth.
has taken the lean., it',lieac1.y has the pole, and. it
will have to be a good one that can overtake it.
0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0A
JA full assortment of cook and parlor stoves on hand which_
must be sold, and VERY CHEAP.
cr 't Forget tom+tg1ace_
�'7 n,'J O L L F O L L A� D o7
STAND, one door north of Dr. ,Lutz's Drug Store, Main Street
'Sign of Big Elephant.
Call and see the nice
Christmas goods at. E. J.
SPACEMAN'S. One of the
largest SSi11.'tmenti£3inExet-
er tt) choose from.
BIG DROP in Men's and
Boys overcoats. Men's and
Boy's suits for the Christmas
�99RS C�0 SRO�S
rancy Slippers,
for Ladies and 11Men, for the '
Christmas Trade.
Big sleet: of Fresh Groceries s for the
3 lb. Currants 25 cts; 3 lb. Raisins 25 cts.
3 boxes Royal yeast caKes 25 cts; 3 boxes Mustard 25 ets.
3 11 starch
3 " Bird Seed 25 cts;
2 lb cheese 25 cts;
5 lb Sodas 25 cts.
2 cans Salmon 25 cts.
ie 3 " Corn Starch
4 boxes Pearline 25 cts..
1 lb Lemon Peal 25 .cts.
8 115 Oatmeal 25 cts
2 bars Soap 25 cts.
2 31, mixed Candies 25 cts 1 ib Tea 25 cts..
1 gal water white coal oil 25c. 1 115 coffee 25 ctS
Full line of Sugar; TeasCoffees and. MOM'SS
Cheap as Cheapest.
Skates acme 50c to $1.00 Plated. $1.-50 -
Plated.' Ware at Cost. Tinware all Kinds at cost.
Stoves do Sleighs do
Sleigh Bells—Fine Assortment and Cheap. Snow Sla syc . ,
Whips—Great Variety to narl cheap
a H.
Vancto of bilos at Rock 1ttoi Pri-.
Skins, "Tides Wool Picking's gggs and Poultry
lai E e.
T1?`e7> iy>< xe i
�p,g! ��e, jj�� MM , N. ' �"ifd G"� O 761@7 EI D ..
i for