The Exeter Advocate, 1890-12-25, Page 3Stay brother, wlaen I look even the vanished,
TIM voleelegis Pest, Where all my bopes lie
lamas OM from hie own kindred bernisbed
1ror emu° dark steno M a ter country nod.
mem is no crimp -yes It great sboalow hovere,
Like mists that lteep the mariner from slaore,
Hidiug the isles of peace whieb hone discovere
In early life from Lue for evermore.
unaneliored beak goes drifting vainly.
Wilere rude winds veer and sullen Waves roll
And all my actions) have this ending mainly,
Warming to life the worm that will not die.
rapeaim was Once to aid whom fortune elighted
fey bout to benefit what trouble cruehed,
,The fate of those who trusted me is blighted.
Whom I could teach have for my folly
Where was the use. 0 Heart, in all thy hoping?
The bowl is broken and the fountain dry--
, Peer prisoned Cyolope round his cavern groping
' For dome lost door was better 011 than 1.
J. B. BaassaY.
When Sam" wel Led the Sarnia,.
Beritoa Globe :
Of course I love the honest o' God,
But I don't feel to bum there
The way 1 useter do, afore
New -fa !gled ways bad come there.
'Though things are finer Low a heap,
My heart it keepe a mingin'
To our big, bare osd reeetira house,
Where tiam'wel led the attain'.
I 'low its sorter solemn -like,
To hear the organ pealire,
It kinder makes your blood run cold,
An' fills ye fu 1 o' feeine.
But, sumeho w, at didn't tech the spot -
Now, miud ye I ain't slingite
No slurs -co that bass viol did.
When Soan'wel led the singin'.
Itell yo what, when we struck up
'Pile tune, au' sister ilitueer
Put in her purty trebie-eh ?
That's wbat y u'd call 80p reamer -
Why, all the choir, with might an' main;
Set to, an' seemed a-thugin'
Their hull limns out with ey'ry note,
When Sara' wet led the eingin'.
An', land alive, the way the. 'd race
Thro' grand old "Coronation "1
Zech voice anshasin' t'other round,
It jes' beat all creation
I ealus thought it UlUdt a set
The bells o' heaven a-ringin'
To hear us " Crown Him Lord of AD,"
When Sarn'wel led the singina
Folks didn't sing for money then,
They sung because 'twits in 'era
An' intuit come out. I lister feel -
If parson coulou't wiu on
With preachite an' with prayin' an'
His everla.tiu'
That choir'd feteh sinners, to the fold,
When Sam'wel led the singina
The Candidate.
"'rather, who travels the road so late?"
"Hush, my child. 'tis the candidate;
Fit example ot bureau woes -
Early he conies aud late he goes.
He greets the woman with courtly grace,
He kisses the baby's dirty face,
3Ele calls to the a nee the farmer at work.
:He bores the merehau a he bores the clerk;
The blaoksmith wlaile the anvil rings
He greets, aud this is the soug he sings:
Howdy, howdy, howdy do?
How is your wife, and how are you?
Ah, it fits my fist as no other OSII,
The horny hand of the workingman."
"'Husband, who is that man at the gate ?"
' "Hush, my love, 'tis the candidate,"
"Husband, why can't he work like you -
Has lae nothiug at home to do?"
n My dear, wheeever a masa is down,
'No clash at home, no credi • in town,
Too timid to rob and too lazy to dig,
Then over his horse hs leg he flings,
And to the dear peorle this soot; he sings:
"'Howdy, howdy, howdy do?
How is your wife, and bow are yon?
Ali, it fits my list as no other can,
The horny hana of the workingman."
A Fragment.
I ara now a jaded dog of sorrow,
And I can't look on to -morrow
, AS I USed tO ao.
The tbretui of life's near broken,
And the loss of sleep and rest betoken,
The end comes near.
'Years of health I've squandered,
Nor until lately have I pondered
0 er death's approach,
it' had gold heared in actiler,
This is the quick exchauge rd offer:
Give Ma health instead.
We are told of bliss in a foreign sky -
'.know it not, and ono/ sigh,
This world again for me.
Meech, Dec., 1890. HANS. '
Grace Before meat for Children.
Lord, we thank Thee for this food,
All so wholes inc and so god.
Teem who bast created all,
Let Thy bleseing ou it fall,
That we may grow tall and strong,
And endure to serve Time long.
All our evil nature cleanse,
And forg ve us all our sins
This wo ask with one accoad
For the sake of Christ our Lord.-Amme,
Tommy's List.
New York World :
As tbe Christmas season bounded
OS ....-
Little Tommy made it list
. Of all the things he ntust have sure,
That nothiog would be missed.
He wrote very hard, he wrote very
Till his work brought out the
...-.... Elf at.
Thia is the list of what he
But this is -what he'll get. to
Hot -Mater Remedies.
Headaohe almost alwrsys yields to the
minuebaneons epplication of hot water to
the feet and back f the mane
A towel fold. d, dipped in hot water.
wrung °tit raidelly and applied to the
; stomach acte bbs WPW,H3 itt came of colic.
here is nothing tits t eo promptly outs
short congestion of the ionge, bore throat
or rheumetistn et hot water when applied
promptly and thoroughly.
A towel folded several times and dipped
in hot watt and quickly wrung and ap-
plied over the tootheohe or neuralgia will
generally off 'rid prompt relief.
A strip of flannel or napkin folded length-
wise and dipped in hot wytter and wrung oat
and then applied round tho neck of a child
that has the croup wilt /tonally bring relief
In ten raimatere
Hot water taken freely belt an hour
before bed.tinae is the beet cathartic pone
hie in the intee of constipation, While it has
most eoothieg effect upon the stomach
and beaten,. This treatment, continued th
few montlan, with proper attention to diet,
will euro any °arable case of dyspepsia. -
Hall's Journal of Health,
In Bard eaten. young ladiem of the congre-
gation lead in mind thirty. seven petits of
elippere for the minister for Christmas.
But one timing lady made known her
And when the day arrived young Mr.
'Thumper received one pair of slippers and
thirty.eix dreseitig.gowne.
It Would Be Useful.
I'd like to borrow one of your longest
hose," seid a girl th the captain of a fire
What do you want it for?" asked the
Branum ha eurprise,
"I want to bang it up for Chriatinas."
"Wloat is pleasure ?1aslin the Tro
Press. To he able to make ()there happy.-
DEVIS11 DS 1118 MAO uttolrriltn.
Walter Elarttelot Olives Stanley the Lie
Direct in the Loudon limes.
Walter Berttelot, brother of the late
Major Bortielot, writes to the Lander,
Times:" All that Stanley eaid about me it
untrue. It is also untrue that my brotlocz
wrote me to preverit Troup divulging any
thing, or thot Stanley or his oftioers warned
P10 not to publisla my brother's dieries.
Bonny told some, not all, of the stories, bat
at the same time told etories to the die -
credit of mealy every °Moor of the expedi
tion, inolueing Stanley. The latter's boot
and all subsequent accusations ore irr000n.
°Mehl° contradictions and ineonaietenOien
largely made up of scouring% of camp
gossip." Mr. Barttelot concludes as fol
lows "Stanley has done this to cover Inc
own culpability." He enoloaes a, lettot
from Lieut. Begirt, testifying to Majoi
Barttelot's indomitable energy and aourage.
Lieut. Baert tome that he wee on the epee,
but never heard of the accusation° Stanley
has made.
Bow to Accept Presents.
At the holiday sewn the giving of gifts
is prevalent. Now, everybody ORM give
sweetly, graciously and lovingly. How
many oan accept in the same spirit ? I felt
last year that there was a thread of coarse.
neas in the girl who, looking at a fine book
that had been sent her by it friend, said:
"Ob, dear, I auppose I shall have to get
her something in return for it l" That's
barter and exohange. It isn't giving.
Nothing was to be sent in return for the
book unless it were the sweetest of thanks,
and the mere fact of the acuteptance of a
gift does not force upon you its return.
Gift giving is like love, the desire is imp -
posed to come from the heart, and no gift
is worth anything unless it is sent with
that feeling, and that only. But then you
think you are to accept and never to re-
turn? My dearest girl, we never know
how we return things in this world, but
everything does equalize itself. You
have been a charming companion
and have brightened many a moment to a
woman whose purse is better filled than
yours. She sends you, when a Chrismae
Day comes, some dainty present, some
pretty trifle that oho knows you will like.
a book about which you have talked, or a
picture that you have admired; the return
you make should be your thanksgiving,
and that is all. Your gift of a joyful pre
senoe was made long before the material
one. I do not mean by this that the
woman who is not rich must not give -God
forbid it -but I do mean she must not
tbink of attempting to return at once the
gift that has come to her. It is vulgar,
my dear. Wait until another gift day
comes round, and then give something that
expresses yourself, the child of your brain
and your fingers, rather than of your
purse. After all, Emerson struck the
keynote of gift -giving when be said," Our
gifts are for the most part expressionless.
Let the sailor bring a Sea bell, the poet a
poem and the painter it piotare, and
these are the gifts that, being part of your-
self, may be received as of greater value
.than anything which money could obtain.
-Ruth Admen, in Christn4as Ladies'
Home Journal.
Facts About Greenland.
In 1721 Hans Edge, the apostle of the
Ezquimaux, landed in Greenland.
Hall was the first Englishman who laid
his bones on the shore of Greenland.
It has beenfoand impossible to penetrate
forany distance into the vaet interior. The
natives believe it to be inbabited by enor-
mous malignant beicge. -
There is nothing bus it white world sup-
porting a blue vault. From fair below
one's feet there oomes the moaning noise,
the voice of rivers flowing far beneath.
It is 320,000 square miles in extent, the
whole being it masa of ice. A. Danish pro-
fessor in 1620 made his way for thirty
miles inland, and described the Beene he
Occasionally there are loud reports from
the opening of a cleft, is vast mass of water
pierces its way into the ice down to the un-
derlying granite itself, for thousands of
A wonderful sight is that of the calomel
rivers deep and broad, which how between
tall bine banks and pour ss the eud of their
course down a cleft with it might onsosde,
which ie conspicuous trona a distance by
a cloud of mist which alweye hangs above
On the strips of the land near the coast
the Greenland II ma, though minty, is very
pleasant to the eye. Vegetation covers the
ground in thick masses, forming tnrt in the
level placee, while it tills the chinks and
cremates of the rocke and creeps over the
Surface of the stone, eiv:ng a, bright appear-
ance to the land in sunamer.
Giris Understand Market.
" Did you ever read the news about the
markets ? " said Mend to Minnie.
." Ob! sornetinets-especially the dry
goods advertisements; I think they're nee -
fin real often."
"Oh!I don't mean that the rises and
fells, and tlae bells and bears, and Wall
street and all such things."
" Yes; I know. They milk about water-
ing railway stock, tion 7 they? 1 never
underetood until just the other dey whet
they meant by that."
Wiaet Mute it mein ? "
"Why, whorl I wee corning iu on the
train, they stopped for awhile and 1 beard
a gentlemen say Om% theengine was taking
" Well, what of that ? "
"Well. ,1 mane von know they call the
engine ei, iron home ecenetintes. And if
you had aver been in the country you'd
know that hot ses ere stock, and an that ex-
plaine everytbiug just lovely, doesn't it."-
Wathinoton Post.
A Sign of Laaluess.
Camelia Presbyterian Them are two
reasone why reputable ministers do not
ohange palmier often. One is because fro-
qaent exchanges are looked upon ese an ant -
ward and visible sign of laziness -we beg
pardon, inertia. Another is diet in almost
every congregation there aro a few thought.
loss people who are in favor of changing
everything on the earth beneath, and every
change in the pulpit ministers to their
morbid craving for immelhing new. There
is not much in these objections. Congro-
gatione should be rninteteeed to in the
interest of the eensible people, not in the
interest of a few featherheads who may be
connected with them. As tegards laziness,
if a congregation has the remotest cense
for anspioion that their minister is lazy he
ought to resign at once. Humanity seldom
takes on it more odious form than it does
in the person of an idle, lezy, eelfish
Potnter for a Cub.
Cholly (after mammon' g the weethez)--I
notice that the wild geese aro tusking their
way sooth for the winter.
Mae Clattetique-lreeouse me but when
do yon start
Although entnetimes Seer, 400 leagues
from hod, the frigate bird i& seta to return
every mei; to it solataty remit t
Mr, Simon JAWS Wins His Case Against the
Barrie Turf Club.
The Turf.
The Board of Appeals of the American
rotting Asepoiation hes decided in favor
ig Mr. Simon Jamea, of thie city, in his
appeal against the Barrie Thar:ant/. Par.
Gentian of die cane are :
Simon jernee, Hamilton, Ont., vs. Barrie
Turf Club, 13errie, Ont. ApplioAtion fel'
order for return of entranoe paid in the
4.year.old stake August 22nd, 1890. The
defendant advertised a race as follows:
" Four.yeamold stake, open to all mite
end nines of 1886, bred and owned in
Canada at the time of the race. Paymente
to be made March let, My lab and joly
lst, 1890." The published condition e pro.
vided that " Owners who did riot desire
to make good their nominations will forfeit
aothing beyerul the amount already peid.
In all cases there must be four to enter
and three to start, otherwise no race. A
horse distancing the field to reoeive first
money only. In other respeots the rules
of the American Trotting Association to
govern.'' It was sbown ond admitted that
three horses made final payment, that but
Iwo of the horses appeared on the ground
for the race, and it was abandoned under
the published conditiove. The defendant
claims the race was it puree for $300, and
was not re stake race, soadthat the condition
that there must be four to enter and three
to start, otherwise no race, authorized the
abandonment of the race, and that the
applicant ie not entitled to a return of his
entrance fee, the same being forfeited to
the member under its special pabliehed
conditions ; ths,t applicant was reaponeible
for the btilure of the race on amount of not
being present with his horse to start. Held,
That under the advertisement and condi-
tions of entry the race was probably it
steam mad that the speoial conditione do
not entitle the defendant to retain the
money paid by the applicant, the forfeit
condition being applicable only in ease the
race should start, the forfeited money then
going to the winners; but itt no event
would the member be entitled to it. But
if the rime Was a puree reoe we know of no
rule which %maid authorize it member to
retain entrance money in it race which was
not started.
Ordered, That the application be granted,
and the Barrie Turf Club be ordered to
return to the applicant the amount of
money paid.
The Board also decided other Canadian
oases as follows:
J. E. Smith Camnington, Ont., bay geld.
ing F, 0. P. reinstatec permanently.
The Dnfferin Park, Toronto, Ont., vs. J.
S. Nisbett, Toronto, Ont., arid the bay
gelding Toboggan, 3 00 class, Toronto, Ont.,
June 17, 1890 Ordered, That the money
be paid defendant in accordance with the
deoision of the jadges of the race.
C. Lowell, Galt, Ont., ve. T. 0. Brown,
Syracuse, N. Y., and ths bay gelding
Dynamite. Protested winnings, London,
Ont., 2.35 and 2.40 °lasses, June, 1890
Protest was made on the ground that the
eomalled bay gelding Dynamite was the
bay gelding Waiting, record 2 241, $112 50.
Protest be sustained and the money redis.
tribated under the rules.
R. J. McCoulley, Barrie, Oat., and bay
mare Maud M. (formerly Orphan Girl).
Fine for performing under suppressed
time and reaordine fee for ohange
of name, 5150, paid under protest.
Theichareee are admitted ntt-theiios1r--
asked to return the fine or recording
Ise; that the changing of name was done
in ignorance of the rules and with no inteu.
tion to deceive or defraad ; that when the
mare performed under suppressed time
there were no timers in the stand and no
time announced, and protestant did not
then know that it was in violation of the
rules, Protest overruled.
London Turf Club Assooiation, London,
Ont. Application for the return of fine oi
5100 imposed on A. R. Johnson, Brant-
ford, Oot., the driver of the obeetnut
gelding Tommy 0 , 2 50 &taste June, 1890
The driver, Johnson, wee taken out of the
sulky a,nd another driver substituted. Said
Johoson repaired to the judge's stand and
addreesed thejudges in what they oedema:led
to be disrespectful language, when he was
fined $100. Application granted and the
fine remitted to said A. le. Johnson.
What has been accomplished during the
year in the way of smashing running records
is shown by the following comperativetable:
Record in 1879. Present Record.
6 furlongs, El Rio
Rey 1.11 Fides 1.113/
7 furlongs, Britan-
nic 1.261 Bella 13 ..... 123
1 mile, Ten Breech 1.392 Racine...... 1 39,a
11-16 miles, Wheel-
Slt...... 1.35a
er T ........ ... 1.471 Prince Royal.— 1.461
14 miles, Terra
Cot a 1,53 Toutan 1.521
1 3-16 miles, Joe
Cotton 2.001 Tristan
14 miles, Rings- JSalvator
ton 2.064 Banquet
la miles, Tribou-
let 2.214 Ormie
14 miles, Luke
Blackbnrn...... 2.34
- 2.33
Not Charitably Dispooed.
Boston Herald: First woman -I cannot
think what to give my bushind at Christ.
mes. Doesn't the same question perplex
Second woman -No; I decided it in less
than a Eecond.
First woman -How nice. What are yon
going to give him?
Second woman -Nothing!
7 he Ship's Tule-tog.
Judge : " Be oareftti of that," mini the
captain of the ship, as he gave the reoord
of the day to the first mate, Chrietmas
" Is it specially preetione, sir ?" asked the
"Yea, Het the only Yule.log we have on
A New Iteinedy.
Texas Siftings: Father -Now listen to
me, childrett : 1 want you from now on to
be past as bad as you know how. -
Tommy -Won't you whip us, pa?
Father -Not If you are very bad, but I'll
whip you if you behave yourselves. Your
aunt is cornieg to vieit tetand I don't Want
her to stay long.
Stopped the Bow.
NeW York Herald: Sanso-EloW did the
police rnatutge to put down the students'
Road -They threw a football among the
boys and they immediately began to maul
each other to death.
George Manville Fenner new novel, "A
Fluttered Dovecote," is to be published at
once by Di Appleton dr Co.
-Dotek measure a mah by what be
promieee; motionee him by whet he dome
-Married people, it is Paid, live longer
. .
than single cams. Xi aiteres burger, abyvveiyi
to many.
When ri man speake on the spur of tho
MOMent it midst be hard to be composed.
TraLociatiPlirlo arrzaterARy.
wirtiara Gregeon, the well4rnown Eug,
lieh temperance advocate, 10 dead.
aoloePh Mason, member of the Britieh
Columbia Legislature for Cartlaoo, le dead,
The influenza has reappeered at Tokio,
Japan. The oholeee is fast disoppearing.
On Nov. 9th a train Overturned
Okoyan, Japan, killing and wounding 26
The bye.eleotion th fill the yeoman, in
in, the Commons for Napierville takee
Mr, Laurier will address a. meeting of
Ne* Brunevtiole Liberals at St. John, N.
B., op Monday heat.
Pion dobn Dryden, Minister of Agrionli
tare, will address a meeting of West Elgin
farmers at Dutton on Wedneeday.
The Auattian Government hos received
information that the training ebip Ville
d'Anvere, which wag reported lost, is safe.
Col. Bedson, warden of the Manitoba
Penitentiary, is gradually sinking and it is
not expected that he will live over Chriet.
The will of Daniel B. Fayerweather, the
New York millionaire leather dealer, gives
e2,100,000 to different oollegee and 895,000
to hospitale.
The roped has resettled. Winnipeg that
two f °Month° fishermen were drowned the
Otha i atty in Lake Winnipeg, near Grind -
atm 3 iboint.
It is, understood that a number of Cana -
dip segamels, of the tramp variety, have
been prohibited from carrying osttle to
Great Britain. •
On Sanday night the residence of the
Arabi:OBI:top of Valencia, Spain, was dam-
aged by the exploeion of it bomb which
had been thrown at it.
Members of the council of the Board of
TretteT irnd a number of representative
citizees of Toronto left for Sudbury last
niglgeteit the niokel mines.
T e impression in Toronto concerning
the alleged oaee of plenro-pneumonia
among a cargo ot Canadien cattle is that it
is nothing more then inflamation.
A. boat containing the captain and four-
teen men of the crew of the Japanese train-
ing ship Monju capsized off the ooast of
Jape/I-recently and all were drowned bat
Cholera is raging in Guatemala.
Edward Ellett, a London broker, failed
on Saturday, causing Borate trouble on the
Stook Exchange.
Miohael Devitt says Sir John Henneaay
the entiadarnell candidate, will be'elected
in Kilkenny by a big majority.
Two white men, Jaok Bridges and Burk
Robinson, were killed by Apaches in the
Guadeloupe Mountains, Arizona,Friday.
The Bolton Cotton Association has voted
in favor of striking next week unless wages
tire adieu:pea 5 per cent. The strike will
tageen5,000 hands.
Mr. Hitt's reciprocity resolution laid
likely be considered by Congress very soon,
and there are good prospects of its being
passed by both Houses.
The Armenian Patriarch offirtiated yes-
terday, which is taken to mean thet the
difficulty between the Porte and the Ar-
rnenien Church has been settled.
All of the railway men in Scotland will
strike on Sunday next for eltorter hours.
There is it prespect of traffic being en-
tirely, impended during the Christmas
The residence of 'Judge Putnam, Sarre
togs, was burned last night. The house
was filled with valuable paintings, rare
curios, eto. The loss is over $100,000
actually, bat many of the most valued
articles cannot be replaced.
The bylaw to prohibit the sale of intoxi-
catalog drinks in the township of East
Luther, eaboaitted under the Local Option
Act, was voted on yesterday end defeated,
the vote being a tie at 219, and a majority
being required to carry the by-law.
The laborers on the railway that is beicg
built from Galway to Clifden have struck
for an increase of wages. The road is be-
ing built by the Government, and the
work was started as a part of Mr. Belfonr's
nichenae for the relief of unemployed work -
Japanese advioes state that an agreement
has been arrived at between tho Japanese
and Hawaiian Governments regarding
Japanese immigration to Hawaii, by winch
the passage of each emigrant, $65, is de-
frayed by the Hawaiian Government.
J. Pierpont Morgan has sent telegraphic
invitations to the presidents of all rail-
roads weet of Chioago to moot in New
York on December 151h for the purpose
of dismissing the railroad situation with
a view to renewing the preaidentin agree-
The body of Birse, the brave Grand
Trunk Railway engineer who lost his life
at Lachine, was raised • from the water
yesterday. As was foretold by Fireman
Edwards, the engineer's hand was tightly
fastened to the air brake, and great diffi-
'salty was experienced ha removing it. The
features were perfectly natural.
Andrew Daly, working in the woods on
J. R. Booth's back river limits, fell on hie
axe and inflicted such is woune on his left
leg that when he attempted to get back to
the shanty the bone snapped. Ile had to
make it journey of 150 miles in a sleigh to
the nearest station of the Canadian Pad&
Railway, and arrived in Ottawa yesterday
As the Central Vermont New York
express was coming into Montreal yeater.
day and when near $e, Lambert the pas-
sengers in the Pullman oar in rear of the
train found themselves in a dangerous
taeaitien. The rear trnok of the oar had
jamped the track, and as the train was
miming at a high rate of speed they
received is severe shaking, as the wheele
jumped over the tie, ploughing into the
beltway and tearing up the mile. For it
few moments matters looked serious, when
the conductor caught the rope and brought
the train to a standstill.
The Paris Board of Health has decided
in fever of continuing experiments With
Koch's lymph.
Signor, Grimaldi has been Appointed
Minister of the Henan TIMM:airy and
Minister of France.
The Frerash Customs Committee has
adopted the Government's proposal to im-
pose it duty of 51. on grain.
Mrs. Fanning, an old lady living on
Hinoks street, St. 'Morose, fell on the ioe
last night and broke her leg.
At Tipton, England, yesterday, six
ohildren wore crossing the we when it sud-
denly gaVei way oed all six were drowned.
Mr, junto Stratton, collector of customs
61 Poterbore', father of Mr. J. 14. Strathen,
M. P. P., died of apoplexy on Mondey
James Gott, seri., father of George Gott,
collector of ettstorxie, died yesterday morn.
ing at, Amherstburg after only three days"
The Swiss National Council has agreed
to grant applications from other tountries
thttereintieretheeteS eti• etimenettemeraitenetteenteen. '
Vs' N•:, •
for Infants and Children.
"Cadcula ill "Wen adaPted to children that Caatorla cures Colic, Conetimtion,
i recommend it p43 superior to any prescription Sour Stomaeh, Diarrigea, Eructation,
known to mem le £ Amaze; LI?., Kills Worras, gives aleop, and pronaotee die '
111 So. extend 1St, Brooklyn, N. 'Z. Without injurious medication.
Tree CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 Murray Street, N. V.
for the extradition of persons ohargedwith
polities' offences.
Dr. J. B. Murphy, formerly physician et
the Deaf and Dumb leetitate itt Belteville,
has been appointed medical euperintendent
of the asyluna at Alimico.
Bullion to the amount of £50,000 was
withdrawn from the Bank of Eogland to.
day for shipment to Bahia, and £477000
for shipment to New York.
Twenty-ewo convictions against Jabez
Stonness for refusing to pay toll on the
Kingston and Perth road were gnashed at
the County Court at Kingston,
An motion for $25,000 damages was ea-
tered yesterday by Hens Hernekin, of New
York, against Theodore Slayter and Tobb,
of Montreal, on a charge of false arrest.
A young Englishman named Gardner
stole a team, of homes and Waggon from
his employer, Mr. Ley, a farmer near Rea -
born, Man., and the police ars after him
In Moetreal yesterday long arguments
were heard by Judge Taschereau in the
0680 ot the Jesuit Society against the Mail
tor $50,000 for the publioation of an alleged
libel. The judge took the matter en
The senate resolution looking to the re-
moval of Gen. Grant's remains f cone River-
side Park, New York, to Arlington, was
defeated in the House of Representatives
It is rumored in Washington that the
Treasury DePartment will withdraw the
bonding privileges allowed the Canadian
Pacific or the Pacific Coast, but will Immo
untouched those at Point Edward.
Albert Baldwin, aged about 25 years,
was killed yesterday afternoon by is large
lump of dirt falling frcm the bank at the
Sarnia tunnel approach work, and crush.
ing him against it oar. Be hails from
A notable wedding was celebrated at
Pennaboroe W. Va., on Monday. The bride
was Mrs. Meath& Dicason, aged 80, end the
groom Norman Calhoun, tiged 91. The
wedding was witneseed by it lerge umber
of people.
A serious coasting accident coourrea
yesterday at Guelph. While pine cense a
steep hill Celia Howard had the enatill
bone of her right shoulder brokeneoer head
and face badly bruised and her right leg
badly lacerated. She is expected to re.
cover. Two other little girls were hurt io
a less extent:
For the Woraderfu I Success
of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
the Most Popular and
lost Extensively Sold
itifledicine in America.
g Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses great
medicinal merit, which it positively
demonstrates when fairly tried.
gt) It is most economical, being the
kti only medicine of which " too
Doses One Dollar" can truly be said.
4" It is prepared by a Combination,
el Proportion and Process Peculiar to
Itself, unknown to other preparations,
and by which all the medicinal value of
the various ingredients is secured.
4It effects remarkable cures where
other medicines have utterly failed
to do any good whatever.
= It is a modern medicine, originated
by experienced pharmacists, and
still carefully prepared under their per-
son'af supervisiOn.
6It is clean, clear and beautiful in
appearance, pleasant to take, and
always of equal strength.
ay It has moven itself to be positively
the best remedy for scrofula and all
blood disorders, and the best tonic tor
that tired feeling, loss of appetite and
general debility.
0 It is unequalled for curing dyspepsia,
a• sick headache, biliousness, catarrh,
rheumatism and all diseases of the kid-
neys and liver.
ei It has a good mane at home, there
V being more of Hood's Sarsaparilla
sold in Lowell, Mass., where it is made,
than of all other sarsaparillas and blood
purifiers combined.
in Its advertising is unique, original,
honest, and thoroughly backed up
by the medicine itself.
A Point for You.
If you want a blood purifier or
strengthening medicine, you shouldtget
the best. Ask for Hood's Sarsaparilla,
and insist upon having it. Do not, let
any argument or persuasion influence
you to buy what you do not Want. Be
sure to get the ideal medicine,
Sold by all druggisth, 51; six lot 5. Ptepared o'nly
by 0,1. IlOOD & CO., 4 potbeearlen, Lowell, Marie.
MDO Doses One Dollar
Sick Headache it id reeve all the troubles inci-
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, Pain in the Side, &c, While theirmost
remarkable success has been shown in curing
Headache, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER Plus
are equally valuable in Constipation, curing
and preventing this annoying complaint, satiro
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels.
Even if they only cured
Ache they would be almost priceless to those
who suffer from this distressing complaint;
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will find
these little pills valuable in so many ways that
they will not be wining to do without them,
But after all sick head
is the bane of so mauy lives that hern is avheee
we make our great boast. Our pills cure it
while others do not.
and very easy to take. One or two pills make
a dose. They are strictly- vegetable and do
not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action
please all wit° use them. In vials at 95 cents':
live for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail
n1111 HI, Small Dote. Small Irk
-It takes about ten minutes to cook,7a
quail through.
-Italy is to spend $15,000,000 on its new
navy this fiscal year.
-One On:amend laths require about
eleven pounds of nails.
-Beautiful books, suitable for holiday
presents, at Eastwood'e.
-A new 53,000,000 British battle -ship,
the Hood, is being built st Chatham.
-One of the worat forms of the "deadly
parallel" is the double.barrelled gun.
-It's worth a dollar to any man to be
alive and breathe the crisp, sharp air.
-A boy wants a situation in an eating -
house. He understands the businees.
-Capes of all kinds for the girls will be
the fashion this winter, and there is no
escaping it.
Three Dollars a Hug.
Findlay, 0.'epeeist in St. Louis Re-
public: Allen township yesterday,
Justice Spitler fined a resident of thee
village of Van Buren tbe hum of 56 for
having hugged a neighbor's wife twice, or
at the rate of 83 it hog. The irate Dog
berry announced that he would break up
" this promiectious embracing" it he had
to eend the offenders to the county jail.
Always Ahead.
Goderioh Signal: The Clinton Nevi Era
is threatened with c55,000 libel suit. That
shows that the New Era doesn't occupy tho
front pew in Buren County jouremiero.
Now, the Signal Weil* iiever tbreareeed with
it snit for less tban $10,000. We're timid
in everything.
An Objection.
Mumeg's Weekly "Aro youa euizer for
Mho; Brown's hat a 7"
"Yes; but I didn't."
"Didn't what?'
hy, Indesd.
Thessalon Advocate : The Pioneer wants
free tree., with Great Britain beoatise, it
ssys, Canadati protpeote would go rip rt
notch or two higher. Now, old boy,"
why don't 5 on go the whole poen end
came out for free trade with our neighbore
to the south of es, too If froe trade with
Great Britain vvoeld be a f400r1 tbil4.-1 for
Canada why wouldn't free trade with the
United Statee be of a like benefit to ns.
%hey Go Down.
New York Herald: It'eggs-Tbe- high
tariff is seeding everythieg up : I'm getting
Boggs -Yon needn't worry ; you're safe
Pogge-How ao you make that out?
Bogge--Sinneve are not going up!
( ho Delia), Morsel,
Brooklyn Life : Treinp (to hired 0.0) -
Could 1 get a bite hem?
Hired giri-Nur; we ain't got enything
on tlae 'thine that would bite such is looking
object an yOu are.
itt These Days.
Epoch : Debntante-is it possible yeti
would merry him for his money ?
Widow -Yes. You see my first raerriago
Was for lovei A woraau can't affordto do
that more thetemace.
The Secrets of tee season.
Pbeenixville PePublican: This is tho
time when papa, and manlier% spell wordlt
when the children are Within hearing
distance. '
The annorintement in made that e, new
edition of " The Life of Oar Lord," by
Bev. fit. j. Andrews, D. D., largely ',re.
written and brought clown to (tete on (-very
respect, is now in press for early puhli4
cot MD:
Mr. R H, Stodderd IseS ttollseted itnum.
bar of hie recent poems le a weenie eeteded '
The Lion'e Club end Other Vetso," jinni+
leaned by tile Serihners,