The Exeter Advocate, 1890-12-18, Page 8DEAD -POKER'S tftvER FAILS TO CIV sin SATISFAOTION tw FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS, y .cµcxm„o � �f' TI-3�E M `�', X�t ER 91 10 FILLING UPNITZT' THE MART FOR HOLIDAY GETTING. READY DNU GOODS ��IIVHA ssaa ono skn<., w, tvet y i cm i t eat iet t t cu a get co 0 0 ti cn LOCAL INGS. Buy your Beau a mce tie at the Bi, Bankrupt store. The Big Bankrupt Store is all aglow, with beautiful Xmas goods: For fine black dress goods the Big Bankrupt store takes the lead. Santa Clause at G. A. Hyndman'sfor Christmas; call and see him. Biggest stock of clothing in the County Fanson's Block, Exeter, Lovely silk handkerchiefs for Xmas Boxes, at the Big Bankrupt store. •i Dont fail to see J. H: Grieve's es 10 I suits before purchaslrg elsewhere.. Fur Boas and Storm Collars in great profusion at the Big Bankrupt store. First appearance of Santa Clause at G. A.Jlyndmait's on Saturday morn- ing. `r'ry the Big Bankrupt store for or- If you eerier from eatarrle why don't tiered clothing, you Luke i:Ioods 5arsaperilla, theneonn Insure in the Temperance and Gen- eral lilsurauce Co., of 'legume. Ell Bissn i, local agent,—Mey 29-90. Does your boy want an overcoat, take him tothe Big: Bankrupt store, the cheapest spot on earth. Prepare for Jack Frost ,by buying your felt boots and shoes. The biggest stock in town, Feeson's Block, Exeter, E. J. Specimen. Special value in tine dress goods,silks tad soalettos for the Xmas trade at the Big Bankrupt store; Don't forget to get your blankets at the Woollen Mills they have mates is sweeping redaction in prices, for the holiday season'. Another great fall in sugars, 19 lbs, trice height sugar, for $1, at the Big Bankrupt store. tor,.. Those wishing to see Jno. J. Daly Sr. Co., of Guelph, personally to learn their terms for advertising farms and terms for selling hc. and for loaning money, can see them in Exeter at the Genteel Hotel, on Thursday, December, 1Sth., or at IIensall at Murdock's Hotel,on Fri- day December, 19th. Mr. \\ itliain Mutant, of Stepnon, who narrowly escaped death a few weeks ago by a pitchfork entering his bowels, is, we are glad to learn, recoveringand able to be around again. 'His medical attendant, asserts that it was a niira- Melons- escape and that he did not ex- pect the young man ever: to recover from its effects, as the prong was bur, rigid fully six inches out. of sight. Follow the crowd to the Big Bank- rupt Store, that's the spot for Xmas Boxes. Hurrah for Speckman's Boot and Shoe Store for ovtercoats, Fur Coats, Robes, &c. Another lot of Mens fur coats for 513 and $15, lust opened at the Big Bank- rupt store. Big stock of Christmas goods in end- less variety at Spackrnan's: Boot & Shoe store. To be cleared cheap. Buy your Xmas groceries at the Big Bankrupt_ store. All choice goods at Lowest prices. Candies, oranges and all kind of fruit will be sold very cheap during the holidays et Hyndman's Grocery A terrible drop in boots and shoes and Christmas slippers, at the Big Bankrupt store. Division Court was held here on Mon- day, His Honor Judge Doyle presiding Nothing of importance was transacted. Very fancy table scarfs acid side board drapes at the Big Bankrupt store Just: the thing for Xmas Boxes. See them. Before ordering winter clothing call on 'Jas. H. Grieve and examine his large and well -assorted stock of winter goods. Prices away below the lowest. Those who have friends abroad, who were former residents of, this place, could not take a more acceptable prus- ent than by having ,the ADvoc rn sent them each week for the next year. Try it. A horse belonging to Mr. Tohn Bissett ran away yesterday 'Wednesday) setting the sleigh, driver and a nim but of articles in the bottom of the sleigh. The horse was captured before any damage was done. No matter how much better you thins: yon are going to do by buying your Christmas goods somewhere else, DON'T let go of your money until you have seen through the stock and prices at E. Spackman's fine display. R. Hicrs offers the following articles for holiday gifts: -Ladies and Gents Gold and Silver Watches, Gold and Sil ver Spectacles, Gold and Silver Jewel - cry, Diamond Set Rings, Friendship Rings, Band Rings and t\raidingRings a speciality. The merry jingle of the sleigh bells, now adds a plcasaet story to our mer- chants. All day long our streets a.re filled with farmers, who are anxious to dispose of wood, while others have pro- duce of various kinds, and everybody is preparing for Xmas. A special meeting of the Sons of England Benevolent Society was held last evening for the purpose of malting the necessary arratigenrents for attend- ing the funeral of the late Bro. Cooper, of Clinton, who was killed ori 'Tuesday, near Brucctie1d. Quite a number will attend, Mr, Tiros. Sweet, from the neighbor, hood of Delorainc, formerly a resident of Stephtmeied well known throughout that township and this p1 ICC,i1 visit u_ friends and relatives here. e. 11e, is a. yon of Mr. lad, Sweet, wllo once resided on the3rd coil:, of Stepl?elr, bet now of Deiorane. hie sag=s it is shout eleven years since he left these harts and that a gi'etit mitny Chai1eee come to his hot• lee sieve his sojoilrn in Manitoba, He will'remti,in here turtil the Onterio Vetetinaity Collette' opens in 'Format), some titncs' in January, when he piii i posts passing, en, ceami uati<iu for the profession of Veterinary. . The Rev. Wm. Davis, 'Rector, of Woodhouse in the Diocese of Huron, died at Toronto on Wed., Dec. 10th and was buried in London on Satur- day last. Among his charges the de- ceased gentlemen once held the mission of Exeter. Two of his sons are clergy- .nen, two ,are editors, one is an officer in Her Majesty's Customs, and one is in the wholesale business in Toronto. We are in receipt of a complimentry copy of "The Souvenir Album of Can- adian Statesmen" issued by the Pub- lishers s o£tre Toronto Daily and Week. ly News as a supplement to the week- ly edition of the Toronto News. This is a beautiful specimen of art contain. ing 25 genuine likeness of Can- ada's Statesmen and the publishers de serve much praise for thein; tasty Stip- ,pliment. Monday and Tuesday sales. Down go the prices of Christmas goods. Look out for Broderick's Auction Sale ofDry Goods, Ready made clothing, Fancy Goods. Electro plated ware, China Ware, Albums, Jewellery, &c.,&e., together with a choice lot of Oil Paintings and Chromoes richly framed. All to ro. without reserve. Auction Sale to. commence on Saturday next at 2 and 7 o'clock P. M. Don't you shoot any more sparrows within the "limits of Exeter, either little boy or big man, for the council passed a by-law against it at their last session' Owners of property, who know what broken windows mean as well as citi zens withh injured eyeses and lead pepper- ed. bodies aPPcr-ed.bodies will rejoice with the plucky little feathered chaps, who light and chatter, and live in Canada .defying' alike snow storm and sportsman. mon sense`remeate' It has curt ds many people, `� Mrs:Richard Davis, of this lace, re- ceived the present of a handsomely bound volume from theitle4oholitain Bishop of Canada, Right Rev,1. e. Mead ley,, of Frcdr•icton, N. B. •s, Davis sent word to the Bishop by th'Rev, S. F. Robinson, telling of how sh still re- tains a Bible given her by, himself when a pupil for confirmation ..fin St, Thomas Church, Exeter, England;, X18 veers ago. We publish the abed Pee-- late's letter received iu reply, a long one when we remember his great age. The yolume sent last bears the approp- riate title of "The last hours of Chase iau Men " The following is the epis- tle:— F rederieton Nov, 22, 1890., 11.ir DEAR Silt I have real your letter with great interest containin„ a kind rememberanee of one whom II-nib:noted, possibly at the time of Confirmation, at all events while I was in charge of St,Tliomas. How dear are those memories ()Piste pa -b; and how grateful I feril to those who have borne hie in mints for so long, ands hopo not onlyin memory blit in thou prayers, It is tlifhotlt, I own, to have a dlstinet image of CV ery one whom I taught before my mind. But it is an un- speakable eon,fort to hear from their present pastor, that, they have not lost the faith, and that they are still in the ranks of the Ohnroh militant here on earth and are go- ing "•l+rom strength to strength" nearer and nearer towards the heavenly Zion, Yo11, most excuse mo if I ask you to let Mrs. Dav- is (I:beleive that is her present name) have. this tetter which will show her that the seed' was not sown in vain, I cannot expect to see her here on earth, but I hope to meet her in the better'lancl; and I thank you my dear' Sir, for telling me that she still eontrnuos a' faithful daughter of the Church. 1 shall send her another book' lest the former be worn out. I remain yours very sincerely', , Jonu- 1FREni.IRICTON, Now Metropolitan of Canada. Repairing. Bring your repairing to R. Hicks if you desire cxperti workrnanshi p. Prompt attention and moderate charges. e Diel you ever see such a big crowd as there is at the Big Bankrupt Store every afternoon. "'No never" One day last week Messrs W. H. Ver ity & Sons, our noted Foundry men, of this place, added another excellent. piece of machinery to their establish- ment. It is a Large turning lathe, it being considered the best of the hind in Canada and its cost is in the neigh hood of $1000. These gentlemen are very industrious and mean business. We think they' have one of the hest Foundry's in the Dominion, and at present are doing an extensive busi- ness. ee teeetet's r:ustitutellite©a bang. l7ie annual Farmer's Institute meet- ing of South Ilar'.on, will be hells in. Exeter, on Friday and Saturday, Jan. loth and 18t1t,1891. Moses Greenside, V. S., 1 Ravnor,B..:S. A.,and T. 11 Race,:. tie the principal speakers: sent by the Agricultural College, Guelph. A num- ber of local gentlemen have also agreed to take part in the program. No doubt the addresses deliverea by the above gentlemen will be very interestit'ig as former years, and worthy of 'a large audience. to Llee•ant Premium. . `"'Wehavc been favored by the Or -,i ange Seaetiinel, Toronto, with a copy o£ the Preminm Picture which will „#e given away* by the proprietor to each new and renewal subscriber for 1891. It is stn elegant Mezzotint full bust portrait of King William 1I1.'Prince of Orange, and is copied from the origin- al picture now in tihe British Museum, and painted shortly after he had been crowned ling of Great Britain and Ireland. It is considered a very fine likeness and make a splendid memento that should grace the walls of every Orangeman's home; and we are sure it will add greatly to the subscription list of The Sentinel. Girl Wanted. A first class ainingroom girl wanted at once, for which liberal wages will be paid. Apply at the Ce,ntrral Hotel, Ex- eter. Christmas Present. The best present to give a friend would be the book oo k entit led "In Dark- est k - est Afrtean by Henry M. Stanley. For Sale by Capt. Kemp, Town,Hall,Exeter. Wanted. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of; boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoe store next door to the post ofltth G. Manson. Silverware. There' is no more satisfactory and. desireable present for the holidays than some article of silverware. R. Hicks aims to give the best value and the best goods: An inspection of our, stock will satisfy you. The Rev. Richard Treleaven, of St. Thomas preached to a large and at - tentative congregation, in the James Street Methodist - Church ..on Sunday morning and evening last, On Mon- day teat was served in the basement at which a large crowd partook of the choice viands, after which a very in- teresting program was carried out. Addresses, were delivered by the Rev, Rd- Treleaven and other Rev. gentle. men. The proceeds amounted to about $175. .Every one is looking for cash in these times and a good opportunity is offered everyone of finding it just now. '1 he proprietors of Bephurn's Blood Purifier offers a sortie of prizes embrac- ing $1,000 to every person sending in the largest list of words composed from the letters in the name Blood Purifier, Thest prizes will embrace the su'us of $100, $50, $25, three prizes `of$10 each, twentyone prizes of $5 each, all .in cash, and a ranclsnive present to every other person sending in a list of words. Send 3c. stamp for circular giving all particulars Spacial offer to those who cannot get up a list of words. Address C. E. Hepburn, Druggist, Iroquois, Ont, The funeral of the late Benjamin Case was largely attended on Friday last in spite of a cutting wind, and blustering snow storm. The burial service of the Cllurelt of England was. read by the Rev. S. F. Robinson, who also preached a sermon From the text Psalm X..\\VII, v: 23. One by one they pass t'iway, the noble race of pioneers that have made our couetry what, it Passing by 400 acres of the finest and best cultivated land in Ontario, a leg hey for his children, the body of Ben- jamine Case wag borne to his last home, in life beloved, in loath 'mourned, An honorable and Godleering lean, who held decided opinions both political and and religiously, end hold also the re- spect of all classes has thus gone to his`loeg home. His sorrowing „widow and children have 0111 deepest sytn- pithy, .)ttoyalTemyilars Entertainment. Another Royal Templar Entertaian- menta Another hour of pleasure and profitable past -time to be spent in the Lecture Room of Main Street. Methodist Church on the evening of December" the 22nd inst, next. Doors open at 7.30. Exercises to commence at 8 o'clock sharp. An excellent program has been provided We invite a full house, because the proceeds are to be distributed among the deserving poor of our town, we ask from you a liberal: silver collection. "Let Alexander' the Coppersmith remain: at home that night" Hensall and Crediton' Councils will be in attendance. James Beer, Secretary. What might have preyed a serious accident :happily terminated otherwise, on Sunday afternoon last. ' Mrs. A. G. Dyer with the Misses Dyer and Shann- on were driving along Loudon road. with a Spirited i rse w hick took fright at another conveyance and being im- properly harness became unmanaee- able. The animal ran for more than two miles, the last portion being the Main street of Exeter. It ran against tree near the Metropolitan Hotel and there parted with the cutter containing the terrified and badly shaken ladies. In the concussion Miss Dyer wasslight lv bruised on the side of the head and the right ear painfully cut in several places. Mrs. Dyer was sprinkled with blood from the animals heels which were cut by the. whiffletrees. The lad'- ies were taken into the residence of Mr. J. P. Ross when Dr. Hyndman,attended to the injuries. :The most injured no doubt 'being the severe shock to the ,netretes., , We are pleased. to record that are concerned in the wild ride are about their duties as usual. h'ersonal Mention. John Sanders, son of Wm Sanders, of Stephen, who has been employed on the steamer, Com sane running be tis Sarnia and Duluth, returned home on. Saturday last,; where he will remain during the winter.—Mrs. H. L. f'i'llings left on Friday morning, for Brarntford, where she intends remain- ing for some time. -Dr. Cowan who is. well-known for many miles around took his departure on Tuesday' of last week, for .Hayford, Illinois, where he will join hissou in medical practice and Leake that his permanent place of abode. He took with hire a carload of horses and household effects. He has been a resident of this place fora num- of-years and during. that time worked up a large and, lucrative practice. We wish him every success in his new holm,: -Mr. Thomas Staidon, of Pal- merston, formerly of this place carrying on a shoe shop, was in town yesteiday. —Mr. William Dempsey, who has been engaged on the World Toronto, re- turned home en Saturday owing to ill health. He is doing nicely since his arrival home. -Lieut: Coe Fisher, Post Office Inspeetor,'from London, paid Ex- eter a visit yesterday' on his way to Grand Bend: on business connected with his department. -- Accident, Mr, Henry Baker, an employ at Andrews' Furniture Factory, here, nret. with a painful accident on T,ii.Oday afternoon last, by his halm supra g ou a circular saw which he was engaged at; tearing the fore -finger frightfully and cutting the thumb and. middle finger badly. It will be sometime before he will have the use of his hand again. Watches, R. Hicks can furnish you any style or grade of timekeeper, and convince you that you are obtaining a watch at close prices by dealing with him. We sell the best standard movements, the neaveststyle of cases, and render great inducements to purchasers. We offer what you desire at a price that will meet your purse, and strive only for a fair legitimate profit. A. Valuable Tree. James- Brown, liyin • near. Wey- mouth, N. S., in cutting down a hollow tree near his place found a purse con- taining $ t,000 in a hollow of the tree, partly in bills, the rest in gold. Mrs. Payson died at this place a few : years ago supposed to be worth considerable money, which was never found. It is alleged that this was part of the money hidden by Mrs. Payson ' before her death. The Christmas Star. There is great. 'dissappointment througout the Dominion at the an- nouncement that the publishers of the Montreal Stat' are too busy with their regular subscription and advertising business to allow of their completing a Christmas Star this year These Christ mas Stars are such gems that it is very generally hoped the publishers will Inc their way clear to continne their pub- lication. Literary Nate. In the New York Ledger of Novem- ber 29, Robert Grant begins a brilliant end entertaining social satire under the title of "Mrs Harrold Stage." , The story is told with amusing and quiet cleverness which has made the author's reputation. and contains many striking ideas which will cause Society's bone to creep,, Like "The Angloman- iacs," it places its heroine under ; at cross•firefrotn a wealthy swell and a talented youth to fame and fortune un- known -a situation which allows Mr. Grant a coveted opportunity to bom•' bard New York society. "liaise The Fla,::'' We are glad to notice that the wordy and music; of the patriotic song anis chorus '"Raise the Flag" has been pub lished in sheet form by the .Enipirnc. There is a tone and a swim; about the, ci>mpostion whi . should recommend eh � tie once, both from the musical and' the patriotic standpoint. It ought to be giveninto the halide of our children and take, a place iri' the schools with "The Maple Leaf," The words and music were written by Mr, E. G. Nel son, of St John, N. 13, in connection with the movement for hoisting the Canadian ling' on the schoelltoiises of rile Dominion. In order to put it with- in the reach of all, the Empire places the price at ten cts,, and has put the son„ on sale by ell newsde,alet's, i n. Tl a very ail' l S O e A man: can do a wind pump business 1? pY y capital,, BLOW, BAu and BLUSTER Maycatch the ear of the buyer for a time, but it NvonTt keep Y S , his trade, Talk is dear to the man who has his caution talk- ed away, his scruples talked aside. To the woman wl.io is talked into over buying or buying a style of woods that will not ` stand the test of unprejudiced jndge111ent; such methods are only worthy OF A FAKIR AI A FAIR3 whose business is to sell and not to satisfy. I,. These aro not our meth rds. We call to dollars ten dollars and not Bine dollars and ninety-nine cents. This reckless reduction of price—thus dressing- up a ten dollar bill to look like a nine -is a fake business. Talk is cheap when all its blowing ends in ONE CENT OFF TEN DOLLARS. . showyou` can something theaper � than talk—we ine�in We a1 5 p� our goods-rfor :talk is dear at any price, Goods with an . honest X on them and not ten worked over to look as if ' it were a nine: Its a fake fit to t"7 0o alonn•i! with Barnu m's cir- cus and show bill exaggeration which describes the goods. =5T,ir��dla�r>o has ra.o� 1, � �. ixaa� M'o-u =ear_ C • RL.iNC BROS. _ E.—We still have our celebrated 25c Tea the talk of the town.—C • B_ How About the - 25th. THE DEMAND FOR PRESENTS IS COMING WITH Chm stma e. �F11tI1g D!llothIit flo o1L& Stales. The S eciltiec, the Novelties the Oddities of the COUNTESS stove are creating a sensation. For the first time i1.1 many years there is a coal stove that is on every tongue. Manufacturers, travelling inen stove dealers, farm- ers and, in fact, every person interested in stoves are talking about the Call and see the nice Christmas goods at E. J. SPACKMA.11T'S. One of the largest .,,t�ssortments in Exet- er er to (,hoose from. B1G DROP in Men's and Boys overcoats. Men's and Boy's suis for the Christmas Trade, a� s�oas. Fancy Slippers, for Ladies and Men, for the Christmas Trade. REMEMBER WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK in the COUNTY to CI.I.7 )a ` -:(t "I+::FROM. Big Stoci. of Fresh C oc , ..r eries for" the L"i CHRISTMAS TRADE, at wACIilN'S Boot and Shoe STOAT 1+!NSON'g 131,OC, EXETER. Ey J 1 SPACEMAN. ART COUNTESS. Why is this? Because the ART couNtrzss is daring in its original- ity. ity. It` leaps to the front with its wonderful improvements. No other stove has anything like it. New from top to G Y � I Brilliant from. urn to base. Beautiful in its effect under mire. Radiant on the parlor floor, and eloquent in its hot air con struction.T 66 ,• ART COtNTESS" has takes the lead, it already has the lode, and.t will have to be a good,ono that oan overtake it. `0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: O>0 0 0 CALL AND N BE CONVINCED. CED. 0 0` .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ent of cook and parlor stoves on hand which. A full assortment l must be sold and VERY CHEAP. M90X.E.'St – WILL FOLLA D STAND, one door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug Stole, Main Street, Exeter. Sign of Big 'Elephant. EAT [111ABING Wholesale and Retail Builders'Hardware. Nails, t' heel and Engraved), sued Lock Ht11 cs, Glass (,Stained :•� )r � and Butts (full line) garriage Hardware. Bar Iron, Bent Stuff, Tubbs Spokes, Cutter Runners. Shafts, ' ilio .fl. ueite Wunslin, Drill &c. Mill Supplies iron Pipe, Fittings, Valves Asbestos, Packing, Rubber and Leather 13eltiIgs, &c. Sporting Z"3 Breech -Loading and ,Shot Guns, Powder,'Shot, &c. Stoves and Tin warp CooIdg, Heating, Parlor all Coal Stoves. All kinds Tinware ds iLnVal0 C1ec1. Eavetroughing a speciality. ity . Tgenu- ine ethe .,\ T or STOVE and ,encs in your orders for CT.I:C - �T J3LOSSBURG COALS before it advances ANNEALED, OALVAWIZ® AND BARD WIRE MEAN WR tli'®' a a 0ttd7 U R T Proprietor* Manager.