The Exeter Advocate, 1890-11-6, Page 4T1 413X der brorate+ S.PaN'1)Ea S ;Y i4. VS EE, , Props, T IURSDAY, NOV. 6th, 1890. LET 12' 13E A Il"ARN..I.iSrG,. It is tT curious psychological study to notice how political unsounclnesa grad- ually snalerminee the character and be- gets i'enerall untrustworthiness, The Attie political lie, almost harmless through its extrema transparency, in- :renders a taste for prevarication and deception, which grows upon the utter- er et: alas Y :1= ,..eel, :?lass'without his perceiving it, until, by more force of development, he has bloomed forth into a first e' 1-'s liar, who not only tells lies );Manse they come most handy, and snav serve his purpose at the moment, but goes to work to deliberately invent lies, and spread them abroad broadcast on any or every subject, As with in- dividuals so with newspapers. When newspaper once swerves in its polit- ical faith, and bogies to condemn what t erstwhile commended, it is safe to ,erediet that the moral course of that paper will be downward, and that from traducing its late friends it will soon descend to lying on general principles. Two noticeable instances of this may now be found in Toronto. Time was when the :grail and Globe were reliable .trustworthy newspapers which, al- though differing in politics, could be defended on to collect and publish the news of the day correctly-. But, in an evil hour for themselves, they abandon- ed the political faiths in which they srad respectively attained high posi- tions, and became wedded to unsound 4rnliriral facts; and from that moment their moral tone appears to have be- come gradually Iowered, and their re- liability as'iiew spapers seriously im- paired, Thus, we have the Globe pub- fishing an imaginary statement that a •eeiprc'city proposal was being prepar- ed in Washington by prominent Re- publicans, svh n no such proposal was ever eonturnpl tted; ai-d giving public- ity to an alleged"confession" by Bir- ehall, which that worthy promptly and energetically denounced as a fraud. Now, not to be outdone by its confrere, e haye the Mail publishing a bogus letter from an imaginary "Colonel," accusing himself of the murder of Ben - well. It is sad to notice the rapid de - ,::cent from political untrustworthiness to the downright manufacture and dis- semination of bogus news, exhibited by these two once great papers; and it to be hoped that their terrible de- scent to untruthfulness will act,' as a warning to other newspapers to remain steadfast in their political faith, what- ever that may be and not run after 'new fads, IN a prominent item of last week's Issue the Times devotes a little space to as. Ever since the ADVOCATE came into the present proprietorship, from Rine to time our contemporary has had a few ugly things to say about us, and we Iet them pass by unnoticed. We nave done so for these reasons. Quarrel- .Jng between newspapers in the same town, even where there is political rivalry, is always more or less personal, and we claim that our subscribers do pet want weekly personalities. We 'also belong to the same political party, and therefore one great cause for striking at our contemporary is taken out of the way, and it is our duty, as n'e1l as that of the Times, to treat each other with the same friendly forbear- ance that Conservative newspapers in Ontario extend to one another. There is room for two newspapers in Exeter and their political agreement leases no room for hebcloinadal tirades. This bekrag our position and the reason for v letting so many attacks pass by un- noticed, we shall now say to the notes a few words. In the first place, regard- ing the Pickard Estate, what we pitb- lished rva:4 from information given by. :'ter. Gibbous, who surely knew as 'mueh about the matter as Mr, White. In the second place, we beg leave to 'tell our unfriendly critic that the public look for literary excellence, neither in tlm Tinu.,P nor ADVOCATE. 7"o be a readable chronicle of local news is all that we aim for. But let this be xtsou.Y rlelst,it>cl; that we would no more think or going to the Times editor for Atarnunaticat ins tradio n,than we would think of asking hint about the sub,jeet of personal cleanliness, Ycsl I, the word "fic•br�'omadrii"15alr ai:ljoctive,q.unlifyi:tag ivinuur dei'stood, but not' t Written, rxreat scholars have often So used.'ad- jectives. The' a of -d, we shall also explain, zdiealis weekly. :lilts our conteraporary never ilcal'd. of ]I'. or Y ee,l/, Isr,udiualI 'once anadjective s has long held. an • accorded place AS a uouil. Theword in our item may. $oon do the fame. Whate too is an, aajectivo, but almost anyone in 'Exeter eter' would dean° the.speeimen on the other side of Main-st. as the old grammar' described a noun, viz: ',The name of a thing.' Now Times leave us alone fufure. We own a dictionary, and shall be pleased to lend it to you oc casionally., if your editor will agree to put on a clean P r� pair of gloves before turning over its leases, or eiso bathe his digits under sanitary inspection, Iu the filthy use. of tobacco our critic may teach us much; in gramar, ox manners, nothing, Wild Goose Shooting, S1Te left Langdon for our goose hunt ou Monday, Oct. 7th. After a few hours of trayelling we reached the last settlement situated about ten utiles south-west of that town. Now to cross 40 miles of prairie. During the first dozen miles no game was in sight excepting flocks of geese migrating, but on pushing further into the wildtir- cess a few jack rabbits and an occas- ional fox could be seen scampering of on our approach, and as evening eadnle on herds of deer and antelope became frequent. One of the party had an excellent field glass which enabled ne more fully to observe and admire their graceful form and- action.. Had our hunters been in quest of venison there is no doubt but that several fine specimens could have been secured. Just as darkness came on a ravenous appetite told us that camping time was at hand, we reached a deserted cabin in which we found stove and fuel, also a stable somewhat delapidated but nevertheless very acceptableto• our tired steeds. The tea was soon boiling and the savory bacon ready for us and needless to say very much enjoyed. Then to bed on some bay ou the floor and snoring in two minutes by the watch. Breakfast at daylight and only twelve more miles toSweet Water Lake, one of the finest goose lakes in America. Soon after leaving ottr camping place we noticed thousands of geese feeding ou all sides and we waisted some time in fruit- lessly trying to get a shot. An hour later, with the lake in sight, with geese everywhere roaming, screeching and flapping as only millions of geese congregated on a sheet of shallow water 1 by 2 of a mile, Our shooting started during the afternoon but not until the next morning did the guns heat up to anything like -full, working temperature. Unfortunately your cor- respondent did not keep the individual scores but the aggregate bag after 7 days of shooting consisted of 953 geese, 6 jack rabbits and 5 chickens„ The weather during the week was most disagreeable and very much against shooting, The return trip over the prairie was uneventful. Excepting six deer nothing was encountered and we rca.che,d home very well pleased with the hunt. The members of this mem- orable trip were Messrs. Robt, Sanders, Exeter, ' Ont., Hudson Matthews, • Elk - wood, and Geo. McGregor, Maida, Dak -Langdon Democrat. THE LONDON Academy'of uslc, Mr. W. Caven Barron, Director, (Formerly Professor at Hellmuth Ladies College, and late of Leipzig, Germany.) TERMS VERY MODERATE. The maim object of the "Academy" is to give an education to every student such Os will not'ouly be a ionic pleasure but one .so thorough that it will prove invaluable in the fulfilling of any position as musical professor satisfact- orily. Diplomas are given on graduation. Send for circular and terms. NOTICE.—The Director is open for` concert engagements, either for piano or church organ. P ar that Notice is hereby given that the partner- ship heretofore existing between: John E. blcDonell and William A Waugh, carrying on business at the Village of Hensall, under the name, style and firm of MCDonoll & Waugh has this clay been mntually dissolv- ed. Dated, 2nd. Oct., 1890. WITNI:ss sIGNEDi J E.MCDONimr.. L. .FI, DICKSON. C W. A. WAueu. Having purchased the interest of William A. Waugh in the above partnership, I will continue the said business in the old stand and am prepared to give bargains to p1u�urehas- ors of hardware. JouN E. MODoxr•.LL. Having sold out my interest in the above partnership to E. McDonell,who will contin- ue the business. I take this opportunity of thanking our customers for their patronage in the past andheartily recommend my con- tinuing partner, Mr. McDoneli, to all my customers anci patrons. WILLIAM A. WAUGri. All accounts due the said firm must be paid to mo at once and any• person having any claims against the said partnership will kindly hand to me without delay. J. E. MODONEtt. Remember the old stand E. Vie' FISH, Near the POST OFFICE. If you want an easy shave and neat hair -cut Just call at E. II. FISH'S SHAVING SALOON Where he does all his work in a neat style. Ladies' and Children's hair -cutting in the latest style,` AGENT von FORTHE RAR 6srEAM LAUNDRY, DING OF NIWEEKLIIjS?. ',. Established half a Century,: LONDON, -- ONTARIO. Tito 'andsomost Printed Paper in'" � ,.,.uanadflN rst @,stq r. •'1tW+ 1 t'1 11r.ta H A S _ EQUAL. foe w , 4i 775 CASH OPPO T.0 ITlIIlS Offered to the Public. The publishairs of the LONDON Vi'tEKLy Funs Pnnss are happy to announce that they have sat apart the surn of 4 00 00 (ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS IN GOLD), to be divided amongst subscribers whose navies niay be found on the subscription lists Ilfareh 1st, 1391. The allotment will be made as follows t Grand Allotment of $100.00-8100.00 4 Allotments df , 25.00– 103.00 20 a at 50 300 400 775 SI to it it 10.00- 200.00 2.00- 100.00 1.00- 300.00 .50- 200.00 $1000.00 The allotment will take place under the supervision of a Committee, March the 2nd, next. Those to whom the allotments may fall will thereupon receive a notif ertion of the fact, and a coupon for the amount will bo issued, payable at the counter of the FREE PsEss OrrloE on and after March 6th, and will be forwarded to them. There are yet four months during which persons wishing to be included in these hand- some allotments, may come in to share by subscribing to the WEEI{LY FREE PRESS. Price, One Dollar per year. It will be seen that by this scheme o DIVISION OF .PROMS, those persons to the number of 775, selected from all the names on our subscription list,will receive a handsome recognition by having placed to their credit, or paid in cash, sums of money varying from 50e. to $$100.00 each. Now is the 'timeto subscribe CHRISTMAS NUMB In addition to the above' .agnih'en '1 ars all subscribers to the WEEKLY FREE -PRESS whose names may be on the list December 31st,. for 1891, will receive a gift of our forthcoming` splendid ILLUSTRATED CHRISTMAS NUMBER, now become so popular throughout Western Ontario ; but no others will be entitled to a free copy of it. Therefore, now is the time to subscribe, as persons entering the subscription lists on or before 31st of December next, will be en- titled to the DOUBLE ADVANTAGE of securing a copy of the OmearSIAS Nim n'Ea, as well as participating in the benfits of the DIVISION OF PROFITS, as previously set forth. No person, however, whose name is not on the subscription list, Dec. 31st, for 1591, will bo entitled to that consideration. Therefore, now is the time to subscribe. The WEEKLY FREE PRESS is a large twelve page paper, and conceded to be the best family newspaper in Canada. The Agricultural Depart- ment is a noted feature of the " hre'e Press," being always up to the times. and conducted by persons practically skilled in @'arm -Work. il- lustrations, Practical and. Useful given each' week. All the News in Full by Telegraph, Telephone, Mail and Correspondence up to the hour of publication. Special' Market Deprut- ment. Agricultural Department. Capital Story always Running. Humorous Reading. ..just the thine for Family! rvFry member of the household eagerly looks for it each week. LARGE:' $1.00. PAPER In Clubs of four and upwards, 75c. each, BALANCE OF 1590 FREE. sl ., THE 6„A31KS' THE ONLY a. • a t04 51;c':P Ea. i 1l!h- DIVES ,C ."�p:iii' .di nn-t'trt rc v' ;i r } l�'"""'`•"' �9�t ,7E�1'fit''�d.k,nlL�iif�...,.�.f.':.p.,4wNr•. �u,:1.i/,fi.:1:.j.ti)�A .8"y i ..t?is . ES NEV HO7EEIC MACHINE gF1 kF•; S., S1,s9 pay, v '131°A00AGO 22 UPllOr'h SQUARE, 14 OA'.LAS,I IF:Lr aN AtG4: T=L ,TeLOUIS, ua rnAKcieco.c ., TRADE "715611. IIOID SIUlll6 OPIUM 7.4 to children if yot wishcfortheir future welfare. 2FYorse's GL,y- cerole o Calory Com- pound,9 Exact formula on every label, is a safe rem- edy for teethinginfants and nervous aduts. En- dor.eed by physicians. Send two Dent stamp for descriptive circular to Hazen Moron, Buffalo. Peso:s Remedy for Catarrh is the nest, Easiest to Uso and Cheapest. Sold bydrug,stsorSent bynt^_il500. E. T.'naacltine, lynrren, Pa., U. CITY y OTE LONDON, ONTARIO. 1 d—y. J. & J. ItIc1IARTINI, Proprietors. Send your subscription money at onto direct to FLEE PintsS OFFICE, London; Ont., wilier), if duly and securely ;nailed, will be at ova nisi Please write your name and Post 01Ece address distinctly. ADDRESS : FREE PRESS PBI?1TU1C GO,, LONDON, CANADA. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. Send for Sample Copy. Entered according. to Aft of Parlie,ncnt of Canada, In the Year 1855 by the Flomlhirn& PinoTise. COMPANY, of London, Ontario, In the ofllce of the lfiideter of Agri. culture. J. G. 811/IA141100E3E Merchant Tailor, TrehIe's ,lIook Exetr,.... Has now in stock A FIRST-CLASS LINE OF Summer Goods, Gents' Furnishings, etc. Sole agent for Exeter for IVORINE COLLARS AND CUFFS, The best collar and cuff in the market A CALL SOLICITED. �'. G. Sniallalcombe, CooleiVailte41. wan Mice, e l lora at r4, ,4 iirat✓e ass coo to whom wages Willbe pard. Apply 3 to Central Hotel, Exeter. n riz THE BEST COUGH MEDICINE. .ia SOLD BY DBUC+SISTS EV317WEEBE '1''Z' OitZli s _• '' w4 a;> Tact Maple Ave. Stock Farm, Lucan, Ont., Nov, 20, 1890. Bart. Cottam, Esq., London, Ont., DEAR Sir.–I have giyen the CHAM- PION FOOD a fair trial and haye no hesitation in pronouncing it the best prepared food I have ever used. • Some of my horses had an attack of INFLU- ENZA and 1 fed then CHAMPION FOOD with their ration of grain and bran and never saw anything work a change for the better so rapidly. It seems to remove all impurities from the system with which no animal can be in a thriving condition. I have also. some colts that have been troubled with worms but after giving them a coupleoffeeds of CHAMPION FOOD they passed them in large quantities. CHAMPIOT FOOD must soon come into general use and I have been talk- ing to several of our farmers and steel: - men about it and shall be pleased to promote the interests of your VALU- ABLE FOOD. I shall soon be coning' to London where I shall require, some More. 1 arn, dear sir, yours very truly, F. H. NEIL: THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT I" um.. TY H e --- from which this paper is print d was supplied by the !im TYPE FOUNDRY Dealers in Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. house, Lot and Blacksmith shop for sale. fiIInl C.ttralia;fiuroncourity, Ont., a good frill -nail ou,ewith every COnvonionce, &tont two.fifths of an acre of land, frame shop and a complete sat of tools in workingorder, two forges; situated in the contra of he village. Terms reasonable. For further particulars apply to'• THOS. I' IAN DPOR 175.1 f Centralia, ALES E I: LLo A B 1 Where did you buy that great bundle of dry goods that you ai'e carrying? Where diel I'buy,it, why to be sure I bought it at .� . Dei rin o s stare on Elizabeth-st, south of James-st. Methodist church, That's the place to buy as cheap l or Cheap - or than the front street stores and you know they are blowing their horn at a great rate. few Leading thins la dr oods mentioned. g below. You can buy 30 doz. of gent's underwear, men's cardigans, 1105e, braces, ready-made clothing, felt hats, skirtings, tweeds; cottonades, top shirts, gray flannels and plaid, blue flannels and yellow, reel flannels and black, white flannels, men's fine white shirts. Ladies' underwear, vests, jackets, hose (large amount), boots and shoes, velvets, plushes, handkerchiefs, overshoes, rubbers, knit goods, embroidery, dress goods, gingl]ams, rnuslins, prints, corsets, Bose and rubber combined. Children's boots and shoes, hose (large amount), overcoats and ready-made clothing; boys' ready-made suits, boots and shoes, stockings, braces. Bed - ticking, table cloths, Cowling moleskin, cottons steemloons. At Lot of Teas, C -heap. 1 will sell the above goods regardless of cost as I am crowd- ed for room. Give Me a call and examine for yourself„ Tr DEARi1NC\' Elizabeth-st., south of James-st. Methodist church, Exeter. ra,. . me Machine Oil. The Famous Heavy -bodied Oil. made only iay McColl ros. & Co., Toronto. t _ Use it once and you will use no other. McCop.'s Famous CYLINDER OIL Is the finest in Canada for engine cylinders. —FOR SALE B); -- BIS TT. BROW'., Exeter, Ontario. N3:\5” TAILOR STIOP, THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED OUT A NEW STOCI( OF 11 11 I 11 I 11 I III 1 11 it I n I 11 FXRSTLAS \VINTER SU1TINGS, it II II II II II I II 11 / 11 II In Canadian and Imported Tweeds, French Worsteds, etc,, which he will sell at right prices. If you wish a nobby or plain suit it will repay you to call and examine his large stock which has just arrived. SURE FIT GillflTEEO EYEY T1 F. Special lattention yen. to lades mantle 'mtg. Give me a Trial and you will. be Convinced. Stand one door north. of Fish's Barber shop. JAMES i -l. GRIEVE. READ 1. .d AI N where to `bur The Best Goods for the Least Money t We carry the largest stock of STOVES and TINWARE in town and we are selling it at the lowestossible price fo p j i cash. In Hall and Library Lamps we are showing an elegant display at right prices. All kinds of Table and Hand Lamps at wnolesale prices. In Cross -cut Saws we are showing all the latest and leading patterns and makes. 5 different patterns to choose from. AXES, a large e stock at prices that defy competition. As usual a full stock of fir! arre �o�tOSIIss5��t 9a1184 A Call Solicited. AGENTS FOR THE RAY.li1OND SEWING!t , .... AG��iNE To sell Our nit oitc,inttl Nursery Stock. Steaify. employment mOntend toit[t dry,Have Bond busi'noss in OM) mita .3i11;�'G:to.„rs. 7aiberal pay to the sight mat, Send eC Send for forms.., 1C ➢ .➢C C 171--a mos. , ()oiborise, Ont. On the is s f -.ill 1s trbtn o o William am Saitgloson; lot 7 North oundat aa, illi ra . Own .�• . w �( v y Owner can have the sarn,e by proveng y1roTosty altdsaty ing expensds. WTLIIIAIOE LAG.LJJSON. For -Sale. A i"' table resldenae in Txoter North; now frame house, one -fifths acrd of land. Tho house was created in 1888. 0oocl torme to purchaser, .Apply at this °Zoo. Uii-t t.