The Exeter Advocate, 1890-10-16, Page 4TNE SANDERS SWEET, Props, THURSDAY, 00T, 16th, 1890; EGG TRADE KILLED:" Tai l'"wR`at' the $:X}oet i£3 concerned— pito opinion Expressed ex st Neal, Iia#owel naiha al' Ilan, “Mr. John 0. Liven, the Canadian passenger agent of trio Canada South - "II Railway, arrived at Windsor on 'Wednesday stir lust. fr. Leven was seen by a HERALD Haan :and asked" how the McI(inley bil will effect the egg trade as far as the freight is convened. 'Well,' he said '.i li : won't Si+nrh t.' do with the freight department. but I imagine it will be considerably diminished. Of course you )'nut remember the Americans re- quire our eggs. Canadian eggs are rt ai.ted ill Cie United States because they are considered the best and there- fore the bill will effect them more than it will us," The abos-e, clipped from a Grit paper published. in Montreal, is a fair Sample of t•ht> unfair Ivey in .which Grit pipers treat the tori:;' question. It will be noticed that the gentleman intery iew- edi' ,t says that the has not much to do with the freight business of the rail- way with which he is connected, and tlie l add;, ''igen must remember that the s'aseeriteins require our eggs. Can- adian oessgs are Anted in the United Slz ) they aro consideree!: the i?;._,, •, lir therefore, L11 1$ILI. WILL AF - PE;. -1' T?Il%.I. lit>ItE TITAN IT WILL US." In ether 1 rr1s 1i, remarks meant, if tines meant anything, that the egg trede weuld not be mett•rially affected; £s .. Americans require our eggs," and e•th.e bill will affect them (the A. is.,:ssleas more than it will us," it IS bard d to ss -!e 1t'hat justification the news - panes hod for its heading, "The egg ti { kined so far as the exhort is con- eG - •d--Yhe opinion c: -pressed by a well-known railway man." Now we leave e it to any fair-minded person to say whether "the opinion expressed" coaweys the slightest intimation of the killing of the egg tr,'de. This, how- ever, is a sample Grit trick. The head- ees ,r.'ih r,,ci in 1erge display .ttype so as to c<. z� the eye easily, and the chances are that not one person out of ten who .,:,11- the heeding ever read the .article to sr::; whether the interview ,justiiled the title put over it. The Grit pe i;rs senn ni 'lei -e :n ned to snake a dead set against the egg trade with the idea that political capital can be made out of it; but they may find that their ,ef forts to run down and ruin the trade by falsehood and misrepresentation may prove; a boomerang., and that "curses, like young chickens, always come li t4 ; c, ' t again." Only three days have elapsed since the McKinley tariff avert illi+ =oI'tie., and it is utterly impos- sible to point to any "result" from it yet. This much however, may be said that no reduction in the price of eggs hit, t Ike,i Mace in Canada, and there is no inditation of any reduction. Ship- ,w„et.. to the e lilted States inay be sus - p c for a while, but there is not the .lib 1l.;,t doubt but that they must shortly ,it, resumed, that is, so 50017 as the stocks accumulated in the large egg consuming centres have appreci• ably deere >.sed, Two things Must al- ways les b Fee in mind with regard to she .; tr:be first, the Americans do not I,rod.eee as many eggs as they re- qun seeenc1. Canadian eggs are con- sideesel in New York and Boston (the - two great 1 gruels to which our eggs ;;.6) b :.,;' 42F:Ac r than the eggs received. fr'ometht: test, :awl coin:Mo ul a higher 3)riee, It is self evident thi.t the Ameri- rail Berl 11111:(.1 lay tW0 ;e V a clay 11.1 place of one even if 'she. is offered a I,l:t ...r.i.s.!),'ti.; cents a dozen for try ng tondo so. Some tarse must elapse before mora chickens can be.; hatched, ,and muni !lens groW "tip to lay inose e'= at.<' these .M1 ucan eggs are lei ,,. Laid, and American chickens ar.e. growing ftp to be Arntrican hens in order I to) y more American eggs, fhe S,—cc', Yorkers and Bostonians will gu oar eating Canadian s just the Same as ever -•-only they will have to payfive or ten cants a Frozen more for them When the supply of native eggs equiiIS the c1 nnand, then there xnay8 be a'1)llip psieO ytit{icient to make the trach in (_' :atcli;.tn eggs ,unprofitable, bat,to til, then 'we Shall coritintte • to Sand eggs tri Boston and New York. 141ca,)sliii, ('>+l,atdfan shippers are not ? ,Itg for other tnarkets, S , , .,lay nttr •(.ly a ,,•,y Basses Ijut shipments "4"fl-a "moire 1,0 M1,416.11(1 of d.onens . and b.ti.n fired i of cases. Trio 1717S11 Its of sev- era 1 u+ thess.; ; ilpinents have been made!. r .l�.no•wn, "I tit c:;gs 1)0ve; in ewcry case but one, tea l a Ifo (i',' l,O. profit, in ctz rp Fal , faro: t11at Flit*1si I atlwa s.dif- flc.r� 1a inti:od'tteing s new ,article, stall, c' °, the Great Canadian l gg has been almost Unknown in En,,land Manyof the steamship companies are making speeial ariauk;ements fbr Ore transport of eggs, so AS to keep them in good; condition, and i)eitt summer we may confidently expect to sea eggs go- inlr to England, not by the dozen or by the hundreds of dozers, but, literally by the million, The Great Canadian Hen is not dead yet, and it will takea ~seat deal more than a McKinley hill or a bilious Grit Editor to kill her: A.robbncl: About Us, BrrueiLAlurnu.—On Tuesday night of last week, IIr. Geo. Cathcart's shoe shop, Lucan, was entered by the bask window and tiv lt-e pairs of Mine boots, and shoes and several pairs of rubbers were stolen, Nothing but the finest was taken, The next morning• a pair of rubbers was found in a ,buggy the Queen's hotel yard. This makes the third raid on Mr. Cathcart's shop. ATTl,l,ii rEn JAIL BREAKING.—While Jailer Dickson was at his breakfast Sunday morning, two prisoners, Will Macdougall and Richard Nesbitt, each sentenced to the penitentiary for five years for larceny, having discovered a flaw in the lock of the large side door which leads into the yard, managed by means of a broom handle and a small' piece of wood to break off the lock and thus elected egress from the general ward and into the yard. They then lifted the heavy door (which is of oak, four inches thick) off its hinges; and carrying it into the yard placed it upon two chairs against the wall. They were climbing oyer the wall when dig covered. Messrs Mcl)ounell & Waugh,the well known hardware merchants ofHensall; who have carried on an extensibe.bus- iness for over 12 years, dissolved. part • nership last week by nlutnal consent, \Ir. W. Al Waugh retiring frons the business, which in future Will be car- ried on by J. E.- McDonnell. We.be,- lieve Mr. Waugh intends remaining' still a resident of the village, and we hope he may, as he has proved one of. the best and most enterprising. business men, and was always foremost in his assistance and -with his money to assist in any enterprises or improvements Which were in the interests or welfare of, the village, ,and owns a• fine resi- dence here both as to appearance, com fort and modern.conveniences. • LIVERY STABLE BURNED: A fire broke out in the livery stables of Shel- don Bros., Church•st, St. Marys, about 9 o'clock on Monday morning of last. week. The fire brigade responded promptly to the alarm .and succeeded in confining• the fire to the buildings where it originated. The office stove was started for the first time this season and it is supposed that through some defect in the chimney fire was com- mnnicated to the hay in the loft. The building, being frame, theflamesmade rapid headway, and but for the rain which was falling heavily at the time, the adjoi nin b frame tailor shop of Messrs A. Beatty & Co., and the Garnett House stables would probably have been con- sumed. The horses, vehicles, harness, etc., were all saved, but the hay, oats and building were nearly a total loss. y The con ten is were coBred by insurance in the Ro$=a1, .Farquhar, Rev. Robt. Hamilton, of Motherwell, will occupy the Thames Road Presby- terian pulpit next Sunday. Messrs. Wm. and Geo. Monteith and Thos. Cameron were at Guelph last week attending the Experimental Stock Sale. (Too late for last week.) Miss Maggie Hamilton of Motherwell was the guest of Mrs. Colin Fletcher on Monday last. Rev. C. Fletcher was in Henson at- tending the Ministerial Association on Monday last. Mr. M. Eacrett; of Exeter, was the guest of his daughter; Mrs. William Turnbull, on Sunday last. Mr. Bert Passmore left here on Mon day last to take a position as clerk in Brumpton Bros.' store in,Eceter. • Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hamilton, of. Stratford, are visiting friends in this vicinity for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Duncan. of this place, who have been visiting their daughter Mrs.1 .�. Robb, of Stratford, d for a couple of days, returned home on Saturday last. SALE REGISTER. On Wednesday. Oct. 22nd, at 12.30 o'clock sharp, on Lot 11 con. 14 Hib- bert, about 1 mile north of Fai'q,uhar, farm 'stock and implements. Thos. Rundle, prop.;, }I, Brown, auct. On Wednesday Oct. 29th, on Lot -8 Sauble Line, Hay, Farm Stock, Imple merits &e, Wm. Broderick, Prop.; Ed. Bossenberry, Auet. Lucas Fa1L Fair, (Continued from last week.) GRAIN. Wheat white, B. Kennedy; A Ken- nedy. Red, J. Ilaskett, B. Kennedy, Barley, Noii Stewart, C. C, Hodgins. r Oats white, J. Haskett, (. Thotnpson, Oats black, A. Kennedy, B. Kennedy. Peas white, W. Dixon, J. Baskett., Peas bine, J. Wilkie'. I3eans,.,G. Thompson,. A. McTavish. CloV\er seed, A, kennedy, L X ,ellizecly. Timothy seed, A. keit, Hedy, .los. P'attiek. Collection tit grain for spl. 44, Jno, Abbott. Six rowed, lRart ley for isph 47, ,I, Haskett, Oats for Spl 47, W. Armitage; oats for spl i6, ditto, Wheat for apl, 43, L,''uiite, �AIdRY, 20. lbs oroek biitter, J, Stowardson, M. Rosser, lib Ml's? M Rosser, •H Thomp- son, , 41b rolls, J Lewis, A McTavish. Cheese, R Johnston, Butter for spa 10, J Levis; for,spl 6, J Lewis; .for spa 26, M Rosser; for spa 45, M Rosser, PLANTS &'FLOWERS. Collection of house plants, Miss Stan- ley; geranit ms, Miss Stanley. Bouquet of table flowers, Miss Stanley, Mrs J. Paisley. Bouquet of hand flowers, Mrs F Paisley, Mrs J Paisley. MANUFACTURES.' Honey ext, F G Abbott, J Paisley, Honey in comb, M Morgan. Honey ext, spl 13, F Abbott. Maple syrup, A Kennedy, J Lewis. Pears canned or preserved, F Davis, Eli Hodgins. Con- fectioner, J Foster (diploma). Bread for 41 9, Mrs. Paisley. Single buggy, I Handford. Lumber wagon, C Sproul (dip). Pump, •wood, J. Stewardson, Horse shoes, 1 Handford, R Horn. FINE ARTS. Stuffed birds, W Matheson, T Hodgins Birds eggs, W Matheson, Antique and Indian curiosities, W Matheson, Col coins, 1mT Matheson. Col photographs, W 141atlleson. Col photographs, (spa 5) W Matheson. Drawing col crayon, L Hunter. 131k crayon, Miss Stanley, L Hunter. Painting on slate; Miss Waugh Water color, Miss Waugh, J Alway. Painting on glass or china, MisslIath- eson, illiss Waugh. In oil's, Miss Waugh. Miss !larding•, spl Miss Waugh. On velvet, Mrs J 1laskett, Mrs F Paisley. Kensington painting, Miss Waugh, Mrs T Hodgins, Best hand -writing for spl 42, E Carter. LADIES WORK. Braiding, Mrs. J. Haskett; 'Mrs. J. Lewis. Shirt, handmade, Mrs' J. Ste- venson, Mrs. J,. P. Paisley. Knitted socks,'cotton, Mrs. J. Lewis. Woolen, Mrs. J. Lewis, Mrs. H. Thompson; Spl, Mrs. J. Lewis. Knitted gloves, Miss Mackenzie, Mrs.:: J. Lewis. Knitted mits, Miss Armitage, Mrs. J. Lewis, spl. Miss Stevenson. Leather work, Mrs. L. Hunter, 14Ii's, J. Paisley, Berlin wool work, Mrs. J. Lewis Miss. Doisy, Ma- crame, Mrs. J. Paisley, Mrs. Thos. Hod gins. Darned net, Mrs. L. Hunter, Mr's. D. McRoberts. Flannel hm, Mrs. J. Has - kelt, 1st & 2nd. Rag carpet, Mrs. •'J Lewis, Mrs. 1'. Abbott. Hooked Brat, Miss Mackenzie, Mrs. 3'. Abbott. Toilet tidy, Miss A. Harding, Mrs. Beggs. Fancy card, worked, W. S. Major. Tat- ting, Miss Waugh. Point lace, Miss Waugh. Slipper holders,'Miss Walker. Footstool, 11Irs. J. Paisley. Paper flow- ers, Mrs. J. Paisley, Miss Alway Match and therm, case, Mrs. T. Hodgins. Daisy tidy, Miss Ryan. Wool quilt, woven, Miss C. Ryan, Mrs:: W. Dixon,. Bracket rope, sillc,°Mrs.,,B -gs. Ring work, .Mrs. Beggs. Blankets home. 'made, Miss Stewardson, Miss 'Maguire, Quilts, log' cabin, Mrs. P. Herbert, Mrs. J. Haskett. Qtiilts;,pateli- cotton, Mrs. J. Haskett, Mrs. Paisley. Pillow shams; Miss Mackenzie, Mrs. D. H. McRoberts. Washer, Miss Ryan. Etching, Miss Elwood, Miss Walker. Easel Drape, Miss Ryan. Drawn thread work, '141iss Stanley, Miss Mackenzie. Roman em- broidery, Miss 'Elwood. Hair work, Mrs. J. Lewis, Mrs. J. Paisley. Knitted quilt, Mrs. C.'Ryan, Mrs. S. Ryan. Toil•, et Mats, Miss Walker, Miss Matheson. Sofa pillow, Miss Waiker;.Mrs. Hunter. L14Tax ' work, Miss. Alway. Slippers worked, Miss Walker 1st and 2nd. Em• brodery, crewels, Miss Stanley,Miss Walker. ..Table .mats, Miss E. Fox. Iensington`embroidery, Mrs. J. Has - kelt, Miss Mackenzie. Arrasene, Mrs. Hunter, hliss.Harding. Crazy patch- work, Mrs. P. Herbert. Crochet cotton, Miss. Wacker, Miss Waugh. Wool, Miss Walker, Mrs.'Paisley. • • FOOT RACES. Race, half mile, A. Little, E. Hodgins. 100 yards, E. Hodgins,A. Little. Three- legged race, E. Hodgins & A. Little, J. Deacon & R. Bryant. Boys race under I5, A. Dagg, E. Hawkshaw, C. Cathcart Men's race over 50, W. Morgan, W. Williams. THE PEOPLE'S MISTAKE. People make a sad mistake often withserious results when they neglect a constipated condition of the bowels. Knowing that Burdock ,Blood Bitters is an effectual cure at any stage of con- stipation, does not warrant t15 in ne- glecting to use it at the right time. Use it now. Owing to the McKinley bill the com- mittee appointed in Rome to arrange for proper representation of Italian art and industry.at the Chicago world's fair have dissolved, their'efforts being deemed useless. One 25c. bottle of Everest's Liver Regulator has done me a great deal of good, and you will please send me a dollar bottla.—Mrs. Rosa Wilson, Sea- forth. Assistant "Secretary Spaulding, of the U. S. treasury department, has decided that,"goods free under the present law, warehoused under the provisions of the previous law, may now be withdrawn free." ro selI`our une:teelled`NnrseryStock. Steady empiogmcnt'and control of territory. Tlave done business In banaaa 80 yearn. Liberal pay to the iigh man. Send for 'terms, s. • ,CIIASVBJt4)TJIEISS Co‘, ..., 171$ moil. Colborne, Iint Mill' local or traveling 'to7;se'll• lrlj :gnarantem.]. SERV TOG ` Nillt,. , t� 1. Salary or Conimisaion Void d weeltl , dutfitfroo. Special attention given' to beginners. "Workers never fail to milk goo(i'.weekly v aces. Write me at once for partieuliis. E, O. G #.AH#AM, lIttasnityk,ot, (arils"hot"1se is roliabio.) Taitonno, ONr+, 171-lOt. Fiitu Vncrtikin Raving leased the premises latety occupied by Mr. John Brawn, I would 'inform the public that I carry an immen- se stock of FURNITURE ..UR7 of my own Manufacture,which, I will sell at EXTRAORDINARY PRICES Inepect my stock before buy- ing elsewhere anlL ,cave from 10 to 20 per cent. I am bound to sell,ancl g uaratee ray goods to be superior to factory work. Undertaking in all its branches at' lowest possible prices. Special attention will be given to this branch of the business, Give MO a, share of the patronage. Remember the stand, two doors north of the Town Hall, Exeter. WALT.' ANDREWS. {As A. Fresh and New Stock of i • 1ro00r!6s & CORMO1101131g JUST ARRIVED a/AAT�/ THE m FaHg Y�Y grocery. Also Pure ,EXTRACTS and SPICES. A beautiful piece of glass- ware given away with 1 lb of Mayell's Baking Powder. Daer2woocl Roller 'lou For Sale® Call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. G. ti HYMN. Btl6 N. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT ®®®T •PEOleacceza • from which this paper is print was supplied by the Dealers in. Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 & 82 .Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. '-1 per day. J. & J. Mo IARTIN, Proprietors. HARMLESSHEADACHE POWDERS Cure ALL HEADACHE. :They are not adver- tised to cure every. ihinp,butsimply head- aches. .Try them, it will cost but 2:3 cents }}or a boas and they aro harmless. They are not a Cathartic. • Paso's Remedy for Catarrh is tho Best,, Easiest to Use and Cheapest. Sold by druggists or Sent, by snai 1, 60c. E. T. IIazeitino; Warren, Pa.; II, S.A. ETRAL 00th �iOflE A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. P1eiit*1— Paterttfilegtolligs, spooges, Druggist's Slljilis At right and reasonableprices, Prescriptions and Family_ Receipts Rec _ Carefully Prepared. irioit's Golf] 1011 PiNgar the best in the market. C LUTZ, i BOlyw The Famous Heavy -bodied Oil: macre only by McColl Bros. __ roe. & Co, Toronto. Vso it once and youwllu . � use no other. McCoU's Famous CYLINDER OIL Is the finest in Canada for engine cylinders. --FOR SALE BY— S, Exeter, Krta °l WA. .rntin,a ,.a_,._. —._ necioa.costgaova,.mazes.>n. n.menu Jul P. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED OUT A 'NEW STOCK. OF II 11 $ 11 II : 1111 II 1: II II 11 FI RSTL I 11 I II I II II IIit II 11 I it 1: II In Canadian and Imported Tweeds, French Worsteds, etc.,. which he will sell at right prices. If you wish a nobby or plain suit it will repay you to call and examine his large stock which has just arrived. R tIIflE FIS IIilTEEfl EYq TIJIIE Special attention lien to ladles mantle ma . g Give me a Trial and you will be Convinced. Stand one door north of Fish's. Barber shop. tj t MES H. GRXEVE 2 5..'" latilCklitillo97F8"2. 7,, M1Y 1;77r 47:;.&.7 :3k 4t i4ifiAi71.U+arS'si icity .gtid i3''= for infants and Children. "Castorin is so well adapted to children that Csetoria wares Colic, Constipation, 1 recommend it as superior to any prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, known to me." H. A, Anna,;, 31. D., Trills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di. Ill So. Oz ord St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Withou injurious medication. Tam Cssraux Con -rein, ; rr Murray Street, N. ;i sir, >7Fy'01.en;;txd +am-S:rY.K.i�ih .,, -+" x. ",: �:e t 'F.i '�1i'f i` 'ii wF%:E ✓'? ¢ •'i 1 EAD and LEA N wi-eeto kn.-1.7— The Best Goods for the Least Money. gismisfralamal= We carry the largest stock of STOVES and TINWARE in town and we are selling it at the lowest possible price for cash. In Hall and Library Laaps we are showing an elegant display at right prices. All kinds of Table and Hand Lamps at wnolesale .prices. In Cross cut Saws we are showing all the latest and leading patterns and makes. 5 different patterns to choose from. AXES, a large stock at prices that defy competition.1 As usual a full stock of geilBfri.q�s, OlisON Glass 011 046. A Call Solicited.. AGENTS FOR THE RAYMOND SEWING 1VIACBINE I SE T J. G. SIVIALLACOMBEI, Merchant Tailor, TroMr!StlExeler, 9 , Has now in stock A FIRST-CLASS LINE OF ' Summer Goods,, en G Gents! Irt rnichit ;9 oto. Sole agent for Exeter for IlORINE COLLAR' CUFFS, � AND N U .rr.S The best Collar and cuff ill. the market, :� A SOLICITED, CALL O ICITED, � Smallacombe. Remember the old stand • FIS. Near the POST OFFICE. If you want an easy shave and neat hair -cut just call at E FISH'S does in s style. Iva SHAVING SALOON Where he d s all his work ,a neat style , Ladies and Children hair -cutting the latest tyle. �•, �ry. AAGENT FO THE /n P� 1C� !V D