The Exeter Advocate, 1890-8-28, Page 8HEVER FAILS To C150 SATISFASTiOII
Grigg's Reporter,
—Useful counter goods 'not charged,'
--We have added''a number of ,new
lines' and invite everyone to see them.
-Crediton, Dashwood and Centralia
people specially invited to call siext,
Brumpton Bros ` sell : a "bar of
olive" at 46 cts. which will pay the
buyer well.
—Country schools re -open on Monday
Our store reopens every day except;
-Tall crops are like our "useful'
counters" very good, and both promise
& handsome return for the outlay.
—Had no idea you kept such a
variety; Why this is very nice; I will
come again; res, the prices are reason-
able; these are expressions that drop
constantly from sightseers on their
first. visit.
—We are within the mark when we
say that four of every five visitors buy
at our "useful counters" call, see and
we think you will, buy without being
—The circulation of the Reporter is
equal to that of our two weeklies com-
bined.; you see we ride both horses.
Archer is coming.
Wednesday - evening
September 3rd, 1890, Trivitt
Memorial. church. Be sure and hear him
For a first-class organ ,go to R. N.
Bargain day -at Brumptons' on Sat-
Bear in mind nameaind date, Archer;
Sept- 3rd.
Brumptons' big clearing sale; 'leav-
ing town.
—I3. L• .Billings, Dentist, for the best
artincia' teeth.
R. N. Rowe agent for the Doherty
" Quite a heavy frost prevailed over
mother earth on Sunday night.
Frederick Archer is coming Sept. 3rd
Union flannels at Brumptons', 10 yds
,$1.00, Bargain day.
Messrs. Bissett Bros. have completed
the €urnaces in the school.
Big slaughter in prices at Brumptons'
Come and eiijdy the feast.'
The ADVOCATE from now till the end
of the year for 35 cents. Subscribe
If you want a first-class job of
troughing done, call on Willian Fol -
Mr. Jos. Senior 'received from Toronto
on Tuesday morning a fine St. Bernard
Exeter's greatest ; musical treat—
Archer's organ recital, Wednesday
evening, September 3rd.
Spud along your subscriptions for the
ADVOCATE. Only 30 cents from • now
till the end of the year.
Insure in the Temperance and Gen-
eral Insurance Co.,; of Toronto. En
BIssETT,,Iocal agent.—May 29-90.
Our public school, which has been
undergoingrepairs, is about completed
and on Monday next school will open.
The following motto can be seen in
a shop on Ontario street: "in God we
trust; all others cash down."-Kingston
Fhq. ,
Archer, the world famed organist
gives an organ recital in Trivitt Mem-
orial church, on Wednesday 'evening,
3rd September.
Those intend taking in the Detroit
Exposition will take note that they can
secure their excursion tickets from
Aug: 26th till Sept. 5th.
Merchants, now -is the time to order
your printing for the fall fairs. Give
the ADVOCATE a trial. Good work at
fair prices is our motto.
"Mr. Archer is unquestionably the
greatest of living organists. * * He
is a. thorough musician, has extraordi-
nary facility and exquisite musical
tacte."—New York World.
For those interested in the formation
of n. gun club, a meeting will be held
at the Central Hotel, on Friday even-
ing at S o'clock, when those desirous of
becoming members will he at liberty to
enlist their names as such,
We were shown a mammoth plum
the other day by Mr. William Caring,
which was grown on the premises of
Mr. Isaac Carling, measuring; one way
( inches and another way 7. It was a
beautiful specimen.
To make russet shoes appear as good
as new, squeeze the juice of a lemon on
a' bit of soft cloth, give the leather a
thorough treatment with this and see
if your shoes don't look as well as they
did when ,you bought them,
Burdocks can easily be destroyed by
pouring a few teaspoonfuls of, kerosene
on the plant. The oil rots the roots and
iii a few days the burdock is dead.
There are any number of burdocks in
this pleice that sliotxlti be exterminated.
Brussels will hold their first monthly
horse fair on Thursday, O:tober 2nd
What's the matter with our horse and
Cattle fair? 'Vlh would suggest a, sim-
illai• idea to the above of holding a fair
oti the first day of our Fall Show,
Brussels is to have electric light
sifoi't'1•{ ' it-1N'tt"-tsar nulla' of 85 -are light
with nornliiala,000.dandle power each,
providing thirty'five consumers can be
secured in that place. It is supposed.
will be in full blast about October 1st,
Frederick Archer's organ recital 3rd
Trivitt.Meniorial church, 3rd Sept.
Frederick Archer.
Will Tolland is paying the highest
price for wool pickings of any shop in
Subscribe for the ADvOCATO. Only
35 cents from now till January 1st,
--H. L. Billings, Dentist. Gold Mines
a speetalty. Office over O'1\ei1's Rank
Insure your residences against fire
with with W. Sanders, agent, ADvo-
CATR ofhee:;
A. number attended the Clinton races
on Tuesday. They report good races
and an excellent time.
"Mr. Frederic Archer aroused the
greatest enthusiasm by his masterly
playing.—He more than justified the
expectation aroused by his great reput-
ation."—Rochester Morning .Herald.
Mr. James Sando, of Centralia, who
was charged with being insane and at-
tempting to do bodily injury to Mr. B.
Quarry, of the same place, was brought
before Magistrate Snell here on Tues-
day. Evidence was taken for prosecu-
tion and the defendent was dismissed.
We understand that Mr. John Hawk-
shaw has leased the Commercial Hotel
here to. Mr. T. W, Hawkshaw, his son,
who will assume the same on the 1st of
Sept. Wes is a very aecomodating
young man and will make a good land-
lord. We wish him every success in
the venture.
Our thanks are due to Mr. A. Cottle
for a jar of sweet cider, which is the
first of the season. • Mr. Cottle has been
engaged for some time in making pre-
parations for his "harvest" and has
now an outfit for the manufacture of
eider, second to none in the county.
The farmers may now bring along their
We underssand that Mr. William
Hawkshaw, of Seaaforth, has leased his
hotel in that place and has -leased the
Thompson House in London, and will
remove there and take possession on
1st September. Mr. Hawkshaw is a'
first class hotel keeper, and as the hotel
is a, new one he will command a good
Never too late to mend 5000 pairs of
boots and shoes that need repairing to
be left at the leading boot and shoe
store next door to the post office. G.
The Harvest.
The harvest is over and considerable
grain has been thrashed. Wheat is
turning out far better than expected,
and will be much above the average
yield. The sample could not be better.
Barley is a fine crop, and the early
sown oats is all that could be desired,
but that sown late will not be so good,
on account of rust. Peas are poor.
Roots are going to come out well, the
late rains having helped them. On the
whole farmers have seldom had more
reason to be thankful.
Yesterday afternoon (Wednesday) an
important and pleasant event took
place at the residence of Mr. William
Balkwill, London Road, it being the'
marriage of his daughter, Miss Eliza,
to Mr. John Thompson, of London. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
Jasper Wilson in the presence of a few
of the bride's relatives. The happy
couple took the evening train for Lon-
don where they will reside in future.
We extend our heartiest cougratula
tions to the young couple, and may
their journey through life be a long
and happy one.
To California'ree.
We see by the ever popular Fireside
Weekly that they are offering to sub-
scribers such tremendous prices as a
Free Trip to California and Return,
first-class: a lady'selegant seal mantle,
$200; handsome Shetland Pony, Silver
Tea Set, Lady's Gold Watch; China
Tea Set, Mantel Clock, Silver Watch,
Dicken's Works and Waverly Novels,
and many morei These are prizes for
the persons sending in the greatest
number of works constructed from the
letters contained in "Finusinnc-
LY." Send 5 one cent stamps to 9 Ad-
elaide St. West, Toronto, for Sample
Copy and Premium Supplement with
list of prices and conditions of contest,
and make a try for a prize. Any one
can win.
Narrow Escape.
What might have proven a serious
accident happened to Mr. Isaac Carling
and daughter on Monday afternoon.
Mr. Carling, who has not enjoyed the
best of health for some years, was tak-
ing his constitutional drive, as usual,
together with his daughter, and when
opposite Messrs. Geo. and Thos. Harton's
farm, north of this place, the horse took
fright at some gipsy camps which were
located on the side of the road, and in.
its mad career backed the buggy over
a small bridge, which crossed the road,
into the ditch, upsetting the vehicle
and occupants, and had it not been for
Some gentlemen who were not far dis-
tant rendering their assistance, no
doubt, both would have suffered death
as it was a top rig. Happily to say
both escaped unhurt.
Exeter Council Proceedings.
Council met 23rd Aug. All present.
Minutes lead and con Hrmect. Orders
were grantee for the following sums:—
John Kidd, $6.13 labor;. Jno. Morehead
$7.50 do; Geo. Cudmore $3.75 do; Geo.
Elod; ins $10.63 clo; Wal. Westcott $9.38
do; S. Ilandforcl $5.50 do A. Z issett $ .-
50 do; Thos Horn $13.13 do S. Bfick-
Inghanl $3.90 blacksinithing; J. Welsh
50c, tile; Sanders & Co. $35.75 printing;
Jas, Weekes $2 rep. engine ;Jas. Creech
$4, charity to H. McIntosh; do. ffi2 Mrs.
Piper'. do. $1.50 Mrs. Onus and George
Edwovrthy $2 rent of room at `election
of M. P. P.—Carried. Moved by W. G.
Bissett seed.. by J. Olio that Mr. Creech
he instructed to collectall the band in-
struments and clothing belonging to
the corporation -Caused. Moved by
W. G. Bissett, seed. by H. Spaclman
that this Council adjourn for one week.
-•-Carried. M. L''AcntL,II, Clerk.
The Exeter Milling Co. made their
first shipment of flour on Tuesday to
the lower provinces. --Mr. Jas. Oke,
shipped two carloads of fine cattle
yesterday to Montreal.—Mr, J. Switzer
shipped three carloads of flaxseed to
13aden this week.—Messrs. Hartleib &
Witzol shipped two carload of flaxseed
to Baden this week.—Mr. Levi Stahls,
of Crediton, shipped ten carload of
brick from here this week.---jti. Sweet,
V. S., shipped his greyhound "Turk" to
Toronto where he will be placed in the
Exhibition to be held 'there.—Several
cars of wheat have been shipped to
local points this week.
"Mr; Archer played like one inspired
and amply proved his right to the
proud position he won for himself
at the head of his profession. His mast-
ery of the organ is thorough and corn=
plete."—Dann Telegram, London, Bug.
Tale oflrthat Cheek Rein.
In ninety cases out of a hundred
those who apply the' side or over -cheek
to their harness cannot give you any
intelligent reason; for its use, further
than that it was with the harness when
they bought it, and it is fashionable to
have it. Every either horse you will
meet with on the streets of the town is.
either standing hitched with his face.
turned up to the hot sun, flies swarm-
ing about his eyes, mouth and ears,
with no power to defend himself, or
moving along inperfectmisery'from
his head being pulled up to an unnat-
ural position. If drivers insist that
their horse does not travel well, or is
in the habit of stumbling, or is liable
to lick if his head is not reined up,
would have the judgment or a suffi-
cient supply of the milk' of human
kindness to throw off the check when
they stop, the cruelty and harm would
be greatly lessened.
The Queen pays all Expenses.
The Queen's last "Free trip to Europe"
having excited such universal interest,
the publishers of that popular magazine
offer another AND $200 EXTRA FOR
EXPENSES, to the :person sending them
the largest list of English words con-
structed from letters contained in the
three words'Burrisu NORTH AMERICA.'
Additional prizes consisting of Silver
Tea Sets, China Dinner Sets, Gold
Watches, French Music Boxes, Portiere
Curtains, Silk Dresses, Mantel Clocks,
and many other useful and valuable
articles will also be awarded in order
of merit. A special prize of a Seal
Skin Jacket to the lady, and a hand-
some Shetland Pony to the girl or boy
(delivered' free in Canada or United
States) sending the largest list§. Every
one sending a list of not less' than.
twenty words will receive a present
Send four Be. stamps for complete rules
illustrated catalogue of prizes, and.
sample number of The Queen. Address
ada. -169, 10x.
"Although we have many fine resi-
dent organists, Mn Archer's unique
and wonderful manipulation of 'the in-
nstrument proved a revelation to a
crowded audience, which included all
our leading musical lights. * ,* He
ieceived. a worthily earned ovation at
the conclusion of his task." -Irish Times,
Personal Mention.
Mn Edwin Hodgson, of Toronto, who.
has been visiting friends in and around
Exeter, returned` on Friday morning
last.—Mr. Fred Moore left here on Fri-
day morning for London, where he will
reside in future.—Mr. William Gould,
who has been visiting home for the
past week, returned to Oshawa on Mon-
day morning.—Mr. A. G. Dyer, and
daughter Edith, who have been visit-
ingthe editor•of the News,Paynesville,
Minn,, Mr. Dan Dyer, son of A. G., left
there on Friday morning last for Du-
luth, where they will embark on the 'U-
nited Empire" on their return home.--
ome,=Mr. Itobt Leathorn left here last week
for England on a visit to his relatives.
He took with him two cars of cattle for
the, European markets, -Miss Purse,y,
of Toronto, is visiting her uncle, Dr.
Browning, for a few days.—Mr. Fred
Moore spent a few days with his par-
ents in. Blyth last week. -Mi: Horace
Harwood, after spending a few days
with friends in Exeter, returned to
Lansing, Mich. -Mr. Edwin Hudson, of
Toronto, who has been visiting friends
in town returned home on Friday.—
Mr. Joe Loathorn spent Sunday in
town, after Which lie returned to Lon-
on-don.Mr. W. A. Davis, of Owen Sound,
spent a few days in town last weel:.—
Mr. Joseph Lomas, brother of Mrs. Thos.
Fitton, and daughter, of Hamilton,
spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Fitton last week, after which the former
returned home and the latter will re-
main for a fear days longer.-Miss;'Ettie
Essery, who has been in London for
the past month, returned yesterday,—
Dr. Hyndman was summoned to the
bedside of his brother, Mr. Pat Hind-
man, who is lying in a very low state
of health in Toronto Miss Alma Me-
Donell, who. has beenvisiting friends
in Brussels for the past few meeks,
returned home on Wcdncsctiy of last
tree]:. --Mr.' A. L. Bennett returned
home on Thursday otter spending a
few days in Orangeville.—Mr. A. Mc
Condi, who left here some time ago
with a load of Choice t"forses for Main
toba, returned on Saturday.—Mr.Jas.
Walters spent a couple ofdays of last
week in Berlin.—Mr. Chas. JeckciII, of
Toronto, is visiting' his;.;parents at
present —Mr. A, Bishop, M -''P. I'., and
wife, who have been in 'Scotland for
some weeks ks past, are expected home to
night, 'Thi; Messrs, Rebel ;ock Bros.,
who have been visiting felends here,
returned to Dakota on Monday morn-
mg—Mu.. Gee. Samwell visited the
Forest City on Monday.—Miss Susie
Weekes has left on, a business trip to
Toronto, prior to her returning to Nor-
wich.—Mr, T. Sweet, druggist, purpos-
es leaving meat week for Marlette,
Midi:, on his holidays,—Mr. Rich, GU -
ley has returned after spending a few
days in Montreal.—Mrs. J. Parkinson
intends leaving' for Trout Creek next
week, where Mr. J. Parkinson, her hus-
band is engaged in :bussness.—Miss
Boyes and Miss Lockwood, of Chicago,
and Miss Boyes, of London, are'`' the
guests of Mrs. Win, Drew at present.--
resent.-Miss Edith Inman,who left here some
time ago on a visit to Brussels, will not
return, but will take charge of the mil-
linery department of the well known
Williamsoii's store, Guelph.—Mr. Wm.
Weekes, who has been on a trip to
Europe, returned on Tuesday evening,
looking much benefitted by the same.
—Mn Wm. Sanders, of this journal.
spent Sunday and Monday in London,
—Mr. Will Gundy, who has been
studying law with Mr. R. H. Collins,
left yesterday for Toronto where he
will pass an examination.—Mr. C. Cur-
relly and son left on Friday for Port
Hope, where they will visit friends.—
Mrs. (Rev.) Wesley Down, who has
been visiting her parents here, return-
ed to IHaiberton. She was accompani-
ed by her mother, Mrs. C. Tom, who
will spend a few days there. -Mrs. E.
Roberts has left on a visit to friends in
Port Hope --Mrs. J. P. Clarke is in Co-
burg visiting friends. -Mrs. Geo. Hynd-
man leaves for Toronto this evening,
to visit friends there.—Mrs. Jas. Elliott,
wife of the late Jas. Elliot, left on Tues
day for Detroit where she will take in
the Exposition. -Mr. Robert Webster,
head forger in Verity & Sons' foundry,
has returned from visiting friends in
London.—Mr. J. P. Clarke and daugh-
ter returned from Montreal on Monday
evening.—Miss Annie Stewart left on
Monday morning for Brecon to • visit
friends—Mr. J. A. Stewart left on a
purchasing tour to Toronto and Mont.
real on Tuesday.
IOLMAN.—]II Elimville, on the 210th
inst, the wife of G. W. Holmani of
a daughter.
VERITY.—In Exeter, on the 18th inst.,
the wife of William Verity, of a
on the 27th 'inst., at the residence
of the bride's father, London Road,
by Rev. Jasper Wilson, Mr. John
Campbell, of London, to Miss Eliza
Balkwill, of Usborne..
That beautiful Brick dwelling, situated on
Carling Street, being Lot 42, with eight con-'
venienfroome containtherein and' all
necessary- conveniences on the premises.
Reasonable Terms. For' further particulars
apply to
to children if you
wishfor their future
welfare. It[orae'a Giy-
eerole of Celery Com-
pound. Exact formula on
every label, is snare rem-
edy for teething infants
and. nervous adults. En-
dorsed by physicians.
Send two cent stamp for
descriptive circular to
Hann Morse, BufaW,11: Y.
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder
Highest of all in leavening strength.
U. S. Government Report, August
17th, 1889. rt
Roller Mills.
WHEAT, 90 TO 95cts. per bush
Our Selling Prices.
Flour, best family, $2.60 per 100..
" low grade, 1.50 " "
Bran, 70 "
Middlings, 90
Screening's, 90
Chop, 1.15 to 1.25 ''.
Delivered to any part of the town.
Orders left at 1. Hicks' Jewellery
Store, or by telephone, promptly filled
and delivered.
Chop stone running every day.
!The ix.cter Milling Co.
will please a child,
but you would nota. igiving think of a man a yenu9`.
The idea then of offering men or
to draw in their customet that isswhat is offered just when
a reputed dollar article is marked 99c.
is a.small thing to go fishing for custom with—too small for
a large firm, m, and quite too small for us.
"One dollar's worth for One Dollar."
and we live up to it; and we are not' going to lower
a cent's worth. We are no do do's,
but we do do all we say every i
Give us a chance to prove it.
aanL1�I1'®N644 tum lunlr: Dur -
' .?ctyM17 s.
47114 SM
s, .6
"r1"to, i7 tpq
m_- ifs
This week I present „ to the people
a cutt of the noted
the best wood cook stove in the market.
Call in elsewhere.
see ee it before buying yg hese.
000 000 000 00 0000000 0'0 00_00 0
STAND, one door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug Store, Main Street,
Exeter. Sign of Big Elephant.
Wholesale and Retail
Builders' Hardware.
Nails, Glass (Stained and Engraved), Locks, Hinges,
and Butts (full line)
Carriage Hardware.
Bar. Iron Bent Stuff, Hubbs, Spokes, Cutter Rznn
Shafts, Moqueite Wunslin, Drill &c.
Mill Supplies
Iron Pipe, Fittings, Valves, Asbestos, Packing,Rubber
and Leather Beltings, &c.
Sporting ortin.. Material
Breech -Loading and Shot G uns, Powder, Ie
She . &c.
Stoves and Tin ware
Cool n�,,Icatin
, and Coal Stoves. • All h:inds
Tinware cheap. Eavetrou filing a speciality.
SendSend in your;r 1
y legs for CI-IL�� ir.TT of ..STOVE and the genii
ine BLOSSBURG COALS before it advances
Manager. •