The Exeter Advocate, 1890-8-28, Page 5ATAVICV, TO 111OTIIIHUSr ,11re you disturbed at night and broken of you! rest by ati sick child sullcriug ttnd crying with Pain of cutting Meth? f1' So, send at once and get a battle Of MKS. Winn ow's Scent NG STRUT Fou CIltLDt;IsN Tramline. Its value is incalcul- able. It wl l l relieve the poor little sufferer imme- diately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diary rpoaa, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures windcolitlo softens tho gtuns,reduceainffarhma tion, and gives tone and energy to the whole 9�ystem. l,A1ts. WInsuriv'S SooTIIING STRDPIN A QtilLDalikb Trelt't'HINQ is pleasant to the taate,a d is the prescription of ono of the oldest and brit female nurses and physicians in the Unite4 States, and is for sale by all druggists through. eat the world. Price 26 centra a bottle, Chief Engineer Hobson, of the G. T. R.,and other gent !omen passed through the St. Clair <tunnell Monday, All Men, .sung, old, or middle aged, who find themselves nervous, weak and exhaust- ed, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression,. permature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi- ness, specks before the oyes. twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, depositsin the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp or spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, • . constipation, dullness of healu?o,,, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability:. f temper, sunken oyes surrounded With LEADEN 0IRCL5, oily looking skin, etc,, are all symptoms of nervous debil- ity, that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignor- ante may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all diseases T to man. ' Address M. V. BO L peculiar A U l�, 50 Front-st. E., Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells,. purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong rapid and irregular, the second heart bent quicker than the first, pain abort the breast bone, etc., can posi- tively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. AddressM. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street, East, Toronto, Ont. Aug. 7, '90,-1y. r At Maisau, Ausiria, lightning struck a railway train and, threw twenty trucks down an embankment. When Baby was sick, `vo gave her Castoria. When shewas a Child, she cried for Castors When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla; When shelled Children, she gave them Castorla. Another passenger rate war is threat- ened between the through lines' from. ,Chicago to St. Paul. Ca aiisiinnption'Ctired. • An old physican, retired from .pract-' e' in had la cl in his hands i' hay a placed (,C, a 1)by an East India missionary the formula. of a:simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Con- sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, al- so a positive and radical cure for Ner- vous Debility and all Nervous . Com- plaints, after having tested its wonder- ful curative powers in: thousands of cas- es,has felt it his ditty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive anti a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of: charge, to all who desire' it, this recipe, in German, French' or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Noyes, 820 Powers' Block, Rochester, N. Y,,Feby. 6 Mr. Stanley's health is still far from perfect. SUDDENLY PROSTRATED. GENTinxnN.—I was suddenly pros trated white at work by a severe at- tack of cholera morbus. We sent at once for a doctor, but ho seemed un- able to help. An evacuation about, every forty minutes was fast wearing me out, -whom we sent for a bottle of Wird Strawberry, which saved my life. Mrs. J. N. Van Natter, r Mount Brydges, Ont. Russia has presented a vessel of 1,- 200 tons to Montenegro. Always avoid harsh purgative pills. They first make you sick and then leave you constipated. Carter's Little Liver Pills regulate the bowels and make you well, Dose, one pill, Tho bakers of Cork, Ireland, have r O. strath: for higher wages. I LAI HELEN R. SNCLAIR. R MISS H of Ninette, Man,, writes that she has used Burdock Blood Bitters for loss of appetite and headache with the great i,. est benefit and heartily recommends it,` Her experience is shared by thousands. B. B. B. is a epeciiie for headache. Raisins arul prunes are reported very plentiful in California. If there ever .was at specific for any one complaint, then, Carters Little Liv er Pills are a specific for sick headache, and every woman should know this. Only one pill a dose. Try them. Mon aro asking $55 a month for har- vest welk at.Bsantl on, , Man. A DAUGIITER'S INFLUENCE. I f blood had.', very.severc attack o y diarrhoea and was persuaded by My daughter to tryDr. Fowler's Extract of , Wild Strawberry, Strawberry which 1 did with great success, as less than two bottles cured n c , i It S worth its weight in bold, r+ c n ribs, Margaret -Wu*, ,peinbroke Ont, The Queen's hotel at Supdridge was. burnt Monday, and two men perished in the flames.. T11 FOUR YEARS 1N SAWYERVILI,B "For four years I had pimples and sores breaking out on my hands and face caused by bad blood, Medicine from the doctor was tried without avail, but after using two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters I am well." Miss Mabel Lindsay, Saw ervillo Que The U. S. consul -at: Palermo bas been called to account by the Italian pre- mier for advertising American tourists to keep away from Sicily owing to brigandage. One 25c. bottle of Everest's Liver Regulator has done me a great deal of good, and you will please send me a dollar bottle. Mrs. Rosa Wilson, Sea forth.' Frank Vennor, aged 26, single, was drowned in, the Thames, at Weeks' flats, near Mount Brydges, some days ago. The body was recovered Mon- day. THE SLEEP OF THE JUST;. For sleepless nights depending on worry, vexation, indigestion, etc., Bur- dock Blood Bitters is a remarkably ef- fieient cure. "1 have used Burdock Blood Bitters for sleepless nights and now sleep well all night, Irecommend it to all suffering from imperfect rest.. Geo. H. Shiel, Stony Creek, Ont. Hugh Littlejohn, son of ex -Speaker Littlejohn, fell from the balcony of the Bay View house at Canarsie, L.I.,Mon- day and broke his neck. More cases of sick headache, bilious- ness, constipation, can be cured in less time, with less medicine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pills than by any other: means. Representative Watson, of Warren, Pa., dropped dead in the Botanical gar- dens at Washington Monday of heart disease. IT SAVED HIS L11.E. GENTL IMEb: I can recommend Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for it saved my life when I was about six months old. We have used it in our family when required ever since, and it never fails to cure all summer complaints. I am now fourteen years of age. Francis Walsh, Dalkeith, Ont. The conference at Terre Haute has resulted in the council of railway em- ployes endorsing Mr. Powderly's posi- tion. - I find Eyorest's Cough Syrup an ex- cellent remedy and can heartily recom• mend it.—P. B: Rosenberry, L. D. S, Arkona. U. S. Minister Lincoln strongly de- nies that he is about to resign his office. at the court of St. James. For four years I was not able to sleep in bed, being troubled with Catarrh, and I:tried almost everything without obtaining permanent relief until I tried Mustard's Catarrh Specific, four bottles electing cure;—Geo. Webster, Forest P. 0. Guahemala has signed tho peace pro- posals and the sgnature of San Salya- dor is hoped for. T DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAYS AND CANALS. Mr. L. D. Dion, a prominent official of the above department, Ottawa, writ- es:—I 'am very glad to give you to day the testimony that Nasal Balm has com- pletely cured my catarrh, from which I suffered for nearly three years. The first of this season's oats market- ed in Winnipeg Monday brought 50 cents a bushel Dominion. Notes. A pensioner. named; Hamilton, resid- ing in Kingston, fell head. first into a culvert in that city Monday evening, and being immediately rendered insen- sible, was drowned. Charles Johnston. and William S. Jod- pal, two Norwegians who arrived' in Toronto on Monday, having engaged to workfor the G. T. R. as navies, tool: a pleasure boat and went on the Bay in the afternoon. They were upset through carelessness, and Johnston, aged 35, was . drowned in trying to swim to shore, Niagara, Falls. Aug. 16, 1890. In company with Mr. W. C. Huston, of Centralia, who represents the inter- ests of The Ontario Fledge and Wire Fence Cor., in Huron Co., we visited. Niagara Falls, the Company's head- quarters, to examine their system. Be- ing familiar with hedges on the up right plan we were skeptical as to whether they can be used with any de- gree of success as farm fences. We were shown honey locust hedges plash- ed by company, the com pan . which satisfied us that the : objections hitherto held to hedgeing has been entirely overcome. By their motto of plashing (binding the canes in the root at an angle of 45 degrees and attaching 4 parallel wires) a dense growth is forced on the upper Side of the stalk, which interlacing with the sprouts and wire above them make in a very short time a fence cheap, lasting and ornamental.' We saw a section trimmed,wliich was easily done, it requires no particular skill, and car; be doliei it is claimed, at a cost of 1 cent per rod. The plant is thorny, and although a very ornamental kind of hedge, is very hardy and eminently a- dapted to our climate, The fence com- pleted occupies no inore space -than an ordinary board fence, and can be plow ed as closelyto. We feel con inced improved y that their mproved hedge's should commend the attention of all parties interested in fencing. Jo STEW ART, T At I N S LZ ILT , }Inv P PATER MOI R, lc I' o "‘.e.s"*•G'. ;,,.,:..�wr �a�� ��a ���.y ray rt ; for Infants and Children. "Ceateria is sowell adeptedtoobfdroathat Caster's cures Colic, Constipation, [recommend Rae superior +OrtOaDypreM:ii prescription ac h ,Diarrhoea, Eructation. . Worms Gives sleepand promote9 dik00rpome., ILA. Aeolus o, , 11180* ORtorl U. rAogcl,yn, N. Y. Without injurious medication. Tint Cuxmava CograitT, 77 Murray Street, N. i'. ';',IjiZEM NEW TAILOR SIEEOP. THE UNDERSIGNEDHAS OPENED OUT A NEW STOCK OF n 1 11 : II $ li : IIII $ II $ II $ Ii 1 II FIRST -CLAS SUMMERSSIIXTXNQJS $ 1 $ 1 / 8 $ N $ IIII $. II $ 1t II $ If In Canadian and Imported Tweeds, French Woi'stcds, etc., which he will sell at right prices. If you wish a nobby or plain suit it will repay you to call and examine his large. stock which has just arrived. g SURE HT Qi!llI1(TEEll EVEllY Special attention to ladies mantle mak given g Give me a Trial. and you will be Convinced. Stand one door north of Fish's Barber shop. J PES Hr GRIEVE. t oP:D. "THE BEST ARMOR AGAINST DISEASE IS GOOD DIGESTION." Jt is a hard, uncontrovertible fact that more disease is directly attributable to disorders of the Stomach than to all the other organs combined ; this is not hard for even the unprofessional to understand whenwe take into consideration the mass of food that it is made the receptacle of for a time, there to be churned, di- gested and so assimilated. MALTOPEPSYN (an artificial gastric juice—formula on every label) will aid the weak stomach and so cure indigestion, Dyspep.. psia etc. In fact, it is a good aid to digest a hearty dinner, and can do no harm, as it is only adding an extra amount of gastric juice, does not stimulate and so there is no reaction. Endorsed by physicians. stimulate, postage for valuable book to HAZEN MORSE, INTeRNATIDNAL BRIDGE, ONTARIO. Plao's Remedy for Catarrh Is the Best, Easiest to use and Cheapest. Unlocks alt the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Lf, , waving off gradually without c; the sys- tem, all the Impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the Sane time Cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Bysnepsia... Headaches, DIZZinea ,, c i i 1Ji?rile Constipation, Dryn as r., -.e Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of 'U .l^ a, Jau_.. diee, Salt Rheum, Erysi'I .Lias, Scro- fula, Fluttering el' the a r e , Ner- vousness, and General Dniitty all these and many other similar Complaint.; Byield to the happy influence of BURDOCK LOOD BITTERS. For Sala by an T,T IILBUR1T & Co., Pr'opriator,, Torolto, Have you tried the Celebrated Sold by druggists or sent by roan, 50e. E. T. Hazeltine, warren, Pa.. U. S.A. Mind wandering cured. Bookalearned in one reading. Testimonials from all parts of the globe. Prospectusl_rosT PIER, cont on notification to Prot. A.'Loisatte 2311t5filtAve.,Now York. ' EVEREST'S CRURH SYRUP CANNOT BE EXCELLED, Try it and be convinced of its wonderful curatlw properties. Price 25 cents. Cs `p - fsc' r (TRADE MARK.) Try Everest's Liver Regulator ' Tor iseasa$ stale Liver Kidneys, ho:, and Verify - hag of the ldl,od. Frio $i. Six bottles for 55. ufact Forured Saloonlbyy byALL DRUGGISTS. Man GEO. 11. EVEREST, Qualm, Feast.; ort f"6 UCr04 i• COATI O..,- .t A SURE CURE Fon B;LIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATIOrd, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK HEADACHE, AND DISEASES DF THC'+ STOMACH, LIVER AND DOWELS.' THEY ARCM ILD,TRORODCH AND PROMPT IN ACTION, AND FORM A VALVA®L6 AID T6 BunOocK' PiL000 BITTERS IN 'THE TRtATMENT AND aunt or CHRONIC_ ANO OBSTINATt; DISEASES. O. SHOE DRESSING? If not don't fail to do so at once. It is not a polish but a wonderful' leather preservative it will make the finest or coarsest shoe as soft and pliable as kid and very easy to the foot. It will make them absolutely water- proof. and if occasionally thessed with this dressing will last more than twice as long as otherwise. We Mean What We Say. It is the very life of leather. It can be applied at any time. No trouble-: Shoe can be polished immediately afterwards. Y'Iin - 10 8,1:5 it it pet Box. Sold by all first-class stores. Satn- pies mailed --Stamps taken. OLIVER CABANA jr. SOLE MANUFACTURER, BUFFALO, N. Y. WEAK ME '11,11.k1741:11 _ - s of Wastig Vitality, Lost Pilanbood, from youthfnl .C;xore oto., quietly at hoBook on1 a,lo. 1 p:lvote diseases sent free (sealed). Perfectly reliable. Over 10 years' experience. Address— i »ED vita. CO.,'ROtOl7TO, Canada. LADIE�q P one "Bebef for Womoa" to onto and nlwa7e S a IIsbie l better than Ergot,.Oxido, Tneay er Pennyroyal P015. 'limns regularity. Send for pnrtinolere. addroce GILDED PILL CO., TOEOiiTTt 0, Canada. ElkEA RPS FO RCEbonsmoothestfrees,bntr ) ba ort hands, in eo to fro daye.' Mngia, M toot and greatest ncl,lamment of modern aelonao 1 Most won. elute' discovery of the oge. Like no ether. tireenvetlee1 Megioal; dare, almost ihetantenbons 1n nation Iley}e With wblehereI Bald bends_ "belted 1'' Ooriotro oNpeetnolas, but potttitotrettie. Only gonnina article in.,,' )10 i, nhd oortaa 1014710 330319to anti,feotion. El union tead, Pride Sl a bottle, of thioo.battlos for 82. Rech bottle anatti ono month. Alldra,u A. DIXON, Box 305, TORONTO, CANADA. PPM 61111100Ni'S PNEPnHaTION$. SUPERFLUOUS t, M A pral`nrntion Ghr. whit itWu pormnnedtlly rontovo. miler -Nails halt without hliury. td the oldO. Warranted, Prlop�a,q311. p@ Mitt �tg ggqq �AAp 77��.. P'MPLES Mitt RLLCI6I71EBe lle�'.pr,v,;; rig front *tiro tO dnpyb,. .Wtoorontlqojdpp,�i'ilgr�effgor tiO chi l o trontmont, 51. ANI11 1yr., Lii�iCE.PtLLS D'ot tho5b 1te gt stn®.YII 1 iV11080 elh 'onhria. DDolo� to mdtter ofrsolioltncloowhothaobIA 8 a {nt ut" Alin! xortablo'., er. udrsoi,Is inbla ,IAT S OOnPuenelee PILLS'Igen nen Knton!,ll, Thavcntine no elokufea ° oetitnlnho uofodn, and hoar bail. erica fnsiol Merida' treatlAOnt.-32; or three laou11)5 modieine, gs, war1s1tod, inelTdthd ;dig � es liggiittd dlt, doolop Elio moo, ()IOAV1t"SY,t,,gNA1 lnoirt5nt;, lInr si, Nein 5Wnrtnntd, Priandtn,n, rorlxloxayflt3$. addre5i4 itRl�]tll,tt'IIn 41II0�7 Y hT I1 t. ,n 4 • .�{y�� ,t`1lnz t(treet .0:LoPT.gipm 9 1U.La1.n. s�- EXETER ONTARIO Has now in stock $prtn & Sumer GC)C)=8., IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trous erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser- lugs. French and English Worsted Cloths All made up in the Latest Style, at }best Rates... 'Ely 3. SNErEarlL. S. GI tY. TH1 LEADING ' J dM er AND ■ Furniture Dealer OF THE I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. UNDKRTAKI 1141 .A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. mom,- —THE— CENTRAL SHAVING PARLOR. EXETER, Ontario. A. HASTIH4IS3 PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting. . Eastin t . Re e m kthe old stand E. He Fisii Near the POST OFFICE.. If you want an easy shave and neat hair -cut just call at E, ii. FISH'S SHAVING SALOON, Where he does all his work in a neat style. Ladies' and Children's hair -cutting in the latest style. AGENT FOR THE PARISIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. IN ORDER TO MAKE SPACE --FOR,.__._ SPRfNG 0006S 3 We will clear out the balance of our Winter Stock AT COST —FUR— Cash ONLY Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS &'SUITS. FOR MENAND BOYS. LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND HATS. LADIES NETT, VEST AND WOOL • SHAWLS. A NICE STOCK OF FUR TRIMMIII'S'' GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED SID NITS & GLOVES at 750 worth. $L We cant be undersold in Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASH. JOHN MATHESON. Exeter Nortli. TrLtre a ndutaltin Having leased the premises latety occupied by Mr. John Brawn, I would inform the public that I' carry an immen- se stock of [,� a of my own 11 lanufacture,whieb I will sell at EXTRAORDINARY PRICES Inepect my stock before buy- ing elsewhere ante: ztve. from lOto20per cent Iambound guaratee to sellar ,, d uaratee my goods to be superior to factory work. Undertaking in all its branches at lowest possible prices. Special attention will be given to this branch of the business. Give me a share of the patronage.. Remember the stand; two doors north" of the Town Hall, Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. CSI H Y A dIS'15 S Washing Compound, Softens the Hardest Water.. Loosens and :quickly removes all Stains of Grease and Dirt without injuring the hands or the finest mater ' ills. It`keeps down disease' by thor- 4g91 ou�lliv disinfecting andpurifying S4� b per first-class�I�n�t e At right prices go to 7 everything. Saves soap, clothes; tune and labor. For all domestic purposes. it is the best article ever placed before the public. For the toilet and the bath, it is just splendid, making the slain soft and healthy. Only 5c. for 3 plsts. All grocers can supply. it. R. N. ROWE9 the leading BE�LER FIIE}1J1L MIIECTUR. Stand one door north of MOLSONS BANK. Main-st.Exeter. ROS.' N. ROW E. R E. London Huron & Bruce Railway Passenger Time Table. I:01RLO Nowtmll. GrOING Sbvm>I., MID, p.m}. 19.01, T.ltl, Gonclon,dep't8,1)1 4.26. Wingllaln 7.05 340, Mien Oros'g 8,17 5.20, 13olgravo 7.21 4.00. Clandoboye wog 5 2°. 131y.11. 7,38 h 15. Centralia 90.' 5.45. Londdsboro' 7.47 4.25. EXETE7v. 010 5,57. Clinton 8,07 445, H"ens;yll 5128 0,00. Bruce/Iola 8.20 5.04. I Nippon 0,34 0.17.7(1)3 Kippen 8,84 5.12, .flrucrliield ` 0.42 0,20, Mensal' 8.41 5.19. Clintony 1000 045. i XE'CER 8.5r 5.03, Lonrlosbor0 30,12 7.03, Centralia 0,07 6.50, 'Myth 1028 7.12. Clanclolioyc 9.18 5.58. Bolgrave 1942 7.27. laicart Cros'g 0,24 8.02; WIltgllam 11.00 7.15. London h,,tr 10 15 0.15 LIutiarzi Bits Seed. Cottam's Choice Imported; and Re- cleaned Bird Seed is of the finest quality grown, thoroughly re cleaned and n mixed according to the various seasons in proportions advis d by Ornithologists sts and Bird Fanciers. Every one-pounai' package contains a piece of cuttlefish bone and full directions "How to keep Bird in health and song." Cotfam's has been awarded 1st prize and diplomas and is very highly recommended. If you really: want, healthy birds with choice song and beautiful plumage besure and use Cottam's Birch Seed, All grocers and druggists can supply it. EXETER MARKETS,. Wheat per bushel , ... . $0.90 to 0.94, Bayley 45 to 50 Oats.. . . 80 to 34 Peas . . . 55 to 57 Eggs s )er� d z 0 16 bb 1to 17 Butte s s Rolls r , 1Sa to 3,4 BtitterCrocls •. 10 to,. IS Potatoes per hush.... 4010 lin Ilay per ton. 7.00' to 7.00 Clover -Seed, , 3,50 to. 3.50 ool<ti, y.. r,1,-,1 ,,,nit i to .lj