The Exeter Advocate, 1890-8-21, Page 8R, "AO -MAK ER's Mel Me Ts en esneaotel 4�Ofl eeee ,teeALL DEAl:ERai —`le'enx. —Useful counter goods anot charged.' —We have edded a 'number of new lines and invite eyeryo ie to see them --Crediton, Dashwood and Conteelie people specially invited to call next Saturday. —Brumpton Bros.' sell e "bar of olive" at 45 c:te, Which will pay the buyer well. —Country schools ee-open oiu Monday Our store re -opens every day except Sunday —Fall crops are Pike our "useful counters" very good, and both promise a handsome resting" for the outlay, -Had no, idea you kept such a variety; Why this is very Miee;, I will come again; Yes, the prices are reeson-. .able; these are expressions that drop constantly from sight seers en their• first visit, —We are within the mark when we say that four of every five visitors buy at our "useful counters" call, see and we think you will buy without beieg asked. —The circulation of the Iveliortei' equal to diet of our two weeklies Ones billed; you sec we ride both horses. 't'in's Reporter. (Special.) LOCAL JOTTINGS. Frederick Atelier is coming. Wednesday evening September 3rd, 1890, Trivitt Memorial church. Be sure and hear him, For a first-class organ go to R, N. Rowe's. Bear in mind name and date, Archer; Sept. 3rd. The best shirt in town for 50 cts. at Brumptons. —II.L.Dillirms, Dentist, For the best artificial teeth. A 1 pickling vinegar, 25c. per gal- lon at Brumptons. The crop outlook in many sections of Michigan is bad owing to the drought. The ADVOCATE from now till the end of the year for 35 'cents. Subscribe now. Work is to be commenced on'tlie new piano fretory in Berlin, Ont., in a few days. Will Folland is paying the highest price for wool pickings of any shop in town. Subscribe for the ADVOCATE. Only 35 cents from now till January 1st, 1890. —11. L. Billings, Dentist. .Geld f313.ins:s a specialty. Office over O'2,:eirs Bank Exeter. The G rand:Orange Lodge of British North,,America meets in S. John N. B., to -day;. Don't buy your fall suit untiltyou see Brumptons' suitings, you will. save money. Insure your residences against fire with with W. Sanders, agent, ADVO- CATE office. Exeter's greatest musical treat— Archer's organ recital, Weduesday evening, September 3rd. , Insure in the Temperance and Gen- eral Insurance Co., of Toronto: En. Bess 'rT, local agent. --May 29-90. Do you know that Brumptons are having a clearing sale.. They are giv- ing up business and the goods must be sold. Messrs. Wood and Ballentyne shipped from this station on Saturday last, a carload of fine cattle for the. English markets. Archer, the 'world famed ' organist gives; an organ recital in Trivitt Mem- orial church, on. Wednesday evening, 3rd September: A number of the members of Ply- mouth Lodge, No. 63, Sons of England, will pay a fraternal visit to Hensall Lodge on Monday evening. Eighteen newspapers have been started in San Diego, Cal., in the past three years, and all have genie into the graveyard. There will be a great resurrection there some day. The regular meeting of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133, A. F. & A. M., G. R. C., will be held on Monday even- ing next, Aug. 25th.. All members are requested to be present. The days are rapidly growing shorter We would be greatly pleased if a large' number of our correspondents would get l good big hustle on and let us:have the latest news. Mr. J. D. McColl, of the Royal Hotel, L'ucaii, has issued a challenge to Currie "or McPherson or any other man in America, to an all round heavy weight competition or wrestling contest for from: $50 to 8200 a side. This challenge will remain open. The good crops have stimulated business of late, so commercial travellers say, Ind the dullness which hes prevail- ed for a year is lifting. During the past two years a great many creak traders all over the country have been weeded out with the 'result 'that there; is loss competition and therefore less ever -buying, On Tueslay night Mrs. A. Q. Pobier had 'a' tnag'nificent specirnen' of the piglet-bloohiiog cercus come out into flower. The ; flower way about six inches in diameter, composed of pure; white wax -]eke petals t:noloking a mass of yellow stamens During the five or rex Ileum of. its, coritinuiantie it can scarcely be,stiipassed;for' beauty 'arid fragrance: Frederick Areher is coming Sept. 3rd R. N. Rowe e agent' for the Doherty Organ. Jf yon want a first•class job of trouglen done? call on W'illian Fel,' land. Bend along your subscriptions for the Aeyoegrie. Only 35 cents from now till the end of the year. Messrs. Oke and Prier shipped from, this station on Monday, a carload of fine cattle to the Eastern markets. One day last week a windmill be- longing to Wood Bros. was blown over by the wind and conplotely demolished. The Cosgrove family entertained a large audience in the Opera House last night. 'r'heeefully sustained their rep- utation as a first class organization. Upwards of thirty London bicyclists struck towmnn Saturday evening last, after remaining over Saturday night left on Sunday morning for Goderich, Frederick Archer's organ recital 3rd September, The season for shooting woodcock opened on Friday last. Messrs. James Beer, D. Johns, Jas Willis and I Bower- lnan succeeded in getting eleven of the. Sante on Friday. During fair Week, Cahimencing Sept. 1Sth lasting until 27th, Oak Hall London, \viii sell ready-made clothing at close prices, All are invited to call sena see them and secure bargains. Reports from various farmers in this neighborhood, who have thrashed their fall wheat, say that the outlook is ranch better than was anticipated, the yield being from 30 to 40 bushels per acre. If you intend visiting the Western Fair this year, it will well repay you to call at W. H. Trebileoek's and in- speet his large and well assorted stock of Dry -Goods and Millinery. All goodf marked down to the lowest during the. fair. Trivitt Memorial church, 3rd Sept, Frederick Archer. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Acheson, of the Central Hotel, gave their annual picnic on Wednesday of tryst week at Grand Bend, which was attended, by about thirty of theirmost iutimate friends. After spending a pleasant clay on the shores of Lake Huron all returned, satisfied with the day's enjoyment. On Monday of last week, while Mr. Thomas Bruce of the 12th con., was en- gaged in cutting grain for Mr. W. Crawford, the colt, which was drawing the reaper, became unmanageable and ran away, smashing the reaper and malting it useless. No further damage was done only that Tom and Billy got a bad fright. This is the best time to get rid of the obnoxious Canada. thistle. It is now in. bloom and the -stems are hollow; so if cut down now the stems will fill .with water during the rainy season and cause the roots to rot. Perhaps parties who have patches of the stuff should be reminded that there is a penalty of 810 for allowing the weed to flourish on their premises,and that a fine of $15 is attached to the selling of grass seed containing thistle' seed. We are indebted to the managers of the Lucknow Caledonian Society, for a complimentary ticket for admission to the Caledonian games to be held on September 10th, 1890. This is the fifteenth annual genes of the Society, and a highly interesting program of athletic sports, piping, dancing, band music, etc., will - be presented. Some of the best musicians and athletes on the continent will take part, See post- ers. - "On Wednesday evening ye editor had a surprise that even knocked our `devil' into the middle of some time or other. Our father, Mr. A. G. Dyer, and our sister, Miss E. Grant Dyer, of Exeter, Ontario, Canada, without prev- ious announcement, took possession of our sanctum. It was a very, very agreeable and pleasant surprise. They had a. cold; rough passage up the Lakes, per steamer United Empire, from Sarnia to Duluth." -Pu. nesville Arms. DivisionCourt was held in the Town Hall on Monday last, His Honor Judge Doyle presiding, when the following cases were disposed of: Bissett Bros: vs. Jno: Kent was an interpleader issue, certain goods consisting" of a horse, buggy and harness being seized under an execution against Kent, and were claimed by his wife. After hearing the evidence` of the wife and her hus band, His Honor reserved judgment, intimating however, that it would be against the wife upon the authority of a ,judgement of the court of appeal. Mr. H. B. Elliot, of London, for claim- ant; Mr. J. Elliot for execution creditors. Lydd vs. Dorward,;was an action to recover wages in which some .rather discourteous language was used and resulted in the Plaintiff's case being dismissed. Mr. H.13. Elliot for p11P; Mr, R. H. Collins for deft. Snell Bros vs. Barnes, was postponed at defendant's request until next nourt, a material witness being absent. Mrs. Bell vs. Mrs. Page, was an action to recover wages and the plfit succeeded in ob- taining a judgment for $S and costs. Mr. H. B. Elliot for plff.; Mr. Collins for deft. »rectors' ereetinta A meeting of the Directors of the Hay Township Mutual fire Insurance Company will he held at the Commer- cial Hotel, Exeter, on .Monday,. next, August 250, commencing at the. ,hour of ten o'clock a. m: (Arend Western Circuit, 7i itehell. $600 in purses. --2.32 Trot Pnrse $175. 1st $1,00, 2nd y850, 8rd $25. 3.00 minutes Trot—Purse $1.50, 1st $90, 2pd 840, 3rd $20. Free for All — 1?nrse 8175. lst $100, 2nd $50,3rd $25, Open Vanning Race=-Ptirso'$100. let $50, 2nd 835; 8id $15.. W cl. Neverautetog lateto mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoo stare next door to the post otljce, G. rl;alilSoi'1. Fall Bulbs Should be selected and planter. dur- ing September and October to produce those handsome beds of Tulips, II a in ths, Crocuses, Sic,, that delight the eye so much in spring. Send for copy of The STEELE BROS. CO., Toronto, Autumn Catalogue. New Fall Wheats. We notice that The STEELE 13110S CO., Seedsmen, Toronto, are offering the following new verities: Canadian. Velyet Chaff, Golden Cross, Early Red, Clawson, Jones' Fyfe and American Bronze. Send for a -copy of their cir- eular, it will pay you., x+ or Drivers. The law of the road has boon amend- ed by adding the following; -"Any person so overtaking another vehicle or horseman shall turn out to the loft so far as may be necessary to avoid a collision with the vehicle or horseman' so overtaken, and the person so < over. taken shall not be required to leave more than one-half of the road ;free." This Act came into force on theist day of August, Wheat! Wheat! 'Wheat! Our Roller Mill is now in full and .thorough running order, and with a capacity of 600 bushels per day, we re- quire equire a large quantity of good wheat, and can always pay the highest mar- ket price. Bran and Shorts always on hand, and farmers from a distance can depend` on „getting a load home with them. If we are not on the market. you should drive to the mill before you; sell your wheat. Grists exchanged without delay and satisfaction guar- anteed in every case. TIIE EXETER MILLING CO. Fail Show, The Fall Fair, which is to be held in Exeter on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 29th and 30th, will it is expected,' be the best ever held in this place. The directors are determined to do their ut- most in making it a success, and from the number of new members that are being added dail_v,t is evident that the outside public are also taking a deeper interest in the exhibition than in pre- vious years. Judging from the country's prospects this year the ex- hibits ought to be good in quality, so that taking the whole into considera- tion, this year ought to surpass all others. The prize lists are nearly com- pleted and on application to the Sec., Mr. A. G. Dyer, one can be, secured. Perhoual Mention. - Mrs. Herrington, who has been visit- ing her parents here for some time, re turned to Blyth - en' Friday—The Hon. John and Lady Carling were 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Carling; tin Friday. -Mr. and Mrs. John Spackman left on] Friday for St. Johns, N. B. when they] will remain for about three weeks. Mr. Spackman will represent` the District orange Lodge, of Biddulph;'at the Su- preme Grand Lodge, of B. A., which'i meets there.—Mrs. C. Ross is spending few days with friends here:—Mr. Jan• Loftus, of London, is visiting friends in town.—Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Collinsurriv- ed home from Duluth on Monday morn- ing. They look as though the trip a- greed with thein.—Mrs. A. Walters,. daughter and son lefton Monday morn- ing for England. Mt Walters expecte to follow them about the 1st of October. -Mr. Robt. Sanders left on Tuesday morning for Manitoba and Dakota on a shooting expectation.—Mr. John Bew den, of Wingham, spent a few days in town last.week.—The Misses Allis and MaggeSheere, of London, spent a few days with their aunt, Mrs, a nt. Treble, this week.—Mr. William Gould, of Osh- awa, once of this place, is at present spending his holidays here with his parents. --Mrs. William Fannon and (laughter, of Thornbury are spending e couple of weeks with friends in and around Exeter.: Mrs. Fanson saes it is about eleven years ago since she resid- ed here and although the town has un- dergone many changes it is yet quite' fathiliar,—Mr. Samuel Sanders, Agent for the G. N. W. Telegraph Co., left on Tuesday evening for Sarnia, where he will take that beautiful steamer, `' "Uu ited Empire"., and sail for Duluth. He purposes' remaining for a couple of, weeks.—Miss Ernna Zwil-er, of Credi- ton, is the guest of Mrse Dr. Cowen. Mr. James Creech jr., who has been visiting his parents and friends here, returned to 'Tilbury Centre on Tues- day.—Mr. H. M. Cowen left on Monday for _London and Chicago. -Messrs. Henry and John Hantbcock, of Error- ado, Dakota, are visiting friends and relatives in and around 'Exeter. They will dispose of the old homestead in Usborne before returning.—Miss Horn, who has been visiting her brother and other friends in the neighborhood of Stratford, returned, home: .last week.— Mr. Arthur Balkwill aleft !yesterday mdrnin ; ,for Winnipeg, where he will remain with his brother James. -Mr. E H. Fish and fetidly enjoyed the 'lake breezes at Bayfield en Sunday. -Mr. Samuel Popplestone, who has been vis- iting friends andaelabives.here, return- ed to London on Tuesday morning.— Mr. Fred Moore occupied the, pulpit in the English church, Hensen, on Sun- day morning and at Staffa in -the evening e -Mr.• Robert Pickard ,11 , who has been on a purchasing. tour to Tor- onto and Montreal, returned on Tues- day evening. Miss Janet Billiegs, of Brantford, is tate guest' of Mrs. H. L.1 Billings atpresent. -Rev. 0. H. Bridge- man, of Itensa.11, occupied the pulpit in the ,Trivitt Memorial. church - very acceptably, morning and evening, on Sunday "lase Miss Kate .Gould, who has been twitting frieticis''in 'Wiener' acid Granton for the past !three weeks, returaatel ii'ma e On S tteed4'"rest. eat Certificates Awarded. Naunes of Suceessfal'PuIiil4 (rani l4iu- • On Vuunty^,. renewing are the names of the sue cessfui. candidates for certificates at the recent midsummer examination; GODERICII. Primary—W. Andrew, C. Austin, F: Ball, M. Campbell, A. Denomy, J. Dal- ton, C. fisher, L. Hussey, M. Intiles, A. Johnston, W, Hicl.ley, A. Keefe, S. Mc- Leod, M. McConnell, J. Moran, M. Petts, A Robertson, 13. Rusk, B. Sillers, E. Vallanco. Junior—S. Boyd, 4, Hutton, E. Halls Hennings, T.yMeKay, T. Morrison, M. Parsons, M. Robertson, A. Ross, M. Sharman, J. Sallows, A. Tiffin. cexerrots. Primary --E. Coulter,. E. Cambell; R. Ferguson, C. Fortune, J. Grant, T. Jar- rett, W, McDonald, H. Magee, L Mor- ton, J! Reid, T. Snell, J. Thomson, F. Townsend. - Junior --H. Homes, I. McFarlane, . D. McCallum, J. Magee. SEATORTR' Primary—J. Adams, S. Boulton, C' Bowes, M. Banam, N Baskerville, M. Duncan, T. Dwyer, J. Fraser, M, Flem- ung G. George, W. Gray, B. Johnston, M. Jones, E. Kirkwood, V. Main, T. Norris, H. Peaker, C. Porter, E. Peaker, P. Fetch, R. Speirs, I. Steele, E. Scott, B. Stock, I -I. Westlake, J. Wilkinson, (passed in Latin.) • Juniors -N: Brown, M. Bell,M. Coyne A. Callaghan, M. leallis, R. Hamilton, E. McKillop, S. Mitchell, W. Noble, P Quinn, H. Robinson, R. Roberts,I. Scott, A. Willson, N. Willson. Zurich. BRIEFS. --Mr. and Mrs. Latta have returned from •a short visit to London. -Mr. Sol. Hardy seems to be in good humor—a bogy.—School opened on Mon- day last.—Mr. F. W. Hess is very ill.. ACCIDENT.—Mr. Wm. Uttley, fireman at the grist mill, here, met with a very serious accident on Tuesday. A team ef horses belonging to Mr- Johnston, of Bayfield, ran away and were not cap- tured until they had gone some dis- tance out of the villager Mr. Uttley went to assist Mr. Johnston in getting the team' back, which by this time had got rid of the pox and: hind wheels of the wagon. Coming back to the vil- lage Mr. Uttley and the boy who had been driving the team rode on the front bolster and Mr. Johnston behind. When opposite. Mr. Geo. Hess', thinking the horses were going to run again, -Mr. Johnston jumped off, thus letting the others down behind the horses. The; remaining part of the waggon went' over them injuring . them " both, Mr. Uttler most severely, he being injured about the head and his leg broken above the knee. It will be some time before he will be able to be around. BIRTHS. ikit iblEs.—In Exeter, on the 25th inst. the wife of `Mr. Malcolm. McInnes,' of a daughter. HOUSE TO LET. That beautiful Brick dwelling, situated on Carling Street, being Lot 42, with eight con -I venientrooms, contained therein and 'a 1 necessary conveniences on the.. premises. Iteasonabie Terns. For further particulars apply to 168 GEORGE NOTHINS Absolutely Pure, A cream of tartar baking powder tr�.Tighest of all inleavening strength.— -U S. Government Report, August T7th, 1889. Exeter Roller Kills. MARKET REPORTS. WHEAT, 90 To J sets. per bush Our Selling Prima. Flour, best family, $2.60 per 100• " low grade, Bran, Micldh ng Screenings, Chop, 1.50 " • 70 « it 00 a a .. 90" « 1.15 to 1.25 '. t' Delivered to any part of the town. Orders" left et R. Hicl-e, Jewellery Store, or by telephone, promptly filled and delivered. ho stone running every da y TERMS CASH. 'Tile Eteter lifilling Co. will please a child, but you would not think of giving _. a man a rimy, The idea than of offering men or women A pi RIME to draw in their custom, yet that is just what is offered when ayereputed dollar article is marked 99c. A PENNY BALI is a small thing gob to fishing for custom with—too small for a large firm and quite too small for us. O 1 Li ; 97 one dollars w:s rth for One Dollar. and we live up to it; and we are not going to lower . U N a cent's worth. We are no do do's, but we do do all we say every time. Cave e,1 a chance to prove 8t. CARLING BROS. I'll,; ;Fit (+ik�ltar sRl ' Il -v J kr' This week present to the people a cut of the noted CC COOK Srfo V E, the best wood cook stove in the market. 000000000000 000 O 00 O0000 000 G Call and sel.3 it bt ore buying elsewhere. 000,00'0 00 0.00 0.000000 00 0.00 0:0_0 IL FOLL NI®, STAND, one door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug Store, blain Street, Exeter. Sign of ig Elephant. Wholesale and Retail Builders' Hardware, Nails, G•la,ss (Stained and Engraved), , LockRLnges' and Butts (fuJi line) y Carriage Hard.w Bar Iron, Bent-Stuf,' Shafts, Rog Mill Supplie Iron Pipe, Fitti and Le' Sporting ME Breech -Load]] Stoves and Cooking, He Tins\' Send in your orders ane BLOSS ANNEALED, OE ■ H MO