The Exeter Advocate, 1890-8-14, Page 8READ -MAKER'S ` ..: 0 NEVER FACS TO ctvi SATI$F12OT103 FOR GALE B.Y' ALL DEALERS, Grigg' Reporter, (Special,) I.ie'em. Usefnlcounter goods 'not ehared." - -Airehave added a number of new lines and invite everyone to see them -Or'oditon, Dash -wood aucl Centralia :peoplespecially invited to call next -,Saturday. -Br;umpton Bros; sell a "bar of .olive" at 45 cts. which will pay the buyer well. -Country schools re -open on Monday' 'Our store re -opens every day except Sunday -Fall crops aro like our "useful eenuters" verygood, and both promise a handsome return for the outlay. -Had no idea you kept such a variety; Why this is very nice; I will come again ; Yes, the prices aro reason - '<able; these are expressions that drop constantly from sight.seers on their first visit. -We are within the mark when we say that four of every five visitors buy at our "useful counters" call; see and we think you will buy without being asked. -The c'ire tIatio.n of the Reporter is equalto that of our two weeklies co zn- bined;; you see we ride both horses. LOCAL JOTTINGS 2 brooms for 25e. at Brumptuns. For a first-class organ go to R. N. •Rowe's. Don't forget to read Will Folland'$ change of "ad". -it. L.iillinrs, Dentist, for the best artificial teeth. Mr. H. Willert shipped a carload of :lambs to Buffalo on Friday. What about our Board of Trade dis cussing better fire protection. Honey comb and boating shawls $1.25 worth 52.00, Br ump tooa . Mr. A, Q. Bobier shipped a arload of eggs to Montreal on Saturday. The best 50c. shirts in town, Brump= tons. Mr. Hanley, of Seaforth, whipped a -carload of butter from this station 'DO Week. Good tweeds ,sae, per yd., Br umptons, ll, N. Rowe agent for the Doherty Organ. few MOM SOU of dishes away down inpric•.e at Brtiniptone. Ensigns lllichael and. McGee will be with the Salvation Army 011 14t11 inst, If you want a first class job of troughing done, call on Willian Fol laud. Subscribe for the ADVOCATE. Only 35 cents from now till January 1st, 1890. -I[. L. Billings, Dentist. Vold tilirial+ a specialty. Office over O'\eil's Rank Exeter. The Board of Taade will meet for the dispatch of important business, at the Town Hall, on Friday evening,. Every member requested to be present Does your sugar become hard in package or bowl if so you.are the vie- tim of some unscrupulous merchant, who is selling you a spurious article for genuine granulated. Brumpton Bros. keep none but the best. 14 lbs for $1.00. Remains free until used. The Cosgrove Family gave a very fine entertainment in the Opera House, which was well filled with a most ap- preciative audience, They well sus- tained their previous high reputation as musical geniuses..Mitchell Advocate 18S9.-Drews Opera House, under the auspices of S, 0. E., Wednesday, Aug. 20th.' Reserved seats at Spackman'.. hardware 'store. Prof ;,Trevor, one of the best music- al teachers in the Province is here and arranging to start a class. The first lesson to the class will be given in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, 21st inst., at 8 o'clock. The Professor comes here well recommended having testi- monials from all the leading clergymen of the different denominations in Ontar io. He should secure a large class,and we have no doubt they would be great ly benefitted. Will Folland is paying the highest ;price for wool pickings of any shop in -town. The ADVOCATE from now till the end. .of the year for 35 cents. Subscribe now. Insure your residences against fire with with W. 'Sanders, agent, ADVO- CATE office; Read the change ofadvertisement of ¶Mr. John 1Vlitchell, Crediton, which appears in this issue. Send along your subscriptions for the ADVOCATE. Only 35 cents from now till the end of the year. Insure in the Temperance and Gen- eral Insurance Co., of Toronto. ED. BISSI9Tr, local agent. -May 9,9-90. .2 pairs wool socks 25c., Brutnptons. The public will take notice that cat - Ale are not allowed on the streets from 'the hour of 8 p. m. in the evening 'un- 1tii 6. a. m. after 15th August. Mr. Alex. Colquhoun shipped a car- load of horses to his home, Douglass, Man., on Monday afternoon, amongst ~them the noted stallion "Vole:"' Four furnaces have arrived here from Copp Bros., Hamilton,t' be placed 'in the Exeter Public School- This will make a decided improvement and was much needed. New 't>Lll Wll,eats. We notice that The STEELE BROS. 00., Seedsmen, Toronto, are offering the following new varitiea: Canadian Velyct Chaff, Golden Cross, Early Red, Clawson, Jones' l+'yfe and American Bronze. Send for a,copy of their *- There it will pay you. A {Vonrferfnl l xhibft. There wason exhibition here on Monday last the remains of a most re- markable specimen of the extinct race of wild animals. The remaius were The Cosgrove Family concert drew a large audience to the town hall on Tuesday evening. The entertainment was enjoyable as it was novel, and this wonderful young family seem able to produce luee good nusic from anything. The performance of the .oldest two is something marvellous, while the char- acter singing of Miss Ada captured -the audience from the start. Parkhill Gazette. 1S90. Drews Opera House, Exeter, on Wednesday, next 20th Aug. Reserved seats, at Spackman hardware store. We understand that Dr. Amos, of Crediton, has purchased the practice, good wili.and premises of Dr. Cowen, of this village, and ' will commence practice about the 1st of September. Ile comes highly recommended by the people of Crediton :and vicinity, and the fact of his having obtained 'some of the highest degrees that can be se- cured inScotland and Canada, should ensure him successikere. We welcome him to our village and wish he may have every success and prosperity. We also learn that Dr. Cowen will re' ro- fire from active practice of the p fession. discovered on the farm of M'i•. IV; 13. Jelly, Amaranth tp. in the County of Dutl'erin, in an old swamp. A single tooth of the monster weighs 161, lbs, or 9 lbs. more than the largest tooth ever exhibited. The horn on exhibition measures some 15 ft. 4 in. and weighs upwards of 210 lbs. It was well worth inspecting. Forest City Cycling; Club. The Forest City Cycling Club of London, will take their annual tour this year northward. They will leave London on Saturday, August 16th, arriving here at 6:30. They will re- main all night and leave on Sunday morning. at 8 a. m., pessing through , and Brucefield, Varna eine' and Bayfield, will arrive at Goderich for dinner. They will remain in Goderieh until the following morning, when they will return to Bruoefield via Bayfield and take the 5:04 train for London: Ancient cup and Souk-liox In perusal of the different local pa- pers throughout the county we notice sketches pertaining to old churns, etc.,. and to fall in line with something of an ancient character we ,have for in- spection in our possession.a"china tea cup of an ancient paterri and design. This earthen vessel las been handed down for five generations, the first per- son receiving it as a,wedding present, after which it was handed down in each family to the 'person answering to the naine of Jane. It now belongs to Mrs. Thomas Snell, of this place, and previous to her receiving it the late Mrs.. Jane Sanders, of Stephen, was the possessor. Itis at least 200 Years old. Mrs Snell has also .a snuff-box which is over one -hundred years old. C>< Match. •icket on Friday of last weep, (civic holi- day) a cricket match was .played be• tween the Exeter and St, Marys clubs on the grounds of > the latter. The game was a very interesting one, and was won by the St. ;Marys club. This makes the two clubs, even, each one has won a' game. The following is the score•-- •.During fair week, commencing Sept. .19th lasting ,untii 27th, Oak Hall London, wit' sell readv-maderclothing at, close prices. All are invited to call and see them and secure bargains.. -- The entertainment opened with an instrumental exhibition by the Cos- grove Family who alt showed wonder- ful skill in playing. Toronto Empire, 1889. -Drew's Opera House, Exeter, Wednesday Aug 20th. Reserved seats .at Specimen's hardware store. Matches 10 cts per box, Brurneptons. If 3ou;inteid visiting the Western Fair this year, it will well repay you to call at W. H. Trebilcock's and in- spect his large and well assorted stock of Dry -Goods and Millinery. All goodf marked down to the lowest during the fa,rr: Messrs. Wood and 'Ballentyne ship- ped from Hensall station on Monday, . two carloads of ,cattle to the eastern. markets. On the same day they ship- ped from Centralia station, a carload ;purchased from. Mn. P. Curtain, and were tko best cattle that has been ishipped for some time. M,r.. Tiesdalo, who represents the Home Knowledge Association, of Tor- onto, reports progress in that line of business. Large numbers of the far- rsers are availing themselves of the many pi'ivile es•of the association. It is,a cheap way in securing literature of all kinds, and every person or fam- ily, who interest themselves in litera- ture of .any kind should be60100 a thorn: ,ber, Those who,ut',ei'e not present hissed a unique exhibition. of musical skill. John Cosgrove is a whole show in him, self so far as acquaintance with music- al instruments is concerned, and the otllf4 neinbers of the family .ere little short•,Of h's versatility. (.oder ich ,5rgi4t, 1800., -This company will atp. a. pear in Drew's Opera house, on Wed- ..,41eads't,Y:.nven.ing.xlctit.,:A,llg,„20ti under the titippt of the' Sons of T i7Mland B. S 11,esetireclsriztss at Spackman's hard iyai',^; Store; "WVlleat! Wheat! Wheat! our Roller Mill is now in full and thorough running order, and with a oapaeity of 000 bushels per day, we ro- quire a large quantity of good wheat,. and can always pay the highest mar- lcc t price, Bran and Shorts always on hand, .and farmers from a distance can depend on getting a load home with them. If we are not on the market you should drive to the •mill before you sell your wheat. Grists exchanged without delay and satisfaction l,l every S guar- anteed. c in i ease. Tim EXETER MILLING CO. Fire Visits oar Town. About 1:30 o'clock on Tuesday morn ing, fire was noticed o11 the east side of the village. The alarm was soon given and the fire bell told the villagers that the destroying element was in full vigor somewhere, and that they were to arise from their peacful slumb- ers and assist 10 putting' it under con- trol. It did not take long to discover where the fire existed, and the people Hurried in the direction of Mr, Riehard Pickard's residence, where they found his stable in flames.' Tho fire engine and reel was on hand in due time, but c, i shortly after,al'l•14inya,t110 suction hose 1 broke, which rendered the engine use- less for the night. The citizens did noble work with buckets and succeed. - ed in savingthe woodshed, which was but a few feet distant from the burn- ing building and about a similar dis- tance from the house. Thestable con- tained a, quantity of hay, oats and chop, which was all destroyed. Luck- ily the wind was nob blowing very hard at the'tiine,..for had it been, noth• ing could have saved the house and woodshed. The less is unknown. The stable was insured for a small amount. It is supposed tobe the work of an incendiary., No one knows what a day, week ` or monthwill bring forth, We are com- pelled to again announce the sad tid- ings offa death among a family that was visited but one short month ago, being in the family of the late Thomas. Sanders, who resideabout three miles west of the village. It was about the third day of July that their father fell asleep. never more to wake in this life, and on Friday the house was again vis- ited by the angel of death and the spirit of their dear mother borne away. She was about seyenty years of age, and always enjoyed good health until. late.years. Her funeral took place" bn1 Saturday to the Exeter Cemetery and a Marge number of firiends•and relatives followed the remains to their last rest ing place The•snrviviag friends have the sympathy of all in their sad afflic- tion. Wasted. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the 'leading boot and shoe store next door to the cost office. G. Manson. Returns his Thanks. Mr Richard Pickard wishes to' re- turn this e-turnllais sincere thanks -to those of our citizens who so ably assisted in trying to save his property during the fire on Tuesday morning. Fall Bulbs Should be selected and planted dur- ing September and October to produce those 'handsome beds of Tulips, Hyacin ths, Crocuses, &c., that delight the eye so much in spring. Send for copy of The STEELE BROS. CO,, Toronto. Autumn Catologue. The Masonic 1lxcursion. The :a.nnual Masonic excursion, un- der the auspieces of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No 133, Exeter,took ' place to Port Stanley on Friday August 1st. The crowd was a very large one, and all seemed to enjoy , themselves thor- oughly. The committee spared no paines to make the affair a success and then efforts were rewarded. ST. MARY'S. 1sT INNING - 2N0 INNING Moscrip, b MOD°nell 7 b Hynaman McIntyre, b McDonell 11 b Hyndman Maxwell, bHynrlman'22 b McDonell Harston b McDonell 0 b McDonell Rice, bIyndman 1 b Hyndman Gurnsey, run out 4 b McDonell. Adams b MoDonell 0 b McDonell, Chambers, b Hyndman 2 b 11icDonell Butcher, c Elliot 2 run out Riley, b McDonell 5 not out White, not out 6 1 b ,• Extras 14 Extras Total ' 71 Total EXETER.' 2 1 8 11 s 0 2 c 9 10 1 13 63 • NN1E0. 2ND 1 1ST DOTING. F. Elliott, b Chambers 12 c McIntyre 10 H Hyndman b McIntyre 3 b Maxwell 8 J. Elliot, b McIntyre 0 b Maxwell 2 Me one11, runout 0 b Maxwell J.Hyndman, bMcIntyre 3 b Maxwell Bissett, c McIntyre 4 not out Remington, b McIntyre 0 b Chambers Farncombe, b McIntyre. 2 c Butcher ,Anderson, b Chambers 7 .b•. McIntyre Carling b Chambers 5 e Maxwell Horden, not out 0 b McIntyre Extras 3 Extras Total 39 Total 59 Personal Mention: Mr. John White, of Detroit, is spend- ing his holidays hero. -Dr. J. H. Mc- Lellan, London, spent Sunday with ye editor. -Mr. John Snell and Mr. James Walters visited London on Monday. The Rev. S. F. Robinson left on Monday for Sarnia, where he will spend his. holidays.' His place in the Trivia' Memorial Church will be filled on Sun day next by Rev. 0 Ii. ,lridgman, of Hensall,-Mr. Geo. W. Holman left on Monday for Guelph to represent Court Exeter, I. 0. F., at the supreme ,-court which is being held there this week, Mr. Hartman Happle, of Berlin, paid the town a visit lastweek.-Mr. R. T. Smale was in Mitchell on Sunday. -Mr. R. H. Moir, of St. Marys, . is visiting friends in Hay Tp. just now. •He gave us a call on Saturday, -"Miss A.. L. Crocker, Milliner,' who has charge of the millinery department of Messrs. Andrew & Elder, Blyth, is at present home spending vacation. -Mr. James Creech, of Tilbury Centre, is at present visiting his parents. -Mr. Charles Jack- ell,who has been in Toronto for some time, is visiting his friends and rela- tives in and mound the village. -Mr. H. B. Elliot, Mail Clerk G. T. R., is spending his holidays with his parents here. -Miss Amey Heantan, of London, is spending a few days with her friends here. -Mr. T. B. Carling, of the firm of Carling Bros., left on Monday evening for Manitoba, where he, will remain for a month or six weeks. We wish him a pleasant ;journey and Hope he will re- turn much benefitted. -Mr. Alex. Dow and wife left on Tuesday for.Doulass Man., where they will remain for some time. -"--Mr. John Vasey, who has been in the. Western States for some time past, returned oh Tuesday evening. - 119r: John,Jaynes is spending a few days in town. -Miss Atithony, who has been visiting the Misses Gregory, has rep:trued. home to Brampton. -Mr. Robt. Ricl'iardson returned from visiting friends at Clandeboye on Saturday. - Mrs. James 0110 left on 'Thursday last for Brockville to visit her daughter.- Mrs. Wm. Sanders is visiting; relatives in McGillivray township. -Mrs. Her- rrington visiting , ' •' Her- rington .Blyth, is visiting ruencis in town. -r. Edwin Hudson, of Toronto, is visiting friends in town. -Mr. A. G. Dyer left last week for a trip to Mani- toba, Dakota and Minnesota. Ile will visit his, son, Dan, who resides in Paynesville, Minn.. before he returns Miss H. B. McLaren, of Staffa, is visit= big friends in town, 6 f 6 3 3 2 1 12 S. 0. E. Visited. On Thursday evening, July 31st, Plymouth Lodge, No. 63, Sons of Eng- land Benevolent Society, held a special meeting for the purpose of extending a cordial welcome to the Supreme. Grand President, Ald. J. C. Swait, Su- preme Grand Secretary, John W. Cart- er; Zo1• uto and visitingbrethren from Hensall and Clinton. The officers and brethren arrived from the north; on the evening train. -After supper they all assembled at the lodge room, where they were accorded the usual honors. Two candidates were initiated into the mysteries, and after other routine busi ness was dispensed with, the brethren repaired to the. Central Hotel, where an excellent repast had been prepared. After all had done ample justice:to the good things, the brethren indulged in song and speech for a short time. The toast list was as follows: -"our Queen"; "Grand Lodge and Grand. Officers," responded to by Bros. Swait and Carter; "Visiting Brethren," Bros. Jackson, of Clinton, and Hughes, of Hensall; "Friends of different Nationalities," Dr. Rollins; "Plymouth Lodge," Bro. Hugh Spackman, D.. p.; "Host and Hostess; W. T. Acheson., The proceedings were brought to a close by all ,singing the National Anthem. Every one present expressed himself highly pleased with the evening's entertainment., will please a child, but you would, out of think of giving a man a penny. then of °fieri Caen or women The idea t g MRIE L to draw in their custom, yet that is just what is offered when a reputed dollar article is marked 99e. A P NNY BAIT is a small s thing to fishing• for custom with -too small for go a large firm, and quite uite too small for us. Lake Smith. Gun YJ1nb. A meettng of the Lake 'Smith gun .elub Ives held at Forest on 'Wednesday, July,30th. The"attendance was fair. The following; were elected officers for the current year -President, John Chester, Sarnia; Vice President, Wm. Sweet, V S., Exeter; Sec-Treas.. M. Smith, Forest; Directors • JudgeChacl- wiel:,Cx'uelph; Dr. Totten,1 orest; ler, Thedford; J. Shaw, Forest; John Spackman, John Taylor, Exeter; M. Smithy Forest. The See-Treas. report- ed that there was a s+irplus of $85 in theltands of theTreasnrer and some. 20 riiem6crs were in good standing. A. vote of tha nks was tendered the retir- ing President, Mr: John Taylor. QUR MOTTO. i6One dollar's worth for One Dollar." and w'e lure up ` to it; and we are not going to lower s r v r. a cent's worth. We are no do do's, allwesayeverytime. but we .® do Cine Lts achance to prove it. CARLINC BROS. HUU3E TO LET, That beautiful Brick dwelling, situated on Carling Street{being Lot 42 with eight con- venient rooms contained therein Pend all, necessary' conveniences on' the premises. Reasonable Terms. For further particulars. apply to 163 GEORGE HOIIGINS. Atti$G P W4: i. 4ER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength. - U. S. Government 'Report, August 17th, 1889., Exeter r 411x. Rolle 6 uu rm n-,1 cunu t@4 un uNutW llllhdammmmmmae wmmmepomman. .a+ " Itl• feyilt.4 li I f t, rrk R,. I' y. m ` .S 1'1r ni u a).F-¢;eSek'tt la: _* .ewr•, .: iuuml lot; ullfi:n ,,,;-,:,,, „t; "-- . ;a,,, ,y- rs,,,,, ` •" . This week I present to the people a cut of, the noted MARKET REPORTS. WHEAT, 90 TO 95cts. per bush, Our Selling Prices. e11sng Flour, best faintly. $2.60 per 100. " low grade Bran, Middlings. Screening's, 90 Clio:, 1.15 to 1.25 '. i any , clnal od to alt of fli town. part Orders left at R. flicks, Jewellery Store, or by telephone, promptly filled and delivered. Chop stone running every day, TEItu1S CASI. The Exeter Milling Co, 1.50 .< i0 r 90 " 41 66 99 L STOVE, COOK the best Wood. cook stove in the market. 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0'0 0 0'0 0 0'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . Call and seg it before buying elsewhere 00000000000000000000000 0 0 0 WILL FOLLAN D, STAND, one door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug Store, Main Street, Exeter.` Sign of Big Elephant. Cheap Hardware, STOVES AND TIIoTWARE. Having now a practical tinsmith l am prepared to do any Eavetroughing, Furnace work or Repairs. ST If ' PLATED WARE AT COST.. Full line of Paints, , Oils, Glass, Putty, Plaster, Hair, Pitch, Tar and Cements. DAISY CHURNS AWAY DOWN. . a Milk Cans, 25 & 30 gals., Cheap. 9Li BARRED, ANNEALED AND STRIP' WIRES. • Locks9 Mortice, Rim, etc. (C©m.2 ®TN' S=N'S=.) Blue 1111Milit mi ERf TWII1L Have decided to „keep for people of Exeter FRESH ROLL UTTER ON ICE. SUS and. GROCERIES OF ALL 9 p IgD CHEAP. INDS rb9 4 CALL SOLICITED. W. H. M®NCUR J. N. HOWARD y r. Manager,69roprreto