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The Huron News-Record, 1885-03-18, Page 1
mm *so ITT IT -WWW IWIfi HOBOS STREET. CUWOB. 111 Ill Pl |£, BmJi 4 W. H’. QQQPER. Ar., Xaiut»4)tut|ra{ and floater in sW Wads Msrble & Granite tor Cemetery Wnr^ at w? fo*1 dety Petition Alto ntanulactwr of the Celebrated ABtlWM SriBW for Building pur- pones and (je^tery Work, which must to W appwciaM—All work warranted to give eateistorDon. 4 f t 4? o . A %> V . > *0 -■^jr I i TERMS i fl,25 per Annum, in Advanoe, TT <5* J» »£«?* 'iv* v- zl ‘V .-V \ -OF- *>sSSSbS w™v'r. ' "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS, NEUTRAL IN NOTHING?' 4 3g» CLINTON, HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1885, ■ •d. 4‘ * ff' % V . P w ' V.J ■tf1 . J - I I 1 ’© Ordered direct arrived, as it was impossible tb cancel the order. They will be sold at * ■ BUSINESS DIRECTORY . ... *-. •> ' ; *x,rs±, -* . Lti« of Toronto, Honor Griteuate lfx>y#.I College of Dental SUrgeon^ . » Oo'ats’s Block, - Clinton. -Alt Work RogWteteil. " Chaixos Moderate. ®t«ltat. DR. REEVE. Olflce-'-PaW' Brick Block, Rattoiibury Street, Residence opposite the» Temperance Hall, Huron Street. Coroner for the ttbunty of Huron. OlHco hours- from 3 ami. to 6 p. m. • Clinton, 'Jan. 14,1841. .""' * by ■ .. . trjul.' ■■■•■ MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, CobVeyjincets,. &c COni- snlssiontrs lot Ontario and Manitoba; / Offico—Town Hall, Clinton, C(lntoo,Mayl7th,1882. 2d ., D. A, FORRESTER, * ' MO, iNSVR^Cl}, U GA.VWA AGSifT. tar Mont# to uU Qfficej Beavar Block, Clinton. v22tf •if • *■ • >' / -4 '. ■« J1Z/ er. T ’ V ;-r few I; a ' 'u. . • wi, R \ : >HfhoweeHn0. ; H. W. BALL, .4 UCTrONEER for Huron County. • Sales at- r\ tended f.o In iiuy part of the Count.y. ' Atl- irosS orders to Godkricu P. O. •• V-17, JOratffle; <)SlAH,.HAMaihTOA\,;■ * 4 Ufo'lbNEklteiaiid;1oto^i)3Ti^uifi^wei V ■ Blyth. Sales! attetided,in town arid eonntrv, >n reiisoimblu terms. A list of farms mid. village lots for sate™ Money to loan on real estate, at low rates of interest. Insurance effected on all classes of -yroport.1. Notes and debts collected. Goods appraised, and sold-on'commission. Bank* rttpt.stocks bought and sold, • • . Blvth. Dee. 1(1,1RS0 0 a^L. 0 L. No. 710. :..,:.aJXNTON\' - Meets sKcotm Moxij.w- of cvcrj' month, Hall uipstdrs, opposite . the Town "HaltT Visiting ^rethtmi waya’i’iiide <ecleQn’m< A. JI. roDb, secy. c. TWEi-sny, b. jl FOR SALK. •' TN THE village of BELGRAVE, the selling' JL hoilsc and store occupied by mov ■ The site is one of the most.desirable iy the village for bus! tjess. There Is a good, stable, outhouses, and un exceimutsoft Water clsternbii the promises'.' The lot comprises o< “np acre.. The bt'iil<litigtjuira In good repair, Will he soli) cheap, jii-thb pro . prietor is giving Up buSiiWSR; Tcrmseasj. Apply to . ■ '■ ■ ■ ■ \ '..' - -■•■ ........ - - -WJk DUNCAN ‘ “77 ■ Belgrave, Opt;5-11-tL J. E. BLACKALL,' eon,Veterinary Surg Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary ColWo.To- ronto, h.wllv* opened an office in Clinton, is prepared to treat all dlsftvsos-of domestic animals on the most.modern Min, elides. All operations carefully perforined, audmlls ncntiipt. • ly attended to by dsy or night. Pees moderate.' * - OFFICE,—-1st door West ofs*Ken- • ned'y.’s IL'tel, Clintoji/Ont. V-17. ==y=~=r:M ■■v——7 Photoqf wpherR : MONEY TO LOAN AUo.w rates of interoat unci upon terms to suit borrowors, , MxKNNlNU & SCOTT,’ Beaver Block, Clinton WntoiT, May rith, i882? ' SO MONEY to fond In large or^mall snips, in good mortgages or pets- o ■ eourltj. -at tpo lowest current rates. H. HALE llurop-St. Clinton, , * .. — Ci.ntori, Feb, 25,18bl. ,» ,<>Vlv’ St EAGER A MORTON, Barristers, Ac., <t, God- Jctltih ahd Wlnghain. C. Boaget, Jf,, Goderich. ■ J. A. Morton WuighahL . l-|y, TAAVISON A JOHNSTON, LinV, Chancery,and JLJ CohM*ndnjf. toiflce-weirUttOTt,'; BW aoor-to Post Office, Godorich, Ont, 67, t> 0, HAYS, SpUilior, Ac, Offiec.oornerof £V »juAt« *tid West StrcSt, ovdr Butler’s Book Store, Go<iet:ioh,OnL fat Mo6«y fojehdl At lowt^t rates bf Interest. T? CA5if!tdff,'6MVhUr»AitotMy, Solicitor Ih JC4» GI»M»<»ry,.Gortvmftcisr, Ac. ' Office Over Jordin’e proj sttoe, Wit room*, formerly occu pied by Judga Doyle. A»y bf money MlsanU lo*M»t nMNltivM. j.)y. Clinton. life Size Portraits a StMoialiy. i-ly. TO THE PUBLIC. FARM FOR SALE. THE subsorlber offers lor sale bls fam, being lot'80, Ilayfield coueeralnft, Goderich town- Bblp, vontalnli^ lol) acres (actually H.>), about 100 acres clearwl and fret from stumpsi. Good fiirta Iniildinjcs, three acres of orchard and itood writer. Good clay soil. The farm is one of the nest ih the bounty or Huron. About five Kdleafrmn 'Clinton. Half cash, bitlaneo-on wv terms. Apply on the promises, ov at Tnn Nws.llfcooap oiilre, or address , JACOB SHEPPAIlb, 82fi 3m... Clinton p, o, COMMERCIAL HOTEL. This'Hotel it furbished throughout "with great Caro to moot the wants of the travelling" public. Ceismjodious sample rooms. The best of liquors • and cigars «rc always kept nt the. bar. Good table. Best situated UotcJ Ju CliPtofr. Give us . ffAS. MOGRE, Proprietor,. Clinton, .June 7th, 1682. „ .. WAVERLYj-iOijSE. THIS HOTEL IS NEW and has all the requiro- menof a iifBt.elass house. Large and airy Moms, elegant parlors, heated with hot air. In t(ie immediate vicinity of the G. T. R. Depot.. The hards well stocked with the .choicest brands Of. liquors and cigars. The travelling public may rest assured if being well eared for at this house. ' ' .. SAMUEL FIKE, Clinton, May 15,188-1. , 287*y Proprietor. AMNTON Udjro, No.* 84, A. F. & A M„ U moot* ovary FHrhy, on or ahor the full iWn, VWtlng brethren' cordhlly Invitert. 4. YOtWG, W. a, ‘ J. OALfeANm, Sfcc Clinton, 4an. It, 188t, „ ' J, k i»»i fa i.», i ^b7i.i«< - MericMarble lots T t\’R-^dBERT GORDON, Mth0 Gteirich Marble Wohw tat Hte Ocrunty of jhWb«< WgipffvAWGNfc Godtoch,F«b. • ^bpditof " ft HOOSE ANO LOT FOR SALE rpHiyii'fiderelgnctJ ofTcrs tor sale M« litninoM 1 Lot OH Qtfoftti street, plinton. - Tim house I* newly htt.lt; gfx tooniB, three mjsUirs end three - d >Wft; hard inwt Mtt water; rood collet, sltueW In rising rind healthy locality. Terns eeay, ApFlv OR 111# protniscs or address CKhtou J» 0, . JOSHUA ifAMNElL .“■-I---................................................................,.........................................• . house to Let. Z\NSTREET, GLiNTdN. V 3231< to T. cw«& Groeer, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, k RELUBLESrATEMENT The leader of £he Opposition in tho early part nf last week, in moving t^e Souse of Commons for some re turns relating to tliecipst of the-.con struction of 615 miles of the Canadian Pacific' Iladlway between Winnipeg and the South Saskatchewan, made an elaborate speech, in wbicli fie seemed most earnestly anxious bo create an impression that the $16,780 per mile,vwhich that section is. stated to have costthe Company, could not have been honestly spent in the work, the only possible inference b< ing that some people connected, with the Company had dishonestly pocketed some millions of .dollars of public meney, ■“ ■ I desire ito state in the most posi tive terms, for my co-Dirpctors apd niyself, that sq far -our connection with the Canadian Pacific Railway has been anything but pecuniarily profitable to. us, .cur shares alone costing us a much higher price than they can be bought for to-day in the open market, and it is impossible that we^can’hereafter'benefit in any way except in common with all other shareholders. • , . - ■' I have.not time to follow Mr, Blake through all the. devious ^nethod% by which lie so industriously- seeks to- impress upon the .public his distorted Views on all matters relating to. the . Northwest .and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, "fjdit I musVrefer , to the unfair argument he used in his speech on the .occasion referred to, based on Mr. Sandford. Fleming’s estimate of the costof a colonization road across the prairie, ‘. Mr. Fleming estimate^ that such a road' wotcld cost .-$18,000 per mile, including $1,800 for equipment.' How then, asks Mr. Blake, in the face of .thjs esthnate, is it possible that the Cofnpuiry crniicL. have legitimately spent some. $8,,780 more, per mile on , this section.? ■ - No one. knows Ibetter than Mr. ! Fleming, and Mr. Blake himself can hardly be ignorant of the fact, that the road. lAult.b.v..tli!.aCompany is of a v 4 I An Open Coiilcssion Prom the Hamilton Spectator. ; On the morufog of «Ue day of the election in South Winnipeg,the Free Preus, edited by^Mr; Luhtan? the tmw'defeated Grit? cattdjdAte,made tlie hist powerful add dCuhledipded appeal to the electors, • in whifiit it was stated that, if the Tory candid* ate was elected, the electors would halve dotle certain things. For in stance : ■ • . 1 We"shftl1 have confessed, that ttp to the present time we are satisfied ; that we have got all Jwe„are entitled, to.' We sbaff have affirmed that the. agitation for our rights which,S tvith the Premier at our head, we have been carrying on,has been reprehen sible and unjustifiable. We shall have retracted all our assertions with regard to our grievances,without having had those grievances removed or mitigate •ed. ■ Very ’Wejl, The people;”'jsiectpd . the Tory. Winnipeg has. therefore admitted that Manitoba has always had all her rights ; that the agitators were talking bosh ; and that 'Mani toba has no grievances. We have all along suspected that this was the case, and are glad to have the opin- ion backed up by so $oml a Grit au thority as the Freft Press. , Let ns hear no inore'balderdash from Mani tbta. flffli’W’t" S6n'1 «>*A MHI/P M'DM^vc'beevdtosWj’tok el elthfir sex, to nwr® money rip-lit awnv than , attythlngelfie In thia world. ForitwoH awnlt the ) workcY»;iis»luteIy stirs, ’ ’ 777;. • ■ & Co., Aa-tusta, Maine • S8idy# ■■iiruwh Dy relying on testimonial vivid glowing Jangimgi; 01 *<m cures made by wane iaigi-ly p tor or patent inedirine han ha ainffii to their graven; the r» almost insane faith that th# wilfjse performed ou thysw teattmonfiils mrntiom wbijn medicine is all tho time hiwa to their graven. Although wa TliousandM- upon Tftoi of twtimwilak ol the ««5»t p® voluntarily lent tw, we <h> wtp' , as they do not make the cute WTTAT.V "NTft . medicine, Hop UnterathatmalI V Xlk/ J-9*h JA v»y elMV [ it has never fidled neve 3^;.':?!^:;•sass: THE WEEK’S DOINGS, CANADIAN. An old lady holding a ticket from Lapeer, Alicli., to Ogdensburg, N. Y.r fell off the limited express going east March 9th.» between here and St. Paul’p and was kilted. From pdfop- hitters papers found in her poesHssion t her name js supposed to be Nancy Law rence At Trench <fe Sons’ roller miffs,] '»gv«d patiwit. Chippewa, on Monday morning,ja jj.4>es of young man named Jasf Hogg, whue h Thofiu ofductorsat§3.ob a v assisting to adjust a belt, was drawn ten man forayear, and innenl into the cogs, receiving injuries visit, over $1,000 a year for tu which resulted in his death Um tendancjalone 1 And one singb ni«hi Hop Bitters taken in.tnim wuuhaame^ntgiH. _ $4,000. ami all the year’s swkneaa Given By tile “Is it possible that Mr. Oodfi and at work, and cured by so I reinedv ?” ] I 1 ’I assure yqu it is true that 1 II WHITELY & TODD, Publishers will give reference to any cue else similar to their own if >te» refer to *“>’ neighbor, is tin neighborhood in the known wi show its eurea by Hop Btttcra. A posing Jtofce “A prounupnt physMan c ’said to ahdy patient who wa ‘ing of her continued ill health, ’inability to cure her. jokingly si '"r; ".'J.. H" The. lady t ’earnest and used the Bitters, f 'she obtained pfinnanentltcallh. ‘laughs at the docter for his j« ’is not so well pleasod nithit, as try of great promise and of enormous ’ possibilities, which came pouring i» during the atuumn of last year from people of all classes who had recently yjsited the country, onr enemies in the press and on the platform found : it necessary to stop their attacks up on the North west, They thereupon < concentrated their whole energies ; upon the congenial task of alarming , tho .country and .of wrecking the 1 Company, It was boldly stated that although the road would probably be finished, according to contract, it never could possibly paj working ex penses, and the result would be that the Government would have to take over the line from the Company, and if it operated it at all, it would’be at a lops to the country of some $8,000,- 030 annually. <. These wild and dishonest state ments werp carefully published in their newspapers all over the coun try,.and equally carefully republished all over England and the United States, creating alarm, among "the share holders of the Company,- and for the tim'e destroying confidence in the success of the enterprise. The following comparative .state-' ments are.™perhaps the best answer that can now be given to these men dacious attempts on' the part of Canadian public men and others to discredit' and destroy a great Cana dian enterprise. • " ’ STATEMENT shewing the comparative positions of the Canadian Pacific, Northern Pa-a cific,“and Grand Trunk Railways. CANADIAN- PAC.FIO RAILWAY. 31st Dec. 1,884. (Assuming funds in bands of Gov ernment to be sufficient to finish con- tract.) , ' ■' J • , _ -7 ■ .. Total milaege complete and lines leased, 3,948 miles. Stock— with ”9 years di- * yidend in Govern ment hands............. $65,000,000 Total indebtedness mcludf * ing entire Govern ment loan; leased. lines capitalized at 5 per cent..........:,,,..,,.; 52,076,745 Cost per' mile (nominate;., 29,655 Debt per mile....,...,, ..,k. ’ 7-13,190 ; Note.-—If $1'4,288;288. in hands of Government to pay 3 per cent guar anteed dividend be deducted from the total debt, the cost .per mile- would be reduced to $26,035; debt ■per-miie-would be'redirced'to$9,597:' Grogs earnings for whole .. .' - year, to 31st Dec.’ ■1884..:..,.............................5,750,521- Qperating expenses.. 4,558,630 Net earnings for the year,. $ 1,191,891 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAH,WAT.' "<■ - ■ December.31st,48j54. .Total mileage, main line "and branches, 2,438 miles. Stock, common and ...'■’ - t ' preferred..$88,807,000. Bondsppterest bearing pb- „ ligations, leased lines . ■ capitalized at 5 per . • ■ . cent......,,,;......:.....: 82,901,521 ‘Cost, per mile, (nominal), „ . Debt, per ’mile..;.’'.',..'. • Gross" earnings;, for haff-. • ''■ ■ year ending 3’1 st Dec., : • 1884.;..:..............• .... $6,627,71-3 Operating expenses, half- , year.....i...,. ' 3,"68,150 Net earnings for half-year, ^$3j359,569 ' . ... grand trunk RAIMVAX. . ■ . . 31st Dec., 1883. . Total' mileage,'2,321 miles. ; '■ ^fock, common and pre- / ; . ference;.$179,346,285 Bonds, interest bearing /obligations, leases pap- . italized at 5 per cent, -,64,-552,170 Cost, per mile ^nominal) 11 105,070 Debt, per mile....27,811 Gross earnings, for half- . year ending 31st’ Decem- ‘. • her, 1 S83.\..........................$9,440,330 Operating expenses.6,579,435 ■ \ j ' \ • ’’ ’ ‘ $2,910,895’ Net receipts From other , •. • sources. ..... ....... * 504,725; • *‘ Roch, a young traveller and coll- ector for the Toronto Brewing and | Malting- Co., has skipped .to the | States, after robbing hi# employers of between §2,000 and §3,000, He 1 r’i. HSNure y<’Ji u jifuo nun « hopes that be will be able to refund vured, aad with nothing mono/ Pbkw playing. wW the S/V; Caus^ of hie ruin, ... Kidiiej- and Liver trouble I’.’ Francis Rowlin, who is stercing a . t , sertilizer factory in Hamilton,, im-' I pops on the white i(,bei. Shun ah the , ported,, froni the United S-aten a ’ft’me8 WU,V ' llup’ or machine for making pork retuse and „ -things of that^ort into fertilizer. ‘ The machine was represented to be BLUH BOOK BXTUAC'. old or second hand, and was so en* ---------- cured,- its value being placed by |he (The total .postal revenue f importer at" §290. The sharp^yed pn> ending June-1874, was§ customs officers thoirehtthat-the mad ;.- „o. . . .. • <&.chin, looked like a .»», ate that it •ll‘" -W'l-'WW ® had been disguised by paint and I 38/.80. •dirt to.look as if it had bean usedjfor I The number of Te'tefis sent Jme^JnachineJ-xjegct~j7pfHir Office, ’“fffF~waii instead' of being, §200 is - between ■ . • , 1§600 and §7Q0- It was seized and a^,5TO Pofttn^’ the importer is aware of” the'fact 764,731. Registeied fettersfib thut be has gftt' himself into ,a Lad I number of 12,94'8 were reveiv scrape^ - . - ' the Dead Letter Office. Of I 77* ’ ~ . ' I 4,025 ’ were, deli vered tn ad« AMERICAN. 8J92 returned to writers or cm Mrs. Lizzie Carlson has been ar< of origin for that purpose; Jill rested: at Brockton, Mass., qu M'^ od of delivery eitltor to arldre eha'-ge of wti.i.ig young girl, into # |(J . houses of ill fame. The woman had 7bet-ri visiting skating - rinks, where 220 remain in haws- of Postma tier operations were extensive arid or in Dead Letter Cdme, f|)r debt • successful. . . -. postmasters' gross receipts J ._^An~old-bell^helohging -to—Und TV--------sAlarjes ' Oattelio oburohst K«ka.ki«, Ilk, . Jn naroD .Cs0„tv' once the seat:of the bpanlsh empire. in the. Mississippi vSIley, has been from sale of postage stamps, etc .sent to the New Orleans exposition. Auburn, . were §279.1.3, sal .It is the first, beil that was tolled • §103.60; at Bay field, rec. §464 west , of the’Allegheny mountains. I8a|ftry>. S242.50; at Bhievalp; It was presented by 'the King of -• • . 1 Francejo. the .parish of Kaskaskia,, and fins been used for .140 years. The United States Department of Agriculture Reports Tlffrty-seven- -and a half percent, of last crop of corn remains r in . farmers* hands, against* 33 per cent, oh the 1st of March, 1882, The suppljL.in. far- 1 m'brs* banes is 675,000,000-bushels. ! The proportion of uforchantable corn, is very large—87. per eeutJragainst an average of 80 for a period of years 1 and 60 last year.l • ’ Wheat .in farmers’ . bands is-about 33 per cent, of the prop of 169,000.000 bushels—an in- I crease of 100,000,000’ over last March: Carrie Bauor» a pretty factory ■ girl 'who lias recently been receiving, a number of atnorouS .letters from I an unknown admirer, appointed- a meeting. Saturday flight, with the writer in ii secluded spot, whither I she went 'accompanied by her bro- ther-in law and • met the man, who proved to be Herman Hornberger a- prominent citizen. Miss Bauer's- brother in-law and a constable gave .Hornberger ii severe drubbing, and -a’score of the lady’s women friends thrashed.him'with brooms, Horn berger is married, his.w.ife betngjlm CThe total postal revenue f Catholic church at Kaskaskia, III-,,'ve.ry t different^chai'acter 'from that . contemplated Mr. Fleming.' "' ,' • • No. public .company'could afford to 'operate snieh-.a road-as a through ' t'raj.is-contin^talline. It would have been little. Beyond &. prairie .’,’tram way,’1 with a pair >ef; rails'.laid on the . grassy surface <if the ground, and >wj6h ;just enough ballast 'sprinkled among.the tics, temporarily to keep them in place.* ■ , A iread -of tide inferior character,. might laawe answered well-enough fdr’. a local colonization road, and have suited Mr-'iD-lake wi<ui the poor opint iou he seems, still to clierish.as to the future ©ftlre- Nortliwest, but it would not ha-veWcislied those who believed in the country and" in a through line to the Pacific Ocean; and it" would' have been repudiated .and'condemned by the whole body. of. the’people.of the Northwest ana df British“Colnm.-. bin "iis unfit ami * insufficient for the business of-the country. ’ ■ The Company^ on entering upon th » work of the contract, - found it n'e ’ sssar.v to abandon the lOO-miles of ro 11 Ltfiit by the Government on. the. Fie uiiig -colonization.’ estimate, as . worso than' Useless ;, taking, up the rails.' asld building ‘an entirely new .road- >ecl, at a great additional cash’ • outlaw tp. the-Company 'Tlfis fact ■ oughb I submit, to bo taken as afford ing e uie reasonable assurance that the Company have at least honestly ende avored to bu-sld a first-class road, —on v in eyory respect better thar. the- standard agreed upon- with ;the Gove •timeiit—and’ that there, is no found tiou for • the nnscbijey,6jisly gratuitous suggestion that the money spent by the Company, .has not gone into the. work. '. .. '< \ AgahiTa^to'o^rjpnent^'MrriFlem • ing .animated $1,800. per mile as suf- ,fic..siit< xjEhe6 Qompaiiy had, ou-d^e SI4t JDfidbmbei’ last, spent in equtp- ni ;nt over $9,0130,000, or about $8,000 peimiile of rpafi in. oporation, • thus aff Jrdiugl .another ^opportunity • for charging the Company with feckless extravagance ;'and dishonest misap propriation of public money ! and, worse-still,Testa tnafAthafr this excess- ive investment for equipment will- . have to .be increased at least 50 per cent, by the time-t.ho‘line is opened to the Pacific iia fike spring ‘of 1886. Mr. Blake, in-his speech? also Says that the braaieb. iine.s’ built by the Cdivpany in the Northwest cost only $10,700 por mile. 1 do'.not. know • where he got his figures, but he will be interested in knowing that the cash actually expended on the West ern branches up to Decembor'Blst, including some, bonuses, was $14,000 per mile,, without equipment, and* -some portions Of' the.uu.are..still in complete. ' , •- , ._^'Thft- cost -.^f-4IiewAlg<rtna-' branchy also without .eq uipment, is S2.26fi.77B- Tdr tfiFbff miles, or tf-28,0’43'per mile. In viety of .the. persistent efforts of the enemies of the Company, 'and of their newspaper organs, to emlmrrafjs • and discredit the, Company Rud the enterprise which -it has undertaken to carry out, I have thought it advis able to ’ ruakc public the following particulars respecting the position of the flWork which the Company is ear nestly" and honestly trying to barry to a successful conclusion. , . Through rail1 bonnectioii will be made with the Pacific Ocean, and the contract with the Government complotedi by September ne^t*- The Company will then have built, within tlio 58 months since they be gan the.work, 2’,181 miles of railway . at a cash outlay of $66,73L70B, or. $30,551 per mile Mr. Henry Villard in his recently published statement to the share holders of the Northern Pacific Rail way, says that- the 770 miles built under his administration cost $89,*. 857,65$, dr $51,500 pet mile, life original estimate of the* Chief .‘Engl- neer of the Northern Pacific for this work being $20,00’0,000, a .fraction more than ono half of its actual cost. . The Canadian Pacifio Railway Company had expended up to 81st December, 188-1, on construction of the main-Hue and branches, exten sion^ terminals, improvemente and equipment.........A,,,...,,..472,552,840 To pro virfo'guatuuto id div- ... . idcud...;..,;.16,238,288 Dividends pail...,....8,428,000 Interest paid on land grant bonds. ..... 582,784 , ' ” ’ ‘ . $5^1,862 ^otal amount rcc'd from s.. 'cash on land suhsidiM and from Government • loan4fo 31st Docember.o 5d,532,65i Bal. protulofi by Comnfov 70,430 34,004 ^4'84.28, '^alatjj,. $lpO;, fit Beif rec«-..'$1.4t>.'20, salary,' 850;. atI grave,. rec, 441.90, sal. 194 -60; Blytb, rec. ^1,274, sab•• S.^00;. Brussels,'rec.’.-§2,665.66, sal, 'ak Clinton,- rec? $4,'008 96, sala $1,14.8; at Dpnlop, rec. $6'9, ■saM $30; at Dungan»Di>r.; rec. $440 -J LsaL-$-19 i-> at Exbiurp tofiv sal. $6.78; at Forthvich', r<-v 9 sal. $20'1.12; at Gixh-fielf; rec. $.j 03o.01; sftl. $1^700,"'Glenmynan. re '§73.41, sal. Si48; Gorr-io, rec .§5.88 .86, sal- §270; Hills Gryun, receipt r896.69, sal. $2&;’-H-iImPsviPo', re §203-6.3, ek >82.50; 1 tenwill, re §535.69,sal-; $2-15; Ki,nbiirii,receipt SLl$.67rsal. SI 01; Ki'pp.en,. receiplJ §218.65, - sal.. .^106 50; ^pane,< reJ §52.46, s.al. §20; at DolHlcohornu;.h rec.' §398.20, s,nb.§J.56; ar Muriwi-h t rtic. §45 20, sal., -§2Q; !l< Newbridge ...rec.. §1'07,22, 'sal. ‘ §50/ at 'Port Albert, rue. §i30j42-’ sal. §53fit Nile, retv §1:2(5,. fifth §-ld.50; §alt- ford, reo?' §"89.66, xn.L §3Q; nt Sea-1 I forth, rec. §'4?471,74, - sal.. .§1,240; FSfwFppitedWiT^cT^ ’Whitecliiireli, rec.,§217.46, sal.: §70;' j wlivgbaiii, rec. §3,247.56, sal. §968; Wroxeter, fee. ■ §754.09, sal. §340; Zurich, rec. §555.83, sal. §1;69, . . .. COMMISSIONS I’AIV VENpORH. • te-^r-Hu™ -as commission to parties authorized to sell Hl’tiutps r Tn . Brussels r§3571pTnr Clinton,, §1.0 80;-in jjy- eter, §24.45;". in Goderich; §28.77; in Seafortli,' §8.40; in ,. Wingham, §36.00.-’ ■■ -■ ' " ' . .. ■' • < . . ■F.or local *•**■>. ' M'AfU TRANSPORTATION” ' . J Tlfore was paid for conveying mail between Auburn, <5nrlow- and Fory- dyce and Auburn, .I.->lytli and For* rdyce, §356.50; B.tyfiejd and forth, §29.9; Belfast and Lanes, §65; I Belfast and. St. Ifel’ens, ■ §15Q.; Bel* grave and -JBus.hfieTd, §60; iMgrave and - Marnoeli, §6’0,00; .Belgrave and 'Railway'station, §136;. Ban miller and Goderich, §100; Bhmvalc and Railway station, §167.17; Blyili land Riilway station,”"'§140; Bruce* field and Railway station', §87.64; ^Brussels ami .Craubrook; §184.50; Brussels and.. Railway statitm, §112.50; Centralia, Oediton- ami way atafmn, ‘ §200; CimWtma atid'JM oorfisx iIle, §193 75; > 1 mt and Railwfiv station, §37^60; Oran* I brook and Kbmcrieff, §33 50; Drya* ! date and Ipdpfiy,JlioO; Rxeter ati'i { ‘Hfiy,; §70;and, Kirkton, '§295; ExetajXnd Rail wav station §207.36;ahd Newbridge, §156; Fin’dwioh ami Railway ata- tion/§83,75; Glertanimn aintRidl wav stm/ion, §40; Glen Farrows an 1 • Wingham, §70; Gnfiprloh ahjl^in*. carene, §1,180; Goderich ami Lnoh>' now,,§408;..Goderich and Railwiijr station t §212.84; G n rrlO'mT'B.A il• way station, §160; Gorrio and Swa- forth, §510; Harfock and §Rafortte’ §366.16; ' Mensah ami Itetlwav 1 station, §100.16; Mensah and Rml« ' gafvirie; 18100; Mfiirfifi^'^ifirich An<I 1 Railway Station, §240; Mnlmfisvim ami Porter'a Hi 11,»- S100; and Railway station, §8406; forth and Railway fiialion, §118 01; rWinglmm and W.G.w’fe’B. aiatkm, §95; Wingham, and L. it -*» t’ ^aii^hterufnr^VT8iItfiy“letifed mer- . chant. • ’’ ■ ' ' . . . A tnagazisifi, cor.taiiffng six-thous- 1 and pounds, of -glycerine, nt tlib Rock Glycerine Company’s Works, Howard Junction', Pennsylvania, exploded with terrific force. Whir- lingtoii; one of the proprietbrs,4uid4 H.JV. Pratt, ail employe; were, kill' cd'. The feptory, twenty-five fuel a Way, was blown into-.frhffiiHmtsJ "Pratt’s body was found two' hundred ] feet away. All his bones were brok en, but the skin was' intact. One or. two pieces,.of;'flesh was the only ' trace found of Whirrington. Trees Were.torn-yp by the roots, and great ] hotes were made in.-the earth in tho vieinity. . ; a- ' . . - I —-Dyring the first -60 days of the .session ending Saturday .the ex- pemm of the Illinois general as-1 "sembly- amounted to §104,000. There is to show for this-expense. ^rinrTiftSWge of .4 biil appropriating §5^000—for^the; UonffogbOT eNpiittefis‘ of the session and §5,000 for the '’improvement' of the Illinois display at New Orleans,'/with the incideptfil' diversion afforded by an attempt to elect- a successor to Senator Imogen. The last pay roll includes §304 daily for the services.of janitors. This is the sort of inexpensive Utopian sim plicity the, Uaiuatlian mudsill 1 Democrats haulier after.. Cattaraugus county, Now York,- annually produces about 100,000 pounds.of maple sugar, more than Onfi-lialf; Of which is manufactured within twelye miles of Rsndnlph, -which is situated on & prolific hard* wood range at the head waters of the Alleghany- river. Thfy seafiOn] promises to out-rivnl all others] and it is an open secret that the natural product will be stimulated by a gon* erous Admixture of muscovado sugar, cheap grades of which eftrt be had at 6| cants a pound, when the maple' is worth IS^to^Jfi .centfi- a poumlJ ’ Orte'TochT ^leatef says that he Jhm disposed of - ten barrels of thrown sugsr to a single proprietor of a “sap bush/ ’ o . Z J Total net earnings for year.$3,415,60*2 , . From these stjiternenfK it .«v>h Jhc What a compavativelyTaVorable- position the Canadian Pacific Railway will occupy on the completion of the through line, A capacity to make net earnings per mile equal to that Aof tlie Northern Pacific would gi ve the Canadian -Pacific Railway net earn ings amounting to over $! 1,000 000 annually, itnd.a still larger sum if dtr fihoilkl fiarn. _as much per mile as did ■the Grand Trunk Railway in 1883. It is not- easy to’ aee. any refison why'the Canadian Pacific Rail way,- With its obviously greater advantages, should n,ot witlfin a very short time*- he doing, at. least as welt aS the' Northern'Pacific; and Lean see nq.th- .log in ths position and prospects of .the Company to justify anyone in terested in the enterprise taking’ anything but the most hopeful view ci the future. ■ ' ' it should.not Ito forgotten that, in addition to 'the great advantage of Owni.ngathrougHTineof'railWnyfrom Ocean ; sfo '. ocean the ' Company;. Will have ■a~Jlhorbtig[iiy • appointed telegraph-line, doing business ail over Canada and connecting with the United .States'system, It-has also’ a large- and most val uable grant of agricultural Jahds, in the.' Western .Section of which enor mous coal deposits exist; a fact of the greatest importance, as bearing-up , on the economical .working of the railway and the , interests of the 'settler, . ” , • Georoe Stephen, President. ’ ’’Montreal, March 3rd, 1885. 'A11 Aincriuan Deduction. '. ..•• . Philadelphia Tnn’oM.’ Tlio promptness of'both Canada and Australia to offer? to supply contingents’ of troops for the Soudan campaign must bo especially gratify ing to the Gladstone Ministry. The claim that has been so often' made that the colonial dependencies of the ■ British empive Were bdii'id by bo ties to the' mother country is most effectually disproved by this 'Rptmtaneofis offer. The truth about the matter seeius to he that the loss of the Am'Tic&n colonies opened the eyes of the home government to the fact that its colonios/vere- peopled '"■y.TfifiL Englishmen, with..all- thw t,native iiiktHtets for freedom,and that if held in aliegiatiee H must be by treating them as ^ngHshnton are treated at home. A wiser and more conciliatory course toward thecolon-z fos stiff ramainfng. has ’produced tiicfit desirable results find the adop tion <ff a real foderatimt wyatem would undoubtedly bmd- *'i ■ ......' '■ a RKITISH—RDREIGN. Th a Dublin chamber of commerce and mmffcipnlconncil of.Dutigar.ntm . have topresen t An—uddtew- to the Prince of Wales. Lord Durbfimhf suit for divorce on tj>6 groundi of bis We/s insanity wns dismissed today with cn«ts against Durham.. Sir James Uannen, in rendering his dwsisioiff deplarod that the respondent loved another, and oensiited her family for •*»**«**“■*■ QttoTH Mr. $Jlmrpj “It makes m,o sad to uev the melting fitmw,w “And t,*’ said Dull, “am vmy glad to ame tin* blamed stuff go. “Air, yes,”' SaM Sharpy “you single h <ve . . . „ ? snovv, X’ll warrant tvhon ‘ you, come to* get a wife.” “Rut why rf tpmtli Dull, “ Tis Greek to me.1’1 Rdd Sharp i “You oucht 'to know, a man may im kept out tiff thftej' blockaded by ths snout,**' AUrtStttaTRV^ Vou’lt pray for ' ’ ,... lilfc ift iak L It <’ifc A'ia 2VR'iiL t' iLfat. *'wik;-,i,i LONDON LOAN OO’Y, TjOTsttdow, o3sra?» 1 $100,00010 6 &i 6i per Cent barbers shddld make«W)d eiiftrtrs. No L flteat ■ iSlk Ar* i*v*—rJ