The Exeter Advocate, 1890-4-17, Page 8' REAO.MAKER'S le-333.4%.,Esir Stye{ Fa4S To Owl SKriSsmstiott Fast SALE BY ALS, PEALERsh TO OUR PATRONS. A pertinent piece of advice in the columns a a late trade journal, ran thine—HOwever hard ,yon, may have worked during 1889, resolve to do a little better in 1890. It is not a diffi- cult matter to see when better and mors work might have been done if one cares to scrutinize closelY, even though the vision be defective and pov- erty to great to purchase a pair of apecks. We have noticed a few weak spots in ourselves and inspired by the above bit of advice, resolved to adopt it as one of our rules for 1890 and faith- fully observe it for at least a Week. We are trying, to put stock in best pos- sible shape, to fill every gap and give every shelf, drawer and corner the cleanness and neatness of a new pin. Our Book, Stationery, Small ware, and Wrapping paper. departments are in good shape and Fancy goods ever ready to supply the demands of Wed- ding, Parting and other friendly gifts. The patrons of both our Jobbing and Retail trade will kindly accept. our heartfelt gratitude for their past liberal support. J',.Grigg, Exeter. LOCAL JOTTINGS. BankruptTStock of Boots, /Shoes and Groceries. J. W. Broderick will open out, in Mr. Parkinson's Store, Exeter, on Tuesday 22nd inst., with a Bankrupt Stock of Boots and Shoes. Brand New Stock, all having been purchased new, within the last three months; also a Bankrupt Stock of Groceries. Wait for the bar gains as the lot will be sold cheap! Remember the place, north of Town Hall. Eggs taken in exchange. Exeter, April 17th, 1890. Conservatives Attention. A meeting of the Liberal Conservatives of Exeter, will be held in the Town Hall, to -day, (Thursday,) It is expected. that M:r, Robert Birmingham, Toronto, will address the meeting. Every Conservative should be pres ent, as business of import- ance will be transacted, Folland for stoves and tinware. The weather is beautiful and 'Very spring like. —H. 14.11illitar,s. Dentist, for the best artificial teeth. A nobby all wool tweed suit at Brumpton Bros. $5.00. Owing to the line weather the roads have dried up and are now quite dusty. If you want any thing in the tin and and stove line call on WILL POLLARD. Big reduction in Tapestry carpets at Brumpton Bros. Come and see them. —II. L. Billings,Dentist. Gold fillings a specialty. Office over O'illieirs Bank Exeter. Revs. B. Clement and Jasper Wilson will exchange pulpits next Sunday evening. A New Home Sewing Machine, new, Ior sale at a reasonable rate. Apply at this office. Nimrods can be seen daily wending their way with spear and pole in search of the swimming beauties. Did you get 3 bars of soap for 5 cts. at Brumpton Bros? No. Well it is all gone and so will that tea, 8 lbs for $1 be if you do not be alive. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Wil- liam Caiin. who removed from here some years ago, will return to the vil- lage. He and the family have been living in Crediton. Yesterday morning while Mrs. A. Cottle was decending a few steps from the front part of her dwelling to the kitchen she had the misfortune to fall sind dislocate her ankle. Spring cleaning around farm prem ises as well as in villages and towns should be commenced early and com- pleted before the very warm weather ..eommences—"and don't you forget it." A subscription list is going the rounds among the people who reside in the vicinity of the market to raise funds to put in a drain from some point near the residence of Mr. M. Eacrett to the -river, A number of townspeople and busi- ness men are advocating the celebra- tion in honor of the 24th of May be held on Monday 26th, instead of Saturday 24th, as Saturday is a very unfavor- able day for the holding of any" cele- bration. The move is a good one and nearly every town has the same idea. In sending in personal and Other notes for publication, the sender must enclose his or her name. There should be no necessity for repeating this in. variable rulef but scores of people ap pear to think that their communications will be inserted without any evi. (Mime beteg furnished that they have been sent in good fatal. At the last regular meeting of Wing, ham courieil, it was decided to have Electric Light for the purpose of light - up the streets. A Committee has been appointed for the purpose Of inspdeting the different systems and report at tthe next ineetitig, Would it not be a geed idea for a iTIOVA in that direc- tion be taken here, and get SOMA good Ellectrie Lights to replace the style na- ed by Adam, Go to Folland fotStoves and tinware. Found the place to buy wall pikper and wieder u1owblnIds Britinpton Bros. The Exeter Grist 4iI1 has been clos- ed down for sometime to put the rol- ler process hi. The millwrights are busy at work at present there, An Arkansas youth has ju,st commit- ted' suicide, as he explained in a note, "prompted solely by a desire te explore the great hereafter," He was a fool. Had he lived out his time he would have known a great deal more of this world and just as much of the next. The following horse buyers were in town this week:—Messrs. A. W, Van Sickle and Luther Hpfromann, Lebanon, N. J., Levi Lewis, London; L. A. Jacks son, 'Derwent; Alex. Stewart, London; W. Dardis, Boston, Mass.; B. Aubrys Montreal; and Thomas Berry, Hensall. ,The cheapest andsimplest gymmna- mum in the world—one that will exer- eise every bone and muscle in the body —is a flat peice of steel notched on one: side,fitted tightly into a wooden 'frame, and after being greased. on bpth sides withsa,• bacon rind, lubbedinto a stick. of•WOOd laidlengthwise of a Saw -buck. • At .a meeting of the Liberal -Conserv- atives of North Middlesex, for Ontario, Purposes, held at Ailsa Craig on Tues- day, Mr. Henry Macklin was the unani- mous choice of the convention to contest the riding in the interestsOf the Liberal Conservative party. Mr. Macklin is a very able man, and will, we are certain,, redeem the riding. Reports are rife that the wheat plant has sustained considerable . damage. from the alternate freezing and thaw- ing which has characterized the weatli-,erduring the season, and that much of it, especially on heavy clay land, will be almost a total failure. . It is.te be hoped that the reports will prove to be greatly exaggerated. „ We find the following paragraph is floating upon the newspaper sea, and do not know how correct the figures may be; but the farmer's share is not put too large, at least: '"From a bushel of corn a distiller gets four gallons of whiskey, which .retails at $16. The government gets $3.60, the farmer who raised the corn gets 40 cents, the rail- road gets $1, the manufacturer gets $4, the retailer gets $7, and the con- sumer gets drunk. The Brussells .Post suggests the for- mation of a County League, composed of the followidg base ball clubs: Wing - ham, "The Unions," Brussels, Listowel, Seaforth, Clinton and Exeter; that each club play one game m each town,mak- in all fourteen games; that each club pay a fee of $5, to purchase a suitable trophy to be presented to the club win- ning the most games in the series. The suggestion is a good one, and we hope it may be acted upon. On Monday evening last, the memb- ers of the Exeter Harmonic Orchestra, met in the Town Hall for disband- ment. The Sec.-Treas, handed in his report, which shows the total receipts for the season to be $54.75, and the total expenditure $38.49, which leaves a small balance to be divided among the members. The Orchestra feels it- self amply repaid by the benefits it has received from practice, and the help it has been able to render to societies,for' which it has played. A unanamons vote of thanks was tendered to the Leader Mr L T. Gilland the Sec. -Tres. Mn. H. P. Kinsman and the meeting concluded by three cheers for the new town band. The Queen's Birthday fails on Satur- day this year, and in several places an agitation Is already on foot to postpone the formal celebration till Monday. One argument used is that it is all the same to Her Majesty whether the day is ob- served on market day or washing day. This is the view which the Queen and councillors have always taken. It is, only in the colonies where the uniform practice of celebrating her Majesty's national on the 24th of May had, been followed. In England and -Scotland the magistrates of each town and city fix on the day which suits the mass of the, people best. If it is anywhere with in a week of the 24th no one kicks. Of course the bankers and public officials have to observe the actual day as a holiday, it being so established by law. Tobaesa. Four plugs of 10 cts. tobacco for 25 cts. at Brumpton Bros. Opening Out. Mr. Will Folland is busy this week opening out a new stock of stoves and tinware in the stand lately occupied by Mr. Chas. Eacrett, one door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug Store. Peruse his adver- tisement in another column. The Stock Fair. The Stock Fair held on Tuesday was not a decided success, owing, no doubt, to the farmers being busy with their spring work. This will be the last until after the harvest has been gath- ered, when they will be continued again. Personal Pfention Mr. S. Malcolmson,Local Master, God- erich, was in town on ' Saturday.—Mrs,' Wm. Pickard,of Seaforth,waS the guest of Mrs. George Kemp during the latter part of last week.—Mr. A. Sheere will leave next Week for 'Winnipeg, where he will remain during the summer.— Mr, A. Bailey, and wife, of St. 'FhoinaS,' are spending a few days in Town.—Mie Chas. Bailey, of London, WAS. in :toirn• last week.—Mr. Samuel Rundle, wie and family left on Tuesday evening for Detroit Where he has Scented a hierative sitinition.•-sMr, A. McDonell, WM, has been ,in the States tor.•Stntie retertied on Monday everfing.t-:: Mr. Geo. Eacrett left Yesterday Morning, for St. Marys, where he has scoured a situation.—dr. B. Coughlin, of Montt Carmel, was a caller at the, AnVoe'Arre &lice yestetday,--Mr. A. Bowie leaves to day for Winnipeg. Wanted. Never too late to Mend, 6000 pairs of boots and Shoes that geed 'repkiring to be lat"at the leading boot and -shoe store next door t� the post office. G. l‘lrf:01PeQril;y Cheaset : • • One day last Week Mr. Robert Lea - thorn purehased from Mr. William BrimaciAnbe the Manion House, pay- ing therefor the sum of 03,200. We understand that it 'will he run by Mr, John Leathorn, who, no doubt, will make an efficient and obliging landlord. Conversaelone. Invitations - have been issued. to the members of the Sons of ,Bngland Ben. evolent Society and ethers,askingtheni to be present at A cenvessaz4gnesto held under the S., O.LE: auspices, evening of \Vednesdgy ApriI 234, (St. Georges Day) ,in 110rews's,„,Opera House: We havemlonbt but ;„ swhat it wil I prove. a deeichStqilteSeOS sr, • On the Sick Litit‘b, ' : We are Sonyt learn that Mr. Ed - Ward Neil is at Present'coutined to his bed with a severe attack of inflartimate ion of the lting.s.. -•EVerything that- niedieal skill'ean do, is being done, but slight 'hopes are entertained for his re- covery. Also Mr. John • Ryan is con- fined to his lied from the effects of "la grippe." The cattle Trade.. Stockmen who have been feeding beef cattle during the past winter will be .encouraged to learn that the ' out- look is favorable for akirfeSeased de- mand at a better:price:Chofee'Phip pers are ,queted at 5d ,-t beds. 'for May and June delivery,and it'ivotild nos be surprising to see firies advance during the ensuing season. Cows, fir dairy purposes, are sIluirg readily this spring at almost fabulouspries. The Election. . . The election on Thursday. last to de- cide whether the council should pass a by-law establishing a butter and egg market was not very exciting,not over half the votes being polled. The "vote stood as follows:— .. Div, 1, for 54; _against 12; " 2, " 58; , L1 8; " 3, " 13s "' 49; " 4, " 57; " el. 182. 100. Buffalo Horse Earket. Farmers and others in this section who supply considerable stock for the Buffalo horse market will be interested to learn the prices which saile in the Bison city. Good drivers .1.3ring from $165 to $200; common to fair, $115 to $140; heavy draught horaea; 1,400 to 1,600 lbs., $175 to $225, with a few fancy at $230 to $245; mediuin weight workers of 1,200 to 1,300 tbs' . '$100 to $125; good streeters, $115 to $135; plugs and ponies, $60 to • es-sss.,e41 Checker Mitch A checker match took lace one evening last week. The following players took part, and below is the score:— C. Prouty, 3; F. W. Collins. 2; A Walters, 2; R. Terry, 3; W. Levett, 3; R. S. Lang, 3; H. Mills, 4; H. Penhale, 1; G. Eacrett, 5; A. Hoskin, 1, 17 10. C. Prouty and R. Terry, Captains. The Fire. On Saturday night about eleven o'clock the fire alarm sounded which caused our citizens to arouse from their slumbers and ascertain where the des- troying element existed. It was not long before it was discovered to be the old greenhouse on the station road own- ed by Mr. Isaac Carling, which has been vacant for a considerable time. The fire engine was only taken as 'far as the market as its service was not needed. It is supposed to be the work of an incendiary. • Loss small. iave Vs cash; les staiktalie Two young men loved the same girl. 'One had $1050 in cash and the other was -poor. The thousand dollar man was very much in eiiiheit, and offered the inoney to the poor suitor as an • in- ducement for him to leave the field. The offer was accepted, but when the girl heard of it she declared her love for the man who got the $1000. They were married and have used the money in starting housekeeping. The dis- a,pointed suitor has sued to recover the money. The Jury has not yet decided the ease. Sadden Ditatit, We announee in this isgme of the, al- most sudden death of Misi'jennie Mc- Curdy, daughter of Mr. Samuel Mc- Curdy, who resides one and a quarter miles east of Farquhar. She arrived in the village ,on.Wednesliasy afternoon tejearn the dressmaking business from Miss Essery, and on., Thisraday.'efter- noon she was taken,t11,but did not take her bed until Friday. gediCal aid was called oft Friday,brat it was., of- no 'a- vail, and she passed AwaY about 7.30 to join:the great majority and never more to return. Her parents were not :aware of her illness, and when the and news was communicated to them that she had passed away, they were terror stricken, and •could hardly realize that Such was the case. 'Slid Was removed 40' the. family residence on Saturday inerningSitt'an early hour andthe fun eraLteekphiee on Monday and the re Maiiii4,:iVerfollowed bv•a• 'large con- course of sorrowing friends and rein: - Wires. The surviving friends have the sympathy of the'entire community in their hours of trial and She WAS aged 24-yeats and llrinientha. The •cause of death wasinflaniationilef the brae. Deceased had not enjoyed Very good health for some motths, previous to her .death and frequeetly complaili- ed of severe pains hi the head,yet none thought that these symptoms were of such a serious character as the mein -h., eholy event redorcledt above proved. VrleketriMdieinvelt OnF;i6pee last 'a meeting was held, in the Town Hall fur the pur- pose of forming a cricket ash for current year. After reading the.' re"' ceipts and expeUditures of the• year, which left a small balance in the hands of the Treasurer, the election of officers was proceeded With, and the folldwiug elected:—Ron. Pies, Isaac Carling;Pres. Dr. Lutz ;rtice Pres. W. J. Oarling;$ec.- Treas. r, Elliot; committee, W. E.Gun. dy, W. J-BissettL R. Carling and S. B. Remmington. The Same ,.,e•ronnds that Were used last' year havebeenengaged for the season. The' membership fees remain the same as last; year, viz; $1. All wishing to UN:erne:members can do so on application to the Secretary - Treasurer. s • • checker Match.' ' .On Monday evening a number of our checkeiplvers drove f� -Ailsa Craig to play a." friendly game with, the -Craig club. (The'.gartie'swibe .interest- ing, aihouglil Exafer,l-Wa,s'noinatli for .6raigites. Odr eubeport that4S.they Were well entdrtairied whilhthere. .A return match will take place here in the near future. Below we give the score:— ..4.ILSA. CRAIG. Morgan,. . 1 ol) 1 * 1 * 1 * * Mortoins 01011000 Welker, 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 ,Hutcheson, 1 1 1 0. 1 1 1 1 1 McKay, * 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 'Alexander, 1 .0 1 I. 1 1 1 0 0 Cameron, . 0 0 01 1 1 1 1 1 Smith, 0 1.1 1 0 1 0 10 -Parker, 1 1 1 * 1 0 0, Rosier, 1 0 1 1 * 0 1 10 Lorimr, 0 * e 0 1 0 1 * 1 1 • EXETER. A.Walters,'0 1 0 * stt Hyndthan; 1. 0 * 0 * J. Walters, 1 0 0 1 1 Terry, 0 0 0 1 0 Collins, * 0 0 0 0 Priity, 0 1, 0 0 0 Oke, 1 1 0 0 0 Levett, 1 0 0 0 1 Bissett, 0 0 0 * 0 Mills. 0 1 0 0 Lang, 1 * 1 0 1 1-5; 1-4.; 0-6; 1-6; 0-6; 0-7; 0-5; 0-2; 1-5; • 6. 0 * * 0-1; 01 110-5: O 0 0 0 1-4; O 0 0 0.-1; 1 1.0 1 0-3; O 0 1 1 1-4; O 0 0 0 1-3; O 1 0 1 1-5; 1 1 * 1 0-3; ,1 0 0 1, 1-4; 0 * 0 0 0-3; 36. The Church of England. The divisions caused in the Church of England throughout different parts of Canada by unseemly and unauthor ized innovations is miich tobe deplored, In Orilliasthere is mueli trouble, And to make matters worse, the, difficulty is being fought out hi the Toronto GIOIA by members of the congregation. A Mr. G. H. Hale strongly protest's 'against singing while on our knees," and he says "there is no Scripture warrant for such„a practice." At St. James vestry meeting, Toronto, a disgraceful wrangle was entered into, one member charginc, that church funds *ere used for theb surplus choir. His exact ' words were, "You got' your light' shirt brigade up there rigged out of it." At St. George's, Ottawa, the greatest confusion prevail- ed, but the troubles were finally smooth- ed over by the adoption of the following resolution ;—"VVhereas, it appears from the report of the churchwardens that the receipts of the church have decreas- ed during the past year, the amount estimated.for the reduction of the debt on the building not having been paid, and that it is believed that the recent unfortunate divisions among the core gregation have affected the receipts: Be it resolved, that the estimate sub- mitted be not adopted, but that in the opinion of this meeting,' With A. v, ie w bf the restoration of that harmony, good- will and mutual co-operation which previously existed, it is desired that the services should be conducted in every 'particular, as they were previous to the 1st of. October last." In the churches of Ascension and St. Thomas; Hamilton, there were also ugly storms, but., adds the Spectator, "they were net as bad. as expected." Such a state of affairs is much to be deplored, and it is a pity, that clergymen will, insist on changes that are contrary to Scripture as well as being unauthorized by the Reubricke of the church. They are, in most cases, Only done for show, and should in every instance be abandoned. • Mr. John A. MacKay, of the. Sentinel - Review, and Miss Brotchie,'the ,talented organist of the Central Methodist church,.. were married in Woidstock yesterday. R AbIuteIy Pure.This lniNrder, 'Sever Vitrielte 4 marvel of petits,. stroeeth and Whole Mere eOttonoinieitl than ;the Ordinary 1dn4, and tanuot 13b Sold: in competition With the nittititiide a to* test, short *eight attire or phosphate powders, gold in Sans: ReitailtAlt POWOitit Co.. fog Weil tit, E WANT YOUR WIFE to know that we make a specialty of TEAS and COFFEES. Our stock of these goods has no superior. WE only buy the BEST. and can supply nothing else. WE WANT ITER to make a trial purchase of our goods and test them for quality and pri6e. • e want 1,000 wives to know that for weight,: quality" and purety of goods we acknowkdge 'superior. 10 WE HAVE IT. Come and see US. CARLINC BROS. ENING OLT. The undersigned is busy opening out a first-class stock of Stoves a d Tinware -- of every description, which he will sell. at right prides.) A1i kind. s of Tinware ma e to order on short- est notice. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EAVETROUGHING A PKGIALTYI 00000000000000000000000400 A CALL SOLICITED. WILL FOLLAND, . STAND, one door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug Store, Hain Street,, Exeter. FARMERS AND MILLMEN INCoCOLL'S CELEBRATED 'JARDINE 0 I MACHINE Is the only safe and sure oil for all kinds of Farm and Mill Machinery generally. Try McColl Bro's Celebrated Cylinder Oil. Manufactured by McColl Btos.Torento and sold by BISSETT EROS. =mceter J. L 1llorolia41 Tailor. " °VIE]) TO NOTICE. A Fresh and New Stock of 01100110S 0011i801104310 JUST ARRIVED AT THE Family Crocery, Also Pure grrRACTS and *8 PIOtS. A beautiful' piece of gla,s.s, ware given away, with 1 it) of 1Wayell's Baking Powder. Dash 'norm For Sale. Call and examine our goods beforepurchasingpisothpte.: ei Ai HYNOMAL