The Exeter Advocate, 1890-4-17, Page 4THE WM. SANDERS. Editor. T "H[TRSUAX1 APRIL 12th, 1890, VIE FARMERS QUESTION. Liberal organs have for several yeas l els elamouring for legislative oncosts- agement ncour£,gement to the the farming commun. ity ,f" the Dominion—and now that the Government of the day purpose to make such tariff changes as promise to ttr'd'erelop several branches of agri. cultural industry, there is a universal dens'and from thein that nothing should Wearoue, This is very silly, and will :s'�ssaredly, both from a party as well as a national standpoint,prove exceeding - inimical to their interests. The Government, however, in view of a movement in favor of permitting Unit- e SSates,cattle to be brought into Can- ada, in bond,for slaughtering purposes, should not loose sight of the fact that there is grave danger in countenanc- ing such a policy, much as we believe En pushing and developing every pos- sl.5le enterprize in which either Canad- ian or English capital is invested. The sap rt of Sir Charles Tupper, just is - ed„ dealing with the cattle trade gives encouraging statistics, as well ss offering many significant and prac- aioil suggestions. The imports of liv- Cmg- animals from Canada were 82,207 sen and bulls, 2,256 cows, 144 calves And 55,857 sheep and lambs, all of which show a satisfactory increase. Ile trade in store rattle to Scotland NIS keen visibly increasing and the results are said to be satisfactory. There are also rumors of the exten- sion of the dead meat trade between Ireland a)tcl England,which may afford n opening for the importation of Can- adian stores into Ireland. Cattle dis- eases,and more especially pleuro-pheu- onia, have been very troublesome ,,ming the past year, and several car- gt. ar- r s of animals, affected with this scourge, have been imported. into Brit - tali ports from the United States. There fit no doubt the cargoes from Canada se being most carefully watched, and Sir Charles strongly urges the neces- sity for every precaution being taken tsr2revent the importation of the dis- ease from the United States into the Daminion. The arrival of a -single in - ted cargo from Canada would have tut serious results upon the live stock Vade. This bears out what we have aa.0 regarding the danger of permit- ting the importation of cattle into Can- ada;, as it may gravely effect our sche- dule arrangements with the Mother Qatstntry. Another branch of agricultur- al trade is mentioned by Mr. Dyke, the '•eat at Liverpool—one of the most in- dustrious and capable officials in the i1�sadian service—namely, the export el Canadian lambs, which formerly :bund a market only in the United States. _lir, Dyke in previous reports pt,inted out that, with care and atten- on,.and the indroduction of Down sheep into,, the Dominion,breeders there rarlh3 find a profitable market for all the sheep which can be exported to Great 'ritain:despite the increase in the froz- en mutton trade, and the present state wi the market fully warrants that as- neanon. He this year notes a novelty n the Canadian export 'trade, namely, arrival in Great Britain of a con segment of Canadian lambs. These ,snare by no means of exceptional qual- As:xbut arrived in splendid condition, inial the mortality was veru small in- t. These lambs were immediately gypped up by graziers, and will be itept as stores until next year. So pro- :eableiwas the ventue that arrange- 'Frle is are being made to extend the Bkainess considerably. This will be of &meat importance to the farmers in the 32.onlinion,ane of their difficulties hav- filvr 'ei'rys' been the risk of getting 1`ks of sheep too large to carry over due winter. If, by the introduction of early maturing sheep, Canadia.n far- mers could produce a lamb GO its cseksshtt to ship to Great Britain in Oe- enber,Mr. Dyke is confident they would :lkaf the British market far more profit- al2e than those of United States, which bare hitherto been relied upon,and the 7;e;,salt would be a great development of Site export sheep trade. A breeder in litglatud has just published a report of Its lambs, which shows that his wether kinks, fed in the ordinary way in the §"1s; sold at £2 4s 2d—between ,$11 arsol $12 each—at from sig to nine Sassriths old probably the average did eteeefl seven months. There is noth Imre to prevent Canadian ,n, tin fanners, with fts` ind attention obtaining lg egilally imltihfaetory results. Flence,it behooves lam an authority; having adopted the .ouragement and development of farming and stook-laising,to give, each experiment a fair.trial,and it is''tlllfolt- unate that so important a matter should, beforced into the groove of political issues, Surely this is a question upon. which all Canadians can act as Cana- dians, fl �'1r UNREASONABLE S tl'GGES. TION. The Montreal Witness, ia not often jocular, but when so, it is exceedingly amusing. When stating that "the Opposition have it all their own way in the debate over the tariff resolutions" and this is so apparent "that the organs of the Government throughout the country have not published even ab- stracts of Opposition speeches"—it per- petrates the joke of the season. Natur- ally enough, now that the Official Debates appear each day and members through their local newspapers are enabled to obtain immediate publicity in every constituency, reports in the daily press are somewhat brief; this is rendered necessary by the excessive volubility of those Opposition members who speak. Ono goes into the gallery of the House of Commons at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, returns after the "Mx o'clock" rising, sits • through dreary hours listening- for something that was not said since 1879—but in vain. `Canadian Ruin ;" the "pauperism of the poor farmer;" "the corruption of the Tory party," form the stock -in -trade of those who hope one day to control the destinies of the Dominion. In short the average Liberal speech of ten years ago, is the speech of the present—and while this continues, those who encour- age such a policy cannot hope to make any- marked progress. The people do not forget; they cannot be deceived, Since 1879 the Pacific Railway has been completed, thousands of miles of railway have,besides this, been con- structed in every portion of Canada; our canal system has been improved and projected works are under construc- tion; public buildings have been erected inall the chief towns 'and cities,, the industrial resources of the country have been developed, and,peace and plenty, instead of discontent and want,. are observable on all sides. The work- ing classes are prosperous and happy, and the savings bank returns prove that should a rainy day come, it has been provided for. Why. then, should the melancholy speeches, ' breathing tribulation, misery and depression, be sent into the happy households of this country; and why, we ask, should Can adian representatives :paint in such black colors the social, commercial and agricultural condition of the Canadian people? The Liberals are making a mistake; they never could produce a reasonable tariff when in power; they cannot be trusted to suggest one when in Opposition. ROMANCING WITH A TTE? GE- A.NCE. "Who killed Benwell; or, the mystery of Blenheim Swamp," was the title an enterprising newspaper publisher an- nounced for a story about to be com• menced in blood -and -thunder penny dreadful weekly. With a view to- wards making it even more attractive, this public-spirited gentleman proposed to deal with Burchell's career, as "Rex Somerset." Naturally enough, Burchell's Iegal adviser, Mr. Hell- muth, thought there was sufficiently serious evidence against his client, without adding blue -lights and roman- tic pyrotechnics. He brought the case before Justice Maclellan, at Osgoode Hall, and an order was asked that pub• lication should be stopped, which was not granted; but argument will be heard next Tuesday. 'This is as it should be, for no reasonable, person can suppose that a sufficient amount of in- fluence would be conveyed through such a source as to increase the feeling against the roan about to be tried for his life. When Maxwell; the St. Louis prisoner, was arrested the whole State was deluged by an avalanche of trashy novels, one in particular being ghastly in its alliterative force. "Mashing Murder Maxwell; or the terrible Trunk Tragedy," command an immense sale, and a' dozen other similiar productions followed in rapid succession; thiey died a natural death, however, bad as they were, and in this respect only secured the advantage of Maxwell. A corres; pondent some time ago called attent. ion to the unfairness of publishing im- aginary interviews and exaggerated descriptions of Burchell and his suppos ed'nissdeed, and while we could not agree with him that it was a matter with which tite Minister of Justice could deal, we yet felt that such gross attacks upon 0 man about to be tried for his life, were gravely censurable, and might reasonably Called inhuman, .1/nrcbpll may be guilty, or` he shay net be ,guilty; but the cold-blooded oliort of a. publisher to make money out of the oi'itne, even then contributing towards promoting a verdict of "guilty," is too wicked to contemplate, British Grain Trade, The. Mark Lane Express, Wits week- ly review of the British grain trade, says: There has been a slight recovery in English wheats. The sales of Eng- lish wheat during the past week were 62,023 quarters at 29s 9d, against 43,933 quarters at 20s Ilii during the corresponding week last'year, Foreign wheats are firm. Russian :'and Ameri- can redwinter have advanced 3d. American corn .is recovering from the recent extreme depression in prices; have risen 3d. At to -bay's market English wheats were'' in fair request at 0d advance on good dry grain, Foreign wheats were held for Gd ad- vance, partly owing fe the . iee:in the American markets. ,Flour' was frim at a recovery of 6d. 'Oats were 3d dearer. Corn was strong. Although 530,000 quarters are in the passage, holders are combining to put up prices, BIRTHS, MILLER: In Cromarty, on 28th ult., the wife of Mr: George Miller, of a daughter. FELL.—In Hibbert, on th SOult., the wife of Mr. J. Fell, of a son, DRAKE.—In Sth3a, on 2nd inst., the wife of Mr. NI. Drake, of }i sou. DAVIS.—In Ribbert, on 6th inst., the wife of Mr. D. Davis,of a daughter. CLIAPPELL.—In Ribbert, on 9th inst., the wife of Mr. Alf. Chappell, of a daughter. NAISMITSr,—In Staffa, on 15tH inst., the wife of Dr. Naisinith, of a Baugh - ter. HUTSON.—In Ribbert, on 16th inst., the wife of 'Mr. George Hutson, of a son. D,YbrAN.—In Tuckersmith, on the 6th inst., the wife of Wm. Dayman, of a daughter. MuIR.—In' Exeter, on the 14th inst., Mrs. Robt. Muir, of a daughter. DEATHS. • MCCuRDY.—In Exeter, on - lith inst., Jenme McCurdy, aged 24 years and 11 months. WELSH.—In Stephen, on 10th inst., William Mark ' Welsh, aged 10 months, 2 weeks and 4 days. Horns ANN.—In Stephenson 15th. inst., Eliza Ann Hoffmann, 'aged 23 years, 11 months and 4 days. r A CURE FOR BHEU:MATISM. I can recommend Hagyard's Yellow Oil as assure dire for rheumatisln. I. diadit for sometime., and was ,cured by „.. using part of one bottle.I cars tso re= com'mend•it-for chilblains, burns, frost bites, sprains, bruises, etc. MRS. H. PROUDr.00R, "Glen AIniond, Que. Do not despair of curing your sick headache when you can •so easily ob- tain Carter's Little Liver Pills. They will effect a •prompt ,.and ,permanent cure. Their action is mild and natur- al. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castori When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria "A STITCH IN TINE SAVES BINE,” SO WILL A DOLLAR INVESTED IN MALTOPEPSYN [an artificial, gastric luiee-formula onY•every label] SAVE DOLLARS to any person suffering Cron stomach troubles, es- pecially if taken atibe.fsrSt symptom of Indigestion, which is usually Weightpat tho'itomach, sometimes 'attended by slight pain, and may follow either a wholesome or a heavy meal.' At first, this feeling soon passes away, and is only remembered as a Wile unpleasant, which, ohm% repeated, gradually be- comes more, pronounced Toi the average person is now suggested the, ;,gathzrtic. pilf,lty,itters, or-, other liquid purgatives,•thattvill ele3r jt tl{he bowels Such treatment is• Worse than useless=•rt is p'dsitivelyharin- ful. The trouble is in .the. Stoihach, the Bowels are not responsible, And relief }mill; only come through an intelligent treatment of the disorder within the stomach. MALPOPEPSYN is the remedy for all stomach troubles. Endorsed by, the best physicians of England and Canada, Send 2 2t2, its postage for valuable pamphlet to HAZEN, MORSE, ' INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE, ONTARIO, HOFFMANN'S HARMLESS HEADACHE PO, eu o RS ALL HEADACHE. 17X1/ are not admen= tined to sure every tliiitfhbutsimp11/ head. acl.ed. ary then., it will Cog but 25 cent', `}}o'r a box and they are /,armless. Titer are nota Cathartic. TVs ea MA R0ID 5IT/U1 0111f1/ to children if you Wish for their future welfare. jif'orae'a qty. cehole,of Celery Corti every 1itbelais r..dafe rein edyir�for teething infante. and nervous adults. En. dorsod;by Ph3eiciane. Send twooentstatnpp fat doscrlptiVO ciradlar 0 lfitd'4iO, P. Y. Ilium Moil °, NDA US'. SPAVIN CURE TKe eh d, eastifnseoanu linIRi,es emteldyts eavned dodlessoov not blister. Reed proof below. KE DALL'S SPAWN CURE.. Ouzel; or Cnalz,.rs A. SNIDER, IiaanDL.n OP CLEVELAND B.Ir AND TROTTING BRED HORSES. ELD1WOOD, ILL., Nov. `20,.1888.. DR. B. J. Ir0 tOALL Co. Dear bits; I have always purchased yourKen- dall's Spavin Cure by the half dozen bottles, I would like prices in larger quantity. I think it is one of the best liniments on earth. I have used 1t en my stables for three years. Years truly,, CHAS. A. SNYDER. KEI D LL's SPM1 CURE. BROOKLYN, N. Y„ November 11, 18E8. Dn. B. 3.'KsNDALL Co' Dear Sirs :1 desire to give you testimonial of my good opinion fnedf'cth fr ]unec. StiJinaeu d 6 Amina, and I have found it a sure cure, I cora. ally recommend it to ail horsemen. Tours truly, A. H. 6,LsRRT, )Sanger Troy Laundry Stables. KENDA LL'S SPAIN CIE. SANT, Winos Comm; Ouzo, Deo. 19,1888. DR.1l. J, KNNn ., Co. Gents, I feet f t my duty to say what 1 have done with your Kendall's Spavin Cure. I have cured twentydive horses that bad 5 amine,, telt of Ring Bone, nine mulcted with dei • plead and seven of Iiia Jaw. Inco I have had one of your books and followed the directions, I have never lost a case of any klud. Yours truly, ANDBEW TURNER, Horse Doctor. KENDALL'S .SPAVIN CURE. Price $t per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Drug. 31sts have it or eau get 1t for you, or 1t will be Beni to any address on receipt of price by the proprte. tors. Du. B. J. KENDALL Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. SOLD BY ALL D1tUGGISTS. THE LIGHT RUNNING' 11 1890. SUMER ARRANGEMENT 1890. LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVICE FRou LIVERPOOL STEAMER FRAM MONTREAL. FIIoM QUEBEC. 17 April 24 1 May 15 " 22 " 29 " 5 June , . , .... '. 19 " 26 " ,.. 3 July 24 " 31 " 7 August 14 " SARDINIAN , .. POLYNESIAN PARISIAN CIRCASSIAN SARDINIAN ... POLYNESIAN PARISIAN CIRCASSIAN SARDINIAN. . . POLYNESIAN PARISIAN CIRCASSIAN SARDINIAN, .. POLYNESIAN PARISIAN, 7 May 14 21 " 4 June ... , . . 11 " ,,,,. 18 " ..,,,... 25 " 9 July, . 16 " 23 " 30 " ,,,.... 13 August 20 It , .. 27 " ,. 3 September, . . 8 May 22 " 5June ,.... 12 19 26 " .: 10 July.... ,. 17 24 tt . 31 " 14 August... 21 " 28 " 4 September RATES OF PASSAGE. Montreal or Quebec to Liverpool. Cabin, 580.00, 570.00 and 580.00, according to accommodation. Servants in Cabin, $f0• Intermediate, 525.00. Steerage, 520,00 Return Tickets, Cabin, $110.00, $130.00, 5150.00. Inter- ; mediate, $55.00. Steerage, 040.00, • Passengers wishing to embark at Montreal will leave Toronto by Tuesday morning's Express and go on board any time after eight o'clock the same evening. For further information apply to JOHN SPACKMAN, The only authorized agent for Exeter, Ont. • s, HAS NO _ EQUAL. MACHINE THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE. �- THAT GIVES Irt NEW HOI E SL\ i ~ G'gACHINE CC:ORANr,E MASS;" cHaCAco - a tiNi0N SQUARE, N.Y. 0 N kS,1 tLL ATLANTA GA.TS 451 LOUIS, MO_ i SRNF#ANCleceeAL1 St IOLA Mt erti MI 11=11111f3MMAr ti WEAK , EN and WOurer em- 1 � quioklq otrre them- selvos of Wasting Vitality, Lost Manhood, from youthfu dtrore, eto., quietly at home. Boort on all {aivate diseases sent free (sealed). Perfectly reliable. Over 30 years' experience. Address— Lfla ED PILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. LADIES our "Relief for Women" 1, ante and always rellabio ; better tl+au Ergot, Oxble, Tansy or Pennyroyal Pills. Inures regularity. Bend for particulars. Address GILDED PILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. BEARDS FORCED on smoothest Mem hair on baldest heads, in auto se days. Magic. Latest and greatest achievement of modern•selpnee I Most won. derlut discovery of the age. Like no other preparation 1 Magical, auto, almost instantaneous in action I Boyo with wh,skeref Bald heads "haired l" Curious opcetactes, but positive truths. Only genuine article in market, and certain to give absolute satisfaction. Guaranteed. Price Sl a bottle, or three bottles for 52. Each bottle lasts one month. Address A. DIXON, Box 305, TOIRONTO, CANADA. MADAME C YANNAII'S PAEPAhATIUNS, SUPERFLUOUS NAM A permaprepanentlation rthawnovst wit! I y r superfluous hair without injury to tho skin. warranted, Prise 51. PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS permremnve8 is anently from 10 to eodaye, Warranted. Printer 00 days treatment, 31. ANTI -CORPULENCE PILLS 2°r tows people whnso enthwl. point ie a matter of solicitude whether because it is ,,nems.. fortable or unfashionable—PAT roLiie using ' ANTIL 001iPULENOE PILLS" lose la The, a mouth. They Danes no .iokness; contain no poloon, and never an. Price for one month's treatment, $2; or throe menthe medicine, 50. Warranted, COMPLEXION WAFERS GIOVANNANI'B_ ARBfi.NIOAL-� Bleach the skin,' develop the form. Irnrmlese. Porvtanont in effect, Warranted. Price 51 a box, or sit boxes for $5. Address MADAMH GIOWANDESNI, 296 Eng Street Groat Toronto, Ont. i a EMASIWOHTIM Mame yon tried the Celebrated ELiiCTRIC r.. SHOE DRESSING? -; If not don't fail to do so at once. It is not a polish but a wonderful leather preservative it will make the finest or coarsest shoe as soft and pliable es kid and very easy to the foot. It will make them absolutely water- proof, and if occasionally dressed with this dressing will last more than twice as long as otherwise. We Mean What We Say. It is the very life of leather. It can be applied at any time. No trouble -- Shoe can be polished immediately' afterwards. PIIIt7E, 108415 dents per Bor. Sold. by all first-class Stores. Sam- ples ma Stamps taken. OLIVERCABANA Jr" BOLE MANUFAOTURE 1, BUFFALO, N. Y. -.:. Ss1S. soe "g,.tIii Agent for the Noxon Steel frame Hoosier Drill GUARANTEED TO BE THE BEST IN, THE WORLD.., ' • The only drill that can be instantly regulated to run the desired depth "ill hard or soft soil while in motion: Also for their light Steel Elevated Binder-N=-thz new knotter. It is the only knotter having a rb'tary•cord holder "that • doesintit cut pff.or drop or waste,a•single`piece of twine, Remember, THE • ONLY ..ONE, AND NOT A PIECE WASTED.' Other binders' waste' from one and a half to four inches every time a' bundle is tied. ' '" •' Also agent for the WATERLOO HAY LOADERS, COMBINED ROOT PULPEll and SLICERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, DISC HARROWS and all farm implements. Show rooms in south half of I. HANDFORD'S carriage shop. For information address . IIENIIT JONES. Exeter. FLOW F 1 , FIELD and GAR -DF SE EDS n ems.Vari�ty, 13T$$ETT ROS® For Sale. A desirable residence in'ixeter North, new frame house. one -fifths acre of .land. The house was erected in 1888. Good tering to purchaser. Apply ttt this office. 115-t f. For Sade.` arridriarilor That dosirottble }lotsl, at Mount Carmel, a/ids.Limerick ,m for sale, The promises have been thorou lt.l refitted throughout and is one o#'the best hotel stands fn Canada. No one can m aka a mistake in purchasing the sante; Reason of selling, proprietor is going West. Por full particulars apply to 1':. BALL, April lath--tf. Monet Carmel; Ont. ATU 19ELYA.72 IX Jt'A ii5 fel VG 'RCN to sell choice Nursery Stock. Complete assort- ment. Splendid opportunity offered for Spring work, My salesmen have good success, many selling from 41110 to 5200 per week, Send. for Proof and Testimon- ials. ostimoff-gals. Agoon pulling man wanted hero at once. Liberal Terms and the best good sin the market. Write FETID. E. wr1T•••' TT..s .v,' n.,, l'"01,na fr r 1v Ir. Noe 1111111111M111111111WIIIIIIIMINOMMIMIN Apr, 10-8t.,.. ORY �tfind wit dering mired. Books Tearltetl in ono rending, Tostimnnials froth all parts of the globe., Prnstn peos roar rant, soffit Oh appplieation 10 Prof. A. Lolsotto. 957 Fifth.Avs, Pioa+Tfork.